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Commit 5e58df61 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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Merge branch 'ralf/iso_cmra' into 'master'

generalize iso_cmra_mixin_restrict to a lemma that can also restrict the domain

See merge request iris/iris!970
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......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ lemma.
that works for all `n` : `x ≡{n}≡ y → x ≡ y`.
* Enable `f_equiv` and `solve_proper` to exploit the fact that `≡{n}≡` is a
subrelation of `≡` and `=`.
* Add `inj_cmra_mixin_restrict_validity` as a more general version of
## Iris 4.1.0 (2023-10-11)
......@@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ Notation "(≼)" := included (only parsing) : stdpp_scope.
Global Hint Extern 0 (_ _) => reflexivity : core.
Global Instance: Params (@included) 3 := {}.
(** [opM] is used in some lemma statements where [A] has not yet been shown to
be a CMRA, so we define it directly in terms of [Op]. *)
Definition opM `{!Op A} (x : A) (my : option A) :=
match my with Some y => x y | None => x end.
Infix "⋅?" := opM (at level 50, left associativity) : stdpp_scope.
Class ValidN (A : Type) := validN : nat A Prop.
Global Hint Mode ValidN ! : typeclass_instances.
Global Instance: Params (@validN) 3 := {}.
......@@ -157,10 +163,6 @@ Section cmra_mixin.
Proof. apply (mixin_cmra_extend _ (cmra_mixin A)). Qed.
End cmra_mixin.
Definition opM {A : cmra} (x : A) (my : option A) :=
match my with Some y => x y | None => x end.
Infix "⋅?" := opM (at level 50, left associativity) : stdpp_scope.
(** * CoreId elements *)
Class CoreId {A : cmra} (x : A) := core_id : pcore x Some x.
Global Arguments core_id {_} _ {_}.
......@@ -342,9 +344,9 @@ Proof.
intros x x' Hx y y' Hy.
by split; intros [z ?]; exists z; [rewrite -Hx -Hy|rewrite Hx Hy].
Global Instance cmra_opM_ne : NonExpansive2 (@opM A).
Global Instance cmra_opM_ne : NonExpansive2 (@opM A _).
Proof. destruct 2; by ofe_subst. Qed.
Global Instance cmra_opM_proper : Proper (() ==> () ==> ()) (@opM A).
Global Instance cmra_opM_proper : Proper (() ==> () ==> ()) (@opM A _).
Proof. destruct 2; by setoid_subst. Qed.
Global Instance CoreId_proper : Proper (() ==> iff) (@CoreId A).
......@@ -551,11 +553,12 @@ Section total_core.
Lemma core_id_core x `{!CoreId x} : core x x.
Proof. by apply core_id_total. Qed.
(** Not an instance since TC search cannot solve the premise. *)
Lemma cmra_pcore_core_id x y : pcore x = Some y CoreId y.
Proof. rewrite /CoreId. eauto using cmra_pcore_idemp. Qed.
Global Instance cmra_core_core_id x : CoreId (core x).
destruct (cmra_total x) as [cx Hcx].
rewrite /CoreId /core /= Hcx /=. eauto using cmra_pcore_idemp.
Proof. eapply cmra_pcore_core_id. rewrite cmra_pcore_core. done. Qed.
Lemma cmra_included_core x : core x x.
Proof. by exists x; rewrite cmra_core_l. Qed.
......@@ -1398,6 +1401,8 @@ Section option.
Definition Some_op a b : Some (a b) = Some a Some b := eq_refl.
Lemma Some_core `{!CmraTotal A} a : Some (core a) = core (Some a).
Proof. rewrite /core /=. by destruct (cmra_total a) as [? ->]. Qed.
Lemma pcore_Some a : pcore (Some a) = Some (pcore a).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma Some_op_opM a ma : Some a ma = Some (a ? ma).
Proof. by destruct ma. Qed.
......@@ -1817,20 +1822,40 @@ Proof.
by apply discrete_funO_map_ne=> c; apply urFunctor_map_contractive.
(** * Constructing a camera [B] through a bijection with [A]
The bijection must be mostly an isomorphism but may restrict validity. *)
Lemma iso_cmra_mixin_restrict {A : cmra} {B : Type}
`{!Dist B, !Equiv B, !PCore B, !Op B, !Valid B, !ValidN B}
(f : A B) (g : B A)
(* [g] is proper/non-expansive and injective w.r.t. setoid and OFE equality *)
(g_equiv : y1 y2, y1 y2 g y1 g y2)
(** * Constructing a camera [B] through a mapping into [A]
The mapping may restrict the domain (i.e., we have an injection from [B] to [A],
not a bijection) and validity. These two restrictions work on opposite "ends" of
[A] according to [≼]: domain restriction must prove that when an element is in
the domain, so is its composition with other elements; validity restriction must
prove that if the composition of two elements is valid, then so are both of the
elements. The "domain" is the image of [g] in [A], or equivalently the part of
[A] where [f] returns [Some]. *)
Lemma inj_cmra_mixin_restrict_validity {A : cmra} {B : ofe}
`{!PCore B, !Op B, !Valid B, !ValidN B}
(f : A option B) (g : B A)
(* [g] is proper/non-expansive and injective w.r.t. OFE equality *)
(g_dist : n y1 y2, y1 {n} y2 g y1 {n} g y2)
(* [g] is surjective (and [f] its inverse) *)
(gf : x, g (f x) x)
(* [g] commutes with [pcore] and [op] *)
(g_pcore : y, pcore (g y) g <$> pcore y)
(g_op : y1 y2, g (y1 y2) g y1 g y2)
(* [g] is surjective into the part of [A] where [is_Some ∘ f] holds
(and [f] its inverse) *)
(gf_dist : (x : A) (y : B) n, f x {n} Some y g y {n} x)
(* [g] commutes with [pcore] (on the part where it is defined) and [op] *)
(g_pcore_dist : (y cy : B) n,
pcore y {n} Some cy pcore (g y) {n} Some (g cy))
(g_op : (y1 y2 : B), g (y1 y2) g y1 g y2)
(* [g] also commutes with [opM] when the right-hand side is produced by [f],
and cancels the [f]. In particular this axiom implies that when taking an
element in the domain ([g y]), its composition with *any* [x : A] is still in
the domain, and [f] computes the preimage properly.
Note that just requiring "the composition of two elements from the domain
is in the domain" is insufficient for this lemma to hold. [g_op] already shows
that this is the case, but the issue is that in [pcore_mono] we obtain a
[g y1 ≼ g y2], and the existentially quantified "remainder" in the [≼] has no
reason to be in the domain, so [g_op] is too weak to turn this into some
relation between [y1] and [y2] in [B]. At the same time, [g_opM_f] does not
impl [g_op] since we need [g_op] to prove that [⋅] in [B] respects [≡].
Therefore both [g_op] and [g_opM_f] are required for this lemma to work. *)
(g_opM_f : (x : A) (y : B), g (y ? f x) g y x)
(* The validity predicate on [B] restricts the one on [A] *)
(g_validN : n y, {n} y {n} (g y))
(* The validity predicate on [B] satisfies the laws of validity *)
......@@ -1840,60 +1865,123 @@ Lemma iso_cmra_mixin_restrict {A : cmra} {B : Type}
(validN_op_l : n (y1 y2 : B), {n} (y1 y2) {n} y1) :
CmraMixin B.
(* Some general derived facts that will be useful later. *)
assert (g_equiv : y1 y2, y1 y2 g y1 g y2).
{ intros ??. rewrite !equiv_dist. naive_solver. }
assert (g_pcore : (y cy : B),
pcore y Some cy pcore (g y) Some (g cy)).
{ intros. rewrite !equiv_dist. naive_solver. }
assert (gf : x y, f x Some y g y x).
{ intros. rewrite !equiv_dist. naive_solver. }
assert (fg : y, f (g y) Some y).
{ intros. apply gf. done. }
assert (g_ne : NonExpansive g).
{ intros n ???. apply g_dist. done. }
(* Some of the CMRA properties are useful in proving the others. *)
assert (b_pcore_l' : y cy : B, pcore y Some cy cy y y).
{ intros y cy Hy. apply g_equiv. rewrite g_op. apply cmra_pcore_l'.
apply g_pcore. done. }
assert (b_pcore_idemp : y cy : B, pcore y Some cy pcore cy Some cy).
{ intros y cy Hy. eapply g_pcore, cmra_pcore_idemp', g_pcore. done. }
(* Now prove all the mixin laws. *)
- intros y n z1 z2 Hz%g_dist. apply g_dist. by rewrite !g_op Hz.
- intros n y1 y2 cy Hy%g_dist Hy1.
assert (g <$> pcore y2 {n} Some (g cy))
as (cx&(cy'&->&->)%fmap_Some_1&?%g_dist)%dist_Some_inv_r'; [|by eauto].
by rewrite -g_pcore -Hy g_pcore Hy1.
as (cx & (cy'&->&->)%fmap_Some_1 & ?%g_dist)%dist_Some_inv_r'; [|by eauto].
assert (Hgcy : pcore (g y1) Some (g cy)).
{ apply g_pcore. rewrite Hy1. done. }
rewrite equiv_dist in Hgcy. specialize (Hgcy n).
rewrite Hy in Hgcy. apply g_pcore_dist in Hgcy. rewrite Hgcy. done.
- done.
- done.
- done.
- intros y1 y2 y3. apply g_equiv. by rewrite !g_op assoc.
- intros y1 y2. apply g_equiv. by rewrite !g_op comm.
- intros y cy Hy. apply g_equiv. rewrite g_op. apply cmra_pcore_l'.
by rewrite g_pcore Hy.
- intros y cy Hy.
assert (g <$> pcore cy Some (g cy)) as (cy'&->&?)%fmap_Some_equiv.
{ rewrite -g_pcore.
apply cmra_pcore_idemp' with (g y). by rewrite g_pcore Hy. }
constructor. by apply g_equiv.
- intros y cy Hcy. apply b_pcore_l'. by rewrite Hcy.
- intros y cy Hcy. eapply b_pcore_idemp. by rewrite -Hcy.
- intros y1 y2 cy [z Hy2] Hy1.
destruct (cmra_pcore_mono' (g y1) (g y2) (g cy)) as (cx&Hcgy2&[x Hcx]).
{ exists (g z). rewrite -g_op. by apply g_equiv. }
{ by rewrite g_pcore Hy1. }
assert (g <$> pcore y2 Some cx) as (cy'&->&?)%fmap_Some_equiv.
{ by rewrite -g_pcore Hcgy2. }
exists cy'; split; [done|].
exists (f x). apply g_equiv. by rewrite g_op gf -Hcx.
{ apply g_pcore. rewrite Hy1 //. }
apply (reflexive_eq (R:=equiv)) in Hcgy2.
rewrite -g_opM_f in Hcx. rewrite Hcx in Hcgy2.
apply g_pcore in Hcgy2.
apply Some_equiv_eq in Hcgy2 as [cy' [-> Hcy']].
eexists. split; first done.
destruct (f x) as [y|].
+ exists y. done.
+ exists cy. apply (reflexive_eq (R:=equiv)), b_pcore_idemp, b_pcore_l' in Hy1.
rewrite Hy1 //.
- done.
- intros n y z1 z2 ?%g_validN ?.
destruct (cmra_extend n (g y) (g z1) (g z2)) as (x1&x2&Hgy&?&?).
destruct (cmra_extend n (g y) (g z1) (g z2)) as (x1&x2&Hgy&Hx1&Hx2).
{ done. }
{ rewrite -g_op. by apply g_dist. }
exists (f x1), (f x2). split_and!.
+ apply g_equiv. by rewrite Hgy g_op !gf.
+ apply g_dist. by rewrite gf.
+ apply g_dist. by rewrite gf.
symmetry in Hx1, Hx2.
apply gf_dist in Hx1, Hx2.
destruct (f x1) as [y1|] eqn:Hy1; last first.
{ exfalso. inversion Hx1. }
destruct (f x2) as [y2|] eqn:Hy2; last first.
{ exfalso. inversion Hx2. }
exists y1, y2. split_and!.
+ apply g_equiv. rewrite Hgy g_op.
f_equiv; symmetry; apply gf; rewrite ?Hy1 ?Hy2 //.
+ apply g_dist. apply (inj Some) in Hx1. rewrite Hx1 //.
+ apply g_dist. apply (inj Some) in Hx2. rewrite Hx2 //.
(** * Constructing a camera through an isomorphism *)
Lemma iso_cmra_mixin {A : cmra} {B : Type}
`{!Dist B, !Equiv B, !PCore B, !Op B, !Valid B, !ValidN B}
(** Constructing a CMRA through an isomorphism that may restrict validity. *)
Lemma iso_cmra_mixin_restrict_validity {A : cmra} {B : ofe}
`{!PCore B, !Op B, !Valid B, !ValidN B}
(f : A B) (g : B A)
(* [g] is proper/non-expansive and injective w.r.t. setoid and OFE equality *)
(g_equiv : y1 y2, y1 y2 g y1 g y2)
(g_dist : n y1 y2, y1 {n} y2 g y1 {n} g y2)
(* [g] is surjective (and [f] its inverse) *)
(gf : x, g (f x) x)
(gf : x : A, g (f x) x)
(* [g] commutes with [pcore] and [op] *)
(g_pcore : y : B, pcore (g y) g <$> pcore y)
(g_op : y1 y2, g (y1 y2) g y1 g y2)
(* The validity predicate on [B] restricts the one on [A] *)
(g_validN : n y, {n} y {n} (g y))
(* The validity predicate on [B] satisfies the laws of validity *)
(valid_validN_ne : n, Proper (dist n ==> impl) (validN (A:=B) n))
(valid_rvalidN : y : B, y n, {n} y)
(validN_S : n (y : B), {S n} y {n} y)
(validN_op_l : n (y1 y2 : B), {n} (y1 y2) {n} y1) :
CmraMixin B.
assert (g_ne : NonExpansive g).
{ intros n ???. apply g_dist. done. }
assert (g_equiv : y1 y2, y1 y2 g y1 g y2).
{ intros ??.
split; intros ?; apply equiv_dist; intros; apply g_dist, equiv_dist; done. }
apply (inj_cmra_mixin_restrict_validity (λ x, Some (f x)) g); try done.
- intros. split.
+ intros Hy%(inj Some). rewrite -Hy gf //.
+ intros ?. f_equiv. apply g_dist. rewrite gf. done.
- intros. rewrite g_pcore. split.
+ intros ->. done.
+ intros (? & -> & ->%g_dist)%fmap_Some_dist. done.
- intros ??. simpl. rewrite g_op gf //.
(** * Constructing a camera through an isomorphism *)
Lemma iso_cmra_mixin {A : cmra} {B : ofe}
`{!PCore B, !Op B, !Valid B, !ValidN B}
(f : A B) (g : B A)
(* [g] is proper/non-expansive and injective w.r.t. OFE equality *)
(g_dist : n y1 y2, y1 {n} y2 g y1 {n} g y2)
(* [g] is surjective (and [f] its inverse) *)
(gf : x : A, g (f x) x)
(* [g] commutes with [pcore], [op], [valid], and [validN] *)
(g_pcore : y, pcore (g y) g <$> pcore y)
(g_pcore : y : B, pcore (g y) g <$> pcore y)
(g_op : y1 y2, g (y1 y2) g y1 g y2)
(g_valid : y, (g y) y)
(g_validN : n y, {n} (g y) {n} y) :
CmraMixin B.
apply (iso_cmra_mixin_restrict f g); auto.
apply (iso_cmra_mixin_restrict_validity f g); auto.
- by intros n y ?%g_validN.
- intros n y1 y2 Hy%g_dist Hy1. by rewrite -g_validN -Hy g_validN.
- intros y. rewrite -g_valid cmra_valid_validN. naive_solver.
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Section cmra.
Lemma dyn_reservation_map_cmra_mixin : CmraMixin (dyn_reservation_map A).
apply (iso_cmra_mixin_restrict from_reservation_map to_reservation_map); try done.
apply (iso_cmra_mixin_restrict_validity from_reservation_map to_reservation_map); try done.
- intros n [m [E|]];
rewrite dyn_reservation_map_validN_eq reservation_map_validN_eq /=;
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ Section cmra.
Lemma view_cmra_mixin : CmraMixin (view rel).
apply (iso_cmra_mixin_restrict
apply (iso_cmra_mixin_restrict_validity
(λ x : option (dfrac * agree A) * B, View x.1 x.2)
(λ x, (view_auth_proj x, view_frag_proj x))); try done.
- intros [x b]. by rewrite /= pair_pcore !cmra_pcore_core.
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