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Commit 2e1d3454 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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New atomic updates: defined as a fixed point with existential quantifier;...

New atomic updates: defined as a fixed point with existential quantifier; intro lemma using class of Laterable assertions
parent 278515b8
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...@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ theories/bi/embedding.v ...@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ theories/bi/embedding.v
theories/bi/lib/counter_examples.v theories/bi/lib/counter_examples.v
theories/bi/lib/fixpoint.v theories/bi/lib/fixpoint.v
theories/bi/lib/fractional.v theories/bi/lib/fractional.v
theories/bi/lib/atomic.v theories/bi/lib/atomic.v
theories/bi/lib/core.v theories/bi/lib/core.v
theories/base_logic/upred.v theories/base_logic/upred.v
From Require Export bi updates. From Require Export bi updates.
From Require Import fixpoint laterable.
From stdpp Require Import coPset. From stdpp Require Import coPset.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics. From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
Set Default Proof Using "Type". Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Definition atomic_shift `{BiFUpd PROP} {A B : Type} (** atomic_update as a fixed-point of the equation
(α : A PROP) (* atomic pre-condition *) AU = ∃ P. ▷ P ∗ □ (▷ P ==∗ α ∗ (α ==∗ AU) ∧ (β ==∗ Q))
(β : A B PROP) (* atomic post-condition *) *)
(Eo Em : coPset) (* outside/module masks *) Section definition.
(P : PROP) (* pre-condition *) Context `{BiFUpd PROP} {A B : Type}
(Q : A B PROP) (* post-condition *) (α : A PROP) (* atomic pre-condition *)
: PROP := (β : A B PROP) (* atomic post-condition *)
( ( E, Eo E -∗ P ={E, EEm}=∗ x, α x (Eo Em : coPset) (* outside/module masks *)
((α x ={EEm, E}=∗ P) ( y, β x y ={EEm, E}=∗ Q x y))) (Φ : A B PROP) (* post-condition *)
)%I. .
Definition atomic_update `{BiFUpd PROP} {A B : Type} Definition atomic_shift (P P' : PROP) : PROP :=
(α : A PROP) (* atomic pre-condition *) ( ( E, Eo E P ={E, EEm}=∗ x, α x
(β : A B PROP) (* atomic post-condition *) ((α x ={EEm, E}=∗ P') ( y, β x y ={EEm, E}=∗ Φ x y)))
(Eo Em : coPset) (* outside/module masks *)
(Q : A B PROP) (* post-condition *)
: PROP :=
tc_opaque (
(F P : PROP), F P atomic_shift α β Eo Em ( P) (λ x y, F -∗ Q x y)
)%I. )%I.
Lemma atomic_shift_mono P P1 P2:
(P1 -∗ P2) -∗ (atomic_shift P P1 -∗ atomic_shift P P2).
iIntros "#HP12 !# #AS !# * % HP".
iMod ("AS" with "[% //] HP") as (x) "[Hα Hclose]".
iModIntro. iExists x. iFrame "Hα". iSplit.
- iIntros "Hα". iDestruct "Hclose" as "[Hclose _]".
iApply "HP12". iApply "Hclose". done.
- iIntros (y) "Hβ". iDestruct "Hclose" as "[_ Hclose]".
iApply "Hclose". done.
Definition atomic_update_pre (Ψ : () PROP) (_ : ()) : PROP :=
( (P : PROP), P atomic_shift ( P) (Ψ ()))%I.
Local Instance atomic_update_pre_mono : BiMonoPred atomic_update_pre.
- iIntros (P1 P2) "#HP12". iIntros ([]) "AU".
iDestruct "AU" as (P) "[HP AS]". iExists P. iFrame.
iApply (atomic_shift_mono with "[HP12]"); last done.
iAlways. iApply "HP12".
- intros ??. solve_proper.
Definition atomic_update_def :=
bi_greatest_fixpoint atomic_update_pre ().
End definition.
(** Seal it *)
Definition atomic_update_aux : seal (@atomic_update_def). by eexists. Qed.
Definition atomic_update `{BiFUpd PROP} {A B : Type} := atomic_update_aux.(unseal) PROP _ A B.
Definition atomic_update_eq :
@atomic_update = @atomic_update_def := atomic_update_aux.(seal_eq).
(** Lemmas about AU *)
Section lemmas. Section lemmas.
Context `{BiFUpd PROP} {A B : Type}. Context `{BiFUpd PROP} {A B : Type}.
Implicit Types (α : A PROP) (β: A B PROP) (P : PROP) (Q : A B PROP). Implicit Types (α : A PROP) (β: A B PROP) (P : PROP) (Φ : A B PROP).
Local Existing Instance atomic_update_pre_mono.
Lemma aupd_acc α β Eo Em Q E : (** The ellimination form: an accessor *)
Lemma aupd_acc α β Eo Em Φ E :
Eo E Eo E
atomic_update α β Eo Em Q -∗ atomic_update α β Eo Em Φ -∗
|={E, EEm}=> x, α x |={E, EEm}=> x, α x
((α x ={EEm, E}=∗ atomic_update α β Eo Em Q) ((α x ={EEm, E}=∗ atomic_update α β Eo Em Φ)
( y, β x y ={EEm, E}=∗ Q x y)). ( y, β x y ={EEm, E}=∗ Φ x y)).
Proof using Type*. Proof using Type*.
rewrite {1}/atomic_update /=. iIntros (HE) "HUpd". rewrite atomic_update_eq {1}/atomic_update_def /=. iIntros (HE) "HUpd".
iDestruct "HUpd" as (F P) "(HF & HP & #Hshift)". iPoseProof (greatest_fixpoint_unfold_1 with "HUpd") as "HUpd".
iDestruct "HUpd" as (P) "(HP & Hshift)".
iMod ("Hshift" with "[% //] HP") as (x) "[Hα Hclose]". iMod ("Hshift" with "[% //] HP") as (x) "[Hα Hclose]".
iModIntro. iExists x. iFrame "Hα". iSplit. iModIntro. iExists x. iFrame.
- iIntros "Hα". iDestruct "Hclose" as "[Hclose _]". Qed.
iMod ("Hclose" with "Hα"). iModIntro. iExists F, P.
by iFrame. Global Instance aupd_laterable α β Eo Em Φ :
- iIntros (y) "Hβ". iDestruct "Hclose" as "[_ Hclose]". Laterable (atomic_update α β Eo Em Φ).
iMod ("Hclose" with "Hβ") as "HQ". iModIntro. by iApply "HQ". Proof.
rewrite /Laterable atomic_update_eq {1}/atomic_update_def /=. iIntros "AU".
iPoseProof (greatest_fixpoint_unfold_1 with "AU") as (P) "[HP #AS]".
iExists P. iFrame. iIntros "!# HP !>".
iApply greatest_fixpoint_unfold_2. iExists P. iFrame "#∗".
Lemma aupd_intro P α β Eo Em Φ :
Em Eo Laterable P
P -∗
(P -∗ |={Eo, EoEm}=> x, α x
((α x ={EoEm, Eo}=∗ P) ( y, β x y ={EoEm, Eo}=∗ Φ x y))) -∗
atomic_update α β Eo Em Φ.
rewrite atomic_update_eq {1}/atomic_update_def /=.
iIntros (??) "HP #AU".
iApply (greatest_fixpoint_coind _ (λ _, P)); last done. iIntros "!#" ([]) "HP".
iDestruct (laterable with "HP") as (P') "[HP' #HPi]". iExists P'. iFrame.
iIntros "!#" (E HE) "HP'". iDestruct ("HPi" with "HP'") as ">HP {HPi}".
iApply fupd_mask_frame_diff_open; last
iMod ("AU" with "HP") as (x) "[Hα Hclose] {AU}"; [done..|].
iModIntro. iExists x. iFrame. iSplit.
- iDestruct "Hclose" as "[Hclose _]". iIntros "Hα".
iApply fupd_mask_frame_diff_close; last (by iApply "Hclose"); done.
- iDestruct "Hclose" as "[_ Hclose]". iIntros (y) "Hβ".
iApply fupd_mask_frame_diff_close; last (by iApply "Hclose"); done.
Qed. Qed.
End lemmas. End lemmas.
From Require Export bi.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(** The class of laterable assertions *)
Class Laterable {PROP : sbi} (P : PROP) := laterable :
P -∗ Q, Q ( Q -∗ P).
Arguments Laterable {_} _%I : simpl never.
Arguments laterable {_} _%I {_}.
Hint Mode Laterable + ! : typeclass_instances.
Section instances.
Context {PROP : sbi}.
Implicit Type (P : PROP).
Global Instance later_laterable P : Laterable ( P).
rewrite /Laterable. iIntros "HP". iExists P. iFrame.
iIntros "!# HP !>". done.
Global Instance timeless_laterable P :
Timeless P Laterable P.
rewrite /Laterable. iIntros (?) "HP". iExists P%I. iFrame.
iSplitR; first by iNext. iIntros "!# >HP !>". done.
(** This lemma is not very useful: It needs a strange assumption about
emp, and most of the time intuitionistic propositions can be just kept
around anyway and don't need to be "latered". The lemma exists
because the fact that it needs the side-condition is interesting;
it is not an instance because it won't usually get used. *)
Lemma intuitionistic_laterable P :
Timeless (PROP:=PROP) emp Affine P Persistent P Laterable P.
rewrite /Laterable. iIntros (???) "#HP".
iExists emp%I. iSplitL; first by iNext.
iIntros "!# >_". done.
Global Instance sep_laterable P Q :
Laterable P Laterable Q Laterable (P Q).
rewrite /Laterable. iIntros (LP LQ) "[HP HQ]".
iDestruct (LP with "HP") as (P') "[HP' #HP]".
iDestruct (LQ with "HQ") as (Q') "[HQ' #HQ]".
iExists (P' Q')%I. iSplitL; first by iFrame.
iIntros "!# [HP' HQ']". iSplitL "HP'".
- iApply "HP". done.
- iApply "HQ". done.
End instances.
...@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ Section proof. ...@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ Section proof.
(λ '(v, q) _, v). (λ '(v, q) _, v).
Proof. Proof.
iIntros (Φ) "Aupd". wp_let. iIntros (Q Φ) "? AU". wp_let.
iMod (aupd_acc with "Aupd") as ((v, q)) "[H↦ [_ Hclose]]"; first solve_ndisj. iMod (aupd_acc with "AU") as ((v, q)) "[H↦ [_ Hclose]]"; first solve_ndisj.
wp_load. iMod ("Hclose" $! () with "H↦"). done. wp_load. iMod ("Hclose" $! () with "H↦") as "HΦ". by iApply "HΦ".
Qed. Qed.
Lemma primitive_store_spec (l : loc) (e : expr) (w : val) : Lemma primitive_store_spec (l : loc) (e : expr) (w : val) :
...@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ Section proof. ...@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ Section proof.
(λ _ _, #()%V). (λ _ _, #()%V).
Proof. Proof.
iIntros (<-%of_to_val Φ) "Aupd". wp_let. wp_proj. wp_proj. iIntros (<-%of_to_val Q Φ) "? AU". wp_let. wp_proj. wp_proj.
iMod (aupd_acc with "Aupd") as (v) "[H↦ [_ Hclose]]"; first solve_ndisj. iMod (aupd_acc with "AU") as (v) "[H↦ [_ Hclose]]"; first solve_ndisj.
wp_store. iMod ("Hclose" $! () with "H↦"). done. wp_store. iMod ("Hclose" $! () with "H↦") as "HΦ". by iApply "HΦ".
Qed. Qed.
Lemma primitive_cas_spec (l : loc) e1 e2 (w1 w2 : val) : Lemma primitive_cas_spec (l : loc) e1 e2 (w1 w2 : val) :
...@@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ Section proof. ...@@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ Section proof.
(λ v _, #(if decide (v = w1) then true else false)%V). (λ v _, #(if decide (v = w1) then true else false)%V).
Proof. Proof.
iIntros (<-%of_to_val <-%of_to_val Φ) "Aupd". wp_let. repeat wp_proj. iIntros (<-%of_to_val <-%of_to_val Q Φ) "? AU". wp_let. repeat wp_proj.
iMod (aupd_acc with "Aupd") as (v) "[H↦ [_ Hclose]]"; first solve_ndisj. iMod (aupd_acc with "AU") as (v) "[H↦ [_ Hclose]]"; first solve_ndisj.
destruct (decide (v = w1)) as [Hv|Hv]; [wp_cas_suc|wp_cas_fail]; destruct (decide (v = w1)) as [Hv|Hv]; [wp_cas_suc|wp_cas_fail];
iMod ("Hclose" $! () with "H↦"); done. iMod ("Hclose" $! () with "H↦") as "HΦ"; by iApply "HΦ".
Qed. Qed.
Definition primitive_atomic_heap : atomic_heap Σ := Definition primitive_atomic_heap : atomic_heap Σ :=
...@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics. ...@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation atomic_heap par. From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation atomic_heap par.
Set Default Proof Using "Type". Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(** Show taht implementing fetch-and-add on top of CAS preserves logical (** Show that implementing fetch-and-add on top of CAS preserves logical
atomicity. *) atomicity. *)
(* TODO: Move this to iris-examples once gen_proofmode is merged. *) (* TODO: Move this to iris-examples once gen_proofmode is merged. *)
...@@ -26,32 +26,28 @@ Section increment. ...@@ -26,32 +26,28 @@ Section increment.
(λ v _, #v). (λ v _, #v).
Proof. Proof.
iIntros (Φ) "AUpd". iLöb as "IH". wp_let. iIntros (Q Φ) "HQ AU". iLöb as "IH". wp_let.
wp_apply load_spec. wp_apply (load_spec with "HQ").
(* Prove the atomic shift for load *) (* Prove the atomic shift for load *)
iDestruct "AUpd" as (F P) "(HF & HP & #AShft)". iApply (aupd_intro with "AU"); first done. iIntros "!# AU".
iExists F, P. iFrame. iIntros "!#" (E ?) "HP". iMod (aupd_acc with "AU") as (x) "[H↦ [Hclose _]]"; first solve_ndisj.
iMod ("AShft" with "[%] HP") as (x) "[H↦ Hclose]"; first done. iModIntro. iExists (#x, 1%Qp). iFrame "H↦". iSplit; first done.
iModIntro. iExists (#x, 1%Qp). iFrame. iSplit. iIntros ([]) "H↦". iMod ("Hclose" with "H↦") as "AU". iIntros "!> HQ".
{ iDestruct "Hclose" as "[Hclose _]". iApply "Hclose". }
iIntros (_) "H↦". iDestruct "Hclose" as "[Hclose _]".
iMod ("Hclose" with "H↦") as "HP". iIntros "!> HF".
clear dependent E.
(* Now go on *) (* Now go on *)
wp_let. wp_op. wp_bind (aheap.(cas) _)%I. wp_let. wp_op. wp_bind (aheap.(cas) _)%I.
wp_apply cas_spec. wp_apply (cas_spec with "HQ").
(* Prove the atomic shift for CAS *) (* Prove the atomic shift for CAS *)
iExists F, P. iFrame. iIntros "!# * % HP". iApply (aupd_intro with "AU"); first done. iIntros "!# AU".
iMod ("AShft" with "[%] HP") as (x') "[H↦ Hclose]"; first done. iMod (aupd_acc with "AU") as (x') "[H↦ Hclose]"; first solve_ndisj.
iModIntro. iExists #x'. iFrame. iSplit. iModIntro. iExists #x'. iFrame. iSplit.
{ iDestruct "Hclose" as "[Hclose _]". iApply "Hclose". } { iDestruct "Hclose" as "[Hclose _]". iApply "Hclose". }
iIntros (_). destruct (decide (#x' = #x)) as [[= Hx]|Hx]. iIntros ([]). destruct (decide (#x' = #x)) as [[= Hx]|Hx].
- iIntros "H↦". iDestruct "Hclose" as "[_ Hclose]". subst. - iIntros "H↦". iDestruct "Hclose" as "[_ Hclose]". subst.
iMod ("Hclose" $! () with "H↦") as "HΦ". iIntros "!> HF". iMod ("Hclose" $! () with "H↦") as "HΦ". iIntros "!> HQ".
wp_if. by iApply "HΦ". wp_if. by iApply "HΦ".
- iDestruct "Hclose" as "[Hclose _]". iIntros "H↦". - iDestruct "Hclose" as "[Hclose _]". iIntros "H↦".
iMod ("Hclose" with "H↦") as "HP". iIntros "!> HF". iMod ("Hclose" with "H↦") as "AU". iIntros "!> HQ".
wp_if. iApply "IH". iExists F, P. iFrame. done. wp_if. iApply ("IH" with "HQ"). done.
Qed. Qed.
End increment. End increment.
...@@ -71,13 +67,9 @@ Section increment_client. ...@@ -71,13 +67,9 @@ Section increment_client.
iMod (inv_alloc nroot _ (x':Z, l #x')%I with "[Hl]") as "#?"; first eauto. iMod (inv_alloc nroot _ (x':Z, l #x')%I with "[Hl]") as "#?"; first eauto.
(* FIXME: I am only usign persistent stuff, so I should be allowed (* FIXME: I am only usign persistent stuff, so I should be allowed
to move this to the persisten context even without the additional □. *) to move this to the persisten context even without the additional □. *)
iAssert ( atomic_update (λ (v: Z), l #v) iAssert ( WP incr primitive_atomic_heap #l {{ _, True }})%I as "#Aupd".
(λ v (_:()), l #(v + 1)) { iAlways. wp_apply (incr_spec with "[]"); first iEmpIntro. clear x.
iApply (aupd_intro with "[]"); try iEmpIntro; [done|apply _|]. iIntros "!# _".
(λ _ _, True))%I as "#Aupd".
{ iAlways. iExists True%I, True%I. repeat (iSplit; first done). clear x.
iIntros "!#" (E) "% _".
assert (E = ) as -> by set_solver.
iInv nroot as (x) ">H↦" "Hclose". iInv nroot as (x) ">H↦" "Hclose".
iMod fupd_intro_mask' as "Hclose2"; last iModIntro; first set_solver. iMod fupd_intro_mask' as "Hclose2"; last iModIntro; first set_solver.
iExists _. iFrame. iSplit. iExists _. iFrame. iSplit.
...@@ -85,10 +77,9 @@ Section increment_client. ...@@ -85,10 +77,9 @@ Section increment_client.
iNext. iExists _. iFrame. } iNext. iExists _. iFrame. }
iIntros (_) "H↦". iMod "Hclose2" as "_". iIntros (_) "H↦". iMod "Hclose2" as "_".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[-]"); last done. iNext. iExists _. iFrame. } iMod ("Hclose" with "[-]"); last done. iNext. iExists _. iFrame. }
wp_apply (wp_par (λ _, True)%I (λ _, True)%I). wp_apply wp_par.
- wp_apply incr_spec. iAssumption. (* FIXME: without giving the - iAssumption.
postconditions above, this diverges. *) - iAssumption.
- wp_apply incr_spec. iAssumption.
- iIntros (??) "_ !>". done. - iIntros (??) "_ !>". done.
Qed. Qed.
...@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Definition atomic_wp `{irisG Λ Σ} {A B : Type} ...@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Definition atomic_wp `{irisG Λ Σ} {A B : Type}
(Eo Em : coPset) (* outside/module masks *) (Eo Em : coPset) (* outside/module masks *)
(f: A B val Λ) (* Turn the return data into the return value *) (f: A B val Λ) (* Turn the return data into the return value *)
: iProp Σ := : iProp Σ :=
( Φ, atomic_update α β Eo Em (λ x y, Φ (f x y)) -∗ ( Q Φ, Q -∗ atomic_update α β Eo Em (λ x y, Q -∗ Φ (f x y)) -∗
WP e {{ Φ }})%I. WP e {{ Φ }})%I.
(* Note: To add a private postcondition, use (* Note: To add a private postcondition, use
atomic_update α β Eo Em (λ x y, POST x y -∗ Φ (f x y)) *) atomic_update α β Eo Em (λ x y, POST x y -∗ Φ (f x y)) *)
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