Implicit arguments
It seems that I found a way to (partially) solve the problem with let-blocks boilerplate.
Coq supports typeclasses and can even find an appropriate instance of a typeclass automatically. We just need to wrap the problematic parameters into typeclasses, so Coq can guess which parameter to use.
I have a bit too much code, but it shows all basic situations.
I'm going to start from the parameters of jobs and tasks (i.e. job_cost
, job_arrival
, task_cost
, task_deadline
, etc.). And later we can agree on whether we need to do this for arr_seq
and sched
Require Import rt.util.all.
Require Import rt.model.time rt.model.arrival.basic.task rt.model.arrival.basic.job
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
Module NewUniprocessorSchedule.
Import SporadicTaskset.
Export Time ArrivalSequence.
Section Schedule.
(* Skip this section. *)
Section ScheduleDef.
Variable Job: eqType.
Definition schedule := time -> option Job.
End ScheduleDef.
(* This is the code that we need to write once.
I don't think it's worth explaining to a Prosa-reader. *)
Section SectionWithTechnicalDetails.
Variable Job: eqType.
Class JobArrival : Type := job_arrival: Job -> time.
Class JobCost : Type := job_cost : Job -> time.
Class Sched : Type := sched : schedule Job.
End SectionWithTechnicalDetails.
(* The drawback of this approach is that we no longer use the keyword "Variable"
for job_arrival, job_cost and so on. However, we no longer have to tug
parameters for definitions. Besides that, the code is completely indistinguishable
from the previous versions. *)
Section ScheduleProperties.
Context {Job: eqType}.
(* Now we use "Context" instead of "Variable". *)
Context {job_arrival : JobArrival Job}.
Context {job_cost : JobCost Job}.
(* Consider any uniprocessor schedule. *)
Context {sched : Sched Job}.
(* This section is no different from the original version. *)
Section JobProperties.
(* For parameters that we want to explicitly specify
further we continue to use the keyword Variable. *)
Variable j: Job.
Definition scheduled_at (t: time) := sched t == Some j.
Definition service_at (t: time) : time := scheduled_at t.
Definition service_during (t1 t2: time) :=
\sum_(t1 <= t < t2) service_at t.
Definition service (t: time) := service_during 0 t.
Definition completed_by (t: time) := service t == job_cost j.
End JobProperties.
End ScheduleProperties.
(* This section is no different from the original version. *)
Section ValidSchedules.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Context {job_arrival: JobArrival Job}.
Context {job_cost: JobCost Job}.
Context {sched: Sched Job}.
Definition jobs_must_arrive_to_execute :=
forall j t, scheduled_at j t -> has_arrived job_arrival j t.
Definition completed_jobs_dont_execute :=
forall j t, service j t <= job_cost j.
End ValidSchedules.
(* Let's prove something. *)
Section Lemmas.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Context {job_arrival: JobArrival Job}.
Context {job_cost: JobCost Job}.
Context {sched: Sched Job}.
Section Completion.
(* No additional arguments. *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs: completed_jobs_dont_execute.
Variable j: Job.
(* This proof is no different from the original one. *)
Lemma completed_implies_not_scheduled :
forall t,
completed_by j t -> (* No additional arguments. *)
~~ scheduled_at j t. (* No additional arguments. *)
rename H_completed_jobs into COMP.
unfold completed_jobs_dont_execute in *.
intros t COMPLETED.
apply/negP; red; intro SCHED.
have BUG := COMP j t.+1.
rewrite leqNgt in BUG; move: BUG => /negP BUG; apply BUG.
unfold service, service_during; rewrite big_nat_recr // /= -addn1.
apply leq_add; first by move: COMPLETED => /eqP <-.
by rewrite /service_at SCHED.
End Completion.
End Lemmas.
(* Now suppose that we need to consider two different schedulers. *)
Section TwoSchedulers.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Context {job_arrival: JobArrival Job}.
Context {job_cost: JobCost Job}.
(* As before, we just create two different schedulers. *)
Context {sched1: Sched Job}.
Context {sched2: Sched Job}.
(* I think in this case Coq picks an arbitrary instance. *)
(* Hypothesis H_completed_jobs: completed_jobs_dont_execute. *)
(* But we can explicitly specify the scheduler. *)
Hypothesis H_sched1: @completed_jobs_dont_execute _ _ sched1.
Hypothesis H_sched2: @completed_jobs_dont_execute _ _ sched2.
(* ... *)
End TwoSchedulers.
End Schedule.
End NewUniprocessorSchedule.
(* Still works fine in a new module. *)
Module SomeNewModule.
Import SporadicTaskset.
Export Time ArrivalSequence.
Import NewUniprocessorSchedule.
Section NewSection.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Context {job_arrival: JobArrival Job}.
Context {job_cost: JobCost Job}.
Context {sched: Sched Job}.
Section Completion.
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs: completed_jobs_dont_execute.
Variable j: Job.
Lemma completed_implies_not_scheduled :
forall t,
completed_by j t ->
~~ scheduled_at j t.
rename H_completed_jobs into COMP.
unfold completed_jobs_dont_execute in *.
intros t COMPLETED.
apply/negP; red; intro SCHED.
have BUG := COMP j t.+1.
rewrite leqNgt in BUG; move: BUG => /negP BUG; apply BUG.
unfold service, service_during; rewrite big_nat_recr // /= -addn1.
apply leq_add; first by move: COMPLETED => /eqP <-.
by rewrite /service_at SCHED.
End Completion.
End NewSection.
End SomeNewModule.