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# Configuration file for the 'ack' search utility
# See for details.
# Ignore misc files generated by the build process
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationFP.
rename ts into ts'; destruct ts' as [ts UNIQ]; simpl in *.
intros hp_idx idx LThp LT NEQ HP.
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split; first by done.
by apply sorted_rel_implies_le_idx with (leT := higher_priority) (s := ts) (x0 := elem).
by apply sorted_rel_implies_le_idx with (leT := higher_priority) (xs := ts) (default := elem).
End HighPriorityTasks.
......@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationFP.
rename ts into ts'; destruct ts' as [ts UNIQ]; simpl in *.
intros hp_idx idx LThp LT NEQ HP.
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split; first by done.
by apply sorted_rel_implies_le_idx with (leT := higher_priority) (s := ts) (x0 := elem).
by apply sorted_rel_implies_le_idx with (leT := higher_priority) (xs := ts) (default := elem).
End HighPriorityTasks.
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationFP.
rename ts into ts'; destruct ts' as [ts UNIQ]; simpl in *.
intros hp_idx idx LThp LT NEQ HP.
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split; first by done.
by apply sorted_rel_implies_le_idx with (leT := higher_priority) (s := ts) (x0 := elem).
by apply sorted_rel_implies_le_idx with (leT := higher_priority) (xs := ts) (default := elem).
End HighPriorityTasks.
......@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ Module ResponseTimeIterationFP.
rename ts into ts'; destruct ts' as [ts UNIQ]; simpl in *.
intros hp_idx idx LThp LT NEQ HP.
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split; first by done.
by apply sorted_rel_implies_le_idx with (leT := higher_priority) (s := ts) (x0 := elem).
by apply sorted_rel_implies_le_idx with (leT := higher_priority) (xs := ts) (default := elem).
End HighPriorityTasks.
From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect seq ssrnat ssrbool bigop eqtype ssrfun.
From rt.behavior Require Export time job.
From rt.util Require Import all.
(* Definitions and properties of job arrival sequences. *)
(* We begin by defining a job arrival sequence. *)
Section ArrivalSequenceDef.
(* Given any job type with decidable equality, ... *)
Variable Job: JobType.
(* ..., an arrival sequence is a mapping from any time to a (finite) sequence of jobs. *)
Definition arrival_sequence := instant -> seq Job.
End ArrivalSequenceDef.
(* Next, we define properties of jobs in a given arrival sequence. *)
Section JobProperties.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* First, we define the sequence of jobs arriving at time t. *)
Definition jobs_arriving_at (t : instant) := arr_seq t.
(* Next, we say that job j arrives at a given time t iff it belongs to the
corresponding sequence. *)
Definition arrives_at (j : Job) (t : instant) := j \in jobs_arriving_at t.
(* Similarly, we define whether job j arrives at some (unknown) time t, i.e.,
whether it belongs to the arrival sequence. *)
Definition arrives_in (j : Job) := exists t, j \in jobs_arriving_at t.
End JobProperties.
(* Definition of a generic type of parameter for job_arrival *)
Class JobArrival (J : JobType) := job_arrival : J -> instant.
(* Next, we define properties of a valid arrival sequence. *)
Section ArrivalSequenceProperties.
(* Assume that job arrival times are known. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* We say that arrival times are consistent if any job that arrives in the sequence
has the corresponding arrival time. *)
Definition arrival_times_are_consistent :=
forall j t,
arrives_at arr_seq j t -> job_arrival j = t.
(* We say that the arrival sequence is a set iff it doesn't contain duplicate jobs
at any given time. *)
Definition arrival_sequence_is_a_set := forall t, uniq (jobs_arriving_at arr_seq t).
End ArrivalSequenceProperties.
(* Next, we define properties of job arrival times. *)
Section PropertiesOfArrivalTime.
(* Assume that job arrival times are known. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
(* Let j be any job. *)
Variable j: Job.
(* We say that job j has arrived at time t iff it arrives at some time t_0 with t_0 <= t. *)
Definition has_arrived (t : instant) := job_arrival j <= t.
(* Next, we say that job j arrived before t iff it arrives at some time t_0 with t_0 < t. *)
Definition arrived_before (t : instant) := job_arrival j < t.
(* Finally, we say that job j arrives between t1 and t2 iff it arrives at some time t with
t1 <= t < t2. *)
Definition arrived_between (t1 t2 : instant) := t1 <= job_arrival j < t2.
End PropertiesOfArrivalTime.
(* In this section, we define arrival sequence prefixes, which are useful
to define (computable) properties over sets of jobs in the schedule. *)
Section ArrivalSequencePrefix.
(* Assume that job arrival times are known. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* By concatenation, we construct the list of jobs that arrived in the interval [t1, t2). *)
Definition jobs_arrived_between (t1 t2 : instant) :=
\cat_(t1 <= t < t2) jobs_arriving_at arr_seq t.
(* Based on that, we define the list of jobs that arrived up to time t, ...*)
Definition jobs_arrived_up_to (t : instant) := jobs_arrived_between 0 t.+1.
(* ...and the list of jobs that arrived strictly before time t. *)
Definition jobs_arrived_before (t : instant) := jobs_arrived_between 0 t.
(* In this section, we prove some lemmas about arrival sequence prefixes. *)
Section Lemmas.
(* We begin with basic lemmas for manipulating the sequences. *)
Section Basic.
(* First, we show that the set of arriving jobs can be split
into disjoint intervals. *)
Lemma job_arrived_between_cat:
forall t1 t t2,
t1 <= t ->
t <= t2 ->
jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 = jobs_arrived_between t1 t ++ jobs_arrived_between t t2.
unfold jobs_arrived_between; intros t1 t t2 GE LE.
by rewrite (@big_cat_nat _ _ _ t).
Lemma jobs_arrived_between_mem_cat:
forall j t1 t t2,
t1 <= t ->
t <= t2 ->
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 =
(j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t ++ jobs_arrived_between t t2).
by intros j t1 t t2 GE LE; rewrite (job_arrived_between_cat _ t).
Lemma jobs_arrived_between_sub:
forall j t1 t1' t2 t2',
t1' <= t1 ->
t2 <= t2' ->
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 ->
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1' t2'.
intros j t1 t1' t2 t2' GE1 LE2 IN.
move: (leq_total t1 t2) => /orP [BEFORE | AFTER];
last by rewrite /jobs_arrived_between big_geq // in IN.
rewrite /jobs_arrived_between.
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (n := t1); [simpl | by done | by apply: (leq_trans BEFORE)].
rewrite mem_cat; apply/orP; right.
rewrite -> big_cat_nat with (n := t2); [simpl | by done | by done].
by rewrite mem_cat; apply/orP; left.
End Basic.
(* Next, we relate the arrival prefixes with job arrival times. *)
Section ArrivalTimes.
(* Assume that job arrival times are consistent. *)
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
arrival_times_are_consistent arr_seq.
(* First, we prove that if a job belongs to the prefix (jobs_arrived_before t),
then it arrives in the arrival sequence. *)
Lemma in_arrivals_implies_arrived:
forall j t1 t2,
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 ->
arrives_in arr_seq j.
rename H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS.
intros j t1 t2 IN.
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in IN.
move: IN => [arr [IN _]].
by exists arr.
(* Next, we prove that if a job belongs to the prefix (jobs_arrived_between t1 t2),
then it indeed arrives between t1 and t2. *)
Lemma in_arrivals_implies_arrived_between:
forall j t1 t2,
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2 ->
arrived_between j t1 t2.
rename H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS.
intros j t1 t2 IN.
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in IN.
move: IN => [t0 [IN /= LT]].
by apply CONS in IN; rewrite /arrived_between IN.
(* Similarly, if a job belongs to the prefix (jobs_arrived_before t),
then it indeed arrives before time t. *)
Lemma in_arrivals_implies_arrived_before:
forall j t,
j \in jobs_arrived_before t ->
arrived_before j t.
intros j t IN.
Fail suff: arrived_between j 0 t by rewrite /arrived_between /=.
have: arrived_between j 0 t by apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_between.
by rewrite /arrived_between /=.
(* Similarly, we prove that if a job from the arrival sequence arrives before t,
then it belongs to the sequence (jobs_arrived_before t). *)
Lemma arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals:
forall j t1 t2,
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
arrived_between j t1 t2 ->
j \in jobs_arrived_between t1 t2.
rename H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS.
move => j t1 t2 [a_j ARRj] BEFORE.
have SAME := ARRj; apply CONS in SAME; subst a_j.
by apply mem_bigcat_nat with (j := (job_arrival j)).
(* Next, we prove that if the arrival sequence doesn't contain duplicate jobs,
the same applies for any of its prefixes. *)
Lemma arrivals_uniq :
arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq ->
forall t1 t2, uniq (jobs_arrived_between t1 t2).
rename H_arrival_times_are_consistent into CONS.
unfold jobs_arrived_up_to; intros SET t1 t2.
apply bigcat_nat_uniq; first by done.
intros x t t' IN1 IN2.
by apply CONS in IN1; apply CONS in IN2; subst.
End ArrivalTimes.
End Lemmas.
End ArrivalSequencePrefix.
From mathcomp Require Export eqtype.
(* Throughout the library we assume that jobs have decidable equality *)
Definition JobType := eqType.
From rt.behavior Require Export schedule.schedule.
(** First let us define the notion of an ideal schedule state,
* as done in Prosa so far: either a job is scheduled or the system is idle.
Section State.
Variable Job: eqType.
Definition processor_state := option Job.
Instance pstate_instance : ProcessorState Job (option Job) :=
scheduled_in j s := s == Some j;
service_in j s := s == Some j
by move=> j [j'->|].
End State.
From mathcomp Require Export fintype.
From rt.behavior.schedule Require Export schedule.
Section Schedule.
Variable Job: eqType.
Variable processor_state: Type.
Context `{ProcessorState Job processor_state}.
Definition processor (num_cpus: nat) := 'I_num_cpus.
Variable num_cpus : nat.
Definition identical_state := processor num_cpus -> processor_state.
Instance multiproc_state : ProcessorState Job (identical_state) :=
scheduled_in j s := [exists cpu, scheduled_in j (s cpu)];
service_in j s := \sum_(cpu < num_cpus) service_in j (s cpu)
move=> j s /existsP Hsched.
rewrite sum_nat_eq0.
apply/forallP=>/= c.
rewrite service_implies_scheduled//.
case: (boolP (scheduled_in _ _))=>//= Habs.
exfalso; apply: Hsched.
by exists c.
End Schedule.
From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool eqtype fintype bigop.
From rt.behavior Require Export arrival.arrival_sequence.
(* We define the notion of a generic processor state. The processor state type
* determines aspects of the execution environment are modeled (e.g., overheads, spinning).
* In the most simple case (i.e., Ideal.processor_state), at any time,
* either a particular job is either scheduled or it is idle. *)
Class ProcessorState (Job : eqType) (State : Type) :=
(* For a given processor state, the [scheduled_in] predicate checks whether a given
* job is running in that state. *)
scheduled_in: Job -> State -> bool;
(* For a given processor state, the [service_in] function determines how much
* service a given job receives in that state. *)
service_in: Job -> State -> nat;
(* For a given processor state, a job does not receive service if it is not scheduled
* in that state *)
service_implies_scheduled :
forall j s, scheduled_in j s = false -> service_in j s = 0
(* A schedule maps an instant to a processor state *)
Definition schedule (PState : Type) := instant -> PState.
(* Definition of a generic type of parameter relating jobs to a discrete cost *)
Class JobCost (J : JobType) := job_cost : J -> nat.
Section Service.
Context {Job : eqType} {PState : Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
Variable sched : schedule PState.
(* First, we define whether a job j is scheduled at time t, ... *)
Definition scheduled_at (j : Job) (t : instant) := scheduled_in j (sched t).
(* ... and the instantaneous service received by
job j at time t. *)
Definition service_at (j : Job) (t : instant) := service_in j (sched t).
(* Based on the notion of instantaneous service, we define the
cumulative service received by job j during any interval [t1, t2). *)
Definition service_during (j : Job) (t1 t2 : instant) :=
\sum_(t1 <= t < t2) service_at j t.
(* Using the previous definition, we define the cumulative service
received by job j up to time t, i.e., during interval [0, t). *)
Definition service (j : Job) (t : instant) := service_during j 0 t.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
(* Next, we say that job j has completed by time t if it received enough
service in the interval [0, t). *)
Definition completed_by (j : Job) (t : instant) := service j t >= job_cost j.
(* Job j is pending at time t iff it has arrived but has not yet completed. *)
Definition pending (j : Job) (t : instant) := has_arrived j t && ~~ completed_by j t.
(* Job j is pending earlier and at time t iff it has arrived before time t
and has not been completed yet. *)
Definition pending_earlier_and_at (j : Job) (t : instant) :=
arrived_before j t && ~~ completed_by j t.
(* Job j is backlogged at time t iff it is pending and not scheduled. *)
Definition backlogged (j : Job) (t : instant) := pending j t && ~~ scheduled_at j t.
(* Let's define the remaining cost of job j as the amount of service
that has to be received for its completion. *)
Definition remaining_cost j t :=
job_cost j - service j t.
(* In this section, we define properties of valid schedules. *)
Section ValidSchedules.
Variable (arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job).
(* We define whether jobs come from some arrival sequence... *)
Definition jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence (arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job) :=
forall j t, scheduled_at j t -> arrives_in arr_seq j.
(* ..., whether a job can only be scheduled if it has arrived ... *)
Definition jobs_must_arrive_to_execute :=
forall j t, scheduled_at j t -> has_arrived j t.
(* ... and whether a job cannot be scheduled after it completes. *)
Definition completed_jobs_dont_execute :=
forall j t, service j t <= job_cost j.
End ValidSchedules.
End Service.
From rt.behavior.schedule Require Export schedule.
(** Next we define a processor state that includes the possibility of spinning,
* where spinning jobs do not progress (= don't get service). *)
Section State.
Variable Job: eqType.
Inductive processor_state :=
| Spin (j : Job)
| Progress (j : Job).
Section Service.
Variable j : Job.
Definition scheduled_in (s : processor_state) : bool :=
match s with
| Idle => false
| Spin j' => j' == j
| Progress j' => j' == j
Definition service_in (s : processor_state) : nat :=
match s with
| Idle => 0
| Spin j' => 0
| Progress j' => j' == j
End Service.
Instance pstate_instance : ProcessorState Job (processor_state) :=
scheduled_in := scheduled_in;
service_in := service_in
by move=> j [|j'|j']//=->.
End State.
From rt.behavior.schedule Require Export schedule.
(** Next, let us define a schedule with variable execution speed. *)
Section State.
Variable Job: eqType.
Inductive processor_state :=
| Progress (j : Job) (speed : nat).
Section Service.
Variable j : Job.
Definition scheduled_in (s : processor_state) : bool :=
match s with
| Idle => false
| Progress j' _ => j' == j
Definition service_in (s : processor_state) : nat :=
match s with
| Idle => 0
| Progress j' s => if j' == j then s else 0
End Service.
Instance pstate_instance : ProcessorState Job processor_state :=
scheduled_in := scheduled_in;
service_in := service_in
by move=> j []//= j' s->.
End State.
From rt.behavior Require Export job.
(* Throughout the library we assume that jobs have decidable equality *)
Definition TaskType := eqType.
(* Definition of a generic type of parameter relating jobs to tasks *)
Class JobTask (T : TaskType) (J : JobType) := job_task : J -> T.
\ No newline at end of file
(* Time is defined as a natural number. *)
Definition duration := nat.
Definition instant := nat.
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ fi
# Compile all *.v files (except the ones that define the decidable equality). Those
# are directly included in other files.
coq_makefile -f _CoqProject $(find . -name "*.v" ! -name "*#*" ! -name "*eqdec*.v" -print) -o Makefile
coq_makefile -f _CoqProject $(find . -name "*.v" ! -name "*#*" ! -name "*eqdec*.v" ! -path "./.git/*" -print) -o Makefile
# Fix the 'make validate' command. It doesn't handle the library prefix properly
# and cause clashes for files with the same name. This forces full filenames and
......@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ Module ConcreteScheduler.
in BUG; des;
first by rewrite BUG in NOTSCHED.
move: BUG => /andP [_ /negP HP].
by apply HP, order_sorted_rcons with (s := l'); try by done.
by apply HP, order_sorted_rcons with (xs := l'); try by done.
move: (IHl cpu CAN) => [j_old IN]; clear IHl LAST.
by eapply replace_first_previous in IN; des;
......@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ Module ConcreteScheduler.
subst j_last.
by apply order_sorted_rcons with (s := l').
by apply order_sorted_rcons with (xs := l').
subst j_last; clear IHl.
......@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ Module ConcreteScheduler.
move: SHOULD => /andP [CAN' /negP HP].
unfold prev in IN'.
apply scheduler_job_in_mapping in IN'.
by exfalso; apply HP, order_sorted_rcons with (s := l').
by exfalso; apply HP, order_sorted_rcons with (xs := l').
destruct [exists cpu, ((cpu, Some j) \in prev)] eqn:EX.
......@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ Module ConcreteScheduler.
in IN''; des;
first by specialize (NOTSCHED cpu'); rewrite IN'' in NOTSCHED.
move: IN'' => /andP [_ /negP HP].
by exfalso; apply HP, order_sorted_rcons with (s := l').
by exfalso; apply HP, order_sorted_rcons with (xs := l').
apply negbT in EX; rewrite negb_exists in EX.
......@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ Module ConcreteScheduler.
move: BUG => /andP [_ /negP HP].
by apply HP, order_sorted_rcons with (s := l'); try by done.
by apply HP, order_sorted_rcons with (xs := l'); try by done.
......@@ -51,9 +51,11 @@ Section find_seq.
apply /negP /negP /hasPn.
intros. apply find_uniql with (x:=x) in H;auto.
case (x0==x)eqn:XX;move/eqP in XX;last trivial.
rewrite -XX in H0. by subst.
unfold prop_in1. intros.
apply find_uniql with (x:=x) in H; last by assumption.
case (x0==x) eqn:XX; last trivial.
move/eqP in XX.
rewrite XX in H1; by contradiction.
Lemma findP_in_seq:
Require Import rt.util.tactics rt.util.induction rt.util.list.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop path.
(* Lemmas about sorted lists. *)
(** * Sorting *)
(** In this modeule we prove a few lemmas about sorted sequences. *)
Section Sorting.
Lemma prev_le_next :
forall (T: Type) (F: T->nat) r (x0: T) i k,
(forall i, i < (size r).-1 -> F (nth x0 r i) <= F (nth x0 r i.+1)) ->
(i + k <= (size r).-1) ->
F (nth x0 r i) <= F (nth x0 r (i+k)).
intros T F r x0 i k ALL SIZE.
generalize dependent i. generalize dependent k.
induction k; intros; first by rewrite addn0 leqnn.
specialize (IHk i.+1); exploit IHk; [by rewrite addSnnS | intro LE].
apply leq_trans with (n := F (nth x0 r (i.+1)));
last by rewrite -addSnnS.
apply ALL, leq_trans with (n := i + k.+1); last by ins.
by rewrite addnS ltnS leq_addr.
Lemma sort_ordered:
forall {T: eqType} (leT: rel T) (s: seq T) x0 idx,
sorted leT s ->
idx < (size s).-1 ->
leT (nth x0 s idx) (nth x0 s idx.+1).
intros T leT s x0 idx SORT LT.
induction s; first by rewrite /= ltn0 in LT.
simpl in SORT, LT; move: SORT => /pathP SORT.
by simpl; apply SORT.
Lemma sorted_rcons_prefix :
forall {T: eqType} (leT: rel T) s x,
sorted leT (rcons s x) ->
sorted leT s.
intros T leT s x SORT; destruct s; simpl; first by ins.
rewrite rcons_cons /= rcons_path in SORT.
by move: SORT => /andP [PATH _].
Section SortedImplLeIdx.
(* Consider an arbitrary type T... *)
Variable T: eqType.
Lemma order_sorted_rcons :
forall {T: eqType} (leT: rel T) (s: seq T) (x last: T),
transitive leT ->
sorted leT (rcons s last) ->
x \in s ->
leT x last.
intros T leT s x last TRANS SORT IN.
induction s; first by rewrite in_nil in IN.
simpl in SORT; move: IN; rewrite in_cons; move => /orP IN.
destruct IN as [HEAD | TAIL];
last by apply IHs; [by apply path_sorted in SORT| by ins].
move: HEAD => /eqP HEAD; subst a.
apply order_path_min in SORT; last by ins.
move: SORT => /allP SORT.
by apply SORT; rewrite mem_rcons in_cons; apply/orP; left.
Lemma sorted_lt_idx_implies_rel :
forall {T: eqType} (leT: rel T) (s: seq T) x0 i1 i2,
transitive leT ->
sorted leT s ->
i1 < i2 ->
i2 < size s ->
leT (nth x0 s i1) (nth x0 s i2).
intros T leT s x0 i1 i2 TRANS SORT LE LEsize.
generalize dependent i2; rewrite leq_as_delta.
intros delta LT.
destruct s; first by rewrite ltn0 in LT.
simpl in SORT.
induction delta;
first by rewrite /= addn0 ltnS in LT; rewrite /= -addnE addn0; apply/pathP.
rewrite /transitive (TRANS (nth x0 (s :: s0) (i1.+1 + delta))) //;
first by apply IHdelta, leq_ltn_trans with (n := i1.+1 + delta.+1); [rewrite leq_add2l|].
rewrite -[delta.+1]addn1 addnA addn1.
move: SORT => /pathP SORT; apply SORT.
by rewrite /= -[delta.+1]addn1 addnA addn1 ltnS in LT.
(* ... and some binary relation leT (≺) on it. *)
Variable leT: rel T.
Notation "x ≺ y" := (leT x y) (at level 30).
Let sorted xs := sorted leT xs.
(* Next, let xs be a sequence of elements of type T. *)
Variable xs: seq T.
(* Since Coq requires all functions to be total, we
need to specify a default value for cases when
an index exceeds the size of the sequence. *)
Variable default: T.
Let nth := nth default.
Lemma sorted_rel_implies_le_idx :
forall {T: eqType} (leT: rel T) (s: seq T) x0 i1 i2,
uniq s ->
antisymmetric_over_list leT s ->
transitive leT ->
sorted leT s ->
leT (nth x0 s i1) (nth x0 s i2) ->
i1 < size s ->
i2 < size s ->
i1 <= i2.
intros T leT s x0 i1 i2 UNIQ ANTI TRANS SORT REL SIZE1 SIZE2.
generalize dependent i2.
induction i1; first by done.
intros i2 REL SIZE2.
feed IHi1; first by apply ltn_trans with (n := i1.+1).
apply leq_trans with (n := i1.+1); first by done.
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split.
(* Next, let's introduce a notation for the nth element of a sequence. *)
Notation "xs [| n |]" := (nth xs n) (at level 10).
(* We prove that, given the fact that sequence xs is sorted,
the i'th element of xs is ≺ than the i+1'th element. *)
Lemma sort_ordered:
forall (idx: nat),
sorted xs ->
idx < (size xs).-1 ->
xs[|idx|] xs[|idx.+1|].
intros idx SORT LT.
induction xs; first by rewrite /= ltn0 in LT.
simpl in SORT, LT; move: SORT => /pathP SORT.
by simpl; apply SORT.
(* Next we prove that the prefix of a sorted sequence is also sorted. *)
Lemma sorted_rcons_prefix:
forall x,
sorted (rcons xs x) ->
sorted xs.
intros x SORT; destruct xs; simpl; first by ins.
rewrite rcons_cons /= rcons_path in SORT.
by move: SORT => /andP [PATH _].
(* Let's assume that relation leT (≺) is transitive. *)
Hypothesis H_leT_is_transitive: transitive leT.
(* Given the fact that sequence xs is sorted, we prove that
the last elements of the sequence is the max. element. *)
Lemma order_sorted_rcons:
forall (x lst: T),
sorted (rcons xs lst) ->
x \in xs ->
x lst.
intros x last SORT IN.
induction xs as [ | a xs']; [ | clear xs; rename xs' into xs]; first by rewrite in_nil in IN.
simpl in SORT; move: IN; rewrite in_cons; move => /orP IN.
destruct IN as [HEAD | TAIL];
last by apply IHxs'; [by apply path_sorted in SORT| by ins].
move: HEAD => /eqP HEAD; subst a.
apply order_path_min in SORT; last by ins.
move: SORT => /allP SORT.
by apply SORT; rewrite mem_rcons in_cons; apply/orP; left.
(* Next, we prove that for sorted sequence xs and for any
two indices i1 and i2, i1 < i2 implies xs[|i1|] ≺ xs[|i2|]. *)
Lemma sorted_lt_idx_implies_rel:
forall i1 i2,
sorted xs ->
i1 < i2 ->
i2 < size xs ->
xs[|i1|] xs [|i2|].
intros i1 i2 SORT LE LEsize.
generalize dependent i2; rewrite leq_as_delta.
intros delta LT.
destruct xs as [ | a xs']; [ | clear xs; rename xs' into xs]; first by rewrite ltn0 in LT.
simpl in SORT.
induction delta;
first by rewrite /= addn0 ltnS in LT; rewrite /= -addnE addn0; apply/pathP.
apply/eqP; red; intro BUG; subst.
assert (REL': leT (nth x0 s i2) (nth x0 s i2.+1)).
by apply sorted_lt_idx_implies_rel; rewrite // ltnSn.
rewrite /antisymmetric_over_list in ANTI.
exploit (ANTI (nth x0 s i2) (nth x0 s i2.+1)); rewrite ?mem_nth //.
move => /eqP EQ; rewrite nth_uniq in EQ; try (by done).
by rewrite -[_ == _]negbK in EQ; move: EQ => /negP EQ; apply EQ; apply/eqP.
rewrite /transitive (H_leT_is_transitive (nth (a :: xs) (i1.+1 + delta))) //;
first by apply IHdelta, leq_ltn_trans with (n := i1.+1 + delta.+1); [rewrite leq_add2l| ].
rewrite -[delta.+1]addn1 addnA addn1.
move: SORT => /pathP SORT; apply SORT.
by rewrite /= -[delta.+1]addn1 addnA addn1 ltnS in LT.
(* Finally, assuming that (1) xs is sorted and contains
no duplicates, (2) ≺ is antisymmetric and transitive,
we prove that x[|i1|] ≺ x[|i2|] implies i1 ≤ i2. *)
Lemma sorted_rel_implies_le_idx:
forall i1 i2,
uniq xs ->
antisymmetric_over_list leT xs ->
sorted xs ->
xs[|i1|] xs[|i2|] ->
i1 < size xs ->
i2 < size xs ->
i1 <= i2.
generalize dependent i2.
induction i1; first by done.
apply IHi1; last by done.
rewrite /transitive (TRANS (nth x0 s i1.+1)) //.
by apply sorted_lt_idx_implies_rel; try (by done); apply ltnSn.
intros i2 REL SIZE2.
feed IHi1; first by apply ltn_trans with (n := i1.+1).
apply leq_trans with (n := i1.+1); first by done.
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split.
apply/eqP; red; intro BUG; subst.
assert (REL': leT (nth xs i2) (nth xs i2.+1)).
by apply sorted_lt_idx_implies_rel; rewrite // ltnSn.
rewrite /antisymmetric_over_list in ANTI.
exploit (ANTI (nth xs i2) (nth xs i2.+1)); rewrite ?mem_nth //.
move => /eqP EQ; rewrite nth_uniq in EQ; try (by done).
by rewrite -[_ == _]negbK in EQ; move: EQ => /negP EQ; apply EQ; apply/eqP.
apply IHi1; last by done.
rewrite /transitive (H_leT_is_transitive (nth xs i1.+1)) //.
by apply sorted_lt_idx_implies_rel; try (by done); apply ltnSn.
End SortedImplLeIdx.
(* Let F be a function from some type to natural numbers. Then for a
sequence xs, the fact that [∀ i: F(xs[i]) ≤ F(xs[i+1])] implies that
[forall i k: F(xs[i]) ≤ F(xs[i + k])]. *)
Lemma prev_le_next:
forall {T: Type} (F: T -> nat) (xs: seq T) (def: T) (i k: nat),
(forall i, i < (size xs).-1 -> F (nth def xs i) <= F (nth def xs i.+1)) ->
(i + k <= (size xs).-1) ->
F (nth def xs i) <= F (nth def xs (i+k)).
intros T F r x i k ALL SIZE.
generalize dependent i. generalize dependent k.
induction k; intros; first by rewrite addn0 leqnn.
specialize (IHk i.+1); exploit IHk; [by rewrite addSnnS | intro LE].
apply leq_trans with (n := F (nth x r (i.+1)));
last by rewrite -addSnnS.
apply ALL, leq_trans with (n := i + k.+1); last by ins.
by rewrite addnS ltnS leq_addr.
End Sorting.
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