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From rt.behavior.schedule Require Export schedule service_facts.
(** In this file, we establish basic facts about job completions. *)
Section CompletionFacts.
(* Consider any job type,...*)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
(* ...any kind of processor model,... *)
Context {PState: Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(* ...and a given schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule PState.
(* Let j be any job that is to be scheduled. *)
Variable j: Job.
(* We prove that after job j completes, it remains completed. *)
Lemma completion_monotonic:
forall t t',
t <= t' ->
completed_by sched j t ->
completed_by sched j t'.
move => t t' LE. rewrite /completed_by /service => COMP.
apply leq_trans with (n := service_during sched j 0 t); auto.
by apply service_monotonic.
(* We observe that being incomplete is the same as not having received
sufficient service yet... *)
Lemma less_service_than_cost_is_incomplete:
forall t,
service sched j t < job_cost j
~~ completed_by sched j t.
move=> t. by split; rewrite /completed_by; [rewrite -ltnNge // | rewrite ltnNge //].
(* ...which is also the same as having positive remaining cost. *)
Lemma incomplete_is_positive_remaining_cost:
forall t,
~~ completed_by sched j t
remaining_cost sched j t > 0.
move=> t. by split; rewrite /remaining_cost -less_service_than_cost_is_incomplete subn_gt0 //.
(* Assume that completed jobs do not execute. *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs:
completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.
(* Further, we note that if a job receives service at some time t, then its
remaining cost at this time is positive. *)
Lemma serviced_implies_positive_remaining_cost:
forall t,
service_at sched j t > 0 ->
remaining_cost sched j t > 0.
move=> t SERVICE.
rewrite subn_gt0 /service /service_during.
apply leq_trans with (\sum_(0 <= t0 < t.+1) service_at sched j t0);
last by rewrite H_completed_jobs.
by rewrite big_nat_recr //= -addn1 leq_add2l.
(* Consequently, if we have a have processor model where scheduled jobs
* necessarily receive service, we can conclude that scheduled jobs have
* remaining positive cost. *)
(* Assume a scheduled job always receives some positive service. *)
Hypothesis H_scheduled_implies_serviced:
forall j s, scheduled_in j s -> service_in j s > 0.
(* Then a scheduled job has positive remaining cost. *)
Corollary scheduled_implies_positive_remaining_cost:
forall t,
scheduled_at sched j t ->
remaining_cost sched j t > 0.
rewrite /scheduled_at => t SCHEDULED.
by apply: serviced_implies_positive_remaining_cost; rewrite /service_at; apply: H_scheduled_implies_serviced.
(* We also prove that a completed job cannot be scheduled... *)
Lemma completed_implies_not_scheduled:
forall t,
completed_by sched j t ->
~~ scheduled_at sched j t.
rename H_completed_jobs into COMP.
unfold completed_jobs_dont_execute in *.
intros t COMPLETED.
apply/negP; red; intro SCHED.
have BUG := COMP j t.+1.
rewrite leqNgt in BUG; move: BUG => /negP BUG; apply BUG.
rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr // /= -addn1.
apply leq_add.
* by rewrite -/(service_during sched j 0 t) -/(completed_by sched j t).
* by rewrite /service_at; apply: H_scheduled_implies_serviced; rewrite -/(scheduled_at _ _ _).
(* ... and that a scheduled job cannot be completed. *)
Lemma scheduled_implies_not_completed:
forall t,
scheduled_at sched j t ->
~~ completed_by sched j t.
move=> t SCHED.
have REMPOS := scheduled_implies_positive_remaining_cost t SCHED.
rewrite /remaining_cost subn_gt0 in REMPOS.
by rewrite -less_service_than_cost_is_incomplete.
(* We further observe that [service] and [remaining_cost] are complements of
one another. *)
Lemma service_cost_invariant:
forall t,
(service sched j t) + (remaining_cost sched j t) = job_cost j.
move=> t. rewrite /remaining_cost subnKC //.
End CompletionFacts.
Section ServiceAndCompletionFacts.
(** In this section, we establish some facts that are really about service,
but are also related to completion and rely on some of the above lemmas.
Hence they are in this file, rather than service_facts.v. *)
(* Consider any job type,...*)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
(* ...any kind of processor model,... *)
Context {PState: Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(* ...and a given schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule PState.
(* Assume that completed jobs do not execute. *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs:
completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.
(* Let j be any job that is to be scheduled. *)
Variable j: Job.
(* Assume that a scheduled job receives exactly one time unit of service. *)
Hypothesis H_unit_service: unit_service_proc_model.
Section GuaranteedService.
(* Assume a scheduled job always receives some positive service. *)
Hypothesis H_scheduled_implies_serviced:
forall j s, scheduled_in j s -> service_in j s > 0.
(* Then we can easily show that the service never exceeds the total cost of
the job. *)
Lemma service_le_cost:
forall t,
service sched j t <= job_cost j.
elim => [| n IH]; first by rewrite service0 //.
rewrite leq_eqVlt in IH.
case/orP: IH => [EQ | LT]; rewrite -service_last_plus_before.
* rewrite not_scheduled_implies_no_service; first by rewrite addn0 //.
apply: completed_implies_not_scheduled; auto. unfold unit_service_proc_model in H_unit_service.
move /eqP in EQ.
rewrite /completed_by EQ //.
* apply leq_trans with (n := service sched j n + 1).
- rewrite leq_add2l /service_at //.
- rewrite -(ltnS (service sched j n + 1) _) -(addn1 (job_cost j)) ltn_add2r //.
(* We show that the service received by job j in any interval is no larger
than its cost. *)
Lemma cumulative_service_le_job_cost:
forall t t',
service_during sched j t t' <= job_cost j.
move=> t t'.
case/orP: (leq_total t t') => [tt'|tt']; last by rewrite service_during_geq //.
apply leq_trans with (n := service sched j t'); last by apply: service_le_cost.
rewrite /service. rewrite -(service_during_cat sched j 0 t t') // leq_addl //.
End GuaranteedService.
(* If a job isn't complete at time t, it can't be completed at time (t +
remaining_cost j t - 1). *)
Lemma job_doesnt_complete_before_remaining_cost:
forall t,
~~ completed_by sched j t ->
~~ completed_by sched j (t + remaining_cost sched j t - 1).
move=> t.
rewrite incomplete_is_positive_remaining_cost => REMCOST.
rewrite -less_service_than_cost_is_incomplete -(service_cat sched j t);
last by rewrite -addnBA //; apply: leq_addr.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := service sched j t + remaining_cost sched j t - 1).
- by rewrite -!addnBA //; rewrite leq_add2l; apply cumulative_service_le_delta; exact.
- rewrite service_cost_invariant // -subn_gt0 subKn //.
move: REMCOST. rewrite /remaining_cost subn_gt0 => SERVICE.
by apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := service sched j t).
End ServiceAndCompletionFacts.
From rt.behavior.schedule Require Export schedule.
From rt Require Import util.tactics.
(** In this file, we establish basic facts about the service received by
jobs. *)
Section UnitService.
(** To begin with, we establish facts about schedules in which a job receives
either 1 or 0 service units at all times. *)
(* Consider any job type and any processor state. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context {PState: Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(* We say that a kind processor state provides unit service if no
job ever receives more than one unit of service at any time. *)
Definition unit_service_proc_model := forall j s, service_in j s <= 1.
(* Let's consider a unit-service model... *)
Hypothesis H_unit_service: unit_service_proc_model.
(* ...and a given schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule PState.
(* Let j be any job that is to be scheduled. *)
Variable j: Job.
(* First, we prove that the instantaneous service cannot be greater than 1, ... *)
Lemma service_at_most_one:
forall t, service_at sched j t <= 1.
by move=> t; rewrite /service_at.
(* ...which implies that the cumulative service received by job j in any
interval of length delta is at most delta. *)
Lemma cumulative_service_le_delta:
forall t delta,
service_during sched j t (t + delta) <= delta.
unfold service_during; intros t delta.
apply leq_trans with (n := \sum_(t <= t0 < t + delta) 1);
last by simpl_sum_const; rewrite addKn leqnn.
by apply: leq_sum => t' _; apply: service_at_most_one.
End UnitService.
Section Composition.
(* Consider any job type and any processor state. *)
Context {Job: eqType}.
Context {PState: Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(* For any given schedule... *)
Variable sched: schedule PState.
(* ...and any given job... *)
Variable j: Job.
(* ...we establish a number of useful rewriting rules that decompose
the service received during an interval into smaller intervals. *)
(* As a trivial base case, no job receives any service during an empty
interval. *)
Lemma service_during_geq:
forall t1 t2,
t1 >= t2 -> service_during sched j t1 t2 = 0.
move=> t1 t2 t1t2.
rewrite /service_during big_geq //.
(* Equally trivially, no job has received service prior to time zero. *)
Corollary service0:
service sched j 0 = 0.
rewrite /service service_during_geq //.
(* Trivially, an interval consiting of one time unit is equivalent to
service_at. *)
Lemma service_during_instant:
forall t,
service_during sched j t t.+1 = service_at sched j t.
move => t.
by rewrite /service_during big_nat_recr ?big_geq //.
(* Next, we observe that we can look at the service received during an
interval [t1, t3) as the sum of the service during [t1, t2) and [t2, t3)
for any t2 \in [t1, t3]. (The "_cat" suffix denotes the concatenation of
the two intervals.) *)
Lemma service_during_cat:
forall t1 t2 t3,
t1 <= t2 <= t3 ->
(service_during sched j t1 t2) + (service_during sched j t2 t3)
= service_during sched j t1 t3.
move => t1 t2 t3 /andP [t1t2 t2t3].
by rewrite /service_during -big_cat_nat /=.
(* Since [service] is just a special case of [service_during], the same holds
for [service]. *)
Lemma service_cat:
forall t1 t2,
t1 <= t2 ->
(service sched j t1) + (service_during sched j t1 t2)
= service sched j t2.
move=> t1 t2 t1t2.
rewrite /service service_during_cat //.
(* As a special case, we observe that the service during an interval can be
decomposed into the first instant and the rest of the interval. *)
Lemma service_during_first_plus_later:
forall t1 t2,
t1 < t2 ->
(service_at sched j t1) + (service_during sched j t1.+1 t2)
= service_during sched j t1 t2.
move => t1 t2 t1t2.
have TIMES: t1 <= t1.+1 <= t2 by rewrite /(_ && _) ifT //.
have SPLIT := service_during_cat t1 t1.+1 t2 TIMES.
by rewrite -service_during_instant //.
(* Symmetrically, we have the same for the end of the interval. *)
Lemma service_during_last_plus_before:
forall t1 t2,
t1 <= t2 ->
(service_during sched j t1 t2) + (service_at sched j t2)
= service_during sched j t1 t2.+1.
move=> t1 t2 t1t2.
rewrite -(service_during_cat t1 t2 t2.+1); last by rewrite /(_ && _) ifT //.
rewrite service_during_instant //.
(* And hence also for [service]. *)
Corollary service_last_plus_before:
forall t,
(service sched j t) + (service_at sched j t)
= service sched j t.+1.
move=> t.
rewrite /service. rewrite -service_during_last_plus_before //.
(* Finally, we deconstruct the service received during an interval [t1, t3)
into the service at a midpoint t2 and the service in the intervals before
and after. *)
Lemma service_split_at_point:
forall t1 t2 t3,
t1 <= t2 < t3 ->
(service_during sched j t1 t2) + (service_at sched j t2) + (service_during sched j t2.+1 t3)
= service_during sched j t1 t3.
move => t1 t2 t3 /andP [t1t2 t2t3].
rewrite -addnA service_during_first_plus_later// service_during_cat// /(_ && _) ifT//.
by exact: ltnW.
End Composition.
Section Monotonicity.
(** We establish a basic fact about the monotonicity of service. *)
(* Consider any job type and any processor model. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context {PState: Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(* Consider any given schedule... *)
Variable sched: schedule PState.
(* ...and a given job that is to be scheduled. *)
Variable j: Job.
(* We observe that the amount of service received is monotonic by definition. *)
Lemma service_monotonic:
forall t1 t2,
t1 <= t2 ->
service sched j t1 <= service sched j t2.
move=> t1 t2 let1t2.
by rewrite -(service_cat sched j t1 t2 let1t2); apply: leq_addr.
End Monotonicity.
Section RelationToScheduled.
(* Consider any job type and any processor model. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context {PState: Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(* Consider any given schedule... *)
Variable sched: schedule PState.
(* ...and a given job that is to be scheduled. *)
Variable j: Job.
(* We observe that a job that isn't scheduled cannot possibly receive service. *)
Lemma not_scheduled_implies_no_service:
forall t,
~~ scheduled_at sched j t -> service_at sched j t = 0.
rewrite /service_at /scheduled_at.
move=> t NOT_SCHED.
rewrite service_implies_scheduled //.
by apply: negbTE.
End RelationToScheduled.
......@@ -310,9 +310,9 @@ Module Service.
(* Last, we prove that overall service of jobs at each time instant is at most 1. *)
(* We prove that the overall service of jobs at each time instant is at most 1. *)
Lemma service_of_jobs_le_1:
forall t1 t2 t P,
forall (t1 t2 t: time) (P: Job -> bool),
\sum_(j <- arrivals_between t1 t2 | P j) service_at sched j t <= 1.
intros t1 t2 t P.
......@@ -348,6 +348,23 @@ Module Service.
by rewrite /service_at /scheduled_at SCHED.
(* We prove that the overall service of jobs within
some time interval [t, t + Δ) is at most Δ. *)
Lemma total_service_of_jobs_le_delta:
forall (t Δ: time) (P: Job -> bool),
\sum_(j <- arrivals_between t (t + Δ) | P j)
service_during sched j t (t + Δ) <= Δ.
have EQ: \sum_(t <= x < t + Δ) 1 = Δ.
{ by rewrite big_const_nat iter_addn mul1n addn0 -{2}[t]addn0 subnDl subn0. }
rewrite -{3}EQ; clear EQ.
rewrite exchange_big //=.
rewrite leq_sum //.
move => t' _.
by apply service_of_jobs_le_1.
(* In this section, we introduce a connection between the cumulative
service, cumulative workload, and completion of jobs. *)
......@@ -246,14 +246,14 @@ End ExtraLemmas.
Section SumArithmetic.
Lemma sum_seq_diff:
forall (T:eqType) (r: seq T) (F G : T -> nat),
(forall i : T, i \in r -> G i <= F i) ->
\sum_(i <- r) (F i - G i) = \sum_(i <- r) F i - \sum_(i <- r) G i.
forall (T:eqType) (rs: seq T) (F G : T -> nat),
(forall i : T, i \in rs -> G i <= F i) ->
\sum_(i <- rs) (F i - G i) = \sum_(i <- rs) F i - \sum_(i <- rs) G i.
induction r; first by rewrite !big_nil subn0.
induction rs; first by rewrite !big_nil subn0.
rewrite !big_cons subh2.
- apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_add2l; apply/eqP; apply IHr.
- apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_add2l; apply/eqP; apply IHrs.
by intros; apply H; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
- by apply H; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left.
- rewrite big_seq_cond [in X in _ <= X]big_seq_cond.
......@@ -272,6 +272,21 @@ Section SumArithmetic.
move => i; rewrite mem_index_iota; move => /andP [_ LT].
by apply ALL.
Lemma sum_pred_diff:
forall (T: eqType) (rs: seq T) (P: T -> bool) (F: T -> nat),
\sum_(r <- rs | P r) F r =
\sum_(r <- rs) F r - \sum_(r <- rs | ~~ P r) F r.
clear; intros.
induction rs; first by rewrite !big_nil subn0.
rewrite !big_cons !IHrs; clear IHrs.
case (P a); simpl; last by rewrite subnDl.
rewrite addnBA; first by done.
rewrite big_mkcond leq_sum //.
intros t _.
by case (P t).
Lemma telescoping_sum :
forall (T: Type) (F: T->nat) r (x0: T),