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Commit de4512f1 authored by Kimaya Bedarkar's avatar Kimaya Bedarkar
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add processor state for exceedance analysis

Co-authored-by: default avatarBjörn Brandenburg <>
parent 68542925
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Require Import prosa.model.processor.ideal_uni_exceed.
Require Export prosa.model.processor.platform_properties.
(** In the following section, we prove some general properties about the
ideal uniprocessor with exceedance processor state. *)
Section ExceedanceProcStateProperties.
(** In this section, we consider any type of jobs. *)
Context `{Job : JobType}.
(** First we prove that the processor state provides unit supply. *)
Lemma eps_is_unit_supply : unit_supply_proc_model (exceedance_proc_state Job).
rewrite /unit_supply_proc_model.
move => s.
destruct s => //=.
all : by rewrite /supply_in //=;rewrite sum_unit1.
(** The usually opaque predicates are made transparent for this section
to enable us to prove some processor properties. *)
Local Transparent scheduled_in scheduled_on service_on.
(** A job [j] is said to be [scheduled_at] some time [t] if and only if the
processor state at that time is [NominalExecution j] or
[ExceedanceExecution j]. *)
Lemma scheduled_at_procstate (sched : schedule (exceedance_proc_state Job)) j t:
scheduled_at sched j t <->
sched t = NominalExecution j \/ sched t = ExceedanceExecution j.
- move => /existsP [c SCHEDON].
destruct (sched t); try done.
+ by left; move : SCHEDON => /eqP <-.
+ by right; move : SCHEDON => /eqP <-.
- rewrite /scheduled_at.
by move => [-> | -> ]; rewrite /scheduled_in /scheduled_on //=; apply /existsP.
(** Next we prove that the processor model under consideration is a uniprocessor
model i.e., only one job can be scheduled at any time instant. *)
Lemma eps_is_uniproc : uniprocessor_model (exceedance_proc_state Job).
move => j1 j2 sched t /existsP [? SCHED1] /existsP [? SCHED2].
destruct (sched t) eqn: EQ; try done.
- by move : SCHED1 => /eqP <-; move : SCHED2 => /eqP <-.
- by move : SCHED1 => /eqP <-; move : SCHED2 => /eqP <-.
(** Next, we prove that the processor model under consideration is fully
consuming i.e., all the supply offered is consumed by the scheduled job. *)
Lemma eps_is_fully_consuming :
fully_consuming_proc_model (exceedance_proc_state Job).
rewrite /fully_consuming_proc_model.
move => j sched t SCHED1.
rewrite /scheduled_at /scheduled_in in SCHED1.
apply scheduled_at_procstate in SCHED1.
move : SCHED1 => [SCHED1 | SCHED1].
- by rewrite /service_at /service_in /exceedance_service_on /supply_at /supply_in
!/exceedance_service_on //= SCHED1 sum_unit1 // sum_unit1 //
/exceedance_service_on /exceedance_supply_on eq_refl.
- by rewrite /service_at /service_in /exceedance_service_on /supply_at /supply_in
!/exceedance_service_on //= SCHED1 sum_unit1 // sum_unit1 //
/exceedance_service_on /exceedance_supply_on eq_refl.
(** Finally we prove that the processor model under consideration is unit
service i.e., it provides at most one unit of service at any time instant. *)
Lemma eps_is_unit_service : unit_service_proc_model (exceedance_proc_state Job).
move => j pstate.
rewrite /service_in /service_on //= sum_unit1 /exceedance_service_on.
destruct pstate =>//=.
by apply leq_b1.
End ExceedanceProcStateProperties.
(** Next, we prove some general properties specific to the
ideal uniprocessor with exceedance processor state. *)
Section ExceedanceProcStateProperties1.
(** In this section we consider any type of jobs. *)
Context `{Job : JobType}.
(** First let us define the notion of exceedance execution. A processor state
is said to be an exceedance execution state if is equal to
[ExceedanceExecution j] for some [j]. *)
Definition is_exceedance_exec (pstate : (exceedance_proc_state Job)) :=
match pstate with
|ExceedanceExecution _ => true
|_ => false
(** Next, let us consider any schedule of the [exceedance_proc_state]. *)
Variable sched : schedule (exceedance_proc_state Job).
(** We prove that the schedule being in blackout at any time [t] is equivalent
to the processor state at [t] being an exceedance execution state. *)
Lemma blackout_implies_exceedance_execution t :
is_blackout sched t = is_exceedance_exec (sched t).
rewrite /is_blackout /has_supply /supply_at /supply_in
/is_exceedance_exec //= sum_unit1 /exceedance_supply_on.
destruct (sched t) eqn : PSTATE; try done.
End ExceedanceProcStateProperties1.
Global Hint Resolve
: basic_rt_facts.
From HB Require Import structures.
Require Export prosa.behavior.all.
(** In the following, we define a processor state model for an ideal-uniprocessor
system with jobs possibly exhibiting exceedance. *)
Section State.
(** For a give type of jobs ...*)
Context `{Job : JobType}.
(** ... the exceedance processor state is defined as follows.
Here, the [NominalExecution] processor state refers to the state of the
processor when it is executing some job [j]. [ExceedanceExecution] also
refers to the state of the processor when a job is executing in addition
to its nominal execution time. Finally, [Idle] refers to the state of the
processor when no job is executing. *)
Inductive exceedance_processor_state :=
| NominalExecution (j : Job)
| ExceedanceExecution (j : Job)
| Idle.
(** To efficiently use the processor state in our mechanization, we need to
define an [eqType] for the processor state. First, we define an inequality
on the processor state as follows. *)
Definition exceedance_processor_state_eqdef (p1 p2 : exceedance_processor_state) : bool :=
match p1, p2 with
| NominalExecution j1, NominalExecution j2 => j1 == j2
| ExceedanceExecution j1, ExceedanceExecution j2 => j1 == j2
| Idle, Idle => true
| _, _ => false
(** Next, we prove that the defined notion of equality is in fact an equality. *)
Lemma eqn_exceedance_processor_state : Equality.axiom exceedance_processor_state_eqdef.
unfold Equality.axiom.
move => s1 s2.
destruct (exceedance_processor_state_eqdef s1 s2) eqn: EQ.
- apply ReflectT.
by destruct s1; destruct s2 => //=; move : EQ => /eqP -> .
- apply /ReflectF => EQ1.
move : EQ => /negP. apply.
by destruct s1; destruct s2 => //=; inversion EQ1; subst.
(** Finally, we register the processor state as an [eqType]. *)
HB.instance Definition _ := hasDecEq.Build exceedance_processor_state eqn_exceedance_processor_state.
(** Next, we need to define the notions of service and supply for the
processor state under consideration. *)
Section ExceedanceService.
(** Consider any job [j]. *)
Variable j : Job.
(** [j] is considered to be "scheduled" if the processor state is either
[NominalExecution j] or [ExceedanceExecution j] *)
Definition exceedance_scheduled_on (proc_state : exceedance_processor_state) (_ : unit)
: bool :=
match proc_state with
| NominalExecution j'
| ExceedanceExecution j' => j' == j
| _ => false
(** Next, we need to define in which states the processor is offering supply.
This is required to specify in which states a processor can offer
productive work to a job. Note that when analysing a schedule of the
[exceedance_processor_state], we want to model all instances of
[ExceedanceExecution] as blackouts w.r.t. to nominal service and, therefore, the supply in this
processor state is defined to be [0]. *)
Definition exceedance_supply_on (proc_state : exceedance_processor_state)
(_ : unit) : work :=
match proc_state with
| NominalExecution _ => 1
| ExceedanceExecution _ => 0
| Idle => 1
(** Finally we need to define in which states a job actually receives
nominal service. In our case, a job [j] receives nominal service only when the system
is in the [NominalExecution j] state. *)
Definition exceedance_service_on (proc_state : exceedance_processor_state) (_ : unit) : work :=
match proc_state with
| NominalExecution j' => j' == j
| ExceedanceExecution _ => 0
| Idle => 0
End ExceedanceService.
(** Finally we can declare our processor state as an instance of the
[ProcessorState] typeclass. *)
Global Program Instance exceedance_proc_state : ProcessorState Job :=
State := exceedance_processor_state;
scheduled_on := exceedance_scheduled_on;
supply_on := exceedance_supply_on;
service_on := exceedance_service_on
Next Obligation.
by move => j [] // s [] /=; case: eqP; lia.
Next Obligation.
by move => j [] // s [] /=; case: eqP; lia.
End State.
Global Arguments exceedance_proc_state : clear implicits.
......@@ -131,3 +131,4 @@ RHS
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