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Commit b595c416 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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lots of work on the docs

parent 80dd5e37
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...@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ where the $n$-equivalence at the bottom is meant to apply to the pairs of elemen ...@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ where the $n$-equivalence at the bottom is meant to apply to the pairs of elemen
In other words, extension carries the decomposition of $\meltB$ into $\meltB_1$ and $\meltB_2$ over the $n$-equivalence of $\melt$ and $\meltB$, and yields a corresponding decomposition of $\melt$ into $\melt_1$ and $\melt_2$. In other words, extension carries the decomposition of $\meltB$ into $\meltB_1$ and $\meltB_2$ over the $n$-equivalence of $\melt$ and $\meltB$, and yields a corresponding decomposition of $\melt$ into $\melt_1$ and $\melt_2$.
This operation is needed to prove that $\later$ commutes with existential quantification and separating conjunction: This operation is needed to prove that $\later$ commutes with existential quantification and separating conjunction:
\begin{mathpar} \begin{mathpar}
\axiom{\later(\Exists\var:\sort. \prop) \Lra \Exists\var:\sort. \later\prop} \axiom{\later(\Exists\var:\type. \prop) \Lra \Exists\var:\type. \later\prop}
\and\axiom{\later (\prop * \propB) \Lra \later\prop * \later\propB} \and\axiom{\later (\prop * \propB) \Lra \later\prop * \later\propB}
\end{mathpar} \end{mathpar}
(This assumes that the sort $\sort$ is non-empty.) (This assumes that the type $\type$ is non-empty.)
%%% Local Variables: %%% Local Variables:
\section{Derived Program logic}\label{sec:proglog}
Hoare triples and view shifts are syntactic sugar for weakest (liberal) preconditions and primitive view shifts, respectively:
\hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propB}[\mask] \eqdef \always{(\prop \Ra \dynA{\expr}{\lambda\Ret\val.\propB}{\mask})}
\prop \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB &\eqdef \always{(\prop \Ra \pvsA{\propB}{\mask_1}{\mask_2})} \\
\prop \vsE[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB &\eqdef \prop \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB \land \propB \vs[\mask2][\mask_1] \prop
We write just one mask for a view shift when $\mask_1 = \mask_2$.
The convention for omitted masks is generous:
An omitted $\mask$ is $\top$ for Hoare triples and $\emptyset$ for view shifts.
% PDS: We're repeating ourselves. We gave Γ conventions and we're about to give Θ conventions. Also, the scope of "Below" is unclear.
% Below, we implicitly assume the same context for all judgements which don't have an explicit context at \emph{all} pre-conditions \emph{and} the conclusion.
Henceforward, we implicitly assume a proof context, $\pfctx$, is added to every constituent of the rules.
Generally, this is an arbitrary proof context.
We write $\provesalways$ to denote judgments that can only be extended with a boxed proof context.
\ralf{Give the actual base rules from the Coq development instead}
\subsection{Hoare triples}
{\hoare{\TRUE}{\valB}{\Ret\val. \val = \valB}[\mask]}
{\hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask] \\
\All \val. \hoare{\propB}{K[\val]}{\Ret\valB.\propC}[\mask]}
{\prop \vs \prop' \\
\hoare{\prop'}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propB'}[\mask] \\
\All \val. \propB' \vs \propB}
{\hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask]}
{\hoare{\prop * \propC}{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB * \propC}[\mask \uplus \mask']}
{\hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask] \and \text{$\expr$ not a value}
{\hoare{\prop * \later\propC}{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB * \propC}[\mask \uplus \mask']}
% \and
% \inferH{Fork}
% {\hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\any. \TRUE}[\top]}
% {\hoare{\later\prop * \later\propB}{\fork{\expr}}{\Ret\val. \val = \textsf{fRet} \land \propB}[\mask]}
{\prop \vs[\mask \uplus \mask'][\mask] \prop' \\
\hoare{\prop'}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propB'}[\mask] \\
\All\val. \propB' \vs[\mask][\mask \uplus \mask'] \propB \\
{\hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propB}[\mask \uplus \mask']}
\subsection{View shifts}
{\later{\prop} \vs[\mask] \exists \iname\in\mask.\; \knowInv{\iname}{\prop}}
{\melt \mupd \meltsB}
{\ownGGhost{\melt} \vs \exists \meltB \in \meltsB.\; \ownGGhost{\meltB}}
{\prop \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB \and \propB \vs[\mask_2][\mask_3] \propC \and \mask_2 \subseteq \mask_1 \cup \mask_3}
{\prop \vs[\mask_1][\mask_3] \propC}
{\always{(\prop \Ra \propB)}}
{\prop \vs[\emptyset] \propB}
{\prop \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB}
{\prop * \propC \vs[\mask_1 \uplus \mask'][\mask_2 \uplus \mask'] \propB * \propC}
{\later \prop \vs \prop}
{\knowInv{\iname}{\prop} \proves \TRUE \vs[\{ \iname \} ][\emptyset] \later \prop}
{\knowInv{\iname}{\prop} \proves \later \prop \vs[\emptyset][\{ \iname \} ] \TRUE }
Note that $\timeless{\prop}$ means that $\prop$ does not depend on the step index.
Furthermore, $$\melt \mupd \meltsB \eqdef \always{\All \melt_f. \melt \sep \melt_f \Ra \Exists \meltB \in \meltsB. \meltB \sep \melt_f}$$
\subsection{Derived rules}
\paragraph{Derived structural rules.}
The following are easily derived by unfolding the sugar for Hoare triples and view shifts.
{\hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propC}[\mask] \and \hoare{\propB}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propC}[\mask]}
{\hoare{\prop \lor \propB}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propC}[\mask]}
{\prop \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propC \and \propB \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propC}
{\prop \lor \propB \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propC}
{\All \var. \hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propB}[\mask]}
{\hoare{\Exists \var. \prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propB}[\mask]}
{\All \var. (\prop \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB)}
{(\Exists \var. \prop) \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB}
{\always\propB \provesalways \hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propC}[\mask]}
{\hoare{\prop \land \always{\propB}}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propC}[\mask]}
{\always\propB \provesalways \prop \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propC}
{\prop \land \always{\propB} \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propC}
{\hoare{\FALSE}{\expr}{\Ret \val. \prop}[\mask]}
{\FALSE \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \prop }
The proofs all follow the same pattern, so we only show two of them in detail.
\begin{proof}[Proof of \ruleref{Exist}]
After unfolding the syntactic sugar for Hoare triples and removing the boxes from premise and conclusion, our goal becomes
(\Exists \var. \prop(\var)) \Ra \dynA{\expr}{\Lam\val. \propB}{\mask}
(remember that $\var$ is free in $\prop$) and the premise reads
\All \var. \prop(\var) \Ra \dynA{\expr}{\Lam\val. \propB}{\mask}.
Let $\var$ be given and assume $\prop(\var)$.
To show $\dynA{\expr}{\Lam\val. \propB}{\mask}$, apply the premise to $\var$ and $\prop(\var)$.
For the other direction, assume
\hoare{\Exists \var. \prop(\var)}{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask]
and let $\var$ be given.
We have to show $\hoare{\prop(\var)}{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask]$.
This trivially follows from \ruleref{Csq} with $\prop(\var) \Ra \Exists \var. \prop(\var)$.
\begin{proof}[Proof of \ruleref{BoxOut}]
After unfolding the syntactic sugar for Hoare triples, our goal becomes
\always\pfctx \proves \always\bigl(\prop\land\always \propB \Ra \dynA{\expr}{\Lam\val. \propC}{\mask}\bigr)
while our premise reads
\always\pfctx, \always\propB \proves \always(\prop \Ra \dynA{\expr}{\Lam\val. \propC}{\mask})
By the introduction rules for $\always$ and implication, it suffices to show
\[ (\always\pfctx), \prop,\always \propB \proves \dynA{\expr}{\Lam\val. \propC}{\mask} \]
By modus ponens and \ruleref{Necessity}, it suffices to show~\eqref{eq:boxin:as}, which is exactly our assumption.
For the other direction, assume~\eqref{eq:boxin:goal}. We have to show~\eqref{eq:boxin:as}. By \ruleref{AlwaysIntro} and implication introduction, it suffices to show
\[ (\always\pfctx), \prop,\always \propB \proves \dynA{\expr}{\Lam\val. \propC}{\mask} \]
which easily follows from~\eqref{eq:boxin:goal}.
\paragraph{Derived rules for invariants.}
Invariants can be opened around atomic expressions and view shifts.
{\hoare{\later{\propC} * \prop }
{\Ret\val. \later{\propC} * \propB }[\mask]
\and \physatomic{\expr}
{\knowInv{\iname}{\propC} \proves \hoare{\prop}
{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask \uplus \{ \iname \}]
{\later{\prop} * \propB \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \later{\prop} * \propC}
{\knowInv{\iname}{\prop} \proves \propB \vs[\mask_1 \uplus \{ \iname \}][\mask_2 \uplus \{ \iname \}] \propC}
\begin{proof}[Proof of \ruleref{Inv}]
Use \ruleref{ACsq} with $\mask_1 \eqdef \mask \cup \{\iname\}$, $\mask_2 \eqdef \mask$.
The view shifts are obtained by \ruleref{InvOpen} and \ruleref{InvClose} with framing of $\mask$ and $\prop$ or $\propB$, respectively.
\begin{proof}[Proof of \ruleref{VSInv}]
Analogous to the proof of \ruleref{Inv}, using \ruleref{VSTrans} instead of \ruleref{ACsq}.
\subsubsection{Unsound rules}
Some rule suggestions (or rather, wishes) keep coming up, which are unsound. We collect them here.
{P \vs Q}
{\later P \vs \later Q}
{\later(P \vs Q)}
{\later P \vs \later Q}
Of course, the second rule implies the first, so let's focus on that.
Since implications work under $\later$, from $\later P$ we can get $\later \pvs{Q}$.
If we now try to prove $\pvs{\later Q}$, we will be unable to establish world satisfaction in the new world:
We have no choice but to use $\later \pvs{Q}$ at one step index below what we are operating on (because we have it under a $\later$).
We can easily get world satisfaction for that lower step-index (by downwards-closedness of step-indexed predicates).
We can, however, not make much use of the world satisfaction that we get out, becaase it is one step-index too low.
The adequacy statement reads as follows:
&\All \mask, \expr, \val, \pred, i, \state, \state', \tpool'.
\\&( \proves \hoare{\ownPhys\state}{\expr}{x.\; \pred(x)}[\mask]) \implies
\\&\cfg{\state}{[i \mapsto \expr]} \step^\ast
\cfg{\state'}{[i \mapsto \val] \uplus \tpool'} \implies
where $\pred$ can mention neither resources nor invariants.
\subsection{Axiom lifting}\label{sec:lifting}
The following lemmas help in proving axioms for a particular language.
The first applies to expressions with side-effects, and the second to side-effect-free expressions.
\dave{Update the others, and the example, wrt the new treatment of $\predB$.}
&\All \expr, \state, \pred, \prop, \propB, \mask. \\
&\textlog{reducible}(e) \implies \\
&(\All \expr', \state'. \cfg{\state}{\expr} \step \cfg{\state'}{\expr'} \implies \pred(\expr', \state')) \implies \\
&{} \proves \bigl( (\All \expr', \state'. \pred (\expr', \state') \Ra \hoare{\prop}{\expr'}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask]) \Ra \hoare{ \later \prop * \ownPhys{\state} }{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask] \bigr) \\
&\All \expr, \pred, \prop, \propB, \mask. \\
&\textlog{reducible}(e) \implies \\
&(\All \state, \expr_2, \state_2. \cfg{\state}{\expr} \step \cfg{\state_2}{\expr_2} \implies \state_2 = \state \land \pred(\expr_2)) \implies \\
&{} \proves \bigl( (\All \expr'. \pred(\expr') \Ra \hoare{\prop}{\expr'}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask]) \Ra \hoare{\later\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask] \bigr)
Note that $\pred$ is a meta-logic predicate---it does not depend on any world or resources being owned.
The following specializations cover all cases of a heap-manipulating lambda calculus like $F_{\mu!}$.
&\All \expr, \expr', \prop, \propB, \mask. \\
&\textlog{reducible}(e) \implies \\
&(\All \state, \expr_2, \state_2. \cfg{\state}{\expr} \step \cfg{\state_2}{\expr_2} \implies \state_2 = \state \land \expr_2 = \expr') \implies \\
&{} \proves (\hoare{\prop}{\expr'}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask] \Ra \hoare{\later\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val. \propB}[\mask] ) \\
\quad \\
&\All \expr, \state, \pred, \mask. \\
&\textlog{atomic}(e) \implies \\
&\bigl(\All \expr_2, \state_2. \cfg{\state}{\expr} \step \cfg{\state_2}{\expr_2} \implies \pred(\expr_2, \state_2)\bigr) \implies \\
&{} \proves (\hoare{ \ownPhys{\state} }{\expr}{\Ret\val. \Exists\state'. \ownPhys{\state'} \land \pred(\val, \state') }[\mask] )
The first is restricted to deterministic pure reductions, like $\beta$-reduction.
The second is suited to proving triples for (possibly non-deterministic) atomic expressions; for example, with $\expr \eqdef \;!\ell$ (dereferencing $\ell$) and $\state \eqdef h \mtimes \ell \mapsto \valB$ and $\pred(\val, \state') \eqdef \state' = (h \mtimes \ell \mapsto \valB) \land \val = \valB$, one obtains the axiom $\All h, \ell, \valB. \hoare{\ownPhys{h \mtimes \ell \mapsto \valB}}{!\ell}{\Ret\val. \val = \valB \land \ownPhys{h \mtimes \ell \mapsto \valB} }$.
%Axioms for CAS-like operations can be obtained by first deriving rules for the two possible cases, and then using the disjunction rule.
\section{Derived constructions} \section{Derived constructions}
In this section we describe some constructions that we will use throughout the rest of the appendix. In this section we describe some constructions that we will use throughout the rest of the appendix.
...@@ -30,10 +30,9 @@ ...@@ -30,10 +30,9 @@
\input{algebra} \input{algebra}
\endgroup\clearpage\begingroup \endgroup\clearpage\begingroup
\input{constructions} \input{constructions}
% temporarily disabled, to generate the Iris 2.0 appendix \endgroup\clearpage\begingroup
%\endgroup\clearpage\begingroup \input{logic}
%\input{logic} \endgroup\clearpage\begingroup
%\input{model} %\input{model}
%\endgroup\clearpage\begingroup %\endgroup\clearpage\begingroup
%\input{derived} %\input{derived}
This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ ...@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
\newcommand{\ALT}{\ |\ } \newcommand{\ALT}{\ |\ }
\newcommand{\upclose}{\mathord{\uparrow}} \newcommand{\upclose}{\mathord{\uparrow}}
...@@ -198,31 +199,7 @@ ...@@ -198,31 +199,7 @@
\end{tabu}% \end{tabu}%
} }
\newcommand{\Func}{F} % functor
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
...@@ -262,6 +239,36 @@ ...@@ -262,6 +239,36 @@
\newcommand{\PropDom}{\textdom{Prop}} \newcommand{\PropDom}{\textdom{Prop}}
\newcommand{\PredDom}{\textdom{Pred}} \newcommand{\PredDom}{\textdom{Pred}}
\newcommand{\COFEs}{\mathcal{U}} % category of COFEs
\newcommand{\CMRAs}{\mathcal{R}} % category of CMRAs
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
...@@ -272,7 +279,10 @@ ...@@ -272,7 +279,10 @@
\newcommand{\Sig}{\mathcal{S}} \newcommand{\Sig}{\mathcal{S}}
\newcommand{\SigType}{\mathcal{T}} \newcommand{\SigType}{\mathcal{T}}
\newcommand{\SigFn}{\mathcal{F}} \newcommand{\SigFn}{\mathcal{F}}
\newcommand{\sigfn}{F} \newcommand{\sigfn}{F}
\newcommand{\type}{\tau} \newcommand{\type}{\tau}
...@@ -284,8 +294,6 @@ ...@@ -284,8 +294,6 @@
\newcommand{\termB}{u} \newcommand{\termB}{u}
\newcommand{\termVal}{V} \newcommand{\termVal}{V}
\newcommand{\vctx}{\Gamma} \newcommand{\vctx}{\Gamma}
\newcommand{\pfctx}{\Theta} \newcommand{\pfctx}{\Theta}
...@@ -425,7 +433,11 @@ ...@@ -425,7 +433,11 @@
\newcommand{\state}{\sigma} \newcommand{\state}{\sigma}
\newcommand{\step}{\ra} \newcommand{\step}{\ra}
\newcommand{\ectx}{K} \newcommand{\toval}{\mathit{val}}
\newcommand{\tpool}{T} \newcommand{\tpool}{T}
\newcommand{\cfg}[2]{{#1};{#2}} \newcommand{\cfg}[2]{{#1};{#2}}
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