The idea behind the \emph{boxes} is to have an proposition $\prop$ that is actually split into a number of pieces, each of which can be taken out and back in separately.
The idea behind the \emph{boxes} is to have a proposition $\prop$ that is actually split into a number of pieces, each of which can be taken out and back in separately.
In some sense, this is a replacement for having an ``authoritative PCM of Iris propositions itself''.
It is similar to the pattern involving saved propositions that was used for the barrier~\cite{iris2}, but more complicated because there are some operations that we want to perform without a later.
Roughly, the idea is that a \emph{box} is a container for an proposition $\prop$.
Roughly, the idea is that a \emph{box} is a container for a proposition $\prop$.
A box consists of a bunch of \emph{slices} which decompose $\prop$ into a separating conjunction of the propositions $\propB_\sname$ governed by the individual slices.
Each slice is either \emph{full} (it right now contains $\propB_\sname$), or \emph{empty} (it does not contain anything currently).
The proposition governing the box keeps track of the state of all the slices that make up the box.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ We assume to have the following four cameras available:
The last two are the tokens used for managing invariants, $\textdom{Inv}$ is the monoid used to manage the invariants themselves.
We assume that at the beginning of the verification, instances named $\gname_{\textdom{State}}$, $\gname_{\textdom{Inv}}$, $\gname_{\textdom{En}}$ and $\gname_{\textdom{Dis}}$ of these cameras have been created, such that these names are globally known.
We assume that at the beginning of the verification, instances named $\gname_{\textdom{Inv}}$, $\gname_{\textdom{En}}$ and $\gname_{\textdom{Dis}}$ of these cameras have been created, such that these names are globally known.
\paragraph{World Satisfaction.}
We can now define the proposition $W$ (\emph{world satisfaction}) which ensures that the enabled invariants are actually maintained: