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Commit 48ccc290 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Preliminary version of tactics for automatically applying wp rules.

parent 332f96de
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...@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ program_logic/auth.v ...@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ program_logic/auth.v
program_logic/sts.v program_logic/sts.v
heap_lang/heap_lang.v heap_lang/heap_lang.v
heap_lang/tactics.v heap_lang/tactics.v
heap_lang/lifting.v heap_lang/lifting.v
heap_lang/derived.v heap_lang/derived.v
heap_lang/heap.v heap_lang/heap.v
(** This file is essentially a bunch of testcases. *) (** This file is essentially a bunch of testcases. *)
From program_logic Require Import ownership. From program_logic Require Import ownership.
From heap_lang Require Import substitution tactics heap notation. From heap_lang Require Import wp_tactics heap notation.
Import uPred. Import uPred.
Section LangTests. Section LangTests.
...@@ -62,48 +62,31 @@ Section LiftingTests. ...@@ -62,48 +62,31 @@ Section LiftingTests.
revert n1; apply löb_all_1=>n1. revert n1; apply löb_all_1=>n1.
rewrite (comm uPred_and ( _)%I) assoc; apply const_elim_r=>?. rewrite (comm uPred_and ( _)%I) assoc; apply const_elim_r=>?.
(* first need to do the rec to get a later *) (* first need to do the rec to get a later *)
rewrite -(wp_bindi (AppLCtx _)) /=. wp_rec!.
rewrite -wp_rec // =>-/=; rewrite -wp_value //=.
(* FIXME: ssr rewrite fails with "Error: _pattern_value_ is used in conclusion." *) (* FIXME: ssr rewrite fails with "Error: _pattern_value_ is used in conclusion." *)
rewrite ->(later_intro (Q _)). rewrite ->(later_intro (Q _)); rewrite -!later_and; apply later_mono.
rewrite -!later_and; apply later_mono. wp_rec. wp_bin_op. wp_rec. wp_bin_op=> ?.
(* Go on *) - wp_if. rewrite (forall_elim (n1 + 1)) const_equiv; last omega.
rewrite -wp_let //= -later_intro.
rewrite -(wp_bindi (LetCtx _ _)) -wp_bin_op //= -wp_let' //= -!later_intro.
rewrite -(wp_bindi (IfCtx _ _)) /=.
apply wp_lt=> ?.
- rewrite -wp_if_true -!later_intro.
rewrite (forall_elim (n1 + 1)) const_equiv; last omega.
by rewrite left_id impl_elim_l. by rewrite left_id impl_elim_l.
- assert (n1 = n2 - 1) as -> by omega. - assert (n1 = n2 - 1) as -> by omega.
rewrite -wp_if_false -!later_intro. wp_if. wp_value. auto with I.
by rewrite -wp_value // and_elim_r.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma Pred_spec n E Q : Q (LitV (n - 1)) wp E (Pred 'n)%L Q. Lemma Pred_spec n E Q : Q (LitV (n - 1)) wp E (Pred 'n)%L Q.
Proof. Proof.
rewrite -wp_lam //=. wp_rec!; apply later_mono; wp_bin_op=> ?.
rewrite -(wp_bindi (IfCtx _ _)) /=. - wp_if. wp_un_op. wp_bin_op.
apply later_mono, wp_le=> Hn. wp_focus (FindPred _ _); rewrite -FindPred_spec.
- rewrite -wp_if_true. apply and_intro; first auto with I omega.
rewrite -(wp_bindi (UnOpCtx _)) /=. wp_un_op. by replace (n - 1) with (- (-n + 2 - 1)) by omega.
rewrite -(wp_bind [AppLCtx _; AppRCtx _]) /=. - wp_if. rewrite -FindPred_spec. auto with I omega.
rewrite -(wp_bindi (BinOpLCtx _ _)) /=.
rewrite -wp_un_op //=.
rewrite -wp_bin_op //= -!later_intro.
rewrite -FindPred_spec. apply and_intro; first by (apply const_intro; omega).
rewrite -wp_un_op //= -later_intro.
by assert (n - 1 = - (- n + 2 - 1)) as -> by omega.
- rewrite -wp_if_false -!later_intro.
rewrite -FindPred_spec.
auto using and_intro, const_intro with omega.
Qed. Qed.
Goal E, Goal E,
True wp (Σ:=globalF Σ) E (let: "x" := Pred '42 in Pred "x") (λ v, v = '40). True wp (Σ:=globalF Σ) E (let: "x" := Pred '42 in Pred "x") (λ v, v = '40).
Proof. Proof.
intros E. intros E.
rewrite -(wp_bindi (LetCtx _ _)) -Pred_spec //= -wp_let' //=. wp_focus (Pred '42); rewrite -Pred_spec -later_intro.
by rewrite -Pred_spec -!later_intro /=. wp_rec. rewrite -Pred_spec -later_intro; auto with I.
Qed. Qed.
End LiftingTests. End LiftingTests.
From heap_lang Require Export tactics substitution.
Import uPred.
Ltac wp_strip_later :=
match goal with
| |- _, _ => let H := fresh in intro H; wp_strip_later; revert H
| |- _ _ => etransitivity; [|apply later_intro]
Ltac wp_bind K :=
lazymatch eval hnf in K with
| [] => idtac
| _ => etransitivity; [|apply (wp_bind K)]; simpl
Tactic Notation "wp_value" :=
match goal with
| |- _ wp ?E ?e ?Q => etransitivity; [|by eapply wp_value]; simpl
Tactic Notation "wp_rec" "!" :=
repeat wp_value;
match goal with
| |- _ wp ?E ?e ?Q => reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e' =>
match eval cbv in e' with
| App (Rec _ _ _) _ => wp_bind K; etransitivity; [|by eapply wp_rec]; simpl
Tactic Notation "wp_rec" := wp_rec!; wp_strip_later.
Tactic Notation "wp_bin_op" "!" :=
repeat wp_value;
match goal with
| |- _ wp ?E ?e ?Q => reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e' =>
match eval cbv in e' with
| BinOp LtOp _ _ => wp_bind K; apply wp_lt; [|]
| BinOp LeOp _ _ => wp_bind K; apply wp_le; [|]
| BinOp EqOp _ _ => wp_bind K; apply wp_eq; [|]
| BinOp _ _ _ => wp_bind K; etransitivity; [|by eapply wp_bin_op]; simpl
Tactic Notation "wp_bin_op" := wp_bin_op!; wp_strip_later.
Tactic Notation "wp_un_op" "!" :=
repeat wp_value;
match goal with
| |- _ wp ?E ?e ?Q => reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e' =>
match eval cbv in e' with
| UnOp _ _ => wp_bind K; etransitivity; [|by eapply wp_un_op]; simpl
Tactic Notation "wp_un_op" := wp_un_op!; wp_strip_later.
Tactic Notation "wp_if" "!" :=
repeat wp_value;
match goal with
| |- _ wp ?E ?e ?Q => reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e' =>
match eval cbv in e' with
| If _ _ _ =>
wp_bind K; etransitivity; [|by apply wp_if_true || by apply wp_if_false]
Tactic Notation "wp_if" := wp_if!; wp_strip_later.
Tactic Notation "wp_focus" open_constr(efoc) :=
match goal with
| |- _ wp ?E ?e ?Q => reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e' =>
match e' with efoc => unify e' efoc; wp_bind K end)
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