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Commit 0dfb3b34 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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use 'MIEnvTransform IntoLaterable' for iAuIntro

parent 6edb48ba
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......@@ -438,19 +438,45 @@ Section lemmas.
End lemmas.
(** ProofMode support for atomic updates *)
(** ProofMode support for atomic updates. *)
Section proof_mode.
Context `{BiFUpd PROP} {TA TB : tele}.
Implicit Types (α : TA PROP) (β Φ : TA TB PROP) (P : PROP).
Lemma tac_aupd_intro Γp Γs n α β Eo Ei Φ P :
Timeless (PROP:=PROP) emp
(** We'd like to use the [iModIntro] machinery to transform the context into
smoething all-laterable, but we cannot actually use [iModIntro] on
[make_laterable]for that since we need to first make the context laterable,
then apply coinduction, and then introduce the modality (the last two steps
happen inside [aupd_intro]). We instead we define a dummy modality that also
uses [MIEnvTransform IntoLaterable] and use that to pre-process the goal. *)
Local Definition make_laterable_id (P : PROP) := P.
Local Lemma modality_make_laterable_id_mixin :
modality_mixin make_laterable_id MIEnvId (MIEnvTransform IntoLaterable).
split; simpl; eauto.
- intros P Q ?. rewrite (into_laterable P). done.
Local Definition modality_make_laterable_id :=
Modality _ modality_make_laterable_id_mixin.
Global Instance from_modal_make_laterable P :
FromModal True modality_make_laterable_id (make_laterable_id P) (make_laterable_id P) P.
Proof. by rewrite /FromModal. Qed.
Local Lemma make_laterable_id_elim P :
make_laterable_id P -∗ P.
Proof. done. Qed.
(** We need PROP to be affine as otherwise [emp] is not [Laterable]. *)
Lemma tac_aupd_intro `{!BiAffine PROP} Γp Γs n α β Eo Ei Φ P :
TCForall Laterable (env_to_list Γs)
P = env_to_prop Γs
envs_entails (Envs Γp Γs n) (atomic_acc Eo Ei α P β Φ)
envs_entails (Envs Γp Γs n) (atomic_update Eo Ei α β Φ).
intros ? HΓs ->. rewrite envs_entails_eq of_envs_eq' /atomic_acc /=.
intros HΓs ->. rewrite envs_entails_eq of_envs_eq' /atomic_acc /=.
setoid_rewrite env_to_prop_sound =>HAU.
apply aupd_intro; [apply _..|]. done.
......@@ -458,10 +484,13 @@ End proof_mode.
(** * Now the coq-level tactics *)
(** This tactic makes the context laterable. *)
Local Ltac iMakeLaterable :=
iApply make_laterable_id_elim; iModIntro.
Tactic Notation "iAuIntro" :=
iStartProof; eapply tac_aupd_intro; [
iSolveTC || fail "iAuIntro: emp is not timeless"
| iSolveTC || fail "iAuIntro: not all spatial assumptions are laterable"
iMakeLaterable; eapply tac_aupd_intro; [
iSolveTC || fail "bug in iMakeLaterable: context not laterable"
| (* P = ...: make the P pretty *) pm_reflexivity
| (* the new proof mode goal *) ].
......@@ -477,4 +506,4 @@ Tactic Notation "iAaccIntro" "with" constr(sel) :=
(* From here on, prevent TC search from implicitly unfolding these. *)
Typeclasses Opaque atomic_acc atomic_update.
Typeclasses Opaque atomic_acc atomic_update make_laterable_id.
......@@ -14,10 +14,32 @@
: string
The command has indeed failed with message:
Tactic failure: iAuIntro: not all spatial assumptions are laterable.
The command has indeed failed with message:
Tactic failure: iAuIntro: not all spatial assumptions are laterable.
1 goal
Σ : gFunctors
heapGS0 : heapGS Σ
aheap : atomic_heap Σ
P : iProp Σ
l : loc
"HP" : ▷ P
AACC << ∀ (v : val) (q : dfrac), l ↦{q} v ABORT ▷ P >> @ ⊤, ∅
<< l ↦{q} v, COMM True >>
1 goal
Σ : gFunctors
heapGS0 : heapGS Σ
aheap : atomic_heap Σ
P : iProp Σ
l : loc
"HP" : ▷ P
AACC << ∀ (v : val) (q : dfrac), l ↦{q} v ABORT ▷ P >> @ ⊤, ∅
<< l ↦{q} v, COMM True >>
: string
1 goal
......@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ Section error.
Lemma non_laterable (P : iProp Σ) (l : loc) :
P -∗ WP !#l {{ _, True }}.
iIntros "HP". wp_apply load_spec. Fail iAuIntro.
iIntros "HP". wp_apply load_spec. iAuIntro. Show.
iIntros "HP". Fail awp_apply load_spec.
iIntros "HP". awp_apply load_spec. Show.
End error.
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