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Commit 4bf89e83 authored by Jacques-Henri Jourdan's avatar Jacques-Henri Jourdan
Browse files

Attempt at modeling closures. this does not work because of higher

order liftetime polymorphism in the ref::map function.
parent 842476ea
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......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ theories/typing/soundness.v
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From lrust.typing Require Import typing.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section defs.
Context `{typeG Σ}.
Fixpoint list_to_vec_tywflst {args} (WF : TyWfLst args) : TyWfLst (list_to_vec args) :=
match WF with
| tyl_wf_nil => tyl_wf_nil
| tyl_wf_cons ty tyl _ _ => tyl_wf_cons ty (list_to_vec tyl)
Existing Instance list_to_vec_tywflst.
Class FnOnce (args : list type) (F : type) `{!TyWfLst args, !TyWf F} : Type :=
{ Fn_output : type;
Fn_output_wf :> TyWf Fn_output;
call_once : val;
call_once_type :
typed_val call_once (fn (λ _ : (), FP_wf (F ::: list_to_vec args) Fn_output))
Class FnMut (args : list type) (F : type)
`{!TyWfLst args, !TyWf F, !FnOnce args F} : Type :=
{ call_mut : val;
call_mut_type :
typed_val call_mut (fn (λ α, FP_wf (&uniq{α} F ::: list_to_vec args) Fn_output))
Class Fn (args : list type) (F : type)
`{!TyWfLst args, !TyWf F, !FnOnce args F, !FnMut args F} : Type :=
{ call : val;
call_type :
typed_val call (fn (λ α, FP_wf (&shr{α} F ::: list_to_vec args) Fn_output))
End defs.
Arguments Fn_output {_ _ _} _ {_ _ _}.
Arguments call_once {_ _ _} _ {_ _ _}.
Arguments call_mut {_ _ _} _ {_ _ _ _}.
Arguments call {_ _ _} _ {_ _ _ _ _}.
(* FIXME : these instances should be defined for any number of
parameters, but the typeclass search for [Closed] is not able to
support variable number of parameters. *)
Program Instance FnOnce_shr_bor_0 `{typeG Σ} (α : lft) (F : type)
`{!TyWf F, !FnOnce [] F, !FnMut [] F, !Fn [] F} :
FnOnce [] (&shr{α}F) :=
{| Fn_output := Fn_output F;
call_once :=
funrec: <> ["x"] :=
let: "x'" := !"x" in
letalloc: "x''" <- "x'" in
let: "f" := call F in
letcall: "r" := "f" ["x''"]%E in
delete [ #1; "x"];; return: ["r"]
Next Obligation.
intros. iApply type_fn; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros "/= !#". iIntros ([] ϝ ret p).
inv_vec p=>x. simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letalloc_1; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_let; [by apply call_type|solve_typing|]. iIntros (fc). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letcall; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iApply type_delete; [solve_typing..|].
iApply type_jump; solve_typing.
Program Instance FnOnce_shr_bor_1 `{typeG Σ} (α : lft) (tyarg1 : type) (F : type)
`{!TyWfLst [tyarg1], !TyWf F, !FnOnce [tyarg1] F, !FnMut [tyarg1] F, !Fn [tyarg1] F} :
FnOnce [tyarg1] (&shr{α}F) :=
{ Fn_output := Fn_output F;
call_once :=
funrec: <> ["x"; "a1"] :=
let: "x'" := !"x" in
letalloc: "x''" <- "x'" in
let: "f" := call F in
letcall: "r" := "f" ["x''"; "a1"]%E in
delete [ #1; "x"];; return: ["r"]
Next Obligation.
intros. iApply type_fn; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros "/= !#". iIntros ([] ϝ ret p).
inv_vec p=>x a1. simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letalloc_1; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_let; [by apply call_type|solve_typing|]. iIntros (fc). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letcall; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iApply type_delete; [solve_typing..|].
iApply type_jump; solve_typing.
Program Instance FnMut_shr_bor_0 `{typeG Σ} (α : lft) (F : type)
`{!TyWf F, !FnOnce [] F, !FnMut [] F, !Fn [] F} :
FnMut [] (&shr{α}F) :=
{ call_mut :=
funrec: <> ["x"] :=
let: "x'" := !"x" in
let: "x''" := !"x'" in
letalloc: "x'''" <- "x''" in
let: "f" := call F in
letcall: "r" := "f" ["x'''"]%E in
delete [ #1; "x"];; return: ["r"]
Next Obligation.
intros. iApply type_fn; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros "/= !#". iIntros (β ϝ ret p).
inv_vec p=>x. simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'). simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letalloc_1; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_let; [by apply call_type|solve_typing|]. iIntros (fc). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letcall; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iApply type_delete; [solve_typing..|].
iApply type_jump; solve_typing.
Program Instance FnMut_shr_bor_1 `{typeG Σ} (α : lft) (tyarg1 : type) (F : type)
`{!TyWfLst [tyarg1], !TyWf F, !FnOnce [tyarg1] F, !FnMut [tyarg1] F, !Fn [tyarg1] F} :
FnMut [tyarg1] (&shr{α}F) :=
{ call_mut :=
funrec: <> ["x"; "a1"] :=
let: "x'" := !"x" in
let: "x''" := !"x'" in
letalloc: "x'''" <- "x''" in
let: "f" := call F in
letcall: "r" := "f" ["x'''"; "a1"]%E in
delete [ #1; "x"];; return: ["r"]
Next Obligation.
intros. iApply type_fn; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros "/= !#". iIntros (β ϝ ret p).
inv_vec p=>x a1. simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'). simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letalloc_1; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_let; [by apply call_type|solve_typing|]. iIntros (fc). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letcall; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iApply type_delete; [solve_typing..|].
iApply type_jump; solve_typing.
Program Instance Fn_shr_bor_0 `{typeG Σ} (α : lft) (F : type)
`{!TyWf F, !FnOnce [] F, !FnMut [] F, !Fn [] F} :
Fn [] (&shr{α}F) :=
{ call :=
funrec: <> ["x"] :=
let: "x'" := !"x" in
let: "x''" := !"x'" in
letalloc: "x'''" <- "x''" in
let: "f" := call F in
letcall: "r" := "f" ["x'''"]%E in
delete [ #1; "x"];; return: ["r"]
Next Obligation.
intros. iApply type_fn; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros "/= !#". iIntros (β ϝ ret p).
inv_vec p=>x. simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'). simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letalloc_1; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_let; [by apply call_type|solve_typing|]. iIntros (fc). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letcall; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iApply type_delete; [solve_typing..|].
iApply type_jump; solve_typing.
Program Instance Fn_shr_bor_1 `{typeG Σ} (α : lft) (tyarg1 : type) (F : type)
`{!TyWfLst [tyarg1], !TyWf F, !FnOnce [tyarg1] F, !FnMut [tyarg1] F, !Fn [tyarg1] F} :
Fn [tyarg1] (&shr{α}F) :=
{ call :=
funrec: <> ["x";"a1"] :=
let: "x'" := !"x" in
let: "x''" := !"x'" in
letalloc: "x'''" <- "x''" in
let: "f" := call F in
letcall: "r" := "f" ["x'''";"a1"]%E in
delete [ #1; "x"];; return: ["r"]
Next Obligation.
intros. iApply type_fn; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros "/= !#". iIntros (β ϝ ret p).
inv_vec p=>x a1. simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'). simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letalloc_1; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_let; [by apply call_type|solve_typing|]. iIntros (fc). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letcall; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iApply type_delete; [solve_typing..|].
iApply type_jump; solve_typing.
Program Instance FnOnce_uniq_bor_0 `{typeG Σ} (α : lft) (F : type)
`{!TyWf F, !FnOnce [] F, !FnMut [] F} :
FnOnce [] (&uniq{α}F) :=
{ Fn_output := Fn_output F;
call_once :=
funrec: <> ["x"] :=
let: "x'" := !"x" in
letalloc: "x''" <- "x'" in
let: "f" := call_mut F in
letcall: "r" := "f" ["x''"]%E in
delete [ #1; "x"];; return: ["r"]
Next Obligation.
intros. iApply type_fn; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros "/= !#". iIntros ([] ϝ ret p).
inv_vec p=>x. simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letalloc_1; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_let; [by apply call_mut_type|solve_typing|]. iIntros (fc). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letcall; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iApply type_delete; [solve_typing..|].
iApply type_jump; solve_typing.
Program Instance FnOnce_uniq_bor_1 `{typeG Σ} (α : lft) (tyarg1 : type) (F : type)
`{!TyWfLst [tyarg1], !TyWf F, !FnOnce [tyarg1] F, !FnMut [tyarg1] F} :
FnOnce [tyarg1] (&uniq{α}F) :=
{ Fn_output := Fn_output F;
call_once :=
funrec: <> ["x";"a1"] :=
let: "x'" := !"x" in
letalloc: "x''" <- "x'" in
let: "f" := call_mut F in
letcall: "r" := "f" ["x''";"a1"]%E in
delete [ #1; "x"];; return: ["r"]
Next Obligation.
intros. iApply type_fn; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros "/= !#". iIntros ([] ϝ ret p).
inv_vec p=>x a1. simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letalloc_1; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_let; [by apply call_mut_type|solve_typing|]. iIntros (fc). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letcall; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iApply type_delete; [solve_typing..|].
iApply type_jump; solve_typing.
Program Instance FnMut_uniq_bor_0 `{typeG Σ} (α : lft) (F : type)
`{!TyWf F, !FnOnce [] F, !FnMut [] F} :
FnMut [] (&uniq{α}F) :=
{ call_mut :=
funrec: <> ["x"] :=
let: "x'" := !"x" in
let: "x''" := !"x'" in
letalloc: "x'''" <- "x''" in
let: "f" := call_mut F in
letcall: "r" := "f" ["x'''"]%E in
delete [ #1; "x"];; return: ["r"]
Next Obligation.
intros. iApply type_fn; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros "/= !#". iIntros (β ret ϝ p).
inv_vec p=>x. simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'). simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref_uniq_uniq; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letalloc_1; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_let; [by apply call_mut_type|solve_typing|]. iIntros (fc). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letcall; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iApply type_delete; [solve_typing..|].
iApply type_jump; solve_typing.
Program Instance FnMut_uniq_bor_1 `{typeG Σ} (α : lft) (tyarg1 : type) (F : type)
`{!TyWfLst [tyarg1], !TyWf F, !FnOnce [tyarg1] F, !FnMut [tyarg1] F} :
FnMut [tyarg1] (&uniq{α}F) :=
{ call_mut :=
funrec: <> ["x";"a1"] :=
let: "x'" := !"x" in
let: "x''" := !"x'" in
letalloc: "x'''" <- "x''" in
let: "f" := call_mut F in
letcall: "r" := "f" ["x'''";"a1"]%E in
delete [ #1; "x"];; return: ["r"]
Next Obligation.
intros. iApply type_fn; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros "/= !#". iIntros (β ret ϝ p).
inv_vec p=>x a1. simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'). simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref_uniq_uniq; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letalloc_1; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (x'''). simpl_subst.
iApply type_let; [by apply call_mut_type|solve_typing|]. iIntros (fc). simpl_subst.
iApply type_letcall; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iApply type_delete; [solve_typing..|].
iApply type_jump; solve_typing.
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ From iris.algebra Require Import auth csum frac agree.
From iris.base_logic Require Import big_op fractional.
From lrust.lifetime Require Import lifetime na_borrow.
From lrust.typing Require Import typing.
From lrust.typing.lib Require Import closures.
From lrust.typing.lib.refcell Require Import refcell ref.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
......@@ -204,27 +205,25 @@ Section ref_functions.
(* Apply a function within the ref, typically for accessing a component. *)
Definition ref_map : val :=
funrec: <> ["ref"; "f"; "env"] :=
let: "f'" := !"f" in
Definition ref_map F ty `{!TyWf F, !TyWf ty, !∀ α, FnOnce [&uniq{α}ty]%T F} : val :=
funrec: <> ["ref"; "env"] :=
let: "f" := call_once F in
let: "x'" := !"ref" in
letalloc: "x" <- "x'" in
letcall: "r" := "f'" ["env"; "x"]%E in
letcall: "r" := "f" ["env"; "x"]%E in
let: "r'" := !"r" in delete [ #1; "r"];;
"ref" <- "r'";;
delete [ #1; "f"];; return: ["ref"].
return: ["ref"].
Lemma ref_map_type ty1 ty2 envty `{!TyWf ty1, !TyWf ty2, !TyWf envty} :
typed_val ref_map
(fn( β, ; ref β ty1, fn( α, ; envty, &shr{α}ty1) &shr{α}ty2, envty)
ref β ty2).
Lemma ref_map_type F ty `{!TyWf F, !TyWf ty, !FnOnce [ty] F} :
typed_val (ref_map F ty) (fn( β, ; ref β ty, F) ref β (Fn_output F)).
intros. iApply type_fn; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros "/= !#". iIntros (α ϝ ret arg).
inv_vec arg=>ref f env. simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (f'). simpl_subst.
iApply (type_newlft [ϝ]). iIntros (κ tid) "#LFT #HE Hna HL Hk (Hf & #Hf' & Href & Henv)".
inv_vec arg=>ref env. simpl_subst.
iApply type_let; [apply call_once_type|solve_typing..|]. iIntros (f). simpl_subst.
iApply (type_newlft [ϝ]). iIntros (κ tid) "#LFT #HE Hna HL Hk (Hf & Href & Henv)".
rewrite (tctx_hasty_val _ ref). destruct ref as [[|lref|]|]; try done.
iDestruct "Href" as "[Href Href†]".
iDestruct "Href" as ([|[[|lv|]|][|[[|lrc|]|][]]]) "Href";
......@@ -244,9 +243,8 @@ Section ref_functions.
{ iApply (lft_incl_glb with "Hκα"). iApply (frac_bor_lft_incl with "LFT").
iApply (bor_fracture with "LFT [> -]"); first done. rewrite /= Qp_mult_1_r //. }
iApply (type_type ((κ α ν) :: (α ν α) :: _)%EL _
[k cont(_, λ x:vec val 1, [ x!!!0 box (&shr{α ν}ty2)])]%CC
[ f' fn( α, ; envty, &shr{α}ty1) &shr{α}ty2;
#lx box (&shr{α ν}ty1); env box envty ]%TC
[k cont(_, λ x:vec val 1, [ x!!!0 box (&shr{α ν}(Fn_output F))])]%CC
[ f fn(; F, ty) Fn_output F; #lx box (&shr{α ν}ty); env box F ]%TC
with "[] LFT [] Hna HL [-H† Hlx Henv]"); swap 1 2; swap 3 4.
{ iSplitL; last iSplitL; [done|iApply lft_intersect_incl_l|iApply "HE"]. }
{ iApply (type_call (α ν)); solve_typing. }
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ From iris.base_logic Require Import big_op.
From lrust.lang Require Import spawn.
From lrust.typing Require Export type.
From lrust.typing Require Import typing.
From lrust.typing.lib Require Import closures.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Definition spawnN := lrustN .@ "spawn".
......@@ -61,54 +62,40 @@ End join_handle.
Section spawn.
Context `{!typeG Σ, !spawnG Σ}.
Definition spawn : val :=
funrec: <> ["f"; "env"] :=
let: "f'" := !"f" in
Definition spawn F `{!TyWf F, !FnOnce [] F} : val :=
funrec: <> ["env"] :=
let: "join" := spawn [λ: ["c"],
letcall: "r" := "f'" ["env":expr] in
let: "f" := call_once F in
letcall: "r" := "f" ["env":expr] in
finish ["c"; "r"]] in
letalloc: "r" <- "join" in
delete [ #1; "f"];; return: ["r"].
return: ["r"].
Lemma spawn_type envty retty `{!TyWf envty, !TyWf retty}
`(!Send envty, !Send retty) :
let E ϝ := envty.(ty_outlives_E) static ++ retty.(ty_outlives_E) static in
typed_val spawn (fn(E; fn(; envty) retty, envty) join_handle retty).
Lemma spawn_type F `{!TyWf F, !FnOnce [] F} `(!Send F, !Send (Fn_output F)) :
let E ϝ := F.(ty_outlives_E) static ++ (Fn_output F).(ty_outlives_E) static in
typed_val (spawn F) (fn(E; F) join_handle (Fn_output F)).
Proof. (* FIXME: typed_instruction_ty is not used for printing. *)
intros. iApply type_fn; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros "/= !#".
iIntros (_ ϝ ret arg). inv_vec arg=>f env. simpl_subst.
iApply type_deref; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (f'). simpl_subst.
iApply (type_let _ _ _ _ ([f' _; env _]%TC)
(λ j, [j join_handle retty]%TC)); try solve_typing; [|].
iIntros (_ ϝ ret arg). inv_vec arg=>x. simpl_subst.
iApply (type_let _ _ _ _ ([x _]%TC)
(λ j, [j join_handle (Fn_output F)]%TC)); try solve_typing; [|].
{ (* The core of the proof: showing that spawn is safe. *)
iIntros (tid) "#LFT #HE $ $".
rewrite tctx_interp_cons tctx_interp_singleton.
iIntros "[Hf' Henv]". iApply (spawn_spec _ (join_inv tid retty) with "[-]");
first solve_to_val; last first; last simpl_subst.
iIntros (tid) "#LFT #HE $ $". rewrite tctx_interp_singleton. iIntros "Hx".
iApply (spawn_spec _ (join_inv tid (Fn_output F)) with "[-]");
first solve_to_val; last first; last simpl_subst.
{ iIntros "!> *". rewrite tctx_interp_singleton tctx_hasty_val.
iIntros "?". iExists retty. iFrame. iApply type_incl_refl. }
iIntros (c) "Hfin". iMod na_alloc as (tid') "Htl". wp_let. wp_let.
(* FIXME this is horrible. *)
refine (let Hcall := type_call' _ [] [] f' [] [env:expr]
(λ _:(), FP_wf [# envty] retty) in _).
specialize (Hcall (rec: "_k" ["r"] := finish [ #c; "r"])%V ()).
erewrite of_val_unlock in Hcall; last done.
iApply (Hcall with "LFT HE Htl [] [Hfin]").
- constructor.
- solve_typing.
- rewrite /llctx_interp big_sepL_nil. done.
- rewrite /cctx_interp. iIntros "* Hin".
iDestruct "Hin" as %Hin%elem_of_list_singleton. subst x.
rewrite /cctx_elt_interp. iIntros "* ?? Hret". inv_vec args=>arg /=.
wp_rec. iApply (finish_spec with "[$Hfin Hret]"); last auto.
rewrite tctx_interp_singleton tctx_hasty_val. by iApply @send_change_tid.
- rewrite tctx_interp_cons tctx_interp_singleton. iSplitL "Hf'".
+ rewrite !tctx_hasty_val. by iApply @send_change_tid.
+ rewrite !tctx_hasty_val. by iApply @send_change_tid. }
iIntros "?". iExists _. iFrame. iApply type_incl_refl. }
iIntros (c) "Hfin". iMod na_alloc as (tid') "Htl". wp_let.
iApply (type_type _ [] [] [x box F]%TC with "[Hfin] LFT HE Htl").
- iApply type_let; [apply call_once_type|solve_typing|]. iIntros (f). simpl_subst.
iApply (type_letcall ()); [solve_typing..|]. simpl. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iIntros (tid'') "_ _ _ _ _ [Hr _]". rewrite tctx_hasty_val.
iApply (finish_spec with "[$Hfin Hr]"); last by auto. by iApply @send_change_tid.
- by rewrite /llctx_interp.
- by iApply cctx_interp_nil.
- rewrite tctx_interp_singleton !tctx_hasty_val. by iApply @send_change_tid. }
iIntros (v). simpl_subst.
iApply type_new; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iApply type_assign; [solve_typing..|].
iApply type_delete; [solve_typing..|].
iApply type_letalloc_1; [solve_typing..|]. iIntros (r). simpl_subst.
iApply type_jump; solve_typing.
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