diff --git a/tests/telescopes.v b/tests/telescopes.v index 416d29c8c4cf62c022bbd3934b4968d3e42f89d9..30027fb50e9ffd257f7fbcecc56e045edb17568c 100644 --- a/tests/telescopes.v +++ b/tests/telescopes.v @@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ From stdpp Require Import tactics telescopes. Local Unset Mangle Names. (* for stable goal printing *) +(** This test would fail without [Unset Universe Minimization ToSet] in [telescopes.v]. *) +Lemma texist_exist_universes (X : Type) (P : TeleS (λ _ : X, TeleO) → Prop) : + texist P ↔ ex P. +Proof. by rewrite texist_exist. Qed. + Section accessor. (* This is like Iris' accessors, but in Prop. Just to play with telescopes. *) Definition accessor {X : tele} (α β γ : X → Prop) : Prop := @@ -48,11 +53,6 @@ is essentially just a (dependent) product. *) Definition no_bump@{u} (t : tele@{u}) : Type@{u} := tele_arg@{u} t. -(** This test would fail without [Unset Universe Minimization ToSet] in [telescopes.v]. *) -Lemma texist_exist_universes (X : Type) (P : TeleS (λ _ : X, TeleO) → Prop) : - texist P ↔ ex P. -Proof. by rewrite texist_exist. Qed. - (** [tele_arg ..] notation tests. These tests mainly test type annotations and casts in the [tele_arg] notations.