From 73c7d80adbbe8cbb77b631acb5318e1e020ad4ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Paolo G. Giarrusso" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 15:31:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Split well_founded.v out of relations.v

No changes to the contents.
 _CoqProject             |  1 +
 theories/relations.v    | 57 +----------------------------------------
 theories/well_founded.v | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 theories/well_founded.v

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 6ea277df..78d8e4df 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ theories/countable.v
diff --git a/theories/relations.v b/theories/relations.v
index f6093bc9..34033178 100644
--- a/theories/relations.v
+++ b/theories/relations.v
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 (** This file collects definitions and theorems on abstract rewriting systems.
 These are particularly useful as we define the operational semantics as a
 small step semantics. *)
-From stdpp Require Export sets.
+From stdpp Require Export sets well_founded.
 From stdpp Require Import options.
 (** * Definitions *)
@@ -525,58 +525,3 @@ Section subrel.
   Lemma rtc_subrel x y : subrel → rtc R1 x y → rtc R2 x y.
   Proof. induction 2; [by apply rtc_refl|]. eapply rtc_l; eauto. Qed.
 End subrel.
-(** * Theorems on well founded relations *)
-Lemma Acc_impl {A} (R1 R2 : relation A) x :
-  Acc R1 x → (∀ y1 y2, R2 y1 y2 → R1 y1 y2) → Acc R2 x.
-Proof. induction 1; constructor; naive_solver. Qed.
-Notation wf := well_founded.
-(** The function [wf_guard n wfR] adds [2 ^ n - 1] times an [Acc_intro]
-constructor ahead of the [wfR] proof. This definition can be used to make
-opaque [wf] proofs "compute". For big enough [n], say [32], computation will
-reach implementation limits before running into the opaque [wf] proof.
-This trick is originally due to Georges Gonthier, see
- *)
-Definition wf_guard `{R : relation A} (n : nat) (wfR : wf R) : wf R :=
-  Acc_intro_generator n wfR.
-(* Generally we do not want [wf_guard] to be expanded (neither by tactics,
-nor by conversion tests in the kernel), but in some cases we do need it for
-computation (that is, we cannot make it opaque). We use the [Strategy]
-command to make its expanding behavior less eager. *)
-Strategy 100 [wf_guard].
-Lemma wf_projected `{R1 : relation A} `(R2 : relation B) (f : A → B) :
-  (∀ x y, R1 x y → R2 (f x) (f y)) →
-  wf R2 → wf R1.
-  intros Hf Hwf.
-  cut (∀ y, Acc R2 y → ∀ x, y = f x → Acc R1 x).
-  { intros aux x. apply (aux (f x)); auto. }
-  induction 1 as [y _ IH]. intros x ?. subst.
-  constructor. intros y ?. apply (IH (f y)); auto.
-Lemma Fix_F_proper `{R : relation A} (B : A → Type) (E : ∀ x, relation (B x))
-    (F : ∀ x, (∀ y, R y x → B y) → B x)
-    (HF : ∀ (x : A) (f g : ∀ y, R y x → B y),
-      (∀ y Hy Hy', E _ (f y Hy) (g y Hy')) → E _ (F x f) (F x g))
-    (x : A) (acc1 acc2 : Acc R x) :
-  E _ (Fix_F B F acc1) (Fix_F B F acc2).
-Proof. revert x acc1 acc2. fix FIX 2. intros x [acc1] [acc2]; simpl; auto. Qed.
-Lemma Fix_unfold_rel `{R : relation A} (wfR : wf R) (B : A → Type) (E : ∀ x, relation (B x))
-    (F: ∀ x, (∀ y, R y x → B y) → B x)
-    (HF: ∀ (x: A) (f g: ∀ y, R y x → B y),
-           (∀ y Hy Hy', E _ (f y Hy) (g y Hy')) → E _ (F x f) (F x g))
-    (x: A) :
-  E _ (Fix wfR B F x) (F x (λ y _, Fix wfR B F y)).
-  unfold Fix.
-  destruct (wfR x); simpl.
-  apply HF; intros.
-  apply Fix_F_proper; auto.
diff --git a/theories/well_founded.v b/theories/well_founded.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8eeac9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/well_founded.v
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+(** * Theorems on well founded relations *)
+From stdpp Require Import base tactics.
+From stdpp Require Import options.
+Lemma Acc_impl {A} (R1 R2 : relation A) x :
+  Acc R1 x → (∀ y1 y2, R2 y1 y2 → R1 y1 y2) → Acc R2 x.
+Proof. induction 1; constructor; naive_solver. Qed.
+Notation wf := well_founded.
+(** The function [wf_guard n wfR] adds [2 ^ n - 1] times an [Acc_intro]
+constructor ahead of the [wfR] proof. This definition can be used to make
+opaque [wf] proofs "compute". For big enough [n], say [32], computation will
+reach implementation limits before running into the opaque [wf] proof.
+This trick is originally due to Georges Gonthier, see
+ *)
+Definition wf_guard `{R : relation A} (n : nat) (wfR : wf R) : wf R :=
+  Acc_intro_generator n wfR.
+(* Generally we do not want [wf_guard] to be expanded (neither by tactics,
+nor by conversion tests in the kernel), but in some cases we do need it for
+computation (that is, we cannot make it opaque). We use the [Strategy]
+command to make its expanding behavior less eager. *)
+Strategy 100 [wf_guard].
+Lemma wf_projected `{R1 : relation A} `(R2 : relation B) (f : A → B) :
+  (∀ x y, R1 x y → R2 (f x) (f y)) →
+  wf R2 → wf R1.
+  intros Hf Hwf.
+  cut (∀ y, Acc R2 y → ∀ x, y = f x → Acc R1 x).
+  { intros aux x. apply (aux (f x)); auto. }
+  induction 1 as [y _ IH]. intros x ?. subst.
+  constructor. intros y ?. apply (IH (f y)); auto.
+Lemma Fix_F_proper `{R : relation A} (B : A → Type) (E : ∀ x, relation (B x))
+    (F : ∀ x, (∀ y, R y x → B y) → B x)
+    (HF : ∀ (x : A) (f g : ∀ y, R y x → B y),
+      (∀ y Hy Hy', E _ (f y Hy) (g y Hy')) → E _ (F x f) (F x g))
+    (x : A) (acc1 acc2 : Acc R x) :
+  E _ (Fix_F B F acc1) (Fix_F B F acc2).
+Proof. revert x acc1 acc2. fix FIX 2. intros x [acc1] [acc2]; simpl; auto. Qed.
+Lemma Fix_unfold_rel `{R : relation A} (wfR : wf R) (B : A → Type) (E : ∀ x, relation (B x))
+    (F: ∀ x, (∀ y, R y x → B y) → B x)
+    (HF: ∀ (x: A) (f g: ∀ y, R y x → B y),
+           (∀ y Hy Hy', E _ (f y Hy) (g y Hy')) → E _ (F x f) (F x g))
+    (x: A) :
+  E _ (Fix wfR B F x) (F x (λ y _, Fix wfR B F y)).
+  unfold Fix.
+  destruct (wfR x); simpl.
+  apply HF; intros.
+  apply Fix_F_proper; auto.