diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
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--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ theories/auth_excl.v
diff --git a/theories/encodable.v b/theories/encodable.v
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af190c15839f829fc6fd70f4d226eeb7323d899d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/encodable.v
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
+From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre.
+From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
+From osiris Require Import typing channel logrel.
+From iris.algebra Require Import list auth excl.
+From iris.base_logic Require Import invariants.
+Class Encodable A := encode : A -> val.
+Instance val_encodable : Encodable val := id.
+Instance int_encodable : Encodable Z := λ n, #n.
+Instance bool_encodable : Encodable bool := λ b, #b.
+Instance unit_encodable : Encodable unit := λ _, #().
+Instance loc_encodable : Encodable loc := λ l, #l.
+Class Decodable A := decode : val -> option A.
+Instance val_decodable : Decodable val := id $ Some.
+Instance int_decodable : Decodable Z :=
+  λ v, match v with
+       | LitV (LitInt z) => Some z
+       | _ => None
+       end.
+Instance bool_decodable : Decodable bool :=
+  λ v, match v with
+       | LitV (LitBool b) => Some b
+       | _ => None
+       end.
+Instance loc_decodable : Decodable loc :=
+  λ v, match v with
+       | LitV (LitLoc l) => Some l
+       | _ => None
+       end.
+Class EncDec (A : Type) {EA : Encodable A} {DA : Decodable A} :=
+  encdec : ∀ v, decode (encode v) = Some v;
+  decenc : ∀ (v : val) (w : A) , decode v = Some w -> encode w = v
+Ltac solve_encdec := intros v; by unfold decode, encode.
+Ltac solve_decenc :=
+  intros v w H;
+  destruct v as [l | | | | ]; try by inversion H;
+  destruct l; try by inversion H.
+Ltac solve_encdec_decenc :=
+  split; [solve_encdec | solve_decenc].
+Instance val_encdec : EncDec val.
+  split.
+  - intros v. unfold decode, encode. eauto.
+  - intros v w H. by destruct v; inversion H.
+Instance int_encdec : EncDec Z.
+Proof. solve_encdec_decenc. Qed.
+Instance bool_encdec : EncDec bool.
+Proof. solve_encdec_decenc. Qed.
+Instance loc_encdec : EncDec loc.
+Proof. solve_encdec_decenc. Qed.
+Lemma enc_dec {A : Type} `{ED : EncDec A}
+      v (w : A) : encode w = v <-> decode v = Some w.
+  split.
+  - intros.
+    rewrite -encdec.
+    rewrite -H.
+    reflexivity.
+  - intros.
+    apply decenc. eauto.
+Inductive stype' (A : Type) :=
+| TEnd'
+| TSR' {V : Type} {EV : Encodable V} {DV : Decodable V}
+       (a : action) (P : V → A) (st : V → stype' A).
+Arguments TEnd' {_}.
+Arguments TSR' {_ _ _ _} _ _ _.
+Instance: Params (@TSR') 4.
+Fixpoint dual_stype' {A} (st : stype' A) :=
+  match st with
+  | TEnd' => TEnd'
+  | TSR' a P st => TSR' (dual_action a) P (λ v, dual_stype' (st v))
+  end.
+Instance: Params (@dual_stype') 2.
+Arguments dual_stype : simpl never.
+Section Encodings.
+  Context `{!heapG Σ} (N : namespace).
+  Context `{!logrelG val Σ}.
+  Example ex_st : stype' (iProp Σ) :=
+    (TSR' Receive
+          (λ v', ⌜v' = 5⌝%I)
+          (λ v', TEnd')).
+  Example ex_st2 : stype' (iProp Σ) :=
+    TSR' Send
+         (λ b, ⌜b = true⌝%I)
+         (λ b,
+          (TSR' Receive
+              (λ v', ⌜(v' > 5) = b⌝%I)
+              (λ _, TEnd'))).
+  Fixpoint stype'_to_stype (st : stype' (iProp Σ)) : stype val (iProp Σ) :=
+    match st with
+    | TEnd' => TEnd
+    | TSR' a P st => TSR a
+                         (λ v, match decode v with
+                               | Some v => P v
+                               | None => False
+                               end%I)
+                         (λ v, match decode v with
+                               | Some v => stype'_to_stype (st v)
+                               | None => TEnd
+                               end)
+    end.
+  Global Instance: Params (@stype'_to_stype) 1.
+  Global Arguments stype'_to_stype : simpl never.
+  Lemma dual_stype'_comm st :
+    dual_stype (stype'_to_stype st) ≡ stype'_to_stype (dual_stype' st).
+  Proof. 
+    induction st.
+    - by simpl.
+    - unfold stype'_to_stype. simpl.
+      constructor.
+      + intros v. eauto.
+      + intros v. destruct (decode v); eauto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma dual_stype'_comm_eq st :
+    dual_stype (stype'_to_stype st) = stype'_to_stype (dual_stype' st).
+  Proof. Admitted.
+  Notation "⟦ c @ s : sτ ⟧{ γ }" := (interp_st N γ sτ c s)
+    (at level 10, s at next level, sτ at next level, γ at next level,
+     format "⟦  c  @  s  :  sτ  ⟧{ γ }").
+  Lemma new_chan_st_enc_spec st :
+    {{{ True }}}
+      new_chan #()
+    {{{ c γ, RET c;  ⟦ c @ Left : (stype'_to_stype st) ⟧{γ} ∗
+                     ⟦ c @ Right : (stype'_to_stype (dual_stype' st)) ⟧{γ} }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ _) "HΦ".
+    iApply (new_chan_st_spec). eauto.
+    iNext.
+    iIntros (c γ) "[Hl Hr]".
+    iApply "HΦ".
+    iFrame. 
+    rewrite dual_stype'_comm_eq.    
+    iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma send_st_enc_spec (A : Type) `{Encodable A} `{Decodable A} `{EncDec A}
+        st γ c s (P : A → iProp Σ) v w :
+    decode v = Some w →
+    {{{ P w ∗ ⟦ c @ s : (stype'_to_stype (TSR' Send P st)) ⟧{γ} }}}
+      send c #s v
+    {{{ RET #(); ⟦ c @ s : stype'_to_stype (st w) ⟧{γ} }}}.
+  Proof.
+    intros Henc.
+    iIntros (Φ) "[HP Hsend] HΦ".
+    iApply (send_st_spec with "[HP Hsend]").
+    simpl.
+    iFrame.
+    by destruct (decode v); inversion Henc.
+    iNext.
+    destruct (decode v); inversion Henc.
+    by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma recv_st_enc_spec (A : Type) `{EncDec A}
+        st γ c s (P : A → iProp Σ) :
+    {{{ ⟦ c @ s : (stype'_to_stype (TSR' Receive P st)) ⟧{γ} }}}
+      recv c #s
+    {{{ v w, RET v; ⟦ c @ s : stype'_to_stype (st w) ⟧{γ} ∗ P w ∗
+        ⌜encode w = v⌝ }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hrecv HΦ".
+    iApply (recv_st_spec with "Hrecv").
+    iNext. iIntros (v). iSpecialize ("HΦ" $!v).
+    iIntros "[H HP]".
+    iAssert ((∃ w, ⌜decode v = Some w⌝ ∗ P w)%I) with "[HP]" as (w Hw) "HP".
+    destruct (decode v). iExists a. by iFrame. iDestruct "HP" as %HP=>//.
+    assert (encode w = v). by apply decenc.
+    destruct (decode v); inversion Hw.
+    iApply "HΦ".
+    iFrame.
+    iPureIntro. eauto.
+  Qed.
+End Encodings.
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diff --git a/theories/encodings_examples.v b/theories/encodings_examples.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11a160f969ef6dcc2f1fcc8246db7cd88b074fcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/encodings_examples.v
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
+From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre.
+From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
+From osiris Require Import typing channel logrel.
+From iris.algebra Require Import list auth excl.
+From iris.base_logic Require Import invariants.
+From osiris Require Import encodable.
+Section Encodings_Examples.
+  Context `{!heapG Σ} {N : namespace}.
+  Context `{!logrelG val Σ}.
+  Definition seq_example : expr :=
+    (let: "c" := new_chan #() in
+     send "c" #Left #5;;
+     recv "c" #Right)%E.
+  Lemma seq_proof :
+    {{{ True }}} seq_example {{{ v, RET v; ⌜v = #5⌝ }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ H) "HΦ".
+    rewrite /seq_example.
+    wp_apply (new_chan_st_enc_spec N
+             (TSR' Send (λ v, ⌜v = 5⌝%I) (λ v, TEnd')))=> //.
+    iIntros (c γ) "[Hstl Hstr]"=> /=.
+    wp_apply (send_st_enc_spec N Z with "[Hstl]")=> //. by iFrame.
+    iIntros "Hstl".
+    wp_apply (recv_st_enc_spec N Z with "[Hstr]"). iFrame.
+    iIntros (v w) "[Hstr [HP Heq]]".
+    iApply "HΦ".
+    iDestruct "Heq" as %<-.
+    iDestruct "HP" as %->.    
+    eauto.
+  Qed.
+  Definition par_2_example : expr :=
+    (let: "c" := new_chan #() in
+     Fork(let: "v" := recv "c" #Right in send "c" #Right ("v"+#4));;
+     send "c" #Left #5;;recv "c" #Left)%E.
+  Lemma par_2_proof :
+    {{{ True }}}
+      par_2_example
+    {{{ (v:Z), RET #v; ⌜7 ≤ v⌝ }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ H) "HΦ".
+    rewrite /par_2_example.
+    wp_apply (new_chan_st_enc_spec N
+      (TSR' Send
+           (λ v:Z, ⌜5 ≤ v⌝%I)
+           (λ v:Z, TSR' Receive
+                     (λ v':Z, ⌜v+2 ≤ v'⌝%I)
+                     (λ v':Z, TEnd'))))=> //.
+    iIntros (c γ) "[Hstl Hstr]"=> /=.
+    wp_apply (wp_fork with "[Hstr]").
+    - iNext.
+      wp_apply (recv_st_enc_spec N Z with "[Hstr]"). by iFrame.
+      iIntros (v w) "[Hstr HP]".
+      iDestruct "HP" as %[HP <-].
+      wp_apply (send_st_enc_spec N Z with "[Hstr]")=> //.
+      iFrame; eauto 10 with iFrame.
+      iPureIntro. lia.
+      eauto.
+    - wp_apply (send_st_enc_spec N Z with "[Hstl]")=> //. by iFrame.
+      iIntros "Hstl".
+      wp_apply (recv_st_enc_spec N Z with "[Hstl]"). by iFrame.
+      iIntros (v w) "[Hstl HP]".
+      iDestruct "HP" as %[HP <-].
+      iApply "HΦ".
+      iPureIntro. lia.
+  Qed.
+  Definition heaplet_example : expr :=
+    (let: "c" := new_chan #() in
+     Fork(send "c" #Left (ref #5));;
+     !(recv "c" #Right))%E.
+  Lemma heaplet_proof :
+    {{{ True }}} heaplet_example {{{ v l, RET v; ⌜v = #5⌝ ∗ l ↦ v }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ H) "HΦ".
+    rewrite /heaplet_example.
+    wp_apply (new_chan_st_enc_spec N
+      (TSR' Send (λ v, (v ↦ #5)%I)
+                (λ v, TEnd')))=> //.
+    iIntros (c γ) "[Hstl Hstr]"=> /=.
+    wp_apply (wp_fork with "[Hstl]").
+    - iNext.
+      wp_apply (wp_alloc)=> //.
+      iIntros (l) "HP".
+      wp_apply (send_st_enc_spec N loc with "[Hstl HP]")=> //. by iFrame.
+      eauto.
+    - wp_apply (recv_st_enc_spec N loc with "[Hstr]"). iFrame.
+      iIntros (v w) "[Hstr HP]".
+      iDestruct "HP" as "[HP Henc]".
+      iDestruct "Henc" as %<-.
+      wp_load.
+      iApply "HΦ".
+      iFrame. eauto.
+  Qed.
+  Definition channel_example : expr :=
+    (let: "c" := new_chan #() in
+     Fork(
+         let: "c'" := new_chan #() in
+         send "c" #Left ("c'");; send "c'" #Left #5);;
+         let: "c'" := recv "c" #Right in
+         recv "c'" #Right
+    )%E.
+  Notation "⟦ c @ s : sτ ⟧{ γ }" := (interp_st N γ (stype'_to_stype sτ) c s)
+    (at level 10, s at next level, sτ at next level, γ at next level,
+     format "⟦  c  @  s  :  sτ  ⟧{ γ }").
+  Lemma channel_proof :
+    {{{ True }}} channel_example {{{ v, RET v; ⌜v = #5⌝ }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ H) "HΦ".
+    rewrite /channel_example.
+    wp_apply (new_chan_st_enc_spec N
+      (TSR' Send (λ v, ∃ γ, ⟦ v @ Right :
+        (TSR' Receive
+             (λ v, ⌜v = 5⌝)
+             (λ _, TEnd')) ⟧{γ})%I
+                (λ v, TEnd')))=> //.
+    iIntros (c γ) "[Hstl Hstr]"=> /=.
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_apply (wp_fork with "[Hstl]").
+    - iNext.
+      wp_apply (new_chan_st_enc_spec N
+        (TSR' Send (λ v, ⌜v = 5⌝%I) (λ v, TEnd')))=> //.
+      iIntros (c' γ') "[Hstl' Hstr']"=> /=.
+      wp_apply (send_st_enc_spec N val with "[Hstl Hstr']")=> //.
+      iFrame. iExists γ'. iFrame.
+      iIntros "Hstl".
+      wp_apply (send_st_enc_spec N Z with "[Hstl']")=> //.
+      iFrame. eauto. eauto.
+    - wp_apply (recv_st_enc_spec N val with "[Hstr]")=> //.
+      iIntros (v w) "[Hstr [Hstr' Henc]]".
+      iDestruct "Henc" as %<-.
+      iDestruct "Hstr'" as (γ') "Hstr'".
+      wp_apply (recv_st_enc_spec N Z with "[Hstr']")=> //.
+      iIntros (v' w') "[Hstr' [HP Henc]]".
+      iDestruct "Henc" as %<-.
+      iDestruct "HP" as %<-.
+      by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+End Encodings_Examples.
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