From 8df261cabfca799a18b176cbffca49d83a5710a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robbert Krebbers <> Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 10:35:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Bump Iris (sbi removal). --- opam | 2 +- theories/channel/channel.v | 10 +++++----- theories/channel/proto.v | 18 ++++++++++-------- theories/channel/proto_model.v | 16 ++++++++-------- 4 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/opam b/opam index 934a9a1..48e7874 100644 --- a/opam +++ b/opam @@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ build: [make "-j%{jobs}%"] install: [make "install"] remove: [ "sh" "-c" "rm -rf '%{lib}%/coq/user-contrib/actris" ] depends: [ - "coq-iris" { (= "dev.2020-05-18.2.fdda97e8") | (= "dev") } + "coq-iris" { (= "dev.2020-05-24.1.76bec8b7") | (= "dev") } ] diff --git a/theories/channel/channel.v b/theories/channel/channel.v index d9c728f..736ab7a 100644 --- a/theories/channel/channel.v +++ b/theories/channel/channel.v @@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ Definition iProto_mapsto_def `{!heapG Σ, !chanG Σ} ∃ γ s (l r : loc) (lk : val), ⌜ c = ((#(side_elim s l r), #(side_elim s r l)), lk)%V ⌠∗ is_lock (chan_lock_name γ) lk (∃ vsl vsr, - llist sbi_internal_eq l vsl ∗ - llist sbi_internal_eq r vsr ∗ + llist internal_eq l vsl ∗ + llist internal_eq r vsr ∗ iProto_ctx (chan_proto_name γ) vsl vsr) ∗ iProto_own (chan_proto_name γ) s p. Definition iProto_mapsto_aux : seal (@iProto_mapsto_def). by eexists. Qed. @@ -184,11 +184,11 @@ Section channel. {{{ c1 c2, RET (c1,c2); c1 ↣ p ∗ c2 ↣ iProto_dual p }}}. Proof. iIntros (Φ _) "HΦ". wp_lam. - wp_apply (lnil_spec sbi_internal_eq with "[//]"); iIntros (l) "Hl". - wp_apply (lnil_spec sbi_internal_eq with "[//]"); iIntros (r) "Hr". + wp_apply (lnil_spec internal_eq with "[//]"); iIntros (l) "Hl". + wp_apply (lnil_spec internal_eq with "[//]"); iIntros (r) "Hr". iMod (iProto_init p) as (γp) "(Hctx & Hcl & Hcr)". wp_apply (newlock_spec (∃ vsl vsr, - llist sbi_internal_eq l vsl ∗ llist sbi_internal_eq r vsr ∗ + llist internal_eq l vsl ∗ llist internal_eq r vsr ∗ iProto_ctx γp vsl vsr) with "[Hl Hr Hctx]"). { iExists [], []. iFrame. } iIntros (lk γlk) "#Hlk". wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". diff --git a/theories/channel/proto.v b/theories/channel/proto.v index bd8aa24..4190a72 100644 --- a/theories/channel/proto.v +++ b/theories/channel/proto.v @@ -352,14 +352,16 @@ Section proto. destruct (proto_case p) as [|(a&m&?)]; [by left|right]. by exists a, (IMsg m). Qed. - Lemma iProto_message_equivI {SPROP : sbi} a1 a2 m1 m2 : + Lemma iProto_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a1 a2 m1 m2 : (<a1> m1) ≡ (<a2> m2) ⊣⊢@{SPROP} ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌠∧ (∀ v lp, iMsg_car m1 v lp ≡ iMsg_car m2 v lp). Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq. apply proto_message_equivI. Qed. - Lemma iProto_message_end_equivI {SPROP : sbi} a m : (<a> m) ≡ END ⊢@{SPROP} False. + Lemma iProto_message_end_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a m : + (<a> m) ≡ END ⊢@{SPROP} False. Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_end_eq. apply proto_message_end_equivI. Qed. - Lemma iProto_end_message_equivI {SPROP : sbi} a m : END ≡ (<a> m) ⊢@{SPROP} False. - Proof. by rewrite bi.internal_eq_sym iProto_message_end_equivI. Qed. + Lemma iProto_end_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a m : + END ≡ (<a> m) ⊢@{SPROP} False. + Proof. by rewrite internal_eq_sym iProto_message_end_equivI. Qed. (** ** Non-expansiveness of operators *) Global Instance iMsg_contractive v n : @@ -444,7 +446,7 @@ Section proto. iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>"; iSplit. - iDestruct 1 as (pd) "[H Hp']". iRewrite "Hp'". iDestruct "H" as (pdd) "[H #Hpd]". - iApply (bi.internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>". + iApply (internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hpd". by iRewrite ("IH" $! pdd). - iIntros "H". destruct (Next_uninj p') as [p'' Hp']. iExists _. rewrite Hp'. iSplitL; [by auto|]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p''). @@ -496,7 +498,7 @@ Section proto. iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=". iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit. - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H Hp']". iRewrite "Hp'". - iApply (bi.internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>". + iApply (internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1'). - iIntros "H". destruct (Next_uninj p') as [p'' Hp']. iExists p''. rewrite Hp'. iSplitL; [by auto|]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p''). @@ -544,7 +546,7 @@ Section proto. Proof. solve_proper. Qed. Global Instance iProto_le_is_except_0 p1 p2 : IsExcept0 (p1 ⊑ p2). Proof. - rewrite /IsExcept0 /sbi_except_0. iIntros "[H|$]". + rewrite /IsExcept0 /bi_except_0. iIntros "[H|$]". rewrite iProto_le_unfold /iProto_le_pre. iLeft. by iMod "H". Qed. @@ -956,7 +958,7 @@ Section proto. Proof. iIntros "H◠H◯". iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H◠H◯") as "H✓". iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "H✓") as "H✓". - iDestruct (bi.later_eq_1 with "H✓") as "H✓"; iNext. + iDestruct (later_equivI_1 with "H✓") as "H✓"; iNext. rewrite /iProto_unfold. assert (∀ p, proto_map iProp_unfold iProp_fold (proto_map iProp_fold iProp_unfold p) ≡ p) as help. { intros p''. rewrite -proto_map_compose -{2}(proto_map_id p''). diff --git a/theories/channel/proto_model.v b/theories/channel/proto_model.v index 268a70e..2ec4fab 100644 --- a/theories/channel/proto_model.v +++ b/theories/channel/proto_model.v @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Qed. Instance proto_inhabited {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} : Inhabited (proto V PROPn PROP) := populate proto_end. -Lemma proto_message_equivI {SPROP : sbi} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a1 a2 m1 m2 : +Lemma proto_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a1 a2 m1 m2 : proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a1 m1 ≡ proto_message a2 m2 ⊣⊢@{SPROP} ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌠∧ (∀ v p', m1 v p' ≡ m2 v p'). Proof. @@ -108,20 +108,20 @@ Proof. - iIntros "Heq". by iRewrite "Heq". - iIntros "Heq". rewrite -{2}(proto_fold_unfold (proto_message _ _)). iRewrite "Heq". by rewrite proto_fold_unfold. } - rewrite /proto_message !proto_unfold_fold bi.option_equivI bi.prod_equivI /=. - rewrite bi.discrete_eq bi.discrete_fun_equivI. - by setoid_rewrite bi.ofe_morO_equivI. + rewrite /proto_message !proto_unfold_fold option_equivI prod_equivI /=. + rewrite discrete_eq discrete_fun_equivI. + by setoid_rewrite ofe_morO_equivI. Qed. -Lemma proto_message_end_equivI {SPROP : sbi} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a m : +Lemma proto_message_end_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a m : proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a m ≡ proto_end ⊢@{SPROP} False. Proof. trans (proto_unfold (proto_message a m) ≡ proto_unfold proto_end : SPROP)%I. { iIntros "Heq". by iRewrite "Heq". } - by rewrite /proto_message !proto_unfold_fold bi.option_equivI. + by rewrite /proto_message !proto_unfold_fold option_equivI. Qed. -Lemma proto_end_message_equivI {SPROP : sbi} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a m : +Lemma proto_end_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a m : proto_end ≡ proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a m ⊢@{SPROP} False. -Proof. by rewrite bi.internal_eq_sym proto_message_end_equivI. Qed. +Proof. by rewrite internal_eq_sym proto_message_end_equivI. Qed. (** The eliminator [proto_elim x f p] is only well-behaved if the function [f] is contractive *) -- GitLab