diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index ec2059ef884237ce41412b494509c2b13056efd4..9453981ae9cc52d2b081226d5fe733886990f2d0 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ theories/list.v
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theories/auth_excl.v b/theories/auth_excl.v
index 0382c0f902940822d019a4ea0488c740ebbaf7ee..69c8b3e6b5f6fff29b9dff549dc1f7e73a939868 100644
--- a/theories/auth_excl.v
+++ b/theories/auth_excl.v
@@ -4,52 +4,64 @@ From iris.algebra Require Import excl auth.
 From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import auth.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-Definition exclUR (A : Type) : ucmraT :=
-  optionUR (exclR (leibnizC A)).
+Class auth_exclG (A : ofeT) (Σ : gFunctors) := AuthExclG {
+  exclG_authG :> inG Σ (authR (optionUR (exclR A)));
-Class auth_exclG (A : Type) (Σ :gFunctors) :=
-  AuthExclG {
-      exclG_authG :> authG Σ (exclUR A);
-    }.
+Definition auth_exclΣ (F : cFunctor) `{!cFunctorContractive F} : gFunctors :=
+  #[GFunctor (authRF (optionURF (exclRF F)))].
-Definition auth_exclΣ (A : Type) : gFunctors :=
-  #[GFunctor (authR (exclUR A))].
-Instance subG_auth_exclG (A : Type) {Σ} :
-  subG (auth_exclΣ A) Σ → (auth_exclG A) Σ.
+Instance subG_auth_exclG (F : cFunctor) `{!cFunctorContractive F} {Σ} :
+  subG (auth_exclΣ F) Σ → auth_exclG (F (iPreProp Σ)) Σ.
 Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
-Definition to_auth_excl {A : Type} (a : A) : exclUR A :=
-  Excl' (a: leibnizC A).
+Definition to_auth_excl {A : ofeT} (a : A) : option (excl A) :=
+  Excl' a.
+Instance: Params (@to_auth_excl) 1.
+Section auth_excl_ofe.
+  Context {A : ofeT}.
+  Global Instance to_auth_excl_ne : NonExpansive (@to_auth_excl A).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance to_auth_excl_proper :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@to_auth_excl A).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+End auth_excl_ofe.
 Section auth_excl.
   Context `{!auth_exclG A Σ}.
+  Implicit Types x y : A.
+  Lemma to_auth_excl_valid x y :
+    ✓ (● to_auth_excl x ⋅ ◯ to_auth_excl y) -∗ (x ≡ y : iProp Σ).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hvalid".
+    iDestruct (auth_validI with "Hvalid") as "[Hy Hvalid]"; simpl.
+    iDestruct "Hy" as ([z|]) "Hy"; last first.
+    - by rewrite left_id right_id_L bi.option_equivI /= excl_equivI.
+    - iRewrite "Hy" in "Hvalid".
+      by rewrite left_id uPred.option_validI /= excl_validI /=.
+  Qed.
   Lemma excl_eq γ x y :
-    own γ (● to_auth_excl y) -∗ own γ (◯  to_auth_excl x) -∗ ⌜x = y⌝%I.
+    own γ (● to_auth_excl x) -∗ own γ (◯ to_auth_excl y) -∗ x ≡ y.
     iIntros "Hauth Hfrag".
-    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hauth Hfrag") as %Hvalid.
-    apply auth_valid_discrete_2 in Hvalid.
-    destruct Hvalid as [Hincl _].
-    apply Excl_included in Hincl.
-    unfold to_auth_excl.
-    rewrite Hincl.
-    iFrame.
-    eauto.
+    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hauth Hfrag") as "Hvalid".
+    iDestruct (to_auth_excl_valid with "Hvalid") as "$".
   Lemma excl_update γ x y z :
-    own γ (● to_auth_excl y) -∗ own γ (◯  to_auth_excl x) ==∗
-    own γ (● to_auth_excl z) ∗ own γ (◯  to_auth_excl z).
+    own γ (● to_auth_excl y) -∗ own γ (◯ to_auth_excl x) ==∗
+    own γ (● to_auth_excl z) ∗ own γ (◯ to_auth_excl z).
     iIntros "Hauth Hfrag".
     iDestruct (own_update_2 with "Hauth Hfrag") as "H".
     { eapply (auth_update _ _ (to_auth_excl z) (to_auth_excl z)).
       eapply option_local_update.
       eapply exclusive_local_update. done. }
-    rewrite own_op.
-    done.
+    by rewrite own_op.
 End auth_excl.
diff --git a/theories/channel.v b/theories/channel.v
index a43b413067fe68db15d312e1aca35a0e5bba2df8..33f0f48d8ed1e74cb096040136411d85b0d22040 100644
--- a/theories/channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel.v
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang.
 From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
-From iris.algebra Require Import excl auth.
+From iris.algebra Require Import excl auth list.
 From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import auth.
 From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import spin_lock.
 From osiris Require Import list.
@@ -57,8 +57,17 @@ Definition recv : val :=
     | NONE => "go" "c" "s"
+Class chanG Σ := {
+  chanG_lockG :> lockG Σ;
+  chanG_authG :> auth_exclG (listC valC) Σ;
+Definition chanΣ : gFunctors :=
+  #[ lockΣ; auth_exclΣ (constCF (listC valC)) ].
+Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ} : subG chanΣ Σ → chanG Σ.
+Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
 Section channel.
-  Context `{!heapG Σ, !lockG Σ, !auth_exclG (list val) Σ} (N : namespace).
+  Context `{!heapG Σ, !chanG Σ} (N : namespace).
   Definition is_list_ref (l : val) (xs : list val) : iProp Σ :=
     (∃ l':loc, ∃ hd : val, ⌜l = #l'⌝ ∧ l' ↦ hd ∗ ⌜is_list hd xs⌝)%I.
@@ -159,7 +168,7 @@ Section channel.
     wp_load. wp_apply (lsnoc_spec with "Hlvs"). iIntros (lhd' Hlvs).
     wp_bind (_ <- _)%E.
     iMod "HΦ" as (vs') "[Hchan HΦ]".
-    iDestruct (excl_eq with "Hvs Hchan") as %->.
+    iDestruct (excl_eq with "Hvs Hchan") as %<-%leibniz_equiv.
     iMod (excl_update _ _ _ (vs ++ [v]) with "Hvs Hchan") as "[Hvs Hchan]".
     wp_store. iMod ("HΦ" with "Hchan") as "HΦ".
@@ -188,7 +197,7 @@ Section channel.
     wp_bind (! _)%E.
     iMod "HΦ" as (vs') "[Hchan HΦ]".
-    iDestruct (excl_eq with "Hvs Hchan") as %->.
+    iDestruct (excl_eq with "Hvs Hchan") as %<-%leibniz_equiv.
     destruct vs as [|v vs]; simpl.
     - iDestruct "Hlvs" as %->.
       iDestruct "HΦ" as "[HΦ _]".
diff --git a/theories/list.v b/theories/list.v
index df0935e04e536b83e98bbf14af68ae24bbd379f1..0563e905a8d00b6302eda666f13102d61fd7e28b 100644
--- a/theories/list.v
+++ b/theories/list.v
@@ -154,15 +154,13 @@ Lemma lsnoc_spec hd vs v :
   iIntros (Φ Hvs) "HΦ".
   iInduction vs as [|v' vs] "IH" forall (hd Hvs Φ).
-  - inversion Hvs.
-    subst.
+  - simplify_eq/=.
     iApply "HΦ". simpl. eauto.
-  - inversion Hvs as [vs' [Hhd Hvs']]; subst.
-    eauto.
+  - destruct Hvs as [vs' [-> Hvs']].
     wp_bind (lsnoc vs' v).
@@ -175,5 +173,4 @@ Proof.
     iApply "HΦ". 
 End lists.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theories/logrel.v b/theories/logrel.v
index 0fbb9e968df033be39d810ec820e254f02d9e372..c2b55f5d580f3d5b042fe667e23c18777c3e045a 100644
--- a/theories/logrel.v
+++ b/theories/logrel.v
@@ -7,10 +7,21 @@ From osiris Require Import typing auth_excl channel.
 From iris.algebra Require Import list auth excl.
 From iris.base_logic Require Import invariants.
+Class logrelG Σ := {
+  logrelG_channelG :> chanG Σ;
+  logrelG_authG :> auth_exclG (laterC (stypeC (iPreProp Σ))) Σ;
+Definition logrelΣ :=
+  #[ chanΣ ; GFunctor (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterCF (stypeCF idCF))))) ].
+Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ} : subG logrelΣ Σ → logrelG Σ.
+Proof. intros [??%subG_auth_exclG]%subG_inv. constructor; apply _. Qed.
 Section logrel.
   Context `{!heapG Σ, !lockG Σ} (N : namespace).
-  Context `{!auth_exclG (list val) Σ}.
-  Context `{!auth_exclG stype Σ}.
+  Context `{!logrelG Σ}.
+  Notation stype_iprop := (@stypeC (laterC (iProp Σ))).
   Record st_name := SessionType_name {
     st_c_name : chan_name;
@@ -18,59 +29,118 @@ Section logrel.
     st_r_name : gname
-  Definition st_own (γ : st_name) (s : side) (st : stype) : iProp Σ :=
-    own (side_elim s st_l_name st_r_name γ) (◯ to_auth_excl st)%I.
+  Definition to_stype_auth_excl (st : stype (iProp Σ)) :=
+    to_auth_excl (Next (stype_map iProp_unfold st)).
+  Definition st_own (γ : st_name) (s : side) (st : stype (iProp Σ)) : iProp Σ :=
+    own (side_elim s st_l_name st_r_name γ)
+        (â—¯ to_stype_auth_excl st)%I.
+  Definition st_ctx (γ : st_name) (s : side) (st : stype (iProp Σ)) : iProp Σ :=
+    own (side_elim s st_l_name st_r_name γ)
+        (● to_stype_auth_excl st)%I.
+  Lemma st_excl_eq γ s st st' :
+    st_ctx γ s st -∗ st_own γ s st' -∗ ▷ (st ≡ st').
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hauth Hfrag".
+    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hauth Hfrag") as "Hvalid".
+    iDestruct (to_auth_excl_valid with "Hvalid") as "Hvalid".
+    iDestruct (bi.later_eq_1 with "Hvalid") as "Hvalid"; iNext.
+    assert (∀ st : stype (iProp Σ),
+      stype_map iProp_fold (stype_map iProp_unfold st) ≡ st) as help.
+    { intros st''. rewrite -stype_fmap_compose -{2}(stype_fmap_id st'').
+      apply stype_map_ext=> P. by rewrite /= iProp_fold_unfold. }
+    rewrite -{2}(help st). iRewrite "Hvalid". by rewrite help.
+  Qed.
-  Definition st_ctx (γ : st_name) (s : side) (st : stype) : iProp Σ :=
-    own (side_elim s st_l_name st_r_name γ) (● to_auth_excl st)%I.
+  Lemma st_excl_update γ s st st' st'' :
+    st_ctx γ s st -∗ st_own γ s st' ==∗
+    st_ctx γ s st'' ∗ st_own γ s st''.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hauth Hfrag".
+    iDestruct (own_update_2 with "Hauth Hfrag") as "H".
+    { eapply (auth_update _ _ (to_stype_auth_excl st'')
+                              (to_stype_auth_excl st'')).
+      eapply option_local_update.
+      eapply exclusive_local_update. done. }
+    rewrite own_op.
+    done.
+  Qed.
-  Fixpoint st_eval (vs : list val) (st1 st2 : stype) : Prop :=
+  Fixpoint st_eval (vs : list val) (st1 st2 : stype (iProp Σ)) : iProp Σ :=
     match vs with
-    | [] => st1 = dual_stype st2
+    | [] => st1 ≡ dual_stype st2
     | v::vs => match st2 with
-               | TRecv P st2 => P v ∧ st_eval vs st1 (st2 v)
+               | TSR Receive P st2 => P v ∗ st_eval vs st1 (st2 v)
                | _ => False
-    end.
+    end%I.
+  Arguments st_eval : simpl nomatch.
-  Lemma st_eval_send (P : val -> Prop) st l str v :
-      P v → st_eval l (TSend P st) str → st_eval (l ++ [v]) (st v) str.
+  Lemma st_later_eq a P2 (st : stype (iProp Σ)) st2 :
+    (▷ (st ≡ TSR a P2 st2) -∗
+         ◇ (∃ P1 st1, st ≡ TSR a P1 st1 ∗
+                       ▷ ((∀ v, P1 v ≡ P2 v)) ∗
+                       ▷ ((∀ v, st1 v ≡ st2 v))) : iProp Σ).
-    intro HP.
-    revert str.
-    induction l; intros str.
-    - inversion 1. simpl.
-      destruct str; inversion H1; subst. eauto.
-    - intros. simpl.
-      destruct str; inversion H.
-      split=> //.
-      apply IHl=> //.
+    destruct st.
+    - iIntros "Heq".
+      iDestruct (stype_equivI with "Heq") as ">Heq".
+      done.
+    - iIntros "Heq".
+      iDestruct (stype_equivI with "Heq") as "Heq".
+      iDestruct ("Heq") as "[>Haeq [HPeq Hsteq]]".
+      iDestruct "Haeq" as %Haeq.
+      subst.
+      iExists P, st.
+      iSplit=> //.
+      by iSplitL "HPeq".
-  Lemma st_eval_recv (P : val → Prop) st1 l st2 v :
-     st_eval (v :: l) st1 (TRecv P st2)  → st_eval l st1 (st2 v) ∧ P v.
+  Global Instance st_eval_ne : NonExpansive2 (st_eval vs).
-    intros Heval.
-    generalize dependent st1.
-    induction l; intros.
-    - inversion Heval; subst. split=> //.
-     - inversion Heval; subst. simpl.
-      constructor=> //.
+    intros vs n. induction vs as [|v vs IH]; [solve_proper|].
+    destruct 2 as [|[] ????? Hst]=> //=. f_equiv. solve_proper.
+    by apply IH, Hst.
-  Definition inv_st (γ :st_name) (c : val) : iProp Σ :=
+  Lemma st_eval_send (P : val -> iProp Σ) st l str v :
+    P v -∗ st_eval l (TSR Send P st) str -∗ st_eval (l ++ [v]) (st v) str.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "HP".
+    iRevert (str).
+    iInduction l as [|l] "IH"; iIntros (str) "Heval".
+    - simpl.
+      iDestruct (dual_stype_flip with "Heval") as "Heval".
+      iRewrite -"Heval". simpl.
+      rewrite dual_stype_involutive.
+      by iFrame.
+    - simpl.
+      destruct str; auto.
+      destruct a; auto.
+      iDestruct "Heval" as "[HP0 Heval]".
+      iFrame.
+      by iApply ("IH" with "HP").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma st_eval_recv (P : val → iProp Σ) st1 l st2 v :
+     st_eval (v :: l) st1 (TSR Receive P st2) -∗ st_eval l st1 (st2 v) ∗ P v.
+  Proof. iDestruct 1 as "[HP Heval]". iFrame. Qed.
+  Definition inv_st (γ : st_name) (c : val) : iProp Σ :=
     (∃ l r stl str,
       chan_own (st_c_name γ) Left l ∗
       chan_own (st_c_name γ) Right r ∗
       st_ctx γ Left stl  ∗
       st_ctx γ Right str ∗
-      ((⌜r = []⌝ ∗ ⌜st_eval l stl str⌝) ∨
-       (⌜l = []⌝ ∗ ⌜st_eval r str stl⌝)))%I.
+      ((⌜r = []⌝ ∗ st_eval l stl str) ∨
+       (⌜l = []⌝ ∗ st_eval r str stl)))%I.
-  Definition is_st (γ : st_name) (st : stype) (c : val) : iProp Σ :=
+  Definition is_st (γ : st_name) (st : stype (iProp Σ)) (c : val) : iProp Σ :=
     (is_chan N (st_c_name γ) c ∗ inv N (inv_st γ c))%I.
-  Definition interp_st (γ : st_name) (st : stype)
+  Definition interp_st (γ : st_name) (st : stype (iProp Σ))
       (c : val) (s : side) : iProp Σ :=
     (st_own γ s st ∗ is_st γ st c)%I.
@@ -88,11 +158,11 @@ Section logrel.
         ⟦ c @ Left : st ⟧{γ} ∗ ⟦ c @ Right : dual_stype st ⟧{γ}.
     iIntros "[#Hcctx [Hcol Hcor]]".
-    iMod (own_alloc (● (to_auth_excl st) ⋅
-                     â—¯ (to_auth_excl st)))
+    iMod (own_alloc (● (to_stype_auth_excl st) ⋅
+                     â—¯ (to_stype_auth_excl st)))
       as (lγ) "[Hlsta Hlstf]"; first done.
-    iMod (own_alloc (● (to_auth_excl (dual_stype st)) ⋅
-                     â—¯ (to_auth_excl (dual_stype st))))
+    iMod (own_alloc (● (to_stype_auth_excl (dual_stype st)) ⋅
+                     â—¯ (to_stype_auth_excl (dual_stype st))))
       as (rγ) "[Hrsta Hrstf]"; first done.
     pose (SessionType_name cγ lγ rγ) as stγ.
     iMod (inv_alloc N _ (inv_st stγ c) with "[-Hlstf Hrstf Hcctx]") as "#Hinv".
@@ -120,13 +190,13 @@ Section logrel.
     by iFrame.
-  Lemma send_vs c γ s (P : val → Prop) st E :
+  Lemma send_vs c γ s (P : val → iProp Σ) st E :
     ↑N ⊆ E →
-    ⟦ c @ s : TSend P st ⟧{γ} ={E,E∖↑N}=∗
+    ⟦ c @ s : TSR Send P st ⟧{γ} ={E,E∖↑N}=∗
       ∃ vs, chan_own (st_c_name γ) s vs ∗
-      ▷ (∀ v, ⌜P v⌝ -∗
-               chan_own (st_c_name γ) s (vs ++ [v])
-               ={E∖ ↑N,E}=∗ ⟦ c @ s : st v ⟧{γ}).
+      ▷ (∀ v, P v -∗
+              chan_own (st_c_name γ) s (vs ++ [v])
+              ={E∖ ↑N,E}=∗ ⟦ c @ s : st v ⟧{γ}).
     iIntros (Hin) "[Hstf #[Hcctx Hinv]]".
     iMod (inv_open with "Hinv") as "Hinv'"=> //.
@@ -136,93 +206,82 @@ Section logrel.
     destruct s.
     - iExists _.
-      iIntros "{$Hclf} !>" (v HP) "Hclf".
+      iIntros "{$Hclf} !>" (v) "HP Hclf".
       iRename "Hstf" into "Hstlf".
-      iDestruct (excl_eq with "Hstla Hstlf") as %<-.
-      iMod (excl_update _ _ _ (st v) with "Hstla Hstlf") as "[Hstla Hstlf]".
+      iDestruct (st_excl_eq with "Hstla Hstlf") as "#Heq".
+      iMod (st_excl_update _ _ _ _ (st v) with "Hstla Hstlf")
+        as "[Hstla Hstlf]".
       iMod ("Hinvstep" with "[-Hstlf]") as "_".
         iExists _,_,_,_. iFrame.
-        iDestruct "Hinv'" as "[[-> Heval]|[-> Heval]]";
-          iDestruct "Heval" as %Heval.
+        iDestruct "Hinv'" as "[[-> Heval]|[-> Heval]]".
         - iSplit=> //.
-          iPureIntro.
-          by eapply st_eval_send.
-        - destruct r; inversion Heval; subst.
-          iSplit=> //.
-          iPureIntro.
-          simpl.
-          rewrite (involutive (st v)).
-          rewrite -(involutive (dual_stype (st v))).
-          split=> //.
+          iApply (st_eval_send with "HP").
+          by iRewrite -"Heq".
+        - iRewrite "Heq" in "Heval". destruct r as [|vr r]=> //.
+          iSplit; first done. simpl.
+          iRewrite "Heval". simpl. iFrame "HP". by rewrite involutive.
-      iModIntro. iFrame "Hcctx ∗ Hinv".
+      iModIntro. iFrame. rewrite /is_st. auto.
     - iExists _.
-      iIntros "{$Hcrf} !>" (v HP) "Hcrf".
+      iIntros "{$Hcrf} !>" (v) "HP Hcrf".
       iRename "Hstf" into "Hstrf".
-      iDestruct (excl_eq with "Hstra Hstrf") as %<-.
-      iMod (excl_update _ _ _ (st v) with "Hstra Hstrf") as "[Hstra Hstrf]".
+      iDestruct (st_excl_eq with "Hstra Hstrf") as "#Heq".
+      iMod (st_excl_update _ _ _ _ (st v) with "Hstra Hstrf")
+        as "[Hstra Hstrf]".
       iMod ("Hinvstep" with "[-Hstrf]") as "_".
-        iExists _,_, _, _. iFrame.
+        iExists _,_,_,_. iFrame.
-        iDestruct "Hinv'" as "[[-> Heval]|[-> Heval]]";
-          iDestruct "Heval" as %Heval.
-        - destruct l; inversion Heval; subst.
-          iSplit=> //.
-          iPureIntro.
-          simpl.
-          rewrite (involutive (st v)).
-          rewrite -(involutive (dual_stype (st v))).
-          split=> //.
+        iDestruct "Hinv'" as "[[-> Heval]|[-> Heval]]".
+        - iRewrite "Heq" in "Heval". destruct l as [|vl l]=> //.
+          iSplit; first done. simpl.
+          iRewrite "Heval". simpl. iFrame "HP". by rewrite involutive.
         - iSplit=> //.
-          iPureIntro.
-          by eapply st_eval_send.
+          iApply (st_eval_send with "HP").
+            by iRewrite -"Heq".
-      iModIntro. iFrame "Hcctx ∗ Hinv".
+      iModIntro. iFrame. rewrite /is_st. auto.
-  Lemma send_st_spec st γ c s (P : val → Prop) v :
-    P v →
-    {{{ ⟦ c @ s : TSend P st ⟧{γ} }}}
+  Lemma send_st_spec st γ c s (P : val → iProp Σ) v :
+    {{{ P v ∗ ⟦ c @ s : TSR Send P st ⟧{γ} }}}
       send c #s v
     {{{ RET #(); ⟦ c @ s : st v ⟧{γ} }}}.
-    iIntros (HP Φ) "Hsend HΦ".
+    iIntros (Φ) "[HP Hsend] HΦ".
     iApply (send_spec with "[#]").
     { iDestruct "Hsend" as "[? [$ ?]]". }
     iMod (send_vs with "Hsend") as (vs) "[Hch H]"; first done.
     iModIntro. iExists vs. iFrame "Hch".
     iIntros "!> Hupd". iApply "HΦ".
-    iApply ("H" $! v HP with "[Hupd]"). by destruct s.
+    iApply ("H" $! v with "HP"). by destruct s.
-  Lemma try_recv_vs c γ s (P : val → Prop) st E :
+  Lemma try_recv_vs c γ s (P : val → iProp Σ) st E :
     ↑N ⊆ E →
-    ⟦ c @ s : TRecv P st ⟧{γ}
+    ⟦ c @ s : TSR Receive P st ⟧{γ}
       ∃ vs, chan_own (st_c_name γ) (dual_side s) vs ∗
       (▷ ((⌜vs = []⌝ -∗ chan_own (st_c_name γ) (dual_side s) vs ={E∖↑N,E}=∗
-           ⟦ c @ s : TRecv P st ⟧{γ}) ∧
-         (∀ v vs', ⌜vs = v :: vs'⌝ -∗
-               chan_own (st_c_name γ) (dual_side s) vs' ={E∖↑N,E}=∗
-               ⟦ c @ s : (st v) ⟧{γ} ∗ ⌜P v⌝))).
+           ⟦ c @ s : TSR Receive P st ⟧{γ}) ∧
+          (∀ v vs', ⌜vs = v :: vs'⌝ -∗
+               chan_own (st_c_name γ) (dual_side s) vs' -∗ |={E∖↑N,E}=>
+               ⟦ c @ s : (st v) ⟧{γ} ∗ ▷  P v))).
     iIntros (Hin) "[Hstf #[Hcctx Hinv]]".
     iMod (inv_open with "Hinv") as "Hinv'"=> //.
     iDestruct "Hinv'" as "[Hinv' Hinvstep]".
     iDestruct "Hinv'" as
         (l r stl str) "(>Hclf & >Hcrf & Hstla & Hstra & Hinv')".
-    iModIntro.
+    iExists (side_elim s r l). iModIntro.
     destruct s.
-    - iExists _.
-      iIntros "{$Hcrf} !>".
+    - simpl. iIntros "{$Hcrf} !>".
       iRename "Hstf" into "Hstlf".
-      rewrite /st_own /st_ctx. simpl.
-      iDestruct (excl_eq with "Hstla Hstlf") as %<-.
+      iDestruct (st_excl_eq with "Hstla Hstlf") as "#Heq".
       iSplit=> //.
       + iIntros "Hvs Hown".
         iMod ("Hinvstep" with "[-Hstlf]") as "_".
@@ -230,38 +289,56 @@ Section logrel.
         iModIntro. iFrame "Hcctx ∗ Hinv".
       + iIntros (v vs Hvs) "Hown".
         iDestruct "Hinv'" as "[[-> Heval]|[-> Heval]]"; first inversion Hvs.
-        iMod (excl_update _ _ _ (st v) with "Hstla Hstlf") as "[Hstla Hstlf]".
+        iMod (st_excl_update _ _ _ _ (st v) with "Hstla Hstlf")
+          as "[Hstla Hstlf]".
-        iDestruct "Heval" as %Heval.
-        apply st_eval_recv in Heval as [Heval HP].
-        iMod ("Hinvstep" with "[-Hstlf]") as "_".
-        { iExists _,_,_,_. iFrame. iRight=> //. }
-        by iFrame (HP) "Hcctx Hinv".
-    - iExists _.
-      iIntros "{$Hclf} !>".
+        iDestruct (st_later_eq with "Heq") as ">Hleq".
+        iDestruct "Hleq" as (P1 st1) "[Hsteq [HPeq Hsteq']]".
+        iSpecialize ("HPeq" $!v).
+        iSpecialize ("Hsteq'" $!v).
+        iRewrite "Hsteq" in "Heval".
+        subst.
+        iDestruct (st_eval_recv with "Heval") as "[Heval HP]".
+        iMod ("Hinvstep" with "[-Hstlf HP]") as "H".
+        { iExists _,_,_,_. iFrame. iRight=> //.
+          iNext. iSplit=> //. by iRewrite -"Hsteq'". }
+        iModIntro.
+        iSplitR "HP".
+        * iFrame "Hstlf Hcctx Hinv".
+        * iNext. by iRewrite -"HPeq".
+    - simpl. iIntros "{$Hclf} !>".
       iRename "Hstf" into "Hstrf".
-      iDestruct (excl_eq with "Hstra Hstrf") as %<-.
+      iDestruct (st_excl_eq with "Hstra Hstrf") as "#Heq".
       iSplit=> //.
       + iIntros "Hvs Hown".
         iMod ("Hinvstep" with "[-Hstrf]") as "_".
         { iNext. iExists l,r,_,_. iFrame. }
         iModIntro. iFrame "Hcctx ∗ Hinv".
-      +  simpl. iIntros (v vs' Hvs) "Hown".
+      + iIntros (v vs' Hvs) "Hown".
         iDestruct "Hinv'" as "[[-> Heval]|[-> Heval]]"; last inversion Hvs.
-        iMod (excl_update _ _ _ (st v) with "Hstra Hstrf") as "[Hstra Hstrf]".
+        iMod (st_excl_update _ _ _ _ (st v) with "Hstra Hstrf")
+          as "[Hstra Hstrf]".
-        iDestruct "Heval" as %Heval.
-        apply st_eval_recv in Heval as [Heval HP].
-        iMod ("Hinvstep" with "[-Hstrf]") as "_".
-        { iExists _,_,_,_. iFrame. iLeft=> //. }
-        by iFrame (HP) "Hcctx Hinv".
+        iDestruct (st_later_eq with "Heq") as ">Hleq".
+        iDestruct "Hleq" as (P1 st1) "[Hsteq [HPeq Hsteq']]".
+        iSpecialize ("HPeq" $!v).
+        iSpecialize ("Hsteq'" $!v).
+        iRewrite "Hsteq" in "Heval".
+        iDestruct (st_eval_recv with "Heval") as "[Heval HP]".
+        iMod ("Hinvstep" with "[-Hstrf HP]") as "_".
+        { iExists _,_,_,_. iFrame. iLeft=> //.
+            iNext. iSplit=> //. by iRewrite -"Hsteq'". }
+        iModIntro.
+        iSplitR "HP".
+        * iFrame "Hstrf Hcctx Hinv".
+        * iNext. by iRewrite -"HPeq".
-  Lemma try_recv_st_spec st γ c s (P : val → Prop) :
-    {{{ ⟦ c @ s : TRecv P st ⟧{γ} }}}
+  Lemma try_recv_st_spec st γ c s (P : val → iProp Σ) :
+    {{{ ⟦ c @ s : TSR Receive P st ⟧{γ} }}}
       try_recv c #s
-    {{{ v, RET v; (⌜v = NONEV⌝ ∧ ⟦ c @ s : TRecv P st ⟧{γ}) ∨
-                  (∃ w, ⌜v = SOMEV w⌝ ∧ ⟦ c @ s : st w ⟧{γ} ∗ ⌜P w⌝)}}}.
+    {{{ v, RET v; (⌜v = NONEV⌝ ∧ ⟦ c @ s : TSR Receive P st ⟧{γ}) ∨
+                  (∃ w, ⌜v = SOMEV w⌝ ∧ ⟦ c @ s : st w ⟧{γ} ∗ ▷ P w)}}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "Hrecv HΦ".
     iApply (try_recv_spec with "[#]").
@@ -286,10 +363,10 @@ Section logrel.
       eauto with iFrame.
-  Lemma recv_st_spec st γ c s (P : val → Prop) :
-    {{{ ⟦ c @ s : TRecv P st ⟧{γ} }}}
+  Lemma recv_st_spec st γ c s (P : val → iProp Σ) :
+    {{{ ⟦ c @ s : TSR Receive P st ⟧{γ} }}}
       recv c #s
-    {{{ v, RET v; ⟦ c @ s : st v ⟧{γ} ∗ ⌜P v⌝}}}.
+    {{{ v, RET v; ⟦ c @ s : st v ⟧{γ} ∗ P v}}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "Hrecv HΦ".
     iLöb as "IH". wp_rec.
@@ -300,11 +377,11 @@ Section logrel.
       iDestruct "Hv" as %->.
       iApply ("IH" with "[H]")=> //.
-    - iDestruct "H" as (w) "[Hv H]".
+    - iDestruct "H" as (w) "[Hv [H HP]]".
       iDestruct "Hv" as %->.
       iApply "HΦ".
-End logrel.
+End logrel.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/theories/typing.v b/theories/typing.v
index b742bd8a288b275fef677ebc73ace11e6e84b196..773117634fa7bd884a9bd626c7343bac53489662 100644
--- a/theories/typing.v
+++ b/theories/typing.v
@@ -1,41 +1,217 @@
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang.
-Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
+From iris.algebra Require Export cmra.
+From stdpp Require Export list.
+From iris.base_logic Require Import base_logic.
+From iris.algebra Require Import updates local_updates.
+From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+Class Involutive {A} (R : relation A) (f : A → A) :=
+  involutive x : R (f (f x)) x.
-Class Involutive {T} (f : T → T) :=
-  involutive : ∀ t : T, t = f (f t).
-Inductive side : Set :=
-| Left
-| Right.
+Inductive side := Left | Right.
 Instance side_inhabited : Inhabited side := populate Left.
 Definition dual_side (s : side) : side :=
   match s with Left => Right | Right => Left end.
+Instance dual_side_involutive : Involutive (=) dual_side.
+Proof. by intros []. Qed.
+Inductive action := Send | Receive.
+Instance action_inhabited : Inhabited action := populate Send.
+Definition dual_action (a : action) : action :=
+  match a with Send => Receive | Receive => Send end.
+Instance dual_action_involutive : Involutive (=) dual_action.
+Proof. by intros []. Qed.
+Inductive stype (A : Type) :=
+  | TEnd
+  | TSR (a : action) (P : val → A) (st : val → stype A).
+Arguments TEnd {_}.
+Arguments TSR {_} _ _ _.
+Instance: Params (@TSR) 2.
+Instance stype_inhabited A : Inhabited (stype A) := populate TEnd.
+Fixpoint dual_stype {A} (st : stype A) :=
+  match st with
+  | TEnd => TEnd
+  | TSR a P st => TSR (dual_action a) P (λ v, dual_stype (st v))
+  end.
+Instance: Params (@dual_stype) 1.
+Section stype_ofe.
+  Context {A : ofeT}.
+  Inductive stype_equiv : Equiv (stype A) :=
+    | TEnd_equiv : TEnd ≡ TEnd
+    | TSR_equiv a P1 P2 st1 st2 :
+       pointwise_relation val (≡) P1 P2 →
+       pointwise_relation val (≡) st1 st2 →
+       TSR a P1 st1 ≡ TSR a P2 st2.
+  Existing Instance stype_equiv.
+  Inductive stype_dist' (n : nat) : relation (stype A) :=
+    | TEnd_dist : stype_dist' n TEnd TEnd
+    | TSR_dist a P1 P2 st1 st2 :
+       pointwise_relation val (dist n) P1 P2 →
+       pointwise_relation val (stype_dist' n) st1 st2 →
+       stype_dist' n (TSR a P1 st1) (TSR a P2 st2).
+  Instance stype_dist : Dist (stype A) := stype_dist'.
+  Definition stype_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (stype A).
+  Proof.
+    split.
+    - intros st1 st2. rewrite /dist /stype_dist. split.
+      + intros Hst n. induction Hst as [|a P1 P2 st1 st2 HP Hst IH]; constructor.
+        * intros v. apply equiv_dist, HP.
+        * intros v. apply IH.
+      + revert st2. induction st1 as [|a P1 st1 IH]; intros [|a' P2 st2] Hst.
+        * constructor.
+        * feed inversion (Hst O).
+        * feed inversion (Hst O).
+        * feed inversion (Hst O); subst.
+          constructor.
+          ** intros v. apply equiv_dist=> n. feed inversion (Hst n); subst; auto.
+          ** intros v. apply IH=> n. feed inversion (Hst n); subst; auto.
+    - rewrite /dist /stype_dist. split.
+      + intros st. induction st; constructor; repeat intro; auto.
+      + intros st1 st2. induction 1; constructor; repeat intro; auto.
+        symmetry; auto.
+      + intros st1 st2 st3 H1 H2.
+        revert H2. revert st3.
+        induction H1 as [| a P1 P2 st1 st2 HP Hst12 IH]=> //.
+        inversion 1. subst. constructor.
+        ** by transitivity P2.
+        ** intros v. by apply IH. 
+    - intros n st1 st2. induction 1; constructor.
+      + intros v. apply dist_S. apply H.
+      + intros v. apply H1.
+  Qed.
+  Canonical Structure stypeC : ofeT := OfeT (stype A) stype_ofe_mixin.
+  Global Instance TSR_stype_ne a n :
+    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n) (TSR a).
+  Proof. 
+    intros P1 P2 HP st1 st2 Hst.
+    constructor.
+    - apply HP.
+    - intros v. apply Hst.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance TSR_stype_proper a :
+    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> (≡)) (TSR a).
+  Proof.
+    intros P1 P2 HP st1 st2 Hst. apply equiv_dist=> n.
+    by f_equiv; intros v; apply equiv_dist.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance dual_stype_ne : NonExpansive dual_stype.
+  Proof.
+    intros n. induction 1 as [| a P1 P2 st1 st2 HP Hst IH].
+    - constructor.
+    - constructor. apply HP. intros v. apply IH.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance dual_stype_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) dual_stype.
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
-Instance dual_side_involutive : Involutive dual_side.
-Proof. intros s; destruct s; eauto. Qed.
+  Global Instance dual_stype_involutive : Involutive (≡) dual_stype.
+  Proof.
+    intros st.
+    induction st.
+    - constructor.
+    - rewrite /= (involutive (f:=dual_action)).
+      constructor. reflexivity. intros v. apply H.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma stype_equivI {M} st1 st2 :
+    st1 ≡ st2 ⊣⊢@{uPredI M}
+        match st1, st2 with
+        | TEnd, TEnd => True
+        | TSR a1 P1 st1, TSR a2 P2 st2 =>
+          ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ ∧ (∀ v, P1 v ≡ P2 v) ∧ (∀ v, st1 v ≡ st2 v)
+        | _, _ => False
+        end.
+  Proof.
+    uPred.unseal; constructor=> n x ?. split; first by destruct 1.
+    destruct st1, st2=> //=; [constructor|].
+    by intros [[= ->] [??]]; constructor.
+  Qed.
-Inductive stype :=
-| TEnd
-| TSend (P : val → Prop) (st : val → stype)
-| TRecv (P : val → Prop) (st : val → stype).
+  Lemma dual_stype_flip {M} st1 st2 :
+    dual_stype st1 ≡ st2 ⊣⊢@{uPredI M} st1 ≡ dual_stype st2.
+  Proof.
+    iSplit.
+    - iIntros "Heq". iRewrite -"Heq". by rewrite dual_stype_involutive.
+    - iIntros "Heq". iRewrite "Heq". by rewrite dual_stype_involutive.
+  Qed.
-Instance stype_inhabited : Inhabited stype := populate TEnd.
+End stype_ofe.
+Arguments stypeC : clear implicits.
-Fixpoint dual_stype (st :stype) :=
+Fixpoint stype_map {A B} (f : A → B) (st : stype A) : stype B :=
   match st with
   | TEnd => TEnd
-  | TSend P st => TRecv P (λ v, dual_stype (st v))
-  | TRecv P st => TSend P (λ v, dual_stype (st v))
+  | TSR a P st => TSR a (λ v, f (P v)) (λ v, stype_map f (st v))
+Lemma stype_map_ext_ne {A} {B : ofeT} (f g : A → B) (st : stype A) n :
+  (∀ x, f x ≡{n}≡ g x) → stype_map f st ≡{n}≡ stype_map g st.
+  intros Hf. induction st as [| a P st IH]; constructor.
+  - intros v. apply Hf.
+  - intros v. apply IH.
+Lemma stype_map_ext {A} {B : ofeT} (f g : A → B) (st : stype A) :
+  (∀ x, f x ≡ g x) → stype_map f st ≡ stype_map g st.
+  intros Hf. apply equiv_dist.
+  intros n. apply stype_map_ext_ne.
+  intros x. apply equiv_dist.
+  apply Hf.
+Instance stype_map_ne {A B : ofeT} (f : A → B) n:
+  Proper (dist n ==> dist n) f → Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (stype_map f).
+  intros Hf st1 st2. induction 1 as [| a P1 P2 st1 st2 HP Hst IH]; constructor.
+  - intros v. f_equiv. apply HP.
+  - intros v. apply IH.
+Lemma stype_fmap_id {A : ofeT} (st : stype A) : stype_map id st ≡ st.
+  induction st as [| a P st IH]; constructor.
+  - intros v. reflexivity.
+  - intros v. apply IH.
+Lemma stype_fmap_compose {A B C : ofeT} (f : A → B) (g : B → C) st :
+  stype_map (g ∘ f) st ≡ stype_map g (stype_map f st).
+  induction st as [| a P st IH]; constructor.
+  - intros v. reflexivity.
+  - intros v. apply IH.
+Definition stypeC_map {A B} (f : A -n> B) : stypeC A -n> stypeC B :=
+  CofeMor (stype_map f : stypeC A → stypeC B).
+Instance stypeC_map_ne A B : NonExpansive (@stypeC_map A B).
+Proof. intros n f g ? st. by apply stype_map_ext_ne. Qed.
+Program Definition stypeCF (F : cFunctor) : cFunctor := {|
+  cFunctor_car A B := stypeC (cFunctor_car F A B);
+  cFunctor_map A1 A2 B1 B2 fg := stypeC_map (cFunctor_map F fg)
+Next Obligation.
+  by intros F A1 A2 B1 B2 n f g Hfg; apply stypeC_map_ne, cFunctor_ne.
+Next Obligation.
+  intros F A B x. rewrite /= -{2}(stype_fmap_id x).
+  apply stype_map_ext=>y. apply cFunctor_id.
+Next Obligation.
+  intros F A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 f g f' g' x. rewrite /= -stype_fmap_compose.
+  apply stype_map_ext=>y; apply cFunctor_compose.
-Instance dual_stype_involutive : Involutive dual_stype.
+Instance stypeCF_contractive F :
+  cFunctorContractive F → cFunctorContractive (stypeCF F).
-  intros st.
-  induction st => //; simpl;
-    assert (st = (λ v : val, dual_stype (dual_stype (st v)))) as Heq
-        by apply functional_extensionality => //;
-    rewrite -Heq => //.
+  by intros ? A1 A2 B1 B2 n f g Hfg; apply stypeC_map_ne, cFunctor_contractive.