diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28798520812627f93e02d5636b4c4645f06a3a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+##  v      #                   The Coq Proof Assistant                     ##
+## <O___,, #                INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS                 ##
+##   \VV/  #                                                               ##
+##    //   #  Makefile automagically generated by coq_makefile V8.4pl3     ##
+# This Makefile has been automagically generated
+# Edit at your own risks !
+# This Makefile was generated by the command line :
+# coq_makefile lib/recdom/ core_lang.v iris.v lang.v masks.v world_prop.v -R lib/recdom/ RecDom 
+# This Makefile may take arguments passed as environment variables:
+# COQBIN to specify the directory where Coq binaries resides;
+# ZDEBUG/COQDEBUG to specify debug flags for ocamlc&ocamlopt/coqc;
+# DSTROOT to specify a prefix to install path.
+# Here is a hack to make $(eval $(shell works:
+define donewline
+includecmdwithout@ = $(eval $(subst @,$(donewline),$(shell { $(1) | tr -d '\r' | tr '\n' '@'; })))
+$(call includecmdwithout@,$(COQBIN)coqtop -config)
+#                        #
+# Libraries definitions. #
+#                        #
+COQLIBS?=-I . -R lib/recdom/ RecDom
+COQDOCLIBS?=-R lib/recdom/ RecDom
+#                        #
+# Variables definitions. #
+#                        #
+COQDEP?=$(COQBIN)coqdep -c
+COQCHKFLAGS?=-silent -o
+COQDOCFLAGS?=-interpolate -utf8
+#                #
+# Install Paths. #
+#                #
+#                    #
+# Files dispatching. #
+#                    #
+  iris.v\
+  lang.v\
+  masks.v\
+  world_prop.v
+-include $(addsuffix .d,$(VFILES))
+.SECONDARY: $(addsuffix .d,$(VFILES))
+VOFILESINC=$(filter $(wildcard ./*),$(VOFILES)) 
+ifeq '$(HASNATDYNLINK)' 'true'
+#                                     #
+# Definition of the toplevel targets. #
+#                                     #
+all: ./lib/recdom/ $(VOFILES)
+spec: $(VIFILES)
+gallina: $(GFILES)
+	- mkdir -p html
+	$(COQDOC) -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html $(VFILES)
+gallinahtml: $(GLOBFILES) $(VFILES)
+	- mkdir -p html
+	$(COQDOC) -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html $(VFILES)
+all.ps: $(VFILES)
+	$(COQDOC) -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -ps $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $^`
+all-gal.ps: $(VFILES)
+	$(COQDOC) -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -ps -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $^`
+all.pdf: $(VFILES)
+	$(COQDOC) -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -pdf $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $^`
+all-gal.pdf: $(VFILES)
+	$(COQDOC) -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -pdf -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $^`
+validate: $(VOFILES)
+	$(COQCHK) $(COQCHKFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) $(notdir $(^:.vo=))
+beautify: $(VFILES:=.beautified)
+	for file in $^; do mv $${file%.beautified} $${file%beautified}old && mv $${file} $${file%.beautified}; done
+	@echo 'Do not do "make clean" until you are sure that everything went well!'
+	@echo 'If there were a problem, execute "for file in $$(find . -name \*.v.old -print); do mv $${file} $${file%.old}; done" in your shell/'
+.PHONY: all opt byte archclean clean install userinstall depend html validate ./lib/recdom/
+#                 #
+# Subdirectories. #
+#                 #
+	cd ./lib/recdom/ ; $(MAKE) all
+#                  #
+# Special targets. #
+#                  #
+	$(MAKE) all "OPT:=-byte"
+	$(MAKE) all "OPT:=-opt"
+	+$(MAKE) USERINSTALL=true install
+	install -d $(DSTROOT)$(COQLIBINSTALL)/RecDom; \
+	for i in $(VOFILESINC); do \
+	 install -m 0644 $$i $(DSTROOT)$(COQLIBINSTALL)/RecDom/`basename $$i`; \
+	done
+	(cd ./lib/recdom/; $(MAKE) DSTROOT=$(DSTROOT) INSTALLDEFAULTROOT=$(INSTALLDEFAULTROOT)/./lib/recdom/ install)
+	install -d $(DSTROOT)$(COQDOCINSTALL)/RecDom/html
+	for i in html/*; do \
+	 install -m 0644 $$i $(DSTROOT)$(COQDOCINSTALL)/RecDom/$$i;\
+	done
+	rm -f $(VOFILES) $(VIFILES) $(GFILES) $(VFILES:.v=.v.d) $(VFILES:=.beautified) $(VFILES:=.old)
+	rm -f all.ps all-gal.ps all.pdf all-gal.pdf all.glob $(VFILES:.v=.glob) $(VFILES:.v=.tex) $(VFILES:.v=.g.tex) all-mli.tex
+	- rm -rf html mlihtml
+	(cd ./lib/recdom/ ; $(MAKE) clean)
+	rm -f *.cmx *.o
+	(cd ./lib/recdom/ ; $(MAKE) archclean)
+	@$(COQBIN)coqtop -config
+	@echo CAMLC =	$(CAMLC)
+	@echo PP =	$(PP)
+#                 #
+# Implicit rules. #
+#                 #
+%.vo %.glob: %.v
+%.vi: %.v
+%.g: %.v
+	$(GALLINA) $<
+%.tex: %.v
+	$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -latex $< -o $@
+%.html: %.v %.glob
+	$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html $< -o $@
+%.g.tex: %.v
+	$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -latex -g $< -o $@
+%.g.html: %.v %.glob
+	$(COQDOC)$(COQDOCFLAGS)  -html -g $< -o $@
+%.v.d: %.v
+	$(COQDEP) -slash $(COQLIBS) "$<" > "$@" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f "$@"; exit $${RV} )
+	$(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) -beautify $*
+# This Makefile has been automagically generated
+# Edit at your own risks !
diff --git a/iris.v b/iris.v
index 7a5ebdbdd7fd8152f1f941e2358da2a9132a5f7e..6d4ff9b4f4aa2aa225415eae84c6768155085e7b 100644
--- a/iris.v
+++ b/iris.v
@@ -1155,6 +1155,37 @@ Qed.
       - simpl comp_list; now erewrite comm, pcm_op_unit by apply _.
+    Program Definition cons_pred (φ : value -=> Prop): value -n> Props :=
+      n[(fun v => pcmconst (mkUPred (fun n r => φ v) _))].
+    Next Obligation.
+      firstorder.
+    Qed.
+    Next Obligation.
+      intros x y  H_xy P n r. simpl. rewrite H_xy. tauto.
+    Qed.
+    Next Obligation.
+      intros x y H_xy P m r. simpl in H_xy. destruct n.
+      - intros LEZ. exfalso. omega.
+      - intros _. simpl. assert(H_xy': equiv x y) by assumption. rewrite H_xy'. tauto.
+    Qed.
+    Theorem soundness_obs m e (φ : value -=> Prop) n e' tp σ σ'
+            (HT  : valid (ht m (ownS σ) e (cons_pred φ)))
+            (HSN : stepn n ([e], σ) (e' :: tp, σ'))
+            (HV : is_value e') :
+        φ (exist _ e' HV).
+    Proof.
+      edestruct (soundness _ _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ fdEmpty (ex_own _ σ, pcm_unit _) 1 HT HSN) as [w' [r' [s' [H_wle [H_phi _] ] ] ] ].
+      - simpl. hnf. exists (pcm_unit _).
+        rewrite pcm_op_unit by intuition. reflexivity.
+      - rewrite Plus.plus_comm. simpl. split.
+        + admit. (* TODO: rewrite comm. does not work though?? *)
+        + exists (fdEmpty (V:=res)). simpl. split; [reflexivity|].
+          intros i _. split; [tauto|].
+          intros _ _ [].
+      - exact H_phi.
+    Qed.
   End Soundness.
   Section HoareTripleProperties.