From 5ee1088380f31a025039e508abd411c725949e97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robbert Krebbers <> Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2016 22:19:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] A nicer version of adequacy of Iris and specialize it to heap_lang. Use it to prove that tests/barrier_client and tests/heap_lang are adequate. --- _CoqProject | 1 + heap_lang/heap.v | 20 ---------- program_logic/adequacy.v | 73 +++++++++++++++++----------------- program_logic/global_functor.v | 2 +- program_logic/iris.v | 4 +- tests/barrier_client.v | 22 ++++------ tests/heap_lang.v | 19 +++------ 7 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-) diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject index 9df1d533e..b7688665a 100644 --- a/_CoqProject +++ b/_CoqProject @@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ heap_lang/lib/barrier/specification.v heap_lang/lib/barrier/protocol.v heap_lang/lib/barrier/proof.v heap_lang/proofmode.v +heap_lang/adequacy.v tests/heap_lang.v tests/one_shot.v tests/joining_existentials.v diff --git a/heap_lang/heap.v b/heap_lang/heap.v index 5c9593aad..2457a9577 100644 --- a/heap_lang/heap.v +++ b/heap_lang/heap.v @@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ Class heapG Σ := HeapG { heap_name : gname }. (** The Functor we need. *) -Definition heapGF : gFunctor := authGF heapUR. - Definition to_heap : state → heapUR := fmap (λ v, (1%Qp, DecAgree v)). Definition of_heap : heapUR → state := omap (maybe DecAgree ∘ snd). @@ -101,24 +99,6 @@ Section heap. Qed. Hint Resolve heap_store_valid. - (** Allocation *) - Lemma heap_alloc `{irisG heap_lang Σ, authG Σ heapUR} E σ : - ownP σ ={E}=> ∃ _ : heapG Σ, heap_ctx ∧ [★ map] l↦v ∈ σ, l ↦ v. - Proof. - intros. rewrite -{1}(from_to_heap σ). etrans. - { rewrite [ownP _]later_intro. - apply (auth_alloc (ownP ∘ of_heap) heapN E); auto using to_heap_valid. } - apply pvs_mono, exist_elim=> γ. - rewrite -(exist_intro (HeapG _ _ _ γ)) /heap_ctx; apply and_mono_r. - rewrite heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def /heap_name. - induction σ as [|l v σ Hl IH] using map_ind. - { rewrite big_sepM_empty; apply True_intro. } - rewrite to_heap_insert big_sepM_insert //. - rewrite (insert_singleton_op (to_heap σ)); - last by rewrite lookup_fmap Hl; auto. - by rewrite auth_own_op IH. - Qed. - Context `{heapG Σ}. (** General properties of mapsto *) diff --git a/program_logic/adequacy.v b/program_logic/adequacy.v index df8a8fac5..808f1785b 100644 --- a/program_logic/adequacy.v +++ b/program_logic/adequacy.v @@ -4,6 +4,29 @@ From iris.program_logic Require Import ownership. From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics weakestpre. Import uPred. +Record adequate {Λ} (e1 : expr Λ) (σ1 : state Λ) (φ : val Λ → Prop) := { + adequate_result t2 σ2 v2 : + rtc step ([e1], σ1) (of_val v2 :: t2, σ2) → φ v2; + adequate_safe t2 σ2 e2 : + rtc step ([e1], σ1) (t2, σ2) → + e2 ∈ t2 → (is_Some (to_val e2) ∨ reducible e2 σ2) +}. + +Theorem adequate_tp_safe {Λ} (e1 : expr Λ) t2 σ1 σ2 φ : + adequate e1 σ1 φ → + rtc step ([e1], σ1) (t2, σ2) → + Forall (λ e, is_Some (to_val e)) t2 ∨ ∃ t3 σ3, step (t2, σ2) (t3, σ3). +Proof. + intros Had ?. + destruct (decide (Forall (λ e, is_Some (to_val e)) t2)) as [|Ht2]; [by left|]. + apply (not_Forall_Exists _), Exists_exists in Ht2; destruct Ht2 as (e2&?&He2). + destruct (adequate_safe e1 σ1 φ Had t2 σ2 e2) as [?|(e3&σ3&ef&?)]; + rewrite ?eq_None_not_Some; auto. + { exfalso. eauto. } + destruct (elem_of_list_split t2 e2) as (t2'&t2''&->); auto. + right; exists (t2' ++ e3 :: t2'' ++ option_list ef), σ3; econstructor; eauto. +Qed. + Section adequacy. Context `{irisG Λ Σ}. Implicit Types e : expr Λ. @@ -102,41 +125,19 @@ Proof. Qed. End adequacy. -Theorem adequacy_result `{irisPreG Λ Σ} e v2 t2 σ1 σ2 φ : - (∀ `{irisG Λ Σ}, ownP σ1 ⊢ WP e {{ v, ■φ v }}) → - rtc step ([e], σ1) (of_val v2 :: t2, σ2) → - φ v2. +Theorem wp_adequacy Σ `{irisPreG Λ Σ} e σ φ : + (∀ `{irisG Λ Σ}, ownP σ ⊢ WP e {{ v, ■φ v }}) → + adequate e σ φ. Proof. - intros Hwp [n ?]%rtc_nsteps. - eapply (adequacy (M:=iResUR Σ) _ (S (S (S n)))); iIntros "". - rewrite Nat_iter_S. iVs (iris_alloc σ1) as (?) "(?&?&?&Hσ)". - iVsIntro. iNext. iApply wptp_result; eauto. - iFrame. iSplitL. by iApply Hwp. done. -Qed. - -Lemma wp_adequacy_reducible `{irisPreG Λ Σ} e1 e2 t2 σ1 σ2 Φ : - (∀ `{irisG Λ Σ}, ownP σ1 ⊢ WP e1 {{ Φ }}) → - rtc step ([e1], σ1) (t2, σ2) → - e2 ∈ t2 → (is_Some (to_val e2) ∨ reducible e2 σ2). -Proof. - intros Hwp [n ?]%rtc_nsteps ?. - eapply (adequacy (M:=iResUR Σ) _ (S (S (S n)))); iIntros "". - rewrite Nat_iter_S. iVs (iris_alloc σ1) as (?) "(Hw & HE & Hσ & Hσf)". - iVsIntro. iNext. iApply wptp_safe; eauto. - iFrame "Hw HE Hσ". iSplitL. by iApply Hwp. done. -Qed. - -Theorem wp_adequacy_safe `{irisPreG Λ Σ} e1 t2 σ1 σ2 Φ : - (∀ `{irisG Λ Σ}, ownP σ1 ⊢ WP e1 {{ Φ }}) → - rtc step ([e1], σ1) (t2, σ2) → - Forall (λ e, is_Some (to_val e)) t2 ∨ ∃ t3 σ3, step (t2, σ2) (t3, σ3). -Proof. - intros. - destruct (decide (Forall (λ e, is_Some (to_val e)) t2)) as [|Ht2]; [by left|]. - apply (not_Forall_Exists _), Exists_exists in Ht2; destruct Ht2 as (e2&?&He2). - destruct (wp_adequacy_reducible e1 e2 t2 σ1 σ2 Φ) as [?|(e3&σ3&ef&?)]; - rewrite ?eq_None_not_Some; auto. - { exfalso. eauto. } - destruct (elem_of_list_split t2 e2) as (t2'&t2''&->); auto. - right; exists (t2' ++ e3 :: t2'' ++ option_list ef), σ3; econstructor; eauto. + intros Hwp; split. + - intros t2 σ2 v2 [n ?]%rtc_nsteps. + eapply (adequacy (M:=iResUR Σ) _ (S (S (S n)))); iIntros "". + rewrite Nat_iter_S. iVs (iris_alloc σ) as (?) "(?&?&?&Hσ)". + iVsIntro. iNext. iApply wptp_result; eauto. + iFrame. iSplitL; auto. by iApply Hwp. + - intros t2 σ2 e2 [n ?]%rtc_nsteps ?. + eapply (adequacy (M:=iResUR Σ) _ (S (S (S n)))); iIntros "". + rewrite Nat_iter_S. iVs (iris_alloc σ) as (?) "(Hw & HE & Hσ & Hσf)". + iVsIntro. iNext. iApply wptp_safe; eauto. + iFrame "Hw HE Hσ". iSplitL; auto. by iApply Hwp. Qed. diff --git a/program_logic/global_functor.v b/program_logic/global_functor.v index 1689e988b..24f305014 100644 --- a/program_logic/global_functor.v +++ b/program_logic/global_functor.v @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Module gFunctors. Definition nil : gFunctors := existT 0 (fin_0_inv _). Definition cons (F : gFunctor) (Σ : gFunctors) : gFunctors := - existT (S (projT1 Σ)) (fin_S_inv _ F (projT2 Σ)). + existT (S (projT1 Σ)) (fin_S_inv _ F (projT2 Σ)). Fixpoint app (Fs : gFunctorList) (Σ : gFunctors) : gFunctors := match Fs with diff --git a/program_logic/iris.v b/program_logic/iris.v index 9165cbca0..5153818ac 100644 --- a/program_logic/iris.v +++ b/program_logic/iris.v @@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ Class irisG (Λ : language) (Σ : gFunctors) : Set := IrisG { disabled_name : gname; }. -Definition irisPreGF (Λ : language) : gFunctorList := +Definition irisGF (Λ : language) : gFunctorList := [GFunctor (constRF (authUR (optionUR (exclR (stateC Λ))))); GFunctor (authRF (gmapURF positive (agreeRF (laterCF idCF)))); GFunctor (constRF coPset_disjUR); GFunctor (constRF (gset_disjUR positive))]. -Instance inGF_barrierG `{H : inGFs Σ (irisPreGF Λ)} : irisPreG Λ Σ. +Instance inGF_barrierG `{H : inGFs Σ (irisGF Λ)} : irisPreG Λ Σ. Proof. by destruct H as (?%inGF_inG & ?%inGF_inG & ?%inGF_inG & ?%inGF_inG & _). Qed. diff --git a/tests/barrier_client.v b/tests/barrier_client.v index 42fe6db30..e9680779b 100644 --- a/tests/barrier_client.v +++ b/tests/barrier_client.v @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang. From iris.heap_lang.lib.barrier Require Import proof. From iris.heap_lang Require Import par. From iris.program_logic Require Import auth sts saved_prop hoare ownership. -From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode. +From iris.heap_lang Require Import adequacy proofmode. Definition worker (n : Z) : val := λ: "b" "y", wait "b" ;; !"y" #n. @@ -57,18 +57,10 @@ Section client. Qed. End client. -(* -Section ClosedProofs. - Definition Σ : gFunctors := #[ heapGF ; barrierGF ; spawnGF ]. - Notation iProp := (iPropG heap_lang Σ). - - Lemma client_safe_closed σ : {{ ownP σ : iProp }} client {{ v, True }}. - Proof. - iIntros "! Hσ". - iVs (heap_alloc with "Hσ") as (h) "[#Hh _]"; first done. - iApply (client_safe (nroot .@ "barrier")); auto with ndisj. - Qed. +Lemma client_adequate σ : adequate client σ (λ _, True). +Proof. + apply (heap_adequacy #[ heapGF ; barrierGF ; spawnGF ])=> ?. + apply (client_safe (nroot .@ "barrier")); auto with ndisj. +Qed. - Print Assumptions client_safe_closed. -End ClosedProofs. -*) \ No newline at end of file +Print Assumptions client_adequate. diff --git a/tests/heap_lang.v b/tests/heap_lang.v index c3665bfbc..429e401a7 100644 --- a/tests/heap_lang.v +++ b/tests/heap_lang.v @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ (** This file is essentially a bunch of testcases. *) -From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre. +From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre hoare. From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang. -From iris.program_logic Require Import ownership hoare. +From iris.heap_lang Require Import adequacy. +From iris.program_logic Require Import ownership. From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation. Section LangTests. @@ -75,15 +76,5 @@ Section LiftingTests. Proof. iIntros "". wp_apply Pred_spec. wp_let. by wp_apply Pred_spec. Qed. End LiftingTests. -(* -Section ClosedProofs. - Definition Σ : gFunctors := #[ irisPreGF; heapGF ]. - - Lemma heap_e_closed σ : {{ ownP σ : iProp Σ }} heap_e {{ v, v = #2 }}. - Proof. - iProof. iIntros "! Hσ". - iVs (heap_alloc with "Hσ") as (h) "[? _]"; first solve_ndisj. - by iApply heap_e_spec; first solve_ndisj. - Qed. -End ClosedProofs. -*) \ No newline at end of file +Lemma heap_e_adequate σ : adequate heap_e σ (λ v, v = #2). +Proof. eapply (heap_adequacy #[ heapGF ])=> ?. by apply heap_e_spec. Qed. -- GitLab