From 594a1dd08d3835a8bbcdbf21e9c0ed15ecc882b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Filip Sieczkowski <> Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 23:38:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Proved the Hoare triple rules, except the one about timeless props. --- iris.v | 284 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 255 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/iris.v b/iris.v index 51e592ff4..7cc30c951 100644 --- a/iris.v +++ b/iris.v @@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ Qed. (HStep : prim_step (ei, σ) (ei', σ')), exists w'' r' s', w' ⊑ w'' /\ WP (K [[ ei' ]]) φ w'' k r' /\ erasure σ' m (Some r' · rf) s' w'' @ k) /\ - (forall e' K (HDec : e = K [[ e' ]]), + (forall e' K (HDec : e = K [[ fork e' ]]), exists w'' rfk rret s', w' ⊑ w'' /\ WP (K [[ fork_ret ]]) φ w'' k rret /\ WP e' (umconst ⊤) w'' k rfk @@ -861,7 +861,24 @@ Qed. Lemma htRet e (HV : is_value e) m : valid (ht m ⊤ e (eqV (exist _ e HV))). Proof. - Admitted. + intros w' nn rr w _ n r' _ _ _; clear w' nn rr. + unfold wp; rewrite fixp_eq; fold (wp m). + intros w'; intros; split; [| split]; intros. + - exists w' r' s; split; [reflexivity | split; [| assumption] ]. + simpl; reflexivity. + - assert (HT := values_stuck _ HV). + eapply HT in HStep; [contradiction | eassumption]. + - subst e; assert (HT := fill_value _ _ HV); subst K. + revert HV; rewrite fill_empty; intros. + contradiction (fork_not_value _ HV). + Qed. + + Implicit Type (C : Props). + + Lemma wpO m e φ w r : wp m e φ w O r. + Proof. + unfold wp; rewrite fixp_eq; fold (wp m); intros w'; intros; now inversion HLt. + Qed. (** Bind **) Program Definition plugV m φ φ' K := @@ -879,53 +896,262 @@ Qed. rewrite EQv; reflexivity. Qed. - Lemma htBind P φ φ' K e m : - ht m P e φ ∧ all (plugV m φ φ' K) ⊑ ht m P (K [[ e ]]) φ'. + Lemma unit_min r : pcm_unit _ ⊑ r. Proof. - Admitted. + exists r; now erewrite comm, pcm_op_unit by apply _. + Qed. - Lemma htBind_alt P Q φ φ' K e m - (He : Q ⊑ ht m P e φ) - (HK : forall v, Q ⊑ ht m (φ v) (K [[` v ]]) φ') : - Q ⊑ ht m P (K [[ e ]]) φ'. - Admitted. + Definition wf_nat_ind := well_founded_induction Wf_nat.lt_wf. - Implicit Type (C : Props). + Lemma htBind P φ φ' K e m : + ht m P e φ ∧ all (plugV m φ φ' K) ⊑ ht m P (K [[ e ]]) φ'. + Proof. + intros wz nz rz [He HK] w HSw n r HLe _ HP. + specialize (He _ HSw _ _ HLe (unit_min _) HP). + rewrite HSw, <- HLe in HK; clear wz nz HSw HLe HP. + revert e w r He HK; induction n using wf_nat_ind; intros; rename H into IH. + unfold wp; rewrite fixp_eq; fold (wp m). + unfold wp in He; rewrite fixp_eq in He; fold (wp m) in He. + destruct (is_value_dec e) as [HVal | HNVal]; [clear IH |]. + - intros w'; intros; edestruct He as [HV _]; try eassumption; []. + clear He HE; specialize (HV HVal); destruct HV as [w'' [r' [s' [HSw' [Hφ HE] ] ] ] ]. + (* Fold the goal back into a wp *) + setoid_rewrite HSw'. + assert (HT : wp m (K [[ e ]]) φ' w'' (S k) r'); + [| unfold wp in HT; rewrite fixp_eq in HT; fold (wp m) in HT; + eapply HT; [reflexivity | unfold lt; reflexivity | eassumption] ]. + clear HE; specialize (HK (exist _ e HVal)). + do 30 red in HK; unfold proj1_sig in HK. + apply HK; [etransitivity; eassumption | apply HLt | apply unit_min | assumption]. + - intros w'; intros; edestruct He as [_ [HS HF] ]; try eassumption; []. + split; [intros HVal; contradiction HNVal; assert (HT := fill_value _ _ HVal); + subst K; rewrite fill_empty in HVal; assumption | split; intros]. + + clear He HF HE; edestruct step_by_value as [K' EQK]; try eassumption; []. + subst K0; rewrite <- fill_comp in HDec; apply fill_inj2 in HDec. + edestruct HS as [w'' [r' [s' [HSw' [He HE] ] ] ] ]; try eassumption; []. + subst e; clear HStep HS. + do 3 eexists; split; [eassumption | split; [| eassumption] ]. + rewrite <- fill_comp; apply IH; try assumption; []. + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite <- HSw', <- HSw, Le.le_n_Sn, HLt; apply HK. + + clear He HS HE; edestruct fork_by_value as [K' EQK]; try eassumption; []. + subst K0; rewrite <- fill_comp in HDec; apply fill_inj2 in HDec. + edestruct HF as [w'' [rfk [rret [s' [HSw' [HWR [HWF HE] ] ] ] ] ] ]; + try eassumption; []; subst e; clear HF. + do 4 eexists; split; [eassumption | split; [| split; eassumption] ]. + rewrite <- fill_comp; apply IH; try assumption; []. + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite <- HSw', <- HSw, Le.le_n_Sn, HLt; apply HK. + Qed. (** Consequence **) - Lemma htCons C P P' φ φ' m e - (HPre : C ⊑ vs m m P P') - (HT : C ⊑ ht m P' e φ') - (HPost : forall v, C ⊑ vs m m (φ' v) (φ v)) : - C ⊑ ht m P e φ. - Admitted. + Program Definition vsLift m1 m2 φ φ' := + n[(fun v => vs m1 m2 (φ v) (φ' v))]. + Next Obligation. + intros v1 v2 EQv; unfold vs. + rewrite EQv; reflexivity. + Qed. + Next Obligation. + intros v1 v2 EQv; unfold vs. + rewrite EQv; reflexivity. + Qed. + + Lemma htCons P P' φ φ' m e : + vs m m P P' ∧ ht m P' e φ' ∧ all (vsLift m m φ' φ) ⊑ ht m P e φ. + Proof. + intros wz nz rz [ [HP He] Hφ] w HSw n r HLe _ Hp. + specialize (HP _ HSw _ _ HLe (unit_min _) Hp). + unfold wp; rewrite fixp_eq; fold (wp m). + rewrite <- HLe, HSw in He, Hφ; clear wz nz HSw HLe Hp. + intros w'; intros; edestruct HP with (mf := mask_emp) as [w'' [r' [s' [HSw' [Hp' HE'] ] ] ] ]; try eassumption; + [intros j; tauto | eapply erasure_equiv, HE; try reflexivity; unfold mask_emp, const; intros j; tauto |]. + clear HP HE; rewrite HSw in He; specialize (He w'' HSw' _ r' HLt (unit_min _) Hp'). + setoid_rewrite HSw'. + assert (HT : wp m e φ w'' (S k) r'); + [| unfold wp in HT; rewrite fixp_eq in HT; fold (wp m) in HT; + eapply HT; [reflexivity | unfold lt; reflexivity |]; + eapply erasure_equiv, HE'; try reflexivity; unfold mask_emp, const; intros j; tauto ]. + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite HSw, HSw', <- HLt in Hφ; clear - He Hφ. + (* Second phase of the proof: got rid of the preconditions, + now induction takes care of the evaluation. *) + rename r' into r; rename w'' into w. + revert w r e He Hφ; generalize (S k) as n; clear k; induction n using wf_nat_ind. + rename H into IH; intros; unfold wp; rewrite fixp_eq; fold (wp m). + unfold wp in He; rewrite fixp_eq in He; fold (wp m). + intros w'; intros; edestruct He as [HV [HS HF] ]; try eassumption; []. + split; [intros HVal; clear HS HF IH | split; intros; [clear HV HF | clear HV HS] ]. + - clear He HE; specialize (HV HVal); destruct HV as [w'' [r' [s' [HSw' [Hφ' HE] ] ] ] ]. + eapply Hφ in Hφ'; [| etransitivity; eassumption | apply HLt | apply unit_min]. + clear w n HSw Hφ HLt; edestruct Hφ' with (mf := mask_emp) as [w [r'' [s'' [HSw [Hφ HE'] ] ] ] ]; + [reflexivity | apply le_n | intros j; tauto | + eapply erasure_equiv, HE; try reflexivity; unfold mask_emp, const; intros j; tauto |]. + exists w r'' s''; split; [etransitivity; eassumption | split; [assumption |] ]. + eapply erasure_equiv, HE'; try reflexivity. + unfold mask_emp, const; intros j; tauto. + - clear HE He; edestruct HS as [w'' [r' [s' [HSw' [He HE] ] ] ] ]; + try eassumption; clear HS; fold (wp m) in He. + do 3 eexists; split; [eassumption | split; [| eassumption] ]. + apply IH; try assumption; []. + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite Le.le_n_Sn, HLt, <- HSw', <- HSw; apply Hφ. + - clear HE He; fold (wp m) in HF; edestruct HF as [w'' [rfk [rret [s' [HSw' [HWF [HWR HE] ] ] ] ] ] ]; [eassumption |]. + clear HF; do 4 eexists; split; [eassumption | split; [| split; eassumption] ]. + apply IH; try assumption; []. + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite Le.le_n_Sn, HLt, <- HSw', <- HSw; apply Hφ. + Qed. - Lemma htACons C P P' φ φ' m m' e + Lemma htACons m m' e P P' φ φ' (HAt : atomic e) - (HSub : m' ⊆ m) - (HPre : C ⊑ vs m m' P P') - (HT : C ⊑ ht m' P' e φ') - (HPost : forall v, C ⊑ vs m' m (φ' v) (φ v)) : - C ⊑ ht m P e φ. - Admitted. + (HSub : m' ⊆ m) : + vs m m' P P' ∧ ht m' P' e φ' ∧ all (vsLift m' m φ' φ) ⊑ ht m P e φ. + Proof. + intros wz nz rz [ [HP He] Hφ] w HSw n r HLe _ Hp. + specialize (HP _ HSw _ _ HLe (unit_min _) Hp). + unfold wp; rewrite fixp_eq; fold (wp m). + split; [intros HV; contradiction (atomic_not_value e) |]. + split; [| intros; subst; contradiction (fork_not_atomic K e') ]. + intros; rewrite <- HLe, HSw in He, Hφ; clear wz nz HSw HLe Hp. + edestruct HP with (mf := mask_emp) as [w'' [r' [s' [HSw' [Hp' HE'] ] ] ] ]; + [eassumption | eassumption | intros j; tauto | + eapply erasure_equiv, HE; try reflexivity; unfold mask_emp, const; intros j; tauto |]. + clear HP HE; rewrite HSw0 in He; specialize (He w'' HSw' _ r' HLt (unit_min _) Hp'). + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite HSw0, <- HLt in Hφ; clear w n HSw0 HLt Hp'. + unfold wp in He; rewrite fixp_eq in He; fold (wp m') in He. + edestruct He as [_ [HS _] ]; + [reflexivity | unfold lt; reflexivity | + eapply erasure_equiv, HE'; try reflexivity; unfold mask_emp, const; intros j; tauto |]. + edestruct HS as [w [r'' [s'' [HSw [He' HE] ] ] ] ]; try eassumption; clear He HS HE'. + destruct k as [| k]; [exists w' r' s'; split; [reflexivity | split; [apply wpO | exact I] ] |]. + edestruct atomic_step as [EQk HVal]; try eassumption; subst K. + rewrite fill_empty in *; subst ei. + setoid_rewrite HSw'; setoid_rewrite HSw. + rewrite HSw', HSw in Hφ; clear - HE He' Hφ HSub HVal. + unfold wp in He'; rewrite fixp_eq in He'; fold (wp m') in He'. + edestruct He' as [HV _]; [reflexivity | apply le_n | eassumption |]. + clear HE He'; specialize (HV HVal); destruct HV as [w' [r [s [HSw [Hφ' HE] ] ] ] ]. + eapply Hφ in Hφ'; [| assumption | apply Le.le_n_Sn | apply unit_min]. + clear Hφ; edestruct Hφ' with (mf := mask_emp) as [w'' [r' [s' [HSw' [Hφ HE'] ] ] ] ]; + [reflexivity | apply le_n | intros j; tauto | + eapply erasure_equiv, HE; try reflexivity; unfold mask_emp, const; intros j; tauto |]. + clear Hφ' HE; exists w'' r' s'; split; + [etransitivity; eassumption | split; [| eapply erasure_equiv, HE'; try reflexivity; unfold mask_emp, const; intros j; tauto] ]. + clear - Hφ; unfold wp; rewrite fixp_eq; fold (wp m). + intros w; intros; split; [intros HVal' | split; intros; exfalso]. + - do 3 eexists; split; [reflexivity | split; [| eassumption] ]. + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite HLt, <- HSw. + eapply φ, Hφ; [| apply le_n]; simpl; reflexivity. + - eapply values_stuck; eassumption. + - clear - HDec HVal; subst; assert (HT := fill_value _ _ HVal); subst. + rewrite fill_empty in HVal; now apply fork_not_value in HVal. + Qed. (** Framing **) Lemma htFrame m P R e φ : ht m P e φ ⊑ ht m (P * R) e (lift_bin sc φ (umconst R)). - Admitted. + Proof. + intros w n rz He w' HSw n' r HLe _ [r1 [r2 [EQr [HP HLR] ] ] ]. + specialize (He _ HSw _ _ HLe (unit_min _) HP). + clear P w n rz HSw HLe HP; rename w' into w; rename n' into n. + revert e w r1 r EQr HLR He; induction n using wf_nat_ind; intros; rename H into IH. + unfold wp; rewrite fixp_eq; fold (wp m); intros w'; intros. + unfold wp in He; rewrite fixp_eq in He; fold (wp m) in He. + rewrite <- EQr, <- assoc in HE; edestruct He as [HV [HS HF] ]; try eassumption; []. + clear He; split; [intros HVal; clear HS HF IH HE | split; intros; [clear HV HF HE | clear HV HS HE] ]. + - specialize (HV HVal); destruct HV as [w'' [r1' [s' [HSw' [Hφ HE] ] ] ] ]. + rewrite assoc in HE; destruct (Some r1' · Some r2) as [r' |] eqn: EQr'; + [| eapply erasure_not_empty in HE; [contradiction | now erewrite !pcm_op_zero by apply _] ]. + do 3 eexists; split; [eassumption | split; [| eassumption] ]. + exists r1' r2; split; [now rewrite EQr' | split; [assumption |] ]. + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite HLt, <- HSw', <- HSw; apply HLR. + - edestruct HS as [w'' [r1' [s' [HSw' [He HE] ] ] ] ]; try eassumption; []; clear HS. + destruct k as [| k]; [exists w' r1' s'; split; [reflexivity | split; [apply wpO | exact I] ] |]. + rewrite assoc in HE; destruct (Some r1' · Some r2) as [r' |] eqn: EQr'; + [| eapply erasure_not_empty in HE; [contradiction | now erewrite !pcm_op_zero by apply _] ]. + do 3 eexists; split; [eassumption | split; [| eassumption] ]. + eapply IH; try eassumption; [rewrite <- EQr'; reflexivity |]. + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite Le.le_n_Sn, HLt, <- HSw', <- HSw; apply HLR. + - specialize (HF _ _ HDec); destruct HF as [w'' [rfk [rret [s' [HSw' [HWF [HWR HE] ] ] ] ] ] ]. + destruct k as [| k]; [exists w' rfk rret s'; split; [reflexivity | split; [apply wpO | split; [apply wpO | exact I] ] ] |]. + rewrite assoc, <- (assoc (Some rfk)) in HE; destruct (Some rret · Some r2) as [rret' |] eqn: EQrret; + [| eapply erasure_not_empty in HE; [contradiction | now erewrite (comm _ 0), !pcm_op_zero by apply _] ]. + do 4 eexists; split; [eassumption | split; [| split; eassumption] ]. + eapply IH; try eassumption; [rewrite <- EQrret; reflexivity |]. + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite Le.le_n_Sn, HLt, <- HSw', <- HSw; apply HLR. + Qed. Lemma htAFrame m P R e φ (HAt : atomic e) : ht m P e φ ⊑ ht m (P * ▹ R) e (lift_bin sc φ (umconst R)). - Admitted. + Proof. + intros w n rz He w' HSw n' r HLe _ [r1 [r2 [EQr [HP HLR] ] ] ]. + specialize (He _ HSw _ _ HLe (unit_min _) HP). + clear rz n HLe; unfold wp; rewrite fixp_eq; fold (wp m). + clear w HSw; rename n' into n; rename w' into w; intros w'; intros. + split; [intros; exfalso | split; intros; [| exfalso] ]. + - contradiction (atomic_not_value e). + - destruct k as [| k]; + [exists w' r s; split; [reflexivity | split; [apply wpO | exact I] ] |]. + unfold wp in He; rewrite fixp_eq in He; fold (wp m) in He. + rewrite <- EQr, <- assoc in HE. + edestruct He as [_ [HeS _] ]; try eassumption; []. + edestruct HeS as [w'' [r1' [s' [HSw' [He' HE'] ] ] ] ]; try eassumption; []. + clear HE He HeS; rewrite assoc in HE'. + destruct (Some r1' · Some r2) as [r' |] eqn: EQr'; + [| eapply erasure_not_empty in HE'; + [contradiction | now erewrite !pcm_op_zero by apply _] ]. + do 3 eexists; split; [eassumption | split; [| eassumption] ]. + edestruct atomic_step as [EQK HVal]; try eassumption; []; subst K. + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite <- HLt, HSw, HSw' in HLR; simpl in HLR. + clear - He' HVal EQr' HLR; rename w'' into w. + unfold wp; rewrite fixp_eq; fold (wp m); intros w'; intros. + split; [intros HVal' | split; intros; exfalso]. + + unfold wp in He'; rewrite fixp_eq in He'; fold (wp m) in He'. + rewrite <- EQr', <- assoc in HE; edestruct He' as [HV _]; try eassumption; []. + revert HVal'; rewrite fill_empty in *; intros; specialize (HV HVal'). + destruct HV as [w'' [r1'' [s'' [HSw' [Hφ HE'] ] ] ] ]. + rewrite assoc in HE'; destruct (Some r1'' · Some r2) as [r'' |] eqn: EQr''; + [| eapply erasure_not_empty in HE'; + [contradiction | now erewrite !pcm_op_zero by apply _] ]. + do 3 eexists; split; [eassumption | split; [| eassumption] ]. + exists r1'' r2; split; [now rewrite EQr'' | split; [assumption |] ]. + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite <- HLt, HSw, HSw' in HLR; apply HLR. + + rewrite fill_empty in HDec; eapply values_stuck; eassumption. + + rewrite fill_empty in HDec; subst; clear -HVal. + assert (HT := fill_value _ _ HVal); subst K; rewrite fill_empty in HVal. + contradiction (fork_not_value e'). + - subst; clear -HAt; eapply fork_not_atomic; eassumption. + Qed. (** Fork **) - Lemma htFork m P R e φ : - ht m P e φ ⊑ ht m (P * ▹ R) (fork e) (lift_bin sc (eqV (exist _ fork_ret fork_ret_is_value)) (umconst R)). - Admitted. + Lemma htFork m P R e : + ht m P e (umconst ⊤) ⊑ ht m (P * ▹ R) (fork e) (lift_bin sc (eqV (exist _ fork_ret fork_ret_is_value)) (umconst R)). + Proof. + intros w n rz He w' HSw n' r HLe _ [r1 [r2 [EQr [HP HLR] ] ] ]. + specialize (He _ HSw _ _ HLe (unit_min _) HP). + clear rz n HLe; unfold wp; rewrite fixp_eq; fold (wp m). + clear w HSw; rename n' into n; rename w' into w; intros w'; intros. + split; [intros; contradiction (fork_not_value e) | split; intros; [exfalso |] ]. + - assert (HT := fill_fork _ _ _ HDec); subst K; rewrite fill_empty in HDec; subst. + eapply fork_stuck with (K := ε); [| eassumption]; reflexivity. + - assert (HT := fill_fork _ _ _ HDec); subst K; rewrite fill_empty in HDec. + apply fork_inj in HDec; subst e'; rewrite <- EQr in HE. + unfold lt in HLt; rewrite <- HLt, <- Le.le_n_Sn, HSw in He. + rewrite <- Le.le_n_Sn in HE. + do 4 eexists; split; [reflexivity | split; [| split; eassumption] ]. + rewrite fill_empty; unfold wp; rewrite fixp_eq; fold (wp m). + rewrite <- HLt, HSw in HLR; simpl in HLR. + clear - HLR; intros w''; intros; split; [intros | split; intros; exfalso]. + + do 3 eexists; split; [reflexivity | split; [| eassumption] ]. + exists (pcm_unit _) r2; split; [now erewrite pcm_op_unit by apply _ |]. + split; [| unfold lt in HLt; rewrite <- HLt, HSw in HLR; apply HLR]. + simpl; reflexivity. + + eapply values_stuck; eassumption || exact fork_ret_is_value. + + assert (HV := fork_ret_is_value); rewrite HDec in HV; clear HDec. + assert (HT := fill_value _ _ HV);subst K; rewrite fill_empty in HV. + eapply fork_not_value; eassumption. + Qed. + + (** Not stated: the Shift (timeless) rule *) End HoareTripleProperties. -- GitLab