From 55eee5a60becdc4837e2f4f1b1cbea514bdb01b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralf Jung <> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 22:29:41 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] introduce a notion of disjoint namespaces, and prove a few lemmas about it --- program_logic/invariants.v | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/program_logic/invariants.v b/program_logic/invariants.v index af1c0df73..24538292c 100644 --- a/program_logic/invariants.v +++ b/program_logic/invariants.v @@ -30,16 +30,42 @@ Proof. Qed. Lemma ndot_nclose `{Countable A} N x : encode (ndot N x) ∈ nclose N. Proof. apply nclose_subseteq with x, encode_nclose. Qed. -Lemma nclose_disjoint `{Countable A} N (x y : A) : - x ≠y → nclose (ndot N x) ∩ nclose (ndot N y) = ∅. + +Definition ndisj (N1 N2 : namespace) := + ∃ N1' N2', N1' `suffix_of` N1 ∧ N2' `suffix_of` N2 ∧ + length N1' = length N2' ∧ N1' ≠N2'. + +Global Instance ndisj_comm : Comm iff ndisj. +Proof. intros N1 N2. rewrite /ndisj; naive_solver. Qed. + +Lemma ndot_ne_disj `{Countable A} N (x y : A) : + x ≠y → ndisj (ndot N x) (ndot N y). +Proof. + intros Hxy. exists (ndot N x), (ndot N y). split_ands; try done; []. + by apply not_inj2_2. +Qed. + +Lemma ndot_preserve_disj_l `{Countable A} N1 N2 (x : A) : + ndisj N1 N2 → ndisj (ndot N1 x) N2. +Proof. + intros (N1' & N2' & Hpr1 & Hpr2 & Hl & Hne). exists N1', N2'. + split_ands; try done; []. by apply suffix_of_cons_r. +Qed. + +Lemma ndot_preserve_disj_r `{Countable A} N1 N2 (x : A) : + ndisj N1 N2 → ndisj N1 (ndot N2 x). +Proof. + rewrite ![ndisj N1 _]comm. apply ndot_preserve_disj_l. +Qed. + +Lemma ndisj_disjoint N1 N2 : + ndisj N1 N2 → nclose N1 ∩ nclose N2 = ∅. Proof. - intros Hxy; apply elem_of_equiv_empty_L=> p; unfold nclose, ndot. + intros (N1' & N2' & [N1'' Hpr1] & [N2'' Hpr2] & Hl & Hne). subst N1 N2. + apply elem_of_equiv_empty_L=> p; unfold nclose. rewrite elem_of_intersection !elem_coPset_suffixes; intros [[q ->] [q' Hq]]. - apply Hxy, (inj encode), (inj encode_nat); revert Hq. - rewrite !(list_encode_cons (encode _)). - rewrite !(assoc_L _) (inj_iff (++ _)%positive) /=. - generalize (encode_nat (encode y)). - induction (encode_nat (encode x)); intros [|?] ?; f_equal'; naive_solver. + rewrite !list_encode_app !assoc in Hq. + apply Hne. eapply list_encode_suffix_eq; done. Qed. Local Hint Resolve nclose_subseteq ndot_nclose. -- GitLab