diff --git a/program_logic/invariants.v b/program_logic/invariants.v
index 0c48db809f51d6f1d51da4635c8cb46d133d3892..4c91e6fa64851b29ef82f4375ece0cdc8747a50d 100644
--- a/program_logic/invariants.v
+++ b/program_logic/invariants.v
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Proof. by rewrite always_always. Qed.
 Lemma inv_alloc N E P : nclose N ⊆ E → ▷ P ={E}=> inv N P.
   intros. rewrite -(pvs_mask_weaken N) //.
-  by rewrite inv_eq /inv (pvs_allocI N); last apply coPset_suffixes_infinite.
+  by rewrite inv_eq /inv (pvs_allocI N); last apply nclose_infinite.
 (** Fairly explicit form of opening invariants *)
diff --git a/program_logic/namespaces.v b/program_logic/namespaces.v
index 7ef9071b7b2dcdca0372f06ce26e449a22d3ba6a..9950d42d348fca40966192e47bb7e541040920d4 100644
--- a/program_logic/namespaces.v
+++ b/program_logic/namespaces.v
@@ -3,27 +3,41 @@ From iris.algebra Require Export base.
 Definition namespace := list positive.
 Definition nroot : namespace := nil.
-Definition ndot `{Countable A} (N : namespace) (x : A) : namespace :=
+Definition ndot_def `{Countable A} (N : namespace) (x : A) : namespace :=
   encode x :: N.
-Coercion nclose (N : namespace) : coPset := coPset_suffixes (encode N).
+Definition ndot_aux : { x | x = @ndot_def }. by eexists. Qed.
+Definition ndot {A A_dec A_count}:= proj1_sig ndot_aux A A_dec A_count.
+Definition ndot_eq : @ndot = @ndot_def := proj2_sig ndot_aux.
+Definition nclose_def (N : namespace) : coPset := coPset_suffixes (encode N).
+Definition nclose_aux : { x | x = @nclose_def }. by eexists. Qed.
+Coercion nclose := proj1_sig nclose_aux.
+Definition nclose_eq : @nclose = @nclose_def := proj2_sig nclose_aux.
 Infix ".@" := ndot (at level 19, left associativity) : C_scope.
 Notation "(.@)" := ndot (only parsing) : C_scope.
 Instance ndot_inj `{Countable A} : Inj2 (=) (=) (=) (@ndot A _ _).
-Proof. by intros N1 x1 N2 x2 ?; simplify_eq. Qed.
+Proof. intros N1 x1 N2 x2; rewrite !ndot_eq=> ?; by simplify_eq. Qed.
 Lemma nclose_nroot : nclose nroot = ⊤.
-Proof. by apply (sig_eq_pi _). Qed.
+Proof. rewrite nclose_eq. by apply (sig_eq_pi _). Qed.
 Lemma encode_nclose N : encode N ∈ nclose N.
-Proof. by apply elem_coPset_suffixes; exists xH; rewrite (left_id_L _ _). Qed.
+  rewrite nclose_eq.
+  by apply elem_coPset_suffixes; exists xH; rewrite (left_id_L _ _).
 Lemma nclose_subseteq `{Countable A} N x : nclose (N .@ x) ⊆ nclose N.
-  intros p; rewrite /nclose !elem_coPset_suffixes; intros [q ->].
-  destruct (list_encode_suffix N (N .@ x)) as [q' ?]; [by exists [encode x]|].
+  intros p; rewrite nclose_eq /nclose !ndot_eq !elem_coPset_suffixes.
+  intros [q ->]. destruct (list_encode_suffix N (ndot_def N x)) as [q' ?].
+  { by exists [encode x]. }
   by exists (q ++ q')%positive; rewrite <-(assoc_L _); f_equal.
 Lemma ndot_nclose `{Countable A} N x : encode (N .@ x) ∈ nclose N.
 Proof. apply nclose_subseteq with x, encode_nclose. Qed.
+Lemma nclose_infinite N : ¬set_finite (nclose N).
+Proof. rewrite nclose_eq. apply coPset_suffixes_infinite. Qed.
 Instance ndisjoint : Disjoint namespace := λ N1 N2,
   ∃ N1' N2', N1' `suffix_of` N1 ∧ N2' `suffix_of` N2 ∧
@@ -38,12 +52,12 @@ Section ndisjoint.
   Proof. intros N1 N2. rewrite /disjoint /ndisjoint; naive_solver. Qed.
   Lemma ndot_ne_disjoint N x y : x ≠ y → N .@ x ⊥ N .@ y.
-  Proof. intros Hxy. exists (N .@ x), (N .@ y); naive_solver. Qed.
+  Proof. intros. exists (N .@ x), (N .@ y); rewrite ndot_eq; naive_solver. Qed.
   Lemma ndot_preserve_disjoint_l N1 N2 x : N1 ⊥ N2 → N1 .@ x ⊥ N2.
     intros (N1' & N2' & Hpr1 & Hpr2 & Hl & Hne). exists N1', N2'.
-    split_and?; try done; []. by apply suffix_of_cons_r.
+    split_and?; try done; []. rewrite ndot_eq. by apply suffix_of_cons_r.
   Lemma ndot_preserve_disjoint_r N1 N2 x : N1 ⊥ N2 → N1 ⊥ N2 .@ x .
@@ -51,7 +65,8 @@ Section ndisjoint.
   Lemma ndisj_disjoint N1 N2 : N1 ⊥ N2 → nclose N1 ⊥ nclose N2.
-    intros (N1' & N2' & [N1'' ->] & [N2'' ->] & Hl & Hne) p; unfold nclose.
+    intros (N1' & N2' & [N1'' ->] & [N2'' ->] & Hl & Hne) p.
+    rewrite nclose_eq /nclose.
     rewrite !elem_coPset_suffixes; intros [q ->] [q' Hq]; destruct Hne.
     by rewrite !list_encode_app !assoc in Hq; apply list_encode_suffix_eq in Hq.