From 4aeb0a86015168b0e897fb38288c7107498e4c91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralf Jung <> Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 13:54:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] iris/language: do not tie evaluation contexts to have a syntactical representation --- barrier/heap_lang.v | 14 ++++++++------ iris/hoare.v | 6 +++--- iris/language.v | 20 ++++++++------------ iris/weakestpre.v | 8 ++++---- 4 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) diff --git a/barrier/heap_lang.v b/barrier/heap_lang.v index ba57122a0..889d1057c 100644 --- a/barrier/heap_lang.v +++ b/barrier/heap_lang.v @@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ Definition ectx_item_fill (Ki : ectx_item) (e : expr) : expr := | CasRCtx v0 v1 => Cas (of_val v0) (of_val v1) e end. -Instance ectx_fill : Fill ectx expr := - fix go K e := let _ : Fill _ _ := @go in +Fixpoint fill K e := + (* FIXME RJ: This really is fold_left, but if I use that all automation breaks. *) match K with [] => e | Ki :: K => ectx_item_fill Ki (fill K e) end. (** The stepping relation *) @@ -305,16 +305,18 @@ Program Canonical Structure heap_lang : language := {| of_val := heap_lang.of_val; to_val := heap_lang.to_val; atomic := heap_lang.atomic; prim_step := heap_lang.prim_step; |}. - Solve Obligations with eauto using heap_lang.to_of_val, heap_lang.of_to_val, heap_lang.values_stuck, heap_lang.atomic_not_val, heap_lang.atomic_step. -Global Instance heap_lang_ctx : CtxLanguage heap_lang heap_lang.ectx. +Import heap_lang. + +Global Instance heap_lang_ctx K : + LanguageCtx heap_lang (heap_lang.fill K). Proof. split. * eauto using heap_lang.fill_not_val. - * intros K ????? [K' e1' e2' Heq1 Heq2 Hstep]. + * intros ????? [K' e1' e2' Heq1 Heq2 Hstep]. by exists (K ++ K') e1' e2'; rewrite ?heap_lang.fill_app ?Heq1 ?Heq2. - * intros K e1 σ1 e2 σ2 ? Hnval [K'' e1'' e2'' Heq1 -> Hstep]. + * intros e1 σ1 e2 σ2 ? Hnval [K'' e1'' e2'' Heq1 -> Hstep]. destruct (heap_lang.step_by_val K K'' e1 e1'' σ1 e2'' σ2 ef) as [K' ->]; eauto. rewrite heap_lang.fill_app in Heq1; apply (injective _) in Heq1. diff --git a/iris/hoare.v b/iris/hoare.v index a54afed2f..100998cc2 100644 --- a/iris/hoare.v +++ b/iris/hoare.v @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ Proof. rewrite -(wp_atomic E1 E2) //; apply pvs_mono, wp_mono=> v. rewrite (forall_elim v) pvs_impl_r -(pvs_intro E1) pvs_trans; solve_elem_of. Qed. -Lemma ht_bind `{CtxLanguage Λ C} K E P Q Q' e : - ({{ P }} e @ E {{ Q }} ∧ ∀ v, {{ Q v }} fill K (of_val v) @ E {{ Q' }}) - ⊑ {{ P }} fill K e @ E {{ Q' }}. +Lemma ht_bind `{LanguageCtx Λ K} E P Q Q' e : + ({{ P }} e @ E {{ Q }} ∧ ∀ v, {{ Q v }} K (of_val v) @ E {{ Q' }}) + ⊑ {{ P }} K e @ E {{ Q' }}. Proof. intros; apply (always_intro' _ _), impl_intro_l. rewrite (associative _ P) {1}/ht always_elim impl_elim_r. diff --git a/iris/language.v b/iris/language.v index 035062d93..afa23eb9c 100644 --- a/iris/language.v +++ b/iris/language.v @@ -52,17 +52,13 @@ Section language. Proof. by intros v v' Hv; apply (injective Some); rewrite -!to_of_val Hv. Qed. End language. -Class Fill C E := fill : C → E → E. -Instance: Params (@fill) 3. -Arguments fill {_ _ _} !_ _ / : simpl nomatch. - -Class CtxLanguage (Λ : language) (C : Type) `{Fill C (expr Λ)} := { - fill_not_val K e : - to_val e = None → to_val (fill K e) = None; - fill_step K e1 σ1 e2 σ2 ef : +Class LanguageCtx (Λ : language) (K : expr Λ → expr Λ) := { + fill_not_val e : + to_val e = None → to_val (K e) = None; + fill_step e1 σ1 e2 σ2 ef : prim_step e1 σ1 e2 σ2 ef → - prim_step (fill K e1) σ1 (fill K e2) σ2 ef; - fill_step_inv K e1' σ1 e2 σ2 ef : - to_val e1' = None → prim_step (fill K e1') σ1 e2 σ2 ef → - ∃ e2', e2 = fill K e2' ∧ prim_step e1' σ1 e2' σ2 ef + prim_step (K e1) σ1 (K e2) σ2 ef; + fill_step_inv e1' σ1 e2 σ2 ef : + to_val e1' = None → prim_step (K e1') σ1 e2 σ2 ef → + ∃ e2', e2 = K e2' ∧ prim_step e1' σ1 e2' σ2 ef }. diff --git a/iris/weakestpre.v b/iris/weakestpre.v index a396c92fd..2f4d50aec 100644 --- a/iris/weakestpre.v +++ b/iris/weakestpre.v @@ -161,17 +161,17 @@ Proof. * apply wp_frame_r; [auto|exists r2, rR; split_ands; auto]. eapply uPred_weaken with rR n; eauto. Qed. -Lemma wp_bind `{CtxLanguage Λ C} E K e Q : - wp E e (λ v, wp E (fill K (of_val v)) Q) ⊑ wp E (fill K e) Q. +Lemma wp_bind `{LanguageCtx Λ K} E e Q : + wp E e (λ v, wp E (K (of_val v)) Q) ⊑ wp E (K e) Q. Proof. intros r n; revert e r; induction n as [n IH] using lt_wf_ind; intros e r ?. destruct 1 as [|n r e ? Hgo]; [|constructor]; auto using fill_not_val. intros rf k Ef σ1 ???; destruct (Hgo rf k Ef σ1) as [Hsafe Hstep]; auto. split. { destruct Hsafe as (e2&σ2&ef&?). - by exists (fill K e2), σ2, ef; apply fill_step. } + by exists (K e2), σ2, ef; apply fill_step. } intros e2 σ2 ef ?. - destruct (fill_step_inv K e σ1 e2 σ2 ef) as (e2'&->&?); auto. + destruct (fill_step_inv e σ1 e2 σ2 ef) as (e2'&->&?); auto. destruct (Hstep e2' σ2 ef) as (r2&r2'&?&?&?); auto. exists r2, r2'; split_ands; try eapply IH; eauto. Qed. -- GitLab