From 121fce4cb35568cccb6749566735d70f85e631ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jacques-Henri Jourdan <> Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2016 17:23:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Simplifying thread local invariants By using the global ghost maps instead of our own ones. --- program_logic/sts.v | 3 +-- program_logic/thread_local.v | 46 +++++++++++++----------------------- 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/program_logic/sts.v b/program_logic/sts.v index 6e440de82..4693dc29d 100644 --- a/program_logic/sts.v +++ b/program_logic/sts.v @@ -127,8 +127,7 @@ Section sts. around accessors". *) iVs (sts_accS with "[Hinv Hγf]") as (s) "(?&?& HclSts)"; first by iFrame. iVsIntro. iExists s. iFrame. iIntros (s' T') "H". - iVs ("HclSts" $! s' T' with "H") as "(Hinv & ?)". iFrame. - iVs ("Hclose" with "Hinv"). done. + iVs ("HclSts" $! s' T' with "H") as "(Hinv & ?)". by iVs ("Hclose" with "Hinv"). Qed. Lemma sts_open E N γ s0 T : diff --git a/program_logic/thread_local.v b/program_logic/thread_local.v index 86db05b0a..f37c90474 100644 --- a/program_logic/thread_local.v +++ b/program_logic/thread_local.v @@ -2,14 +2,10 @@ From iris.algebra Require Export gmap gset coPset. From iris.proofmode Require Import invariants tactics. Import uPred. -Definition thread_id := positive. +Definition thread_id := gname. -Class thread_localG Σ := { - tl_enabled_inG :> inG Σ (gmapUR thread_id coPset_disjR); - tl_disabled_inG :> inG Σ (gmapUR thread_id (gset_disjR positive)); - tl_enabled_name : gname; - tl_disabled_name : gname -}. +Class thread_localG Σ := + tl_inG :> inG Σ (prodUR coPset_disjUR (gset_disjUR positive)). Definition tlN : namespace := nroot .@ "tl". @@ -17,12 +13,11 @@ Section defs. Context `{irisG Λ Σ, thread_localG Σ}. Definition tl_tokens (tid : thread_id) (E : coPset) : iProp Σ := - own tl_enabled_name {[ tid := CoPset E ]}. + own tid (CoPset E, ∅). Definition tl_inv (tid : thread_id) (N : namespace) (P : iProp Σ) : iProp Σ := (∃ i, ■(i ∈ nclose N) ∧ - inv tlN (P ★ own tl_disabled_name {[ tid := GSet {[i]} ]} - ∨ tl_tokens tid {[i]}))%I. + inv tlN (P ★ own tid (∅, GSet {[i]}) ∨ tl_tokens tid {[i]}))%I. End defs. Instance: Params (@tl_tokens) 2. @@ -33,41 +28,35 @@ Section proofs. Lemma tid_alloc : True =r=> ∃ tid, tl_tokens tid ⊤. - Proof. - iIntros. - iVs (own_empty (A:=gmapUR thread_id coPset_disjR) tl_enabled_name) as "Hempty". - iVs (own_updateP with "Hempty") as (m) "[Hm Hown]". - by apply alloc_updateP' with (x:=CoPset ⊤). - iDestruct "Hm" as %(tid & -> & _). eauto. - Qed. + Proof. by apply own_alloc. Qed. Lemma tl_tokens_disj tid E1 E2 : tl_tokens tid E1 ★ tl_tokens tid E2 ⊢ ■(E1 ⊥ E2). Proof. - by rewrite /tl_tokens -own_op op_singleton own_valid -coPset_disj_valid_op - discrete_valid singleton_valid. + rewrite /tl_tokens -own_op own_valid -coPset_disj_valid_op discrete_valid. + by iIntros ([? _])"!%". Qed. Lemma tl_tokens_union tid E1 E2 : E1 ⊥ E2 → tl_tokens tid (E1 ∪ E2) ⊣⊢ tl_tokens tid E1 ★ tl_tokens tid E2. Proof. - intros ?. by rewrite /tl_tokens -own_op op_singleton coPset_disj_union. + intros ?. by rewrite /tl_tokens -own_op pair_op left_id coPset_disj_union. Qed. - Lemma tl_inv_alloc tid E N P : ▷ P ={E}=> tl_inv tid N P. + Lemma tl_inv_alloc tid E N P : + ▷ P ={E}=> tl_inv tid N P. Proof. iIntros "HP". - iVs (own_empty (A:=gmapUR thread_id (gset_disjR positive)) tl_disabled_name) - as "Hempty". - iVs (own_updateP with "Hempty") as (m) "[Hm Hown]". - { eapply alloc_unit_singleton_updateP' with (u:=∅) (i:=tid). done. apply _. + iVs (own_empty tid) as "Hempty". + iVs (own_updateP with "Hempty") as ([m1 m2]) "[Hm Hown]". + { apply prod_updateP'. apply cmra_updateP_id, (reflexivity (R:=eq)). apply (gset_alloc_empty_updateP_strong' (λ i, i ∈ nclose N)). intros Ef. exists (coPpick (nclose N ∖ coPset.of_gset Ef)). rewrite -coPset.elem_of_of_gset comm -elem_of_difference. apply coPpick_elem_of=> Hfin. eapply nclose_infinite, (difference_finite_inv _ _), Hfin. apply of_gset_finite. } - iDestruct "Hm" as %(? & -> & i & -> & ?). + simpl. iDestruct "Hm" as %(<- & i & -> & ?). iVs (inv_alloc tlN with "[-]"). 2:iVsIntro; iExists i; eauto. iNext. iLeft. by iFrame. Qed. @@ -87,9 +76,8 @@ Section proofs. iIntros "!==>[HP ?]". iFrame. iInv tlN as "[[_ >Hdis2]|>Hitok]" "Hclose". + iCombine "Hdis" "Hdis2" as "Hdis". - iDestruct (own_valid with "Hdis") as %Hval. - revert Hval. rewrite op_singleton singleton_valid gset_disj_valid_op. - set_solver. + iDestruct (own_valid with "Hdis") as %[_ Hval]. revert Hval. + rewrite gset_disj_valid_op. set_solver. + iFrame. iApply "Hclose". iNext. iLeft. by iFrame. - iDestruct (tl_tokens_disj tid {[i]} {[i]} with "[-]") as %?. by iFrame. set_solver. -- GitLab