From f15b04fd3d1809e2b1dac3b90409c557ee80f163 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralf Jung <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 21:52:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] bump GPFSL

 theories/lang/arc.v                        | 12 +++---
 theories/lang/arc_cmra.v                   | 50 +++++++++++-----------
 theories/lifetime/model/primitive.v        |  8 ++--
 theories/typing/lib/rc/rc.v                |  4 +-
 theories/typing/lib/rc/weak.v              |  2 +-
 theories/typing/lib/refcell/ref_code.v     |  6 +--
 theories/typing/lib/refcell/refcell_code.v |  2 +-
 theories/typing/lib/refcell/refmut_code.v  |  4 +-
 theories/typing/lib/rwlock/rwlock.v        |  4 +-
 9 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/lang/arc.v b/theories/lang/arc.v
index 2c3042fc..fbb6da04 100644
--- a/theories/lang/arc.v
+++ b/theories/lang/arc.v
@@ -602,11 +602,11 @@ Section arc.
                        ⎡ own γ ((ε, ◯ ((Some 1%Qp, ε)), ε) : arcUR) ⎤)%I as ">Own".
     { do 9 setoid_rewrite <- embed_sep. do 9 setoid_rewrite <- own_op.
       iMod (own_alloc (A:=arcUR)) as (γ) "Own"; last by iExists γ.
-      rewrite 5!(@pair_op (prodUR (authUR strong_stUR) (authUR weak_stUR))
+      rewrite -5!(@pair_op (prodUR (authUR strong_stUR) (authUR weak_stUR))
                           (prodUR (prodUR move_selfUR move_otherUR) move_otherUR)).
-      rewrite /= 2!pair_op /= !left_id /=. split.
+      rewrite /= -2!pair_op /= !left_id /=. split.
       { by split; apply auth_both_valid. }
-      do 2 setoid_rewrite pair_op. rewrite /= !left_id !right_id.
+      do 2 setoid_rewrite <-pair_op. rewrite /= !left_id !right_id.
       split; split; [..|by apply auth_both_valid|by apply auth_auth_valid];
         (split; [by apply auth_both_valid|rewrite /= right_id]);
         [|rewrite left_id]; by apply auth_auth_valid. }
@@ -659,11 +659,11 @@ Section arc.
                        WeakUpAuth γ ∅ ∗ WkUps γ 1%Qp ∅)%I as ">Own".
     { do 8 setoid_rewrite <- embed_sep. do 8 setoid_rewrite <- own_op.
       iMod (own_alloc (A:=arcUR)) as (γ) "?"; last by iExists γ.
-      rewrite 4!(@pair_op (prodUR (authUR strong_stUR) (authUR weak_stUR))
+      rewrite -4!(@pair_op (prodUR (authUR strong_stUR) (authUR weak_stUR))
                           (prodUR (prodUR move_selfUR move_otherUR) move_otherUR)).
-      rewrite /= 2!pair_op /= !left_id /=. split.
+      rewrite /= -2!pair_op /= !left_id /=. split.
       { by split; apply auth_both_valid. }
-      do 2 setoid_rewrite pair_op. rewrite /= !left_id !right_id.
+      do 2 setoid_rewrite <-pair_op. rewrite /= !left_id !right_id.
       split; split; [..|by apply auth_both_valid|by apply auth_auth_valid];
         (split; [by apply auth_both_valid|rewrite /= right_id]);
         [|rewrite left_id]; by apply auth_auth_valid. }
diff --git a/theories/lang/arc_cmra.v b/theories/lang/arc_cmra.v
index 71210a3a..09bfa2b4 100644
--- a/theories/lang/arc_cmra.v
+++ b/theories/lang/arc_cmra.v
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     rewrite /Fractional => p q. rewrite -embed_sep -own_op.
     apply embed_proper, own.own_proper.
     apply pair_proper; [done|]. do 3 (apply pair_proper; [|done]). simpl.
-    by rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op pair_op frac_op' agree_idemp.
+    by rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op -pair_op frac_op' agree_idemp.
   Global Instance StrMoves_asfractional γ q Mt :
     AsFractional (StrMoves γ q Mt) (λ q, StrMoves γ q Mt) q.
@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     rewrite /Fractional => p q. rewrite -embed_sep -own_op.
     apply embed_proper, own.own_proper.
     apply pair_proper; [done|]. apply pair_proper; [|done].
-    rewrite /=. setoid_rewrite pair_op. apply pair_proper; [done|].
-    rewrite pair_op. apply pair_proper; [|done].
-    by rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op pair_op frac_op' lat_op_join' lat_join_idem_L.
+    rewrite /=. setoid_rewrite <-pair_op. apply pair_proper; [done|].
+    rewrite -pair_op. apply pair_proper; [|done].
+    by rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op -pair_op frac_op' lat_op_join' lat_join_idem_L.
   Global Instance StrDowns_asfractional γ q Dt :
     AsFractional (StrDowns γ q Dt) (λ q, StrDowns γ q Dt) q.
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     rewrite /Fractional => p q. rewrite -embed_sep -own_op.
     apply embed_proper, own.own_proper.
     do 2 (apply pair_proper; [done|]).
-    rewrite /=. setoid_rewrite pair_op. apply pair_proper; [|done].
-    by rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op pair_op frac_op' lat_op_join' lat_join_idem_L.
+    rewrite /=. setoid_rewrite <-pair_op. apply pair_proper; [|done].
+    by rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op -pair_op frac_op' lat_op_join' lat_join_idem_L.
   Global Instance WkUps_asfractional γ q Ut :
     AsFractional (WkUps γ q Ut) (λ q, WkUps γ q Ut) q.
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
   Lemma arc_ghost_move_self_main_valid Mt1 Mt2 q:
     ✓ (moveSAuth Mt1 ⋅ moveSMain q Mt2) → Mt2 = Mt1.
-    rewrite pair_op right_id.
+    rewrite -pair_op right_id.
     move => [/= /auth_both_valid [/Some_included
             [[_ /= /to_agree_inj /to_latT_inj /leibniz_equiv_iff //]|
               /prod_included[_ /to_agree_included /to_latT_inj /leibniz_equiv_iff //]]_]_].
@@ -202,14 +202,14 @@ Section ArcGhost.
   Lemma arc_ghost_move_self_cert_valid Mt1 Mt2:
     ✓ (moveSAuth Mt1 ⋅ certS Mt2) → Mt2 ⊆ Mt1.
-  Proof. rewrite pair_op => [[_ /auth_both_valid [/latT_included // _]]]. Qed.
+  Proof. rewrite -pair_op => [[_ /auth_both_valid [/latT_included // _]]]. Qed.
   Lemma StrongMoveAuth_agree γ Mt q Mt':
     StrongMoveAuth γ Mt ∗ StrMoves γ q Mt' -∗ ⌜Mt = Mt'⌝.
     rewrite -embed_sep -own_op.
     iIntros "own". iDestruct (own_valid with "own") as %VALID. iPureIntro.
-    move : VALID => [/=_ [/= ]]. rewrite pair_op.
+    move : VALID => [/=_ [/= ]]. rewrite -pair_op.
     move => [/= /arc_ghost_move_self_main_valid //].
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     rewrite -embed_sep -own_op.
     iIntros "own". iDestruct (own_valid with "own") as %VAL. iPureIntro.
     move : VAL => [/=_ [/= [[VAL  _]_]_]]. move :VAL.
-    rewrite /= -auth_frag_op -Some_op pair_op auth_valid_discrete /= Some_valid.
+    rewrite /= -auth_frag_op -Some_op -pair_op auth_valid_discrete /= Some_valid.
     move => [_ /agree_op_inv' /to_latT_inj /leibniz_equiv_iff // ].
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     rewrite -embed_sep -own_op.
     iIntros "own". iDestruct (own_valid with "own") as %VALID. iPureIntro.
-    move :VALID => [/= _ [/= ]]. rewrite pair_op.
+    move :VALID => [/= _ [/= ]]. rewrite -pair_op.
     move => [/= /arc_ghost_move_self_cert_valid //].
@@ -240,9 +240,9 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     iMod (own_update with "own") as "$"; [|done].
     apply prod_update; [done|].
     apply prod_update; [|rewrite /= left_id right_id //].
-    setoid_rewrite pair_op. rewrite /=.
+    setoid_rewrite <-pair_op. rewrite /=.
     apply prod_update; [|rewrite /= left_id right_id //].
-    rewrite /= 2!pair_op /= 2!right_id left_id.
+    rewrite /= -2!pair_op /= 2!right_id left_id.
     apply prod_update; simpl.
     - by apply auth_update, option_local_update, exclusive_local_update.
     - apply auth_update_alloc.
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
   Lemma arc_ghost_move_other_main_valid Mt1 Mt2:
     ✓ (moveOAuth Mt1 ⋅ moveOMain 1%Qp Mt2) → Mt2 = Mt1.
-    rewrite pair_op.
+    rewrite -pair_op.
     move => [/= /auth_both_valid [/Some_included
               [[/= _ /to_latT_inj /leibniz_equiv_iff //]|
               /prod_included [/= /frac_included /= // _]]]].
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
   Lemma arc_ghost_move_other_cert_valid Mt1 Mt2:
     ✓ (moveOAuth Mt1 ⋅ certO Mt2) → Mt2 ⊆ Mt1.
-    rewrite pair_op right_id.
+    rewrite -pair_op right_id.
     move => [/= _ /auth_both_valid [/latT_included // ]].
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     rewrite -embed_sep -own_op. apply embed_proper, own.own_proper.
     do 2 (apply pair_proper; [done|]; apply pair_proper; [|done]).
-    simpl. rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op pair_op -frac_op' lat_op_join'.
+    simpl. rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op -pair_op -frac_op' lat_op_join'.
     rewrite (lat_le_join_l_L (Dt ∪ Dt') Dt'); [done|solve_lat].
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     rewrite -embed_sep -own_op. apply embed_proper, own.own_proper.
     do 2 (apply pair_proper; [done|]). apply pair_proper; [|done]. simpl.
-    rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op pair_op -frac_op' lat_op_join'.
+    rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op -pair_op -frac_op' lat_op_join'.
     rewrite (lat_le_join_l_L (Ut ∪ Ut') Ut'); [done|solve_lat].
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     rewrite -embed_sep -own_op. apply embed_proper, own.own_proper.
     do 2 (apply pair_proper; [done|]; apply pair_proper; [|done]).
-    simpl. by rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op pair_op -frac_op' lat_op_join'.
+    simpl. by rewrite -auth_frag_op -Some_op -pair_op -frac_op' lat_op_join'.
   Lemma StrDowns_update γ Dt1 Dt2 Dt' q :
@@ -340,9 +340,9 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     iMod (own_update with "own") as "$"; [|done].
     apply prod_update; [done|]. simpl.
     apply prod_update; [|rewrite /= !right_id //].
-    setoid_rewrite pair_op. rewrite /=.
+    setoid_rewrite <-pair_op. rewrite /=.
     apply prod_update; [rewrite /= !right_id //|].
-    rewrite /= 2!pair_op /= 2!right_id left_id. rewrite -2!lat_op_join'.
+    rewrite /= -2!pair_op /= 2!right_id left_id. rewrite -2!lat_op_join'.
     apply prod_update; simpl.
     - apply auth_update, option_local_update, prod_local_update_2.
       rewrite (cmra_comm_L (to_latT Dt1)) (cmra_comm_L (to_latT Dt2)).
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     iMod (@own_update _ arcUR with "own") as "$"; [|done].
     apply prod_update; simpl; [|by rewrite right_id].
     apply prod_update; simpl; [|done]. apply auth_update_alloc.
-    rewrite Pos.add_comm Qp_plus_comm -pos_op_plus /= -frac_op' -pair_op Some_op.
+    rewrite Pos.add_comm Qp_plus_comm -pos_op_plus /= -frac_op' pair_op Some_op.
     rewrite -{2}(right_id None op (Some ((q' /2)%Qp, _))).
     apply op_local_update_discrete => _ /=. split; simpl; [|done].
     apply frac_valid'. rewrite -Hqq' comm -{2}(Qp_div_2 q').
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     apply prod_update; simpl; [done|]. apply auth_update_alloc.
     apply prod_local_update; simpl; [done|].
     rewrite Pos.add_comm Qp_plus_comm -pos_op_plus /=
-            -frac_op' -pair_op -Cinl_op Some_op.
+            -frac_op' pair_op Cinl_op Some_op.
     rewrite -{2}(right_id None op (Some $ Cinl ((q' /2)%Qp, _))).
     apply op_local_update_discrete => _ /=. split; simpl; [|done].
     apply frac_valid'. rewrite -Hqq' comm -{2}(Qp_div_2 q').
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     iMod (@own_update _ arcUR with "own") as "$"; [|done].
     apply prod_update; [|simpl; by rewrite right_id]. apply prod_update; [|done].
     apply auth_update_dealloc.
-    rewrite -frac_op' -pos_op_plus /= (cmra_comm_L q) -pair_op Some_op.
+    rewrite -frac_op' -pos_op_plus /= (cmra_comm_L q) pair_op Some_op.
     by apply (cancel_local_update_unit (Some _)), _.
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     iMod (@own_update _ arcUR with "own") as "$"; [|done].
     apply prod_update; [|simpl; by rewrite right_id]. apply prod_update; [done|].
     apply auth_update_dealloc. apply prod_local_update; [done|].
-    rewrite -frac_op' -pos_op_plus /= (cmra_comm_L q) -pair_op -Cinl_op Some_op.
+    rewrite -frac_op' -pos_op_plus /= (cmra_comm_L q) pair_op Cinl_op Some_op.
     by apply (cancel_local_update_unit (Some _)), _.
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ Section ArcGhost.
     rewrite -embed_sep -own_op. iIntros "own".
     iDestruct (@own_valid _ arcUR with "own") as %[[_ VAL] _]. simpl in VAL.
-    iPureIntro. move : VAL. rewrite -auth_frag_op pair_op -Some_op frac_op'.
+    iPureIntro. move : VAL. rewrite -auth_frag_op -pair_op -Some_op frac_op'.
     move => /auth_valid_discrete /= [/= ? _].
     have Lt: (1%Qp < (1%Qp + q)%Qp)%Qc. apply Qp_lt_sum. by eexists.
     apply (irreflexive_eq (R:= Qclt) 1%Qp 1%Qp); [done|].
diff --git a/theories/lifetime/model/primitive.v b/theories/lifetime/model/primitive.v
index 843edb0d..697b4ec5 100644
--- a/theories/lifetime/model/primitive.v
+++ b/theories/lifetime/model/primitive.v
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Proof.
   destruct (A !! Λ) as [[? V]|] eqn:EQΛ; intros [= ->].
   assert (({[Λ := Cinr (to_agree $ to_latT V)]} ⋅ to_alftUR A) ≡ to_alftUR A) as HAinsert.
   { move=>Λ'. destruct (decide (Λ = Λ')) as [<-|Hne].
-    + rewrite lookup_op lookup_fmap EQΛ lookup_singleton -Some_op Cinr_op agree_idemp //.
+    + rewrite lookup_op lookup_fmap EQΛ lookup_singleton -Some_op -Cinr_op agree_idemp //.
     + rewrite lookup_op lookup_fmap !lookup_insert_ne // lookup_empty left_id -lookup_fmap //. }
   iMod (own_update _ ((● to_alftUR A)) with "HA") as "HA".
   { eapply (auth_update_alloc _ _ ({[Λ := Cinr (to_agree $ to_latT V)]}⋅∅)),
@@ -306,11 +306,11 @@ Proof.
   - iIntros "H". iDestruct "H" as (V') "[#? H] ".
     (* FIXME : the Proper instance for singleton cannot be found automatically here. *)
     rewrite (fin_maps.singleton_proper Λ _ (Cinl (_, to_latT V' ⋅ to_latT V'))); last first.
-    { rewrite lat_op_join /= lat_join_idem //. } rewrite -pair_op -Cinl_op -op_singleton.
+    { rewrite lat_op_join /= lat_join_idem //. } rewrite pair_op Cinl_op -op_singleton.
     iDestruct "H" as "[Hp Hq]". iSplitL "Hp"; auto.
   - iIntros "[Hp Hq]". iDestruct "Hp" as (Vp') "[#HVp' p]".
     iDestruct "Hq" as (Vq') "[#HVq' Hq]". iExists (_ ⊔ _).
-    rewrite -lat_op_join' -pair_op -Cinl_op -op_singleton auth_frag_op own_op.
+    rewrite -lat_op_join' pair_op Cinl_op -op_singleton auth_frag_op own_op.
     iFrame. iCombine "HVp' HVq'" as "HVpq'".
     iDestruct (monPred_in_intro with "HVpq'") as (V) "[HV [%%]]".
     rewrite (_:Vp' ⊔ Vq' ⊑ V) //. solve_lat.
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ Proof.
   rewrite /lft_tok. rewrite -monPred_objectively_big_sepMS_entails -big_sepMS_sep.
   apply big_sepMS_mono=>// Λ ?. iStartProof (iProp _). iDestruct 1 as (V) "[#? H]".
   rewrite (fin_maps.singleton_proper Λ _ (Cinl (_, to_latT V ⋅ to_latT bot))); last first.
-  { rewrite lat_op_join' right_id //. } rewrite -pair_op -Cinl_op -op_singleton.
+  { rewrite lat_op_join' right_id //. } rewrite pair_op Cinl_op -op_singleton.
   iDestruct "H" as "[Hp Hq]". iSplitL "Hp"; [by auto|]. iIntros (?). iExists bot. auto.
diff --git a/theories/typing/lib/rc/rc.v b/theories/typing/lib/rc/rc.v
index a64d605a..306d82a0 100644
--- a/theories/typing/lib/rc/rc.v
+++ b/theories/typing/lib/rc/rc.v
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ Section code.
           iFrame. iExists _. iFrame. auto with iFrame.
         * iMod (own_update_2 with "Hst Htok") as "Hst".
           { apply auth_update_dealloc.
-            rewrite -pair_op -Cinl_op Some_op -{1}(left_id 0%nat _ weak) -pair_op.
+            rewrite pair_op Cinl_op Some_op -{1}(left_id 0%nat _ weak) pair_op.
             apply (cancel_local_update_unit _ (_, _)). }
           iApply "Hclose". iFrame. iExists _. iFrame. iExists (q+q'')%Qp. iFrame.
           iSplitL; first last.
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ Section code.
       split; simpl; last done. apply frac_valid'. rewrite -H comm_L -{2}(Qp_div_2 qb).
       apply Qcplus_le_mono_l. rewrite -{1}(Qcplus_0_l (_ / _)%Qp).
       apply Qcplus_le_mono_r, Qp_ge_0. }
-    rewrite right_id -Some_op Cinl_op pair_op. iDestruct "Hνtok" as "[Hνtok1 Hνtok2]".
+    rewrite right_id -Some_op -Cinl_op -pair_op. iDestruct "Hνtok" as "[Hνtok1 Hνtok2]".
     iMod ("Hclose3" with "[$Hrctok] Hna") as "[Hα1 Hna]".
     iMod ("Hclose2" with "[Hrc● Hl'1 Hl'2 Hl'† Hνtok2 Hν† $Hna]") as "Hna".
     { iExists _. iFrame "Hrc●". iExists _. rewrite Z.add_comm. iFrame.
diff --git a/theories/typing/lib/rc/weak.v b/theories/typing/lib/rc/weak.v
index 051166ae..e5ef1983 100644
--- a/theories/typing/lib/rc/weak.v
+++ b/theories/typing/lib/rc/weak.v
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ Section code.
         rewrite -Hq''q0 comm_L -{2}(Qp_div_2 qb).
         apply Qcplus_le_mono_l. rewrite -{1}(Qcplus_0_l (_ / _)%Qp).
         apply Qcplus_le_mono_r, Qp_ge_0. }
-      rewrite right_id -Some_op Cinl_op pair_op.
+      rewrite right_id -Some_op -Cinl_op -pair_op.
       iMod ("Hclose3" with "[$Hwtok] Hna") as "[Hα1 Hna]".
       iMod ("Hclose2" with "[Hrc● Hl'1 Hl'2 Hl'† Hν2 Hν† $Hna]") as "Hna".
       { iExists _. iFrame "Hrc●". iExists _. rewrite Z.add_comm. iFrame.
diff --git a/theories/typing/lib/refcell/ref_code.v b/theories/typing/lib/refcell/ref_code.v
index d89fc965..a257f41e 100644
--- a/theories/typing/lib/refcell/ref_code.v
+++ b/theories/typing/lib/refcell/ref_code.v
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Section ref_functions.
     wp_let. wp_apply (wp_memcpy with "[$Hlr $H↦]"); [done..|].
     iIntros "[Hlr H↦]". wp_seq. iMod ("Hcloseα2" with "[$H◯] Hna") as "[Hα1 Hna]".
     iMod ("Hcloseδ" with "[H↦lrc H● Hν1 Hshr' H†] Hna") as "[Hδ Hna]".
-    { iExists (Some (_, false, _, _)). rewrite Z.add_comm -Some_op !pair_op agree_idemp.
+    { iExists (Some (_, false, _, _)). rewrite Z.add_comm -Some_op -!pair_op agree_idemp.
       iFrame. iExists _. iFrame.
       rewrite (comm Qp_plus) (assoc Qp_plus) Qp_div_2 (comm Qp_plus). auto. }
     iMod ("Hcloseβ" with "Hδ") as "Hβ". iMod ("Hcloseα1" with "[$H↦]") as "Hα2".
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Section ref_functions.
           by rewrite Pos.add_1_l Pos.pred_succ. }
         iMod (own_update with "H●◯") as "$".
         { apply auth_update_dealloc.
-          rewrite -(agree_idemp (to_agree _)) -!pair_op Some_op.
+          rewrite -(agree_idemp (to_agree _)) !pair_op Some_op.
           apply (cancel_local_update_unit (reading_stR q ν)), _. }
         iApply step_fupd_intro; first set_solver. iExists (q+q'')%Qp. iFrame.
         by rewrite assoc (comm _ q0 q). }
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ Section ref_functions.
     iDestruct "Hrefs" as "(Hrefs1 & Hrefs2 & Hrefs3 & Hrefs4)".
     rewrite !shift_loc_assoc. wp_write. do 3 (wp_op; wp_write).
     iMod ("Hclosena" with "[H↦lrc H● Hν1 Hshr' H†] Hna") as "[Hβ Hna]".
-    { iExists (Some (_, false, _, _)). rewrite Z.add_comm -Some_op !pair_op agree_idemp.
+    { iExists (Some (_, false, _, _)). rewrite Z.add_comm -Some_op -!pair_op agree_idemp.
       iFrame. iExists _. iFrame.
       rewrite (comm Qp_plus) (assoc Qp_plus) Qp_div_2 (comm Qp_plus). auto. }
     iMod ("Hβclose" with "Hβ") as "Hα". iMod ("Hclose1" with "Hα HL") as "HL".
diff --git a/theories/typing/lib/refcell/refcell_code.v b/theories/typing/lib/refcell/refcell_code.v
index d0a55fec..81d8b73a 100644
--- a/theories/typing/lib/refcell/refcell_code.v
+++ b/theories/typing/lib/refcell/refcell_code.v
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ Section refcell_functions.
               apply Qcplus_le_mono_r, Qp_ge_0.
             - done. }
           iFrame "∗#". iExists (Some (ν, false, _, _)). iFrame "∗#".
-          rewrite [_ â‹… _]comm -Some_op !pair_op agree_idemp. iFrame.
+          rewrite [_ â‹… _]comm -Some_op -!pair_op agree_idemp. iFrame.
           iExists _. iFrame. rewrite -(assoc Qp_plus) Qp_div_2 //.
         - iMod (lft_create with "LFT") as (ν) "[[Htok1 Htok2] #Hhν]". done.
           iMod (own_update with "Hownst") as "[Hownst Hreading]"; first by apply
diff --git a/theories/typing/lib/refcell/refmut_code.v b/theories/typing/lib/refcell/refmut_code.v
index 4b34ab08..bd2587ea 100644
--- a/theories/typing/lib/refcell/refmut_code.v
+++ b/theories/typing/lib/refcell/refmut_code.v
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Section refmut_functions.
         iDestruct "Hq" as (q) "(<- & ?)". iFrame.
       - simpl in *. setoid_subst. iExists (Some (_, _, _, _)).
         iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "$".
-        { apply auth_update_dealloc. rewrite -(agree_idemp (to_agree _)) -!pair_op Some_op.
+        { apply auth_update_dealloc. rewrite -(agree_idemp (to_agree _)) !pair_op Some_op.
           apply (cancel_local_update_unit (writing_stR q _)), _. }
         iDestruct "INV" as "(H† & Hq & _)".
         rewrite /= (_:Z.neg (1%positive â‹… n') + 1 = Z.neg n');
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ Section refmut_functions.
     rewrite !shift_loc_assoc. wp_write. do 3 (wp_op; wp_write).
     iMod ("Hclosena" with "[Hlrc H● Hν1 H†] Hna") as "[Hβ Hna]".
     { iExists (Some (_, true, _, _)).
-      rewrite -Some_op !pair_op agree_idemp /= (comm _ xH _).
+      rewrite -Some_op -!pair_op agree_idemp /= (comm _ xH _).
       iFrame. iSplitL; [|done]. iExists _. iFrame.
       rewrite (comm Qp_plus) (assoc Qp_plus) Qp_div_2 (comm Qp_plus). auto. }
     iMod ("Hβclose" with "Hβ") as "Hα". iMod ("Hclose1" with "Hα HL") as "HL".
diff --git a/theories/typing/lib/rwlock/rwlock.v b/theories/typing/lib/rwlock/rwlock.v
index 4305c315..06fc0cbb 100644
--- a/theories/typing/lib/rwlock/rwlock.v
+++ b/theories/typing/lib/rwlock/rwlock.v
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Section rwlock_inv.
     iMod (own_update with "g") as "$"; [|done]. apply auth_update_alloc.
     rewrite Pos.add_comm Qp_plus_comm -pos_op_plus /=
             -{2}(agree_idemp (to_agree _)) -frac_op'
-            -2!pair_op -Cinr_op Some_op.
+            2!pair_op Cinr_op Some_op.
     rewrite -{2}(right_id None op (Some (Cinr (_, (q' /2)%Qp, _)))).
     apply op_local_update_discrete =>-[Hagv _]. split; [split|done].
     - by rewrite /= agree_idemp.
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Section rwlock_inv.
     iMod (own_update with "mr") as "$"; [|done].
     apply auth_update_dealloc.
     rewrite -frac_op' -pos_op_plus /= (cmra_comm_L q)
-            -{1}(agree_idemp (to_agree _)) -2!pair_op -Cinr_op Some_op.
+            -{1}(agree_idemp (to_agree _)) 2!pair_op Cinr_op Some_op.
     by apply (cancel_local_update_unit (Some _)), _.