From e5f526c3ade36a2b53c459965617dc12ca85b00f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tej Chajed <> Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 08:25:24 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Add a verified interpreter for HeapLang --- _CoqProject | 3 + coq-iris-staging.opam | 1 + iris_heap_lang/locations.v | 8 +- iris_heap_lang/pretty.v | 65 ++ iris_staging/heap_lang/interpreter.v | 1004 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ tests/heap_lang_interpreter.ref | 44 ++ tests/heap_lang_interpreter.v | 66 ++ 7 files changed, 1188 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) create mode 100644 iris_heap_lang/pretty.v create mode 100644 iris_staging/heap_lang/interpreter.v create mode 100644 tests/heap_lang_interpreter.ref create mode 100644 tests/heap_lang_interpreter.v diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject index 1278ab0df..9904cd695 100644 --- a/_CoqProject +++ b/_CoqProject @@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ iris/proofmode/modality_instances.v iris_heap_lang/locations.v iris_heap_lang/lang.v iris_heap_lang/class_instances.v +iris_heap_lang/pretty.v iris_heap_lang/metatheory.v iris_heap_lang/tactics.v iris_heap_lang/primitive_laws.v @@ -174,3 +175,5 @@ iris_deprecated/base_logic/auth.v iris_deprecated/base_logic/sts.v iris_deprecated/base_logic/viewshifts.v iris_deprecated/program_logic/hoare.v + +iris_staging/heap_lang/interpreter.v diff --git a/coq-iris-staging.opam b/coq-iris-staging.opam index 49bff7b51..75cf7add4 100644 --- a/coq-iris-staging.opam +++ b/coq-iris-staging.opam @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ work is needed before they are ready for this. depends: [ "coq-iris" {= version} + "coq-iris-heap-lang" {= version} ] build: ["./make-package" "iris_staging" "-j%{jobs}%"] diff --git a/iris_heap_lang/locations.v b/iris_heap_lang/locations.v index 26c483e65..aae2090d1 100644 --- a/iris_heap_lang/locations.v +++ b/iris_heap_lang/locations.v @@ -2,15 +2,17 @@ From stdpp Require Import countable numbers gmap. From iris.prelude Require Export prelude. From iris.prelude Require Import options. -Record loc := { loc_car : Z }. +Record loc := Loc { loc_car : Z }. + +Add Printing Constructor loc. Global Instance loc_eq_decision : EqDecision loc. -Proof. solve_decision. Qed. +Proof. solve_decision. Defined. Global Instance loc_inhabited : Inhabited loc := populate {|loc_car := 0 |}. Global Instance loc_countable : Countable loc. -Proof. by apply (inj_countable' loc_car (λ i, {| loc_car := i |})); intros []. Qed. +Proof. by apply (inj_countable' loc_car Loc); intros []. Defined. Program Instance loc_infinite : Infinite loc := inj_infinite (λ p, {| loc_car := p |}) (λ l, Some (loc_car l)) _. diff --git a/iris_heap_lang/pretty.v b/iris_heap_lang/pretty.v new file mode 100644 index 000000000..42e1fcd23 --- /dev/null +++ b/iris_heap_lang/pretty.v @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +From stdpp Require Export pretty. + +From iris.heap_lang Require Import lang. +From iris.prelude Require Import options. + +(** * Pretty printing for HeapLang values *) + +Global Instance pretty_loc : Pretty loc := + λ l, pretty l.(loc_car). + +Global Instance pretty_base_lit : Pretty base_lit := + λ l, match l with + | LitInt z => pretty z + | LitBool b => if b then "true" else "false" + | LitUnit => "()" + | LitPoison => "<poison>" + | LitLoc l => "(loc " +:+ pretty l +:+ ")" + | LitProphecy i => "(prophecy " +:+ pretty i +:+ ")" + end. + +Global Instance pretty_binder : Pretty binder := + λ b, match b with + | BNamed x => x + | BAnon => "<>" + end. + +(** Note that this instance does not print function bodies and is thus not +injective (unlike most `pretty` instances). *) +Global Instance pretty_val : Pretty val := + fix go v := + match v with + | LitV l => "#" +:+ pretty l + | RecV f x e => + match f with + | BNamed f => "rec: " +:+ f +:+ " " +:+ pretty x +:+ " := <body>" + | BAnon => "λ: " +:+ pretty x +:+ ", <body>" + end + | PairV v1 v2 => "(" +:+ go v1 +:+ ", " +:+ go v2 +:+ ")" + | InjLV v => "inl (" +:+ go v +:+ ")" + | InjRV v => "inr (" +:+ go v +:+ ")" + end. + +Global Instance pretty_un_op : Pretty un_op := + λ op, match op with + | NegOp => "~" + | MinusUnOp => "-" + end. + +Global Instance pretty_bin_op : Pretty bin_op := + λ op, match op with + | PlusOp => "+" + | MinusOp => "-" + | MultOp => "*" + | QuotOp => "`quot`" + | RemOp => "`rem`" + | AndOp => "&" + | OrOp => "|" + | XorOp => "`xor`" + | ShiftLOp => "<<" + | ShiftROp => ">>" + | LeOp => "≤" + | LtOp => "<" + | EqOp => "=" + | OffsetOp => "+â‚—" + end . diff --git a/iris_staging/heap_lang/interpreter.v b/iris_staging/heap_lang/interpreter.v new file mode 100644 index 000000000..87c30ea58 --- /dev/null +++ b/iris_staging/heap_lang/interpreter.v @@ -0,0 +1,1004 @@ +(* This file is still experimental. See its tracking issue + for details on remaining +issues before stabilization. *) + +(** A verified interpreter for HeapLang. + + This file defines a function [exec (fuel:nat) (e:expr) : val + Error] which + runs a HeapLang expression to [inl v] if [e] terminates in a value [v], or + returns [inr msg] with a structured error message [msg] if [e] gets stuck at + some point. Use [pretty msg] to turn the message into a readable string. + + The point of this interpreter is to allow you to test your code or small + snippets of HeapLang code and see what the semantics does. We prove it + correct so that you can trust that the interpreter actually reflects the + semantics, particularly when it says the program is stuck. The interpreter + also goes through some pain to report specific error messages on failure, + although these explanations are of course not verified. + + We prove a correctness theorem [exec_spec] about [exec] summarizing its + guarantees. It distinguishes two cases: + 1. If [exec] returns [inl v], then [e] can execute to [v] according to [rtc + erased_step] (following the semantics of HeapLang). + 2. If [exec] returns [inr (Stuck msg)], then [e] can execute to some [e'] + that is stuck according to the HeapLang semantics, so [e] really does "go + wrong". [msg] is a human-readable string describing how [e] got stuck. + 3. Finally, [exec] can also fail due to running out of fuel or encountering + an unsupported prophecy variable operation, in which case it returns a + distinct error case and the correctness theorem provides no guarantees. + + The interpreter is _sequential_ and _deterministic_, which means it has some + limitations. It will ignore forked threads and continue to execute the main + thread, which may cause some programs to live-lock that would otherwise make + progress under a fair scheduler. + + Determinism creates a subtle difference between the interpreter and the + semantics. The interpreter only guarantees properties of one execution while + the semantics and any safety property proven using Iris conceptually regard + all executions. Concretely, consider this program: [let: "x" := ref #0 in + !(LitLoc 1)]. There is one execution where this program terminates in [#0], + and many where the allocation results in some other location and it is + stuck. The interpeter happens to allocate starting at [LitLoc 1] and will + say it produces [#0]. This is technically correct but not useful - there is + a stuck execution the interpreter didn't find. The only non-determinism in + sequential HeapLang is allocation, so we believe only strange programs like + this that correctly "guess" the interpreter's allocations are affected. + + The interpreter is heavily based on Sydney Gibson's MEng thesis: + That thesis includes an + interpreter for sequential GooseLang, a fork of HeapLang. + +*) + +From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang. +From iris.heap_lang Require Import tactics pretty. +From iris.prelude Require Import options. + +Local Ltac invc H := inversion H; subst; clear H. + +(** Errors are tagged to give [exec] a stronger specification. [Stuck s] is + distinguished from the other cases because it comes with a proof that the + expression is eventually stuck. *) +Inductive Error := +| Stuck (s:string) +| Unsupported (s:string) +| OutOfFuel. + +Global Instance error_pretty : Pretty Error := + λ err, match err with + | Stuck s => "stuck: " +:+ s + | Unsupported s => "unsupported operation: " +:+ s + | OutOfFuel => "out of fuel" + end. + +Module interp_monad. + Record interp_state := + InterpState { lang_state : state; next_loc : Z; forked_threads : list expr; }. + + Add Printing Constructor interp_state. + + Definition modify_lang_state (f: state → state): interp_state → interp_state := + λ s, InterpState (f s.(lang_state)) s.(next_loc) (s.(forked_threads)). + Definition add_forked_thread (e: expr) : interp_state → interp_state := + λ s, InterpState s.(lang_state) s.(next_loc) (s.(forked_threads) ++ [e]). + Definition interp_state_alloc (n: Z) : interp_state → interp_state := + λ s, InterpState s.(lang_state) (n + s.(next_loc)) s.(forked_threads). + + Inductive state_wf (s: interp_state): Prop := + { state_wf_holds (l: loc) : (s.(next_loc) ≤ l.(loc_car))%Z → + s.(lang_state).(heap) !! l = None; }. + + Definition InterpretM (A:Type) : Type := + interp_state → (A+Error) * interp_state. + + Definition init_state : state := {| heap := ∅; used_proph_id := ∅ |}. + Definition init_interp_state : interp_state := + InterpState init_state 1 []. + + (** [run] runs an interpreter monad value starting from an empty initial + state. *) + Local Definition run {A} (f: InterpretM A) : A + Error := + (f init_interp_state).1. + + Lemma init_interp_state_wf : state_wf init_interp_state. + Proof. constructor; rewrite /init_interp_state //=. Qed. + + (* basic monad *) + Global Instance interp_ret : MRet InterpretM := λ A (x:A), λ s, (inl x, s). + Global Instance interp_bind : MBind InterpretM := + λ A B (f: A → InterpretM B) (x: InterpretM A), + λ s, let (r, s') := x s in + match r with + | inl x' => f x' s' + | inr e => (inr e, s') + end. + Global Instance interp_fmap : FMap InterpretM := + λ A B (f: A → B) (x: InterpretM A), + λ s, let (r, s') := x s in + match r with + | inl x' => (inl (f x'), s') + | inr e => (inr e, s') + end. + + (* state+error-specific monadic constants *) + Definition interp_modify (f: interp_state → interp_state): InterpretM () := + λ s, (inl (), f s). + Definition interp_modify_state (f: state → state): InterpretM () := + interp_modify (modify_lang_state f). + Definition interp_read {A} (f: state → A): InterpretM A := + λ s, (inl (f s.(lang_state)), s). + Definition interp_error {A} (msg: string) : InterpretM A := λ s, (inr (Stuck msg), s). + Definition interp_alloc (n:Z): InterpretM loc := + λ s, (inl {| loc_car := s.(next_loc)|}, interp_state_alloc n s). + + Definition read_loc (method: string) (vl: val) : InterpretM (loc*val) := + match vl with + | LitV (LitLoc l) => + mv ↠interp_read (λ σ, σ.(heap) !! l); + match mv with + | Some (Some v) => mret (l, v) + | Some None => + interp_error $ method +:+ ": use after free at location: " +:+ pretty l + | None => + interp_error $ method +:+ ": unallocated location: " +:+ pretty l + end + | _ => interp_error $ method +:+ ": applied to non-loc " +:+ pretty vl + end. + + Lemma error_not_inl {A} {msg s} {v: A} {s'} : + interp_error msg s = (inl v, s') → False. + Proof. by inversion 1. Qed. + + Lemma mret_inv {A} (v: A) s v' s' : + mret v s = (inl v', s') → v = v' ∧ s = s'. + Proof. by inversion 1. Qed. + + Lemma interp_bind_inv A B (x: InterpretM A) (f: A → InterpretM B) r s s' : + (x ≫= f) s = (r, s') → + (∃ e, x s = (inr e, s') ∧ r = inr e) ∨ + (∃ s0 x', x s = (inl x', s0) ∧ + f x' s0 = (r, s')). + Proof. + rewrite /mbind /interp_bind. + repeat case_match; inversion 1; subst; eauto. + Qed. + + Lemma interp_bind_inl_inv A B (x: InterpretM A) (f: A → InterpretM B) (r: B) s s' : + (x ≫= f) s = (inl r, s') → + ∃ s0 x', x s = (inl x', s0) ∧ + f x' s0 = (inl r, s'). + Proof. + intros [(e & ? & ?) | (s0 & x' & H1 & H2)]%interp_bind_inv. + - congruence. + - rewrite H1. + eexists _, _; eauto. + Qed. + + Lemma interp_fmap_inv {A B} (f: A → B) x s v s' : + (f <$> x) s = (inl v, s') → + ∃ v0, v = f v0 ∧ x s = (inl v0, s'). + Proof. + rewrite /fmap /interp_fmap. + repeat case_match; inversion 1; subst; eauto. + Qed. + + Lemma read_loc_inv method vl s l v s' : + read_loc method vl s = (inl (l, v), s') → + vl = LitV (LitLoc l) ∧ + s' = s ∧ + s.(lang_state).(heap) !! l = Some (Some v). + Proof. + rewrite /read_loc. + destruct vl as [l' | | | | ]; try by inversion 1. + destruct l' as [| | | | l' |]; intro H; try by inversion H. + apply interp_bind_inl_inv in H as (s0 & mv & Heq1 & Heq2). + destruct mv as [mv|]; try by inversion Heq2. + destruct mv; inversion Heq2; subst; clear Heq2. + inversion Heq1; subst; clear Heq1. + eauto. + Qed. + + Ltac errored := + lazymatch goal with + | H: interp_error _ _ = (inl _, _) |- _ => solve [ exfalso; apply (error_not_inl H) ] + | H: (inr _, _) = (inl _, _) |- _ => solve [ exfalso; inversion H ] + end. + + Ltac success := + repeat + lazymatch goal with + | H: mret _ _ = (inl _, _) |- _ => + let Heqv := fresh "Heqv" in + let Heqs := fresh "Heqs" in + apply mret_inv in H as [Heqv Heqs]; subst + | H: (_ ≫= (λ x, _)) _ = (inl _, _) |- _ => + let s := fresh "s" in + let x := fresh x in + let Heq1 := fresh "Heq" in + let Heq2 := fresh "Heq" in + apply interp_bind_inl_inv in H as (s & x & Heq1 & Heq2); subst + | H: (_ <$> _) _ = (inl ?v, _) |- _ => + let s := fresh "s" in + let v_tmp := fresh "v" in + rename v into v_tmp; + apply interp_fmap_inv in H as (v & -> & H) + | H: interp_modify _ _ = (inl _, _) |- _ => invc H + | H: interp_modify_state _ _ = (inl _, _) |- _ => invc H + | H: interp_read _ _ = (inl _, _) |- _ => invc H + | H: read_loc _ _ _ = (inl _, _) |- _ => + apply read_loc_inv in H as (-> & -> & H) + end; subst. + + Lemma interp_bind_inr_inv {A B} (x: InterpretM A) (f: A → InterpretM B) r s s' : + (x ≫= f) s = (inr r, s') → + (x s = (inr r, s')) ∨ + (∃ s0 x', x s = (inl x', s0) ∧ f x' s0 = (inr r, s')). + Proof. + rewrite /mbind /interp_bind. + repeat case_match; intros; simplify_eq/=; eauto. + Qed. + + Lemma interp_fmap_inr_inv {A B} (f: A → B) (x: InterpretM A) s e s' : + (f <$> x) s = (inr e, s') → + x s = (inr e, s'). + Proof. + rewrite /fmap /interp_fmap. + repeat case_match; intros; simplify_eq/=; auto. + Qed. + + Lemma read_loc_inr_inv method vl s err s' : + read_loc method vl s = (inr err, s') → + s = s' ∧ match vl with + | LitV (LitLoc l) => ∀ v, s.(lang_state).(heap) !! l ≠Some (Some v) + | _ => True + end. + Proof. + rewrite /read_loc. + repeat case_match; subst; try solve [ inversion 1; subst; auto ]. + intros H. + apply interp_bind_inr_inv in H as [H|(s0&x& Hexec1 & Hexec2)]; success. + - invc H. + - repeat case_match; invc Hexec2. + + intuition congruence. + + intuition congruence. + Qed. + + Ltac failure := + repeat + match goal with + | H: (_ ≫= _) _ = (inr _, _) |- _ => + let s := fresh "s" in + let x := fresh "x" in + let Heq := fresh "Heq" in + apply interp_bind_inr_inv in H as [H | (s & x & Heq & H)] + | H: interp_error _ _ = (inr _, _) |- _ => invc H + | H: mret _ _ = (inr _, _) |- _ => solve [ inversion H ] + | H: interp_modify _ _ = (inr _, _) |- _ => solve [ inversion H ] + | H: interp_modify_state _ _ = (inr _, _) |- _ => solve [ inversion H ] + | H: (_ <$> _) _ = (inr _, _) |- _ => + apply interp_fmap_inr_inv in H + | H: read_loc _ _ _ = (inr _, _) |- _ => + apply read_loc_inr_inv in H as [-> H] + end; subst. + +End interp_monad. + +Import interp_monad. + +Section interpreter. + + (* to make the below definition work with strings as well we add an + instance of [Pretty string] *) + Local Instance pretty_string : Pretty string := λ s, s. + Local Definition pretty_app (s: string) {A} `{Pretty A} (x:A) : string := + s +:+ pretty x. + + Infix "+" := pretty_app. + + (* We explain errors which in the semantics are represented by a pure function + returning None; to sanity-check these definitions, we prove they cover + exactly the cases where the underlying operation returns None. *) + + Definition option_opposites {A B} (m1 : option A) (m2 : option B) := + is_Some m1 ↔ m2 = None. + + Lemma option_opposites_alt {A B} (m1 : option A) (m2 : option B) : + option_opposites m1 m2 ↔ match m1, m2 with + | Some _, None => True + | None , Some _ => True + | _ , _ => False + end. + Proof. + rewrite /option_opposites is_Some_alt. + repeat case_match; intuition congruence. + Qed. + + (** produce an error message for [un_op_eval] *) + Definition explain_un_op_fail op v : option string := + match op with + | NegOp => match v with + | LitV (LitInt _) => None + | LitV (LitBool _) => None + | _ => Some $ "~ (NegOp) can only be applied to integers and booleans, got " + v + end + | MinusUnOp => + match v with + | LitV (LitInt _) => None + | _ => Some $ "unary - (MinusUnOp) can only be applied to integers, got " + v + end + end. + + Lemma explain_un_op_fail_wf op v : + option_opposites (explain_un_op_fail op v) (un_op_eval op v). + Proof. + apply option_opposites_alt. + rewrite /explain_un_op_fail /un_op_eval. + repeat case_match; simplify_eq/=; auto. + Qed. + + Definition explain_unboxed v : option string := + match v with + | LitV l | InjLV (LitV l) | InjRV (LitV l) => + match l with + | LitPoison => Some "poison values (from erasing prophecies) cannot be compared" + | LitProphecy _ => Some "prophecies cannot be compared" + | _ => None + end + | InjLV _ | InjRV _ => Some "sum values can only be compared if they contain literals" + | PairV _ _ => Some "pairs are large and considered boxed, must compare by field" + | RecV _ _ _ => Some "closures are large and cannot be compared" + end. + + Lemma explain_unboxed_wf v : + match explain_unboxed v with + | Some _ => ~val_is_unboxed v + | None => val_is_unboxed v + end. + Proof. + rewrite /explain_unboxed /val_is_unboxed /lit_is_unboxed. + repeat case_match; intuition congruence. + Qed. + + Definition explain_vals_compare_safe_fail v1 v2 : option string := + match explain_unboxed v1, explain_unboxed v2 with + | Some msg1, Some msg2 => + Some $ "one of " + v1 + " and " + v2 + " must be unboxed to compare: " + + v1 + ": " + msg1 + ", " + + v2 + ": " + msg2 + | _, _ => None + end. + + (** [explain_vals_compare_safe_fail] gives an explanation when + [vals_compare_safe] would be false (that is, when v1 and v2 cannot be + compared) *) + Lemma explain_vals_compare_safe_fail_wf v1 v2 : + is_Some (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail v1 v2) ↔ ~vals_compare_safe v1 v2. + Proof. + cut (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail v1 v2 = None ↔ vals_compare_safe v1 v2). + { rewrite is_Some_alt. + destruct (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail _ _); intuition congruence. } + rewrite /explain_vals_compare_safe_fail /vals_compare_safe. + pose proof (explain_unboxed_wf v1). + pose proof (explain_unboxed_wf v2). + destruct (explain_unboxed v1), (explain_unboxed v2); intuition congruence. + Qed. + + (** produce an error message for [bin_op_eval] *) + Definition explain_bin_op_fail op v1 v2 : option string := + if decide (op = EqOp) + then (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail v1 v2) + else match v1, v2 with + | LitV (LitInt _), LitV (LitInt _) => + match op with + | OffsetOp => Some $ "cannot add to integer " + v1 + " with +â‚— (only locations)" + | _ => None + end + | LitV (LitBool b1), LitV (LitBool b2) => + match bin_op_eval_bool op b1 b2 with + | Some _ => None + | None => Some $ "non-boolean operator applied to booleans " + op + end + | LitV (LitLoc _), _ => + match op, v2 with + | OffsetOp, LitV (LitInt _) => None + | OffsetOp, _ => Some $ "can only call +â‚— on integers, got " + v2 + | _, _ => Some $ "the only supported operation on locations is +â‚— #i, got " + + op + " " + v2 + end + | _, _ => Some $ "mismatched types of values " + v1 + " and " + v2 + end. + + Lemma explain_bin_op_fail_wf op v1 v2 : + option_opposites (explain_bin_op_fail op v1 v2) (bin_op_eval op v1 v2). + Proof. + apply option_opposites_alt. + rewrite /explain_bin_op_fail /bin_op_eval + /bin_op_eval_int /bin_op_eval_bool /bin_op_eval_loc. + repeat (case_match; simplify_eq/=; auto). + - pose proof (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail_wf v1 v2). + intuition eauto. + - pose proof (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail_wf v1 v2) as H. + replace (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail v1 v2) in H. + rewrite -> is_Some_alt in H. + intuition eauto. + Qed. + + (* define a shorthand for readability below *) + Local Notation error := interp_error. + + Fixpoint interpret (fuel:nat) (e: expr) {struct fuel} : InterpretM val := + match fuel with + | 0 => λ s, (inr OutOfFuel, s) + | S fuel' => let interp := interpret fuel' in + match e with + + (* lambda calculus *) + | Val v => mret v + | Var x => error $ "free var: " + x + | Rec f x e => mret (RecV f x e) + | App f e => + v2 ↠interp e; + f ↠interp f; + match f with + | RecV f x e1 => + interp (subst' x v2 (subst' f (RecV f x e1) e1)) + | _ => error $ "attempt to call non-function " +:+ pretty f + end + + (* mostly boring pure operations (sums, products, unary/binary ops) *) + | Pair e1 e2 => + v2 ↠interp e2; + v1 ↠interp e1; + mret (PairV v1 v2) + | InjL e => InjLV <$> interp e + | InjR e => InjRV <$> interp e + | UnOp op e => + v ↠interp e; + match un_op_eval op v with + | Some v => mret v + | None => error $ "un-op failed: " + match explain_un_op_fail op v with + | Some msg => msg + | None => "" (* impossible *) + end + end + | BinOp op e1 e2 => + v2 ↠interp e2; + v1 ↠interp e1; + match bin_op_eval op v1 v2 with + | Some v => mret v + | None => error $ "bin-op failed: " + match explain_bin_op_fail op v1 v2 with + | Some msg => msg + | None => "" (* impossible *) + end + end + | If e e1 e2 => + cond ↠interp e; + match cond with + | LitV (LitBool b) => interp (if b then e1 else e2) + | _ => error $ "if: non-bool condition " + cond + end + | Fst e => + v ↠interp e; + match v with + | PairV v1 _ => mret v1 + | _ => error $ "fst: called on non-pair " + v + end + | Snd e => + v ↠interp e; + match v with + | PairV _ v2 => mret v2 + | _ => error $ "snd: called on non-pair " + v + end + | Case e e1 e2 => + v ↠interp e; + match v with + | InjLV v => interp (App e1 (Val v)) + | InjRV v => interp (App e2 (Val v)) + | _ => error $ "case: called on non-sum " + v + end + + | Fork e => + _ ↠interp_modify (add_forked_thread e); + mret (LitV LitUnit) + + (* heap manipulation *) + | AllocN ne e => + v ↠interp e; + nv ↠interp ne; + match nv with + | LitV (LitInt n) => + if decide (0 < n)%Z then + l ↠interp_alloc n; + _ ↠interp_modify_state (state_init_heap l n v); + mret (LitV (LitLoc l)) + else (error $ if decide (n = 0) + then "alloc: cannot allocate 0 elements" + else "alloc: negative number of elements (first argument) " + n) + | _ => error $ "alloc: number of elements (first argument) " + nv + end + | Load e => + vl ↠interp e; + l_v0 ↠read_loc "load" vl; + let '(_, v0) := l_v0 in + mret v0 + | Free e => + vl ↠interp e; + l_v0 ↠read_loc "free" vl; + let '(l, _) := l_v0 in + _ ↠interp_modify_state (state_upd_heap <[l:=None]>); + mret (LitV LitUnit) + | Store el e => + w ↠interp e; + vl ↠interp el; + l_v0 ↠read_loc "store" vl; + let '(l, _) := l_v0 in + _ ↠interp_modify_state (state_upd_heap <[l:=Some w]>); + mret (LitV LitUnit) + | CmpXchg e e1 e2 => + v2 ↠interp e2; + v1 ↠interp e1; + vl ↠interp e; + l_v0 ↠read_loc "cmpxchg" vl; + let '(l, vl) := l_v0 in + let b := bool_decide (vl = v1) in + if decide (vals_compare_safe vl v1) then + _ ↠interp_modify_state (λ σ, if b + then state_upd_heap <[l:=Some v2]> σ + else σ); + mret (PairV vl (LitV (LitBool b))) + else + error $ "cmpxchg: failed comparison: " + default "" (explain_vals_compare_safe_fail vl v1) + | FAA el e => + v ↠interp e; + vl ↠interp el; + l_v0 ↠read_loc "faa" vl; + let '(l, v0) := l_v0 in + match v0, v with + | LitV (LitInt i1), LitV (LitInt i2) => + _ ↠interp_modify_state (state_upd_heap <[l:=Some (LitV (LitInt (i1 + i2)))]>); + mret (LitV (LitInt i1)) + (* check constant passed to FAA only if heap value is an integer *) + | LitV (LitInt _), _ => error $ "faa: increment " + v + " is not an integer" + | _, _ => error $ "faa: called on non-integer heap value: " + v0 + end + + (* unsupported prophecy variable operations *) + | NewProph => λ s, (inr (Unsupported "NewProph"), s) + | Resolve _ _ _ => λ s, (inr (Unsupported "Resolve"), s) + end + end. +End interpreter. + +(** * Theory for proving steps are sound. *) + +Lemma atomic_step e σ e' σ' : + head_step e σ [] e' σ' [] → + ∀ tp, rtc erased_step (e :: tp, σ) (e' :: tp, σ'). +Proof. + intros ? tp. + apply rtc_once. + exists []. + eapply (step_atomic e σ e' σ' [] [] tp); simpl; auto. + - rewrite app_nil_r //. + - eapply (Ectx_step []); eauto. +Qed. + +Lemma step_inv ts1 σ1 κ ts2 σ2 : + step (Λ:=heap_lang) (ts1, σ1) κ (ts2, σ2) → + ∃ (t1 : list expr) (e1 : expr) (t2 : list expr) (e2 : expr) (efs: list expr), + ts1 = t1 ++ e1 :: t2 ∧ + ts2 = t1 ++ e2 :: t2 ++ efs ∧ + prim_step e1 σ1 κ e2 σ2 efs. +Proof. + inversion 1. + simplify_eq. + eauto 10. +Qed. + +Lemma fill_step K (e: expr) σ tp κ e' σ' tp' : + step (e :: tp, σ) κ (e' :: tp', σ') → + step (fill K e :: tp, σ) κ (fill K e' :: tp', σ'). +Proof. + intros Hstep. + apply step_inv in Hstep as (t1 & e1 & t2 & e2 & efs & Heq1 & Heq2 & Hprim_step). + pose proof Hprim_step as H. + apply (fill_prim_step K) in H. + simpl in H. + destruct t1 as [|e0 t1]. + - simplify_eq/=. + eapply (step_atomic _ _ _ _ efs [] t2); eauto. + - simplify_eq/=. + eapply (step_atomic _ _ _ _ efs (fill K e0 :: t1) t2); eauto. +Qed. + +Lemma fill_erased_step (e: expr) σ tp e' σ' tp' K : + erased_step (e :: tp, σ) (e' :: tp', σ') → + erased_step (fill K e :: tp, σ) (fill K e' :: tp', σ'). +Proof. + rewrite /erased_step. + intros [κ Hstep]. + exists κ. + apply fill_step; auto. +Qed. + +Lemma step_cons_no_destroy (e: expr) tp σ κ Ï2 : + step (e :: tp, σ) κ Ï2 → + ∃ e' tp' σ', Ï2 = (e' :: tp', σ'). +Proof. + destruct Ï2 as [ts' σ']. + intros (t1&?&?&?&?&?&?&?)%step_inv; subst. + destruct t1; simplify_eq/=; eauto. +Qed. + +Lemma language_nsteps_inv_r (Λ: language) n Ï1 κs Ï2 : + language.nsteps (Λ:=Λ) (S n) Ï1 κs Ï2 → + ∃ Ï' κ κs', step Ï1 κ Ï' ∧ κs = κ ++ κs' ∧ + language.nsteps n Ï' κs' Ï2. +Proof. inversion 1; subst; eauto 10. Qed. + +Lemma fill_erased_steps (e: expr) σ tp e' σ' tp' K : + rtc erased_step (e :: tp, σ) (e' :: tp', σ') → + rtc erased_step (fill K e :: tp, σ) (fill K e' :: tp', σ'). +Proof. + rewrite !erased_steps_nsteps. + destruct 1 as (n & κs & Hsteps). + generalize dependent e. + generalize dependent tp. + generalize dependent σ. + generalize dependent e'. + generalize dependent tp'. + generalize dependent σ'. + generalize dependent κs. + induction n as [|n IHn]; intros ??????? Hsteps. + - invc Hsteps. + exists 0, []. + constructor. + - apply language_nsteps_inv_r in Hsteps as (Ï2 & κ & κs' & (Hstep & -> & Hsteps)). + (* here is the crucial step: to apply [fill_step] need to know that [Ï2] has + the right structure, which comes from threads not getting destroyed *) + edestruct step_cons_no_destroy as (e''&tp''&σ''&Heq); eauto; subst. + apply (fill_step K) in Hstep. + apply IHn in Hsteps as (n'&κs&?). + exists (S n'), (κ ++ κs). + econstructor; eauto. +Qed. + +Section interpret_ok. + Tactic Notation "step" "by" tactic1(t) := + etrans; [ solve [ t ] | simpl ]. + + Ltac change_to_fill e := + reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e' => + (* find a non-trivial context *) + lazymatch K with + | [_] => change e with (fill K e') + end). + + Ltac step_ctx := + lazymatch goal with + | |- rtc erased_step (?e :: _, _) _ => + change_to_fill e; + step by (apply fill_erased_steps; eauto) + end. + + Ltac step_atomic := + step by (apply atomic_step; eauto using head_step); + try reflexivity. + + Lemma state_wf_init_alloc (v0 : val) (s : interp_state) (n : Z) : + (0 ≤ n)%Z → + state_wf s → + state_wf + (modify_lang_state + (λ σ : state, state_init_heap {| loc_car := next_loc s |} n v0 σ) + (interp_state_alloc n s)). + Proof. + intros Hn. + constructor; rewrite /modify_lang_state /interp_state_alloc /=; intros l ?. + apply fin_maps.lookup_union_None; split. + - destruct (heap_array _ _ !! l) eqn:Hlookup; auto. + apply heap_array_lookup in Hlookup as (j & w & Hle & ? & ? & Hlookup); subst. + apply lookup_replicate in Hlookup as [? ?]; subst. + simpl in *. + lia. + - apply state_wf_holds; auto. + lia. + Qed. + + Lemma state_wf_same_dom s f : + (dom (gmap.gset _) (f s.(lang_state)).(heap) = dom _ s.(lang_state).(heap)) → + state_wf s → + state_wf (modify_lang_state f s). + Proof. + intros Hdom_eq Hwf. + constructor; rewrite /modify_lang_state /= => l ?. + apply fin_map_dom.not_elem_of_dom. + rewrite Hdom_eq. + apply fin_map_dom.not_elem_of_dom. + apply state_wf_holds; auto. + Qed. + + Lemma state_wf_upd s l mv0 v' : + state_wf s → + heap (lang_state s) !! l = Some mv0 → + state_wf (modify_lang_state (λ σ : state, state_upd_heap <[l:=v']> σ) s). + Proof. + intros Hwf Heq. + apply state_wf_same_dom; auto. + rewrite fin_map_dom.dom_insert_L. + apply fin_map_dom.elem_of_dom_2 in Heq. + set_solver. + Qed. + + Lemma interpret_wf fuel : ∀ (e: expr) s v s', + state_wf s → + interpret fuel e s = (inl v, s') → + state_wf s'. + Proof. + induction fuel as [|fuel]; simpl; intros e s v s' **; [ errored | ]. + destruct e; try errored; success; eauto; + (repeat case_match; subst; try errored; + success; + eauto using state_wf_upd). + - constructor; intros. + simpl. + apply state_wf_holds; auto. + - match goal with + | H: interp_alloc _ _ = (_, _) |- _ => invc H + end. + apply state_wf_init_alloc; eauto. + lia. + - apply state_wf_same_dom; eauto. + Qed. + + Local Hint Resolve interpret_wf : core. + + Lemma interpret_sound fuel : ∀ e s v s', + state_wf s → + interpret fuel e s = (inl v, s') → + rtc erased_step (e :: s.(forked_threads), s.(lang_state)) (Val v :: s'.(forked_threads), s'.(lang_state)). + Proof. + induction fuel as [|fuel]; simpl; intros e s v s' **; [ errored | ]. + destruct e; try errored; success; cbn [forked_threads lang_state]; + repeat match goal with + | H: (match ?x with + | _ => _ + end _ = (inl _, _)) |- _ => + let Heqn := fresh "Heqn" in + destruct x eqn:Heqn; try errored; [idtac] + | _ => progress success + | _ => step_ctx + | _ => step_atomic + end. + - (* Val *) + reflexivity. + - (* App *) + eauto. + - (* If *) + lazymatch goal with + | |- context[LitBool ?b] => destruct b; step_atomic; eauto + end. + - (* Case *) + lazymatch goal with + | |- context[Case (Val ?v)] => destruct v; try errored; step_atomic; eauto + end. + - (* Fork *) + eapply rtc_once. exists []. + lazymatch goal with + | |- context[Fork ?e] => eapply (step_atomic _ _ _ _ [e] []); simpl; eauto + end. + apply head_prim_step; simpl. + eauto using head_step. + - (* AllocN *) + lazymatch goal with + | H: interp_alloc _ _ = _ |- _ => invc H + end. + eapply atomic_step. constructor; auto; intros. + simpl. apply state_wf_holds; eauto. + simpl; lia. + Qed. + + (** * Theory for expressions that are stuck after some execution steps. *) + + Definition eventually_stuck (e: expr) tp σ tp' σ' := + ∃ e'', rtc erased_step (e :: tp, σ) (e'':: tp', σ') ∧ stuck e'' σ'. + + (** a stuck expression is eventually stuck *) + Lemma eventually_stuck_now (e: expr) tp σ : + stuck e σ → + eventually_stuck e tp σ tp σ. + Proof. + intros. + exists e. + split; [ reflexivity | auto ]. + Qed. + + (** we can "peel off" some number of execution steps before proving that an + expression is stuck *) + Lemma eventually_stuck_steps e tp σ tp0 σ0 e' tp' σ' : + rtc erased_step (e :: tp, σ) (e' :: tp0, σ0) → + eventually_stuck e' tp0 σ0 tp' σ' → + eventually_stuck e tp σ tp' σ'. + Proof. + intros Hsteps (e'' & Hsteps' & Hstuck). + eexists. split; [ etrans; eauto | eauto ]. + Qed. + + (** [eventually_stuck] respects evaluation contexts *) + Lemma eventually_stuck_fill K e tp σ tp' σ' : + eventually_stuck e tp σ tp' σ' → + eventually_stuck (fill K e) tp σ tp' σ'. + Proof. + intros (e' & Hsteps & Hstuck). + eexists (fill K e'). split. + - apply fill_erased_steps; auto. + - apply stuck_fill; auto. + Qed. + + Local Hint Resolve interpret_sound : core. + + (* peel off execution steps and use above automation to prove the [rtc + erased_steps] premise *) + Ltac stuck_steps := + eapply eventually_stuck_steps; + [ repeat step_ctx; (step_atomic || reflexivity) + |]. + + (* automate using hypotheses about stuckness inside an evaluation context *) + Ltac stuck_fill := + lazymatch goal with + | |- eventually_stuck ?e _ _ _ _ => + change_to_fill e; apply eventually_stuck_fill; solve [ eauto ] + end. + + (** We need more complicated theory to handle expressions that are stuck now, + because there is no [head_step] they can take. *) + + (* [terminal_expr e] holds when e cannot be the result of taking a context + step. Slightly more formally, e doesn't have the shape [fill K e'] where e' is + reducible. *) + Definition terminal_expr e := + ∀ K e', to_val e' = None → + e = fill K e' → + K = [] ∧ e' = e. + + Lemma stuck_not_val e σ : + to_val e = None → + (∀ (κs: list observation) (e': expr) (σ': state) (efs: list expr), + prim_step e σ κs e' σ' efs → False) → + stuck e σ. + Proof. + rewrite /stuck /irreducible. + intuition. + Qed. + + Local Hint Resolve val_head_stuck : core. + + (* This theorem expresses the point of [terminal_expr e]: a terminal_expr is + stuck if it can't take a head step, because there's *) + Lemma terminal_expr_stuck e σ : + to_val e = None → + terminal_expr e → + (∀ κ e' σ' efs, head_step e σ κ e' σ' efs → False) → + stuck e σ. + Proof. + intros Hnot_val Hterminal Hno_head_step. + apply stuck_not_val; first done; intros * Hstep. + invc Hstep; simpl in *. + lazymatch type of Hnot_val with + | to_val (fill ?K ?e1') = None => edestruct (Hterminal K e1') as [-> ?]; eauto + end. + Qed. + + Lemma fill_not_val' K e v : + to_val e = None → + Val v = fill K e → + False. + Proof. + intros H Hfill. + apply (fill_not_val K) in H; simpl in *. + rewrite -Hfill /= in H. + congruence. + Qed. + + (* to prove [terminal_expr], we work by contradiction in the case where [K] is + non-empty; to deal with [fill], which is a fold left, we express a non-empty + list as [l ++ [x]] rather than the usual [x::l]. *) + Lemma list_rev_case {A} (l: list A) : + l = [] ∨ ∃ x l', l = l' ++ [x]. + Proof. + induction l using rev_ind; eauto. + Qed. + + Ltac ctx_case K Ki := + let K' := fresh "K" in + destruct (list_rev_case K) as [->| (Ki & K' & ->)]; [by auto|]; + rewrite ?fill_app /=. + + Ltac prove_terminal := + lazymatch goal with + | |- terminal_expr _ => + let K := fresh "K" in + let e := fresh "e" in + let Ki := fresh "Ki" in + intros K e; ctx_case K Ki; + destruct Ki; + let H := fresh in + intros ? H; invc H; + solve [ exfalso; eauto using fill_not_val' ] + | _ => fail "not a terminal_expr goal" + end. + + (* demo the [prove_terminal] tactic *) + Lemma fill_app_inv v1 v2 : + terminal_expr (App (Val v1) (Val v2)). + Proof. prove_terminal. Qed. + + Ltac stuck_now := + apply eventually_stuck_now, terminal_expr_stuck; + [done + |prove_terminal + |let H := fresh "Hstep" in + intros * H; + try (inversion H; congruence) ]. + + Lemma interpret_complete fuel : ∀ e s msg s', + ∀ (Hwf: state_wf s), + interpret fuel e s = (inr (Stuck msg), s') → + eventually_stuck e s.(forked_threads) s.(lang_state) s'.(forked_threads) s'.(lang_state). + Proof. + induction fuel as [|fuel]; simpl; intros e s msg s' **; [congruence|]. + destruct e; failure; stuck_steps; try stuck_fill; + try (repeat case_match; failure; try stuck_now; + let n := numgoals in guard n <= 1); + simplify_eq. + - (* App *) + stuck_steps. + eauto. + - (* If *) + repeat case_match; failure; try stuck_now. + + stuck_steps; eauto. + + stuck_steps; eauto. + - (* Case *) + repeat case_match; failure; try stuck_now. + + stuck_steps; eauto. + + stuck_steps; eauto. + - (* CmpXchg *) + success. stuck_now. + - (* FAA *) + lazymatch goal with + | H: read_loc _ _ _ = (inl ?p, _) |- _ => destruct p as [l v] + end. + success. + repeat case_match; failure; stuck_now. + Qed. + +End interpret_ok. + +Definition exec (fuel:nat) (e: expr) : val + Error := + (interpret fuel e). + +Theorem exec_spec fuel e : + match exec fuel e with + | inl v => + (* if the interpreter runs to completion, it produces a valid execution of + [e] *) + ∃ tp' σ', rtc erased_step ([e], init_state) ([Val v] ++ tp', σ') + | inr (Stuck _) => + (* if the interpreter produces a "stuck" error message, [e] can get stuck *) + ∃ e' tp' σ', rtc erased_step ([e], init_state) ([e'] ++ tp', σ') ∧ stuck e' σ' + | inr _ => + (* If the interpreter fails otherwise (due to running out of fuel or an + unsupported prophecy variable operation), then it provides no guarantees. *) + True + end. +Proof. + rewrite /exec / + destruct (interpret fuel e init_interp_state) as [r s] eqn:Hinterpret. + destruct r as [v | [msg|msg|] ]; simpl; auto. + - apply interpret_sound in Hinterpret; + eauto using init_interp_state_wf. + - apply interpret_complete in Hinterpret; + auto using init_interp_state_wf. + destruct Hinterpret as (e' & Hexec & Hstuck); eauto. +Qed. diff --git a/tests/heap_lang_interpreter.ref b/tests/heap_lang_interpreter.ref new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e64c78549 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/heap_lang_interpreter.ref @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +"ex1" + : string + = inl #() + : val + Error +"ex3" + : string + = inl #2 + : val + Error +"ex4" + : string + = inl #(Loc 2) + : val + Error +"ex5" + : string + = inl #false + : val + Error +"ex6" + : string + = inl #2 + : val + Error +"fail app non-function" + : string + = inr (Stuck "attempt to call non-function #2") + : val + Error +"fail loc order" + : string + = inr + (Stuck + "bin-op failed: the only supported operation on locations is +â‚— #i, got < #(loc 2)") + : val + Error +"fail compare pairs" + : string + = inr + (Stuck + "bin-op failed: one of (#0, #1) and (#0, #1) must be unboxed to compare: (#0, #1): pairs are large and considered boxed, must compare by field, (#0, #1): pairs are large and considered boxed, must compare by field") + : val + Error +"fail free var" + : string + = inr (Stuck "free var: x") + : val + Error +"fail out of fuel" + : string + = inl (rec: "foo" <> := "foo" #())%V + : val + Error diff --git a/tests/heap_lang_interpreter.v b/tests/heap_lang_interpreter.v new file mode 100644 index 000000000..de12d0ae2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/heap_lang_interpreter.v @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +From iris.heap_lang Require Import notation. +From iris.staging.heap_lang Require Import interpreter. + +Example test_1 : + exec 1000 ((λ: "x", "x" + #1) #2) = inl #3. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +Check "ex1". +Eval vm_compute in + exec 1000 (let: "x" := ref #() in + let: "y" := ref #() in + !"y"). + +Check "ex3". +(** eval order *) +Eval vm_compute in + exec 1000 (let: "x" := ref #1 in + let: "y" := ref #2 in + ("y" <- !"x", + (* this runs first, so the result is 2 *) + "x" <- !"y");; + !"x"). + +(* print a location *) +Check "ex4". +Eval vm_compute in + exec 1000 (ref #();; ref #()). + +Check "ex5". +Eval vm_compute in + exec 1000 (let: "x" := ref #() in + let: "y" := ref #() in + "x" = "y"). + +(* a bad case where the interpreter runs a program which is actually stuck, +because this program guesses an allocation that happens to be correct in the +interpreter *) +Check "ex6". +Eval vm_compute in + exec 1000 (let: "x" := ref #1 in + #(LitLoc {|loc_car := 1|}) <- #2;; + !"x"). + +(** * Failing executions *) + +Check "fail app non-function". +Eval vm_compute in + exec 1000 (#2 #4). + +(* locations are not ordered *) +Check "fail loc order". +Eval vm_compute in + exec 1000 (let: "x" := ref #() in + let: "y" := ref #() in + "x" < "y"). + +Check "fail compare pairs". +Eval vm_compute in + exec 1000 ((#0, #1) = (#0, #1)). + +Check "fail free var". +Eval vm_compute in exec 100 "x". + +Check "fail out of fuel". +(** infinite loop *) +Eval vm_compute in exec 100 (rec: "foo" <> := "foo" #()). -- GitLab