From ccd42ca7e6bfb323e2f1d13ba3d105cec2192f53 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robbert Krebbers <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 00:09:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Avoid mentioning unfolded version of `fresh_locs` in proof.

 theories/heap_lang/locations.v | 20 ++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/heap_lang/locations.v b/theories/heap_lang/locations.v
index 8a2b145f4..dd2a48a3d 100644
--- a/theories/heap_lang/locations.v
+++ b/theories/heap_lang/locations.v
@@ -29,20 +29,16 @@ Proof. destruct l; rewrite /loc_add /=; f_equal; lia. Qed.
 Instance loc_add_inj l : Inj eq eq (loc_add l).
 Proof. destruct l; rewrite /Inj /loc_add /=; intros; simplify_eq; lia. Qed.
-Definition fresh_locs (g : gset loc) (n : Z) : loc :=
-  {| loc_car := set_fold (λ k r, (1 + loc_car k) `max` r)%Z 1%Z g |}.
+Definition fresh_locs (ls : gset loc) (n : Z) : loc :=
+  {| loc_car := set_fold (λ k r, (1 + loc_car k) `max` r)%Z 1%Z ls |}.
-Lemma fresh_locs_fresh g n i :
-  (0 ≤ i)%Z → (i < n)%Z → (fresh_locs g n) +ₗ i ∉ g.
+Lemma fresh_locs_fresh ls n i :
+  (0 ≤ i)%Z → (i < n)%Z → fresh_locs ls n +ₗ i ∉ ls.
-  rewrite /fresh_locs /loc_add /=; intros Hil _ Hf; clear n.
-  cut (∀ x, x ∈ g →
-            loc_car x < set_fold (λ k r, ((1 + loc_car k) `max` r)%Z) 1%Z g)%Z.
-  { intros Hlem; apply Hlem in Hf; simpl in *; lia. }
-  clear Hf.
-  eapply (set_fold_ind_L
-            (λ z g, ∀ x : loc, x ∈ g → (loc_car x < z)%Z));
-    try set_solver by eauto with lia.
+  intros Hi _. cut (∀ l, l ∈ ls → loc_car l < loc_car (fresh_locs ls n) + i)%Z.
+  { intros help Hf%help. simpl in *. lia. }
+  apply (set_fold_ind_L (λ r ls, ∀ l, l ∈ ls → (loc_car l < r + i)%Z));
+    set_solver by eauto with lia.
 Global Opaque fresh_locs.