diff --git a/Editor.md b/Editor.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Editor.md
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+Here we collect some information on how to set up your editor to properly input
+and output the unicode characters used throughout Iris.
+## General: Unicode Fonts
+Most editors will just use system fonts for rendering unicode characters and do
+not need furhter configuration once the fonts are installed.  Here are some
+combinations of fonts that are known to give readable results (i.e., each of
+these sets of fonts covers all the required characters):
+* Fira Mono, DejaVu Mono, Symbola
+## Emacs
+### Unicode Input
+First, install `math-symbol-lists` by doing `M-x package-install math-symbol-lists`.
+Next, add the following to your `~/.emacs` to configure an input method based on the math symbol list, and with some custom aliases for symbols used a lot in Iris:
+;; Input of unicode symbols
+(require 'math-symbol-lists)
+; Automatically use math input method for Coq files
+(add-hook 'coq-mode-hook (lambda () (set-input-method "math")))
+; Use math input method for the minibuffer
+(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook (lambda () (set-input-method "math")))
+(quail-define-package "math" "UTF-8" "Ω" t)
+(quail-define-rules ; add whatever extra rules you want to define here...
+ ("\\mult"   ?â‹…)
+ ("\\ent"    ?⊢)
+ ("\\valid"  ?✓)
+ ("\\box"    ?â–¡)
+ ("\\later"  ?â–·)
+ ("\\pred"   ?φ)
+ ("\\and"    ?∧)
+ ("\\or"     ?∨)
+ ("\\comp"   ?∘)
+ ("\\ccomp"  ?â—Ž)
+ ("\\all"    ?∀)
+ ("\\ex"     ?∃)
+ ("\\to"     ?→)
+ ("\\sep"    ?∗)
+ ("\\lc"     ?⌜)
+ ("\\rc"     ?⌝)
+ ("\\lam"    ?λ)
+ ("\\empty"  ?∅)
+ ("\\Lam"    ?Λ)
+ ("\\Sig"    ?Σ)
+ ("\\-"      ?∖)
+ ("\\aa"     ?●)
+ ("\\af"     ?â—¯)
+ ("\\iff"    ?↔)
+ ("\\gname"  ?γ)
+ ("\\incl"   ?≼)
+ ("\\latert" ?â–¶)
+(mapc (lambda (x)
+        (if (cddr x)
+            (quail-defrule (cadr x) (car (cddr x)))))
+      (append math-symbol-list-basic math-symbol-list-extended))
+### Font Configuration
+Even when usable fonts are installed, Emacs tends to pick bad fonts for some
+symbols like universal and existential quantifiers.  The following configuration
+results in a decent choice for the symbols used in Iris:
+;; Fonts
+(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 110) ; height is in 1/10pt
+(dolist (ft (fontset-list))
+  ; Main font
+  (set-fontset-font ft 'unicode (font-spec :name "Monospace"))
+  ; Fallback font
+  ; Appending to the 'unicode list makes emacs unbearably slow.
+  ;(set-fontset-font ft 'unicode (font-spec :name "DejaVu Sans Mono") nil 'append)
+  (set-fontset-font ft nil (font-spec :name "DejaVu Sans Mono"))
+; Fallback-fallback font
+; If we 'append this to all fontsets, it picks Symbola even for some cases where DejaVu could
+; be used. Adding it only to the "t" table makes it Do The Right Thing (TM).
+(set-fontset-font t nil (font-spec :name "Symbola"))
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0f48500f3e5357bc33499d54048d2e9838b6613f..ca6b0c4fec555733fa13fda218295c6fe801e34d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -73,11 +73,14 @@ followed by `make build-dep`.
   infrastructure. Users of the Iris Coq library should *not* depend on these
   modules; they may change or disappear without any notice.
-## Documentation
-A LaTeX version of the core logic definitions and some derived forms is
-available in [docs/iris.tex](docs/iris.tex).  A compiled PDF version of this
-document is [available online](http://plv.mpi-sws.org/iris/appendix-3.1.pdf).
+## Further Documentation
+* A LaTeX version of the core logic definitions and some derived forms is
+  available in [docs/iris.tex](docs/iris.tex).  A compiled PDF version of this
+  document is [available online](http://plv.mpi-sws.org/iris/appendix-3.1.pdf).
+* Information on how to set up your editor for unicode input and output is
+  collected in [Editor.md](Editor.md).
+* The Iris Proof Mode (IPM) is documented at [ProofMode.md](ProofMode.md)
 ## Case Studies