From 596e8767fbf61533b09c93b870519cb0fa3399b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralf Jung <> Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2021 19:32:30 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] some big_sepL lemmas --- iris/bi/big_op.v | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/iris/bi/big_op.v b/iris/bi/big_op.v index 6edadcd30..70f425334 100644 --- a/iris/bi/big_op.v +++ b/iris/bi/big_op.v @@ -291,21 +291,30 @@ Section sep_list. Proof. induction 1; simpl; apply _. Qed. End sep_list. -Section sep_list_more. - Context {A : Type}. - Implicit Types l : list A. - Implicit Types Φ Ψ : nat → A → PROP. - (* Some lemmas depend on the generalized versions of the above ones. *) +(* Some lemmas depend on the generalized versions of the above ones. *) - Lemma big_sepL_zip_with {B C} Φ f (l1 : list B) (l2 : list C) : - ([∗ list] k↦x ∈ zip_with f l1 l2, Φ k x) +Lemma big_sepL_sep_zip {A B} (Φ : nat → A → PROP) (Ψ : nat → B → PROP) l1 l2 : + length l1 = length l2 → + ([∗ list] k↦x ∈ l1, Φ k x) ∗ ([∗ list] k↦x ∈ l2, Ψ k x) ⊣⊢ + ([∗ list] k↦xy ∈ zip l1 l2, Φ k xy.1 ∗ Ψ k xy.2). +Proof. + intros Hlen. rewrite big_sepL_sep. f_equiv. + - trans ([∗ list] k↦x ∈ fst <$> zip l1 l2, Φ k x)%I. + + rewrite fst_zip; auto with lia. + + rewrite big_sepL_fmap //. + - trans ([∗ list] k↦x ∈ snd <$> zip l1 l2, Ψ k x)%I. + + rewrite snd_zip; auto with lia. + + rewrite big_sepL_fmap //. +Qed. + +Lemma big_sepL_zip_with {A B C} (Φ : nat → A → PROP) f (l1 : list B) (l2 : list C) : + ([∗ list] k↦x ∈ zip_with f l1 l2, Φ k x) ⊣⊢ ([∗ list] k↦x ∈ l1, if l2 !! k is Some y then Φ k (f x y) else emp). - Proof. - revert Φ l2; induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]=> Φ [|y l2] //=. - - by rewrite big_sepL_emp left_id. - - by rewrite IH. - Qed. -End sep_list_more. +Proof. + revert Φ l2; induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]=> Φ [|y l2] //=. + - by rewrite big_sepL_emp left_id. + - by rewrite IH. +Qed. Lemma big_sepL2_alt {A B} (Φ : nat → A → B → PROP) l1 l2 : ([∗ list] k↦y1;y2 ∈ l1; l2, Φ k y1 y2) @@ -619,6 +628,16 @@ Section sep_list2. by rewrite IH. Qed. + Lemma big_sepL2_merge (Φ : nat → A → PROP) (Ψ : nat → B → PROP) (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B): + length l1 = length l2 → + ([∗ list] k↦y1 ∈ l1, Φ k y1) -∗ + ([∗ list] k↦y2 ∈ l2, Ψ k y2) -∗ + ([∗ list] k↦y1;y2 ∈ l1;l2, Φ k y1 ∗ Ψ k y2). + Proof. + intros Hlen. apply wand_intro_r. + rewrite big_sepL_sep_zip // big_sepL2_alt pure_True // left_id //. + Qed. + Global Instance big_sepL2_nil_persistent Φ : Persistent ([∗ list] k↦y1;y2 ∈ []; [], Φ k y1 y2). Proof. simpl; apply _. Qed. -- GitLab