From 09ab191c7a7664a3cff7f941a5cfa17b27a6a372 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tej Chajed <> Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2020 14:35:40 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Make iDestruct consume wands when it's supposed to `iDestruct ("H" with "HP")` where "H" is persistent is supposed to consume "H" if it isn't a forall. Due to a bug in the tactic, this behavior was never triggered and "H" was always left alone. --- iris/base_logic/lib/boxes.v | 2 +- iris/proofmode/ltac_tactics.v | 10 ++++++++-- tests/proofmode.v | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/iris/base_logic/lib/boxes.v b/iris/base_logic/lib/boxes.v index 8f0620e03..f070ae1d4 100644 --- a/iris/base_logic/lib/boxes.v +++ b/iris/base_logic/lib/boxes.v @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ Lemma slice_iff E q f P Q Q' γ b : Proof. iIntros (??) "#HQQ' #Hs Hb". destruct b. - iMod (slice_delete_full with "Hs Hb") as (P') "(HQ & Heq & Hb)"; try done. - iDestruct ("HQQ'" with "HQ") as "HQ'". + iPoseProof ("HQQ'" with "HQ") as "HQ'". iMod (slice_insert_full with "HQ' Hb") as (γ' ?) "[#Hs' Hb]"; try done. iExists γ', _. iIntros "{$∗ $# $%} !>". do 2 iNext. iRewrite "Heq". iIntros "!>". by iSplit; iIntros "[? $]"; iApply "HQQ'". diff --git a/iris/proofmode/ltac_tactics.v b/iris/proofmode/ltac_tactics.v index 47127e687..43465aca8 100644 --- a/iris/proofmode/ltac_tactics.v +++ b/iris/proofmode/ltac_tactics.v @@ -1992,6 +1992,12 @@ Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15) "" with tac. (** * Destruct tactic *) + +(** [CopyDestruct] is an internal class used by the [iDestruct] tactic to +identify universally quantified hypotheses that should be copied and not be +consumed when they are specialized in proofmode terms. + +Not intended for user extensibility. *) Class CopyDestruct {PROP : bi} (P : PROP). Arguments CopyDestruct {_} _%I. Hint Mode CopyDestruct + ! : typeclass_instances. @@ -2013,8 +2019,8 @@ Tactic Notation "iDestructCore" open_constr(lem) "as" constr(p) tactic3(tac) := | string => constr:(Some (INamed lem)) | iTrm => lazymatch lem with - | @iTrm ident ?H _ _ => constr:(Some H) - | @iTrm string ?H _ _ => constr:(Some (INamed H)) + | @ITrm ident _ _?H _ _ => constr:(Some H) + | @ITrm string _ _ ?H _ _ => constr:(Some (INamed H)) | _ => constr:(@None ident) end | _ => constr:(@None ident) diff --git a/tests/proofmode.v b/tests/proofmode.v index ef03c12c6..d41770c47 100644 --- a/tests/proofmode.v +++ b/tests/proofmode.v @@ -93,6 +93,32 @@ Lemma test_iDestruct_intuitionistic_2 P Q `{!Persistent P, !Affine P}: Q ∗ (Q -∗ P) -∗ P. Proof. iIntros "[HQ HQP]". iDestruct ("HQP" with "HQ") as "#HP". done. Qed. +Lemma test_iDestruct_specialize_wand P Q : + Q ∗ □(Q -∗ P) -∗ P. +Proof. + iIntros "[HQ #HQP]". + (* iDestruct specializes, consuming the hypothesis *) + iDestruct ("HQP" with "HQ") as "HQP". done. +Qed. + +Lemma test_iPoseProof_copy_wand P Q : + Q ∗ □(Q -∗ P) -∗ P ∗ (Q -∗ P). +Proof. + iIntros "[HQ #HQP]". + (* in contrast with [iDestruct], [iPoseProof] leaves "HQP" alone *) + iPoseProof ("HQP" with "HQ") as "HP". + iFrame "HP HQP". +Qed. + +Lemma test_iDestruct_pose_forall (Φ: nat → PROP) : + □(∀ (x:nat), Φ x) -∗ Φ 0 ∗ Φ 1. +Proof. + iIntros "#H". + (* iDestruct does not consume "H" because it's a [∀] *) + iDestruct ("H" $! 0) as "$". + iDestruct ("H" $! 1) as "$". +Qed. + Lemma test_iDestruct_intuitionistic_affine_bi `{!BiAffine PROP} P Q `{!Persistent P}: Q ∗ (Q -∗ P) -∗ P ∗ Q. Proof. iIntros "[HQ HQP]". iDestruct ("HQP" with "HQ") as "#HP". by iFrame. Qed. -- GitLab