From ade2edb9ee815e1bccb37b852e013688410f678e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robbert Krebbers <> Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2016 13:04:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Iterated later modality." This commit reverts cdce49a7, which turns out to be no longer useful, and which I thus no longer wish to maintain. --- algebra/upred.v | 73 +------------------------------------------------ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 72 deletions(-) diff --git a/algebra/upred.v b/algebra/upred.v index d15db3354..37cc9c626 100644 --- a/algebra/upred.v +++ b/algebra/upred.v @@ -328,13 +328,6 @@ Arguments uPred_always_if _ !_ _/. Notation "□? p P" := (uPred_always_if p P) (at level 20, p at level 0, P at level 20, format "□? p P"). -Definition uPred_laterN {M} (n : nat) (P : uPred M) : uPred M := - Nat.iter n uPred_later P. -Instance: Params (@uPred_laterN) 2. -Notation "▷^ n P" := (uPred_laterN n P) - (at level 20, n at level 9, right associativity, - format "▷^ n P") : uPred_scope. - Definition uPred_now_True {M} (P : uPred M) : uPred M := ▷ False ∨ P. Notation "◇ P" := (uPred_now_True P) (at level 20, right associativity) : uPred_scope. @@ -987,8 +980,6 @@ Lemma always_entails_l' P Q : (P ⊢ □ Q) → P ⊢ □ Q ★ P. Proof. intros; rewrite -always_and_sep_l'; auto. Qed. Lemma always_entails_r' P Q : (P ⊢ □ Q) → P ⊢ P ★ □ Q. Proof. intros; rewrite -always_and_sep_r'; auto. Qed. -Lemma always_laterN n P : □ ▷^n P ⊣⊢ ▷^n □ P. -Proof. induction n as [|n IH]; simpl; auto. by rewrite always_later IH. Qed. (* Conditional always *) Global Instance always_if_ne n p : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (@uPred_always_if M p). @@ -1071,60 +1062,6 @@ Proof. apply wand_intro_r;rewrite -later_sep; eauto using wand_elim_l. Qed. Lemma later_iff P Q : ▷ (P ↔ Q) ⊢ ▷ P ↔ ▷ Q. Proof. by rewrite /uPred_iff later_and !later_impl. Qed. -(* n-times later *) -Global Instance laterN_ne n m : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (@uPred_laterN M m). -Proof. induction m; simpl. by intros ???. solve_proper. Qed. -Global Instance laterN_proper m : - Proper ((⊣⊢) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@uPred_laterN M m) := ne_proper _. - -Lemma later_laterN n P : ▷^(S n) P ⊣⊢ ▷ ▷^n P. -Proof. done. Qed. -Lemma laterN_later n P : ▷^(S n) P ⊣⊢ ▷^n ▷ P. -Proof. induction n; simpl; auto. Qed. -Lemma laterN_plus n1 n2 P : ▷^(n1 + n2) P ⊣⊢ ▷^n1 ▷^n2 P. -Proof. induction n1; simpl; auto. Qed. -Lemma laterN_le n1 n2 P : n1 ≤ n2 → ▷^n1 P ⊢ ▷^n2 P. -Proof. induction 1; simpl; by rewrite -?later_intro. Qed. - -Lemma laterN_mono n P Q : (P ⊢ Q) → ▷^n P ⊢ ▷^n Q. -Proof. induction n; simpl; auto. Qed. -Lemma laterN_intro n P : P ⊢ ▷^n P. -Proof. induction n as [|n IH]; simpl; by rewrite -?later_intro. Qed. -Lemma laterN_and n P Q : ▷^n (P ∧ Q) ⊣⊢ ▷^n P ∧ ▷^n Q. -Proof. induction n as [|n IH]; simpl; rewrite -?later_and; auto. Qed. -Lemma laterN_or n P Q : ▷^n (P ∨ Q) ⊣⊢ ▷^n P ∨ ▷^n Q. -Proof. induction n as [|n IH]; simpl; rewrite -?later_or; auto. Qed. -Lemma laterN_forall {A} n (Φ : A → uPred M) : (▷^n ∀ a, Φ a) ⊣⊢ (∀ a, ▷^n Φ a). -Proof. induction n as [|n IH]; simpl; rewrite -?later_forall; auto. Qed. -Lemma laterN_exist_1 {A} n (Φ : A → uPred M) : (∃ a, ▷^n Φ a) ⊢ (▷^n ∃ a, Φ a). -Proof. induction n as [|n IH]; simpl; rewrite ?later_exist_1; auto. Qed. -Lemma laterN_exist_2 `{Inhabited A} n (Φ : A → uPred M) : - (▷^n ∃ a, Φ a) ⊢ ∃ a, ▷^n Φ a. -Proof. induction n as [|n IH]; simpl; rewrite -?later_exist_2; auto. Qed. -Lemma laterN_sep n P Q : ▷^n (P ★ Q) ⊣⊢ ▷^n P ★ ▷^n Q. -Proof. induction n as [|n IH]; simpl; rewrite -?later_sep; auto. Qed. - -Global Instance laterN_mono' n : Proper ((⊢) ==> (⊢)) (@uPred_laterN M n). -Proof. intros P Q; apply laterN_mono. Qed. -Global Instance laterN_flip_mono' n : - Proper (flip (⊢) ==> flip (⊢)) (@uPred_laterN M n). -Proof. intros P Q; apply laterN_mono. Qed. -Lemma laterN_True n : ▷^n True ⊣⊢ True. -Proof. apply (anti_symm (⊢)); auto using laterN_intro. Qed. -Lemma laterN_impl n P Q : ▷^n (P → Q) ⊢ ▷^n P → ▷^n Q. -Proof. - apply impl_intro_l; rewrite -laterN_and; eauto using impl_elim, laterN_mono. -Qed. -Lemma laterN_exist n `{Inhabited A} (Φ : A → uPred M) : - ▷^n (∃ a, Φ a) ⊣⊢ (∃ a, ▷^n Φ a). -Proof. apply: anti_symm; eauto using laterN_exist_2, laterN_exist_1. Qed. -Lemma laterN_wand n P Q : ▷^n (P -★ Q) ⊢ ▷^n P -★ ▷^n Q. -Proof. - apply wand_intro_r; rewrite -laterN_sep; eauto using wand_elim_l,laterN_mono. -Qed. -Lemma laterN_iff n P Q : ▷^n (P ↔ Q) ⊢ ▷^n P ↔ ▷^n Q. -Proof. by rewrite /uPred_iff laterN_and !laterN_impl. Qed. - (* True now *) Global Instance now_True_ne n : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (@uPred_now_True M). Proof. solve_proper. Qed. @@ -1390,8 +1327,6 @@ Global Instance valid_persistent {A : cmraT} (a : A) : Proof. by intros; rewrite /PersistentP always_valid. Qed. Global Instance later_persistent P : PersistentP P → PersistentP (▷ P). Proof. by intros; rewrite /PersistentP always_later; apply later_mono. Qed. -Global Instance laterN_persistent n P : PersistentP P → PersistentP (▷^n P). -Proof. induction n; apply _. Qed. Global Instance ownM_persistent : Persistent a → PersistentP (@uPred_ownM M a). Proof. intros. by rewrite /PersistentP always_ownM. Qed. Global Instance from_option_persistent {A} P (Ψ : A → uPred M) (mx : option A) : @@ -1427,14 +1362,8 @@ Proof. eapply IH with x'; eauto using cmra_validN_S, cmra_validN_op_l. Qed. -Lemma soundness_laterN n : ¬(True ⊢ ▷^n False). -Proof. - intros H. apply (adequacy False n). rewrite H {H}. - induction n as [|n IH]; rewrite /= ?IH; auto using rvs_intro. -Qed. - Theorem soundness : ¬ (True ⊢ False). -Proof. exact (soundness_laterN 0). Qed. +Proof. exact (adequacy False 0). Qed. End uPred_logic. (* Hint DB for the logic *) -- GitLab