diff --git a/docs/derived.tex b/docs/derived.tex
index 2802c54173432c05c8e9e58424a1fee08b5938eb..7be98440a50215057f190bceed0305ecee22ed5b 100644
--- a/docs/derived.tex
+++ b/docs/derived.tex
@@ -1,4 +1,65 @@
-%\section{Derived constructions}
+\section{Derived constructions}
+\subsection{Non-atomic invariants}
+Sometimes it is necessary to maintain invariants that we need to open non-atomically.
+Clearly, for this mechanism to be sound we need something that prevents us from opening the same invariant twice.
+Access to these \emph{non-atomic invariants} is thus guarded by tokens that take the role that masks play for ``normal'', atomic invariants.
+One way to think about them is as ``thread-local invariants''.
+For every thread, we have a set of \emph{tokens}.
+By giving up a token, you can obtain the invariant, and vice versa.
+Such invariants can only be opened by their respective thread, and as a consequence they can be kept open around any sequence of expressions (\ie there is no restriction to atomic expressions).
+To tie the threads and the tokens together, every thread is assigned a \emph{thread ID}.
+Note that these thread IDs are completely fictional, there is no operational aspect to them.
+In principle, the tokens could move between threads; that's not an issue at all.
+Concretely, this is the monoid structure we need:
+\textdom{TId} \eqdef{}& \nat \\
+\textmon{TTok} \eqdef{}& \textdom{TId} \fpfn \pset{\textdom{InvName}}\\
+\textmon{TDis} \eqdef{}& \textdom{TId} \fpfn \finpset{\textdom{InvName}}
+For every thread, there is a set of tokens designating which invariants are \emph{enabled} (closed).
+This corresponds to the mask of ``normal'' invariants.
+We re-use the structure given by namespaces for non-atomic invariants.
+Furthermore, there is a \emph{finite} set of invariants that is \emph{disabled} (open).
+We assume a global instance $\Gttok$ of \textmon{TTok}, and an instance $\Gtdis$ of $\textmon{TDis}$.
+Then we can define some sugar for owning tokens:
+\TTokE\tid\mask \eqdef{}& \ownGhost{\Gttok}{ \mapsingleton\tid\mask : \textmon{TTok} } \\
+\TTok\tid \eqdef{}& \TTokE\tid\top
+Next, we define non-atomic invariants.
+To simplify this construction,we piggy-back into ``normal'' invariants.
+  \NaInv\tid\namesp\prop \eqdef{}& \Exists \iname\in\namesp. \knowInv\namesp{\prop * \ownGhost\Gtdis{\set{\iname}} \lor \TTokE\tid{\set{\iname}}}
+We easily obtain:
+  \axiom
+  {\TRUE \vs[\bot] \Exists\tid. \TTok\tid}
+  \axiom
+  {\TTokE\tid{\mask_1 \uplus \mask_2} \Lra \TTokE\tid{\mask_1} * \TTokE\tid{\mask_2}}
+  \axiom
+  {\later\prop  \vs[\namesp] \always\NaInv\tid\namesp\prop}
+  \axiom
+  {\NaInv\tid\namesp\prop \proves \Acc[\namesp]{\TTokE\tid\namesp}{\later\prop}}
+from which we can derive
+  \infer
+  {\namesp \subseteq \mask}
+  {\NaInv\tid\namesp\prop \proves \Acc[\namesp]{\TTokE\tid\mask}{\later\prop * \TTokE\tid{\mask \setminus \namesp}}}
 % TODO: These need syncing with Coq
 % \subsection{STSs with interpretation}\label{sec:stsinterp}
diff --git a/docs/iris.sty b/docs/iris.sty
index 51d4ebae4e1a740268817d74a126f72cd2ed5211..5781d31e72cd3b31cbeabaed4205690f7fc3741a 100644
--- a/docs/iris.sty
+++ b/docs/iris.sty
@@ -287,6 +287,8 @@
 % for now, the update modality looks like a pvs without masks.
 \NewDocumentCommand \upd {} {\mathop{\mid\kern-0.4ex\Rrightarrow\kern-0.25ex}}
+\NewDocumentCommand\Acc{O{} O{} m m}{\langle #3 \vsE #4  \rangle_{#1}^{#2}}
 %% Hoare Triples
@@ -424,5 +426,14 @@
 %% Stored Propositions
 \newcommand{\mapstoprop}{\mathrel{\kern-0.5ex\tikz[baseline=(m)]{\node at (0,0) (m){}; \draw[line cap=round] (0,0.16) -- (0,-0.004);}\kern-1.5ex\Ra}}
+% Non-atomic invariants
diff --git a/docs/program-logic.tex b/docs/program-logic.tex
index 1d33f1f1a5e3877214fb224e7456f766c736cb63..997215f1b968dea78740b6d981524769997b9ded 100644
--- a/docs/program-logic.tex
+++ b/docs/program-logic.tex
@@ -513,6 +513,10 @@ For this reason, we also call such accessors \emph{non-atomic}.
 The reasons accessors are useful is that they let us talk about ``opening X'' (\eg ``opening invariants'') without having to care what X is opened around.
 Furthermore, as we construct more sophisticated and more interesting things that can be opened (\eg invariants that can be ``cancelled'', or STSs), accessors become a useful interface that allows us to mix and match different abstractions in arbitrary ways.
+For the special case that $\prop = \propC$ and $\propB = \propB'$, we use the following notation that avoids repetition:
+\[ \Acc[\mask_1][\mask_2]\prop{\Ret x. \propB} \eqdef \prop \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \Exists\var. \propB * (\propB \vsW[\mask_2][\mask_1] \prop)  \]
+This accessor is ``idempotent'' in the sense that it doesn't actually change the state.  After applying it, we get our $\prop$ back so we end up where we started.
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