From 57485cae355ca824435194cd64de2eb22bb26f0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robbert Krebbers <>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 22:48:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Add the zero-width spaces at the *end* of the lines,
 and a newline before the first context" and "shuffle 0-width spaces around so
 they are distributed more evenly"

This reverts commits e3c56f9e10ea47cbf767516b1967af9dc8be7eaa and
7fc1124c52549bea9cc5e963f284b26ec249364b, which are workarounds for
Coq bug

Also, this commit fixes the levels to avoid parantheses.
 proofmode/notation.v | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/proofmode/notation.v b/proofmode/notation.v
index 85f7a804c..f1c6a2663 100644
--- a/proofmode/notation.v
+++ b/proofmode/notation.v
@@ -7,21 +7,21 @@ Arguments Enil {_}.
 Arguments Esnoc {_} _%proof_scope _%string _%uPred_scope.
 Notation "​" := Enil (format "​") : proof_scope.
-Notation "Γ ​ H : P" := (Esnoc Γ H P)
+Notation "​ Γ H : P" := (Esnoc Γ H P)
   (at level 1, P at level 200,
-   left associativity, format "Γ ​ '//' H  :  P") : proof_scope.
+   left associativity, format "​ Γ H  :  P '//'") : proof_scope.
 Notation "Γ '--------------------------------------' □ Δ '--------------------------------------' ★ Q" :=
   (of_envs (Envs Γ Δ) ⊢ Q%I)
   (at level 1, Q at level 200, left associativity,
-  format "Γ '//' '--------------------------------------' □ Δ '//' '--------------------------------------' ★ '//' Q '//'") :
+  format "Γ '--------------------------------------' □ '//' Δ '--------------------------------------' ★ '//' Q '//'") :
 Notation "Δ '--------------------------------------' ★ Q" :=
   (of_envs (Envs Enil Δ) ⊢ Q%I)
   (at level 1, Q at level 200, left associativity,
-  format "Δ '//' '--------------------------------------' ★ '//' Q '//'") : C_scope.
+  format "Δ '--------------------------------------' ★ '//' Q '//'") : C_scope.
 Notation "Γ '--------------------------------------' □ Q" :=
   (of_envs (Envs Γ Enil) ⊢ Q%I)
   (at level 1, Q at level 200, left associativity,
-  format "Γ '//' '--------------------------------------' □ '//' Q '//'")  : C_scope.
+  format "Γ '--------------------------------------' □ '//' Q '//'")  : C_scope.
 Notation "​​ Q" := (of_envs (Envs Enil Enil) ⊢ Q%I)
-  (at level 1, format "​​ Q") : C_scope.
+  (at level 1, Q at level 200, format "​​ Q") : C_scope.