From 2a9e1f83e94427c7a7aeb0939f2520ae12b59c44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralf Jung <> Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 15:17:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] docs: use new notation of None and invalid CMRA elements --- docs/constructions.tex | 29 ++++++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/constructions.tex b/docs/constructions.tex index 7d8e50d4d..28205478f 100644 --- a/docs/constructions.tex +++ b/docs/constructions.tex @@ -68,25 +68,27 @@ Frame-preserving updates on the $M_i$ lift to the product: The \emph{sum CMRA} $\monoid_1 \csumm \monoid_2$ for any CMRAs $\monoid_1$ and $\monoid_2$ is defined as (again, we use a datatype-like notation): \begin{align*} - \monoid_1 \csumm \monoid_2 \eqdef{}& \cinl(\melt_1:\monoid_1) \mid \cinr(\melt_2:\monoid_2) \mid \bot \\ - \mval_n \eqdef{}& \setComp{\cinl(\melt_1)\!}{\!\melt_1 \in \mval'_n} - \cup \setComp{\cinr(\melt_2)\!}{\!\melt_2 \in \mval''_n} \\ + \monoid_1 \csumm \monoid_2 \eqdef{}& \cinl(\melt_1:\monoid_1) \mid \cinr(\melt_2:\monoid_2) \mid \mundef \\ + \mval_n \eqdef{}& \setComp{\cinl(\melt_1)}{\melt_1 \in \mval'_n} + \cup \setComp{\cinr(\melt_2)}{\melt_2 \in \mval''_n} \\ \cinl(\melt_1) \mtimes \cinl(\meltB_1) \eqdef{}& \cinl(\melt_1 \mtimes \meltB_1) \\ % \munit \mtimes \ospending \eqdef{}& \ospending \mtimes \munit \eqdef \ospending \\ % \munit \mtimes \osshot(\melt) \eqdef{}& \osshot(\melt) \mtimes \munit \eqdef \osshot(\melt) \\ \mcore{\cinl(\melt_1)} \eqdef{}& \begin{cases}\mnocore & \text{if $\mcore{\melt_1} = \mnocore$} \\ \cinl({\mcore{\melt_1}}) & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{align*} The composition and core for $\cinr$ are defined symmetrically. -The remaining cases of the composition and core are all $\bot$. +The remaining cases of the composition and core are all $\mundef$. Above, $\mval'$ refers to the validity of $\monoid_1$, and $\mval''$ to the validity of $\monoid_2$. +Notice that we added the artificial ``invalid'' (or ``undefined'') element $\mundef$ to this CMRA just in order to make certain compositions of elements (in this case, $\cinl$ and $\cinr$) invalid. + The step-indexed equivalence is inductively defined as follows: \begin{mathpar} \infer{x \nequiv{n} y}{\cinl(x) \nequiv{n} \cinl(y)} \infer{x \nequiv{n} y}{\cinr(x) \nequiv{n} \cinr(y)} - \axiom{\bot \nequiv{n} \bot} + \axiom{\mundef \nequiv{n} \mundef} \end{mathpar} @@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ We can easily extend this to a full CMRA by defining a suitable core, namely \mcore{\mnocore} \eqdef{}& \mnocore & \\ \mcore{\maybe\melt} \eqdef{}& \mcore\melt & \text{If $\maybe\melt \neq \mnocore$} \end{align*} -Notice that this core is total, as the result always lies in $\maybe\monoid$ (rather than in $\maybe{\maybe\monoid}$). +Notice that this core is total, as the result always lies in $\maybe\monoid$ (rather than in $\maybe{\mathord{\maybe\monoid}}$). \subsection{Finite partial function} \label{sec:fpfnm} @@ -175,13 +177,13 @@ There are no interesting frame-preserving updates for $\agm(\cofe)$, but we can Given a COFE $\cofe$, we define a CMRA $\exm(\cofe)$ such that at most one $x \in \cofe$ can be owned: \begin{align*} - \exm(\cofe) \eqdef{}& \exinj(\cofe) + \bot \\ - \mval_n \eqdef{}& \setComp{\melt\in\exm(\cofe)}{\melt \neq \bot} + \exm(\cofe) \eqdef{}& \exinj(\cofe) \mid \mundef \\ + \mval_n \eqdef{}& \setComp{\melt\in\exm(\cofe)}{\melt \neq \mundef} \end{align*} -All cases of composition go to $\bot$. +All cases of composition go to $\mundef$. \begin{align*} \mcore{\exinj(x)} \eqdef{}& \mnocore & - \mcore{\bot} \eqdef{}& \bot + \mcore{\mundef} \eqdef{}& \mundef \end{align*} Remember that $\mnocore$ is the ``dummy'' element in $\maybe\monoid$ indicating (in this case) that $\exinj(x)$ has no core. @@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ The step-indexed equivalence is inductively defined as follows: \begin{mathpar} \infer{x \nequiv{n} y}{\exinj(x) \nequiv{n} \exinj(y)} - \axiom{\bot \nequiv{n} \bot} + \axiom{\mundef \nequiv{n} \mundef} \end{mathpar} $\exm(-)$ is a locally non-expansive functor from $\COFEs$ to $\CMRAs$. @@ -331,13 +333,14 @@ We further define \emph{closed} sets of states (given a particular set of tokens The STS RA is defined as follows \begin{align*} - \monoid \eqdef{}& \setComp{\STSauth((s, T) \in \STSS \times \wp(\STST))}{\STSL(s) \disj T} +{}\\& \setComp{\STSfrag((S, T) \in \wp(\STSS) \times \wp(\STST))}{\STSclsd(S, T) \land S \neq \emptyset} + \bot \\ + \monoid \eqdef{}& \STSauth(s:\STSS, T:\wp(\STST) \mid \STSL(s) \disj T) \mid{}\\& \STSfrag(S: \wp(\STSS), T: \wp(\STST) \mid \STSclsd(S, T) \land S \neq \emptyset) \mid \mundef \\ + \mval \eqdef{}& \setComp{\melt\in\monoid}{\melt \neq \mundef} \\ \STSfrag(S_1, T_1) \mtimes \STSfrag(S_2, T_2) \eqdef{}& \STSfrag(S_1 \cap S_2, T_1 \cup T_2) \qquad\qquad\qquad \text{if $T_1 \disj T_2$ and $S_1 \cap S_2 \neq \emptyset$} \\ \STSfrag(S, T) \mtimes \STSauth(s, T') \eqdef{}& \STSauth(s, T') \mtimes \STSfrag(S, T) \eqdef \STSauth(s, T \cup T') \qquad \text{if $T \disj T'$ and $s \in S$} \\ \mcore{\STSfrag(S, T)} \eqdef{}& \STSfrag(\upclose(S, \emptyset), \emptyset) \\ \mcore{\STSauth(s, T)} \eqdef{}& \STSfrag(\upclose(\set{s}, \emptyset), \emptyset) \end{align*} -The remaining cases are all $\bot$. +The remaining cases are all $\mundef$. We will need the following frame-preserving update: \begin{mathpar} -- GitLab