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\title{\bfseries The Iris Documentation}

%FIXME any better way to do this?
 Ralf Jung \\ MPI-SWS \& Saarland University \\ jung@mpi-sws.org \and
 David Swasey \\ MPI-SWS \\ swasey@mpi-sws.org \andcr
 Filip Sieczkowski \\ Aarhus University \\ filips@cs.au.dk \and
 Kasper Svendsen \\ Aarhus University \\ ksvendsen@cs.au.dk \and
 Aaron Turon \\ Mozilla Research \\ aturon@mozilla.com \andcr
 Lars Birkedal \\ Aarhus University \\ birkedal@cs.au.dk \and
 Derek Dreyer \\ MPI-SWS \\ dreyer@mpi-sws.org}

\def\andcr{\end{tabular}\\\begin{tabular}[t]{c}}% see \@maketitle in article.cls and \and in latex.ltx



