diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a3182f76705c73c28681e216b71c247212239cb5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-##  v      #                   The Coq Proof Assistant                     ##
-## <O___,, #                INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS                 ##
-##   \VV/  #                                                               ##
-##    //   #  Makefile automagically generated by coq_makefile V8.5rc1     ##
-# This Makefile has been automagically generated
-# Edit at your own risks !
-# This Makefile was generated by the command line :
-# coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile 
-# This Makefile may take arguments passed as environment variables:
-# COQBIN to specify the directory where Coq binaries resides;
-# TIMECMD set a command to log .v compilation time;
-# TIMED if non empty, use the default time command as TIMECMD;
-# ZDEBUG/COQDEBUG to specify debug flags for ocamlc&ocamlopt/coqc;
-# DSTROOT to specify a prefix to install path.
-# Here is a hack to make $(eval $(shell works:
-define donewline
-includecmdwithout@ = $(eval $(subst @,$(donewline),$(shell { $(1) | tr -d '\r' | tr '\n' '@'; })))
-$(call includecmdwithout@,$(COQBIN)coqtop -config)
-STDTIME?=/usr/bin/time -f "$* (user: %U mem: %M ko)"
-vo_to_obj = $(addsuffix .o,\
-  $(filter-out Warning: Error:,\
-  $(shell $(COQBIN)coqtop -q -noinit -batch -quiet -print-mod-uid $(1))))
-#                        #
-# Libraries definitions. #
-#                        #
-COQLIBS?=-Q "." ""
-COQDOCLIBS?=-Q "." ""
-#                        #
-# Variables definitions. #
-#                        #
-COQDEP?="$(COQBIN)coqdep" -c
-COQCHKFLAGS?=-silent -o
-COQDOCFLAGS?=-interpolate -utf8
-COQC?=$(TIMER) "$(COQBIN)coqc"
-#                #
-# Install Paths. #
-#                #
-#                    #
-# Files dispatching. #
-#                    #
-  iris/parameter.v\
-  iris/hoare.v\
-  iris/resources.v\
-  iris/pviewshifts.v\
-  iris/language.v\
-  iris/weakestpre.v\
-  iris/ownership.v\
-  iris/wsat.v\
-  iris/viewshifts.v\
-  iris/namespace.v\
-  iris/lifting.v\
-  iris/hoare_lifting.v\
-  iris/adequacy.v\
-  iris/model.v\
-  modures/excl.v\
-  modures/ra.v\
-  modures/agree.v\
-  modures/cofe_solver.v\
-  modures/dra.v\
-  modures/base.v\
-  modures/cofe.v\
-  modures/logic.v\
-  modures/fin_maps.v\
-  modures/auth.v\
-  modures/sts.v\
-  modures/cmra.v\
-  modures/option.v\
-  prelude/error.v\
-  prelude/list.v\
-  prelude/decidable.v\
-  prelude/sets.v\
-  prelude/lexico.v\
-  prelude/co_pset.v\
-  prelude/zmap.v\
-  prelude/nmap.v\
-  prelude/numbers.v\
-  prelude/finite.v\
-  prelude/listset_nodup.v\
-  prelude/prelude.v\
-  prelude/tactics.v\
-  prelude/base.v\
-  prelude/gmap.v\
-  prelude/streams.v\
-  prelude/listset.v\
-  prelude/collections.v\
-  prelude/relations.v\
-  prelude/strings.v\
-  prelude/natmap.v\
-  prelude/orders.v\
-  prelude/countable.v\
-  prelude/pretty.v\
-  prelude/hashset.v\
-  prelude/proof_irrel.v\
-  prelude/mapset.v\
-  prelude/fin_collections.v\
-  prelude/stringmap.v\
-  prelude/pmap.v\
-  prelude/vector.v\
-  prelude/fin_maps.v\
-  prelude/bsets.v\
-  prelude/fin_map_dom.v\
-  prelude/option.v
-ifneq ($(filter-out archclean clean cleanall printenv,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
--include $(addsuffix .d,$(VFILES))
-ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),)
--include $(addsuffix .d,$(VFILES))
-.SECONDARY: $(addsuffix .d,$(VFILES))
-OBJFILES=$(call vo_to_obj,$(VOFILES))
-ALLNATIVEFILES=$(OBJFILES:.o=.cmi) $(OBJFILES:.o=.cmo) $(OBJFILES:.o=.cmx) $(OBJFILES:.o=.cmxs)
-NATIVEFILES=$(foreach f, $(ALLNATIVEFILES), $(wildcard $f))
-ifeq '$(HASNATDYNLINK)' 'true'
-#                                     #
-# Definition of the toplevel targets. #
-#                                     #
-all: $(VOFILES) 
-quick: $(VOFILES:.vo=.vio)
-	$(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) -schedule-vio2vo $(J) $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vio)
-	$(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) -schedule-vio-checking $(J) $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vio)
-gallina: $(GFILES)
-	- mkdir -p html
-	$(COQDOC) -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html $(VFILES)
-gallinahtml: $(GLOBFILES) $(VFILES)
-	- mkdir -p html
-	$(COQDOC) -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html $(VFILES)
-all.ps: $(VFILES)
-	$(COQDOC) -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -ps $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $^`
-all-gal.ps: $(VFILES)
-	$(COQDOC) -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -ps -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $^`
-all.pdf: $(VFILES)
-	$(COQDOC) -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -pdf $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $^`
-all-gal.pdf: $(VFILES)
-	$(COQDOC) -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -pdf -g $(COQDOCLIBS) -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $^`
-validate: $(VOFILES)
-	$(COQCHK) $(COQCHKFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) $(notdir $(^:.vo=))
-beautify: $(VFILES:=.beautified)
-	for file in $^; do mv $${file%.beautified} $${file%beautified}old && mv $${file} $${file%.beautified}; done
-	@echo 'Do not do "make clean" until you are sure that everything went well!'
-	@echo 'If there were a problem, execute "for file in $$(find . -name \*.v.old -print); do mv $${file} $${file%.old}; done" in your shell/'
-.PHONY: all archclean beautify byte clean cleanall gallina gallinahtml html install install-doc install-natdynlink install-toploop opt printenv quick uninstall userinstall validate vio2vo
-#                  #
-# Special targets. #
-#                  #
-	$(MAKE) all "OPT:=-byte"
-	$(MAKE) all "OPT:=-opt"
-	+$(MAKE) USERINSTALL=true install
-	 install -d "`dirname "$(DSTROOT)"$(COQLIBINSTALL)//$$i`"; \
-	 install -m 0644 $$i "$(DSTROOT)"$(COQLIBINSTALL)//$$i; \
-	done
-	for i in html/*; do \
-	 install -m 0644 $$i "$(DSTROOT)"$(COQDOCINSTALL)/$(INSTALLDEFAULTROOT)/$$i;\
-	done
-uninstall_me.sh: Makefile
-	echo '#!/bin/sh' > $@
-	printf 'cd "$${DSTROOT}"$(COQLIBINSTALL)/ && rm -f $(VOFILES) $(VFILES) $(GLOBFILES) $(NATIVEFILES) $(CMOFILES) $(CMIFILES) $(CMAFILES) && find . -type d -and -empty -delete\ncd "$${DSTROOT}"$(COQLIBINSTALL) && find "" -maxdepth 0 -and -empty -exec rmdir -p \{\} \;\n' >> "$@"
-	printf 'cd "$${DSTROOT}"$(COQDOCINSTALL)/$(INSTALLDEFAULTROOT) \\\n' >> "$@"
-	printf '&& rm -f $(shell find "html" -maxdepth 1 -and -type f -print)\n' >> "$@"
-	printf 'cd "$${DSTROOT}"$(COQDOCINSTALL) && find $(INSTALLDEFAULTROOT)/html -maxdepth 0 -and -empty -exec rmdir -p \{\} \;\n' >> "$@"
-	chmod +x $@
-uninstall: uninstall_me.sh
-	sh $<
-	rm -f $(OBJFILES) $(OBJFILES:.o=.native) $(NATIVEFILES)
-	find . -name .coq-native -type d -empty -delete
-	rm -f $(VOFILES) $(VOFILES:.vo=.vio) $(GFILES) $(VFILES:.v=.v.d) $(VFILES:=.beautified) $(VFILES:=.old)
-	rm -f all.ps all-gal.ps all.pdf all-gal.pdf all.glob $(VFILES:.v=.glob) $(VFILES:.v=.tex) $(VFILES:.v=.g.tex) all-mli.tex
-	- rm -rf html mlihtml uninstall_me.sh
-cleanall:: clean
-	rm -f $(patsubst %.v,.%.aux,$(VFILES))
-	rm -f *.cmx *.o
-	@"$(COQBIN)coqtop" -config
-	@echo 'CAMLC =	$(CAMLC)'
-	@echo 'CAMLOPTC =	$(CAMLOPTC)'
-	@echo 'PP =	$(PP)'
-	@echo 'COQFLAGS =	$(COQFLAGS)'
-Makefile: _CoqProject
-	mv -f $@ $@.bak
-	"$(COQBIN)coq_makefile" -f $< -o $@
-#                 #
-# Implicit rules. #
-#                 #
-$(VOFILES): %.vo: %.v
-$(GLOBFILES): %.glob: %.v
-$(VFILES:.v=.vio): %.vio: %.v
-	$(COQC) -quick $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $*
-$(GFILES): %.g: %.v
-	$(GALLINA) $<
-$(VFILES:.v=.tex): %.tex: %.v
-	$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -latex $< -o $@
-$(HTMLFILES): %.html: %.v %.glob
-	$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html $< -o $@
-$(VFILES:.v=.g.tex): %.g.tex: %.v
-	$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -latex -g $< -o $@
-$(GHTMLFILES): %.g.html: %.v %.glob
-	$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS)  -html -g $< -o $@
-$(addsuffix .d,$(VFILES)): %.v.d: %.v
-	$(COQDEP) $(COQLIBS) "$<" > "$@" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f "$@"; exit $${RV} )
-$(addsuffix .beautified,$(VFILES)): %.v.beautified:
-	$(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) -beautify $*
-# This Makefile has been automagically generated
-# Edit at your own risks !
diff --git a/configure b/configure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eeb3f9d750a6878ff23b94a0ad9a642f575b4267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile