From 511f26a4808a0411a575b579383a85b04a938274 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralf Jung <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 12:26:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add Dave's proof macros

 docs/iris/locallabel.sty |   1 +
 docs/iris/model.tex      |  72 +++++-----
 docs/iris/pfsteps.sty    |   1 -
 docs/iris/pftools.sty    |   1 +
 docs/locallabel.sty      | 118 +++++++++++++++++
 docs/pfsteps.sty         | 279 ---------------------------------------
 docs/pftools.sty         | 130 ++++++++++++++++++
 docs/setup.tex           |  56 +-------
 8 files changed, 289 insertions(+), 369 deletions(-)
 create mode 120000 docs/iris/locallabel.sty
 delete mode 120000 docs/iris/pfsteps.sty
 create mode 120000 docs/iris/pftools.sty
 create mode 100644 docs/locallabel.sty
 delete mode 100644 docs/pfsteps.sty
 create mode 100644 docs/pftools.sty

diff --git a/docs/iris/locallabel.sty b/docs/iris/locallabel.sty
new file mode 120000
index 000000000..b5cf84403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/iris/locallabel.sty
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/iris/model.tex b/docs/iris/model.tex
index df9905588..dd419358c 100644
--- a/docs/iris/model.tex
+++ b/docs/iris/model.tex
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ action on morphisms).
 %  \protStatus &::=& \enabled \ALT \disabled \\[0.4em]
 \textdom{Res} &\eqdef&
-\{\, \res = (\pres, \ghostRes) \mid
+\{\, \rs = (\pres, \ghostRes) \mid
 \pres \in \textdom{State} \uplus \{\munit\} \land \ghostRes \in \mcarp{\monoid} \,\} \\[0.5em]
 (\pres, \ghostRes) \rsplit
 (\pres', \ghostRes') &\eqdef&
@@ -92,17 +92,17 @@ action on morphisms).
-\res \leq \res' & \eqdef &
-\Exists \res''. \res' = \res \rsplit \res''\\[1em]
+\rs \leq \rs' & \eqdef &
+\Exists \rs''. \rs' = \rs \rsplit \rs''\\[1em]
 \UPred(\textdom{Res}) &\eqdef& 
 \{\, p \subseteq \mathbb{N} \times \textdom{Res} \mid
-\All (k,\res) \in p.
+\All (k,\rs) \in p.
 \All j\leq k.
-\All \res' \geq \res.
-(j,\res')\in p \,\}\\[0.5em]
+\All \rs' \geq \rs.
+(j,\rs')\in p \,\}\\[0.5em]
 \restr{p}{k} &\eqdef& 
-\{\, (j, \res) \in p \mid j < k \,\}\\[0.5em]
+\{\, (j, \rs) \in p \mid j < k \,\}\\[0.5em]
 p \nequiv{n} q & \eqdef & \restr{p}{n} = \restr{q}{n}\\[1em]
 \textdom{PreProp} & \cong  &
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ $\rho\nequiv{n} \rho' \iff n=0 \lor \bigl(\dom(\rho)=\dom(\rho') \land
 %\typedsection{Validity}{valid : \pset{\textdom{Prop}} \in Sets}
-%valid(p) &\iff \All n \in \mathbb{N}. \All \res \in \textdom{Res}. \All W \in \textdom{World}. (n, \res) \in p(W)
+%valid(p) &\iff \All n \in \mathbb{N}. \All \rs \in \textdom{Res}. \All W \in \textdom{World}. (n, \rs) \in p(W)
 \typedsection{Later modality}{\later : \textdom{Prop} \to \textdom{Prop} \in {\cal U}}
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ $\rho\nequiv{n} \rho' \iff n=0 \lor \bigl(\dom(\rho)=\dom(\rho') \land
 %&\forall p, q \in \textdom{Prop}.~\\
-%  (\forall n \in \mathbb{N}.~\forall \res \in \textdom{Res}.~\forall W \in \textdom{World}.~(n, \res) \in p(W) \Rightarrow (n, \res) \in q(W)) \Leftrightarrow~valid(\always{(p \Rightarrow q)})
+%  (\forall n \in \mathbb{N}.~\forall \rs \in \textdom{Res}.~\forall W \in \textdom{World}.~(n, \rs) \in p(W) \Rightarrow (n, \rs) \in q(W)) \Leftrightarrow~valid(\always{(p \Rightarrow q)})
@@ -232,11 +232,11 @@ $\rho\nequiv{n} \rho' \iff n=0 \lor \bigl(\dom(\rho)=\dom(\rho') \land
 	\textdom{World} \to \psetdown{\mathbb{N}} \in {\cal U}}
 \ralf{Make this Dave-compatible: Explicitly compose all the things in $s$}
-	\fullSat{\state}{\mask}{\res}{W} &=
+	\fullSat{\state}{\mask}{\rs}{W} &=
-		\{\, n + 1 \in \mathbb{N} \mid &\Exists  \resB:\mathbb{N} \fpfn \textdom{Res}. (\res \rsplit \resB).\pres = \state \land{}\\
-		&\quad \All \iota \in \dom(W). \iota \in \dom(W) \leftrightarrow \iota \in \dom(\resB) \land {}\\
-		&\quad\quad \iota \in \mask \ra (n, \resB(\iota)) \in \wIso^{-1}(W(\iota))(W) \,\} \cup \{ 0 \}
+		\{\, n + 1 \in \mathbb{N} \mid &\Exists  \rsB:\mathbb{N} \fpfn \textdom{Res}. (\rs \rsplit \rsB).\pres = \state \land{}\\
+		&\quad \All \iota \in \dom(W). \iota \in \dom(W) \leftrightarrow \iota \in \dom(\rsB) \land {}\\
+		&\quad\quad \iota \in \mask \ra (n, \rsB(\iota)) \in \wIso^{-1}(W(\iota))(W) \,\} \cup \{ 0 \}
@@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ $\rho\nequiv{n} \rho' \iff n=0 \lor \bigl(\dom(\rho)=\dom(\rho') \land
 		\All \state \in \Delta(\textdom{State}).
 		\All \mask_1, \mask_2 \in \Delta(\pset{\mathbb{N}}).
-		\All \res, \resB \in \Delta(\textdom{Res}).
+		\All \rs, \rsB \in \Delta(\textdom{Res}).
 		\All W \in \textdom{World}. \\&
-		\mask_1 \subseteq \mask_2 \implies (\fullSat{\state}{\mask_2}{\res}{W}) \subseteq (\fullSat{\state}{\mask_1}{\res}{W})
+		\mask_1 \subseteq \mask_2 \implies (\fullSat{\state}{\mask_2}{\rs}{W}) \subseteq (\fullSat{\state}{\mask_1}{\rs}{W})
@@ -293,11 +293,11 @@ $\rho\nequiv{n} \rho' \iff n=0 \lor \bigl(\dom(\rho)=\dom(\rho') \land
 	\mathit{vs}_{\mask_1}^{\mask_2}(q) &= \Lam W.
-		\{\, (n, \res) &\mid \All W_F \geq W. \All \res_F, \mask_F, \state. \All k \leq n.\\
+		\{\, (n, \rs) &\mid \All W_F \geq W. \All \rs_F, \mask_F, \state. \All k \leq n.\\
-		k \in (\fullSat{\state}{\mask_1 \cup \mask_F}{\res \rsplit \res_F}{W_F}) \land k > 0 \land \mask_F \sep (\mask_1 \cup \mask_2) \implies{} \\
+		k \in (\fullSat{\state}{\mask_1 \cup \mask_F}{\rs \rsplit \rs_F}{W_F}) \land k > 0 \land \mask_F \sep (\mask_1 \cup \mask_2) \implies{} \\
-		\Exists W' \geq W_F. \Exists \res'. k \in (\fullSat{\state}{\mask_2 \cup \mask_F}{\res' \rsplit \res_F}{W'}) \land (k, \res') \in q(W')
+		\Exists W' \geq W_F. \Exists \rs'. k \in (\fullSat{\state}{\mask_2 \cup \mask_F}{\rs' \rsplit \rs_F}{W'}) \land (k, \rs') \in q(W')
@@ -338,10 +338,10 @@ $\rho\nequiv{n} \rho' \iff n=0 \lor \bigl(\dom(\rho)=\dom(\rho') \land
 %  \All \iota \in \mathbb{N}.
 %  \All p \in \textdom{Prop}.
 %  \All W \in \textdom{World}.
-%  \All \res \in \textdom{Res}.
+%  \All \rs \in \textdom{Res}.
 %  \All n \in \mathbb{N}. \\
-%  (n, \res) \in inv(\iota, p)(W) \implies (n, \res) \in vs_{\{ \iota \}}^{\emptyset}(\later p)(W)
+%  (n, \rs) \in inv(\iota, p)(W) \implies (n, \rs) \in vs_{\{ \iota \}}^{\emptyset}(\later p)(W)
@@ -352,10 +352,10 @@ $\rho\nequiv{n} \rho' \iff n=0 \lor \bigl(\dom(\rho)=\dom(\rho') \land
 %  \forall \iota \in \mathbb{N}.~
 %  \forall p \in \textdom{Prop}.~
 %  \forall W \in \textdom{World}.~
-%  \forall \res \in \textdom{Res}.~
+%  \forall \rs \in \textdom{Res}.~
 %  \forall n \in \mathbb{N}.~\\
-%  (n, \res) \in (inv(\iota, p) * \later p)(W) \Rightarrow (n, \res) \in vs^{\{ \iota \}}_{\emptyset}(\top)(W)
+%  (n, \rs) \in (inv(\iota, p) * \later p)(W) \Rightarrow (n, \rs) \in vs^{\{ \iota \}}_{\emptyset}(\top)(W)
@@ -392,22 +392,22 @@ $\rho\nequiv{n} \rho' \iff n=0 \lor \bigl(\dom(\rho)=\dom(\rho') \land
 	\mathit{wp}_\mask(\expr, q) &\eqdef \Lam W.
-		\{\, (n, \res) &\mid \All W_F \geq W; k \leq n; \res_F; \state; \mask_F \sep \mask. k > 0 \land k \in (\fullSat{\state}{\mask \cup \mask_F}{\res \rsplit \res_F}{W_F}) \implies{}\\
+		\{\, (n, \rs) &\mid \All W_F \geq W; k \leq n; \rs_F; \state; \mask_F \sep \mask. k > 0 \land k \in (\fullSat{\state}{\mask \cup \mask_F}{\rs \rsplit \rs_F}{W_F}) \implies{}\\
-		(\expr \in \textdom{Val} \implies \Exists W' \geq W_F. \Exists \res'. \\
+		(\expr \in \textdom{Val} \implies \Exists W' \geq W_F. \Exists \rs'. \\
-		k \in (\fullSat{\state}{\mask \cup \mask_F}{\res' \rsplit \res_F}{W'}) \land (k, \res') \in q(\expr)(W'))~\land \\
+		k \in (\fullSat{\state}{\mask \cup \mask_F}{\rs' \rsplit \rs_F}{W'}) \land (k, \rs') \in q(\expr)(W'))~\land \\
-		(\All\ectx,\expr_0,\expr'_0,\state'. \expr = \ectx[\expr_0] \land \cfg{\state}{\expr_0} \step \cfg{\state'}{\expr'_0} \implies \Exists W' \geq W_F. \Exists \res'. \\
+		(\All\ectx,\expr_0,\expr'_0,\state'. \expr = \ectx[\expr_0] \land \cfg{\state}{\expr_0} \step \cfg{\state'}{\expr'_0} \implies \Exists W' \geq W_F. \Exists \rs'. \\
-		k - 1 \in (\fullSat{\state'}{\mask \cup \mask_F}{\res' \rsplit \res_F}{W'}) \land (k-1, \res') \in wp_\mask(\ectx[\expr_0'], q)(W'))~\land \\
+		k - 1 \in (\fullSat{\state'}{\mask \cup \mask_F}{\rs' \rsplit \rs_F}{W'}) \land (k-1, \rs') \in wp_\mask(\ectx[\expr_0'], q)(W'))~\land \\
-		(\All\ectx,\expr'. \expr = \ectx[\fork{\expr'}] \implies \Exists W' \geq W_F. \Exists \res', \res_1', \res_2'. \\
+		(\All\ectx,\expr'. \expr = \ectx[\fork{\expr'}] \implies \Exists W' \geq W_F. \Exists \rs', \rs_1', \rs_2'. \\
-		k - 1 \in (\fullSat{\state}{\mask \cup \mask_F}{\res' \rsplit \res_F}{W'}) \land \res' = \res_1' \rsplit \res_2'~\land \\
+		k - 1 \in (\fullSat{\state}{\mask \cup \mask_F}{\rs' \rsplit \rs_F}{W'}) \land \rs' = \rs_1' \rsplit \rs_2'~\land \\
-		(k-1, \res_1') \in \mathit{wp}_\mask(\ectx[\textsf{fRet}], q)(W') \land
-		(k-1, \res_2') \in \mathit{wp}_\top(\expr', \Lam\any. \top)(W'))
+		(k-1, \rs_1') \in \mathit{wp}_\mask(\ectx[\textsf{fRet}], q)(W') \land
+		(k-1, \rs_2') \in \mathit{wp}_\top(\expr', \Lam\any. \top)(W'))
@@ -491,9 +491,9 @@ $\rho\nequiv{n} \rho' \iff n=0 \lor \bigl(\dom(\rho)=\dom(\rho') \land
 	\semTerm{\vctx \proves \knowInv{\iname}{\prop} : \Prop}_\gamma &=
 	inv(\semTerm{\vctx \proves \iname : \textsort{InvName}}_\gamma, \semTerm{\vctx \proves \prop : \Prop}_\gamma) \\
 	\semTerm{\vctx \proves \ownGGhost{\melt} : \Prop}_\gamma &=
-	\Lam W. \{\, (n, \res) \mid \res.\ghostRes \geq \semTerm{\vctx \proves \melt : \textsort{Monoid}}_\gamma \,\} \\
+	\Lam W. \{\, (n, \rs) \mid \rs.\ghostRes \geq \semTerm{\vctx \proves \melt : \textsort{Monoid}}_\gamma \,\} \\
 	\semTerm{\vctx \proves \ownPhys{\state} : \Prop}_\gamma &=
-	\Lam W. \{\, (n, \res) \mid \res.\pres = \semTerm{\vctx \proves \state : \textsort{State}}_\gamma \,\}
+	\Lam W. \{\, (n, \rs) \mid \rs.\pres = \semTerm{\vctx \proves \state : \textsort{State}}_\gamma \,\}
@@ -513,10 +513,10 @@ $\rho\nequiv{n} \rho' \iff n=0 \lor \bigl(\dom(\rho)=\dom(\rho') \land
 \forall n \in \mathbb{N}.\;
 \forall W \in \textdom{World}.\;
-\forall \res \in \textdom{Res}.\; 
+\forall \rs \in \textdom{Res}.\; 
 \forall \gamma \in \semSort{\vctx},\;
-\bigl(\All \propB \in \pfctx. (n, \res) \in \semTerm{\vctx \proves \propB : \Prop}_\gamma(W)\bigr)
-\implies (n, \res) \in \semTerm{\vctx \proves \prop : \Prop}_\gamma(W)
+\bigl(\All \propB \in \pfctx. (n, \rs) \in \semTerm{\vctx \proves \propB : \Prop}_\gamma(W)\bigr)
+\implies (n, \rs) \in \semTerm{\vctx \proves \prop : \Prop}_\gamma(W)
diff --git a/docs/iris/pfsteps.sty b/docs/iris/pfsteps.sty
deleted file mode 120000
index 958ef7a14..000000000
--- a/docs/iris/pfsteps.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
index 000000000..68af43890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/iris/pftools.sty
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/locallabel.sty b/docs/locallabel.sty
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c28e92e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/locallabel.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+%  Locallabel
+%  Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Didier Rémy
+%  Author         : Didier Remy 
+%  Version        : 1.1.1
+%  Bug Reports    : to author
+%  Web Site       :
+%  Locallabel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+%  any later version.
+%  Locallabel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%  GNU General Public License for more details 
+%  (
+%  File locallabel.sty (LaTeX macros)
+%% Identification
+         [2001/23/02 v0.92 Locallabel]
+%% Preliminary declarations
+%% Options
+%% More declarations
+%% We use two counters: The global counter is incremented at each reset.
+%% Its value is the ``group'' of a local. 
+%% The local counter is the last numeric value of a bound label in the
+%% current group.  The value of a label #1 is globally set to 
+%% \csname llb@\the\c@llb@global-#1\endcsname
+%% The global command \csname llb@\the\c@llb@global-#1*\endcsname is 
+%% use to ensure that a label is only bound once. Usually a label is
+%% bound and declared at the same time with \llabel. It may also be bound in
+%% advance,  with \lbind, for instance so as to control the numbering.
+%% Then, another \llabel must be used to declare it in the text.
+%% If no \lbind has been used before, the \llabel calls \lbind implicitlt. 
+\newcommand \llb@find [1]
+  {\expandafter \ifx \csname llb@\the\c@llb@global-#1\endcsname \relax
+     \message {*** Local label #1 undefined in this context}%
+     \edef \llb@current {#1??}%
+   \else 
+     \edef \llb@current {\csname llb@\the\c@llb@global-#1\endcsname}%
+   \fi}
+\newcommand \llb@make [1]
+  {\expandafter \ifx \csname llb@\the\c@llb@global-#1\endcsname \relax
+     \stepcounter{llb@local}\relax \expandafter 
+     \xdef \csname llb@\the\c@llb@global-#1\endcsname {\the\c@llb@local}%
+     \edef \llb@current {\the\c@llb@local}%
+   \else
+     \expandafter \ifx \csname llb@\the\c@llb@global-#1*\endcsname \relax
+       \message {*** Local label #1 already defined in this countext!}%
+       \edef \llb@current {\csname llb@\the\c@llb@global-#1\endcsname ??}%
+     \else
+       \expandafter \global \expandafter \let
+          \csname llb@\the\c@llb@global-#1*\endcsname \relax
+     \edef \llb@current {\csname llb@\the\c@llb@global-#1\endcsname}
+     \fi 
+   \fi
+%%% Redefine those macros to change typsetting
+\newcommand \thelocallabel {\the \c@llb@local}
+\newcommand \LlabelTypeset [1] {(\textrm {\bfseries #1})}
+\newcommand \LrefTypeset [1] {(\textrm {#1)}}
+\newcommand \glabel [1]{\LlabelTypeset{\softtarget {#1}{#1}}}
+\newcommand \gref [1]{\LrefTypeset{\softlink {#1}{#1}}}
+%%% To reset all local labels---which just increment a global prefix.
+\newcommand \locallabelreset[1][0]%
+  {\stepcounter {llb@global}\setcounter {llb@local}{#1}}
+%%% Make a new local label, typeset it, and bind to the given name
+\def \llb@relax {\relax}
+\newcommand {\llabel}[2][\relax]%
+  {\llb@make{#2}%
+   \def \@test {#1}\ifx \@test\llb@relax\else
+     \edef \@currentlabel {\the\c@llb@local}%
+     \def \@test {#1}\ifx \@test\empty \def \@test{#2}\fi
+     \label{\@test}%
+   \fi%
+   \LlabelTypeset {\softtarget{llb@\the\c@llb@global-#2}{\llb@current}}}
+%%% Retreive the local label of given name and type set it.
+\newcommand \lref [1]
+  {\llb@find {#1}%
+   \LrefTypeset {\softlink {llb@\the\c@llb@global-#1}{\llb@current}}}
+%%% Make a new local label and bind it to the given name but do not typeset
+%%% it. Typesetting may then be done with \llabel non locally. Useful to
+%%% control the order of numberring.
+\newcommand \lbind [1]
+  {\llb@make {#1}%
+   \expandafter \global \expandafter 
+      \let \csname llb@\the\c@llb@global-#1*\endcsname \empty}
+\AtBeginDocument {%
+  \@ifundefined{softlink}{\let \softlink \@secondoftwo}{}%
+  \@ifundefined{softtarget}{\let \softtarget \@secondoftwo}{}%
diff --git a/docs/pfsteps.sty b/docs/pfsteps.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 203ab1543..000000000
--- a/docs/pfsteps.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `pfsteps.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% pfsteps.dtx  (with options: `package')
-%% Copyright (C) 2011 by Jesse A. Tov
-%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
-%% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license or (at
-%% your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is
-%% in:
-%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 1999/12/01 or later.
- [2011/04/04 v0.4 proof tools]
-  \expandafter\let\csname #1pfsteps@#2\endcsname#3
-  \pfsteps@set[if]{#2}#1
-  \pfsteps@set[if]{#2@set}\iffalse
-  \DeclareOption{#2}{
-    \pfsteps@set[if]{#2}\iftrue
-    \pfsteps@set[if]{#2@set}\iftrue
-  }
-  \DeclareOption{no#2}{
-    \pfsteps@set[if]{#2}\iffalse
-    \pfsteps@set[if]{#2@set}\iftrue
-  }
-  \ifpfsteps@loadunicode
-    \RequirePackage{ucs}
-    \RequirePackage[utf8x]{inputenc}
-  \fi
-  \ifpfsteps@mathpartir@set
-    \RequirePackage{mathpartir}
-  \fi
-  \ifpfsteps@hyperref@set
-    \RequirePackage{hyperref}
-  \fi
-  {\stepcounter{pfsteps@pfc@global}\setcounter{pfsteps@pfc@local}{#1}}
-  {\the\value{pfsteps@pfc@local}}
-  {\the\value{pfsteps@pfc@global}}
-  \addtocounter{pfsteps@pfc@local}{1}%
-   \ifx\relax#1\relax\else
-     \pflabel{#1}%
-   \fi
-  \steppfcounter[#1]%
-  \pfsteps@hypertarget{pfc:\thepfsectioncounter:\thepfcounter}{%
-    \pfcounteranchor{\thepfcounter}%
-  }%
-  {\csname\pfsteps@pfc@{\pfsteps@strip#1 \@empty}\endcsname}
-  {pfsteps@pfc@\pfsteps@strip#1 \@empty @\thepfsectioncounter}
-\def\pfsteps@strip#1 #2{%
-  #1%
-  \ifx#2\@empty\else\expandafter\pfsteps@strip\fi
-  #2}
-  {\expandafter\ifx\csname\pfsteps@pfc@{#1}@thisrun\endcsname\relax
-     \expandafter\xdef\csname\pfsteps@pfc@{#1}\endcsname
-       {\thepfcounter}%
-     \expandafter\gdef\csname\pfsteps@pfc@{#1}@thisrun\endcsname
-       {}%
-     \immediate\write\@auxout{
-       \noexpand\pfsteps@def@label
-         {#1}{\thepfsectioncounter}{\thepfcounter}
-     }%
-   \else
-     \PackageWarning{pfsteps}
-        {Proof step (#1) already defined in this section}%
-   \fi}
-  \expandafter\gdef
-    \csname pfsteps@pfc@#1@#2\endcsname
-    {#3}
-    {\Compress[\@apply@group\@firstoftwo]
-     {\Sort[\@apply@group\@firstoftwo]
-      {\Map
-       {%
-        {\@ifundefined{\pfsteps@pfc@{##1}}
-           {-1}
-           {\csname\pfsteps@pfc@{##1}\endcsname}}%
-        {\@ifundefined{\pfsteps@pfc@{##1}}
-           {\PackageWarning{pfsteps}
-              {Proof step (##1) not yet defined in this section}%
-            \textbf{?}}
-           {\pfsteps@hyperlink
-             {pfc:\thepfsectioncounter:\pfsteps@pfc@cs{##1}}
-             {\pfsteps@pfc@cs{##1}}}}}
-       {\List{#1}}}}}
-    \pfsteps@pfref@list
-  \let\listitem\pfsteps@pfref@listitem@first
-  \def\@single##1{\@secondoftwo##1}%
-  \def\@range##1##2{\@secondoftwo##1--\@secondoftwo##2}%
-  \pfcounterref{\pfsteps@pfref@list}%
-  #1\let\listitem\pfsteps@pfref@listitem@rest
-  , #1\let\listitem\pfsteps@pfref@listitem@rest
-  \AtBeginDocument{
-    \ifcsname hypertarget\endcsname
-      \let\pfsteps@hypertarget=\hypertarget
-      \let\pfsteps@hyperlink=\hyperlink
-    \fi
-  }
-        {\begin{pfsteps@with}$}
-        {\end{pfsteps@with}}
-        {\begin{pfsteps@with}{}}
-        {\end{pfsteps@with}}
-  \leavevmode\begingroup
-  \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}%
-  \trivlist
-  \raggedright
-  \setlength{\leftskip}{1.5\proofleftskip}
-  \let\pfstepsSavedItem\item
-  \let\pfstepsSavedLabel\label
-  \let\pfstepsSavedQedhere\qedhere
-  \newcommand\AND[1][and]{\mathrel{\mbox{##1}}}
-  \newcommand\BY[2][by]
-    {\pfsteps@unmath{\penalty-1 \mbox{~}\hfill%
-     \begin{minipage}[t]{\proofrightwidth}%
-       \raggedright##1 ##2%
-     \end{minipage}}}
-  \def\pfstepsItem{%
-    \pfsteps@stopmath
-    \pfstepsSavedItem\mbox{}\kern-1.25\proofleftskip
-    \makebox[\proofleftskip]{\hfill\usepfcounter}\kern0.25\proofleftskip
-    #1\relax}
-  \def\pfstepsQedhere{\pfsteps@unmath{\pfstepsSavedQedhere}}
-  \let\item\pfstepsItem
-  \let\label\pflabel
-  \let\qedhere\pfstepsQedhere
-  \ifpfsteps@atsign
-    \pfsteps@setup@atsign
-  \fi
-  \relax
-  \pfsteps@stopmath
-  \endtrivlist\endgroup
-  \noindent\ignorespaces
-  \def\atsign{@}
-  \catcode`\@=\active\relax
-  \expandafter\gdef\csname pfsteps\atsign setup\atsign atsign\endcsname{
-    \catcode`\@=\active\relax
-    \gdef@##1 {\pflabel{##1}}
-  }
-  \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{#1}{\pfsteps@unicode@startpfsteps}
-  \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{#3}{\pfsteps@unicode@item}
-  \def\pfsteps@unicode@startpfsteps
-    {\begingroup
-     \ifpfsteps@atsign\catcode`\@=\active\relax\fi
-     \pfsteps@unicode@startpfsteps@kont}
-  \def\pfsteps@unicode@startpfsteps@kont##1#2
-    {\begin{pfsteps@with}\pfsteps@unicode@arg\item##1\end{pfsteps@with}%
-     \endgroup}
-  \def\pfsteps@unicode@item{\item}
-  \pfstepsmathmode
-  \pfstepsSetupUnicode{171}{»}{8226} % « » •
-\providecommand{\byCasesCaseTemplate}[1]{\textbf{Case\ \ \fbox{#1}}}
-  {%
-    \begingroup
-    \let\case\byCases@case
-    \let\otherwise\byCases@otherwise
-    \ifpfsteps@mathpartir
-      \ifcsname inferrule\endcsname\let\icase\byCases@icase\fi
-    \fi
-    \list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin
-            \let\makelabel\byCases@label}%
-  }
-  {%
-    \endlist
-    \endgroup
-  }
-  \hspace\labelsep
-  \normalfont~\strut
-  \expandafter\ifx#1\relax\relax
-    \byCasesOtherwiseTemplate
-  \else
-    \byCasesCaseTemplate{\normalfont${#1}$}%
-  \fi
-  {\item[{\let\AND\byCases@and #2}]\strut#1\pfsteps@reallynopagebreak}
-  {\item[]\strut#1\pfsteps@reallynopagebreak}
-  \@ifnextchar* \byCases@icase@star \byCases@icase@nostar
-  \@ifnextchar [{\byCases@icase@opts{#1}}{\byCases@icase@noopts{#1}}
-  \@ifnextchar [
-    {\byCases@icase@where{#1}{#2}{#3}}
-    {\byCases@icase@nowhere{#1}{#2}{#3}}
-  \case{#1{#2}{#3}\AND[\byCasesWhereTemplate]#4}%
-%% End of file `pfsteps.sty'.
diff --git a/docs/pftools.sty b/docs/pftools.sty
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32a8ab65f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/pftools.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+\RequirePackage{Tabbing}	% Avoid the standard tabbing environment. Its \< conflicts with the semantic package.
+%% Biimplication inference rules
+% \biimp above below
+% The double lines obtained by the simpler
+% "\mprset{fraction={===}}" overlap the conclusion (e.g., the
+% mask E_M in an atomic triple).
+	\hbox{%
+		\ooalign{%
+			$\genfrac{}{}{1.6pt}1{#1}{#2}$\cr%
+			$\color{white}\genfrac{}{}{0.8pt}1{\phantom{#1}}{\phantom{#2}}$%
+		}%
+	}%
+%% inferH is infer with hyperlinked names.
+% \savelabel lab text: Arrange for \ref{lab} to print text and to link to the current spot.
+	% Think @currentlabel : text ref.
+	\edef\@currentlabel{#2}% Save text
+	\phantomsection% Correct hyper reference link
+	\label{#1}% Print text and store name↦text.
+% \textlabel label text: Print and label text.
+% \rulenamestyle visible
+\newcommand*{\rulenamestyle}[1]{{\TirNameStyle{#1}}}	% From mathpartir.sty.
+% \ruleref [discharged] lab
+	\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax\else\ensuremath{^{#1}}\fi}
+% \rulename label
+% \inferhref name lab premise conclusion
+	\inferrule*[lab=\textlabel{#2}{#1}]{#3}{#4}%
+% \infernH name premise conclusion, if name a valid label.
+% The sanity checks in \lbind and \llabel
+% don't work properly in amsmath environments
+% which perhaps lay out their contents more
+% than once. Use \lbind in such cases.
+% Sigh.
+\newcommand\UNIND{\unind \\}
+% Attribution:
+	\setlength\pf@width{\linewidth}%
+	\addtolength\pf@width{\@totalleftmargin}%
+	\addtolength\pf@width{-\dimen\@curtab}%
+	\parbox[t]{\pf@width}{\nobelowdisplayskip{#1}\ifhmode\strut\fi}}
+%When \left\{ … \right\} looks ugly, remember Dave says you want \bracket.
+\NewDocumentCommand{\RES}{s m O{}}{%
+	$\displaystyle{{\left\{\res{%
+				\IfBooleanTF{#1}{\begin{inbox}[l]#2\end{inbox}}{#2}%
+			}\right\}}_{#3}}$}
+\NewDocumentCommand{\ARES}{m O{}}{%
+	${\displaystyle{\bracket\langle\rangle{\color{rescolor}{#1}}}_{#2}}$}
+	${\displaystyle{\color{codecolor}#1}}$}
+	Vars: ${\color{ctxcolor}\displaystyle{#1}}$}
+	Context: ${\color{ctxcolor}\displaystyle{#1}}$}
+	Goal: ${\displaystyle{#1}}$}
+	Suff: ${\displaystyle{#1}}$}
+	Have: ${\displaystyle{#1}}$}
+	% A version of \qedhere that accounts for tabbing.
+	\def\qedhere{\TAB`\pf@origqedhere}%
+% The starred version lacks leading and trailing vertical space.
+{\partopsep=\z@skip \topsep=\z@skip% avoid initial space
+	\parskip\z@skip% avoid trailing space
+	\pf@setup\par\begingroup\Tabbing\ignorespaces}
diff --git a/docs/setup.tex b/docs/setup.tex
index 50500d946..07b3861ab 100644
--- a/docs/setup.tex
+++ b/docs/setup.tex
@@ -27,56 +27,6 @@
-% \biimp above below
-% The double lines obtained by the simpler
-% "\mprset{fraction={===}}" overlap the conclusion (e.g., the
-% mask E_M in an atomic triple).
-	\hbox{%
-		\ooalign{%
-			$\genfrac{}{}{1.6pt}1{#1}{#2}$\cr%
-			$\color{white}\genfrac{}{}{.8pt}1{\phantom{#1}}{\phantom{#2}}$%
-		}%
-	}%
-%% inferH is infern with hyperlinks.
-% \savelabel lab text: Arrange for \ref{lab} to print text and to link to the current spot.
-	\newcommand*{\savelabel}[2]{%
-		% Think @currentlabel : text ref.
-		\edef\@currentlabel{#2}% Save text
-		\phantomsection% Correct hyper reference link
-		\label{#1}% Print text and store name↦text.
-	}
-% \textlabel label text: Print and label text.
-% \rulenamestyle visible
-\newcommand*{\rulenamestyle}[1]{{\TirNameStyle{#1}}}	% From mathpartir.sty.
-% \ruleref [discharged] lab
-	\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax\else\ensuremath{^{#1}}\fi}
-% \rulename label
-% \inferhref name lab premise conclusion
-	\inferrule*[lab=\textlabel{#2}{#1}]{#3}{#4}%
-% \infernH name premise conclusion, if name a valid label.
   linktocpage=true, pdfstartview=FitV,
@@ -97,7 +47,7 @@
@@ -255,8 +205,8 @@
 % \newcommand{\Prop}{\mathbb{B}}
 % \newcommand{\Pred}{\mathbb{P}}