From 24314cda03a76d2f334679efd3864310d020cf01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robbert Krebbers <> Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 15:52:02 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add fractional CMRA. --- _CoqProject | 1 + algebra/frac.v | 260 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ heap_lang/heap.v | 2 +- 3 files changed, 262 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 algebra/frac.v diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject index 9003ee08f..e6b7feed3 100644 --- a/_CoqProject +++ b/_CoqProject @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ algebra/functor.v algebra/upred.v algebra/upred_tactics.v algebra/upred_big_op.v +algebra/frac.v program_logic/model.v program_logic/adequacy.v program_logic/hoare_lifting.v diff --git a/algebra/frac.v b/algebra/frac.v new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4630dc973 --- /dev/null +++ b/algebra/frac.v @@ -0,0 +1,260 @@ +From Coq Require Import Qcanon. +From algebra Require Export cmra. +From algebra Require Import functor upred. +Local Arguments validN _ _ _ !_ /. +Local Arguments valid _ _ !_ /. +Local Arguments minus _ _ !_ !_ /. + +Inductive frac (A : Type) := + | Frac : Qp → A → frac A + | FracUnit : frac A. +Arguments Frac {_} _ _. +Arguments FracUnit {_}. +Instance maybe_Frac {A} : Maybe2 (@Frac A) := λ x, + match x with Frac q a => Some (q,a) | _ => None end. +Instance: Params (@Frac) 2. + +Section cofe. +Context {A : cofeT}. +Implicit Types a b : A. +Implicit Types x y : frac A. + +(* Cofe *) +Inductive frac_equiv : Equiv (frac A) := + | Frac_equiv q1 q2 a b : q1 = q2 → a ≡ b → Frac q1 a ≡ Frac q2 b + | FracUnit_equiv : FracUnit ≡ FracUnit. +Existing Instance frac_equiv. +Inductive frac_dist : Dist (frac A) := + | Frac_dist q1 q2 a b n : q1 = q2 → a ≡{n}≡ b → Frac q1 a ≡{n}≡ Frac q2 b + | FracUnit_dist n : FracUnit ≡{n}≡ FracUnit. +Existing Instance frac_dist. + +Global Instance Frac_ne q n : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (@Frac A q). +Proof. by constructor. Qed. +Global Instance Frac_proper q : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@Frac A q). +Proof. by constructor. Qed. +Global Instance Frac_inj : Inj2 (=) (≡) (≡) (@Frac A). +Proof. by inversion_clear 1. Qed. +Global Instance Frac_dist_inj n : Inj2 (=) (dist n) (dist n) (@Frac A). +Proof. by inversion_clear 1. Qed. + +Program Definition frac_chain (c : chain (frac A)) (q : Qp) (a : A) + (H : maybe2 Frac (c 1) = Some (q,a)) : chain A := + {| chain_car n := match c n return _ with Frac _ b => b | _ => a end |}. +Next Obligation. + intros c q a ? n [|i] ?; [omega|]; simpl. + destruct (c 1) eqn:?; simplify_eq/=. + by feed inversion (chain_cauchy c n (S i)). +Qed. +Instance frac_compl : Compl (frac A) := λ c, + match Some_dec (maybe2 Frac (c 1)) with + | inleft (exist (q,a) H) => Frac q (compl (frac_chain c q a H)) + | inright _ => c 1 + end. +Definition frac_cofe_mixin : CofeMixin (frac A). +Proof. + split. + - intros mx my; split. + + by destruct 1; subst; constructor; try apply equiv_dist. + + intros Hxy; feed inversion (Hxy 0); subst; constructor; try done. + apply equiv_dist=> n; by feed inversion (Hxy n). + - intros n; split. + + by intros [q a|]; constructor. + + by destruct 1; constructor. + + destruct 1; inversion_clear 1; constructor; etrans; eauto. + - by inversion_clear 1; constructor; done || apply dist_S. + - intros n c; unfold compl, frac_compl. + destruct (Some_dec (maybe2 Frac (c 1))) as [[[q a] Hx]|]. + { assert (c 1 = Frac q a) by (by destruct (c 1); simplify_eq/=). + assert (∃ b, c (S n) = Frac q b) as [y Hy]. + { feed inversion (chain_cauchy c 0 (S n)); + eauto with lia congruence f_equal. } + rewrite Hy; constructor; auto. + by rewrite (conv_compl n (frac_chain c q a Hx)) /= Hy. } + feed inversion (chain_cauchy c 0 (S n)); first lia; + constructor; destruct (c 1); simplify_eq/=. +Qed. +Canonical Structure fracC : cofeT := CofeT frac_cofe_mixin. +Global Instance frac_discrete : Discrete A → Discrete fracC. +Proof. by inversion_clear 2; constructor; done || apply (timeless _). Qed. +Global Instance frac_leibniz : LeibnizEquiv A → LeibnizEquiv (frac A). +Proof. by destruct 2; f_equal; done || apply leibniz_equiv. Qed. + +Global Instance Frac_timeless q (a : A) : Timeless a → Timeless (Frac q a). +Proof. by inversion_clear 2; constructor; done || apply (timeless _). Qed. +Global Instance FracUnit_timeless : Timeless (@FracUnit A). +Proof. by inversion_clear 1; constructor. Qed. +End cofe. + +Arguments fracC : clear implicits. + +(* Functor on COFEs *) +Definition frac_map {A B} (f : A → B) (x : frac A) : frac B := + match x with + | Frac q a => Frac q (f a) | FracUnit => FracUnit + end. +Instance: Params (@frac_map) 2. + +Lemma frac_map_id {A} (x : frac A) : frac_map id x = x. +Proof. by destruct x. Qed. +Lemma frac_map_compose {A B C} (f : A → B) (g : B → C) (x : frac A) : + frac_map (g ∘ f) x = frac_map g (frac_map f x). +Proof. by destruct x. Qed. +Lemma frac_map_ext {A B : cofeT} (f g : A → B) x : + (∀ x, f x ≡ g x) → frac_map f x ≡ frac_map g x. +Proof. by destruct x; constructor. Qed. +Instance frac_map_cmra_ne {A B : cofeT} n : + Proper ((dist n ==> dist n) ==> dist n ==> dist n) (@frac_map A B). +Proof. intros f f' Hf; destruct 1; constructor; by try apply Hf. Qed. +Definition fracC_map {A B} (f : A -n> B) : fracC A -n> fracC B := + CofeMor (frac_map f). +Instance fracC_map_ne A B n : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (@fracC_map A B). +Proof. intros f f' Hf []; constructor; by try apply Hf. Qed. + +Section cmra. +Context {A : cmraT}. +Implicit Types a b : A. +Implicit Types x y : frac A. + +(* CMRA *) +Instance frac_valid : Valid (frac A) := λ x, + match x with Frac q a => (q ≤ 1)%Qc ∧ ✓ a | FracUnit => True end. +Instance frac_validN : ValidN (frac A) := λ n x, + match x with Frac q a => (q ≤ 1)%Qc ∧ ✓{n} a | FracUnit => True end. +Global Instance frac_empty : Empty (frac A) := FracUnit. +Instance frac_unit : Unit (frac A) := λ _, ∅. +Instance frac_op : Op (frac A) := λ x y, + match x, y with + | Frac q1 a, Frac q2 b => Frac (q1 + q2) (a ⋅ b) + | Frac q a, FracUnit | FracUnit, Frac q a => Frac q a + | FracUnit, FracUnit => FracUnit + end. +Instance frac_minus : Minus (frac A) := λ x y, + match x, y with + | _, FracUnit => x + | Frac q1 a, Frac q2 b => + match q1 - q2 with Some q => Frac q (a ⩪ b) | None => FracUnit end%Qp + | FracUnit, _ => FracUnit + end. + +Lemma Frac_op q1 q2 a b : Frac q1 a ⋅ Frac q2 b = Frac (q1 + q2) (a ⋅ b). +Proof. done. Qed. + +Definition frac_cmra_mixin : CMRAMixin (frac A). +Proof. + split. + - intros n []; destruct 1; constructor; by cofe_subst. + - constructor. + - do 2 destruct 1; split; by cofe_subst. + - do 2 destruct 1; simplify_eq/=; try case_match; constructor; by cofe_subst. + - intros [q a|]; rewrite /= ?cmra_valid_validN; naive_solver eauto using O. + - intros n [q a|]; destruct 1; split; auto using cmra_validN_S. + - intros [q1 a1|] [q2 a2|] [q3 a3|]; constructor; by rewrite ?assoc. + - intros [q1 a1|] [q2 a2|]; constructor; by rewrite 1?comm ?[(q1+_)%Qp]comm. + - intros []; by constructor. + - done. + - by exists FracUnit. + - intros n [q1 a1|] [q2 a2|]; destruct 1; split; eauto using cmra_validN_op_l. + trans (q1 + q2)%Qp; simpl; last done. + rewrite -{1}(Qcplus_0_r q1) -Qcplus_le_mono_l; auto using Qclt_le_weak. + - intros [q1 a1|] [q2 a2|] [[q3 a3|] Hx]; + inversion_clear Hx; simplify_eq/=; auto. + + rewrite Qp_op_minus. by constructor; [|apply cmra_op_minus; exists a3]. + + rewrite Qp_minus_diag. by constructor. + - intros n [q a|] y1 y2 Hx Hx'; last first. + { by exists (∅, ∅); destruct y1, y2; inversion_clear Hx'. } + destruct Hx, y1 as [q1 b1|], y2 as [q2 b2|]. + + apply (inj2 Frac) in Hx'; destruct Hx' as [-> ?]. + destruct (cmra_extend n a b1 b2) as ([z1 z2]&?&?&?); auto. + exists (Frac q1 z1,Frac q2 z2); by repeat constructor. + + exists (Frac q a, ∅); inversion_clear Hx'; by repeat constructor. + + exists (∅, Frac q a); inversion_clear Hx'; by repeat constructor. + + exfalso; inversion_clear Hx'. +Qed. +Canonical Structure fracRA : cmraT := CMRAT frac_cofe_mixin frac_cmra_mixin. +Global Instance frac_cmra_identity : CMRAIdentity fracRA. +Proof. split. done. by intros []. apply _. Qed. +Global Instance frac_cmra_discrete : CMRADiscrete A → CMRADiscrete fracRA. +Proof. + split; first apply _. + intros [q a|]; destruct 1; split; auto using cmra_discrete_valid. +Qed. + +Lemma frac_validN_inv_l n y a : ✓{n} (Frac 1 a ⋅ y) → y = ∅. +Proof. + destruct y as [q b|]; [|done]=> -[Hq ?]; destruct (Qcle_not_lt _ _ Hq). + by rewrite -{1}(Qcplus_0_r 1) -Qcplus_lt_mono_l. +Qed. +Lemma frac_valid_inv_l y a : ✓ (Frac 1 a ⋅ y) → y = ∅. +Proof. intros. by apply frac_validN_inv_l with 0 a, cmra_valid_validN. Qed. + +(** Internalized properties *) +Lemma frac_equivI {M} (x y : frac A) : + (x ≡ y)%I ≡ (match x, y with + | Frac q1 a, Frac q2 b => q1 = q2 ∧ a ≡ b + | FracUnit, FracUnit => True + | _, _ => False + end : uPred M)%I. +Proof. + uPred.unseal; do 2 split; first by destruct 1. + by destruct x, y; destruct 1; try constructor. +Qed. +Lemma frac_validI {M} (x : frac A) : + (✓ x)%I ≡ (if x is Frac q a then ■(q ≤ 1)%Qc ∧ ✓ a else True : uPred M)%I. +Proof. uPred.unseal. by destruct x. Qed. + +(** ** Local updates *) +Global Instance frac_local_update_full p a : + LocalUpdate (λ x, if x is Frac q _ then q = 1%Qp else False) (λ _, Frac p a). +Proof. + split; first by intros ???. + by intros n [q b|] y; [|done]=> -> /frac_validN_inv_l ->. +Qed. +Global Instance frac_local_update `{!LocalUpdate Lv L} : + LocalUpdate (λ x, if x is Frac _ a then Lv a else False) (frac_map L). +Proof. + split; first apply _. intros n [p a|] [q b|]; simpl; try done. + intros ? [??]; constructor; [done|by apply (local_updateN L)]. +Qed. + +(** Updates *) +Lemma frac_update_full (a1 a2 : A) : ✓ a2 → Frac 1 a1 ~~> Frac 1 a2. +Proof. + move=> ? n y /frac_validN_inv_l ->. split. done. by apply cmra_valid_validN. +Qed. +Lemma frac_update (a1 a2 : A) p : a1 ~~> a2 → Frac p a1 ~~> Frac p a2. +Proof. + intros Ha n [q b|] [??]; split; auto. + apply cmra_validN_op_l with (unit a1), Ha. by rewrite cmra_unit_r. +Qed. +End cmra. + +Arguments fracRA : clear implicits. + +(* Functor *) +Instance frac_map_cmra_monotone {A B : cmraT} (f : A → B) : + CMRAMonotone f → CMRAMonotone (frac_map f). +Proof. + split; try apply _. + - intros n [p a|]; destruct 1; split; auto using validN_preserving. + - intros [q1 a1|] [q2 a2|] [[q3 a3|] Hx]; + inversion Hx; setoid_subst; try apply: cmra_empty_least; auto. + destruct (included_preserving f a1 (a1 ⋅ a3)) as [b ?]. + { by apply cmra_included_l. } + by exists (Frac q3 b); constructor. +Qed. + +Program Definition fracF (Σ : iFunctor) : iFunctor := {| + ifunctor_car := fracRA ∘ Σ; ifunctor_map A B := fracC_map ∘ ifunctor_map Σ +|}. +Next Obligation. + by intros Σ A B n f g Hfg; apply fracC_map_ne, ifunctor_map_ne. +Qed. +Next Obligation. + intros Σ A x. rewrite /= -{2}(frac_map_id x). + apply frac_map_ext=>y; apply ifunctor_map_id. +Qed. +Next Obligation. + intros Σ A B C f g x. rewrite /= -frac_map_compose. + apply frac_map_ext=>y; apply ifunctor_map_compose. +Qed. diff --git a/heap_lang/heap.v b/heap_lang/heap.v index 4c321f8e4..14c681b84 100644 --- a/heap_lang/heap.v +++ b/heap_lang/heap.v @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ From heap_lang Require Export lifting. -From algebra Require Import upred_big_op. +From algebra Require Import upred_big_op frac. From program_logic Require Export invariants ghost_ownership. From program_logic Require Import ownership auth. Import uPred. -- GitLab