# Default target all: Makefile.coq +@make -f Makefile.coq all .PHONY: all # Permit local customization -include Makefile.local # Forward most targets to Coq makefile (with some trick to make this phony) %: Makefile.coq phony @#echo "Forwarding $@" +@make -f Makefile.coq $@ phony: ; .PHONY: phony clean: Makefile.coq +@make -f Makefile.coq clean find theories tests exercises solutions \( -name "*.d" -o -name "*.vo" -o -name "*.vo[sk]" -o -name "*.aux" -o -name "*.cache" -o -name "*.glob" -o -name "*.vio" \) -print -delete || true rm -f Makefile.coq .lia.cache builddep/* .PHONY: clean # Create Coq Makefile. Makefile.coq: _CoqProject Makefile "$(COQBIN)coq_makefile" -f _CoqProject -o Makefile.coq $(EXTRA_COQFILES) # Install build-dependencies OPAMFILES=$(wildcard *.opam) BUILDDEPFILES=$(addsuffix -builddep.opam, $(addprefix builddep/,$(basename $(OPAMFILES)))) builddep/%-builddep.opam: %.opam Makefile @echo "# Creating builddep package for $<." @mkdir -p builddep @sed <$< -E 's/^(build|install|remove):.*/\1: []/; s/"(.*)"(.*= *version.*)$$/"\1-builddep"\2/;' >$@ builddep-opamfiles: $(BUILDDEPFILES) .PHONY: builddep-opamfiles builddep: builddep-opamfiles @# We want opam to not just install the build-deps now, but to also keep satisfying these @# constraints. Otherwise, `opam upgrade` may well update some packages to versions @# that are incompatible with our build requirements. @# To achieve this, we create a fake opam package that has our build-dependencies as @# dependencies, but does not actually install anything itself. @echo "# Installing builddep packages." @opam install $(OPAMFLAGS) $(BUILDDEPFILES) .PHONY: builddep # Backwards compatibility target build-dep: builddep .PHONY: build-dep # Some files that do *not* need to be forwarded to Makefile.coq. # ("::" lets Makefile.local overwrite this.) Makefile Makefile.local _CoqProject $(OPAMFILES):: ;