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......@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Inductive coGset `{Countable A} :=
| FinGSet (X : gset A)
| CoFinGset (X : gset A).
Arguments coGset _ {_ _} : assert.
Global Arguments coGset _ {_ _} : assert.
Instance coGset_eq_dec `{Countable A} : EqDecision (coGset A).
Global Instance coGset_eq_dec `{Countable A} : EqDecision (coGset A).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Instance coGset_countable `{Countable A} : Countable (coGset A).
Global Instance coGset_countable `{Countable A} : Countable (coGset A).
apply (inj_countable'
(λ X, match X with FinGSet X => inl X | CoFinGset X => inr X end)
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Section coGset.
End coGset.
Instance coGset_elem_of_dec `{Countable A} : RelDecision (∈@{coGset A}) :=
Global Instance coGset_elem_of_dec `{Countable A} : RelDecision (∈@{coGset A}) :=
λ x X,
match X with
| FinGSet X => decide_rel elem_of x X
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Section infinite.
Global Instance coGset_leibniz : LeibnizEquiv (coGset A).
intros [X|X] [Y|Y]; rewrite elem_of_equiv;
intros [X|X] [Y|Y]; rewrite set_equiv;
unfold elem_of, coGset_elem_of; simpl; intros HXY.
- f_equal. by apply leibniz_equiv.
- by destruct (exist_fresh (X Y)) as [? [? ?%HXY]%not_elem_of_union].
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ End infinite.
Definition coGpick `{Countable A, Infinite A} (X : coGset A) : A :=
fresh (match X with FinGSet _ => | CoFinGset X => X end).
Lemma coGpick_elem_of `{Countable A, Infinite A} X :
Lemma coGpick_elem_of `{Countable A, Infinite A} (X : coGset A) :
¬set_finite X coGpick X X.
unfold coGpick.
......@@ -192,15 +192,5 @@ Lemma elem_of_coGset_to_top_set `{Countable A, TopSet A C} X x :
x ∈@{C} coGset_to_top_set X x X.
Proof. destruct X; set_solver. Qed.
(** * Domain of finite maps *)
Instance coGset_dom `{Countable K} {A} : Dom (gmap K A) (coGset K) := λ m,
gset_to_coGset (dom _ m).
Instance coGset_dom_spec `{Countable K} : FinMapDom K (gmap K) (coGset K).
split; try apply _. intros B m i. unfold dom, coGset_dom.
by rewrite elem_of_gset_to_coGset, elem_of_dom.
Typeclasses Opaque coGset_elem_of coGset_empty coGset_top coGset_singleton.
Typeclasses Opaque coGset_union coGset_intersection coGset_difference.
Typeclasses Opaque coGset_dom.
Global Typeclasses Opaque coGset_elem_of coGset_empty coGset_top coGset_singleton.
Global Typeclasses Opaque coGset_union coGset_intersection coGset_difference.
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Local Open Scope positive_scope.
Inductive coPset_raw :=
| coPLeaf : bool coPset_raw
| coPNode : bool coPset_raw coPset_raw coPset_raw.
Instance coPset_raw_eq_dec : EqDecision coPset_raw.
Global Instance coPset_raw_eq_dec : EqDecision coPset_raw.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Fixpoint coPset_wf (t : coPset_raw) : bool :=
......@@ -26,9 +26,16 @@ Fixpoint coPset_wf (t : coPset_raw) : bool :=
| coPLeaf _ => true
| coPNode true (coPLeaf true) (coPLeaf true) => false
| coPNode false (coPLeaf false) (coPLeaf false) => false
| coPNode b l r => coPset_wf l && coPset_wf r
| coPNode _ l r => coPset_wf l && coPset_wf r
Arguments coPset_wf !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert.
Global Arguments coPset_wf !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert.
Lemma coPNode_wf b l r :
coPset_wf l coPset_wf r
(l = coPLeaf true r = coPLeaf true b = true False)
(l = coPLeaf false r = coPLeaf false b = false False)
coPset_wf (coPNode b l r).
Proof. destruct b, l as [[]|], r as [[]|]; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma coPNode_wf_l b l r : coPset_wf (coPNode b l r) coPset_wf l.
Proof. destruct b, l as [[]|],r as [[]|]; simpl; rewrite ?andb_True; tauto. Qed.
......@@ -42,10 +49,10 @@ Definition coPNode' (b : bool) (l r : coPset_raw) : coPset_raw :=
| false, coPLeaf false, coPLeaf false => coPLeaf false
| _, _, _ => coPNode b l r
Arguments coPNode' : simpl never.
Lemma coPNode_wf b l r : coPset_wf l coPset_wf r coPset_wf (coPNode' b l r).
Global Arguments coPNode' : simpl never.
Lemma coPNode'_wf b l r : coPset_wf l coPset_wf r coPset_wf (coPNode' b l r).
Proof. destruct b, l as [[]|], r as [[]|]; simpl; auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve coPNode_wf : core.
Global Hint Resolve coPNode'_wf : core.
Fixpoint coPset_elem_of_raw (p : positive) (t : coPset_raw) {struct t} : bool :=
match t, p with
......@@ -55,7 +62,7 @@ Fixpoint coPset_elem_of_raw (p : positive) (t : coPset_raw) {struct t} : bool :=
| coPNode _ _ r, p~1 => coPset_elem_of_raw p r
Local Notation e_of := coPset_elem_of_raw.
Arguments coPset_elem_of_raw _ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert.
Global Arguments coPset_elem_of_raw _ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert.
Lemma coPset_elem_of_node b l r p :
e_of p (coPNode' b l r) = e_of p (coPNode b l r).
Proof. by destruct p, b, l as [[]|], r as [[]|]. Qed.
......@@ -87,7 +94,7 @@ Fixpoint coPset_singleton_raw (p : positive) : coPset_raw :=
| p~0 => coPNode' false (coPset_singleton_raw p) (coPLeaf false)
| p~1 => coPNode' false (coPLeaf false) (coPset_singleton_raw p)
Instance coPset_union_raw : Union coPset_raw :=
Global Instance coPset_union_raw : Union coPset_raw :=
fix go t1 t2 := let _ : Union _ := @go in
match t1, t2 with
| coPLeaf false, coPLeaf false => coPLeaf false
......@@ -98,7 +105,7 @@ Instance coPset_union_raw : Union coPset_raw :=
| coPNode b1 l1 r1, coPNode b2 l2 r2 => coPNode' (b1||b2) (l1 l2) (r1 r2)
Local Arguments union _ _!_ !_ / : assert.
Instance coPset_intersection_raw : Intersection coPset_raw :=
Global Instance coPset_intersection_raw : Intersection coPset_raw :=
fix go t1 t2 := let _ : Intersection _ := @go in
match t1, t2 with
| coPLeaf true, coPLeaf true => coPLeaf true
......@@ -152,22 +159,22 @@ Qed.
(** * Packed together + set operations *)
Definition coPset := { t | coPset_wf t }.
Instance coPset_singleton : Singleton positive coPset := λ p,
Global Instance coPset_singleton : Singleton positive coPset := λ p,
coPset_singleton_raw p coPset_singleton_wf _.
Instance coPset_elem_of : ElemOf positive coPset := λ p X, e_of p (`X).
Instance coPset_empty : Empty coPset := coPLeaf false I.
Instance coPset_top : Top coPset := coPLeaf true I.
Instance coPset_union : Union coPset := λ X Y,
Global Instance coPset_elem_of : ElemOf positive coPset := λ p X, e_of p (`X).
Global Instance coPset_empty : Empty coPset := coPLeaf false I.
Global Instance coPset_top : Top coPset := coPLeaf true I.
Global Instance coPset_union : Union coPset := λ X Y,
let (t1,Ht1) := X in let (t2,Ht2) := Y in
(t1 t2) coPset_union_wf _ _ Ht1 Ht2.
Instance coPset_intersection : Intersection coPset := λ X Y,
Global Instance coPset_intersection : Intersection coPset := λ X Y,
let (t1,Ht1) := X in let (t2,Ht2) := Y in
(t1 t2) coPset_intersection_wf _ _ Ht1 Ht2.
Instance coPset_difference : Difference coPset := λ X Y,
Global Instance coPset_difference : Difference coPset := λ X Y,
let (t1,Ht1) := X in let (t2,Ht2) := Y in
(t1 coPset_opp_raw t2) coPset_intersection_wf _ _ Ht1 (coPset_opp_wf _).
Instance coPset_top_set : TopSet positive coPset.
Global Instance coPset_top_set : TopSet positive coPset.
split; [split; [split| |]|].
- by intros ??.
......@@ -184,25 +191,25 @@ Qed.
(** Iris and specifically [solve_ndisj] heavily rely on this hint. *)
Local Definition coPset_top_subseteq := top_subseteq (C:=coPset).
Hint Resolve coPset_top_subseteq : core.
Global Hint Resolve coPset_top_subseteq : core.
Instance coPset_leibniz : LeibnizEquiv coPset.
Global Instance coPset_leibniz : LeibnizEquiv coPset.
intros X Y; rewrite elem_of_equiv; intros HXY.
intros X Y; rewrite set_equiv; intros HXY.
apply (sig_eq_pi _), coPset_eq; try apply @proj2_sig.
intros p; apply eq_bool_prop_intro, (HXY p).
Instance coPset_elem_of_dec : RelDecision (∈@{coPset}).
Global Instance coPset_elem_of_dec : RelDecision (∈@{coPset}).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Instance coPset_equiv_dec : RelDecision (≡@{coPset}).
Global Instance coPset_equiv_dec : RelDecision (≡@{coPset}).
Proof. refine (λ X Y, cast_if (decide (X = Y))); abstract (by fold_leibniz). Defined.
Instance mapset_disjoint_dec : RelDecision (##@{coPset}).
Global Instance mapset_disjoint_dec : RelDecision (##@{coPset}).
refine (λ X Y, cast_if (decide (X Y = )));
abstract (by rewrite disjoint_intersection_L).
Instance mapset_subseteq_dec : RelDecision (⊆@{coPset}).
Global Instance mapset_subseteq_dec : RelDecision (⊆@{coPset}).
refine (λ X Y, cast_if (decide (X Y = Y))); abstract (by rewrite subseteq_union_L).
......@@ -221,7 +228,7 @@ Proof.
unfold set_finite, elem_of at 1, coPset_elem_of; simpl; clear Ht; split.
- induction t as [b|b l IHl r IHr]; simpl.
{ destruct b; simpl; [intros [l Hl]|done].
by apply (is_fresh (list_to_set l : Pset)), elem_of_list_to_set, Hl. }
by apply (infinite_is_fresh l), Hl. }
intros [ll Hll]; rewrite andb_True; split.
+ apply IHl; exists (omap (maybe (~0)) ll); intros i.
rewrite elem_of_list_omap; intros; exists (i~0); auto.
......@@ -232,14 +239,17 @@ Proof.
exists ([1] ++ ((~0) <$> ll) ++ ((~1) <$> rl))%list; intros [i|i|]; simpl;
rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap; naive_solver.
Instance coPset_finite_dec (X : coPset) : Decision (set_finite X).
Global Instance coPset_finite_dec (X : coPset) : Decision (set_finite X).
refine (cast_if (decide (coPset_finite (`X)))); by rewrite coPset_finite_spec.
(** * Pick element from infinite sets *)
(* Implemented using depth-first search, which results in very unbalanced
trees. *)
(* The function [coPpick X] gives an element that is in the set [X], provided
that the set [X] is infinite. Note that [coPpick] function is implemented by
depth-first search, so using it repeatedly to obtain elements [x], and
inserting these elements [x] into the set [X], will give rise to a very
unbalanced tree. *)
Fixpoint coPpick_raw (t : coPset_raw) : option positive :=
match t with
| coPLeaf true | coPNode true _ _ => Some 1
......@@ -269,89 +279,109 @@ Proof.
(** * Conversion to psets *)
Fixpoint coPset_to_Pset_raw (t : coPset_raw) : Pmap_raw () :=
Fixpoint coPset_to_Pset_raw (t : coPset_raw) : Pmap () :=
match t with
| coPLeaf _ => PLeaf
| coPNode false l r => PNode' None (coPset_to_Pset_raw l) (coPset_to_Pset_raw r)
| coPNode true l r => PNode (Some ()) (coPset_to_Pset_raw l) (coPset_to_Pset_raw r)
| coPLeaf _ => PEmpty
| coPNode false l r => pmap.PNode (coPset_to_Pset_raw l) None (coPset_to_Pset_raw r)
| coPNode true l r => pmap.PNode (coPset_to_Pset_raw l) (Some ()) (coPset_to_Pset_raw r)
Lemma coPset_to_Pset_wf t : coPset_wf t Pmap_wf (coPset_to_Pset_raw t).
Proof. induction t as [|[]]; simpl; eauto using PNode_wf. Qed.
Definition coPset_to_Pset (X : coPset) : Pset :=
let (t,Ht) := X in Mapset (PMap (coPset_to_Pset_raw t) (coPset_to_Pset_wf _ Ht)).
let (t,Ht) := X in Mapset (coPset_to_Pset_raw t).
Lemma elem_of_coPset_to_Pset X i : set_finite X i coPset_to_Pset X i X.
rewrite coPset_finite_spec; destruct X as [t Ht].
change (coPset_finite t coPset_to_Pset_raw t !! i = Some () e_of i t).
clear Ht; revert i; induction t as [[]|[] l IHl r IHr]; intros [i|i|];
simpl; rewrite ?andb_True, ?PNode_lookup; naive_solver.
simpl; rewrite ?andb_True, ?pmap.Pmap_lookup_PNode; naive_solver.
(** * Conversion from psets *)
Fixpoint Pset_to_coPset_raw (t : Pmap_raw ()) : coPset_raw :=
match t with
| PLeaf => coPLeaf false
| PNode None l r => coPNode false (Pset_to_coPset_raw l) (Pset_to_coPset_raw r)
| PNode (Some _) l r => coPNode true (Pset_to_coPset_raw l) (Pset_to_coPset_raw r)
Lemma Pset_to_coPset_wf t : Pmap_wf t coPset_wf (Pset_to_coPset_raw t).
Definition Pset_to_coPset_raw_aux (go : Pmap_ne () coPset_raw)
(mt : Pmap ()) : coPset_raw :=
match mt with PNodes t => go t | PEmpty => coPLeaf false end.
Fixpoint Pset_ne_to_coPset_raw (t : Pmap_ne ()) : coPset_raw :=
pmap.Pmap_ne_case t $ λ ml mx mr,
coPNode match mx with Some _ => true | None => false end
(Pset_to_coPset_raw_aux Pset_ne_to_coPset_raw ml)
(Pset_to_coPset_raw_aux Pset_ne_to_coPset_raw mr).
Definition Pset_to_coPset_raw : Pmap () coPset_raw :=
Pset_to_coPset_raw_aux Pset_ne_to_coPset_raw.
Lemma Pset_to_coPset_raw_PNode ml mx mr :
pmap.PNode_valid ml mx mr
Pset_to_coPset_raw (pmap.PNode ml mx mr) =
coPNode match mx with Some _ => true | None => false end
(Pset_to_coPset_raw ml) (Pset_to_coPset_raw mr).
Proof. by destruct ml, mx, mr. Qed.
Lemma Pset_to_coPset_raw_wf t : coPset_wf (Pset_to_coPset_raw t).
induction t as [|[] l IHl r IHr]; simpl; rewrite ?andb_True; auto.
- intros [??]; destruct l as [|[]], r as [|[]]; simpl in *; auto.
- destruct l as [|[]], r as [|[]]; simpl in *; rewrite ?andb_true_r;
rewrite ?andb_True; rewrite ?andb_True in IHl, IHr; intuition.
induction t as [|ml mx mr] using pmap.Pmap_ind; [done|].
rewrite Pset_to_coPset_raw_PNode by done.
apply coPNode_wf; [done|done|..];
destruct mx; destruct ml using pmap.Pmap_ind; destruct mr using pmap.Pmap_ind;
rewrite ?Pset_to_coPset_raw_PNode by done; naive_solver.
Lemma elem_of_Pset_to_coPset_raw i t : e_of i (Pset_to_coPset_raw t) t !! i = Some ().
Proof. by revert i; induction t as [|[[]|]]; intros []; simpl; auto; split. Qed.
revert i. induction t as [|ml mx mr] using pmap.Pmap_ind; [done|].
intros []; rewrite Pset_to_coPset_raw_PNode,
pmap.Pmap_lookup_PNode by done; destruct mx as [[]|]; naive_solver.
Lemma Pset_to_coPset_raw_finite t : coPset_finite (Pset_to_coPset_raw t).
Proof. induction t as [|[[]|]]; simpl; rewrite ?andb_True; auto. Qed.
induction t as [|ml mx mr] using pmap.Pmap_ind; [done|].
rewrite Pset_to_coPset_raw_PNode by done. destruct mx; naive_solver.
Definition Pset_to_coPset (X : Pset) : coPset :=
let 'Mapset (PMap t Ht) := X in Pset_to_coPset_raw t Pset_to_coPset_wf _ Ht.
let 'Mapset t := X in Pset_to_coPset_raw t Pset_to_coPset_raw_wf _.
Lemma elem_of_Pset_to_coPset X i : i Pset_to_coPset X i X.
Proof. destruct X as [[t ?]]; apply elem_of_Pset_to_coPset_raw. Qed.
Proof. destruct X; apply elem_of_Pset_to_coPset_raw. Qed.
Lemma Pset_to_coPset_finite X : set_finite (Pset_to_coPset X).
apply coPset_finite_spec; destruct X as [[t ?]]; apply Pset_to_coPset_raw_finite.
Proof. apply coPset_finite_spec; destruct X; apply Pset_to_coPset_raw_finite. Qed.
(** * Conversion to and from gsets of positives *)
Lemma coPset_to_gset_wf (m : Pmap ()) : gmap_wf positive m.
Proof. unfold gmap_wf. by rewrite bool_decide_spec. Qed.
Definition coPset_to_gset (X : coPset) : gset positive :=
let 'Mapset m := coPset_to_Pset X in
Mapset (GMap m (coPset_to_gset_wf m)).
Mapset (pmap_to_gmap m).
Definition gset_to_coPset (X : gset positive) : coPset :=
let 'Mapset (GMap (PMap t Ht) _) := X in Pset_to_coPset_raw t Pset_to_coPset_wf _ Ht.
let 'Mapset m := X in
Pset_to_coPset_raw (gmap_to_pmap m) Pset_to_coPset_raw_wf _.
Lemma elem_of_coPset_to_gset X i : set_finite X i coPset_to_gset X i X.
intros ?. rewrite <-elem_of_coPset_to_Pset by done.
unfold coPset_to_gset. by destruct (coPset_to_Pset X).
intros ?. rewrite <-elem_of_coPset_to_Pset by done. destruct X as [X ?].
unfold elem_of, gset_elem_of, mapset_elem_of, coPset_to_gset; simpl.
by rewrite lookup_pmap_to_gmap.
Lemma elem_of_gset_to_coPset X i : i gset_to_coPset X i X.
Proof. destruct X as [[[t ?]]]; apply elem_of_Pset_to_coPset_raw. Qed.
destruct X as [m]. unfold elem_of, coPset_elem_of; simpl.
by rewrite elem_of_Pset_to_coPset_raw, lookup_gmap_to_pmap.
Lemma gset_to_coPset_finite X : set_finite (gset_to_coPset X).
apply coPset_finite_spec; destruct X as [[[t ?]]]; apply Pset_to_coPset_raw_finite.
apply coPset_finite_spec; destruct X as [[?]]; apply Pset_to_coPset_raw_finite.
(** * Domain of finite maps *)
Instance Pmap_dom_coPset {A} : Dom (Pmap A) coPset := λ m, Pset_to_coPset (dom _ m).
Instance Pmap_dom_coPset_spec: FinMapDom positive Pmap coPset.
(** * Infinite sets *)
Lemma coPset_infinite_finite (X : coPset) : set_infinite X ¬set_finite X.
split; try apply _; intros A m i; unfold dom, Pmap_dom_coPset.
by rewrite elem_of_Pset_to_coPset, elem_of_dom.
split; [intros ??; by apply (set_not_infinite_finite X)|].
intros Hfin xs. exists (coPpick (X list_to_set xs)).
cut (coPpick (X list_to_set xs) X list_to_set xs); [set_solver|].
apply coPpick_elem_of; intros Hfin'.
apply Hfin, (difference_finite_inv _ (list_to_set xs)), Hfin'.
apply list_to_set_finite.
Instance gmap_dom_coPset {A} : Dom (gmap positive A) coPset := λ m,
gset_to_coPset (dom _ m).
Instance gmap_dom_coPset_spec: FinMapDom positive (gmap positive) coPset.
Lemma coPset_finite_infinite (X : coPset) : set_finite X ¬set_infinite X.
Proof. rewrite coPset_infinite_finite. split; [tauto|apply dec_stable]. Qed.
Global Instance coPset_infinite_dec (X : coPset) : Decision (set_infinite X).
split; try apply _; intros A m i; unfold dom, gmap_dom_coPset.
by rewrite elem_of_gset_to_coPset, elem_of_dom.
refine (cast_if (decide (¬set_finite X))); by rewrite coPset_infinite_finite.
(** * Suffix sets *)
Fixpoint coPset_suffixes_raw (p : positive) : coPset_raw :=
......@@ -410,7 +440,7 @@ Proof.
Lemma coPset_lr_union X : coPset_l X coPset_r X = X.
apply elem_of_equiv_L; intros p; apply eq_bool_prop_elim.
apply set_eq; intros p; apply eq_bool_prop_elim.
destruct X as [t Ht]; simpl; clear Ht; rewrite coPset_elem_of_union.
revert p; induction t as [[]|[]]; intros [?|?|]; simpl;
rewrite ?coPset_elem_of_node; simpl;
......@@ -433,3 +463,10 @@ Proof.
exists (coPset_l X), (coPset_r X); eauto 10 using coPset_lr_union,
coPset_lr_disjoint, coPset_l_finite, coPset_r_finite.
Lemma coPset_split_infinite (X : coPset) :
set_infinite X
X1 X2, X = X1 X2 X1 X2 = set_infinite X1 set_infinite X2.
setoid_rewrite coPset_infinite_finite.
eapply coPset_split.
From Coq.QArith Require Import QArith_base Qcanon.
From stdpp Require Export list numbers list_numbers fin.
From stdpp Require Import well_founded.
From stdpp Require Import options.
Local Open Scope positive.
(** Note that [Countable A] gives rise to [EqDecision A] by checking equality of
the results of [encode]. This instance of [EqDecision A] is very inefficient, so
the native decider is typically preferred for actual computation. To avoid
overlapping instances, we include [EqDecision A] explicitly as a parameter of
[Countable A]. *)
Class Countable A `{EqDecision A} := {
encode : A positive;
decode : positive option A;
decode_encode x : decode (encode x) = Some x
Hint Mode Countable ! - : typeclass_instances.
Arguments encode : simpl never.
Arguments decode : simpl never.
Global Hint Mode Countable ! - : typeclass_instances.
Global Arguments encode : simpl never.
Global Arguments decode : simpl never.
Instance encode_inj `{Countable A} : Inj (=) (=) (encode (A:=A)).
Global Instance encode_inj `{Countable A} : Inj (=) (=) (encode (A:=A)).
intros x y Hxy; apply (inj Some).
by rewrite <-(decode_encode x), Hxy, decode_encode.
......@@ -22,7 +28,7 @@ Definition encode_nat `{Countable A} (x : A) : nat :=
pred (Pos.to_nat (encode x)).
Definition decode_nat `{Countable A} (i : nat) : option A :=
decode (Pos.of_nat (S i)).
Instance encode_nat_inj `{Countable A} : Inj (=) (=) (encode_nat (A:=A)).
Global Instance encode_nat_inj `{Countable A} : Inj (=) (=) (encode_nat (A:=A)).
Proof. unfold encode_nat; intros x y Hxy; apply (inj encode); lia. Qed.
Lemma decode_encode_nat `{Countable A} (x : A) : decode_nat (encode_nat x) = Some x.
......@@ -35,7 +41,7 @@ Definition encode_Z `{Countable A} (x : A) : Z :=
Zpos (encode x).
Definition decode_Z `{Countable A} (i : Z) : option A :=
match i with Zpos i => decode i | _ => None end.
Instance encode_Z_inj `{Countable A} : Inj (=) (=) (encode_Z (A:=A)).
Global Instance encode_Z_inj `{Countable A} : Inj (=) (=) (encode_Z (A:=A)).
Proof. unfold encode_Z; intros x y Hxy; apply (inj encode); lia. Qed.
Lemma decode_encode_Z `{Countable A} (x : A) : decode_Z (encode_Z x) = Some x.
Proof. apply decode_encode. Qed.
......@@ -55,10 +61,9 @@ Section choice.
{ intros help. by apply (help (encode x)). }
intros i. induction i as [|i IH] using Pos.peano_ind; intros p ??.
{ constructor. intros j. assert (p = encode x) by lia; subst.
inversion 1 as [? Hd|?? Hd]; subst;
rewrite decode_encode in Hd; congruence. }
inv 1 as [? Hd|?? Hd]; rewrite decode_encode in Hd; congruence. }
constructor. intros j.
inversion 1 as [? Hd|? y Hd]; subst; auto with lia.
inv 1 as [? Hd|? y Hd]; auto with lia.
Context `{ x, Decision (P x)}.
......@@ -84,6 +89,25 @@ Section choice.
Definition choice (HA : x, P x) : { x | P x } := _choose_correct HA.
End choice.
Section choice_proper.
Context `{Countable A}.
Context (P1 P2 : A Prop) `{ x, Decision (P1 x)} `{ x, Decision (P2 x)}.
Context (Heq : x, P1 x P2 x).
Lemma choose_go_proper {i} (acc1 acc2 : Acc (choose_step _) i) :
choose_go P1 acc1 = choose_go P2 acc2.
Proof using Heq.
induction acc1 as [i a1 IH] using Acc_dep_ind;
destruct acc2 as [acc2]; simpl.
destruct (Some_dec _) as [[x Hx]|]; [|done].
do 2 case_decide; done || exfalso; naive_solver.
Lemma choose_proper p1 p2 :
choose P1 p1 = choose P2 p2.
Proof using Heq. apply choose_go_proper. Qed.
End choice_proper.
Lemma surj_cancel `{Countable A} `{EqDecision B}
(f : A B) `{!Surj (=) f} : { g : B A & Cancel (=) f g }.
......@@ -97,7 +121,7 @@ Section inj_countable.
Context `{Countable A, EqDecision B}.
Context (f : B A) (g : A option B) (fg : x, g (f x) = Some x).
Program Instance inj_countable : Countable B :=
Program Definition inj_countable : Countable B :=
{| encode y := encode (f y); decode p := x decode p; g x |}.
Next Obligation. intros y; simpl; rewrite decode_encode; eauto. Qed.
End inj_countable.
......@@ -106,29 +130,29 @@ Section inj_countable'.
Context `{Countable A, EqDecision B}.
Context (f : B A) (g : A B) (fg : x, g (f x) = x).
Program Instance inj_countable' : Countable B := inj_countable f (Some g) _.
Program Definition inj_countable' : Countable B := inj_countable f (Some g) _.
Next Obligation. intros x. by f_equal/=. Qed.
End inj_countable'.
(** ** Empty *)
Program Instance Empty_set_countable : Countable Empty_set :=
Global Program Instance Empty_set_countable : Countable Empty_set :=
{| encode u := 1; decode p := None |}.
Next Obligation. by intros []. Qed.
(** ** Unit *)
Program Instance unit_countable : Countable unit :=
Global Program Instance unit_countable : Countable unit :=
{| encode u := 1; decode p := Some () |}.
Next Obligation. by intros []. Qed.
(** ** Bool *)
Program Instance bool_countable : Countable bool := {|
Global Program Instance bool_countable : Countable bool := {|
encode b := if b then 1 else 2;
decode p := Some match p return bool with 1 => true | _ => false end
Next Obligation. by intros []. Qed.
(** ** Option *)
Program Instance option_countable `{Countable A} : Countable (option A) := {|
Global Program Instance option_countable `{Countable A} : Countable (option A) := {|
encode o := match o with None => 1 | Some x => Pos.succ (encode x) end;
decode p := if decide (p = 1) then Some None else Some <$> decode (Pos.pred p)
......@@ -138,7 +162,7 @@ Next Obligation.
(** ** Sums *)
Program Instance sum_countable `{Countable A} `{Countable B} :
Global Program Instance sum_countable `{Countable A} `{Countable B} :
Countable (A + B)%type := {|
encode xy :=
match xy with inl x => (encode x)~0 | inr y => (encode y)~1 end;
......@@ -211,7 +235,7 @@ Proof.
{ intros p'. by induction p'; simplify_option_eq. }
revert q. by induction p; intros [?|?|]; simplify_option_eq.
Program Instance prod_countable `{Countable A} `{Countable B} :
Global Program Instance prod_countable `{Countable A} `{Countable B} :
Countable (A * B)%type := {|
encode xy := prod_encode (encode (xy.1)) (encode (xy.2));
decode p :=
......@@ -238,9 +262,9 @@ Next Obligation.
(** ** Numbers *)
Instance pos_countable : Countable positive :=
Global Instance pos_countable : Countable positive :=
{| encode := id; decode := Some; decode_encode x := eq_refl |}.
Program Instance N_countable : Countable N := {|
Global Program Instance N_countable : Countable N := {|
encode x := match x with N0 => 1 | Npos p => Pos.succ p end;
decode p := if decide (p = 1) then Some 0%N else Some (Npos (Pos.pred p))
......@@ -248,18 +272,18 @@ Next Obligation.
intros [|p]; simpl; [done|].
by rewrite decide_False, Pos.pred_succ by (by destruct p).
Program Instance Z_countable : Countable Z := {|
Global Program Instance Z_countable : Countable Z := {|
encode x := match x with Z0 => 1 | Zpos p => p~0 | Zneg p => p~1 end;
decode p := Some match p with 1 => Z0 | p~0 => Zpos p | p~1 => Zneg p end
Next Obligation. by intros [|p|p]. Qed.
Program Instance nat_countable : Countable nat :=
Global Program Instance nat_countable : Countable nat :=
{| encode x := encode (N.of_nat x); decode p := N.to_nat <$> decode p |}.
Next Obligation.
by intros x; lazy beta; rewrite decode_encode; csimpl; rewrite
Program Instance Qc_countable : Countable Qc :=
Global Program Instance Qc_countable : Countable Qc :=
(λ p : Qc, let 'Qcmake (x # y) _ := p return _ in (x,y))
(λ q : Z * positive, let '(x,y) := q return _ in Some (Q2Qc (x # y))) _.
......@@ -267,19 +291,19 @@ Next Obligation.
intros [[x y] Hcan]. f_equal. apply Qc_is_canon. simpl. by rewrite Hcan.
Program Instance Qp_countable : Countable Qp :=
Global Program Instance Qp_countable : Countable Qp :=
(λ p : Qc, guard (0 < p)%Qc as Hp; Some (mk_Qp p Hp)) _.
(λ p : Qc, Hp guard (0 < p)%Qc; Some (mk_Qp p Hp)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros [p Hp]. unfold mguard, option_guard; simpl.
case_match; [|done]. f_equal. by apply Qp_eq.
intros [p Hp]. case_guard; simplify_eq/=; [|done].
f_equal. by apply Qp.to_Qc_inj_iff.
Program Instance fin_countable n : Countable (fin n) :=
Global Program Instance fin_countable n : Countable (fin n) :=
(λ m : nat, guard (m < n)%nat as Hm; Some (nat_to_fin Hm)) _.
(λ m : nat, Hm guard (m < n)%nat; Some (nat_to_fin Hm)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros n i; simplify_option_eq.
- by rewrite nat_to_fin_to_nat.
......@@ -289,13 +313,25 @@ Qed.
(** ** Generic trees *)
Local Close Scope positive.
(** This type can help you construct a [Countable] instance for an arbitrary
(even recursive) inductive datatype. The idea is tht you make [T] something like
[T1 + T2 + ...], covering all the data types that can be contained inside your
- Each non-recursive constructor to a [GenLeaf]. Different constructors must use
different variants of [T] to ensure they remain distinguishable!
- Each recursive constructor to a [GenNode] where the [nat] is a (typically
small) constant representing the constructor itself, and then all the data in
the constructor (recursive or otherwise) is put into child nodes.
This data type is the same as [GenTree.tree] in mathcomp, see *)
Inductive gen_tree (T : Type) : Type :=
| GenLeaf : T gen_tree T
| GenNode : nat list (gen_tree T) gen_tree T.
Arguments GenLeaf {_} _ : assert.
Arguments GenNode {_} _ _ : assert.
Global Arguments GenLeaf {_} _ : assert.
Global Arguments GenNode {_} _ _ : assert.
Instance gen_tree_dec `{EqDecision T} : EqDecision (gen_tree T).
Global Instance gen_tree_dec `{EqDecision T} : EqDecision (gen_tree T).
refine (
fix go t1 t2 := let _ : EqDecision _ := @go in
......@@ -330,13 +366,22 @@ Proof.
- rewrite <-(assoc_L _). revert k. generalize ([inl (length ts, n)] ++ l).
induction ts as [|t ts'' IH]; intros k ts'''; csimpl; auto.
rewrite reverse_cons, <-!(assoc_L _), FIX; simpl; auto.
- simpl. by rewrite take_app_alt, drop_app_alt, reverse_involutive
by (by rewrite reverse_length).
- simpl. by rewrite take_app_length', drop_app_length', reverse_involutive
by (by rewrite length_reverse).
Program Instance gen_tree_countable `{Countable T} : Countable (gen_tree T) :=
Global Program Instance gen_tree_countable `{Countable T} : Countable (gen_tree T) :=
inj_countable gen_tree_to_list (gen_tree_of_list []) _.
Next Obligation.
intros T ?? t.
by rewrite <-(right_id_L [] _ (gen_tree_to_list _)), gen_tree_of_to_list.
(** ** Sigma *)
Global Program Instance countable_sig `{Countable A} (P : A Prop)
`{!∀ x, Decision (P x), !∀ x, ProofIrrel (P x)} :
Countable { x : A | P x } :=
inj_countable proj1_sig (λ x, Hx guard (P x); Some (x Hx)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros A ?? P ?? [x Hx]. by erewrite (option_guard_True_pi (P x)).
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma Is_true_reflect (b : bool) : reflect b b.
Proof. destruct b; [left; constructor | right; intros []]. Qed.
Instance: Inj (=) () Is_true.
Global Instance: Inj (=) () Is_true.
Proof. intros [] []; simpl; intuition. Qed.
Lemma decide_True {A} `{Decision P} (x y : A) :
......@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ Proof. destruct (decide P); tauto. Qed.
Lemma decide_False {A} `{Decision P} (x y : A) :
¬P (if decide P then x else y) = y.
Proof. destruct (decide P); tauto. Qed.
Lemma decide_iff {A} P Q `{Decision P, Decision Q} (x y : A) :
Lemma decide_ext {A} P Q `{Decision P, Decision Q} (x y : A) :
(P Q) (if decide P then x else y) = (if decide Q then x else y).
Proof. intros [??]. destruct (decide P), (decide Q); tauto. Qed.
Lemma decide_left `{Decision P, !ProofIrrel P} (HP : P) : decide P = left HP.
Lemma decide_True_pi `{Decision P, !ProofIrrel P} (HP : P) : decide P = left HP.
Proof. destruct (decide P); [|contradiction]. f_equal. apply proof_irrel. Qed.
Lemma decide_right `{Decision P, !ProofIrrel (¬ P)} (HP : ¬ P) : decide P = right HP.
Lemma decide_False_pi `{Decision P, !ProofIrrel (¬ P)} (HP : ¬ P) : decide P = right HP.
Proof. destruct (decide P); [contradiction|]. f_equal. apply proof_irrel. Qed.
(** The tactic [destruct_decide] destructs a sumbool [dec]. If one of the
......@@ -85,6 +85,79 @@ Notation cast_if_or3 S1 S2 S3 := (if S1 then left _ else cast_if_or S2 S3).
Notation cast_if_not_or S1 S2 := (if S1 then cast_if S2 else left _).
Notation cast_if_not S := (if S then right _ else left _).
(** * Instances of [Decision] *)
(** Instances of [Decision] for operators of propositional logic. *)
(** The instances for [True] and [False] have a very high cost. If they are
applied too eagerly, HO-unification could wrongfully instantiate TC instances
with [λ .., True] or [λ .., False].
See *)
Global Instance True_dec: Decision True | 1000 := left I.
Global Instance False_dec: Decision False | 1000 := right (False_rect False).
Global Instance Is_true_dec b : Decision (Is_true b).
Proof. destruct b; simpl; apply _. Defined.
Section prop_dec.
Context `(P_dec : Decision P) `(Q_dec : Decision Q).
Global Instance not_dec: Decision (¬P).
Proof. refine (cast_if_not P_dec); intuition. Defined.
Global Instance and_dec: Decision (P Q).
Proof. refine (cast_if_and P_dec Q_dec); intuition. Defined.
Global Instance or_dec: Decision (P Q).
Proof. refine (cast_if_or P_dec Q_dec); intuition. Defined.
Global Instance impl_dec: Decision (P Q).
Proof. refine (if P_dec then cast_if Q_dec else left _); intuition. Defined.
End prop_dec.
Global Instance iff_dec `(P_dec : Decision P) `(Q_dec : Decision Q) :
Decision (P Q) := and_dec _ _.
(** Instances of [Decision] for common data types. *)
Global Instance bool_eq_dec : EqDecision bool.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Global Instance unit_eq_dec : EqDecision unit.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Global Instance Empty_set_eq_dec : EqDecision Empty_set.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Global Instance prod_eq_dec `{EqDecision A, EqDecision B} : EqDecision (A * B).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Global Instance sum_eq_dec `{EqDecision A, EqDecision B} : EqDecision (A + B).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Global Instance uncurry_dec `(P_dec : (x : A) (y : B), Decision (P x y)) p :
Decision (uncurry P p) :=
match p as p return Decision (uncurry P p) with
| (x,y) => P_dec x y
Global Instance sig_eq_dec `(P : A Prop) `{ x, ProofIrrel (P x), EqDecision A} :
EqDecision (sig P).
refine (λ x y, cast_if (decide (`x = `y))); rewrite sig_eq_pi; trivial.
(** Some laws for decidable propositions *)
Lemma not_and_l {P Q : Prop} `{Decision P} : ¬(P Q) ¬P ¬Q.
Proof. destruct (decide P); tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_and_r {P Q : Prop} `{Decision Q} : ¬(P Q) ¬P ¬Q.
Proof. destruct (decide Q); tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_and_l_alt {P Q : Prop} `{Decision P} : ¬(P Q) ¬P (¬Q P).
Proof. destruct (decide P); tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_and_r_alt {P Q : Prop} `{Decision Q} : ¬(P Q) (¬P Q) ¬Q.
Proof. destruct (decide Q); tauto. Qed.
Program Definition inj_eq_dec `{EqDecision A} {B} (f : B A)
`{!Inj (=) (=) f} : EqDecision B := λ x y, cast_if (decide (f x = f y)).
Solve Obligations with firstorder congruence.
(** * Instances of [RelDecision] *)
Definition flip_dec {A} (R : relation A) `{!RelDecision R} :
RelDecision (flip R) := λ x y, decide_rel R y x.
(** We do not declare this as an actual instance since Coq can unify [flip ?R]
with any relation. Coq's standard library is carrying out the same approach for
the [Reflexive], [Transitive], etc, instance of [flip]. *)
Global Hint Extern 3 (RelDecision (flip _)) => apply flip_dec : typeclass_instances.
(** We can convert decidable propositions to booleans. *)
Definition bool_decide (P : Prop) {dec : Decision P} : bool :=
if dec then true else false.
......@@ -99,7 +172,7 @@ Lemma decide_bool_decide P {Hdec: Decision P} {X : Type} (x1 x2 : X):
(if decide P then x1 else x2) = (if bool_decide P then x1 else x2).
Proof. unfold bool_decide, decide. destruct Hdec; reflexivity. Qed.
Tactic Notation "case_bool_decide" "as" ident (Hd) :=
Tactic Notation "case_bool_decide" "as" ident(Hd) :=
match goal with
| H : context [@bool_decide ?P ?dec] |- _ =>
destruct_decide (@bool_decide_reflect P dec) as Hd
......@@ -115,15 +188,15 @@ Lemma bool_decide_unpack (P : Prop) {dec : Decision P} : bool_decide P → P.
Proof. rewrite bool_decide_spec; trivial. Qed.
Lemma bool_decide_pack (P : Prop) {dec : Decision P} : P bool_decide P.
Proof. rewrite bool_decide_spec; trivial. Qed.
Hint Resolve bool_decide_pack : core.
Global Hint Resolve bool_decide_pack : core.
Lemma bool_decide_eq_true (P : Prop) `{Decision P} : bool_decide P = true P.
Proof. case_bool_decide; intuition discriminate. Qed.
Lemma bool_decide_eq_false (P : Prop) `{Decision P} : bool_decide P = false ¬P.
Proof. case_bool_decide; intuition discriminate. Qed.
Lemma bool_decide_iff (P Q : Prop) `{Decision P, Decision Q} :
Lemma bool_decide_ext (P Q : Prop) `{Decision P, Decision Q} :
(P Q) bool_decide P = bool_decide Q.
Proof. repeat case_bool_decide; tauto. Qed.
Proof. apply decide_ext. Qed.
Lemma bool_decide_eq_true_1 P `{!Decision P}: bool_decide P = true P.
Proof. apply bool_decide_eq_true. Qed.
......@@ -135,6 +208,40 @@ Proof. apply bool_decide_eq_false. Qed.
Lemma bool_decide_eq_false_2 P `{!Decision P}: ¬P bool_decide P = false.
Proof. apply bool_decide_eq_false. Qed.
Lemma bool_decide_True : bool_decide True = true.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma bool_decide_False : bool_decide False = false.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma bool_decide_not P `{Decision P} :
bool_decide (¬ P) = negb (bool_decide P).
Proof. repeat case_bool_decide; intuition. Qed.
Lemma bool_decide_or P Q `{Decision P, Decision Q} :
bool_decide (P Q) = bool_decide P || bool_decide Q.
Proof. repeat case_bool_decide; intuition. Qed.
Lemma bool_decide_and P Q `{Decision P, Decision Q} :
bool_decide (P Q) = bool_decide P && bool_decide Q.
Proof. repeat case_bool_decide; intuition. Qed.
Lemma bool_decide_impl P Q `{Decision P, Decision Q} :
bool_decide (P Q) = implb (bool_decide P) (bool_decide Q).
Proof. repeat case_bool_decide; intuition. Qed.
Lemma bool_decide_iff P Q `{Decision P, Decision Q} :
bool_decide (P Q) = eqb (bool_decide P) (bool_decide Q).
Proof. repeat case_bool_decide; intuition. Qed.
(** The tactic [compute_done] solves the following kinds of goals:
- Goals [P] where [Decidable P] can be derived.
- Goals that compute to [True] or [x = x].
The goal must be a ground term for this, i.e., not contain variables (that do
not compute away). The goal is solved by using [vm_compute] and then using a
trivial proof term ([I]/[eq_refl]). *)
Tactic Notation "compute_done" :=
try apply (bool_decide_unpack _);
first [ exact I | exact eq_refl ].
Tactic Notation "compute_by" tactic(tac) :=
tac; compute_done.
(** Backwards compatibility notations. *)
Notation bool_decide_true := bool_decide_eq_true_2.
Notation bool_decide_false := bool_decide_eq_false_2.
......@@ -157,71 +264,3 @@ Proof. apply (sig_eq_pi _). Qed.
Lemma dexists_proj1 `(P : A Prop) `{ x, Decision (P x)} (x : dsig P) p :
dexist (`x) p = x.
Proof. apply dsig_eq; reflexivity. Qed.
(** * Instances of [Decision] *)
(** Instances of [Decision] for operators of propositional logic. *)
Instance True_dec: Decision True := left I.
Instance False_dec: Decision False := right (False_rect False).
Instance Is_true_dec b : Decision (Is_true b).
Proof. destruct b; simpl; apply _. Defined.
Section prop_dec.
Context `(P_dec : Decision P) `(Q_dec : Decision Q).
Global Instance not_dec: Decision (¬P).
Proof. refine (cast_if_not P_dec); intuition. Defined.
Global Instance and_dec: Decision (P Q).
Proof. refine (cast_if_and P_dec Q_dec); intuition. Defined.
Global Instance or_dec: Decision (P Q).
Proof. refine (cast_if_or P_dec Q_dec); intuition. Defined.
Global Instance impl_dec: Decision (P Q).
Proof. refine (if P_dec then cast_if Q_dec else left _); intuition. Defined.
End prop_dec.
Instance iff_dec `(P_dec : Decision P) `(Q_dec : Decision Q) :
Decision (P Q) := and_dec _ _.
(** Instances of [Decision] for common data types. *)
Instance bool_eq_dec : EqDecision bool.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Instance unit_eq_dec : EqDecision unit.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Instance Empty_set_eq_dec : EqDecision Empty_set.
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Instance prod_eq_dec `{EqDecision A, EqDecision B} : EqDecision (A * B).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Instance sum_eq_dec `{EqDecision A, EqDecision B} : EqDecision (A + B).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Instance curry_dec `(P_dec : (x : A) (y : B), Decision (P x y)) p :
Decision (curry P p) :=
match p as p return Decision (curry P p) with
| (x,y) => P_dec x y
Instance sig_eq_dec `(P : A Prop) `{ x, ProofIrrel (P x), EqDecision A} :
EqDecision (sig P).
refine (λ x y, cast_if (decide (`x = `y))); rewrite sig_eq_pi; trivial.
(** Some laws for decidable propositions *)
Lemma not_and_l {P Q : Prop} `{Decision P} : ¬(P Q) ¬P ¬Q.
Proof. destruct (decide P); tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_and_r {P Q : Prop} `{Decision Q} : ¬(P Q) ¬P ¬Q.
Proof. destruct (decide Q); tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_and_l_alt {P Q : Prop} `{Decision P} : ¬(P Q) ¬P (¬Q P).
Proof. destruct (decide P); tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_and_r_alt {P Q : Prop} `{Decision Q} : ¬(P Q) (¬P Q) ¬Q.
Proof. destruct (decide Q); tauto. Qed.
Program Definition inj_eq_dec `{EqDecision A} {B} (f : B A)
`{!Inj (=) (=) f} : EqDecision B := λ x y, cast_if (decide (f x = f y)).
Solve Obligations with firstorder congruence.
(** * Instances of [RelDecision] *)
Definition flip_dec {A} (R : relation A) `{!RelDecision R} :
RelDecision (flip R) := λ x y, decide_rel R y x.
(** We do not declare this as an actual instance since Coq can unify [flip ?R]
with any relation. Coq's standard library is carrying out the same approach for
the [Reflexive], [Transitive], etc, instance of [flip]. *)
Hint Extern 3 (RelDecision (flip _)) => apply flip_dec : typeclass_instances.
(include_subdirs qualified)
(name stdpp)
(package coq-stdpp))
......@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ ambiguity. *)
Notation fin := Fin.t.
Notation FS := Fin.FS.
Declare Scope fin_scope.
Delimit Scope fin_scope with fin.
Arguments Fin.FS _ _%fin : assert.
Bind Scope fin_scope with fin.
Global Arguments Fin.FS _ _%fin : assert.
Notation "0" := Fin.F1 : fin_scope. Notation "1" := (FS 0) : fin_scope.
Notation "2" := (FS 1) : fin_scope. Notation "3" := (FS 2) : fin_scope.
Notation "4" := (FS 3) : fin_scope. Notation "5" := (FS 4) : fin_scope.
Notation "6" := (FS 5) : fin_scope. Notation "7" := (FS 6) : fin_scope.
Notation "8" := (FS 7) : fin_scope. Notation "9" := (FS 8) : fin_scope.
Notation "10" := (FS 9) : fin_scope.
(** Allow any non-negative number literal to be parsed as a [fin]. For example
[42%fin : fin 64], or [42%fin : fin _], or [42%fin : fin (43 + _)]. *)
Number Notation fin Nat.of_num_uint Nat.to_num_uint (via nat
mapping [[Fin.F1] => O, [Fin.FS] => S]) : fin_scope.
Fixpoint fin_to_nat {n} (i : fin n) : nat :=
match i with 0%fin => 0 | FS i => S (fin_to_nat i) end.
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Coercion fin_to_nat : fin >-> nat.
Notation nat_to_fin := Fin.of_nat_lt.
Notation fin_rect2 := Fin.rect2.
Instance fin_dec {n} : EqDecision (fin n).
Global Instance fin_dec {n} : EqDecision (fin n).
refine (fin_rect2
(λ n (i j : fin n), { i = j } + { i j })
......@@ -64,17 +64,19 @@ Ltac inv_fin i :=
| fin ?n =>
match eval hnf in n with
| 0 =>
revert dependent i; match goal with |- i, @?P i => apply (fin_0_inv P) end
generalize dependent i;
match goal with |- i, @?P i => apply (fin_0_inv P) end
| S ?n =>
revert dependent i; match goal with |- i, @?P i => apply (fin_S_inv P) end
generalize dependent i;
match goal with |- i, @?P i => apply (fin_S_inv P) end
Instance FS_inj: Inj (=) (=) (@FS n).
Proof. intros n i j. apply Fin.FS_inj. Qed.
Instance fin_to_nat_inj : Inj (=) (=) (@fin_to_nat n).
Global Instance FS_inj {n} : Inj (=) (=) (@FS n).
Proof. intros i j. apply Fin.FS_inj. Qed.
Global Instance fin_to_nat_inj {n} : Inj (=) (=) (@fin_to_nat n).
intros n i. induction i; intros j; inv_fin j; intros; f_equal/=; auto with lia.
intros i. induction i; intros j; inv_fin j; intros; f_equal/=; auto with lia.
Lemma fin_to_nat_lt {n} (i : fin n) : fin_to_nat i < n.
......@@ -86,26 +88,26 @@ Qed.
Lemma nat_to_fin_to_nat {n} (i : fin n) H : @nat_to_fin (fin_to_nat i) n H = i.
Proof. apply (inj fin_to_nat), fin_to_nat_to_fin. Qed.
Fixpoint fin_plus_inv {n1 n2} : (P : fin (n1 + n2) Type)
Fixpoint fin_add_inv {n1 n2} : (P : fin (n1 + n2) Type)
(H1 : i1 : fin n1, P (Fin.L n2 i1))
(H2 : i2, P (Fin.R n1 i2)) (i : fin (n1 + n2)), P i :=
match n1 with
| 0 => λ P H1 H2 i, H2 i
| S n => λ P H1 H2, fin_S_inv P (H1 0%fin) (fin_plus_inv _ (λ i, H1 (FS i)) H2)
| S n => λ P H1 H2, fin_S_inv P (H1 0%fin) (fin_add_inv _ (λ i, H1 (FS i)) H2)
Lemma fin_plus_inv_L {n1 n2} (P : fin (n1 + n2) Type)
Lemma fin_add_inv_l {n1 n2} (P : fin (n1 + n2) Type)
(H1: i1 : fin n1, P (Fin.L _ i1)) (H2: i2, P (Fin.R _ i2)) (i: fin n1) :
fin_plus_inv P H1 H2 (Fin.L n2 i) = H1 i.
fin_add_inv P H1 H2 (Fin.L n2 i) = H1 i.
revert P H1 H2 i.
induction n1 as [|n1 IH]; intros P H1 H2 i; inv_fin i; simpl; auto.
intros i. apply (IH (λ i, P (FS i))).
Lemma fin_plus_inv_R {n1 n2} (P : fin (n1 + n2) Type)
Lemma fin_add_inv_r {n1 n2} (P : fin (n1 + n2) Type)
(H1: i1 : fin n1, P (Fin.L _ i1)) (H2: i2, P (Fin.R _ i2)) (i: fin n2) :
fin_plus_inv P H1 H2 (Fin.R n1 i) = H2 i.
fin_add_inv P H1 H2 (Fin.R n1 i) = H2 i.
revert P H1 H2 i; induction n1 as [|n1 IH]; intros P H1 H2 i; simpl; auto.
apply (IH (λ i, P (FS i))).
......@@ -9,249 +9,455 @@ Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Class FinMapDom K M D `{ A, Dom (M A) D, FMap M,
A, Lookup K A (M A), A, Empty (M A), A, PartialAlter K A (M A),
OMap M, Merge M, A, FinMapToList K A (M A), EqDecision K,
OMap M, Merge M, A, MapFold K A (M A), EqDecision K,
ElemOf K D, Empty D, Singleton K D,
Union D, Intersection D, Difference D} := {
finmap_dom_map :> FinMap K M;
finmap_dom_set :> Set_ K D;
elem_of_dom {A} (m : M A) i : i dom D m is_Some (m !! i)
finmap_dom_map :: FinMap K M;
finmap_dom_set :: Set_ K D;
elem_of_dom {A} (m : M A) i : i dom m is_Some (m !! i)
Section fin_map_dom.
Context `{FinMapDom K M D}.
Lemma lookup_lookup_total_dom `{!Inhabited A} (m : M A) i :
i dom D m m !! i = Some (m !!! i).
i dom m m !! i = Some (m !!! i).
Proof. rewrite elem_of_dom. apply lookup_lookup_total. Qed.
Lemma dom_filter {A} (P : K * A Prop) `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)} (m : M A) X :
( i, i X x, m !! i = Some x P (i, x))
dom D (filter P m) X.
intros HX i. rewrite elem_of_dom, HX.
unfold is_Some. by setoid_rewrite map_filter_lookup_Some.
Lemma dom_filter_subseteq {A} (P : K * A Prop) `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)} (m : M A):
dom D (filter P m) dom D m.
intros ?. rewrite 2!elem_of_dom.
destruct 1 as [?[Eq _]%map_filter_lookup_Some]. by eexists.
Lemma dom_imap_subseteq {A B} (f: K A option B) (m: M A) :
dom D (map_imap f m) dom D m.
dom (map_imap f m) dom m.
intros k. rewrite 2!elem_of_dom, map_lookup_imap.
destruct 1 as [?[?[Eq _]]%bind_Some]. by eexists.
Lemma dom_imap {A B} (f: K A option B) (m: M A) X :
Lemma dom_imap {A B} (f : K A option B) (m : M A) (X : D) :
( i, i X x, m !! i = Some x is_Some (f i x))
dom D (map_imap f m) X.
dom (map_imap f m) X.
intros HX k. rewrite elem_of_dom, HX, map_lookup_imap.
unfold is_Some. setoid_rewrite bind_Some. naive_solver.
Lemma elem_of_dom_2 {A} (m : M A) i x : m !! i = Some x i dom D m.
Lemma elem_of_dom_2 {A} (m : M A) i x : m !! i = Some x i dom m.
Proof. rewrite elem_of_dom; eauto. Qed.
Lemma not_elem_of_dom {A} (m : M A) i : i dom D m m !! i = None.
Lemma not_elem_of_dom {A} (m : M A) i : i dom m m !! i = None.
Proof. by rewrite elem_of_dom, eq_None_not_Some. Qed.
Lemma subseteq_dom {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : m1 m2 dom D m1 dom D m2.
Lemma not_elem_of_dom_1 {A} (m : M A) i : i dom m m !! i = None.
Proof. apply not_elem_of_dom. Qed.
Lemma not_elem_of_dom_2 {A} (m : M A) i : m !! i = None i dom m.
Proof. apply not_elem_of_dom. Qed.
Lemma subseteq_dom {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : m1 m2 dom m1 dom m2.
rewrite map_subseteq_spec.
intros ??. rewrite !elem_of_dom. inversion 1; eauto.
intros ??. rewrite !elem_of_dom. inv 1; eauto.
Lemma subset_dom {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : m1 m2 dom D m1 dom D m2.
Lemma subset_dom {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : m1 m2 dom m1 dom m2.
intros [Hss1 Hss2]; split; [by apply subseteq_dom |].
contradict Hss2. rewrite map_subseteq_spec. intros i x Hi.
specialize (Hss2 i). rewrite !elem_of_dom in Hss2.
destruct Hss2; eauto. by simplify_map_eq.
Lemma dom_empty {A} : dom D (@empty (M A) _) ∅.
Lemma dom_filter {A} (P : K * A Prop) `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)} (m : M A) (X : D) :
( i, i X x, m !! i = Some x P (i, x))
dom (filter P m) X.
intros HX i. rewrite elem_of_dom, HX.
unfold is_Some. by setoid_rewrite map_lookup_filter_Some.
Lemma dom_filter_subseteq {A} (P : K * A Prop) `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)} (m : M A):
dom (filter P m) dom m.
Proof. apply subseteq_dom, map_filter_subseteq. Qed.
Lemma filter_dom {A} `{!Elements K D, !FinSet K D}
(P : K Prop) `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)} (m : M A) :
filter P (dom m) dom (filter (λ kv, P kv.1) m).
intros i. rewrite elem_of_filter, !elem_of_dom. unfold is_Some.
setoid_rewrite map_lookup_filter_Some. naive_solver.
Lemma dom_empty {A} : dom (@empty (M A) _) ∅.
intros x. rewrite elem_of_dom, lookup_empty, <-not_eq_None_Some. set_solver.
Lemma dom_empty_inv {A} (m : M A) : dom D m m = ∅.
Lemma dom_empty_iff {A} (m : M A) : dom m m = ∅.
split; [|intros ->; by rewrite dom_empty].
intros E. apply map_empty. intros. apply not_elem_of_dom.
rewrite E. set_solver.
Lemma dom_alter {A} f (m : M A) i : dom D (alter f i m) dom D m.
Lemma dom_empty_inv {A} (m : M A) : dom m m = ∅.
Proof. apply dom_empty_iff. Qed.
Lemma dom_alter {A} f (m : M A) i : dom (alter f i m) dom m.
apply elem_of_equiv; intros j; rewrite !elem_of_dom; unfold is_Some.
apply set_equiv; intros j; rewrite !elem_of_dom; unfold is_Some.
destruct (decide (i = j)); simplify_map_eq/=; eauto.
destruct (m !! j); naive_solver.
Lemma dom_insert {A} (m : M A) i x : dom D (<[i:=x]>m) {[ i ]} dom D m.
Lemma dom_insert {A} (m : M A) i x : dom (<[i:=x]>m) {[ i ]} dom m.
apply elem_of_equiv. intros j. rewrite elem_of_union, !elem_of_dom.
apply set_equiv. intros j. rewrite elem_of_union, !elem_of_dom.
unfold is_Some. setoid_rewrite lookup_insert_Some.
destruct (decide (i = j)); set_solver.
Lemma dom_insert_subseteq {A} (m : M A) i x : dom D m dom D (<[i:=x]>m).
Lemma dom_insert_lookup {A} (m : M A) i x :
is_Some (m !! i) dom (<[i:=x]>m) dom m.
intros Hindom. assert (i dom m) by by apply elem_of_dom.
rewrite dom_insert. set_solver.
Lemma dom_insert_subseteq {A} (m : M A) i x : dom m dom (<[i:=x]>m).
Proof. rewrite (dom_insert _). set_solver. Qed.
Lemma dom_insert_subseteq_compat_l {A} (m : M A) i x X :
X dom D m X dom D (<[i:=x]>m).
Proof. intros. trans (dom D m); eauto using dom_insert_subseteq. Qed.
Lemma dom_singleton {A} (i : K) (x : A) : dom D ({[i := x]} : M A) {[ i ]}.
X dom m X dom (<[i:=x]>m).
Proof. intros. trans (dom m); eauto using dom_insert_subseteq. Qed.
Lemma dom_singleton {A} (i : K) (x : A) : dom ({[i := x]} : M A) {[ i ]}.
Proof. rewrite <-insert_empty, dom_insert, dom_empty; set_solver. Qed.
Lemma dom_delete {A} (m : M A) i : dom D (delete i m) dom D m {[ i ]}.
Lemma dom_delete {A} (m : M A) i : dom (delete i m) dom m {[ i ]}.
apply elem_of_equiv. intros j. rewrite elem_of_difference, !elem_of_dom.
apply set_equiv. intros j. rewrite elem_of_difference, !elem_of_dom.
unfold is_Some. setoid_rewrite lookup_delete_Some. set_solver.
Lemma delete_partial_alter_dom {A} (m : M A) i f :
i dom D m delete i (partial_alter f i m) = m.
i dom m delete i (partial_alter f i m) = m.
Proof. rewrite not_elem_of_dom. apply delete_partial_alter. Qed.
Lemma delete_insert_dom {A} (m : M A) i x :
i dom D m delete i (<[i:=x]>m) = m.
i dom m delete i (<[i:=x]>m) = m.
Proof. rewrite not_elem_of_dom. apply delete_insert. Qed.
Lemma map_disjoint_dom {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : m1 ## m2 dom D m1 ## dom D m2.
Lemma map_disjoint_dom {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : m1 ## m2 dom m1 ## dom m2.
rewrite map_disjoint_spec, elem_of_disjoint.
setoid_rewrite elem_of_dom. unfold is_Some. naive_solver.
Lemma map_disjoint_dom_1 {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : m1 ## m2 dom D m1 ## dom D m2.
Lemma map_disjoint_dom_1 {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : m1 ## m2 dom m1 ## dom m2.
Proof. apply map_disjoint_dom. Qed.
Lemma map_disjoint_dom_2 {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : dom D m1 ## dom D m2 m1 ## m2.
Lemma map_disjoint_dom_2 {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : dom m1 ## dom m2 m1 ## m2.
Proof. apply map_disjoint_dom. Qed.
Lemma dom_union {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : dom D (m1 m2) dom D m1 dom D m2.
Lemma dom_union {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : dom (m1 m2) dom m1 dom m2.
apply elem_of_equiv. intros i. rewrite elem_of_union, !elem_of_dom.
apply set_equiv. intros i. rewrite elem_of_union, !elem_of_dom.
unfold is_Some. setoid_rewrite lookup_union_Some_raw.
destruct (m1 !! i); naive_solver.
Lemma dom_intersection {A} (m1 m2: M A) : dom D (m1 m2) dom D m1 dom D m2.
Lemma dom_intersection {A} (m1 m2: M A) : dom (m1 m2) dom m1 dom m2.
apply elem_of_equiv. intros i. rewrite elem_of_intersection, !elem_of_dom.
apply set_equiv. intros i. rewrite elem_of_intersection, !elem_of_dom.
unfold is_Some. setoid_rewrite lookup_intersection_Some. naive_solver.
Lemma dom_difference {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : dom D (m1 m2) dom D m1 dom D m2.
Lemma dom_difference {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : dom (m1 m2) dom m1 dom m2.
apply elem_of_equiv. intros i. rewrite elem_of_difference, !elem_of_dom.
apply set_equiv. intros i. rewrite elem_of_difference, !elem_of_dom.
unfold is_Some. setoid_rewrite lookup_difference_Some.
destruct (m2 !! i); naive_solver.
Lemma dom_fmap {A B} (f : A B) (m : M A) : dom D (f <$> m) dom D m.
Lemma dom_fmap {A B} (f : A B) (m : M A) : dom (f <$> m) dom m.
apply elem_of_equiv. intros i.
apply set_equiv. intros i.
rewrite !elem_of_dom, lookup_fmap, <-!not_eq_None_Some.
destruct (m !! i); naive_solver.
Lemma dom_finite {A} (m : M A) : set_finite (dom D m).
Lemma dom_finite {A} (m : M A) : set_finite (dom m).
induction m using map_ind; rewrite ?dom_empty, ?dom_insert.
- by apply empty_finite.
- apply union_finite; [apply singleton_finite|done].
Global Instance dom_proper `{!Equiv A} : Proper ((≡@{M A}) ==> ()) (dom D).
Global Instance dom_proper `{!Equiv A} : Proper ((≡@{M A}) ==> ()) dom.
intros m1 m2 EQm. apply elem_of_equiv. intros i.
intros m1 m2 EQm. apply set_equiv. intros i.
rewrite !elem_of_dom, EQm. done.
Lemma dom_list_to_map {A} (l : list (K * A)) :
dom (list_to_map l : M A) list_to_set l.*1.
induction l as [|?? IH].
- by rewrite dom_empty.
- simpl. by rewrite dom_insert, IH.
Lemma map_first_key_dom {A B} (m1 : M A) (m2 : M B) i :
dom m1 dom m2 map_first_key m1 i map_first_key m2 i.
intros Hm. apply map_first_key_dom'. intros j.
by rewrite <-!elem_of_dom, Hm.
Lemma map_first_key_dom_L {A B} (m1 : M A) (m2 : M B) i :
dom m1 = dom m2 map_first_key m1 i map_first_key m2 i.
Proof. intros Hm. apply map_first_key_dom. by rewrite Hm. Qed.
Lemma map_Forall2_dom {A B} (P : K A B Prop) (m1 : M A) (m2 : M B) :
map_Forall2 P m1 m2 dom m1 dom m2.
revert m2. induction m1 as [|i x1 m1 ? IH] using map_ind; intros m2.
{ intros ->%map_Forall2_empty_inv_l. by rewrite !dom_empty. }
intros (x2 & m2' & -> & ? & ? & ?)%map_Forall2_insert_inv_l; last done.
by rewrite !dom_insert, IH by done.
(** Alternative definition of [dom] in terms of [map_to_list]. *)
Lemma dom_alt {A} (m : M A) :
dom m list_to_set (map_to_list m).*1.
rewrite <-(list_to_map_to_list m) at 1.
rewrite dom_list_to_map.
Lemma size_dom `{!Elements K D, !FinSet K D} {A} (m : M A) :
size (dom m) = size m.
induction m as [|i x m ? IH] using map_ind.
{ by rewrite dom_empty, map_size_empty, size_empty. }
assert ({[i]} ## dom m).
{ intros j. rewrite elem_of_dom. unfold is_Some. set_solver. }
by rewrite dom_insert, size_union, size_singleton, map_size_insert_None, IH.
Lemma dom_subseteq_size {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : dom m2 dom m1 size m2 size m1.
revert m1. induction m2 as [|i x m2 ? IH] using map_ind; intros m1 Hdom.
{ rewrite map_size_empty. lia. }
rewrite dom_insert in Hdom.
assert (i dom m2) by (by apply not_elem_of_dom).
assert (i dom m1) as [x' Hx']%elem_of_dom by set_solver.
rewrite <-(insert_delete m1 i x') by done.
rewrite !map_size_insert_None, <-Nat.succ_le_mono by (by rewrite ?lookup_delete).
apply IH. rewrite dom_delete. set_solver.
Lemma dom_subset_size {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : dom m2 dom m1 size m2 < size m1.
revert m1. induction m2 as [|i x m2 ? IH] using map_ind; intros m1 Hdom.
{ destruct m1 as [|i x m1 ? _] using map_ind.
- rewrite !dom_empty in Hdom. set_solver.
- rewrite map_size_empty, map_size_insert_None by done. lia. }
rewrite dom_insert in Hdom.
assert (i dom m2) by (by apply not_elem_of_dom).
assert (i dom m1) as [x' Hx']%elem_of_dom by set_solver.
rewrite <-(insert_delete m1 i x') by done.
rewrite !map_size_insert_None, <-Nat.succ_lt_mono by (by rewrite ?lookup_delete).
apply IH. rewrite dom_delete. split; [set_solver|].
intros ?. destruct Hdom as [? []].
intros j. destruct (decide (i = j)); set_solver.
Lemma subseteq_dom_eq {A} (m1 m2 : M A) :
m1 m2 dom m2 dom m1 m1 = m2.
Proof. intros. apply map_subseteq_size_eq; auto using dom_subseteq_size. Qed.
Lemma dom_singleton_inv {A} (m : M A) i :
dom m {[i]} x, m = {[i := x]}.
intros Hdom. assert (is_Some (m !! i)) as [x ?].
{ apply (elem_of_dom (D:=D)); set_solver. }
exists x. apply map_eq; intros j.
destruct (decide (i = j)); simplify_map_eq; [done|].
apply not_elem_of_dom. set_solver.
Lemma dom_map_zip_with {A B C} (f : A B C) (ma : M A) (mb : M B) :
dom (map_zip_with f ma mb) dom ma dom mb.
rewrite set_equiv. intros x.
rewrite elem_of_intersection, !elem_of_dom, map_lookup_zip_with.
destruct (ma !! x), (mb !! x); rewrite !is_Some_alt; naive_solver.
Lemma dom_union_inv `{!RelDecision (∈@{D})} {A} (m : M A) (X1 X2 : D) :
X1 ## X2
dom m X1 X2
m1 m2, m = m1 m2 m1 ## m2 dom m1 X1 dom m2 X2.
exists (filter (λ '(k,x), k X1) m), (filter (λ '(k,x), k X1) m).
assert (filter (λ '(k, _), k X1) m ## filter (λ '(k, _), k X1) m).
{ apply map_disjoint_filter_complement. }
split_and!; [|done| |].
- apply map_eq; intros i. apply option_eq; intros x.
rewrite lookup_union_Some, !map_lookup_filter_Some by done.
destruct (decide (i X1)); naive_solver.
- apply dom_filter; intros i; split; [|naive_solver].
intros. assert (is_Some (m !! i)) as [x ?] by (apply elem_of_dom; set_solver).
- apply dom_filter; intros i; split.
+ intros. assert (is_Some (m !! i)) as [x ?] by (apply elem_of_dom; set_solver).
+ intros (x&?&?). apply dec_stable; intros ?.
assert (m !! i = None) by (apply not_elem_of_dom; set_solver).
Lemma dom_kmap `{!Elements K D, !FinSet K D, FinMapDom K2 M2 D2}
{A} (f : K K2) `{!Inj (=) (=) f} (m : M A) :
dom (kmap (M2:=M2) f m) ≡@{D2} set_map f (dom m).
apply set_equiv. intros i.
rewrite !elem_of_dom, (lookup_kmap_is_Some _), elem_of_map.
by setoid_rewrite elem_of_dom.
Lemma dom_omap_subseteq {A B} (f : A option B) (m : M A) :
dom (omap f m) dom m.
intros a. rewrite !elem_of_dom. intros [c Hm].
apply lookup_omap_Some in Hm. naive_solver.
Lemma map_compose_dom_subseteq {C} `{FinMap K' M'} (m: M' C) (n : M K') :
dom (m n : M C) ⊆@{D} dom n.
Proof. apply dom_omap_subseteq. Qed.
Lemma map_compose_min_r_dom {C} `{FinMap K' M', !RelDecision (∈@{D})}
(m : M C) (n : M' K) :
m n = m filter (λ '(_,b), b dom m) n.
rewrite map_compose_min_r. f_equal.
apply map_filter_ext. intros. by rewrite elem_of_dom.
Lemma map_compose_empty_iff_dom_img {C} `{FinMap K' M', !RelDecision (∈@{D})}
(m : M C) (n : M' K) :
m n = dom m ## map_img n.
rewrite map_compose_empty_iff, elem_of_disjoint.
setoid_rewrite elem_of_dom. setoid_rewrite eq_None_not_Some.
setoid_rewrite elem_of_map_img. naive_solver.
(** If [D] has Leibniz equality, we can show an even stronger result. This is a
common case e.g. when having a [gmap K A] where the key [K] has Leibniz equality
(and thus also [gset K], the usual domain) but the value type [A] does not. *)
Global Instance dom_proper_L `{!Equiv A, !LeibnizEquiv D} :
Proper ((≡@{M A}) ==> (=)) (dom D) | 0.
Proper ((≡@{M A}) ==> (=)) (dom) | 0.
Proof. intros ???. unfold_leibniz. by apply dom_proper. Qed.
Section leibniz.
Context `{!LeibnizEquiv D}.
Lemma dom_filter_L {A} (P : K * A Prop) `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)} (m : M A) X :
( i, i X x, m !! i = Some x P (i, x))
dom D (filter P m) = X.
dom (filter P m) = X.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply dom_filter. Qed.
Lemma dom_empty_L {A} : dom D (@empty (M A) _) = ∅.
Lemma filter_dom_L {A} `{!Elements K D, !FinSet K D}
(P : K Prop) `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)} (m : M A) :
filter P (dom m) = dom (filter (λ kv, P kv.1) m).
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply filter_dom. Qed.
Lemma dom_empty_L {A} : dom (@empty (M A) _) = ∅.
Proof. unfold_leibniz; apply dom_empty. Qed.
Lemma dom_empty_inv_L {A} (m : M A) : dom D m = m = ∅.
Lemma dom_empty_iff_L {A} (m : M A) : dom m = m = ∅.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply dom_empty_iff. Qed.
Lemma dom_empty_inv_L {A} (m : M A) : dom m = m = ∅.
Proof. by intros; apply dom_empty_inv; unfold_leibniz. Qed.
Lemma dom_alter_L {A} f (m : M A) i : dom D (alter f i m) = dom D m.
Lemma dom_alter_L {A} f (m : M A) i : dom (alter f i m) = dom m.
Proof. unfold_leibniz; apply dom_alter. Qed.
Lemma dom_insert_L {A} (m : M A) i x : dom D (<[i:=x]>m) = {[ i ]} dom D m.
Lemma dom_insert_L {A} (m : M A) i x : dom (<[i:=x]>m) = {[ i ]} dom m.
Proof. unfold_leibniz; apply dom_insert. Qed.
Lemma dom_singleton_L {A} (i : K) (x : A) : dom D ({[i := x]} : M A) = {[ i ]}.
Lemma dom_insert_lookup_L {A} (m : M A) i x :
is_Some (m !! i) dom (<[i:=x]>m) = dom m.
Proof. unfold_leibniz; apply dom_insert_lookup. Qed.
Lemma dom_singleton_L {A} (i : K) (x : A) : dom ({[i := x]} : M A) = {[ i ]}.
Proof. unfold_leibniz; apply dom_singleton. Qed.
Lemma dom_delete_L {A} (m : M A) i : dom D (delete i m) = dom D m {[ i ]}.
Lemma dom_delete_L {A} (m : M A) i : dom (delete i m) = dom m {[ i ]}.
Proof. unfold_leibniz; apply dom_delete. Qed.
Lemma dom_union_L {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : dom D (m1 m2) = dom D m1 dom D m2.
Lemma dom_union_L {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : dom (m1 m2) = dom m1 dom m2.
Proof. unfold_leibniz; apply dom_union. Qed.
Lemma dom_intersection_L {A} (m1 m2 : M A) :
dom D (m1 m2) = dom D m1 dom D m2.
dom (m1 m2) = dom m1 dom m2.
Proof. unfold_leibniz; apply dom_intersection. Qed.
Lemma dom_difference_L {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : dom D (m1 m2) = dom D m1 dom D m2.
Lemma dom_difference_L {A} (m1 m2 : M A) : dom (m1 m2) = dom m1 dom m2.
Proof. unfold_leibniz; apply dom_difference. Qed.
Lemma dom_fmap_L {A B} (f : A B) (m : M A) : dom D (f <$> m) = dom D m.
Lemma dom_fmap_L {A B} (f : A B) (m : M A) : dom (f <$> m) = dom m.
Proof. unfold_leibniz; apply dom_fmap. Qed.
Lemma map_Forall2_dom_L {A B} (P : K A B Prop) (m1 : M A) (m2 : M B) :
map_Forall2 P m1 m2 dom m1 = dom m2.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply map_Forall2_dom. Qed.
Lemma dom_imap_L {A B} (f: K A option B) (m: M A) X :
( i, i X x, m !! i = Some x is_Some (f i x))
dom D (map_imap f m) = X.
dom (map_imap f m) = X.
Proof. unfold_leibniz; apply dom_imap. Qed.
Lemma dom_list_to_map_L {A} (l : list (K * A)) :
dom (list_to_map l : M A) = list_to_set l.*1.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply dom_list_to_map. Qed.
Lemma dom_singleton_inv_L {A} (m : M A) i :
dom m = {[i]} x, m = {[i := x]}.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply dom_singleton_inv. Qed.
Lemma dom_map_zip_with_L {A B C} (f : A B C) (ma : M A) (mb : M B) :
dom (map_zip_with f ma mb) = dom ma dom mb.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply dom_map_zip_with. Qed.
Lemma dom_union_inv_L `{!RelDecision (∈@{D})} {A} (m : M A) (X1 X2 : D) :
X1 ## X2
dom m = X1 X2
m1 m2, m = m1 m2 m1 ## m2 dom m1 = X1 dom m2 = X2.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply dom_union_inv. Qed.
End leibniz.
Lemma dom_kmap_L `{!Elements K D, !FinSet K D, FinMapDom K2 M2 D2}
`{!LeibnizEquiv D2} {A} (f : K K2) `{!Inj (=) (=) f} (m : M A) :
dom (kmap (M2:=M2) f m) = set_map f (dom m).
Proof. unfold_leibniz. by apply dom_kmap. Qed.
(** * Set solver instances *)
Global Instance set_unfold_dom_empty {A} i : SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D (∅:M A)) False.
Global Instance set_unfold_dom_empty {A} i : SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom (∅:M A)) False.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite dom_empty, elem_of_empty. Qed.
Global Instance set_unfold_dom_alter {A} f i j (m : M A) Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D m) Q
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D (alter f j m)) Q.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite dom_alter, (set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _ _) _). Qed.
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom m) Q
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom (alter f j m)) Q.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite dom_alter, (set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _) _). Qed.
Global Instance set_unfold_dom_insert {A} i j x (m : M A) Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D m) Q
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D (<[j:=x]> m)) (i = j Q).
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom m) Q
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom (<[j:=x]> m)) (i = j Q).
constructor. by rewrite dom_insert, elem_of_union,
(set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _ _) _), elem_of_singleton.
(set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _) _), elem_of_singleton.
Global Instance set_unfold_dom_delete {A} i j (m : M A) Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D m) Q
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D (delete j m)) (Q i j).
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom m) Q
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom (delete j m)) (Q i j).
constructor. by rewrite dom_delete, elem_of_difference,
(set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _ _) _), elem_of_singleton.
(set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _) _), elem_of_singleton.
Global Instance set_unfold_dom_singleton {A} i j :
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D ({[ j := x ]} : M A)) (i = j).
Global Instance set_unfold_dom_singleton {A} i j x :
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom ({[ j := x ]} : M A)) (i = j).
Proof. constructor. by rewrite dom_singleton, elem_of_singleton. Qed.
Global Instance set_unfold_dom_union {A} i (m1 m2 : M A) Q1 Q2 :
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D m1) Q1 SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D m2) Q2
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D (m1 m2)) (Q1 Q2).
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom m1) Q1 SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom m2) Q2
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom (m1 m2)) (Q1 Q2).
constructor. by rewrite dom_union, elem_of_union,
!(set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _ _) _).
!(set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _) _).
Global Instance set_unfold_dom_intersection {A} i (m1 m2 : M A) Q1 Q2 :
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D m1) Q1 SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D m2) Q2
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D (m1 m2)) (Q1 Q2).
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom m1) Q1 SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom m2) Q2
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom (m1 m2)) (Q1 Q2).
constructor. by rewrite dom_intersection, elem_of_intersection,
!(set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _ _) _).
!(set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _) _).
Global Instance set_unfold_dom_difference {A} i (m1 m2 : M A) Q1 Q2 :
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D m1) Q1 SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D m2) Q2
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D (m1 m2)) (Q1 ¬Q2).
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom m1) Q1 SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom m2) Q2
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom (m1 m2)) (Q1 ¬Q2).
constructor. by rewrite dom_difference, elem_of_difference,
!(set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _ _) _).
!(set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _) _).
Global Instance set_unfold_dom_fmap {A B} (f : A B) i (m : M A) Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D m) Q
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D (f <$> m)) Q.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite dom_fmap, (set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _ _) _). Qed.
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom m) Q
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom (f <$> m)) Q.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite dom_fmap, (set_unfold_elem_of _ (dom _) _). Qed.
End fin_map_dom.
Lemma dom_seq `{FinMapDom nat M D} {A} start (xs : list A) :
dom D (map_seq start (M:=M A) xs) set_seq start (length xs).
dom (map_seq start (M:=M A) xs) set_seq start (length xs).
revert start. induction xs as [|x xs IH]; intros start; simpl.
- by rewrite dom_empty.
- by rewrite dom_insert, IH.
Lemma dom_seq_L `{FinMapDom nat M D, !LeibnizEquiv D} {A} start (xs : list A) :
dom D (map_seq (M:=M A) start xs) = set_seq start (length xs).
dom (map_seq (M:=M A) start xs) = set_seq start (length xs).
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply dom_seq. Qed.
Instance set_unfold_dom_seq `{FinMapDom nat M D} {A} start (xs : list A) :
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom D (map_seq start (M:=M A) xs)) (start i < start + length xs).
Global Instance set_unfold_dom_seq `{FinMapDom nat M D} {A} start (xs : list A) i :
SetUnfoldElemOf i (dom (map_seq start (M:=M A) xs)) (start i < start + length xs).
Proof. constructor. by rewrite dom_seq, elem_of_set_seq. Qed.
source diff could not be displayed: it is too large. Options to address this: view the blob.
......@@ -9,24 +9,39 @@ From stdpp Require Import options.
Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
(** Operations *)
Instance set_size `{Elements A C} : Size C := length elements.
Global Instance set_size `{Elements A C} : Size C := length elements.
Global Typeclasses Opaque set_size.
Definition set_fold `{Elements A C} {B}
(f : A B B) (b : B) : C B := foldr f b elements.
Global Typeclasses Opaque set_fold.
Instance set_filter
Global Instance set_filter
`{Elements A C, Empty C, Singleton A C, Union C} : Filter A C := λ P _ X,
list_to_set (filter P (elements X)).
Typeclasses Opaque set_filter.
Global Typeclasses Opaque set_filter.
Definition set_map `{Elements A C, Singleton B D, Empty D, Union D}
(f : A B) (X : C) : D :=
list_to_set (f <$> elements X).
Typeclasses Opaque set_map.
Instance set_fresh `{Elements A C, Fresh A (list A)} : Fresh A C :=
Global Typeclasses Opaque set_map.
Global Instance: Params (@set_map) 8 := {}.
Definition set_bind `{Elements A SA, Empty SB, Union SB}
(f : A SB) (X : SA) : SB :=
(f <$> elements X).
Global Typeclasses Opaque set_bind.
Global Instance: Params (@set_bind) 6 := {}.
Definition set_omap `{Elements A C, Singleton B D, Empty D, Union D}
(f : A option B) (X : C) : D :=
list_to_set (omap f (elements X)).
Global Typeclasses Opaque set_omap.
Global Instance: Params (@set_omap) 8 := {}.
Global Instance set_fresh `{Elements A C, Fresh A (list A)} : Fresh A C :=
fresh elements.
Typeclasses Opaque set_filter.
Global Typeclasses Opaque set_fresh.
(** We generalize the [fresh] operation on sets to generate lists of fresh
elements w.r.t. a set [X]. *)
......@@ -36,7 +51,7 @@ Fixpoint fresh_list `{Fresh A C, Union C, Singleton A C}
| 0 => []
| S n => let x := fresh X in x :: fresh_list n ({[ x ]} X)
Instance: Params (@fresh_list) 6 := {}.
Global Instance: Params (@fresh_list) 6 := {}.
(** The following inductive predicate classifies that a list of elements is
in fact fresh w.r.t. a set [X]. *)
......@@ -53,7 +68,7 @@ Implicit Types X Y : C.
Lemma fin_set_finite X : set_finite X.
Proof. by exists (elements X); intros; rewrite elem_of_elements. Qed.
Instance elem_of_dec_slow : RelDecision (∈@{C}) | 100.
Local Instance elem_of_dec_slow : RelDecision (∈@{C}) | 100.
refine (λ x X, cast_if (decide_rel () x (elements X)));
by rewrite <-(elem_of_elements _).
......@@ -77,16 +92,14 @@ Proof.
apply elem_of_nil_inv; intros x.
rewrite elem_of_elements, elem_of_empty; tauto.
Lemma elements_empty_inv X : elements X = [] X ∅.
intros HX; apply elem_of_equiv_empty; intros x.
rewrite <-elem_of_elements, HX, elem_of_nil. tauto.
Lemma elements_empty' X : elements X = [] X ∅.
Lemma elements_empty_iff X : elements X = [] X ∅.
split; intros HX; [by apply elements_empty_inv|].
by rewrite <-Permutation_nil, HX, elements_empty.
rewrite <-Permutation_nil_r. split; [|intros ->; by rewrite elements_empty].
intros HX. apply elem_of_equiv_empty; intros x.
rewrite <-elem_of_elements, HX. apply not_elem_of_nil.
Lemma elements_empty_inv X : elements X = [] X ∅.
Proof. apply elements_empty_iff. Qed.
Lemma elements_union_singleton (X : C) x :
x X elements ({[ x ]} X) x :: elements X.
......@@ -99,7 +112,7 @@ Proof.
Lemma elements_singleton x : elements ({[ x ]} : C) = [x].
apply Permutation_singleton. by rewrite <-(right_id () {[x]}),
apply Permutation_singleton_r. by rewrite <-(right_id () {[x]}),
elements_union_singleton, elements_empty by set_solver.
Lemma elements_disj_union (X Y : C) :
......@@ -116,19 +129,34 @@ Proof.
intros x. rewrite !elem_of_elements; auto.
Lemma list_to_set_elements X : list_to_set (elements X) X.
Proof. intros ?. rewrite elem_of_list_to_set. apply elem_of_elements. Qed.
Lemma list_to_set_elements_L `{!LeibnizEquiv C} X : list_to_set (elements X) = X.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply list_to_set_elements. Qed.
Lemma elements_list_to_set l :
NoDup l elements (list_to_set (C:=C) l) l.
intros Hl. induction Hl.
{ rewrite list_to_set_nil. rewrite elements_empty. done. }
rewrite list_to_set_cons, elements_disj_union by set_solver.
rewrite elements_singleton. apply Permutation_skip. done.
(** * The [size] operation *)
Global Instance set_size_proper: Proper (() ==> (=)) (@size C _).
Proof. intros ?? E. apply Permutation_length. by rewrite E. Qed.
Lemma size_empty : size ( : C) = 0.
Proof. unfold size, set_size. simpl. by rewrite elements_empty. Qed.
Lemma size_empty_inv (X : C) : size X = 0 X ∅.
Lemma size_empty_iff (X : C) : size X = 0 X ∅.
split; [|intros ->; by rewrite size_empty].
intros; apply equiv_empty; intros x; rewrite <-elem_of_elements.
by rewrite (nil_length_inv (elements X)), ?elem_of_nil.
Lemma size_empty_iff (X : C) : size X = 0 X ∅.
Proof. split; [apply size_empty_inv|]. by intros ->; rewrite size_empty. Qed.
Lemma size_empty_inv (X : C) : size X = 0 X ∅.
Proof. apply size_empty_iff. Qed.
Lemma size_non_empty_iff (X : C) : size X 0 X ∅.
Proof. by rewrite size_empty_iff. Qed.
......@@ -159,14 +187,14 @@ Qed.
Lemma size_1_elem_of X : size X = 1 x, X {[ x ]}.
intros E. destruct (size_pos_elem_of X) as [x ?]; auto with lia.
exists x. apply elem_of_equiv. split.
exists x. apply set_equiv. split.
- rewrite elem_of_singleton. eauto using size_singleton_inv.
- set_solver.
Lemma size_union X Y : X ## Y size (X Y) = size X + size Y.
intros. unfold size, set_size. simpl. rewrite <-app_length.
intros. unfold size, set_size. simpl. rewrite <-length_app.
apply Permutation_length, NoDup_Permutation.
- apply NoDup_elements.
- apply NoDup_app; repeat split; try apply NoDup_elements.
......@@ -180,6 +208,27 @@ Proof.
rewrite <-union_difference, (comm ()); set_solver.
Lemma size_difference X Y : Y X size (X Y) = size X - size Y.
intros. rewrite (union_difference Y X) at 2 by done.
rewrite size_union by set_solver. lia.
Lemma size_difference_alt X Y : size (X Y) = size X - size (X Y).
intros. rewrite <-size_difference by set_solver.
apply set_size_proper. set_solver.
Lemma set_subseteq_size_equiv X1 X2 : X1 X2 size X2 size X1 X1 X2.
intros. apply (anti_symm _); [done|].
apply empty_difference_subseteq, size_empty_iff.
rewrite size_difference by done. lia.
Lemma set_subseteq_size_eq `{!LeibnizEquiv C} X1 X2 :
X1 X2 size X2 size X1 X1 = X2.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply set_subseteq_size_equiv. Qed.
Lemma subseteq_size X Y : X Y size X size Y.
Proof. intros. rewrite (union_difference X Y), size_union_alt by done. lia. Qed.
Lemma subset_size X Y : X Y size X < size Y.
......@@ -190,11 +239,18 @@ Proof.
by apply size_non_empty_iff, non_empty_difference.
Lemma size_list_to_set l :
NoDup l size (list_to_set (C:=C) l) = length l.
intros Hl. unfold size, set_size. simpl.
rewrite elements_list_to_set; done.
(** * Induction principles *)
Lemma set_wf : wf (⊂@{C}).
Lemma set_wf : well_founded (⊂@{C}).
Proof. apply (wf_projected (<) size); auto using subset_size, lt_wf. Qed.
Lemma set_ind (P : C Prop) :
Proper (() ==> iff) P
Proper (() ==> impl) P
P ( x X, x X P X P ({[ x ]} X)) X, P X.
intros ? Hemp Hadd. apply well_founded_induction with ().
......@@ -210,7 +266,7 @@ Proof. apply set_ind. by intros ?? ->%leibniz_equiv_iff. Qed.
(** * The [set_fold] operation *)
Lemma set_fold_ind {B} (P : B C Prop) (f : A B B) (b : B) :
Proper ((=) ==> () ==> iff) P
( x, Proper (() ==> impl) (P x))
P b ( x X r, x X P r X P (f x r) ({[ x ]} X))
X, P (set_fold f b X) X.
......@@ -229,9 +285,9 @@ Lemma set_fold_ind_L `{!LeibnizEquiv C}
{B} (P : B C Prop) (f : A B B) (b : B) :
P b ( x X r, x X P r X P (f x r) ({[ x ]} X))
X, P (set_fold f b X) X.
Proof. apply set_fold_ind. by intros ?? -> ?? ->%leibniz_equiv. Qed.
Lemma set_fold_proper {B} (R : relation B) `{!Equivalence R}
(f : A B B) (b : B) `{!Proper ((=) ==> R ==> R) f}
Proof. apply set_fold_ind. solve_proper. Qed.
Lemma set_fold_proper {B} (R : relation B) `{!PreOrder R}
(f : A B B) (b : B) `{! a, Proper (R ==> R) (f a)}
(Hf : a1 a2 b, R (f a1 (f a2 b)) (f a2 (f a1 b))) :
Proper (() ==> R) (set_fold f b : C B).
Proof. intros ?? E. apply (foldr_permutation R f b); auto. by rewrite E. Qed.
......@@ -242,18 +298,138 @@ Proof. by unfold set_fold; simpl; rewrite elements_empty. Qed.
Lemma set_fold_singleton {B} (f : A B B) (b : B) (a : A) :
set_fold f b ({[a]} : C) = f a b.
Proof. by unfold set_fold; simpl; rewrite elements_singleton. Qed.
(** The following lemma shows that folding over two sets separately (using the
result of the first fold as input for the second fold) is equivalent to folding
over the union, *if* the function is idempotent for the elements that will be
processed twice ([X ∩ Y]) and does not care about the order in which elements
are processed.
This is a generalization of [set_fold_union] (below) with a.) a relation [R]
instead of equality b.) a function [f : A → B → B] instead of [f : A → A → A],
and c.) premises that ensure the elements are in [X ∪ Y]. *)
Lemma set_fold_union_strong {B} (R : relation B) `{!PreOrder R}
(f : A B B) (b : B) X Y :
( x, Proper (R ==> R) (f x))
( x b',
(** This is morally idempotence for elements of [X ∩ Y] *)
x X Y
(** We cannot write this in the usual direction of idempotence properties
(i.e., [R (f x (f x b'))) (f x b')]) because [R] is not symmetric. *)
R (f x b') (f x (f x b')))
( x1 x2 b',
(** This is morally commutativity + associativity for elements of [X ∪ Y] *)
x1 X Y x2 X Y x1 x2
R (f x1 (f x2 b')) (f x2 (f x1 b')))
R (set_fold f b (X Y)) (set_fold f (set_fold f b X) Y).
(** This lengthy proof involves various steps by transitivity of [R].
Roughly, we show that the LHS is related to folding over:
elements (Y ∖ X) ++ elements (X ∩ Y) ++ elements (X ∖ Y)
and the RHS is related to folding over:
elements (Y ∖ X) ++ elements (X ∩ Y) ++ elements (X ∩ Y) ++ elements (Y ∖ X)
These steps are justified by lemma [foldr_permutation]. In the middle we
remove the repeated folding over [elements (X ∩ Y)] using [foldr_idemp_strong].
Most of the proof work concerns the side conditions of [foldr_permutation]
and [foldr_idemp_strong], which require relating results about lists and
sets. *)
intros ?.
assert ( b1 b2 l, R b1 b2 R (foldr f b1 l) (foldr f b2 l)) as Hff.
{ intros b1 b2 l Hb. induction l as [|x l]; simpl; [done|]. by f_equiv. }
intros Hfidemp Hfcomm. unfold set_fold; simpl.
trans (foldr f b (elements (Y X) ++ elements (X Y) ++ elements (X Y))).
{ apply (foldr_permutation R f b).
- intros j1 x1 j2 x2 b' Hj Hj1 Hj2. apply Hfcomm.
+ apply elem_of_list_lookup_2 in Hj1. set_solver.
+ apply elem_of_list_lookup_2 in Hj2. set_solver.
+ intros ->. pose proof (NoDup_elements (X Y)).
by eapply Hj, NoDup_lookup.
- rewrite <-!elements_disj_union by set_solver. f_equiv; intros x.
destruct (decide (x X)), (decide (x Y)); set_solver. }
trans (foldr f (foldr f b (elements (X Y) ++ elements (X Y)))
(elements (Y X) ++ elements (X Y))).
{ rewrite !foldr_app. apply Hff. apply (foldr_idemp_strong (flip R)).
- solve_proper.
- intros j a b' ?%elem_of_list_lookup_2. apply Hfidemp. set_solver.
- intros j1 x1 j2 x2 b' Hj Hj1 Hj2. apply Hfcomm.
+ apply elem_of_list_lookup_2 in Hj2. set_solver.
+ apply elem_of_list_lookup_2 in Hj1. set_solver.
+ intros ->. pose proof (NoDup_elements (X Y)).
by eapply Hj, NoDup_lookup. }
trans (foldr f (foldr f b (elements (X Y) ++ elements (X Y))) (elements Y)).
{ apply (foldr_permutation R f _).
- intros j1 x1 j2 x2 b' Hj Hj1 Hj2. apply Hfcomm.
+ apply elem_of_list_lookup_2 in Hj1. set_solver.
+ apply elem_of_list_lookup_2 in Hj2. set_solver.
+ intros ->. assert (NoDup (elements (Y X) ++ elements (X Y))).
{ rewrite <-elements_disj_union by set_solver. apply NoDup_elements. }
by eapply Hj, NoDup_lookup.
- rewrite <-!elements_disj_union by set_solver. f_equiv; intros x.
destruct (decide (x X)); set_solver. }
apply Hff. apply (foldr_permutation R f _).
- intros j1 x1 j2 x2 b' Hj Hj1 Hj2. apply Hfcomm.
+ apply elem_of_list_lookup_2 in Hj1. set_solver.
+ apply elem_of_list_lookup_2 in Hj2. set_solver.
+ intros ->. assert (NoDup (elements (X Y) ++ elements (X Y))).
{ rewrite <-elements_disj_union by set_solver. apply NoDup_elements. }
by eapply Hj, NoDup_lookup.
- rewrite <-!elements_disj_union by set_solver. f_equiv; intros x.
destruct (decide (x Y)); set_solver.
Lemma set_fold_union (f : A A A) (b : A) X Y :
IdemP (=) f
Comm (=) f
Assoc (=) f
set_fold f b (X Y) = set_fold f (set_fold f b X) Y.
intros. apply (set_fold_union_strong _ _ _ _ _ _).
- intros x b' _. by rewrite (assoc_L f), (idemp f).
- intros x1 x2 b' _ _ _. by rewrite !(assoc_L f), (comm_L f x1).
(** Generalization of [set_fold_disj_union] (below) with a.) a relation [R]
instead of equality b.) a function [f : A → B → B] instead of [f : A → A → A],
and c.) premises that ensure the elements are in [X ∪ Y]. *)
Lemma set_fold_disj_union_strong {B} (R : relation B) `{!PreOrder R}
(f : A B B) (b : B) X Y :
( x, Proper (R ==> R) (f x))
( x1 x2 b',
(** This is morally commutativity + associativity for elements of [X ∪ Y] *)
x1 X Y x2 X Y x1 x2
R (f x1 (f x2 b')) (f x2 (f x1 b')))
X ## Y
R (set_fold f b (X Y)) (set_fold f (set_fold f b X) Y).
Proof. intros. apply set_fold_union_strong; set_solver. Qed.
Lemma set_fold_disj_union (f : A A A) (b : A) X Y :
Comm (=) f
Assoc (=) f
X ## Y
set_fold f b (X Y) = set_fold f (set_fold f b X) Y.
intros Hcomm Hassoc Hdisj. unfold set_fold; simpl.
by rewrite elements_disj_union, <- foldr_app, (comm (++)).
intros. apply (set_fold_disj_union_strong _ _ _ _ _ _); [|done].
intros x1 x2 b' _ _ _. by rewrite !(assoc_L f), (comm_L f x1).
Lemma set_fold_comm_acc_strong {B} (R : relation B) `{!PreOrder R}
(f : A B B) (g : B B) (b : B) X :
( x, Proper (R ==> R) (f x))
( x y, x X R (f x (g y)) (g (f x y)))
R (set_fold f (g b) X) (g (set_fold f b X)).
intros. unfold set_fold; simpl.
apply foldr_comm_acc_strong; [done|solve_proper|set_solver].
Lemma set_fold_comm_acc {B} (f : A B B) (g : B B) (b : B) X :
( x y, f x (g y) = g (f x y))
set_fold f (g b) X = g (set_fold f b X).
Proof. intros. apply (set_fold_comm_acc_strong _); [solve_proper|auto]. Qed.
(** * Minimal elements *)
Lemma minimal_exists R `{!Transitive R, x y, Decision (R x y)} (X : C) :
Lemma minimal_exists_elem_of R `{!Transitive R, x y, Decision (R x y)} (X : C) :
X x, x X minimal R x X.
pattern X; apply set_ind; clear X.
......@@ -269,51 +445,78 @@ Proof.
exists x; split; [set_solver|].
rewrite HX, (right_id _ ()). apply singleton_minimal.
Lemma minimal_exists_L R `{!LeibnizEquiv C, !Transitive R,
Lemma minimal_exists_elem_of_L R `{!LeibnizEquiv C, !Transitive R,
x y, Decision (R x y)} (X : C) :
X x, x X minimal R x X.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply (minimal_exists R). Qed.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply (minimal_exists_elem_of R). Qed.
Lemma minimal_exists R `{!Transitive R,
x y, Decision (R x y)} `{!Inhabited A} (X : C) :
x, minimal R x X.
destruct (set_choose_or_empty X) as [ (y & Ha) | Hne].
- edestruct (minimal_exists_elem_of R X) as (x & Hel & Hmin); first set_solver.
exists x. done.
- exists inhabitant. intros y Hel. set_solver.
(** * Filter *)
Lemma elem_of_filter (P : A Prop) `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)} X x :
x filter P X P x x X.
unfold filter, set_filter.
by rewrite elem_of_list_to_set, elem_of_list_filter, elem_of_elements.
Global Instance set_unfold_filter (P : A Prop) `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)} X Q x :
SetUnfoldElemOf x X Q SetUnfoldElemOf x (filter P X) (P x Q).
intros ?; constructor. by rewrite elem_of_filter, (set_unfold_elem_of x X Q).
Section filter.
Context (P : A Prop) `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)}.
Lemma elem_of_filter X x : x filter P X P x x X.
unfold filter, set_filter.
by rewrite elem_of_list_to_set, elem_of_list_filter, elem_of_elements.
Global Instance set_unfold_filter X Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf x X Q SetUnfoldElemOf x (filter P X) (P x Q).
intros x ?; constructor. by rewrite elem_of_filter, (set_unfold_elem_of x X Q).
Lemma filter_empty : filter P (∅:C) ∅.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_union X Y : filter P (X Y) filter P X filter P Y.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_singleton x : P x filter P ({[ x ]} : C) {[ x ]}.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_singleton_not x : ¬P x filter P ({[ x ]} : C) ∅.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_empty_not_elem_of X x : filter P X P x x X.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_filter X Y : X ## Y filter P X ## filter P Y.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_union X Y : filter P (X Y) filter P X filter P Y.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma disjoint_filter_complement X : filter P X ## filter (λ x, ¬P x) X.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_union_complement X : filter P X filter (λ x, ¬P x) X X.
Proof. intros x. destruct (decide (P x)); set_solver. Qed.
Section leibniz_equiv.
Context `{!LeibnizEquiv C}.
Lemma filter_empty_L : filter P (∅:C) = ∅.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_union_L X Y : filter P (X Y) = filter P X filter P Y.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply filter_empty. Qed.
Lemma filter_singleton_L x : P x filter P ({[ x ]} : C) = {[ x ]}.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply filter_singleton. Qed.
Lemma filter_singleton_not_L x : ¬P x filter P ({[ x ]} : C) = ∅.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply filter_singleton_not. Qed.
Lemma filter_empty_not_elem_of_L X x : filter P X = P x x X.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply filter_empty_not_elem_of. Qed.
Lemma filter_union_L X Y : filter P (X Y) = filter P X filter P Y.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply filter_union. Qed.
Lemma filter_union_complement_L X Y : filter P X filter (λ x, ¬P x) X = X.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply filter_union_complement. Qed.
End leibniz_equiv.
End filter.
(** * Map *)
Section map.
Context `{Set_ B D}.
Context `{SemiSet B D}.
Lemma elem_of_map (f : A B) (X : C) y :
y set_map (D:=D) f X x, y = f x x X.
......@@ -321,9 +524,9 @@ Section map.
unfold set_map. rewrite elem_of_list_to_set, elem_of_list_fmap.
by setoid_rewrite elem_of_elements.
Global Instance set_unfold_map (f : A B) (X : C) (P : A Prop) :
( y, SetUnfoldElemOf y X (P y))
SetUnfoldElemOf x (set_map (D:=D) f X) ( y, x = f y P y).
Global Instance set_unfold_map (f : A B) (X : C) (P : A Prop) y :
( x, SetUnfoldElemOf x X (P x))
SetUnfoldElemOf y (set_map (D:=D) f X) ( x, y = f x P x).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_map; naive_solver. Qed.
Global Instance set_map_proper :
......@@ -342,8 +545,160 @@ Section map.
Lemma elem_of_map_2_alt (f : A B) (X : C) (x : A) (y : B) :
x X y = f x y set_map (D:=D) f X.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma set_map_empty (f : A B) :
set_map (C:=C) (D:=D) f = ∅.
Proof. unfold set_map. rewrite elements_empty. done. Qed.
Lemma set_map_union (f : A B) (X Y : C) :
set_map (D:=D) f (X Y) set_map (D:=D) f X set_map (D:=D) f Y.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
(** This cannot be using [=] because [list_to_set_singleton] does not hold for [=]. *)
Lemma set_map_singleton (f : A B) (x : A) :
set_map (C:=C) (D:=D) f {[x]} {[f x]}.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma set_map_union_L `{!LeibnizEquiv D} (f : A B) (X Y : C) :
set_map (D:=D) f (X Y) = set_map (D:=D) f X set_map (D:=D) f Y.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply set_map_union. Qed.
Lemma set_map_singleton_L `{!LeibnizEquiv D} (f : A B) (x : A) :
set_map (C:=C) (D:=D) f {[x]} = {[f x]}.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply set_map_singleton. Qed.
End map.
(** * Bind *)
Section set_bind.
Context `{SemiSet B SB}.
Local Notation set_bind := (set_bind (A:=A) (SA:=C) (SB:=SB)).
Lemma elem_of_set_bind (f : A SB) (X : C) y :
y set_bind f X x, x X y f x.
unfold set_bind. rewrite !elem_of_union_list. set_solver.
Global Instance set_unfold_set_bind (f : A SB) (X : C)
(y : B) (P : A B Prop) (Q : A Prop) :
( x y, SetUnfoldElemOf y (f x) (P x y))
( x, SetUnfoldElemOf x X (Q x))
SetUnfoldElemOf y (set_bind f X) ( x, Q x P x y).
intros HSU1 HSU2. constructor.
rewrite elem_of_set_bind. set_solver.
Global Instance set_bind_proper :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ () ==> () ==> ()) set_bind.
Proof. unfold pointwise_relation; intros f1 f2 Hf X1 X2 HX. set_solver. Qed.
Global Instance set_bind_mono :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ () ==> () ==> ()) set_bind.
Proof. unfold pointwise_relation; intros f1 f2 Hf X1 X2 HX. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma set_bind_ext (f g : A SB) (X Y : C) :
( x, x X x Y f x g x) X Y set_bind f X set_bind g Y.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma set_bind_singleton f x : set_bind f {[x]} f x.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma set_bind_singleton_L `{!LeibnizEquiv SB} f x : set_bind f {[x]} = f x.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply set_bind_singleton. Qed.
Lemma set_bind_disj_union f (X Y : C) :
X ## Y set_bind f (X Y) set_bind f X set_bind f Y.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma set_bind_disj_union_L `{!LeibnizEquiv SB} f (X Y : C) :
X ## Y set_bind f (X Y) = set_bind f X set_bind f Y.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply set_bind_disj_union. Qed.
End set_bind.
(** * OMap *)
Section set_omap.
Context `{SemiSet B D}.
Implicit Types (f : A option B).
Implicit Types (x : A) (y : B).
Notation set_omap := (set_omap (C:=C) (D:=D)).
Lemma elem_of_set_omap f X y : y set_omap f X x, x X f x = Some y.
unfold set_omap. rewrite elem_of_list_to_set, elem_of_list_omap.
by setoid_rewrite elem_of_elements.
Global Instance set_unfold_omap f X (P : A Prop) y :
( x, SetUnfoldElemOf x X (P x))
SetUnfoldElemOf y (set_omap f X) ( x, Some y = f x P x).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_set_omap; naive_solver. Qed.
Global Instance set_omap_proper :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ (=) ==> () ==> ()) set_omap.
Proof. intros f g Hfg X Y. set_unfold. setoid_rewrite Hfg. naive_solver. Qed.
Global Instance set_omap_mono :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ (=) ==> () ==> ()) set_omap.
Proof. intros f g Hfg X Y. set_unfold. setoid_rewrite Hfg. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_set_omap_1 f X y : y set_omap f X x, Some y = f x x X.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_set_omap_2 f X x y : x X f x = Some y y set_omap f X.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma set_omap_empty f : set_omap f = ∅.
Proof. unfold set_omap. by rewrite elements_empty. Qed.
Lemma set_omap_empty_iff f X : set_omap f X set_Forall (λ x, f x = None) X.
split; set_unfold; unfold set_Forall.
- intros Hi x Hx. destruct (f x) as [y|] eqn:Hy; naive_solver.
- intros Hi y (x & Hf & Hx). specialize (Hi x Hx). by rewrite Hi in Hf.
Lemma set_omap_union f X Y : set_omap f (X Y) set_omap f X set_omap f Y.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma set_omap_singleton f x :
set_omap f {[ x ]} match f x with Some y => {[ y ]} | None => end.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma set_omap_singleton_Some f x y : f x = Some y set_omap f {[ x ]} {[ y ]}.
Proof. intros Hx. by rewrite set_omap_singleton, Hx. Qed.
Lemma set_omap_singleton_None f x : f x = None set_omap f {[ x ]} ∅.
Proof. intros Hx. by rewrite set_omap_singleton, Hx. Qed.
Lemma set_omap_alt f X : set_omap f X set_bind (λ x, option_to_set (f x)) X.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma set_map_alt (f : A B) X : set_map f X = set_omap (λ x, Some (f x)) X.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Lemma set_omap_filter P `{ x, Decision (P x)} f X :
( x, x X is_Some (f x) P x)
set_omap f (filter P X) set_omap f X.
Proof. set_solver. Qed.
Section leibniz.
Context `{!LeibnizEquiv D}.
Lemma set_omap_union_L f X Y : set_omap f (X Y) = set_omap f X set_omap f Y.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply set_omap_union. Qed.
Lemma set_omap_singleton_L f x :
set_omap f {[ x ]} = match f x with Some y => {[ y ]} | None => end.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply set_omap_singleton. Qed.
Lemma set_omap_singleton_Some_L f x y :
f x = Some y set_omap f {[ x ]} = {[ y ]}.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply set_omap_singleton_Some. Qed.
Lemma set_omap_singleton_None_L f x : f x = None set_omap f {[ x ]} = ∅.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply set_omap_singleton_None. Qed.
Lemma set_omap_alt_L f X :
set_omap f X = set_bind (λ x, option_to_set (f x)) X.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply set_omap_alt. Qed.
Lemma set_omap_filter_L P `{ x, Decision (P x)} f X :
( x, x X is_Some (f x) P x)
set_omap f (filter P X) = set_omap f X.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply set_omap_filter. Qed.
End leibniz.
End set_omap.
(** * Decision procedures *)
Lemma set_Forall_elements P X : set_Forall P X Forall P (elements X).
Proof. rewrite Forall_forall. by setoid_rewrite elem_of_elements. Qed.
......@@ -389,6 +744,14 @@ Proof.
- intros [X Hfin]. exists (elements X). set_solver.
Lemma dec_pred_finite_set_alt (P : A Prop) `{!∀ x : A, Decision (P x)} :
pred_finite P ( X : C, x, P x x X).
rewrite dec_pred_finite_alt; [|done]. split.
- intros [xs Hfin]. exists (list_to_set xs). set_solver.
- intros [X Hfin]. exists (elements X). set_solver.
Lemma pred_infinite_set (P : A Prop) :
pred_infinite P ( X : C, x, P x x X).
......@@ -432,7 +795,7 @@ Section infinite.
Forall_fresh X xs Y X Forall_fresh Y xs.
Proof. rewrite !Forall_fresh_alt; set_solver. Qed.
Lemma fresh_list_length n X : length (fresh_list n X) = n.
Lemma length_fresh_list n X : length (fresh_list n X) = n.
Proof. revert X. induction n; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma fresh_list_is_fresh n X x : x fresh_list n X x X.
......@@ -451,3 +814,11 @@ Section infinite.
End infinite.
End fin_set.
Lemma size_set_seq `{FinSet nat C} start len :
size (set_seq (C:=C) start len) = len.
rewrite <-list_to_set_seq, size_list_to_set.
2:{ apply NoDup_seq. }
rewrite length_seq. done.
......@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ Class Finite A `{EqDecision A} := {
NoDup_enum : NoDup enum;
elem_of_enum x : x enum
Hint Mode Finite ! - : typeclass_instances.
Arguments enum : clear implicits.
Arguments enum _ {_ _} : assert.
Arguments NoDup_enum : clear implicits.
Arguments NoDup_enum _ {_ _} : assert.
Global Hint Mode Finite ! - : typeclass_instances.
Global Arguments enum : clear implicits.
Global Arguments enum _ {_ _} : assert.
Global Arguments NoDup_enum : clear implicits.
Global Arguments NoDup_enum _ {_ _} : assert.
Definition card A `{Finite A} := length (enum A).
Program Definition finite_countable `{Finite A} : Countable A := {|
......@@ -19,16 +19,15 @@ Program Definition finite_countable `{Finite A} : Countable A := {|
Pos.of_nat $ S $ default 0 $ fst <$> list_find (x =.) (enum A);
decode := λ p, enum A !! pred (Pos.to_nat p)
Arguments Pos.of_nat : simpl never.
Next Obligation.
intros ?? [xs Hxs HA] x; unfold encode, decode; simpl.
destruct (list_find_elem_of (x =.) xs x) as [[i y] Hi]; auto.
rewrite by done; simpl; rewrite Hi; simpl.
destruct (list_find_Some (x =.) xs i y); naive_solver.
Hint Immediate finite_countable : typeclass_instances.
Global Hint Immediate finite_countable : typeclass_instances.
Definition find `{Finite A} P `{ x, Decision (P x)} : option A :=
Definition find `{Finite A} (P : A Prop) `{ x, Decision (P x)} : option A :=
list_find P (enum A) ≫= decode_nat fst.
Lemma encode_lt_card `{finA: Finite A} (x : A) : encode_nat x < card A.
......@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ Proof.
split; [done|]; rewrite Hj; simpl.
apply list_find_Some in Hj as (?&->&?). eauto using NoDup_lookup.
Lemma find_Some `{finA: Finite A} P `{ x, Decision (P x)} (x : A) :
Lemma find_Some `{finA: Finite A} (P : A Prop) `{ x, Decision (P x)} (x : A) :
find P = Some x P x.
destruct finA as [xs Hxs HA]; unfold find, decode_nat, decode; simpl.
......@@ -59,13 +58,13 @@ Proof.
rewrite ! in Hx by done.
destruct (list_find_Some P xs i y); naive_solver.
Lemma find_is_Some `{finA: Finite A} P `{ x, Decision (P x)} (x : A) :
Lemma find_is_Some `{finA: Finite A} (P : A Prop) `{ x, Decision (P x)} (x : A) :
P x y, find P = Some y P y.
destruct finA as [xs Hxs HA]; unfold find, decode; simpl.
intros Hx. destruct (list_find_elem_of P xs x) as [[i y] Hi]; auto.
rewrite Hi; simpl. rewrite ! by done. simpl.
apply list_find_Some in Hi; naive_solver.
rewrite Hi; unfold decode_nat, decode; simpl. rewrite ! by done.
simpl. apply list_find_Some in Hi; naive_solver.
Definition encode_fin `{Finite A} (x : A) : fin (card A) :=
......@@ -119,9 +118,9 @@ Qed.
Lemma finite_inj_Permutation `{Finite A} `{Finite B} (f : A B)
`{!Inj (=) (=) f} : card A = card B f <$> enum A enum B.
intros. apply submseteq_Permutation_length_eq.
- by rewrite fmap_length.
intros. apply submseteq_length_Permutation.
- by apply finite_inj_submseteq.
- rewrite length_fmap. by apply Nat.eq_le_incl.
Lemma finite_inj_surj `{Finite A} `{Finite B} (f : A B)
`{!Inj (=) (=) f} : card A = card B Surj (=) f.
......@@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ Proof.
{ exists (card_0_inv B HA). intros y. apply (card_0_inv _ HA y). }
destruct (finite_surj A B) as (g&?); auto with lia.
destruct (surj_cancel g) as (f&?). exists f. apply cancel_inj.
- intros [f ?]. unfold card. rewrite <-(fmap_length f).
- intros [f ?]. unfold card. rewrite <-(length_fmap f).
by apply submseteq_length, (finite_inj_submseteq f).
Lemma finite_bijective A `{Finite A} B `{Finite B} :
......@@ -204,7 +203,7 @@ Section enc_finite.
Context (to_nat_c : x, to_nat x < c).
Context (to_of_nat : i, i < c to_nat (of_nat i) = i).
Program Instance enc_finite : Finite A := {| enum := of_nat <$> seq 0 c |}.
Local Program Instance enc_finite : Finite A := {| enum := of_nat <$> seq 0 c |}.
Next Obligation.
apply NoDup_alt. intros i j x. rewrite !list_lookup_fmap. intros Hi Hj.
destruct (seq _ _ !! i) as [i'|] eqn:Hi',
......@@ -217,21 +216,41 @@ Section enc_finite.
split; auto. by apply elem_of_list_lookup_2 with (to_nat x), lookup_seq.
Lemma enc_finite_card : card A = c.
Proof. unfold card. simpl. by rewrite fmap_length, seq_length. Qed.
Proof. unfold card. simpl. by rewrite length_fmap, length_seq. Qed.
End enc_finite.
(** If we have a surjection [f : A → B] and [A] is finite, then [B] is finite
too. The surjection [f] could map multiple [x : A] on the same [B], so we
need to remove duplicates in [enum]. If [f] is injective, we do not need to do that,
leading to a potentially faster implementation of [enum], see [bijective_finite]
below. *)
Section surjective_finite.
Context `{Finite A, EqDecision B} (f : A B).
Context `{!Surj (=) f}.
Program Definition surjective_finite: Finite B :=
{| enum := remove_dups (f <$> enum A) |}.
Next Obligation. apply NoDup_remove_dups. Qed.
Next Obligation.
intros y. rewrite elem_of_remove_dups, elem_of_list_fmap.
destruct (surj f y). eauto using elem_of_enum.
End surjective_finite.
Section bijective_finite.
Context `{Finite A, EqDecision B} (f : A B) (g : B A).
Context `{!Inj (=) (=) f, !Cancel (=) f g}.
Context `{Finite A, EqDecision B} (f : A B).
Context `{!Inj (=) (=) f, !Surj (=) f}.
Program Instance bijective_finite: Finite B := {| enum := f <$> enum A |}.
Next Obligation. apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _), NoDup_enum. Qed.
Program Definition bijective_finite : Finite B :=
{| enum := f <$> enum A |}.
Next Obligation. apply (NoDup_fmap f), NoDup_enum. Qed.
Next Obligation.
intros y. rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. eauto using elem_of_enum.
intros b. rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. destruct (surj f b).
eauto using elem_of_enum.
End bijective_finite.
Program Instance option_finite `{Finite A} : Finite (option A) :=
Global Program Instance option_finite `{Finite A} : Finite (option A) :=
{| enum := None :: (Some <$> enum A) |}.
Next Obligation.
......@@ -243,21 +262,21 @@ Next Obligation.
apply elem_of_list_fmap. eauto using elem_of_enum.
Lemma option_cardinality `{Finite A} : card (option A) = S (card A).
Proof. unfold card. simpl. by rewrite fmap_length. Qed.
Proof. unfold card. simpl. by rewrite length_fmap. Qed.
Program Instance Empty_set_finite : Finite Empty_set := {| enum := [] |}.
Global Program Instance Empty_set_finite : Finite Empty_set := {| enum := [] |}.
Next Obligation. by apply NoDup_nil. Qed.
Next Obligation. intros []. Qed.
Lemma Empty_set_card : card Empty_set = 0.
Proof. done. Qed.
Program Instance unit_finite : Finite () := {| enum := [tt] |}.
Global Program Instance unit_finite : Finite () := {| enum := [tt] |}.
Next Obligation. apply NoDup_singleton. Qed.
Next Obligation. intros []. by apply elem_of_list_singleton. Qed.
Lemma unit_card : card unit = 1.
Proof. done. Qed.
Program Instance bool_finite : Finite bool := {| enum := [true; false] |}.
Global Program Instance bool_finite : Finite bool := {| enum := [true; false] |}.
Next Obligation.
constructor; [ by rewrite elem_of_list_singleton | apply NoDup_singleton ].
......@@ -265,7 +284,7 @@ Next Obligation. intros [|]; [ left | right; left ]. Qed.
Lemma bool_card : card bool = 2.
Proof. done. Qed.
Program Instance sum_finite `{Finite A, Finite B} : Finite (A + B)%type :=
Global Program Instance sum_finite `{Finite A, Finite B} : Finite (A + B)%type :=
{| enum := (inl <$> enum A) ++ (inr <$> enum B) |}.
Next Obligation.
intros. apply NoDup_app; split_and?.
......@@ -278,79 +297,68 @@ Next Obligation.
[left|right]; (eexists; split; [done|apply elem_of_enum]).
Lemma sum_card `{Finite A, Finite B} : card (A + B) = card A + card B.
Proof. unfold card. simpl. by rewrite app_length, !fmap_length. Qed.
Proof. unfold card. simpl. by rewrite length_app, !length_fmap. Qed.
Program Instance prod_finite `{Finite A, Finite B} : Finite (A * B)%type :=
{| enum := foldr (λ x, (pair x <$> enum B ++.)) [] (enum A) |}.
Global Program Instance prod_finite `{Finite A, Finite B} : Finite (A * B)%type :=
{| enum := a enum A; (a,.) <$> enum B |}.
Next Obligation.
intros A ?????. induction (NoDup_enum A) as [|x xs Hx Hxs IH]; simpl.
{ constructor. }
apply NoDup_app; split_and?.
- by apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _), NoDup_enum.
- intros [? y]. rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. intros (?&?&?); simplify_eq.
clear IH. induction Hxs as [|x' xs ?? IH]; simpl.
{ rewrite elem_of_nil. tauto. }
rewrite elem_of_app, elem_of_list_fmap.
intros [(?&?&?)|?]; simplify_eq.
+ destruct Hx. by left.
+ destruct IH; [ | by auto ]. by intro; destruct Hx; right.
- done.
intros A ?????. apply NoDup_bind.
- intros a1 a2 [a b] ?? (?&?&_)%elem_of_list_fmap (?&?&_)%elem_of_list_fmap.
- intros a ?. rewrite (NoDup_fmap _). apply NoDup_enum.
- apply NoDup_enum.
Next Obligation.
intros ?????? [x y]. induction (elem_of_enum x); simpl.
- rewrite elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap. eauto using elem_of_enum.
- rewrite elem_of_app; eauto.
intros ?????? [a b]. apply elem_of_list_bind.
exists a. eauto using elem_of_enum, elem_of_list_fmap_1.
Lemma prod_card `{Finite A} `{Finite B} : card (A * B) = card A * card B.
unfold card; simpl. induction (enum A); simpl; auto.
rewrite app_length, fmap_length. auto.
rewrite length_app, length_fmap. auto.
Definition list_enum {A} (l : list A) : n, list { l : list A | length l = n } :=
fix go n :=
Fixpoint vec_enum {A} (l : list A) (n : nat) : list (vec A n) :=
match n with
| 0 => [[]eq_refl]
| S n => foldr (λ x, (sig_map (x ::.) (λ _ H, f_equal S H) <$> (go n) ++.)) [] l
| 0 => [[#]]
| S m => a l; vcons a <$> vec_enum l m
Program Instance list_finite `{Finite A} n : Finite { l : list A | length l = n } :=
{| enum := list_enum (enum A) n |}.
Global Program Instance vec_finite `{Finite A} n : Finite (vec A n) :=
{| enum := vec_enum (enum A) n |}.
Next Obligation.
intros A ?? n. induction n as [|n IH]; simpl; [apply NoDup_singleton |].
revert IH. generalize (list_enum (enum A) n). intros l Hl.
induction (NoDup_enum A) as [|x xs Hx Hxs IH]; simpl; auto; [constructor |].
apply NoDup_app; split_and?.
- by apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _).
- intros [k1 Hk1]. clear Hxs IH. rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
intros ([k2 Hk2]&?&?) Hxk2; simplify_eq/=. destruct Hx. revert Hxk2.
induction xs as [|x' xs IH]; simpl in *; [by rewrite elem_of_nil |].
rewrite elem_of_app, elem_of_list_fmap, elem_of_cons.
intros [([??]&?&?)|?]; simplify_eq/=; auto.
- apply IH.
intros A ?? n. induction n as [|n IH]; csimpl; [apply NoDup_singleton|].
apply NoDup_bind.
- intros x1 x2 y ?? (?&?&_)%elem_of_list_fmap (?&?&_)%elem_of_list_fmap.
- intros x ?. rewrite NoDup_fmap by (intros ?; apply vcons_inj_2). done.
- apply NoDup_enum.
Next Obligation.
intros A ?? n [l Hl]. revert l Hl.
induction n as [|n IH]; intros [|x l] Hl; simpl; simplify_eq.
{ apply elem_of_list_singleton. by apply (sig_eq_pi _). }
revert IH. generalize (list_enum (enum A) n). intros k Hk.
induction (elem_of_enum x) as [x xs|x xs]; simpl in *.
- rewrite elem_of_app, elem_of_list_fmap. left. injection Hl. intros Hl'.
eexists (lHl'). split; [|done]. by apply (sig_eq_pi _).
- rewrite elem_of_app. eauto.
intros A ?? n v. induction v as [|x n v IH]; csimpl; [apply elem_of_list_here|].
apply elem_of_list_bind. eauto using elem_of_enum, elem_of_list_fmap_1.
Lemma list_card `{Finite A} n : card { l : list A | length l = n } = card A ^ n.
Lemma vec_card `{Finite A} n : card (vec A n) = card A ^ n.
unfold card; simpl. induction n as [|n IH]; simpl; auto.
rewrite <-IH. clear IH. generalize (list_enum (enum A) n).
induction (enum A) as [|x xs IH]; intros l; simpl; auto.
by rewrite app_length, fmap_length, IH.
unfold card; simpl. induction n as [|n IH]; simpl; [done|].
rewrite <-IH. clear IH. generalize (vec_enum (enum A) n).
induction (enum A) as [|x xs IH]; intros l; csimpl; auto.
by rewrite length_app, length_fmap, IH.
Global Instance list_finite `{Finite A} n : Finite { l : list A | length l = n }.
refine (bijective_finite (λ v : vec A n, vec_to_list v length_vec_to_list _)).
- abstract (by intros v1 v2 [= ?%vec_to_list_inj2]).
- abstract (intros [l <-]; exists (list_to_vec l);
apply (sig_eq_pi _), vec_to_list_to_vec).
Lemma list_card `{Finite A} n : card { l : list A | length l = n } = card A ^ n.
Proof. unfold card; simpl. rewrite length_fmap. apply vec_card. Qed.
Fixpoint fin_enum (n : nat) : list (fin n) :=
match n with 0 => [] | S n => 0%fin :: (FS <$> fin_enum n) end.
Program Instance fin_finite n : Finite (fin n) := {| enum := fin_enum n |}.
Global Program Instance fin_finite n : Finite (fin n) := {| enum := fin_enum n |}.
Next Obligation.
intros n. induction n; simpl; constructor.
- rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. by intros (?&?&?).
......@@ -361,7 +369,18 @@ Next Obligation.
rewrite elem_of_cons, ?elem_of_list_fmap; eauto.
Lemma fin_card n : card (fin n) = n.
Proof. unfold card; simpl. induction n; simpl; rewrite ?fmap_length; auto. Qed.
Proof. unfold card; simpl. induction n; simpl; rewrite ?length_fmap; auto. Qed.
(* shouldn’t be an instance (cycle with [sig_finite]): *)
Lemma finite_sig_dec `{!EqDecision A} (P : A Prop) `{Finite (sig P)} x :
Decision (P x).
assert {xs : list A | x, P x x xs} as [xs ?].
{ clear x. exists (proj1_sig <$> enum _). intros x. split; intros Hx.
- apply elem_of_list_fmap_1_alt with (x Hx); [apply elem_of_enum|]; done.
- apply elem_of_list_fmap in Hx as [[x' Hx'] [-> _]]; done. }
destruct (decide (x xs)); [left | right]; naive_solver.
Qed. (* <- could be Defined but this lemma will probably not be used for computing *)
Section sig_finite.
Context {A} (P : A Prop) `{ x, Decision (P x)}.
......@@ -396,5 +415,48 @@ Section sig_finite.
split; [by destruct p | apply elem_of_enum].
Lemma sig_card : card (sig P) = length (filter P (enum A)).
Proof. by rewrite <-list_filter_sig_filter, fmap_length. Qed.
Proof. by rewrite <-list_filter_sig_filter, length_fmap. Qed.
End sig_finite.
Lemma finite_pigeonhole `{Finite A} `{Finite B} (f : A B) :
card B < card A x1 x2, x1 x2 f x1 = f x2.
intros. apply dec_stable; intros Heq.
cut (Inj eq eq f); [intros ?%inj_card; lia|].
intros x1 x2 ?. apply dec_stable. naive_solver.
Lemma nat_pigeonhole (f : nat nat) (n1 n2 : nat) :
n2 < n1
( i, i < n1 f i < n2)
i1 i2, i1 < i2 < n1 f i1 = f i2.
intros Hn Hf. pose (f' (i : fin n1) := nat_to_fin (Hf _ (fin_to_nat_lt i))).
destruct (finite_pigeonhole f') as (i1&i2&Hi&Hf'); [by rewrite !fin_card|].
apply (not_inj (f:=fin_to_nat)) in Hi. apply (f_equal fin_to_nat) in Hf'.
unfold f' in Hf'. rewrite !fin_to_nat_to_fin in Hf'.
pose proof (fin_to_nat_lt i1); pose proof (fin_to_nat_lt i2).
destruct (decide (i1 < i2)); [exists i1, i2|exists i2, i1]; lia.
Lemma list_pigeonhole {A} (l1 l2 : list A) :
l1 l2
length l2 < length l1
i1 i2 x, i1 < i2 l1 !! i1 = Some x l1 !! i2 = Some x.
intros Hl Hlen.
assert ( i : fin (length l1), (j : fin (length l2)) x,
l1 !! (fin_to_nat i) = Some x
l2 !! (fin_to_nat j) = Some x) as [f Hf]%fin_choice.
{ intros i. destruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 l1 i)
as [x Hix]; [apply fin_to_nat_lt|].
assert (x l2) as [j Hjx]%elem_of_list_lookup_1
by (by eapply Hl, elem_of_list_lookup_2).
exists (nat_to_fin (lookup_lt_Some _ _ _ Hjx)), x.
by rewrite fin_to_nat_to_fin. }
destruct (finite_pigeonhole f) as (i1&i2&Hi&Hf'); [by rewrite !fin_card|].
destruct (Hf i1) as (x1&?&?), (Hf i2) as (x2&?&?).
assert (x1 = x2) as -> by congruence.
apply (not_inj (f:=fin_to_nat)) in Hi. apply (f_equal fin_to_nat) in Hf'.
destruct (decide (i1 < i2)); [exists i1, i2|exists i2, i1]; eauto with lia.
File moved
(** This files implements an efficient implementation of finite maps whose keys
range over Coq's data type of any countable type [K]. The data structure is
similar to [Pmap], which in turn is based on the "canonical" binary tries
representation by Appel and Leroy, It thus
has the same good properties:
- It guarantees logarithmic-time [lookup] and [partial_alter], and linear-time
[merge]. It has a low constant factor for computation in Coq compared to other
versions (see the Appel and Leroy paper for benchmarks).
- It satisfies extensional equality [(∀ i, m1 !! i = m2 !! i) → m1 = m2].
- It can be used in nested recursive definitions, e.g.,
[Inductive test := Test : gmap test → test]. This is possible because we do
_not_ use a Sigma type to ensure canonical representations (a Sigma type would
break Coq's strict positivity check).
Compared to [Pmap], we not only need to make sure the trie representation is
canonical, we also need to make sure that all positions (of type positive) are
valid encodings of [K]. That is, for each position [q] in the trie, we have
[encode <$> decode q = Some q].
Instead of formalizing this condition using a Sigma type (which would break
the strict positivity check in nested recursive definitions), we make
[gmap_dep_ne A P] dependent on a predicate [P : positive → Prop] that describes
the subset of valid positions, and instantiate it with [gmap_key K].
The predicate [P : positive → Prop] is considered irrelevant by extraction, so
after extraction, the resulting data structure is identical to [Pmap]. *)
From stdpp Require Export countable infinite fin_maps fin_map_dom.
From stdpp Require Import mapset pmap.
From stdpp Require Import options.
Local Open Scope positive_scope.
Local Notation "P ~ 0" := (λ p, P p~0) : function_scope.
Local Notation "P ~ 1" := (λ p, P p~1) : function_scope.
Implicit Type P : positive Prop.
(** * The tree data structure *)
Inductive gmap_dep_ne (A : Type) (P : positive Prop) :=
| GNode001 : gmap_dep_ne A P~1 gmap_dep_ne A P
| GNode010 : P 1 A gmap_dep_ne A P
| GNode011 : P 1 A gmap_dep_ne A P~1 gmap_dep_ne A P
| GNode100 : gmap_dep_ne A P~0 gmap_dep_ne A P
| GNode101 : gmap_dep_ne A P~0 gmap_dep_ne A P~1 gmap_dep_ne A P
| GNode110 : gmap_dep_ne A P~0 P 1 A gmap_dep_ne A P
| GNode111 : gmap_dep_ne A P~0 P 1 A gmap_dep_ne A P~1 gmap_dep_ne A P.
Global Arguments GNode001 {A P} _ : assert.
Global Arguments GNode010 {A P} _ _ : assert.
Global Arguments GNode011 {A P} _ _ _ : assert.
Global Arguments GNode100 {A P} _ : assert.
Global Arguments GNode101 {A P} _ _ : assert.
Global Arguments GNode110 {A P} _ _ _ : assert.
Global Arguments GNode111 {A P} _ _ _ _ : assert.
(** Using [Variant] we suppress the generation of the induction scheme. We use
the induction scheme [gmap_ind] in terms of the smart constructors to reduce the
number of cases, similar to Appel and Leroy. *)
Variant gmap_dep (A : Type) (P : positive Prop) :=
| GEmpty : gmap_dep A P
| GNodes : gmap_dep_ne A P gmap_dep A P.
Global Arguments GEmpty {A P}.
Global Arguments GNodes {A P} _.
Record gmap_key K `{Countable K} (q : positive) :=
GMapKey { _ : encode (A:=K) <$> decode q = Some q }.
Add Printing Constructor gmap_key.
Global Arguments GMapKey {_ _ _ _} _.
Lemma gmap_key_encode `{Countable K} (k : K) : gmap_key K (encode k).
Proof. constructor. by rewrite decode_encode. Qed.
Global Instance gmap_key_pi `{Countable K} q : ProofIrrel (gmap_key K q).
Proof. intros [?] [?]. f_equal. apply (proof_irrel _). Qed.
Record gmap K `{Countable K} A := GMap { gmap_car : gmap_dep A (gmap_key K) }.
Add Printing Constructor gmap.
Global Arguments GMap {_ _ _ _} _.
Global Arguments gmap_car {_ _ _ _} _.
Global Instance gmap_dep_ne_eq_dec {A P} :
EqDecision A ( i, ProofIrrel (P i)) EqDecision (gmap_dep_ne A P).
intros ? Hirr t1 t2. revert P t1 t2 Hirr.
refine (fix go {P} (t1 t2 : gmap_dep_ne A P) {Hirr : _} : Decision (t1 = t2) :=
match t1, t2 with
| GNode001 r1, GNode001 r2 => cast_if (go r1 r2)
| GNode010 _ x1, GNode010 _ x2 => cast_if (decide (x1 = x2))
| GNode011 _ x1 r1, GNode011 _ x2 r2 =>
cast_if_and (decide (x1 = x2)) (go r1 r2)
| GNode100 l1, GNode100 l2 => cast_if (go l1 l2)
| GNode101 l1 r1, GNode101 l2 r2 => cast_if_and (go l1 l2) (go r1 r2)
| GNode110 l1 _ x1, GNode110 l2 _ x2 =>
cast_if_and (go l1 l2) (decide (x1 = x2))
| GNode111 l1 _ x1 r1, GNode111 l2 _ x2 r2 =>
cast_if_and3 (go l1 l2) (decide (x1 = x2)) (go r1 r2)
| _, _ => right _
clear go; abstract first [congruence|f_equal; done || apply Hirr|idtac].
Global Instance gmap_dep_eq_dec {A P} :
( i, ProofIrrel (P i)) EqDecision A EqDecision (gmap_dep A P).
Proof. intros. solve_decision. Defined.
Global Instance gmap_eq_dec `{Countable K} {A} :
EqDecision A EqDecision (gmap K A).
Proof. intros. solve_decision. Defined.
(** The smart constructor [GNode] and eliminator [gmap_dep_ne_case] are used to
reduce the number of cases, similar to Appel and Leroy. *)
Local Definition GNode {A P}
(ml : gmap_dep A P~0)
(mx : option (P 1 * A)) (mr : gmap_dep A P~1) : gmap_dep A P :=
match ml, mx, mr with
| GEmpty, None, GEmpty => GEmpty
| GEmpty, None, GNodes r => GNodes (GNode001 r)
| GEmpty, Some (p,x), GEmpty => GNodes (GNode010 p x)
| GEmpty, Some (p,x), GNodes r => GNodes (GNode011 p x r)
| GNodes l, None, GEmpty => GNodes (GNode100 l)
| GNodes l, None, GNodes r => GNodes (GNode101 l r)
| GNodes l, Some (p,x), GEmpty => GNodes (GNode110 l p x)
| GNodes l, Some (p,x), GNodes r => GNodes (GNode111 l p x r)
Local Definition gmap_dep_ne_case {A P B} (t : gmap_dep_ne A P)
(f : gmap_dep A P~0 option (P 1 * A) gmap_dep A P~1 B) : B :=
match t with
| GNode001 r => f GEmpty None (GNodes r)
| GNode010 p x => f GEmpty (Some (p,x)) GEmpty
| GNode011 p x r => f GEmpty (Some (p,x)) (GNodes r)
| GNode100 l => f (GNodes l) None GEmpty
| GNode101 l r => f (GNodes l) None (GNodes r)
| GNode110 l p x => f (GNodes l) (Some (p,x)) GEmpty
| GNode111 l p x r => f (GNodes l) (Some (p,x)) (GNodes r)
(** Operations *)
Local Definition gmap_dep_ne_lookup {A} : {P}, positive gmap_dep_ne A P option A :=
fix go {P} i t {struct t} :=
match t, i with
| (GNode010 _ x | GNode011 _ x _ | GNode110 _ _ x | GNode111 _ _ x _), 1 => Some x
| (GNode100 l | GNode110 l _ _ | GNode101 l _ | GNode111 l _ _ _), i~0 => go i l
| (GNode001 r | GNode011 _ _ r | GNode101 _ r | GNode111 _ _ _ r), i~1 => go i r
| _, _ => None
Local Definition gmap_dep_lookup {A P}
(i : positive) (mt : gmap_dep A P) : option A :=
match mt with GEmpty => None | GNodes t => gmap_dep_ne_lookup i t end.
Global Instance gmap_lookup `{Countable K} {A} :
Lookup K A (gmap K A) := λ k mt,
gmap_dep_lookup (encode k) (gmap_car mt).
Global Instance gmap_empty `{Countable K} {A} : Empty (gmap K A) := GMap GEmpty.
(** Block reduction, even on concrete [gmap]s.
Marking [gmap_empty] as [simpl never] would not be enough, because of and
And marking [gmap] consumers as [simpl never] does not work either, see: *)
Global Opaque gmap_empty.
Local Fixpoint gmap_dep_ne_singleton {A P} (i : positive) :
P i A gmap_dep_ne A P :=
match i with
| 1 => GNode010
| i~0 => λ p x, GNode100 (gmap_dep_ne_singleton i p x)
| i~1 => λ p x, GNode001 (gmap_dep_ne_singleton i p x)
Local Definition gmap_partial_alter_aux {A P}
(go : i, P i gmap_dep_ne A P gmap_dep A P)
(f : option A option A) (i : positive) (p : P i)
(mt : gmap_dep A P) : gmap_dep A P :=
match mt with
| GEmpty =>
match f None with
| None => GEmpty | Some x => GNodes (gmap_dep_ne_singleton i p x)
| GNodes t => go i p t
Local Definition gmap_dep_ne_partial_alter {A} (f : option A option A) :
{P} (i : positive), P i gmap_dep_ne A P gmap_dep A P :=
Eval lazy -[gmap_dep_ne_singleton] in
fix go {P} i p t {struct t} :=
gmap_dep_ne_case t $ λ ml mx mr,
match i with
| 1 => λ p, GNode ml ((p,.) <$> f (snd <$> mx)) mr
| i~0 => λ p, GNode (gmap_partial_alter_aux go f i p ml) mx mr
| i~1 => λ p, GNode ml mx (gmap_partial_alter_aux go f i p mr)
end p.
Local Definition gmap_dep_partial_alter {A P}
(f : option A option A) : i : positive, P i gmap_dep A P gmap_dep A P :=
gmap_partial_alter_aux (gmap_dep_ne_partial_alter f) f.
Global Instance gmap_partial_alter `{Countable K} {A} :
PartialAlter K A (gmap K A) := λ f k '(GMap mt),
GMap $ gmap_dep_partial_alter f (encode k) (gmap_key_encode k) mt.
Local Definition gmap_dep_ne_fmap {A B} (f : A B) :
{P}, gmap_dep_ne A P gmap_dep_ne B P :=
fix go {P} t :=
match t with
| GNode001 r => GNode001 (go r)
| GNode010 p x => GNode010 p (f x)
| GNode011 p x r => GNode011 p (f x) (go r)
| GNode100 l => GNode100 (go l)
| GNode101 l r => GNode101 (go l) (go r)
| GNode110 l p x => GNode110 (go l) p (f x)
| GNode111 l p x r => GNode111 (go l) p (f x) (go r)
Local Definition gmap_dep_fmap {A B P} (f : A B)
(mt : gmap_dep A P) : gmap_dep B P :=
match mt with GEmpty => GEmpty | GNodes t => GNodes (gmap_dep_ne_fmap f t) end.
Global Instance gmap_fmap `{Countable K} : FMap (gmap K) := λ {A B} f '(GMap mt),
GMap $ gmap_dep_fmap f mt.
Local Definition gmap_dep_omap_aux {A B P}
(go : gmap_dep_ne A P gmap_dep B P) (tm : gmap_dep A P) : gmap_dep B P :=
match tm with GEmpty => GEmpty | GNodes t' => go t' end.
Local Definition gmap_dep_ne_omap {A B} (f : A option B) :
{P}, gmap_dep_ne A P gmap_dep B P :=
fix go {P} t :=
gmap_dep_ne_case t $ λ ml mx mr,
GNode (gmap_dep_omap_aux go ml) ('(p,x) mx; (p,.) <$> f x)
(gmap_dep_omap_aux go mr).
Local Definition gmap_dep_omap {A B P} (f : A option B) :
gmap_dep A P gmap_dep B P := gmap_dep_omap_aux (gmap_dep_ne_omap f).
Global Instance gmap_omap `{Countable K} : OMap (gmap K) := λ {A B} f '(GMap mt),
GMap $ gmap_dep_omap f mt.
Local Definition gmap_merge_aux {A B C P}
(go : gmap_dep_ne A P gmap_dep_ne B P gmap_dep C P)
(f : option A option B option C)
(mt1 : gmap_dep A P) (mt2 : gmap_dep B P) : gmap_dep C P :=
match mt1, mt2 with
| GEmpty, GEmpty => GEmpty
| GNodes t1', GEmpty => gmap_dep_ne_omap (λ x, f (Some x) None) t1'
| GEmpty, GNodes t2' => gmap_dep_ne_omap (λ x, f None (Some x)) t2'
| GNodes t1', GNodes t2' => go t1' t2'
Local Definition diag_None' {A B C} {P : Prop}
(f : option A option B option C)
(mx : option (P * A)) (my : option (P * B)) : option (P * C) :=
match mx, my with
| None, None => None
| Some (p,x), None => (p,.) <$> f (Some x) None
| None, Some (p,y) => (p,.) <$> f None (Some y)
| Some (p,x), Some (_,y) => (p,.) <$> f (Some x) (Some y)
Local Definition gmap_dep_ne_merge {A B C} (f : option A option B option C) :
{P}, gmap_dep_ne A P gmap_dep_ne B P gmap_dep C P :=
fix go {P} t1 t2 {struct t1} :=
gmap_dep_ne_case t1 $ λ ml1 mx1 mr1,
gmap_dep_ne_case t2 $ λ ml2 mx2 mr2,
GNode (gmap_merge_aux go f ml1 ml2) (diag_None' f mx1 mx2)
(gmap_merge_aux go f mr1 mr2).
Local Definition gmap_dep_merge {A B C P} (f : option A option B option C) :
gmap_dep A P gmap_dep B P gmap_dep C P :=
gmap_merge_aux (gmap_dep_ne_merge f) f.
Global Instance gmap_merge `{Countable K} : Merge (gmap K) :=
λ {A B C} f '(GMap mt1) '(GMap mt2), GMap $ gmap_dep_merge f mt1 mt2.
Local Definition gmap_fold_aux {A B P}
(go : positive B gmap_dep_ne A P B)
(i : positive) (y : B) (mt : gmap_dep A P) : B :=
match mt with GEmpty => y | GNodes t => go i y t end.
Local Definition gmap_dep_ne_fold {A B} (f : positive A B B) :
{P}, positive B gmap_dep_ne A P B :=
fix go {P} i y t :=
gmap_dep_ne_case t $ λ ml mx mr,
gmap_fold_aux go i~1
(gmap_fold_aux go i~0
match mx with None => y | Some (p,x) => f (Pos.reverse i) x y end ml) mr.
Local Definition gmap_dep_fold {A B P} (f : positive A B B) :
positive B gmap_dep A P B :=
gmap_fold_aux (gmap_dep_ne_fold f).
Global Instance gmap_fold `{Countable K} {A} :
MapFold K A (gmap K A) := λ {B} f y '(GMap mt),
gmap_dep_fold (λ i x, match decode i with Some k => f k x | None => id end) 1 y mt.
(** Proofs *)
Local Definition GNode_valid {A P}
(ml : gmap_dep A P~0) (mx : option (P 1 * A)) (mr : gmap_dep A P~1) :=
match ml, mx, mr with GEmpty, None, GEmpty => False | _, _, _ => True end.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_ind A (Q : P, gmap_dep A P Prop) :
( P, Q P GEmpty)
( P ml mx mr, GNode_valid ml mx mr Q _ ml Q _ mr Q P (GNode ml mx mr))
P mt, Q P mt.
intros Hemp Hnode P [|t]; [done|]. induction t.
- by apply (Hnode _ GEmpty None (GNodes _)).
- by apply (Hnode _ GEmpty (Some (_,_)) GEmpty).
- by apply (Hnode _ GEmpty (Some (_,_)) (GNodes _)).
- by apply (Hnode _ (GNodes _) None GEmpty).
- by apply (Hnode _ (GNodes _) None (GNodes _)).
- by apply (Hnode _ (GNodes _) (Some (_,_)) GEmpty).
- by apply (Hnode _ (GNodes _) (Some (_,_)) (GNodes _)).
Local Lemma gmap_dep_lookup_GNode {A P} (ml : gmap_dep A P~0) mr mx i :
gmap_dep_lookup i (GNode ml mx mr) =
match i with
| 1 => snd <$> mx | i~0 => gmap_dep_lookup i ml | i~1 => gmap_dep_lookup i mr
Proof. by destruct ml, mx as [[]|], mr, i. Qed.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_ne_lookup_not_None {A P} (t : gmap_dep_ne A P) :
i, P i gmap_dep_ne_lookup i t None.
induction t; repeat select ( _, _) (fun H => destruct H);
try first [by eexists 1|by eexists _~0|by eexists _~1].
Local Lemma gmap_dep_eq_empty {A P} (mt : gmap_dep A P) :
( i, P i gmap_dep_lookup i mt = None) mt = GEmpty.
intros Hlookup. destruct mt as [|t]; [done|].
destruct (gmap_dep_ne_lookup_not_None t); naive_solver.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_eq {A P} (mt1 mt2 : gmap_dep A P) :
( i, ProofIrrel (P i))
( i, P i gmap_dep_lookup i mt1 = gmap_dep_lookup i mt2) mt1 = mt2.
revert mt2. induction mt1 as [|P ml1 mx1 mr1 _ IHl IHr] using gmap_dep_ind;
intros mt2 ? Hlookup;
destruct mt2 as [|? ml2 mx2 mr2 _ _ _] using gmap_dep_ind.
- done.
- symmetry. apply gmap_dep_eq_empty. naive_solver.
- apply gmap_dep_eq_empty. naive_solver.
- f_equal.
+ apply (IHl _ _). intros i. generalize (Hlookup (i~0)).
by rewrite !gmap_dep_lookup_GNode.
+ generalize (Hlookup 1). rewrite !gmap_dep_lookup_GNode.
destruct mx1 as [[]|], mx2 as [[]|]; intros; simplify_eq/=;
repeat f_equal; try apply proof_irrel; naive_solver.
+ apply (IHr _ _). intros i. generalize (Hlookup (i~1)).
by rewrite !gmap_dep_lookup_GNode.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_ne_lookup_singleton {A P} i (p : P i) (x : A) :
gmap_dep_ne_lookup i (gmap_dep_ne_singleton i p x) = Some x.
Proof. revert P p. induction i; by simpl. Qed.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_ne_lookup_singleton_ne {A P} i j (p : P i) (x : A) :
i j gmap_dep_ne_lookup j (gmap_dep_ne_singleton i p x) = None.
Proof. revert P j p. induction i; intros ? [?|?|]; naive_solver. Qed.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_partial_alter_GNode {A P} (f : option A option A)
i (p : P i) (ml : gmap_dep A P~0) mx mr :
GNode_valid ml mx mr
gmap_dep_partial_alter f i p (GNode ml mx mr) =
match i with
| 1 => λ p, GNode ml ((p,.) <$> f (snd <$> mx)) mr
| i~0 => λ p, GNode (gmap_dep_partial_alter f i p ml) mx mr
| i~1 => λ p, GNode ml mx (gmap_dep_partial_alter f i p mr)
end p.
Proof. by destruct ml, mx as [[]|], mr. Qed.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_lookup_partial_alter {A P} (f : option A option A)
(mt : gmap_dep A P) i (p : P i) :
gmap_dep_lookup i (gmap_dep_partial_alter f i p mt) = f (gmap_dep_lookup i mt).
revert i p. induction mt using gmap_dep_ind.
{ intros i p; simpl. destruct (f None); simpl; [|done].
by rewrite gmap_dep_ne_lookup_singleton. }
intros [] ?;
rewrite gmap_dep_partial_alter_GNode, !gmap_dep_lookup_GNode by done;
done || by destruct (f _).
Local Lemma gmap_dep_lookup_partial_alter_ne {A P} (f : option A option A)
(mt : gmap_dep A P) i (p : P i) j :
i j
gmap_dep_lookup j (gmap_dep_partial_alter f i p mt) = gmap_dep_lookup j mt.
revert i p j; induction mt using gmap_dep_ind.
{ intros i p j ?; simpl. destruct (f None); simpl; [|done].
by rewrite gmap_dep_ne_lookup_singleton_ne. }
intros [] ? [] ?;
rewrite gmap_dep_partial_alter_GNode, !gmap_dep_lookup_GNode by done;
auto with lia.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_lookup_fmap {A B P} (f : A B) (mt : gmap_dep A P) i :
gmap_dep_lookup i (gmap_dep_fmap f mt) = f <$> gmap_dep_lookup i mt.
destruct mt as [|t]; simpl; [done|].
revert i. induction t; intros []; by simpl.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_omap_GNode {A B P} (f : A option B)
(ml : gmap_dep A P~0) mx mr :
GNode_valid ml mx mr
gmap_dep_omap f (GNode ml mx mr) =
GNode (gmap_dep_omap f ml) ('(p,x) mx; (p,.) <$> f x) (gmap_dep_omap f mr).
Proof. by destruct ml, mx as [[]|], mr. Qed.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_lookup_omap {A B P} (f : A option B) (mt : gmap_dep A P) i :
gmap_dep_lookup i (gmap_dep_omap f mt) = gmap_dep_lookup i mt ≫= f.
revert i. induction mt using gmap_dep_ind; [done|].
intros [];
rewrite gmap_dep_omap_GNode, !gmap_dep_lookup_GNode by done; [done..|].
destruct select (option _) as [[]|]; simpl; by try destruct (f _).
Section gmap_merge.
Context {A B C} (f : option A option B option C).
Local Lemma gmap_dep_merge_GNode_GEmpty {P} (ml : gmap_dep A P~0) mx mr :
GNode_valid ml mx mr
gmap_dep_merge f (GNode ml mx mr) GEmpty =
GNode (gmap_dep_omap (λ x, f (Some x) None) ml) (diag_None' f mx None)
(gmap_dep_omap (λ x, f (Some x) None) mr).
Proof. by destruct ml, mx as [[]|], mr. Qed.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_merge_GEmpty_GNode {P} (ml : gmap_dep B P~0) mx mr :
GNode_valid ml mx mr
gmap_dep_merge f GEmpty (GNode ml mx mr) =
GNode (gmap_dep_omap (λ x, f None (Some x)) ml) (diag_None' f None mx)
(gmap_dep_omap (λ x, f None (Some x)) mr).
Proof. by destruct ml, mx as [[]|], mr. Qed.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_merge_GNode_GNode {P}
(ml1 : gmap_dep A P~0) ml2 mx1 mx2 mr1 mr2 :
GNode_valid ml1 mx1 mr1 GNode_valid ml2 mx2 mr2
gmap_dep_merge f (GNode ml1 mx1 mr1) (GNode ml2 mx2 mr2) =
GNode (gmap_dep_merge f ml1 ml2) (diag_None' f mx1 mx2)
(gmap_dep_merge f mr1 mr2).
Proof. by destruct ml1, mx1 as [[]|], mr1, ml2, mx2 as [[]|], mr2. Qed.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_lookup_merge {P} (mt1 : gmap_dep A P) (mt2 : gmap_dep B P) i :
gmap_dep_lookup i (gmap_dep_merge f mt1 mt2) =
diag_None f (gmap_dep_lookup i mt1) (gmap_dep_lookup i mt2).
revert mt2 i; induction mt1 using gmap_dep_ind; intros mt2 i.
{ induction mt2 using gmap_dep_ind; [done|].
rewrite gmap_dep_merge_GEmpty_GNode, gmap_dep_lookup_GNode by done.
destruct i as [i|i|];
rewrite ?gmap_dep_lookup_omap, gmap_dep_lookup_GNode; simpl;
[by destruct (gmap_dep_lookup i _)..|].
destruct select (option _) as [[]|]; simpl; by try destruct (f _). }
destruct mt2 using gmap_dep_ind.
{ rewrite gmap_dep_merge_GNode_GEmpty, gmap_dep_lookup_GNode by done.
destruct i as [i|i|];
rewrite ?gmap_dep_lookup_omap, gmap_dep_lookup_GNode; simpl;
[by destruct (gmap_dep_lookup i _)..|].
destruct select (option _) as [[]|]; simpl; by try destruct (f _). }
rewrite gmap_dep_merge_GNode_GNode by done.
destruct i; rewrite ?gmap_dep_lookup_GNode; [done..|].
repeat destruct select (option _) as [[]|]; simpl; by try destruct (f _).
End gmap_merge.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_fold_GNode {A B} (f : positive A B B)
{P} i y (ml : gmap_dep A P~0) mx mr :
gmap_dep_fold f i y (GNode ml mx mr) = gmap_dep_fold f i~1
(gmap_dep_fold f i~0
match mx with None => y | Some (_,x) => f (Pos.reverse i) x y end ml) mr.
Proof. by destruct ml, mx as [[]|], mr. Qed.
Local Lemma gmap_dep_fold_ind {A} {P} (Q : gmap_dep A P Prop) :
Q GEmpty
( i p x mt,
gmap_dep_lookup i mt = None
( j A' B (f : positive A' B B) (g : A A') b x',
gmap_dep_fold f j b
(gmap_dep_partial_alter (λ _, Some x') i p (gmap_dep_fmap g mt))
= f (Pos.reverse_go i j) x' (gmap_dep_fold f j b (gmap_dep_fmap g mt)))
Q mt Q (gmap_dep_partial_alter (λ _, Some x) i p mt))
mt, Q mt.
intros Hemp Hinsert mt. revert Q Hemp Hinsert.
induction mt as [|P ml mx mr ? IHl IHr] using gmap_dep_ind;
intros Q Hemp Hinsert; [done|].
apply (IHr (λ mt, Q (GNode ml mx mt))).
{ apply (IHl (λ mt, Q (GNode mt mx GEmpty))).
{ destruct mx as [[p x]|]; [|done].
replace (GNode GEmpty (Some (p,x)) GEmpty) with
(gmap_dep_partial_alter (λ _, Some x) 1 p GEmpty) by done.
by apply Hinsert. }
intros i p x mt r ? Hfold.
replace (GNode (gmap_dep_partial_alter (λ _, Some x) i p mt) mx GEmpty)
with (gmap_dep_partial_alter (λ _, Some x) (i~0) p (GNode mt mx GEmpty))
by (by destruct mt, mx as [[]|]).
apply Hinsert.
- by rewrite gmap_dep_lookup_GNode.
- intros j A' B f g b x'.
replace (gmap_dep_partial_alter (λ _, Some x') (i~0) p
(gmap_dep_fmap g (GNode mt mx GEmpty)))
with (GNode (gmap_dep_partial_alter (λ _, Some x') i p (gmap_dep_fmap g mt))
(prod_map id g <$> mx) GEmpty)
by (by destruct mt, mx as [[]|]).
replace (gmap_dep_fmap g (GNode mt mx GEmpty))
with (GNode (gmap_dep_fmap g mt) (prod_map id g <$> mx) GEmpty)
by (by destruct mt, mx as [[]|]).
rewrite !gmap_dep_fold_GNode; simpl; auto.
- done. }
intros i p x mt r ? Hfold.
replace (GNode ml mx (gmap_dep_partial_alter (λ _, Some x) i p mt))
with (gmap_dep_partial_alter (λ _, Some x) (i~1) p (GNode ml mx mt))
by (by destruct ml, mx as [[]|], mt).
apply Hinsert.
- by rewrite gmap_dep_lookup_GNode.
- intros j A' B f g b x'.
replace (gmap_dep_partial_alter (λ _, Some x') (i~1) p
(gmap_dep_fmap g (GNode ml mx mt)))
with (GNode (gmap_dep_fmap g ml) (prod_map id g <$> mx)
(gmap_dep_partial_alter (λ _, Some x') i p (gmap_dep_fmap g mt)))
by (by destruct ml, mx as [[]|], mt).
replace (gmap_dep_fmap g (GNode ml mx mt))
with (GNode (gmap_dep_fmap g ml) (prod_map id g <$> mx) (gmap_dep_fmap g mt))
by (by destruct ml, mx as [[]|], mt).
rewrite !gmap_dep_fold_GNode; simpl; auto.
- done.
(** Instance of the finite map type class *)
Global Instance gmap_finmap `{Countable K} : FinMap K (gmap K).
- intros A [mt1] [mt2] Hlookup. f_equal. apply (gmap_dep_eq _ _ _).
intros i [Hk]. destruct (decode i) as [k|]; simplify_eq/=. apply Hlookup.
- done.
- intros A f [mt] i. apply gmap_dep_lookup_partial_alter.
- intros A f [mt] i j ?. apply gmap_dep_lookup_partial_alter_ne. naive_solver.
- intros A b f [mt] i. apply gmap_dep_lookup_fmap.
- intros A B f [mt] i. apply gmap_dep_lookup_omap.
- intros A B C f [mt1] [mt2] i. apply gmap_dep_lookup_merge.
- done.
- intros A P Hemp Hins [mt].
apply (gmap_dep_fold_ind (λ mt, P (GMap mt))); clear mt; [done|].
intros i [Hk] x mt ? Hfold. destruct (fmap_Some_1 _ _ _ Hk) as (k&Hk'&->).
assert (GMapKey Hk = gmap_key_encode k) as Hkk by (apply proof_irrel).
rewrite Hkk in Hfold |- *. clear Hk Hkk.
apply (Hins k x (GMap mt)); [done|]. intros A' B f g b x'.
trans ((match decode (encode k) with Some k => f k x' | None => id end)
(map_fold f b (g <$> GMap mt))); [apply (Hfold 1)|].
by rewrite Hk'.
Global Program Instance gmap_countable
`{Countable K, Countable A} : Countable (gmap K A) := {
encode m := encode (map_to_list m : list (K * A));
decode p := list_to_map <$> decode p
Next Obligation.
intros K ?? A ?? m; simpl. rewrite decode_encode; simpl.
by rewrite list_to_map_to_list.
(** Conversion to/from [Pmap] *)
Local Definition gmap_dep_ne_to_pmap_ne {A} : {P}, gmap_dep_ne A P Pmap_ne A :=
fix go {P} t :=
match t with
| GNode001 r => PNode001 (go r)
| GNode010 _ x => PNode010 x
| GNode011 _ x r => PNode011 x (go r)
| GNode100 l => PNode100 (go l)
| GNode101 l r => PNode101 (go l) (go r)
| GNode110 l _ x => PNode110 (go l) x
| GNode111 l _ x r => PNode111 (go l) x (go r)
Local Definition gmap_dep_to_pmap {A P} (mt : gmap_dep A P) : Pmap A :=
match mt with
| GEmpty => PEmpty
| GNodes t => PNodes (gmap_dep_ne_to_pmap_ne t)
Definition gmap_to_pmap {A} (m : gmap positive A) : Pmap A :=
let '(GMap mt) := m in gmap_dep_to_pmap mt.
Local Lemma lookup_gmap_dep_ne_to_pmap_ne {A P} (t : gmap_dep_ne A P) i :
gmap_dep_ne_to_pmap_ne t !! i = gmap_dep_ne_lookup i t.
Proof. revert i; induction t; intros []; by simpl. Qed.
Lemma lookup_gmap_to_pmap {A} (m : gmap positive A) i :
gmap_to_pmap m !! i = m !! i.
Proof. destruct m as [[|t]]; [done|]. apply lookup_gmap_dep_ne_to_pmap_ne. Qed.
Local Definition pmap_ne_to_gmap_dep_ne {A} :
{P}, ( i, P i) Pmap_ne A gmap_dep_ne A P :=
fix go {P} (p : i, P i) t :=
match t with
| PNode001 r => GNode001 (go p~1 r)
| PNode010 x => GNode010 (p 1) x
| PNode011 x r => GNode011 (p 1) x (go p~1 r)
| PNode100 l => GNode100 (go p~0 l)
| PNode101 l r => GNode101 (go p~0 l) (go p~1 r)
| PNode110 l x => GNode110 (go p~0 l) (p 1) x
| PNode111 l x r => GNode111 (go p~0 l) (p 1) x (go p~1 r)
Local Definition pmap_to_gmap_dep {A P}
(p : i, P i) (mt : Pmap A) : gmap_dep A P :=
match mt with
| PEmpty => GEmpty
| PNodes t => GNodes (pmap_ne_to_gmap_dep_ne p t)
Definition pmap_to_gmap {A} (m : Pmap A) : gmap positive A :=
GMap $ pmap_to_gmap_dep gmap_key_encode m.
Local Lemma lookup_pmap_ne_to_gmap_dep_ne {A P} (p : i, P i) (t : Pmap_ne A) i :
gmap_dep_ne_lookup i (pmap_ne_to_gmap_dep_ne p t) = t !! i.
Proof. revert P i p; induction t; intros ? [] ?; by simpl. Qed.
Lemma lookup_pmap_to_gmap {A} (m : Pmap A) i : pmap_to_gmap m !! i = m !! i.
Proof. destruct m as [|t]; [done|]. apply lookup_pmap_ne_to_gmap_dep_ne. Qed.
(** * Curry and uncurry *)
Definition gmap_uncurry `{Countable K1, Countable K2} {A} :
gmap K1 (gmap K2 A) gmap (K1 * K2) A :=
map_fold (λ i1 m' macc,
map_fold (λ i2 x, <[(i1,i2):=x]>) macc m') ∅.
Definition gmap_curry `{Countable K1, Countable K2} {A} :
gmap (K1 * K2) A gmap K1 (gmap K2 A) :=
map_fold (λ '(i1, i2) x,
partial_alter (Some <[i2:=x]> default ) i1) ∅.
Section curry_uncurry.
Context `{Countable K1, Countable K2} {A : Type}.
Lemma lookup_gmap_uncurry (m : gmap K1 (gmap K2 A)) i j :
gmap_uncurry m !! (i,j) = m !! i ≫= (.!! j).
apply (map_fold_weak_ind (λ mr m, mr !! (i,j) = m !! i ≫= (.!! j))).
{ by rewrite !lookup_empty. }
clear m; intros i' m2 m m12 Hi' IH.
apply (map_fold_weak_ind (λ m2r m2, m2r !! (i,j) = <[i':=m2]> m !! i ≫= (.!! j))).
{ rewrite IH. destruct (decide (i' = i)) as [->|].
- rewrite lookup_insert, Hi'; simpl; by rewrite lookup_empty.
- by rewrite lookup_insert_ne by done. }
intros j' y m2' m12' Hj' IH'. destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|].
- rewrite lookup_insert; simpl. destruct (decide (j = j')) as [->|].
+ by rewrite !lookup_insert.
+ by rewrite !lookup_insert_ne, IH', lookup_insert by congruence.
- by rewrite !lookup_insert_ne, IH', lookup_insert_ne by congruence.
Lemma lookup_gmap_curry (m : gmap (K1 * K2) A) i j :
gmap_curry m !! i ≫= (.!! j) = m !! (i, j).
apply (map_fold_weak_ind (λ mr m, mr !! i ≫= (.!! j) = m !! (i, j))).
{ by rewrite !lookup_empty. }
clear m; intros [i' j'] x m12 mr Hij' IH.
destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|].
- rewrite lookup_partial_alter. destruct (decide (j = j')) as [->|].
+ destruct (mr !! i'); simpl; by rewrite !lookup_insert.
+ destruct (mr !! i'); simpl; by rewrite !lookup_insert_ne by congruence.
- by rewrite lookup_partial_alter_ne, lookup_insert_ne by congruence.
Lemma lookup_gmap_curry_None (m : gmap (K1 * K2) A) i :
gmap_curry m !! i = None ( j, m !! (i, j) = None).
apply (map_fold_weak_ind
(λ mr m, mr !! i = None ( j, m !! (i, j) = None))); [done|].
clear m; intros [i' j'] x m12 mr Hij' IH.
destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|].
- split; [by rewrite lookup_partial_alter|].
intros Hi. specialize (Hi j'). by rewrite lookup_insert in Hi.
- rewrite lookup_partial_alter_ne, IH; [|done]. apply forall_proper.
intros j. rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [done|congruence].
Lemma gmap_uncurry_curry (m : gmap (K1 * K2) A) :
gmap_uncurry (gmap_curry m) = m.
apply map_eq; intros [i j]. by rewrite lookup_gmap_uncurry, lookup_gmap_curry.
Lemma gmap_curry_non_empty (m : gmap (K1 * K2) A) i x :
gmap_curry m !! i = Some x x ∅.
intros Hm ->. eapply eq_None_not_Some; [|by eexists].
eapply lookup_gmap_curry_None; intros j.
by rewrite <-lookup_gmap_curry, Hm.
Lemma gmap_curry_uncurry_non_empty (m : gmap K1 (gmap K2 A)) :
( i x, m !! i = Some x x )
gmap_curry (gmap_uncurry m) = m.
intros Hne. apply map_eq; intros i. destruct (m !! i) as [m2|] eqn:Hm.
- destruct (gmap_curry (gmap_uncurry m) !! i) as [m2'|] eqn:Hcurry.
+ f_equal. apply map_eq. intros j.
trans (gmap_curry (gmap_uncurry m) !! i ≫= (.!! j)).
{ by rewrite Hcurry. }
by rewrite lookup_gmap_curry, lookup_gmap_uncurry, Hm.
+ rewrite lookup_gmap_curry_None in Hcurry.
exfalso; apply (Hne i m2), map_eq; [done|intros j].
by rewrite lookup_empty, <-(Hcurry j), lookup_gmap_uncurry, Hm.
- apply lookup_gmap_curry_None; intros j. by rewrite lookup_gmap_uncurry, Hm.
End curry_uncurry.
(** * Finite sets *)
Definition gset K `{Countable K} := mapset (gmap K).
Section gset.
Context `{Countable K}.
(* Lift instances of operational TCs from [mapset] and mark them [simpl never]. *)
Global Instance gset_elem_of: ElemOf K (gset K) := _.
Global Instance gset_empty : Empty (gset K) := _.
Global Instance gset_singleton : Singleton K (gset K) := _.
Global Instance gset_union: Union (gset K) := _.
Global Instance gset_intersection: Intersection (gset K) := _.
Global Instance gset_difference: Difference (gset K) := _.
Global Instance gset_elements: Elements K (gset K) := _.
Global Instance gset_eq_dec : EqDecision (gset K) := _.
Global Instance gset_countable : Countable (gset K) := _.
Global Instance gset_equiv_dec : RelDecision (≡@{gset K}) | 1 := _.
Global Instance gset_elem_of_dec : RelDecision (∈@{gset K}) | 1 := _.
Global Instance gset_disjoint_dec : RelDecision (##@{gset K}) := _.
Global Instance gset_subseteq_dec : RelDecision (⊆@{gset K}) := _.
(** We put in an eta expansion to avoid [injection] from unfolding equalities
like [dom (gset _) m1 = dom (gset _) m2]. *)
Global Instance gset_dom {A} : Dom (gmap K A) (gset K) := λ m,
let '(GMap mt) := m in mapset_dom (GMap mt).
Global Arguments gset_elem_of : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_empty : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_singleton : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_union : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_intersection : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_difference : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_elements : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_eq_dec : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_countable : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_equiv_dec : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_elem_of_dec : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_disjoint_dec : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_subseteq_dec : simpl never.
Global Arguments gset_dom : simpl never.
(* Lift instances of other TCs. *)
Global Instance gset_leibniz : LeibnizEquiv (gset K) := _.
Global Instance gset_semi_set : SemiSet K (gset K) | 1 := _.
Global Instance gset_set : Set_ K (gset K) | 1 := _.
Global Instance gset_fin_set : FinSet K (gset K) := _.
Global Instance gset_dom_spec : FinMapDom K (gmap K) (gset K).
pose proof (mapset_dom_spec (M:=gmap K)) as [?? Hdom]; split; auto.
intros A m. specialize (Hdom A m). by destruct m.
(** If you are looking for a lemma showing that [gset] is extensional, see
[sets.set_eq]. *)
(** The function [gset_to_gmap x X] converts a set [X] to a map with domain
[X] where each key has value [x]. Compared to the generic conversion
[set_to_map], the function [gset_to_gmap] has [O(n)] instead of [O(n log n)]
complexity and has an easier and better developed theory. *)
Definition gset_to_gmap {A} (x : A) (X : gset K) : gmap K A :=
(λ _, x) <$> mapset_car X.
Lemma lookup_gset_to_gmap {A} (x : A) (X : gset K) i :
gset_to_gmap x X !! i = (guard (i X);; Some x).
destruct X as [X].
unfold gset_to_gmap, gset_elem_of, elem_of, mapset_elem_of; simpl.
rewrite lookup_fmap.
case_guard; destruct (X !! i) as [[]|]; naive_solver.
Lemma lookup_gset_to_gmap_Some {A} (x : A) (X : gset K) i y :
gset_to_gmap x X !! i = Some y i X x = y.
Proof. rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap. simplify_option_eq; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma lookup_gset_to_gmap_None {A} (x : A) (X : gset K) i :
gset_to_gmap x X !! i = None i X.
Proof. rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap. simplify_option_eq; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma gset_to_gmap_empty {A} (x : A) : gset_to_gmap x = ∅.
Proof. apply fmap_empty. Qed.
Lemma gset_to_gmap_union_singleton {A} (x : A) i Y :
gset_to_gmap x ({[ i ]} Y) = <[i:=x]>(gset_to_gmap x Y).
apply map_eq; intros j; apply option_eq; intros y.
rewrite lookup_insert_Some, !lookup_gset_to_gmap_Some, elem_of_union,
elem_of_singleton; destruct (decide (i = j)); intuition.
Lemma gset_to_gmap_singleton {A} (x : A) i :
gset_to_gmap x {[ i ]} = {[i:=x]}.
rewrite <-(right_id_L () {[ i ]}), gset_to_gmap_union_singleton.
by rewrite gset_to_gmap_empty.
Lemma gset_to_gmap_difference_singleton {A} (x : A) i Y :
gset_to_gmap x (Y {[i]}) = delete i (gset_to_gmap x Y).
apply map_eq; intros j; apply option_eq; intros y.
rewrite lookup_delete_Some, !lookup_gset_to_gmap_Some, elem_of_difference,
elem_of_singleton; destruct (decide (i = j)); intuition.
Lemma fmap_gset_to_gmap {A B} (f : A B) (X : gset K) (x : A) :
f <$> gset_to_gmap x X = gset_to_gmap (f x) X.
apply map_eq; intros j. rewrite lookup_fmap, !lookup_gset_to_gmap.
by simplify_option_eq.
Lemma gset_to_gmap_dom {A B} (m : gmap K A) (y : B) :
gset_to_gmap y (dom m) = const y <$> m.
apply map_eq; intros j. rewrite lookup_fmap, lookup_gset_to_gmap.
destruct (m !! j) as [x|] eqn:?.
- by rewrite option_guard_True by (rewrite elem_of_dom; eauto).
- by rewrite option_guard_False by (rewrite not_elem_of_dom; eauto).
Lemma dom_gset_to_gmap {A} (X : gset K) (x : A) :
dom (gset_to_gmap x X) = X.
induction X as [| y X not_in IH] using set_ind_L.
- rewrite gset_to_gmap_empty, dom_empty_L; done.
- rewrite gset_to_gmap_union_singleton, dom_insert_L, IH; done.
Lemma gset_to_gmap_set_to_map {A} (X : gset K) (x : A) :
gset_to_gmap x X = set_to_map (.,x) X.
apply map_eq; intros k. apply option_eq; intros y.
rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap_Some, lookup_set_to_map; naive_solver.
Lemma map_to_list_gset_to_gmap {A} (X : gset K) (x : A) :
map_to_list (gset_to_gmap x X) (., x) <$> elements X.
induction X as [| y X not_in IH] using set_ind_L.
- rewrite gset_to_gmap_empty, elements_empty, map_to_list_empty. done.
- rewrite gset_to_gmap_union_singleton, elements_union_singleton by done.
rewrite map_to_list_insert.
2:{ rewrite lookup_gset_to_gmap_None. done. }
rewrite IH. done.
End gset.
Section gset_cprod.
Context `{Countable A, Countable B}.
Global Instance gset_cprod : CProd (gset A) (gset B) (gset (A * B)) :=
λ X Y, set_bind (λ e1, set_map (e1,.) Y) X.
Lemma elem_of_gset_cprod (X : gset A) (Y : gset B) x :
x cprod X Y x.1 X x.2 Y.
Proof. unfold cprod, gset_cprod. destruct x. set_solver. Qed.
Global Instance set_unfold_gset_cprod (X : gset A) (Y : gset B) x (P : Prop) Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf x.1 X P SetUnfoldElemOf x.2 Y Q
SetUnfoldElemOf x (cprod X Y) (P Q).
Proof using.
intros ??; constructor.
by rewrite elem_of_gset_cprod, (set_unfold_elem_of x.1 X P),
(set_unfold_elem_of x.2 Y Q).
End gset_cprod.
Global Typeclasses Opaque gset.
From stdpp Require Export countable.
From stdpp Require Import gmap.
From stdpp Require ssreflect. (* don't import yet, but we'll later do that to use ssreflect rewrite *)
From stdpp Require Import options.
Record gmultiset A `{Countable A} := GMultiSet { gmultiset_car : gmap A nat }.
Arguments GMultiSet {_ _ _} _ : assert.
Arguments gmultiset_car {_ _ _} _ : assert.
(** Multisets [gmultiset A] are represented as maps from [A] to natural numbers,
which represent the multiplicity. To ensure we have canonical representations,
the multiplicity is a [positive]. Therefore, [gmultiset_car !! x = None] means
[x] has multiplicity [0] and [gmultiset_car !! x = Some 1] means [x] has
multiplicity 1. *)
Instance gmultiset_eq_dec `{Countable A} : EqDecision (gmultiset A).
Record gmultiset A `{Countable A} := GMultiSet { gmultiset_car : gmap A positive }.
Global Arguments GMultiSet {_ _ _} _ : assert.
Global Arguments gmultiset_car {_ _ _} _ : assert.
Global Instance gmultiset_eq_dec `{Countable A} : EqDecision (gmultiset A).
Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
Program Instance gmultiset_countable `{Countable A} :
Global Program Instance gmultiset_countable `{Countable A} :
Countable (gmultiset A) := {|
encode X := encode (gmultiset_car X); decode p := GMultiSet <$> decode p
......@@ -19,7 +26,7 @@ Section definitions.
Context `{Countable A}.
Definition multiplicity (x : A) (X : gmultiset A) : nat :=
match gmultiset_car X !! x with Some n => S n | None => 0 end.
match gmultiset_car X !! x with Some n => Pos.to_nat n | None => 0 end.
Global Instance gmultiset_elem_of : ElemOf A (gmultiset A) := λ x X,
0 < multiplicity x X.
Global Instance gmultiset_subseteq : SubsetEq (gmultiset A) := λ X Y, x,
......@@ -28,35 +35,45 @@ Section definitions.
multiplicity x X = multiplicity x Y.
Global Instance gmultiset_elements : Elements A (gmultiset A) := λ X,
let (X) := X in '(x,n) map_to_list X; replicate (S n) x.
let (X) := X in '(x,n) map_to_list X; replicate (Pos.to_nat n) x.
Global Instance gmultiset_size : Size (gmultiset A) := length elements.
Global Instance gmultiset_empty : Empty (gmultiset A) := GMultiSet ∅.
Global Instance gmultiset_singleton : Singleton A (gmultiset A) := λ x,
GMultiSet {[ x := 0 ]}.
Global Instance gmultiset_singleton : SingletonMS A (gmultiset A) := λ x,
GMultiSet {[ x := 1%positive ]}.
Global Instance gmultiset_union : Union (gmultiset A) := λ X Y,
let (X) := X in let (Y) := Y in
GMultiSet $ union_with (λ x y, Some (x `max` y)) X Y.
GMultiSet $ union_with (λ x y, Some (x `max` y)%positive) X Y.
Global Instance gmultiset_intersection : Intersection (gmultiset A) := λ X Y,
let (X) := X in let (Y) := Y in
GMultiSet $ intersection_with (λ x y, Some (x `min` y)) X Y.
GMultiSet $ intersection_with (λ x y, Some (x `min` y)%positive) X Y.
(** Often called the "sum" *)
Global Instance gmultiset_disj_union : DisjUnion (gmultiset A) := λ X Y,
let (X) := X in let (Y) := Y in
GMultiSet $ union_with (λ x y, Some (S (x + y))) X Y.
GMultiSet $ union_with (λ x y, Some (x + y)%positive) X Y.
Global Instance gmultiset_difference : Difference (gmultiset A) := λ X Y,
let (X) := X in let (Y) := Y in
GMultiSet $ difference_with (λ x y,
let z := x - y in guard (0 < z); Some (pred z)) X Y.
guard (y < x)%positive;; Some (x - y)%positive) X Y.
Global Instance gmultiset_scalar_mul : ScalarMul nat (gmultiset A) := λ n X,
let (X) := X in GMultiSet $
match n with 0 => | _ => fmap (λ m, m * Pos.of_nat n)%positive X end.
Global Instance gmultiset_dom : Dom (gmultiset A) (gset A) := λ X,
let (X) := X in dom _ X.
let (X) := X in dom X.
Definition gmultiset_map `{Countable B} (f : A B)
(X : gmultiset A) : gmultiset B :=
GMultiSet $ map_fold
(λ x n, partial_alter (Some from_option (Pos.add n) n) (f x))
(gmultiset_car X).
End definitions.
Typeclasses Opaque gmultiset_elem_of gmultiset_subseteq.
Typeclasses Opaque gmultiset_elements gmultiset_size gmultiset_empty.
Typeclasses Opaque gmultiset_singleton gmultiset_union gmultiset_difference.
Typeclasses Opaque gmultiset_dom.
Global Typeclasses Opaque gmultiset_elem_of gmultiset_subseteq.
Global Typeclasses Opaque gmultiset_elements gmultiset_size gmultiset_empty.
Global Typeclasses Opaque gmultiset_singleton gmultiset_union gmultiset_difference.
Global Typeclasses Opaque gmultiset_scalar_mul gmultiset_dom gmultiset_map.
Section basic_lemmas.
Context `{Countable A}.
......@@ -68,7 +85,7 @@ Section basic_lemmas.
split; [by intros ->|intros HXY].
destruct X as [X], Y as [Y]; f_equal; apply map_eq; intros x.
specialize (HXY x); unfold multiplicity in *; simpl in *.
repeat case_match; naive_solver.
repeat case_match; naive_solver lia.
Global Instance gmultiset_leibniz : LeibnizEquiv (gmultiset A).
Proof. intros X Y. by rewrite gmultiset_eq. Qed.
......@@ -78,12 +95,12 @@ Section basic_lemmas.
(* Multiplicity *)
Lemma multiplicity_empty x : multiplicity x = 0.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma multiplicity_singleton x : multiplicity x {[ x ]} = 1.
Lemma multiplicity_singleton x : multiplicity x {[+ x +]} = 1.
Proof. unfold multiplicity; simpl. by rewrite lookup_singleton. Qed.
Lemma multiplicity_singleton_ne x y : x y multiplicity x {[ y ]} = 0.
Lemma multiplicity_singleton_ne x y : x y multiplicity x {[+ y +]} = 0.
Proof. intros. unfold multiplicity; simpl. by rewrite lookup_singleton_ne. Qed.
Lemma multiplicity_singleton' x y :
multiplicity x {[ y ]} = if decide (x = y) then 1 else 0.
multiplicity x {[+ y +]} = if decide (x = y) then 1 else 0.
destruct (decide _) as [->|].
- by rewrite multiplicity_singleton.
......@@ -114,32 +131,40 @@ Section basic_lemmas.
rewrite lookup_difference_with.
destruct (X !! _), (Y !! _); simplify_option_eq; lia.
Lemma multiplicity_scalar_mul n X x :
multiplicity x (n *: X) = n * multiplicity x X.
destruct X as [X]; unfold multiplicity; simpl. destruct n as [|n]; [done|].
rewrite lookup_fmap. destruct (X !! _); simpl; lia.
(* Set *)
Lemma elem_of_multiplicity x X : x X 0 < multiplicity x X.
Proof. done. Qed.
Global Instance gmultiset_simple_set : SemiSet A (gmultiset A).
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_empty x : x ∈@{gmultiset A} False.
Proof. rewrite elem_of_multiplicity, multiplicity_empty. lia. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_singleton x y : x ∈@{gmultiset A} {[+ y +]} x = y.
- intros x. rewrite elem_of_multiplicity, multiplicity_empty. lia.
- intros x y.
rewrite elem_of_multiplicity, multiplicity_singleton'.
destruct (decide (x = y)); intuition lia.
- intros X Y x. rewrite !elem_of_multiplicity, multiplicity_union. lia.
rewrite elem_of_multiplicity, multiplicity_singleton'.
case_decide; naive_solver lia.
Global Instance gmultiset_elem_of_dec : RelDecision (∈@{gmultiset A}).
Proof. refine (λ x X, cast_if (decide (0 < multiplicity x X))); done. Defined.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_union X Y x : x X Y x X x Y.
Proof. rewrite !elem_of_multiplicity, multiplicity_union. lia. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union X Y x : x X Y x X x Y.
Proof. rewrite !elem_of_multiplicity, multiplicity_disj_union. lia. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_intersection X Y x : x X Y x X x Y.
Proof. rewrite !elem_of_multiplicity, multiplicity_intersection. lia. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_scalar_mul n X x : x n *: X n 0 x X.
Proof. rewrite !elem_of_multiplicity, multiplicity_scalar_mul. lia. Qed.
Global Instance set_unfold_gmultiset_disj_union x X Y P Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf x X P SetUnfoldElemOf x Y Q
SetUnfoldElemOf x (X Y) (P Q).
Global Instance gmultiset_elem_of_dec : RelDecision (∈@{gmultiset A}).
Proof. refine (λ x X, cast_if (decide (0 < multiplicity x X))); done. Defined.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_dom x X : x dom X x X.
intros ??; constructor. rewrite gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union.
by rewrite <-(set_unfold_elem_of x X P), <-(set_unfold_elem_of x Y Q).
unfold dom, gmultiset_dom, elem_of at 2, gmultiset_elem_of, multiplicity.
destruct X as [X]; simpl; rewrite elem_of_dom, <-not_eq_None_Some.
destruct (X !! x); naive_solver lia.
End basic_lemmas.
......@@ -147,30 +172,47 @@ End basic_lemmas.
(** We define a tactic [multiset_solver] that solves goals involving multisets.
The strategy of this tactic is as follows:
1. Unfold all equalities ([=]), equivalences ([≡]), and inclusions ([⊆]) using
the laws of [multiplicity] for the multiset operations. Note that strict
inclusion ([⊂]) is not supported.
2. Use [naive_solver] to decompose the goal into smaller subgoals.
3. Instantiate all universally quantified hypotheses in the subgoals generated
by [naive_solver] to obtain goals that can be solved using [lia].
1. Turn all equalities ([=]), equivalences ([≡]), inclusions ([⊆] and [⊂]),
and set membership relations ([∈]) into arithmetic (in)equalities
involving [multiplicity]. The multiplicities of [∅], [∪], [∩], [⊎] and [∖]
are turned into [0], [max], [min], [+], and [-], respectively.
2. Decompose the goal into smaller subgoals through intuitionistic reasoning.
3. Instantiate universally quantified hypotheses in hypotheses to obtain a
goal that can be solved using [lia].
4. Simplify multiplicities of singletons [{[ x ]}].
Step (1) is implemented using a type class [MultisetUnfold] that hooks into
the [SetUnfold] mechanism of [set_solver]. Since [SetUnfold] already propagates
through logical connectives, we obtain the same behavior for our multiset
solver. Note that no [MultisetUnfold] instance is defined for the (non-trivial)
singleton [{[ y ]}] since the singleton receives special treatment in step (3).
Step (1) and (2) are implemented using the [set_solver] tactic, which internally
calls [naive_solver] for step (2). Step (1) is implemented by extending the
[SetUnfold] mechanism with a class [MultisetUnfold].
Step (3) is achieved using the tactic [multiset_instantiate], which instantiates
universally quantified hypotheses [H : ∀ x : A, P x] in two ways:
Step (3) is implemented using the tactic [multiset_instantiate], which
instantiates universally quantified hypotheses [H : ∀ x : A, P x] in two ways:
- If [P] contains a multiset singleton [{[ y ]}] it adds the hypothesis [H y].
- If the goal or some hypothesis contains [multiplicity y X] it adds the
hypothesis [H y].
- If [P] contains a multiset singleton [{[ y ]}] it adds the hypothesis [H y].
This is needed, for example, to prove [¬ ({[ x ]} ⊆ ∅)], which is turned
into hypothesis [H : ∀ y, multiplicity y {[ x ]} ≤ 0] and goal [False]. The
only way to make progress is to instantiate [H] with the singleton appearing
in [H], so variable [x].
Step (4) is implemented using the tactic [multiset_simplify_singletons], which
simplifies occurrences of [multiplicity x {[ y ]}] as follows:
- First, we try to turn these occurencess into [1] or [0] if either [x = y] or
[x ≠ y] can be proved using [done], respectively.
- Second, we try to turn these occurrences into a fresh [z ≤ 1] if [y] does not
occur elsewhere in the hypotheses or goal.
- Finally, we make a case distinction between [x = y] or [x ≠ y]. This step is
done last so as to avoid needless exponential blow-ups.
The tests [test_big_X] in [tests/multiset_solver.v] show the second step reduces
the running time significantly (from >10 seconds to <1 second). *)
Class MultisetUnfold `{Countable A} (x : A) (X : gmultiset A) (n : nat) :=
{ multiset_unfold : multiplicity x X = n }.
Arguments multiset_unfold {_ _ _} _ _ _ {_} : assert.
Hint Mode MultisetUnfold + + + - + - : typeclass_instances.
Global Arguments multiset_unfold {_ _ _} _ _ _ {_} : assert.
Global Hint Mode MultisetUnfold + + + - + - : typeclass_instances.
Section multiset_unfold.
Context `{Countable A}.
......@@ -182,8 +224,8 @@ Section multiset_unfold.
Proof. done. Qed.
Global Instance multiset_unfold_empty x : MultisetUnfold x 0.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite multiplicity_empty. Qed.
Global Instance multiset_unfold_singleton x y :
MultisetUnfold x {[ x ]} 1.
Global Instance multiset_unfold_singleton x :
MultisetUnfold x {[+ x +]} 1.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite multiplicity_singleton. Qed.
Global Instance multiset_unfold_union x X Y n m :
MultisetUnfold x X n MultisetUnfold x Y m
......@@ -201,59 +243,131 @@ Section multiset_unfold.
MultisetUnfold x X n MultisetUnfold x Y m
MultisetUnfold x (X Y) (n - m).
Proof. intros [HX] [HY]; constructor. by rewrite multiplicity_difference, HX, HY. Qed.
Global Instance multiset_unfold_scalar_mul x m X n :
MultisetUnfold x X n
MultisetUnfold x (m *: X) (m * n).
Proof. intros [HX]; constructor. by rewrite multiplicity_scalar_mul, HX. Qed.
Global Instance set_unfold_multiset_equiv X Y f g :
( x, MultisetUnfold x X (f x)) ( x, MultisetUnfold x Y (g x))
SetUnfold (X Y) ( x, f x = g x).
SetUnfold (X Y) ( x, f x = g x) | 0.
constructor. apply forall_proper; intros x.
by rewrite (multiset_unfold x X (f x)), (multiset_unfold x Y (g x)).
Global Instance set_unfold_multiset_eq X Y f g :
( x, MultisetUnfold x X (f x)) ( x, MultisetUnfold x Y (g x))
SetUnfold (X = Y) ( x, f x = g x).
SetUnfold (X = Y) ( x, f x = g x) | 0.
Proof. constructor. unfold_leibniz. by apply set_unfold_multiset_equiv. Qed.
Global Instance set_unfold_multiset_subseteq X Y f g :
( x, MultisetUnfold x X (f x)) ( x, MultisetUnfold x Y (g x))
SetUnfold (X Y) ( x, f x g x).
SetUnfold (X Y) ( x, f x g x) | 0.
constructor. apply forall_proper; intros x.
by rewrite (multiset_unfold x X (f x)), (multiset_unfold x Y (g x)).
Global Instance set_unfold_multiset_subset X Y f g :
( x, MultisetUnfold x X (f x)) ( x, MultisetUnfold x Y (g x))
SetUnfold (X Y) (( x, f x g x) (¬∀ x, g x f x)) | 0.
constructor. unfold strict. f_equiv.
- by apply set_unfold_multiset_subseteq.
- f_equiv. by apply set_unfold_multiset_subseteq.
Global Instance set_unfold_multiset_elem_of X x n :
MultisetUnfold x X n SetUnfoldElemOf x X (0 < n) | 100.
Proof. constructor. by rewrite <-(multiset_unfold x X n). Qed.
Global Instance set_unfold_gmultiset_empty x :
SetUnfoldElemOf x ( : gmultiset A) False.
Proof. constructor. apply gmultiset_elem_of_empty. Qed.
Global Instance set_unfold_gmultiset_singleton x y :
SetUnfoldElemOf x ({[+ y +]} : gmultiset A) (x = y).
Proof. constructor; apply gmultiset_elem_of_singleton. Qed.
Global Instance set_unfold_gmultiset_union x X Y P Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf x X P SetUnfoldElemOf x Y Q
SetUnfoldElemOf x (X Y) (P Q).
intros ??; constructor. by rewrite gmultiset_elem_of_union,
(set_unfold_elem_of x X P), (set_unfold_elem_of x Y Q).
Global Instance set_unfold_gmultiset_disj_union x X Y P Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf x X P SetUnfoldElemOf x Y Q
SetUnfoldElemOf x (X Y) (P Q).
intros ??; constructor. rewrite gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union.
by rewrite <-(set_unfold_elem_of x X P), <-(set_unfold_elem_of x Y Q).
Global Instance set_unfold_gmultiset_intersection x X Y P Q :
SetUnfoldElemOf x X P SetUnfoldElemOf x Y Q
SetUnfoldElemOf x (X Y) (P Q).
intros ??; constructor. rewrite gmultiset_elem_of_intersection.
by rewrite (set_unfold_elem_of x X P), (set_unfold_elem_of x Y Q).
Global Instance set_unfold_gmultiset_dom x X :
SetUnfoldElemOf x (dom X) (x X).
Proof. constructor. apply gmultiset_elem_of_dom. Qed.
End multiset_unfold.
(** Step 3: instantiate hypotheses *)
(** For these tactics we want to use ssreflect rewrite. ssreflect matching
interacts better with canonical structures (see
<>). *)
Module Export tactics.
Import ssreflect.
Ltac multiset_instantiate :=
(* Step 3.1: instantiate hypotheses *)
repeat match goal with
| H : ( x : ?A, @?P x) |- _ =>
let e := fresh in evar (e:A);
let e' := eval unfold e in e in clear e;
lazymatch constr:(P e') with
| context [ {[ ?y ]} ] =>
(* Use [unless] to avoid creating a new hypothesis [H y : P y] if [P y]
already exists. *)
unify y e'; unless (P y) by assumption; pose proof (H y)
let e := mk_evar A in
lazymatch constr:(P e) with
| context [ {[+ ?y +]} ] => unify y e; learn_hyp (H y)
| H : ( x : ?A, @?P x), _ : context [multiplicity ?y _] |- _ =>
(* Use [unless] to avoid creating a new hypothesis [H y : P y] if [P y]
already exists. *)
unless (P y) by assumption; pose proof (H y)
| H : ( x : ?A, @?P x) |- context [multiplicity ?y _] =>
(* Use [unless] to avoid creating a new hypothesis [H y : P y] if [P y]
already exists. *)
unless (P y) by assumption; pose proof (H y)
(* Step 3.2: simplify singletons. *)
(* Note that we do not use [repeat case_decide] since that leads to an
exponential explosion in the number of singletons. *)
repeat match goal with
| H : context [multiplicity _ {[ _ ]}] |- _ =>
progress (rewrite ?multiplicity_singleton, ?multiplicity_singleton_ne in H by done)
| |- context [multiplicity _ {[ _ ]}] =>
progress (rewrite ?multiplicity_singleton, ?multiplicity_singleton_ne by done)
| H : ( x : ?A, _), _ : context [multiplicity ?y _] |- _ => learn_hyp (H y)
| H : ( x : ?A, _) |- context [multiplicity ?y _] => learn_hyp (H y)
Ltac multiset_solver := set_solver by (multiset_instantiate; lia).
(** Step 4: simplify singletons *)
(** This lemma results in information loss if there are other occurrences of
[y] in the goal. In the tactic [multiset_simplify_singletons] we use [clear y]
to ensure we do not use the lemma if it leads to information loss. *)
Local Lemma multiplicity_singleton_forget `{Countable A} x y :
n, multiplicity (A:=A) x {[+ y +]} = n n 1.
Proof. rewrite multiplicity_singleton'. case_decide; eauto with lia. Qed.
Ltac multiset_simplify_singletons :=
repeat match goal with
| H : context [multiplicity ?x {[+ ?y +]}] |- _ =>
[progress rewrite ?multiplicity_singleton ?multiplicity_singleton_ne in H; [|done..]
(* This second case does *not* use ssreflect matching (due to [destruct]
and the [->] pattern). If the default Coq matching goes wrong it will
fail and fall back to the third case, which is strictly more general,
just slower. *)
|destruct (multiplicity_singleton_forget x y) as (?&->&?); clear y
|rewrite multiplicity_singleton' in H; destruct (decide (x = y)); simplify_eq/=]
| |- context [multiplicity ?x {[+ ?y +]}] =>
[progress rewrite ?multiplicity_singleton ?multiplicity_singleton_ne; [|done..]
(* Similar to above, this second case does *not* use ssreflect matching. *)
|destruct (multiplicity_singleton_forget x y) as (?&->&?); clear y
|rewrite multiplicity_singleton'; destruct (decide (x = y)); simplify_eq/=]
End tactics.
(** Putting it all together *)
(** Similar to [set_solver] and [naive_solver], [multiset_solver] has a [by]
parameter whose default is [eauto]. *)
Tactic Notation "multiset_solver" "by" tactic3(tac) :=
set_solver by (multiset_instantiate;
(* [fast_done] to solve trivial equalities or contradictions,
[lia] for the common case that involves arithmetic,
[tac] if all else fails *)
solve [fast_done|lia|tac]).
Tactic Notation "multiset_solver" := multiset_solver by eauto.
Section more_lemmas.
Context `{Countable A}.
......@@ -319,41 +433,97 @@ Section more_lemmas.
Lemma gmultiset_disj_union_union_r X Y Z : (X Y) Z = (X Z) (Y Z).
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
(** Element of operation *)
Lemma gmultiset_not_elem_of_empty x : x ∉@{gmultiset A} ∅.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_not_elem_of_singleton x y : x ∉@{gmultiset A} {[+ y +]} x y.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_not_elem_of_union x X Y : x X Y x X x Y.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_not_elem_of_intersection x X Y : x X Y x X x Y.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
(** Misc *)
Lemma gmultiset_non_empty_singleton x : {[ x ]} ≠@{gmultiset A} ∅.
Global Instance gmultiset_singleton_inj : Inj (=) (=@{gmultiset A}) singletonMS.
intros x1 x2 Hx. rewrite gmultiset_eq in Hx. specialize (Hx x1).
rewrite multiplicity_singleton, multiplicity_singleton' in Hx.
case_decide; [done|lia].
Lemma gmultiset_non_empty_singleton x : {[+ x +]} ≠@{gmultiset A} ∅.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
(** Scalar *)
Lemma gmultiset_scalar_mul_0 X : 0 *: X = ∅.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_scalar_mul_S_l n X : S n *: X = X (n *: X).
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_scalar_mul_S_r n X : S n *: X = (n *: X) X.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_scalar_mul_1 X : 1 *: X = X.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_scalar_mul_2 X : 2 *: X = X X.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_scalar_mul_empty n : n *: =@{gmultiset A} ∅.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_scalar_mul_disj_union n X Y :
n *: (X Y) =@{gmultiset A} (n *: X) (n *: Y).
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_scalar_mul_union n X Y :
n *: (X Y) =@{gmultiset A} (n *: X) (n *: Y).
Proof. set_unfold. intros x; by rewrite Nat.mul_max_distr_l. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_scalar_mul_intersection n X Y :
n *: (X Y) =@{gmultiset A} (n *: X) (n *: Y).
Proof. set_unfold. intros x; by rewrite Nat.mul_min_distr_l. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_scalar_mul_difference n X Y :
n *: (X Y) =@{gmultiset A} (n *: X) (n *: Y).
Proof. set_unfold. intros x; by rewrite Nat.mul_sub_distr_l. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_scalar_mul_inj_ne_0 n X1 X2 :
n 0 n *: X1 = n *: X2 X1 = X2.
Proof. set_unfold. intros ? HX x. apply (Nat.mul_reg_l _ _ n); auto. Qed.
(** Specialized to [S n] so that type class search can find it. *)
Global Instance gmultiset_scalar_mul_inj_S n :
Inj (=) (=@{gmultiset A}) (S n *:.).
Proof. intros x1 x2. apply gmultiset_scalar_mul_inj_ne_0. lia. Qed.
(** Conversion from lists *)
Lemma list_to_set_disj_nil : list_to_set_disj [] =@{gmultiset A} ∅.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma list_to_set_disj_cons x l :
list_to_set_disj (x :: l) =@{gmultiset A} {[ x ]} list_to_set_disj l.
list_to_set_disj (x :: l) =@{gmultiset A} {[+ x +]} list_to_set_disj l.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma list_to_set_disj_app l1 l2 :
list_to_set_disj (l1 ++ l2) =@{gmultiset A} list_to_set_disj l1 list_to_set_disj l2.
Proof. induction l1; multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_list_to_set_disj x l :
x ∈@{gmultiset A} list_to_set_disj l x l.
Proof. induction l; set_solver. Qed.
Global Instance list_to_set_disj_perm :
Proper (() ==> (=)) (list_to_set_disj (C:=gmultiset A)).
Proof. induction 1; multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma list_to_set_disj_replicate n x :
list_to_set_disj (replicate n x) =@{gmultiset A} n *: {[+ x +]}.
Proof. induction n; multiset_solver. Qed.
(** Properties of the elements operation *)
Lemma gmultiset_elements_empty : elements ( : gmultiset A) = [].
unfold elements, gmultiset_elements; simpl. by rewrite map_to_list_empty.
Lemma gmultiset_elements_empty_inv X : elements X = [] X = ∅.
Lemma gmultiset_elements_empty_iff X : elements X = [] X = ∅.
split; [|intros ->; by rewrite gmultiset_elements_empty].
destruct X as [X]; unfold elements, gmultiset_elements; simpl.
intros; apply (f_equal GMultiSet). destruct (map_to_list X) as [|[]] eqn:?.
- by apply map_to_list_empty_inv.
- naive_solver.
Lemma gmultiset_elements_empty' X : elements X = [] X = ∅.
split; intros HX; [by apply gmultiset_elements_empty_inv|].
by rewrite HX, gmultiset_elements_empty.
intros; apply (f_equal GMultiSet).
destruct (map_to_list X) as [|[x p]] eqn:?; simpl in *.
- by apply map_to_list_empty_iff.
- pose proof (Pos2Nat.is_pos p). destruct (Pos.to_nat); naive_solver lia.
Lemma gmultiset_elements_singleton x : elements ({[ x ]} : gmultiset A) = [ x ].
Lemma gmultiset_elements_empty_inv X : elements X = [] X = ∅.
Proof. apply gmultiset_elements_empty_iff. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_elements_singleton x : elements ({[+ x +]} : gmultiset A) = [ x ].
unfold elements, gmultiset_elements; simpl. by rewrite map_to_list_singleton.
......@@ -361,25 +531,32 @@ Section more_lemmas.
elements (X Y) elements X ++ elements Y.
destruct X as [X], Y as [Y]; unfold elements, gmultiset_elements.
set (f xn := let '(x, n) := xn in replicate (S n) x); simpl.
set (f xn := let '(x, n) := xn in replicate (Pos.to_nat n) x); simpl.
revert Y; induction X as [|x n X HX IH] using map_ind; intros Y.
{ by rewrite (left_id_L _ _ Y), map_to_list_empty. }
destruct (Y !! x) as [n'|] eqn:HY.
- rewrite <-(insert_id Y x n'), <-(insert_delete Y) by done.
- rewrite <-(insert_delete Y x n') by done.
erewrite <-insert_union_with by done.
rewrite !map_to_list_insert, !bind_cons
by (by rewrite ?lookup_union_with, ?lookup_delete, ?HX).
rewrite (assoc_L _), <-(comm (++) (f (_,n'))), <-!(assoc_L _), <-IH.
rewrite (assoc_L _). f_equiv.
rewrite (comm _); simpl. by rewrite replicate_plus, Permutation_middle.
rewrite (comm _); simpl. by rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_add, replicate_add.
- rewrite <-insert_union_with_l, !map_to_list_insert, !bind_cons
by (by rewrite ?lookup_union_with, ?HX, ?HY).
by rewrite <-(assoc_L (++)), <-IH.
Lemma gmultiset_elements_scalar_mul n X :
elements (n *: X) mjoin (replicate n (elements X)).
induction n as [|n IH]; simpl.
- by rewrite gmultiset_scalar_mul_0, gmultiset_elements_empty.
- by rewrite gmultiset_scalar_mul_S_l, gmultiset_elements_disj_union, IH.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_elements x X : x elements X x X.
destruct X as [X]. unfold elements, gmultiset_elements.
set (f xn := let '(x, n) := xn in replicate (S n) x); simpl.
set (f xn := let '(x, n) := xn in replicate (Pos.to_nat n) x); simpl.
unfold elem_of at 2, gmultiset_elem_of, multiplicity; simpl.
rewrite elem_of_list_bind. split.
- intros [[??] [[<- ?]%elem_of_replicate ->%elem_of_map_to_list]]; lia.
......@@ -387,49 +564,79 @@ Section more_lemmas.
exists (x,n); split; [|by apply elem_of_map_to_list].
apply elem_of_replicate; auto with lia.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_dom x X : x dom (gset A) X x X.
unfold dom, gmultiset_dom, elem_of at 2, gmultiset_elem_of, multiplicity.
destruct X as [X]; simpl; rewrite elem_of_dom, <-not_eq_None_Some.
destruct (X !! x); naive_solver lia.
(** Properties of the set_fold operation *)
Lemma gmultiset_set_fold_empty {B} (f : A B B) (b : B) :
set_fold f b ( : gmultiset A) = b.
Proof. by unfold set_fold; simpl; rewrite gmultiset_elements_empty. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_set_fold_singleton {B} (f : A B B) (b : B) (a : A) :
set_fold f b ({[a]} : gmultiset A) = f a b.
set_fold f b ({[+ a +]} : gmultiset A) = f a b.
Proof. by unfold set_fold; simpl; rewrite gmultiset_elements_singleton. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_set_fold_disj_union_strong {B} (R : relation B) `{!PreOrder R}
(f : A B B) (b : B) X Y :
( x, Proper (R ==> R) (f x))
( x1 x2 c, x1 X Y x2 X Y R (f x1 (f x2 c)) (f x2 (f x1 c)))
R (set_fold f b (X Y)) (set_fold f (set_fold f b X) Y).
intros ? Hf. unfold set_fold; simpl.
rewrite <-foldr_app. apply (foldr_permutation R f b).
- intros j1 a1 j2 a2 c ? Ha1%elem_of_list_lookup_2 Ha2%elem_of_list_lookup_2.
rewrite gmultiset_elem_of_elements in Ha1, Ha2. eauto.
- rewrite (comm (++)). apply gmultiset_elements_disj_union.
Lemma gmultiset_set_fold_disj_union (f : A A A) (b : A) X Y :
Comm (=) f
Assoc (=) f
set_fold f b (X Y) = set_fold f (set_fold f b X) Y.
intros Hcomm Hassoc. unfold set_fold; simpl.
by rewrite gmultiset_elements_disj_union, <- foldr_app, (comm (++)).
intros ??; apply gmultiset_set_fold_disj_union_strong; [apply _..|].
intros x1 x2 ? _ _. by rewrite 2!assoc, (comm f x1 x2).
Lemma gmultiset_set_fold_scalar_mul (f : A A A) (b : A) n X :
Comm (=) f
Assoc (=) f
set_fold f b (n *: X) = Nat.iter n (flip (set_fold f) X) b.
intros Hcomm Hassoc. induction n as [|n IH]; simpl.
- by rewrite gmultiset_scalar_mul_0, gmultiset_set_fold_empty.
- rewrite gmultiset_scalar_mul_S_r.
by rewrite (gmultiset_set_fold_disj_union _ _ _ _ _ _), IH.
Lemma gmultiset_set_fold_comm_acc_strong {B} (R : relation B) `{!PreOrder R}
(f : A B B) (g : B B) b X :
( x, Proper (R ==> R) (f x))
( x (y : B), x X R (f x (g y)) (g (f x y)))
R (set_fold f (g b) X) (g (set_fold f b X)).
intros ? Hfg. unfold set_fold; simpl.
apply foldr_comm_acc_strong; [done|solve_proper|].
intros. by apply Hfg, gmultiset_elem_of_elements.
Lemma gmultiset_set_fold_comm_acc {B} (f : A B B) (g : B B) (b : B) X :
( x c, g (f x c) = f x (g c))
set_fold f (g b) X = g (set_fold f b X).
intros. apply (gmultiset_set_fold_comm_acc_strong _); [solve_proper|done].
(** Properties of the size operation *)
Lemma gmultiset_size_empty : size ( : gmultiset A) = 0.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_size_empty_inv X : size X = 0 X = ∅.
unfold size, gmultiset_size; simpl. rewrite length_zero_iff_nil.
apply gmultiset_elements_empty_inv.
Lemma gmultiset_size_empty_iff X : size X = 0 X = ∅.
split; [apply gmultiset_size_empty_inv|].
by intros ->; rewrite gmultiset_size_empty.
unfold size, gmultiset_size; simpl.
by rewrite length_zero_iff_nil, gmultiset_elements_empty_iff.
Lemma gmultiset_size_empty_inv X : size X = 0 X = ∅.
Proof. apply gmultiset_size_empty_iff. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_size_non_empty_iff X : size X 0 X ∅.
Proof. by rewrite gmultiset_size_empty_iff. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_choose_or_empty X : ( x, x X) X = ∅.
destruct (elements X) as [|x l] eqn:HX; [right|left].
- by apply gmultiset_elements_empty_inv.
- by apply gmultiset_elements_empty_iff.
- exists x. rewrite <-gmultiset_elem_of_elements, HX. by left.
Lemma gmultiset_choose X : X x, x X.
......@@ -440,37 +647,44 @@ Section more_lemmas.
contradict Hsz. rewrite HX, gmultiset_size_empty; lia.
Lemma gmultiset_size_singleton x : size ({[ x ]} : gmultiset A) = 1.
Lemma gmultiset_size_singleton x : size ({[+ x +]} : gmultiset A) = 1.
unfold size, gmultiset_size; simpl. by rewrite gmultiset_elements_singleton.
Lemma gmultiset_size_disj_union X Y : size (X Y) = size X + size Y.
unfold size, gmultiset_size; simpl.
by rewrite gmultiset_elements_disj_union, app_length.
by rewrite gmultiset_elements_disj_union, length_app.
Lemma gmultiset_size_scalar_mul n X : size (n *: X) = n * size X.
induction n as [|n IH].
- by rewrite gmultiset_scalar_mul_0, gmultiset_size_empty.
- rewrite gmultiset_scalar_mul_S_l, gmultiset_size_disj_union, IH. lia.
(** Order stuff *)
Global Instance gmultiset_po : PartialOrder (⊆@{gmultiset A}).
Proof. repeat split; repeat intro; multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_subseteq_alt X Y :
Local Lemma gmultiset_subseteq_alt X Y :
map_relation () (λ _, False) (λ _, True) (gmultiset_car X) (gmultiset_car Y).
map_relation (λ _, Pos.le) (λ _ _, False) (λ _ _, True)
(gmultiset_car X) (gmultiset_car Y).
apply forall_proper; intros x. unfold multiplicity.
destruct (gmultiset_car X !! x), (gmultiset_car Y !! x); naive_solver lia.
Global Instance gmultiset_subseteq_dec : RelDecision (⊆@{gmultiset A}).
refine (λ X Y, cast_if (decide (map_relation ()
(λ _, False) (λ _, True) (gmultiset_car X) (gmultiset_car Y))));
refine (λ X Y, cast_if (decide (map_relation
(λ _, Pos.le) (λ _ _, False) (λ _ _, True)
(gmultiset_car X) (gmultiset_car Y))));
by rewrite gmultiset_subseteq_alt.
Lemma gmultiset_subset_subseteq X Y : X Y X Y.
Proof. apply strict_include. Qed.
Hint Resolve gmultiset_subset_subseteq : core.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_empty_subseteq X : X.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
......@@ -500,32 +714,24 @@ Section more_lemmas.
Lemma gmultiset_subset X Y : X Y size X < size Y X Y.
Proof. intros. apply strict_spec_alt; split; naive_solver auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_disj_union_subset_l X Y : Y X X Y.
intros HY%gmultiset_size_non_empty_iff.
apply gmultiset_subset; auto using gmultiset_disj_union_subseteq_l.
rewrite gmultiset_size_disj_union; lia.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_union_subset_r X Y : X Y X Y.
Proof. rewrite (comm_L ()). apply gmultiset_disj_union_subset_l. Qed.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_singleton_subseteq x X : x X {[ x ]} X.
rewrite elem_of_multiplicity. split.
- intros Hx y. rewrite multiplicity_singleton'.
destruct (decide (y = x)); naive_solver lia.
- intros Hx. generalize (Hx x). rewrite multiplicity_singleton. lia.
Lemma gmultiset_singleton_subseteq_l x X : {[+ x +]} X x X.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_singleton_subseteq x y :
{[+ x +]} ⊆@{gmultiset A} {[+ y +]} x = y.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_elem_of_subseteq X1 X2 x : x X1 X1 X2 x X2.
Proof. rewrite !gmultiset_elem_of_singleton_subseteq. by intros ->. Qed.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_disj_union_difference X Y : X Y Y = X Y X.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_disj_union_difference' x Y : x Y Y = {[ x ]} Y {[ x ]}.
intros. by apply gmultiset_disj_union_difference,
Lemma gmultiset_disj_union_difference' x Y :
x Y Y = {[+ x +]} Y {[+ x +]}.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_size_difference X Y : Y X size (X Y) = size X - size Y.
......@@ -537,20 +743,19 @@ Section more_lemmas.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_non_empty_difference X Y : X Y Y X ∅.
intros [_ HXY2] Hdiff; destruct HXY2; intros x.
generalize (f_equal (multiplicity x) Hdiff).
rewrite multiplicity_difference, multiplicity_empty; lia.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_difference_diag X : X X = ∅.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_difference_subset X Y : X X Y Y X Y.
intros. eapply strict_transitive_l; [by apply gmultiset_union_subset_r|].
by rewrite <-(gmultiset_disj_union_difference X Y).
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_difference_disj_union_r X Y Z : X Y = (X Z) (Y Z).
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_difference_disj_union_l X Y Z : X Y = (Z X) (Z Y).
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
(** Mononicity *)
Lemma gmultiset_elements_submseteq X Y : X Y elements X ⊆+ elements Y.
......@@ -567,22 +772,138 @@ Section more_lemmas.
intros HXY. assert (size (Y X) 0).
{ by apply gmultiset_size_non_empty_iff, gmultiset_non_empty_difference. }
rewrite (gmultiset_disj_union_difference X Y),
gmultiset_size_disj_union by auto. lia.
gmultiset_size_disj_union by auto using gmultiset_subset_subseteq. lia.
(** Well-foundedness *)
Lemma gmultiset_wf : wf (⊂@{gmultiset A}).
Lemma gmultiset_wf : well_founded (⊂@{gmultiset A}).
apply (wf_projected (<) size); auto using gmultiset_subset_size, lt_wf.
Lemma gmultiset_ind (P : gmultiset A Prop) :
P ( x X, P X P ({[ x ]} X)) X, P X.
P ( x X, P X P ({[+ x +]} X)) X, P X.
intros Hemp Hinsert X. induction (gmultiset_wf X) as [X _ IH].
destruct (gmultiset_choose_or_empty X) as [[x Hx]| ->]; auto.
rewrite (gmultiset_disj_union_difference' x X) by done.
apply Hinsert, IH, gmultiset_difference_subset,
gmultiset_elem_of_singleton_subseteq; auto using gmultiset_non_empty_singleton.
apply Hinsert, IH; multiset_solver.
End more_lemmas.
(** * Map *)
Section map.
Context `{Countable A, Countable B}.
Context (f : A B).
Lemma gmultiset_map_alt X :
gmultiset_map f X = list_to_set_disj (f <$> elements X).
destruct X as [m]. unfold elements, gmultiset_map. simpl.
induction m as [|x n m ?? IH] using map_first_key_ind; [done|].
rewrite map_to_list_insert_first_key, map_fold_insert_first_key by done.
csimpl. rewrite fmap_app, fmap_replicate, list_to_set_disj_app, <-IH.
apply gmultiset_eq; intros y.
rewrite multiplicity_disj_union, list_to_set_disj_replicate.
rewrite multiplicity_scalar_mul, multiplicity_singleton'.
unfold multiplicity; simpl. destruct (decide (y = f x)) as [->|].
- rewrite lookup_partial_alter; simpl. destruct (_ !! f x); simpl; lia.
- rewrite lookup_partial_alter_ne by done. lia.
Lemma gmultiset_map_empty : gmultiset_map f = ∅.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_map_disj_union X Y :
gmultiset_map f (X Y) = gmultiset_map f X gmultiset_map f Y.
apply gmultiset_eq; intros x.
rewrite !gmultiset_map_alt, gmultiset_elements_disj_union, fmap_app.
by rewrite list_to_set_disj_app.
Lemma gmultiset_map_singleton x :
gmultiset_map f {[+ x +]} = {[+ f x +]}.
rewrite gmultiset_map_alt, gmultiset_elements_singleton.
Lemma elem_of_gmultiset_map X y :
y gmultiset_map f X x, y = f x x X.
rewrite gmultiset_map_alt, elem_of_list_to_set_disj, elem_of_list_fmap.
by setoid_rewrite gmultiset_elem_of_elements.
Lemma multiplicity_gmultiset_map X x :
Inj (=) (=) f
multiplicity (f x) (gmultiset_map f X) = multiplicity x X.
intros. induction X as [|y X IH] using gmultiset_ind; [multiset_solver|].
rewrite gmultiset_map_disj_union, gmultiset_map_singleton,
Global Instance gmultiset_map_inj :
Inj (=) (=) f Inj (=) (=) (gmultiset_map f).
intros ? X Y HXY. apply gmultiset_eq; intros x.
by rewrite <-!(multiplicity_gmultiset_map _ _ _), HXY.
Global Instance set_unfold_gmultiset_map X (P : A Prop) y :
( x, SetUnfoldElemOf x X (P x))
SetUnfoldElemOf y (gmultiset_map f X) ( x, y = f x P x).
Proof. constructor. rewrite elem_of_gmultiset_map; naive_solver. Qed.
Global Instance multiset_unfold_map x X n :
Inj (=) (=) f
MultisetUnfold x X n
MultisetUnfold (f x) (gmultiset_map f X) n.
intros ? [HX]; constructor. by rewrite multiplicity_gmultiset_map, HX.
End map.
(** * Big disjoint unions *)
Section disj_union_list.
Context `{Countable A}.
Implicit Types X Y : gmultiset A.
Implicit Types Xs Ys : list (gmultiset A).
Lemma gmultiset_disj_union_list_nil :
⋃+ (@nil (gmultiset A)) = ∅.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_disj_union_list_cons X Xs :
⋃+ (X :: Xs) = X ⋃+ Xs.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_disj_union_list_singleton X :
⋃+ [X] = X.
Proof. simpl. by rewrite (right_id_L _). Qed.
Lemma gmultiset_disj_union_list_app Xs1 Xs2 :
⋃+ (Xs1 ++ Xs2) = ⋃+ Xs1 ⋃+ Xs2.
induction Xs1 as [|X Xs1 IH]; simpl; [by rewrite (left_id_L _)|].
by rewrite IH, (assoc_L _).
Lemma elem_of_gmultiset_disj_union_list Xs x :
x ⋃+ Xs X, X Xs x X.
Proof. induction Xs; multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma multiplicity_gmultiset_disj_union_list x Xs :
multiplicity x (⋃+ Xs) = sum_list (multiplicity x <$> Xs).
induction Xs as [|X Xs IH]; [done|]; simpl.
by rewrite multiplicity_disj_union, IH.
Global Instance gmultiset_disj_union_list_proper :
Proper (() ==> (=)) (@disj_union_list (gmultiset A) _ _).
Proof. induction 1; multiset_solver. Qed.
End disj_union_list.
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ Record hashset {A} (hash : A → Z) := Hashset {
hashset_prf :
map_Forall (λ n l, Forall (λ x, hash x = n) l NoDup l) hashset_car
Arguments Hashset {_ _} _ _ : assert.
Arguments hashset_car {_ _} _ : assert.
Global Arguments Hashset {_ _} _ _ : assert.
Global Arguments hashset_car {_ _} _ : assert.
Section hashset.
Context `{EqDecision A} (hash : A Z).
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Qed.
Global Program Instance hashset_intersection: Intersection (hashset hash) := λ m1 m2,
let (m1,Hm1) := m1 in let (m2,Hm2) := m2 in
Hashset (intersection_with (λ l k,
let l' := list_intersection l k in guard (l' []); Some l') m1 m2) _.
let l' := list_intersection l k in guard (l' []);; Some l') m1 m2) _.
Next Obligation.
intros _ _ m1 Hm1 m2 Hm2 n l'. rewrite lookup_intersection_with_Some.
intros (?&?&?&?&?); simplify_option_eq.
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Qed.
Global Program Instance hashset_difference: Difference (hashset hash) := λ m1 m2,
let (m1,Hm1) := m1 in let (m2,Hm2) := m2 in
Hashset (difference_with (λ l k,
let l' := list_difference l k in guard (l' []); Some l') m1 m2) _.
let l' := list_difference l k in guard (l' []);; Some l') m1 m2) _.
Next Obligation.
intros _ _ m1 Hm1 m2 Hm2 n l'. rewrite lookup_difference_with_Some.
intros [[??]|(?&?&?&?&?)]; simplify_option_eq; auto.
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Proof.
- unfold elements, hashset_elements. intros [m Hm]; simpl.
rewrite map_Forall_to_list in Hm. generalize (NoDup_fst_map_to_list m).
induction Hm as [|[n l] m' [??] Hm];
csimpl; inversion_clear 1 as [|?? Hn]; [constructor|].
csimpl; inv 1 as [|?? Hn]; [constructor|].
apply NoDup_app; split_and?; eauto.
setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_bind; intros x ? ([n' l']&?&?); simpl in *.
assert (hash x = n hash x = n') as [??]; subst.
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Proof.
End hashset.
Typeclasses Opaque hashset_elem_of.
Global Typeclasses Opaque hashset_elem_of.
Section remove_duplicates.
Context `{EqDecision A} (hash : A Z).
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Definition remove_dups_fast (l : list A) : list A :=
| [] => []
| [x] => [x]
| _ =>
let n : Z := length l in
let n : Z := Z.of_nat (length l) in
elements (foldr (λ x, ({[ x ]} ∪.)) l :
hashset (λ x, hash x `mod` (2 * n))%Z)
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Lemma elem_of_remove_dups_fast l x : x ∈ remove_dups_fast l ↔ x ∈ l.
destruct l as [|x1 [|x2 l]]; try reflexivity.
unfold remove_dups_fast; generalize (x1 :: x2 :: l); clear l; intros l.
generalize (λ x, hash x `mod` (2 * length l))%Z; intros f.
generalize (λ x, hash x `mod` (2 * Z.of_nat (length l)))%Z; intros f.
rewrite elem_of_elements; split.
- revert x. induction l as [|y l IH]; intros x; simpl.
{ by rewrite elem_of_empty. }
......@@ -152,6 +152,6 @@ Definition listset_normalize (X : listset A) : listset A :=
let (l) := X in Listset (remove_dups_fast l).
Lemma listset_normalize_correct X : listset_normalize X X.
destruct X as [l]. apply elem_of_equiv; intro; apply elem_of_remove_dups_fast.
destruct X as [l]. apply set_equiv; intro; apply elem_of_remove_dups_fast.
End remove_duplicates.
......@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ Definition htail {A As} (xs : hlist (tcons A As)) : hlist As :=
Fixpoint hheads {As Bs} : hlist (tapp As Bs) hlist As :=
match As with
| tnil => λ _, hnil
| tcons A As => λ xs, hcons (hhead xs) (hheads (htail xs))
| tcons _ _ => λ xs, hcons (hhead xs) (hheads (htail xs))
Fixpoint htails {As Bs} : hlist (tapp As Bs) hlist Bs :=
match As with
| tnil => id
| tcons A As => λ xs, htails (htail xs)
| tcons _ _ => λ xs, htails (htail xs)
Fixpoint himpl (As : tlist) (B : Type) : Type :=
......@@ -35,23 +35,24 @@ Fixpoint himpl (As : tlist) (B : Type) : Type :=
Definition hinit {B} (y : B) : himpl tnil B := y.
Definition hlam {A As B} (f : A himpl As B) : himpl (tcons A As) B := f.
Arguments hlam _ _ _ _ _ / : assert.
Global Arguments hlam _ _ _ _ _ / : assert.
Definition hcurry {As B} (f : himpl As B) (xs : hlist As) : B :=
Definition huncurry {As B} (f : himpl As B) (xs : hlist As) : B :=
(fix go {As} xs :=
match xs in hlist As return himpl As B B with
| hnil => λ f, f
| hcons x xs => λ f, go xs (f x)
end) _ xs f.
Coercion hcurry : himpl >-> Funclass.
Coercion huncurry : himpl >-> Funclass.
Fixpoint huncurry {As B} : (hlist As B) himpl As B :=
Fixpoint hcurry {As B} : (hlist As B) himpl As B :=
match As with
| tnil => λ f, f hnil
| tcons x xs => λ f, hlam (λ x, huncurry (f hcons x))
| tcons x xs => λ f, hlam (λ x, hcurry (f hcons x))
Lemma hcurry_uncurry {As B} (f : hlist As B) xs : huncurry f xs = f xs.
Lemma huncurry_curry {As B} (f : hlist As B) xs :
huncurry (hcurry f) xs = f xs.
Proof. by induction xs as [|A As x xs IH]; simpl; rewrite ?IH. Qed.
Fixpoint hcompose {As B C} (f : B C) {struct As} : himpl As B himpl As C :=
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Section search_infinite.
Context `{!Inj (=) (=) f, !EqDecision B}.
Lemma search_infinite_R_wf xs : wf (R xs).
Lemma search_infinite_R_wf xs : well_founded (R xs).
revert xs. assert (help : xs n n',
Acc (R (filter (. f n') xs)) n n' < n Acc (R xs) n).
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Section search_infinite.
split; [done|]. apply elem_of_list_filter; naive_solver lia. }
intros xs. induction (well_founded_ltof _ length xs) as [xs _ IH].
intros n1; constructor; intros n2 [Hn Hs].
apply help with (n2 - 1); [|lia]. apply IH. eapply filter_length_lt; eauto.
apply help with (n2 - 1); [|lia]. apply IH. eapply length_filter_lt; eauto.
Definition search_infinite_go (xs : list B) (n : nat)
......@@ -106,47 +106,47 @@ Section max_infinite.
End max_infinite.
(** Instances for number types *)
Program Instance nat_infinite : Infinite nat :=
Global Program Instance nat_infinite : Infinite nat :=
max_infinite (Nat.max S) 0 (<) _ _ _ _.
Solve Obligations with (intros; simpl; lia).
Program Instance N_infinite : Infinite N :=
Global Program Instance N_infinite : Infinite N :=
max_infinite (N.max N.succ) 0%N _ _ _ _.
Solve Obligations with (intros; simpl; lia).
Program Instance positive_infinite : Infinite positive :=
Global Program Instance positive_infinite : Infinite positive :=
max_infinite (Pos.max Pos.succ) 1%positive _ _ _ _.
Solve Obligations with (intros; simpl; lia).
Program Instance Z_infinite: Infinite Z :=
Global Program Instance Z_infinite: Infinite Z :=
max_infinite (Z.max Z.succ) 0%Z _ _ _ _.
Solve Obligations with (intros; simpl; lia).
(** Instances for option, sum, products *)
Instance option_infinite `{Infinite A} : Infinite (option A) :=
Global Instance option_infinite `{Infinite A} : Infinite (option A) :=
inj_infinite Some id (λ _, eq_refl).
Instance sum_infinite_l `{Infinite A} {B} : Infinite (A + B) :=
Global Instance sum_infinite_l `{Infinite A} {B} : Infinite (A + B) :=
inj_infinite inl (maybe inl) (λ _, eq_refl).
Instance sum_infinite_r {A} `{Infinite B} : Infinite (A + B) :=
Global Instance sum_infinite_r {A} `{Infinite B} : Infinite (A + B) :=
inj_infinite inr (maybe inr) (λ _, eq_refl).
Instance prod_infinite_l `{Infinite A, Inhabited B} : Infinite (A * B) :=
Global Instance prod_infinite_l `{Infinite A, Inhabited B} : Infinite (A * B) :=
inj_infinite (., inhabitant) (Some fst) (λ _, eq_refl).
Instance prod_infinite_r `{Inhabited A, Infinite B} : Infinite (A * B) :=
Global Instance prod_infinite_r `{Inhabited A, Infinite B} : Infinite (A * B) :=
inj_infinite (inhabitant ,.) (Some snd) (λ _, eq_refl).
(** Instance for lists *)
Program Instance list_infinite `{Inhabited A} : Infinite (list A) := {|
Global Program Instance list_infinite `{Inhabited A} : Infinite (list A) := {|
infinite_fresh xxs := replicate (fresh (length <$> xxs)) inhabitant
Next Obligation.
intros A ? xs ?. destruct (infinite_is_fresh (length <$> xs)).
apply elem_of_list_fmap. eexists; split; [|done].
unfold fresh. by rewrite replicate_length.
unfold fresh. by rewrite length_replicate.
Next Obligation. unfold fresh. by intros A ? xs1 xs2 ->. Qed.
(** Instance for strings *)
Program Instance string_infinite : Infinite string :=
Global Program Instance string_infinite : Infinite string :=
search_infinite pretty.
......@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ Notation cast_trichotomy T :=
| inright _ => inright _
Instance prod_lexico `{Lexico A, Lexico B} : Lexico (A * B) := λ p1 p2,
Global Instance prod_lexico `{Lexico A, Lexico B} : Lexico (A * B) := λ p1 p2,
(**i 1.) *) lexico (p1.1) (p2.1)
(**i 2.) *) p1.1 = p2.1 lexico (p1.2) (p2.2).
Instance bool_lexico : Lexico bool := λ b1 b2,
Global Instance bool_lexico : Lexico bool := λ b1 b2,
match b1, b2 with false, true => True | _, _ => False end.
Instance nat_lexico : Lexico nat := (<).
Instance N_lexico : Lexico N := (<)%N.
Instance Z_lexico : Lexico Z := (<)%Z.
Typeclasses Opaque bool_lexico nat_lexico N_lexico Z_lexico.
Instance list_lexico `{Lexico A} : Lexico (list A) :=
Global Instance nat_lexico : Lexico nat := (<).
Global Instance N_lexico : Lexico N := (<)%N.
Global Instance Z_lexico : Lexico Z := (<)%Z.
Global Typeclasses Opaque bool_lexico nat_lexico N_lexico Z_lexico.
Global Instance list_lexico `{Lexico A} : Lexico (list A) :=
fix go l1 l2 :=
let _ : Lexico (list A) := @go in
match l1, l2 with
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Instance list_lexico `{Lexico A} : Lexico (list A) :=
| x1 :: l1, x2 :: l2 => lexico (x1,l1) (x2,l2)
| _, _ => False
Instance sig_lexico `{Lexico A} (P : A Prop) `{ x, ProofIrrel (P x)} :
Global Instance sig_lexico `{Lexico A} (P : A Prop) `{ x, ProofIrrel (P x)} :
Lexico (sig P) := λ x1 x2, lexico (`x1) (`x2).
Lemma prod_lexico_irreflexive `{Lexico A, Lexico B, !Irreflexive (@lexico A _)}
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Proof.
by left; trans x2.
Instance prod_lexico_po `{Lexico A, Lexico B, !StrictOrder (@lexico A _)}
Global Instance prod_lexico_po `{Lexico A, Lexico B, !StrictOrder (@lexico A _)}
`{!StrictOrder (@lexico B _)} : StrictOrder (@lexico (A * B) _).
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Proof.
- intros [??] [??] [??] ??.
eapply prod_lexico_transitive; eauto. apply transitivity.
Instance prod_lexico_trichotomyT `{Lexico A, tA : !TrichotomyT (@lexico A _)}
Global Instance prod_lexico_trichotomyT `{Lexico A, tA : !TrichotomyT (@lexico A _)}
`{Lexico B, tB : !TrichotomyT (@lexico B _)}: TrichotomyT (@lexico (A * B) _).
red; refine (λ p1 p2,
......@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ Proof.
abstract (unfold lexico, prod_lexico; auto using injective_projections).
Instance bool_lexico_po : StrictOrder (@lexico bool _).
Global Instance bool_lexico_po : StrictOrder (@lexico bool _).
- by intros [] ?.
- by intros [] [] [] ??.
Instance bool_lexico_trichotomy: TrichotomyT (@lexico bool _).
Global Instance bool_lexico_trichotomy: TrichotomyT (@lexico bool _).
red; refine (λ b1 b2,
match b1, b2 with
......@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ Proof.
end); abstract (unfold strict, lexico, bool_lexico; naive_solver).
Instance nat_lexico_po : StrictOrder (@lexico nat _).
Global Instance nat_lexico_po : StrictOrder (@lexico nat _).
Proof. unfold lexico, nat_lexico. apply _. Qed.
Instance nat_lexico_trichotomy: TrichotomyT (@lexico nat _).
Global Instance nat_lexico_trichotomy: TrichotomyT (@lexico nat _).
red; refine (λ n1 n2,
match n1 n2 as c return n1 n2 = c _ with
......@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ Proof.
end eq_refl).
Instance N_lexico_po : StrictOrder (@lexico N _).
Global Instance N_lexico_po : StrictOrder (@lexico N _).
Proof. unfold lexico, N_lexico. apply _. Qed.
Instance N_lexico_trichotomy: TrichotomyT (@lexico N _).
Global Instance N_lexico_trichotomy: TrichotomyT (@lexico N _).
red; refine (λ n1 n2,
match n1 n2 as c return n1 n2 = c _ with
......@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ Proof.
end eq_refl).
Instance Z_lexico_po : StrictOrder (@lexico Z _).
Global Instance Z_lexico_po : StrictOrder (@lexico Z _).
Proof. unfold lexico, Z_lexico. apply _. Qed.
Instance Z_lexico_trichotomy: TrichotomyT (@lexico Z _).
Global Instance Z_lexico_trichotomy: TrichotomyT (@lexico Z _).
red; refine (λ n1 n2,
match n1 n2 as c return n1 n2 = c _ with
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Proof.
end eq_refl).
Instance list_lexico_po `{Lexico A, !StrictOrder (@lexico A _)} :
Global Instance list_lexico_po `{Lexico A, !StrictOrder (@lexico A _)} :
StrictOrder (@lexico (list A) _).
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Proof.
- intros l1. induction l1 as [|x1 l1]; intros [|x2 l2] [|x3 l3] ??; try done.
eapply prod_lexico_transitive; eauto.
Instance list_lexico_trichotomy `{Lexico A, tA : !TrichotomyT (@lexico A _)} :
Global Instance list_lexico_trichotomy `{Lexico A, tA : !TrichotomyT (@lexico A _)} :
TrichotomyT (@lexico (list A) _).
refine (
......@@ -138,17 +138,17 @@ Proof.
| _ :: _, [] => inright _
| x1 :: l1, x2 :: l2 => cast_trichotomy (trichotomyT lexico (x1,l1) (x2,l2))
end); clear tA go go';
abstract (repeat (done || constructor || congruence || by inversion 1)).
abstract (repeat (done || constructor || congruence || by inv 1)).
Instance sig_lexico_po `{Lexico A, !StrictOrder (@lexico A _)}
Global Instance sig_lexico_po `{Lexico A, !StrictOrder (@lexico A _)}
(P : A Prop) `{ x, ProofIrrel (P x)} : StrictOrder (@lexico (sig P) _).
unfold lexico, sig_lexico. split.
- intros [x ?] ?. by apply (irreflexivity lexico x).
- intros [x1 ?] [x2 ?] [x3 ?] ??. by trans x2.
Instance sig_lexico_trichotomy `{Lexico A, tA : !TrichotomyT (@lexico A _)}
Global Instance sig_lexico_trichotomy `{Lexico A, tA : !TrichotomyT (@lexico A _)}
(P : A Prop) `{ x, ProofIrrel (P x)} : TrichotomyT (@lexico (sig P) _).
red; refine (λ x1 x2, cast_trichotomy (trichotomyT lexico (`x1) (`x2)));
(** This file re-exports all the list lemmas in std++. Do *not* import the individual
[list_*] modules; their organization may cahnge over time. Always import [list]. *)
From stdpp Require Export list_basics list_relations list_monad list_misc list_tactics list_numbers.
From stdpp Require Import options.
From stdpp Require Export numbers base option.
From stdpp Require Import options.
Global Arguments length {_} _ : assert.
Global Arguments cons {_} _ _ : assert.
Global Arguments app {_} _ _ : assert.
Global Instance: Params (@length) 1 := {}.
Global Instance: Params (@cons) 1 := {}.
Global Instance: Params (@app) 1 := {}.
(** [head] and [tail] are defined as [parsing only] for [hd_error] and [tl] in
the Coq standard library. We redefine these notations to make sure they also
pretty print properly. *)
Notation head := hd_error.
Notation tail := tl.
Notation take := firstn.
Notation drop := skipn.
Global Arguments head {_} _ : assert.
Global Arguments tail {_} _ : assert.
Global Arguments take {_} !_ !_ / : assert.
Global Arguments drop {_} !_ !_ / : assert.
Global Instance: Params (@head) 1 := {}.
Global Instance: Params (@tail) 1 := {}.
Global Instance: Params (@take) 1 := {}.
Global Instance: Params (@drop) 1 := {}.
Notation "(::)" := cons (only parsing) : list_scope.
Notation "( x ::.)" := (cons x) (only parsing) : list_scope.
Notation "(.:: l )" := (λ x, cons x l) (only parsing) : list_scope.
Notation "(++)" := app (only parsing) : list_scope.
Notation "( l ++.)" := (app l) (only parsing) : list_scope.
Notation "(.++ k )" := (λ l, app l k) (only parsing) : list_scope.
Global Instance maybe_cons {A} : Maybe2 (@cons A) := λ l,
match l with x :: l => Some (x,l) | _ => None end.
(** The operation [l !! i] gives the [i]th element of the list [l], or [None]
in case [i] is out of bounds. *)
Global Instance list_lookup {A} : Lookup nat A (list A) :=
fix go i l {struct l} : option A := let _ : Lookup _ _ _ := @go in
match l with
| [] => None | x :: l => match i with 0 => Some x | S i => l !! i end
(** The operation [l !!! i] is a total version of the lookup operation
[l !! i]. *)
Global Instance list_lookup_total `{!Inhabited A} : LookupTotal nat A (list A) :=
fix go i l {struct l} : A := let _ : LookupTotal _ _ _ := @go in
match l with
| [] => inhabitant
| x :: l => match i with 0 => x | S i => l !!! i end
(** The operation [alter f i l] applies the function [f] to the [i]th element
of [l]. In case [i] is out of bounds, the list is returned unchanged. *)
Global Instance list_alter {A} : Alter nat A (list A) := λ f,
fix go i l {struct l} :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: l => match i with 0 => f x :: l | S i => x :: go i l end
(** The operation [<[i:=x]> l] overwrites the element at position [i] with the
value [x]. In case [i] is out of bounds, the list is returned unchanged. *)
Global Instance list_insert {A} : Insert nat A (list A) :=
fix go i y l {struct l} := let _ : Insert _ _ _ := @go in
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: l => match i with 0 => y :: l | S i => x :: <[i:=y]>l end
Fixpoint list_inserts {A} (i : nat) (k l : list A) : list A :=
match k with
| [] => l
| y :: k => <[i:=y]>(list_inserts (S i) k l)
Global Instance: Params (@list_inserts) 1 := {}.
(** The operation [delete i l] removes the [i]th element of [l] and moves
all consecutive elements one position ahead. In case [i] is out of bounds,
the list is returned unchanged. *)
Global Instance list_delete {A} : Delete nat (list A) :=
fix go (i : nat) (l : list A) {struct l} : list A :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: l => match i with 0 => l | S i => x :: @delete _ _ go i l end
(** The function [option_list o] converts an element [Some x] into the
singleton list [[x]], and [None] into the empty list [[]]. *)
Definition option_list {A} : option A list A := option_rect _ (λ x, [x]) [].
Global Instance: Params (@option_list) 1 := {}.
Global Instance maybe_list_singleton {A} : Maybe (λ x : A, [x]) := λ l,
match l with [x] => Some x | _ => None end.
(** The function [filter P l] returns the list of elements of [l] that
satisfies [P]. The order remains unchanged. *)
Global Instance list_filter {A} : Filter A (list A) :=
fix go P _ l := let _ : Filter _ _ := @go in
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: l => if decide (P x) then x :: filter P l else filter P l
(** The function [replicate n x] generates a list with length [n] of elements
with value [x]. *)
Fixpoint replicate {A} (n : nat) (x : A) : list A :=
match n with 0 => [] | S n => x :: replicate n x end.
Global Instance: Params (@replicate) 2 := {}.
(** The function [reverse l] returns the elements of [l] in reverse order. *)
Definition reverse {A} (l : list A) : list A := rev_append l [].
Global Instance: Params (@reverse) 1 := {}.
(** The function [last l] returns the last element of the list [l], or [None]
if the list [l] is empty. *)
Fixpoint last {A} (l : list A) : option A :=
match l with [] => None | [x] => Some x | _ :: l => last l end.
Global Instance: Params (@last) 1 := {}.
Global Arguments last : simpl nomatch.
(** Functions to fold over a list. We redefine [foldl] with the arguments in
the same order as in Haskell. *)
Notation foldr := fold_right.
Definition foldl {A B} (f : A B A) : A list B A :=
fix go a l := match l with [] => a | x :: l => go (f a x) l end.
(** Set operations on lists *)
Section list_set.
Context `{dec : EqDecision A}.
Global Instance elem_of_list_dec : RelDecision (∈@{list A}).
Proof using Type*.
refine (
fix go x l :=
match l return Decision (x l) with
| [] => right _
| y :: l => cast_if_or (decide (x = y)) (go x l)
end); clear go dec; subst; try (by constructor); abstract by inv 1.
Fixpoint remove_dups (l : list A) : list A :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: l =>
if decide_rel () x l then remove_dups l else x :: remove_dups l
Fixpoint list_difference (l k : list A) : list A :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: l =>
if decide_rel () x k
then list_difference l k else x :: list_difference l k
Definition list_union (l k : list A) : list A := list_difference l k ++ k.
Fixpoint list_intersection (l k : list A) : list A :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: l =>
if decide_rel () x k
then x :: list_intersection l k else list_intersection l k
Definition list_intersection_with (f : A A option A) :
list A list A list A := fix go l k :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x :: l => foldr (λ y,
match f x y with None => id | Some z => (z ::.) end) (go l k) k
End list_set.
(** * General theorems *)
Section general_properties.
Context {A : Type}.
Implicit Types x y z : A.
Implicit Types l k : list A.
(* TODO: Coq 8.20 has the same lemma under the same name, so remove our version
once we require Coq 8.20. In Coq 8.19 and before, this lemma is called
[app_length]. *)
Lemma length_app (l l' : list A) : length (l ++ l') = length l + length l'.
Proof. induction l; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma app_inj_1 (l1 k1 l2 k2 : list A) :
length l1 = length k1 l1 ++ l2 = k1 ++ k2 l1 = k1 l2 = k2.
Proof. revert k1. induction l1; intros [|??]; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma app_inj_2 (l1 k1 l2 k2 : list A) :
length l2 = length k2 l1 ++ l2 = k1 ++ k2 l1 = k1 l2 = k2.
intros ? Hl. apply app_inj_1; auto.
apply (f_equal length) in Hl. rewrite !length_app in Hl. lia.
Global Instance cons_eq_inj : Inj2 (=) (=) (=) (@cons A).
Proof. by injection 1. Qed.
Global Instance: k, Inj (=) (=) (k ++.).
Proof. intros ???. apply app_inv_head. Qed.
Global Instance: k, Inj (=) (=) (.++ k).
Proof. intros ???. apply app_inv_tail. Qed.
Global Instance: Assoc (=) (@app A).
Proof. intros ???. apply app_assoc. Qed.
Global Instance: LeftId (=) [] (@app A).
Proof. done. Qed.
Global Instance: RightId (=) [] (@app A).
Proof. intro. apply app_nil_r. Qed.
Lemma app_nil l1 l2 : l1 ++ l2 = [] l1 = [] l2 = [].
Proof. split; [apply app_eq_nil|]. by intros [-> ->]. Qed.
Lemma app_singleton l1 l2 x :
l1 ++ l2 = [x] l1 = [] l2 = [x] l1 = [x] l2 = [].
Proof. split; [apply app_eq_unit|]. by intros [[-> ->]|[-> ->]]. Qed.
Lemma cons_middle x l1 l2 : l1 ++ x :: l2 = l1 ++ [x] ++ l2.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma list_eq l1 l2 : ( i, l1 !! i = l2 !! i) l1 = l2.
revert l2. induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; intros [|y l2] H.
- done.
- discriminate (H 0).
- discriminate (H 0).
- f_equal; [by injection (H 0)|]. apply (IH _ $ λ i, H (S i)).
Global Instance list_eq_dec {dec : EqDecision A} : EqDecision (list A) :=
list_eq_dec dec.
Global Instance list_eq_nil_dec l : Decision (l = []).
Proof. by refine match l with [] => left _ | _ => right _ end. Defined.
Lemma list_singleton_reflect l :
option_reflect (λ x, l = [x]) (length l 1) (maybe (λ x, [x]) l).
Proof. by destruct l as [|? []]; constructor. Defined.
Lemma list_eq_Forall2 l1 l2 : l1 = l2 Forall2 eq l1 l2.
- intros <-. induction l1; eauto using Forall2.
- induction 1; naive_solver.
Definition length_nil : length (@nil A) = 0 := eq_refl.
Definition length_cons x l : length (x :: l) = S (length l) := eq_refl.
Lemma nil_or_length_pos l : l = [] length l 0.
Proof. destruct l; simpl; auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma nil_length_inv l : length l = 0 l = [].
Proof. by destruct l. Qed.
Lemma lookup_cons_ne_0 l x i : i 0 (x :: l) !! i = l !! pred i.
Proof. by destruct i. Qed.
Lemma lookup_total_cons_ne_0 `{!Inhabited A} l x i :
i 0 (x :: l) !!! i = l !!! pred i.
Proof. by destruct i. Qed.
Lemma lookup_nil i : @nil A !! i = None.
Proof. by destruct i. Qed.
Lemma lookup_total_nil `{!Inhabited A} i : @nil A !!! i = inhabitant.
Proof. by destruct i. Qed.
Lemma lookup_tail l i : tail l !! i = l !! S i.
Proof. by destruct l. Qed.
Lemma lookup_total_tail `{!Inhabited A} l i : tail l !!! i = l !!! S i.
Proof. by destruct l. Qed.
Lemma lookup_lt_Some l i x : l !! i = Some x i < length l.
Proof. revert i. induction l; intros [|?] ?; naive_solver auto with arith. Qed.
Lemma lookup_lt_is_Some_1 l i : is_Some (l !! i) i < length l.
Proof. intros [??]; eauto using lookup_lt_Some. Qed.
Lemma lookup_lt_is_Some_2 l i : i < length l is_Some (l !! i).
Proof. revert i. induction l; intros [|?] ?; naive_solver auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma lookup_lt_is_Some l i : is_Some (l !! i) i < length l.
Proof. split; auto using lookup_lt_is_Some_1, lookup_lt_is_Some_2. Qed.
Lemma lookup_ge_None l i : l !! i = None length l i.
Proof. rewrite eq_None_not_Some, lookup_lt_is_Some. lia. Qed.
Lemma lookup_ge_None_1 l i : l !! i = None length l i.
Proof. by rewrite lookup_ge_None. Qed.
Lemma lookup_ge_None_2 l i : length l i l !! i = None.
Proof. by rewrite lookup_ge_None. Qed.
Lemma list_eq_same_length l1 l2 n :
length l2 = n length l1 = n
( i x y, i < n l1 !! i = Some x l2 !! i = Some y x = y) l1 = l2.
intros <- Hlen Hl; apply list_eq; intros i. destruct (l2 !! i) as [x|] eqn:Hx.
- destruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 l1 i) as [y Hy].
{ rewrite Hlen; eauto using lookup_lt_Some. }
rewrite Hy; f_equal; apply (Hl i); eauto using lookup_lt_Some.
- by rewrite lookup_ge_None, Hlen, <-lookup_ge_None.
Lemma nth_lookup l i d : nth i l d = default d (l !! i).
Proof. revert i. induction l as [|x l IH]; intros [|i]; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma nth_lookup_Some l i d x : l !! i = Some x nth i l d = x.
Proof. rewrite nth_lookup. by intros ->. Qed.
Lemma nth_lookup_or_length l i d : {l !! i = Some (nth i l d)} + {length l i}.
rewrite nth_lookup. destruct (l !! i) eqn:?; eauto using lookup_ge_None_1.
Lemma list_lookup_total_alt `{!Inhabited A} l i :
l !!! i = default inhabitant (l !! i).
Proof. revert i. induction l; intros []; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_total_correct `{!Inhabited A} l i x :
l !! i = Some x l !!! i = x.
Proof. rewrite list_lookup_total_alt. by intros ->. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_lookup_total `{!Inhabited A} l i :
is_Some (l !! i) l !! i = Some (l !!! i).
Proof. rewrite list_lookup_total_alt; by intros [x ->]. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_lookup_total_lt `{!Inhabited A} l i :
i < length l l !! i = Some (l !!! i).
Proof. intros ?. by apply list_lookup_lookup_total, lookup_lt_is_Some_2. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_alt `{!Inhabited A} l i x :
l !! i = Some x i < length l l !!! i = x.
naive_solver eauto using list_lookup_lookup_total_lt,
list_lookup_total_correct, lookup_lt_Some.
Lemma lookup_app l1 l2 i :
(l1 ++ l2) !! i =
match l1 !! i with Some x => Some x | None => l2 !! (i - length l1) end.
Proof. revert i. induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; intros [|i]; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma lookup_app_l l1 l2 i : i < length l1 (l1 ++ l2) !! i = l1 !! i.
Proof. rewrite lookup_app. by intros [? ->]%lookup_lt_is_Some. Qed.
Lemma lookup_total_app_l `{!Inhabited A} l1 l2 i :
i < length l1 (l1 ++ l2) !!! i = l1 !!! i.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, lookup_app_l. Qed.
Lemma lookup_app_l_Some l1 l2 i x : l1 !! i = Some x (l1 ++ l2) !! i = Some x.
Proof. rewrite lookup_app. by intros ->. Qed.
Lemma lookup_app_r l1 l2 i :
length l1 i (l1 ++ l2) !! i = l2 !! (i - length l1).
Proof. rewrite lookup_app. by intros ->%lookup_ge_None. Qed.
Lemma lookup_total_app_r `{!Inhabited A} l1 l2 i :
length l1 i (l1 ++ l2) !!! i = l2 !!! (i - length l1).
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, lookup_app_r. Qed.
Lemma lookup_app_Some l1 l2 i x :
(l1 ++ l2) !! i = Some x
l1 !! i = Some x length l1 i l2 !! (i - length l1) = Some x.
rewrite lookup_app. destruct (l1 !! i) eqn:Hi.
- apply lookup_lt_Some in Hi. naive_solver lia.
- apply lookup_ge_None in Hi. naive_solver lia.
Lemma lookup_cons x l i :
(x :: l) !! i =
match i with 0 => Some x | S i => l !! i end.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma lookup_cons_Some x l i y :
(x :: l) !! i = Some y
(i = 0 x = y) (1 i l !! (i - 1) = Some y).
rewrite lookup_cons. destruct i as [|i].
- naive_solver lia.
- replace (S i - 1) with i by lia. naive_solver lia.
Lemma list_lookup_singleton x i :
[x] !! i =
match i with 0 => Some x | S _ => None end.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_singleton_Some x i y :
[x] !! i = Some y i = 0 x = y.
Proof. rewrite lookup_cons_Some. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma lookup_snoc_Some x l i y :
(l ++ [x]) !! i = Some y
(i < length l l !! i = Some y) (i = length l x = y).
rewrite lookup_app_Some, list_lookup_singleton_Some.
naive_solver auto using lookup_lt_is_Some_1 with lia.
Lemma list_lookup_middle l1 l2 x n :
n = length l1 (l1 ++ x :: l2) !! n = Some x.
Proof. intros ->. by induction l1. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_total_middle `{!Inhabited A} l1 l2 x n :
n = length l1 (l1 ++ x :: l2) !!! n = x.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, list_lookup_middle. Qed.
Lemma list_insert_alter l i x : <[i:=x]>l = alter (λ _, x) i l.
Proof. by revert i; induction l; intros []; intros; f_equal/=. Qed.
Lemma length_alter f l i : length (alter f i l) = length l.
Proof. revert i. by induction l; intros [|?]; f_equal/=. Qed.
Lemma length_insert l i x : length (<[i:=x]>l) = length l.
Proof. revert i. by induction l; intros [|?]; f_equal/=. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_alter f l i : alter f i l !! i = f <$> l !! i.
revert i.
induction l as [|?? IHl]; [done|].
intros [|i]; [done|]. apply (IHl i).
Lemma list_lookup_total_alter `{!Inhabited A} f l i :
i < length l alter f i l !!! i = f (l !!! i).
intros [x Hx]%lookup_lt_is_Some_2.
by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, list_lookup_alter, Hx.
Lemma list_lookup_alter_ne f l i j : i j alter f i l !! j = l !! j.
Proof. revert i j. induction l; [done|]. intros [] []; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_total_alter_ne `{!Inhabited A} f l i j :
i j alter f i l !!! j = l !!! j.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, list_lookup_alter_ne. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_insert l i x : i < length l <[i:=x]>l !! i = Some x.
Proof. revert i. induction l; intros [|?] ?; f_equal/=; auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_total_insert `{!Inhabited A} l i x :
i < length l <[i:=x]>l !!! i = x.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, list_lookup_insert. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_insert_ne l i j x : i j <[i:=x]>l !! j = l !! j.
Proof. revert i j. induction l; [done|]. intros [] []; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_total_insert_ne `{!Inhabited A} l i j x :
i j <[i:=x]>l !!! j = l !!! j.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, list_lookup_insert_ne. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_insert_Some l i x j y :
<[i:=x]>l !! j = Some y
i = j x = y j < length l i j l !! j = Some y.
destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|];
[split|rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne by done; tauto].
- intros Hy. assert (j < length l).
{ rewrite <-(length_insert l j x); eauto using lookup_lt_Some. }
rewrite list_lookup_insert in Hy by done; naive_solver.
- intros [(?&?&?)|[??]]; rewrite ?list_lookup_insert; naive_solver.
Lemma list_insert_commute l i j x y :
i j <[i:=x]>(<[j:=y]>l) = <[j:=y]>(<[i:=x]>l).
Proof. revert i j. by induction l; intros [|?] [|?] ?; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma list_insert_id' l i x : (i < length l l !! i = Some x) <[i:=x]>l = l.
Proof. revert i. induction l; intros [|i] ?; f_equal/=; naive_solver lia. Qed.
Lemma list_insert_id l i x : l !! i = Some x <[i:=x]>l = l.
Proof. intros ?. by apply list_insert_id'. Qed.
Lemma list_insert_ge l i x : length l i <[i:=x]>l = l.
Proof. revert i. induction l; intros [|i] ?; f_equal/=; auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma list_insert_insert l i x y : <[i:=x]> (<[i:=y]> l) = <[i:=x]> l.
Proof. revert i. induction l; intros [|i]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_other l i x :
length l 1 l !! i = Some x j y, j i l !! j = Some y.
intros. destruct i, l as [|x0 [|x1 l]]; simplify_eq/=.
- by exists 1, x1.
- by exists 0, x0.
Lemma alter_app_l f l1 l2 i :
i < length l1 alter f i (l1 ++ l2) = alter f i l1 ++ l2.
Proof. revert i. induction l1; intros [|?] ?; f_equal/=; auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma alter_app_r f l1 l2 i :
alter f (length l1 + i) (l1 ++ l2) = l1 ++ alter f i l2.
Proof. revert i. induction l1; intros [|?]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma alter_app_r_alt f l1 l2 i :
length l1 i alter f i (l1 ++ l2) = l1 ++ alter f (i - length l1) l2.
intros. assert (i = length l1 + (i - length l1)) as Hi by lia.
rewrite Hi at 1. by apply alter_app_r.
Lemma list_alter_id f l i : ( x, f x = x) alter f i l = l.
Proof. intros ?. revert i. induction l; intros [|?]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma list_alter_ext f g l k i :
( x, l !! i = Some x f x = g x) l = k alter f i l = alter g i k.
Proof. intros H ->. revert i H. induction k; intros [|?] ?; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma list_alter_compose f g l i :
alter (f g) i l = alter f i (alter g i l).
Proof. revert i. induction l; intros [|?]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma list_alter_commute f g l i j :
i j alter f i (alter g j l) = alter g j (alter f i l).
Proof. revert i j. induction l; intros [|?][|?] ?; f_equal/=; auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma insert_app_l l1 l2 i x :
i < length l1 <[i:=x]>(l1 ++ l2) = <[i:=x]>l1 ++ l2.
Proof. revert i. induction l1; intros [|?] ?; f_equal/=; auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma insert_app_r l1 l2 i x : <[length l1+i:=x]>(l1 ++ l2) = l1 ++ <[i:=x]>l2.
Proof. revert i. induction l1; intros [|?]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma insert_app_r_alt l1 l2 i x :
length l1 i <[i:=x]>(l1 ++ l2) = l1 ++ <[i - length l1:=x]>l2.
intros. assert (i = length l1 + (i - length l1)) as Hi by lia.
rewrite Hi at 1. by apply insert_app_r.
Lemma delete_middle l1 l2 x : delete (length l1) (l1 ++ x :: l2) = l1 ++ l2.
Proof. induction l1; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma length_delete l i :
is_Some (l !! i) length (delete i l) = length l - 1.
rewrite lookup_lt_is_Some. revert i.
induction l as [|x l IH]; intros [|i] ?; simpl in *; [lia..|].
rewrite IH by lia. lia.
Lemma lookup_delete_lt l i j : j < i delete i l !! j = l !! j.
Proof. revert i j; induction l; intros [] []; naive_solver eauto with lia. Qed.
Lemma lookup_total_delete_lt `{!Inhabited A} l i j :
j < i delete i l !!! j = l !!! j.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, lookup_delete_lt. Qed.
Lemma lookup_delete_ge l i j : i j delete i l !! j = l !! S j.
Proof. revert i j; induction l; intros [] []; naive_solver eauto with lia. Qed.
Lemma lookup_total_delete_ge `{!Inhabited A} l i j :
i j delete i l !!! j = l !!! S j.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, lookup_delete_ge. Qed.
Lemma length_inserts l i k : length (list_inserts i k l) = length l.
revert i. induction k; intros ?; csimpl; rewrite ?length_insert; auto.
Lemma list_lookup_inserts l i k j :
i j < i + length k j < length l
list_inserts i k l !! j = k !! (j - i).
revert i j. induction k as [|y k IH]; csimpl; intros i j ??; [lia|].
destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|].
{ by rewrite list_lookup_insert, Nat.sub_diag
by (rewrite length_inserts; lia). }
rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne, IH by lia.
by replace (j - i) with (S (j - S i)) by lia.
Lemma list_lookup_total_inserts `{!Inhabited A} l i k j :
i j < i + length k j < length l
list_inserts i k l !!! j = k !!! (j - i).
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, list_lookup_inserts. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_inserts_lt l i k j :
j < i list_inserts i k l !! j = l !! j.
revert i j. induction k; intros i j ?; csimpl;
rewrite ?list_lookup_insert_ne by lia; auto with lia.
Lemma list_lookup_total_inserts_lt `{!Inhabited A}l i k j :
j < i list_inserts i k l !!! j = l !!! j.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, list_lookup_inserts_lt. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_inserts_ge l i k j :
i + length k j list_inserts i k l !! j = l !! j.
revert i j. induction k; csimpl; intros i j ?;
rewrite ?list_lookup_insert_ne by lia; auto with lia.
Lemma list_lookup_total_inserts_ge `{!Inhabited A} l i k j :
i + length k j list_inserts i k l !!! j = l !!! j.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, list_lookup_inserts_ge. Qed.
Lemma list_lookup_inserts_Some l i k j y :
list_inserts i k l !! j = Some y
(j < i i + length k j) l !! j = Some y
i j < i + length k j < length l k !! (j - i) = Some y.
destruct (decide (j < i)).
{ rewrite list_lookup_inserts_lt by done; intuition lia. }
destruct (decide (i + length k j)).
{ rewrite list_lookup_inserts_ge by done; intuition lia. }
- intros Hy. assert (j < length l).
{ rewrite <-(length_inserts l i k); eauto using lookup_lt_Some. }
rewrite list_lookup_inserts in Hy by lia. intuition lia.
- intuition. by rewrite list_lookup_inserts by lia.
Lemma list_insert_inserts_lt l i j x k :
i < j <[i:=x]>(list_inserts j k l) = list_inserts j k (<[i:=x]>l).
revert i j. induction k; intros i j ?; simpl;
rewrite 1?list_insert_commute by lia; auto with f_equal.
Lemma list_inserts_app_l l1 l2 l3 i :
list_inserts i (l1 ++ l2) l3 = list_inserts (length l1 + i) l2 (list_inserts i l1 l3).
revert i; induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; [done|].
intro i. simpl. rewrite IH, Nat.add_succ_r. apply list_insert_inserts_lt. lia.
Lemma list_inserts_app_r l1 l2 l3 i :
list_inserts (length l2 + i) l1 (l2 ++ l3) = l2 ++ list_inserts i l1 l3.
revert i; induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; [done|].
intros i. simpl. by rewrite plus_n_Sm, IH, insert_app_r.
Lemma list_inserts_nil l1 i : list_inserts i l1 [] = [].
revert i; induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; [done|].
intro i. simpl. by rewrite IH.
Lemma list_inserts_cons l1 l2 i x :
list_inserts (S i) l1 (x :: l2) = x :: list_inserts i l1 l2.
revert i; induction l1 as [|y l1 IH]; [done|].
intro i. simpl. by rewrite IH.
Lemma list_inserts_0_r l1 l2 l3 :
length l1 = length l2 list_inserts 0 l1 (l2 ++ l3) = l1 ++ l3.
revert l2. induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; intros [|y l2] ?; simplify_eq/=; [done|].
rewrite list_inserts_cons. simpl. by rewrite IH.
Lemma list_inserts_0_l l1 l2 l3 :
length l1 = length l3 list_inserts 0 (l1 ++ l2) l3 = l1.
revert l3. induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; intros [|z l3] ?; simplify_eq/=.
{ by rewrite list_inserts_nil. }
rewrite list_inserts_cons. simpl. by rewrite IH.
(** ** Properties of the [reverse] function *)
Lemma reverse_nil : reverse [] =@{list A} [].
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma reverse_singleton x : reverse [x] = [x].
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma reverse_cons l x : reverse (x :: l) = reverse l ++ [x].
Proof. unfold reverse. by rewrite <-!rev_alt. Qed.
Lemma reverse_snoc l x : reverse (l ++ [x]) = x :: reverse l.
Proof. unfold reverse. by rewrite <-!rev_alt, rev_unit. Qed.
Lemma reverse_app l1 l2 : reverse (l1 ++ l2) = reverse l2 ++ reverse l1.
Proof. unfold reverse. rewrite <-!rev_alt. apply rev_app_distr. Qed.
Lemma length_reverse l : length (reverse l) = length l.
induction l as [|x l IH]; [done|].
rewrite reverse_cons, length_app, IH. simpl. lia.
Lemma reverse_involutive l : reverse (reverse l) = l.
Proof. unfold reverse. rewrite <-!rev_alt. apply rev_involutive. Qed.
Lemma reverse_lookup l i :
i < length l
reverse l !! i = l !! (length l - S i).
revert i. induction l as [|x l IH]; simpl; intros i Hi; [done|].
rewrite reverse_cons.
destruct (decide (i = length l)); subst.
+ by rewrite list_lookup_middle, Nat.sub_diag by by rewrite length_reverse.
+ rewrite lookup_app_l by (rewrite length_reverse; lia).
rewrite IH by lia.
by assert (length l - i = S (length l - S i)) as -> by lia.
Lemma reverse_lookup_Some l i x :
reverse l !! i = Some x l !! (length l - S i) = Some x i < length l.
- destruct (decide (i < length l)); [ by rewrite reverse_lookup|].
rewrite lookup_ge_None_2; [done|]. rewrite length_reverse. lia.
- intros [??]. by rewrite reverse_lookup.
Global Instance: Inj (=) (=) (@reverse A).
intros l1 l2 Hl.
by rewrite <-(reverse_involutive l1), <-(reverse_involutive l2), Hl.
(** ** Properties of the [elem_of] predicate *)
Lemma not_elem_of_nil x : x [].
Proof. by inv 1. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_nil x : x [] False.
Proof. intuition. by destruct (not_elem_of_nil x). Qed.
Lemma elem_of_nil_inv l : ( x, x l) l = [].
Proof. destruct l; [done|]. by edestruct 1; constructor. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_not_nil x l : x l l [].
Proof. intros ? ->. by apply (elem_of_nil x). Qed.
Lemma elem_of_cons l x y : x y :: l x = y x l.
Proof. by split; [inv 1; subst|intros [->|?]]; constructor. Qed.
Lemma not_elem_of_cons l x y : x y :: l x y x l.
Proof. rewrite elem_of_cons. tauto. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_app l1 l2 x : x l1 ++ l2 x l1 x l2.
induction l1 as [|y l1 IH]; simpl.
- rewrite elem_of_nil. naive_solver.
- rewrite !elem_of_cons, IH. naive_solver.
Lemma not_elem_of_app l1 l2 x : x l1 ++ l2 x l1 x l2.
Proof. rewrite elem_of_app. tauto. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_list_singleton x y : x [y] x = y.
Proof. rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_nil. tauto. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_reverse_2 x l : x l x reverse l.
induction 1; rewrite reverse_cons, elem_of_app,
?elem_of_list_singleton; intuition.
Lemma elem_of_reverse x l : x reverse l x l.
split; auto using elem_of_reverse_2.
intros. rewrite <-(reverse_involutive l). by apply elem_of_reverse_2.
Lemma elem_of_list_lookup_1 l x : x l i, l !! i = Some x.
induction 1 as [|???? IH]; [by exists 0 |].
destruct IH as [i ?]; auto. by exists (S i).
Lemma elem_of_list_lookup_total_1 `{!Inhabited A} l x :
x l i, i < length l l !!! i = x.
intros [i Hi]%elem_of_list_lookup_1.
eauto using lookup_lt_Some, list_lookup_total_correct.
Lemma elem_of_list_lookup_2 l i x : l !! i = Some x x l.
revert i. induction l; intros [|i] ?; simplify_eq/=; constructor; eauto.
Lemma elem_of_list_lookup_total_2 `{!Inhabited A} l i :
i < length l l !!! i l.
Proof. intros. by eapply elem_of_list_lookup_2, list_lookup_lookup_total_lt. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_list_lookup l x : x l i, l !! i = Some x.
Proof. firstorder eauto using elem_of_list_lookup_1, elem_of_list_lookup_2. Qed.
Lemma elem_of_list_lookup_total `{!Inhabited A} l x :
x l i, i < length l l !!! i = x.
naive_solver eauto using elem_of_list_lookup_total_1, elem_of_list_lookup_total_2.
Lemma elem_of_list_split_length l i x :
l !! i = Some x l1 l2, l = l1 ++ x :: l2 i = length l1.
revert i; induction l as [|y l IH]; intros [|i] Hl; simplify_eq/=.
- exists []; eauto.
- destruct (IH _ Hl) as (?&?&?&?); simplify_eq/=.
eexists (y :: _); eauto.
Lemma elem_of_list_split l x : x l l1 l2, l = l1 ++ x :: l2.
intros [? (?&?&?&_)%elem_of_list_split_length]%elem_of_list_lookup_1; eauto.
Lemma elem_of_list_split_l `{EqDecision A} l x :
x l l1 l2, l = l1 ++ x :: l2 x l1.
induction 1 as [x l|x y l ? IH].
{ exists [], l. rewrite elem_of_nil. naive_solver. }
destruct (decide (x = y)) as [->|?].
- exists [], l. rewrite elem_of_nil. naive_solver.
- destruct IH as (l1 & l2 & -> & ?).
exists (y :: l1), l2. rewrite elem_of_cons. naive_solver.
Lemma elem_of_list_split_r `{EqDecision A} l x :
x l l1 l2, l = l1 ++ x :: l2 x l2.
induction l as [|y l IH] using rev_ind.
{ by rewrite elem_of_nil. }
destruct (decide (x = y)) as [->|].
- exists l, []. rewrite elem_of_nil. naive_solver.
- rewrite elem_of_app, elem_of_list_singleton. intros [?| ->]; try done.
destruct IH as (l1 & l2 & -> & ?); auto.
exists l1, (l2 ++ [y]).
rewrite elem_of_app, elem_of_list_singleton, <-(assoc_L (++)). naive_solver.
Lemma list_elem_of_insert l i x : i < length l x <[i:=x]>l.
Proof. intros. by eapply elem_of_list_lookup_2, list_lookup_insert. Qed.
Lemma nth_elem_of l i d : i < length l nth i l d l.
intros; eapply elem_of_list_lookup_2.
destruct (nth_lookup_or_length l i d); [done | by lia].
Lemma not_elem_of_app_cons_inv_l x y l1 l2 k1 k2 :
x k1 y l1
l1 ++ x :: l2 = k1 ++ y :: k2
l1 = k1 x = y l2 = k2.
revert k1. induction l1 as [|x' l1 IH]; intros [|y' k1] Hx Hy ?; simplify_eq/=;
try apply not_elem_of_cons in Hx as [??];
try apply not_elem_of_cons in Hy as [??]; naive_solver.
Lemma not_elem_of_app_cons_inv_r x y l1 l2 k1 k2 :
x k2 y l2
l1 ++ x :: l2 = k1 ++ y :: k2
l1 = k1 x = y l2 = k2.
intros. destruct (not_elem_of_app_cons_inv_l x y (reverse l2) (reverse l1)
(reverse k2) (reverse k1)); [..|naive_solver].
- by rewrite elem_of_reverse.
- by rewrite elem_of_reverse.
- rewrite <-!reverse_snoc, <-!reverse_app, <-!(assoc_L (++)). by f_equal.
(** ** Set operations on lists *)
Section list_set.
Lemma elem_of_list_intersection_with f l k x :
x list_intersection_with f l k x1 x2,
x1 l x2 k f x1 x2 = Some x.
- induction l as [|x1 l IH]; simpl; [by rewrite elem_of_nil|].
intros Hx. setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons.
cut (( x2, x2 k f x1 x2 = Some x)
x list_intersection_with f l k); [naive_solver|].
clear IH. revert Hx. generalize (list_intersection_with f l k).
induction k; simpl; [by auto|].
case_match; setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons; naive_solver.
- intros (x1&x2&Hx1&Hx2&Hx). induction Hx1 as [x1 l|x1 ? l ? IH]; simpl.
+ generalize (list_intersection_with f l k).
induction Hx2; simpl; [by rewrite Hx; left |].
case_match; simpl; try setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons; auto.
+ generalize (IH Hx). clear Hx IH Hx2.
generalize (list_intersection_with f l k).
induction k; simpl; intros; [done|].
case_match; simpl; rewrite ?elem_of_cons; auto.
Context `{!EqDecision A}.
Lemma elem_of_list_difference l k x : x list_difference l k x l x k.
split; induction l; simpl; try case_decide;
rewrite ?elem_of_nil, ?elem_of_cons; intuition congruence.
Lemma elem_of_list_union l k x : x list_union l k x l x k.
unfold list_union. rewrite elem_of_app, elem_of_list_difference.
intuition. case (decide (x k)); intuition.
Lemma elem_of_list_intersection l k x :
x list_intersection l k x l x k.
split; induction l; simpl; repeat case_decide;
rewrite ?elem_of_nil, ?elem_of_cons; intuition congruence.
End list_set.
(** ** Properties of the [last] function *)
Lemma last_nil : last [] =@{option A} None.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma last_singleton x : last [x] = Some x.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma last_cons_cons x1 x2 l : last (x1 :: x2 :: l) = last (x2 :: l).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma last_app_cons l1 l2 x :
last (l1 ++ x :: l2) = last (x :: l2).
Proof. induction l1 as [|y [|y' l1] IHl]; done. Qed.
Lemma last_snoc x l : last (l ++ [x]) = Some x.
Proof. induction l as [|? []]; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma last_None l : last l = None l = [].
split; [|by intros ->].
induction l as [|x1 [|x2 l] IH]; naive_solver.
Lemma last_Some l x : last l = Some x l', l = l' ++ [x].
- destruct l as [|x' l'] using rev_ind; [done|].
rewrite last_snoc. naive_solver.
- intros [l' ->]. by rewrite last_snoc.
Lemma last_is_Some l : is_Some (last l) l [].
Proof. rewrite <-not_eq_None_Some, last_None. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma last_app l1 l2 :
last (l1 ++ l2) = match last l2 with Some y => Some y | None => last l1 end.
destruct l2 as [|x l2 _] using rev_ind.
- by rewrite (right_id_L _ (++)).
- by rewrite (assoc_L (++)), !last_snoc.
Lemma last_app_Some l1 l2 x :
last (l1 ++ l2) = Some x last l2 = Some x last l2 = None last l1 = Some x.
Proof. rewrite last_app. destruct (last l2); naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma last_app_None l1 l2 :
last (l1 ++ l2) = None last l1 = None last l2 = None.
Proof. rewrite last_app. destruct (last l2); naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma last_cons x l :
last (x :: l) = match last l with Some y => Some y | None => Some x end.
Proof. by apply (last_app [x]). Qed.
Lemma last_cons_Some_ne x y l :
x y last (x :: l) = Some y last l = Some y.
Proof. rewrite last_cons. destruct (last l); naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma last_lookup l : last l = l !! pred (length l).
Proof. by induction l as [| ?[]]. Qed.
Lemma last_reverse l : last (reverse l) = head l.
Proof. destruct l as [|x l]; simpl; by rewrite ?reverse_cons, ?last_snoc. Qed.
Lemma last_Some_elem_of l x :
last l = Some x x l.
rewrite last_Some. intros [l' ->]. apply elem_of_app. right.
by apply elem_of_list_singleton.
(** ** Properties of the [head] function *)
Lemma head_nil : head [] =@{option A} None.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma head_cons x l : head (x :: l) = Some x.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma head_None l : head l = None l = [].
Proof. split; [|by intros ->]. by destruct l. Qed.
Lemma head_Some l x : head l = Some x l', l = x :: l'.
Proof. split; [destruct l as [|x' l]; naive_solver | by intros [l' ->]]. Qed.
Lemma head_is_Some l : is_Some (head l) l [].
Proof. rewrite <-not_eq_None_Some, head_None. naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma head_snoc x l :
head (l ++ [x]) = match head l with Some y => Some y | None => Some x end.
Proof. by destruct l. Qed.
Lemma head_snoc_snoc x1 x2 l :
head (l ++ [x1; x2]) = head (l ++ [x1]).
Proof. by destruct l. Qed.
Lemma head_lookup l : head l = l !! 0.
Proof. by destruct l. Qed.
Lemma head_app l1 l2 :
head (l1 ++ l2) = match head l1 with Some y => Some y | None => head l2 end.
Proof. by destruct l1. Qed.
Lemma head_app_Some l1 l2 x :
head (l1 ++ l2) = Some x head l1 = Some x head l1 = None head l2 = Some x.
Proof. rewrite head_app. destruct (head l1); naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma head_app_None l1 l2 :
head (l1 ++ l2) = None head l1 = None head l2 = None.
Proof. rewrite head_app. destruct (head l1); naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma head_reverse l : head (reverse l) = last l.
Proof. by rewrite <-last_reverse, reverse_involutive. Qed.
Lemma head_Some_elem_of l x :
head l = Some x x l.
Proof. rewrite head_Some. intros [l' ->]. left. Qed.
(** ** Properties of the [take] function *)
Definition take_drop i l : take i l ++ drop i l = l := firstn_skipn i l.
Lemma take_drop_middle l i x :
l !! i = Some x take i l ++ x :: drop (S i) l = l.
revert i x. induction l; intros [|?] ??; simplify_eq/=; f_equal; auto.
Lemma take_0 l : take 0 l = [].
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma take_nil n : take n [] =@{list A} [].
Proof. by destruct n. Qed.
Lemma take_S_r l n x : l !! n = Some x take (S n) l = take n l ++ [x].
Proof. revert n. induction l; intros []; naive_solver eauto with f_equal. Qed.
Lemma take_ge l n : length l n take n l = l.
Proof. revert n. induction l; intros [|?] ?; f_equal/=; auto with lia. Qed.
(** [take_app] is the most general lemma for [take] and [app]. Below that we
establish a number of useful corollaries. *)
Lemma take_app l k n : take n (l ++ k) = take n l ++ take (n - length l) k.
Proof. apply firstn_app. Qed.
Lemma take_app_ge l k n :
length l n take n (l ++ k) = l ++ take (n - length l) k.
Proof. intros. by rewrite take_app, take_ge. Qed.
Lemma take_app_le l k n : n length l take n (l ++ k) = take n l.
intros. by rewrite take_app, (proj2 (Nat.sub_0_le _ _)), take_0, (right_id _ _).
Lemma take_app_add l k m :
take (length l + m) (l ++ k) = l ++ take m k.
Proof. rewrite take_app, take_ge by lia. repeat f_equal; lia. Qed.
Lemma take_app_add' l k n m :
n = length l take (n + m) (l ++ k) = l ++ take m k.
Proof. intros ->. apply take_app_add. Qed.
Lemma take_app_length l k : take (length l) (l ++ k) = l.
Proof. by rewrite take_app, take_ge, Nat.sub_diag, take_0, (right_id _ _). Qed.
Lemma take_app_length' l k n : n = length l take n (l ++ k) = l.
Proof. intros ->. by apply take_app_length. Qed.
Lemma take_app3_length l1 l2 l3 : take (length l1) ((l1 ++ l2) ++ l3) = l1.
Proof. by rewrite <-(assoc_L (++)), take_app_length. Qed.
Lemma take_app3_length' l1 l2 l3 n :
n = length l1 take n ((l1 ++ l2) ++ l3) = l1.
Proof. intros ->. by apply take_app3_length. Qed.
Lemma take_take l n m : take n (take m l) = take (min n m) l.
Proof. revert n m. induction l; intros [|?] [|?]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma take_idemp l n : take n (take n l) = take n l.
Proof. by rewrite take_take, Nat.min_id. Qed.
Lemma length_take l n : length (take n l) = min n (length l).
Proof. revert n. induction l; intros [|?]; f_equal/=; done. Qed.
Lemma length_take_le l n : n length l length (take n l) = n.
Proof. rewrite length_take. apply Nat.min_l. Qed.
Lemma length_take_ge l n : length l n length (take n l) = length l.
Proof. rewrite length_take. apply Nat.min_r. Qed.
Lemma take_drop_commute l n m : take n (drop m l) = drop m (take (m + n) l).
revert n m. induction l; intros [|?][|?]; simpl; auto using take_nil with lia.
Lemma lookup_take l n i : i < n take n l !! i = l !! i.
Proof. revert n i. induction l; intros [|n] [|i] ?; simpl; auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma lookup_total_take `{!Inhabited A} l n i : i < n take n l !!! i = l !!! i.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, lookup_take. Qed.
Lemma lookup_take_ge l n i : n i take n l !! i = None.
Proof. revert n i. induction l; intros [|?] [|?] ?; simpl; auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma lookup_total_take_ge `{!Inhabited A} l n i : n i take n l !!! i = inhabitant.
Proof. intros. by rewrite list_lookup_total_alt, lookup_take_ge. Qed.
Lemma lookup_take_Some l n i a : take n l !! i = Some a l !! i = Some a i < n.
- destruct (decide (i < n)).
+ rewrite lookup_take; naive_solver.
+ rewrite lookup_take_ge; [done|lia].
- intros [??]. by rewrite lookup_take.
Lemma elem_of_take x n l : x take n l i, l !! i = Some x i < n.
rewrite elem_of_list_lookup. setoid_rewrite lookup_take_Some. naive_solver.
Lemma take_alter f l n i : n i take n (alter f i l) = take n l.
intros. apply list_eq. intros j. destruct (le_lt_dec n j).
- by rewrite !lookup_take_ge.
- by rewrite !lookup_take, !list_lookup_alter_ne by lia.
Lemma take_insert l n i x : n i take n (<[i:=x]>l) = take n l.
intros. apply list_eq. intros j. destruct (le_lt_dec n j).
- by rewrite !lookup_take_ge.
- by rewrite !lookup_take, !list_lookup_insert_ne by lia.
Lemma take_insert_lt l n i x : i < n take n (<[i:=x]>l) = <[i:=x]>(take n l).
revert l i. induction n as [|? IHn]; auto; simpl.
intros [|] [|] ?; auto; simpl. by rewrite IHn by lia.
(** ** Properties of the [drop] function *)
Lemma drop_0 l : drop 0 l = l.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma drop_nil n : drop n [] =@{list A} [].
Proof. by destruct n. Qed.
Lemma drop_S l x n :
l !! n = Some x drop n l = x :: drop (S n) l.
Proof. revert n. induction l; intros []; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma length_drop l n : length (drop n l) = length l - n.
Proof. revert n. by induction l; intros [|i]; f_equal/=. Qed.
Lemma drop_ge l n : length l n drop n l = [].
Proof. revert n. induction l; intros [|?]; simpl in *; auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma drop_all l : drop (length l) l = [].
Proof. by apply drop_ge. Qed.
Lemma drop_drop l n1 n2 : drop n1 (drop n2 l) = drop (n2 + n1) l.
Proof. revert n2. induction l; intros [|?]; simpl; rewrite ?drop_nil; auto. Qed.
(** [drop_app] is the most general lemma for [drop] and [app]. Below we prove a
number of useful corollaries. *)
Lemma drop_app l k n : drop n (l ++ k) = drop n l ++ drop (n - length l) k.
Proof. apply skipn_app. Qed.
Lemma drop_app_ge l k n :
length l n drop n (l ++ k) = drop (n - length l) k.
Proof. intros. by rewrite drop_app, drop_ge. Qed.
Lemma drop_app_le l k n :
n length l drop n (l ++ k) = drop n l ++ k.
Proof. intros. by rewrite drop_app, (proj2 (Nat.sub_0_le _ _)), drop_0. Qed.
Lemma drop_app_add l k m :
drop (length l + m) (l ++ k) = drop m k.
Proof. rewrite drop_app, drop_ge by lia. simpl. f_equal; lia. Qed.
Lemma drop_app_add' l k n m :
n = length l drop (n + m) (l ++ k) = drop m k.
Proof. intros ->. apply drop_app_add. Qed.
Lemma drop_app_length l k : drop (length l) (l ++ k) = k.
Proof. by rewrite drop_app_le, drop_all. Qed.
Lemma drop_app_length' l k n : n = length l drop n (l ++ k) = k.
Proof. intros ->. by apply drop_app_length. Qed.
Lemma drop_app3_length l1 l2 l3 :
drop (length l1) ((l1 ++ l2) ++ l3) = l2 ++ l3.
Proof. by rewrite <-(assoc_L (++)), drop_app_length. Qed.
Lemma drop_app3_length' l1 l2 l3 n :
n = length l1 drop n ((l1 ++ l2) ++ l3) = l2 ++ l3.
Proof. intros ->. apply drop_app3_length. Qed.
Lemma lookup_drop l n i : drop n l !! i = l !! (n + i).
Proof. revert n i. induction l; intros [|i] ?; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma lookup_total_drop `{!Inhabited A} l n i : drop n l !!! i = l !!! (n + i).
Proof. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, lookup_drop. Qed.
Lemma drop_alter f l n i : i < n drop n (alter f i l) = drop n l.
intros. apply list_eq. intros j.
by rewrite !lookup_drop, !list_lookup_alter_ne by lia.
Lemma drop_insert_le l n i x : n i drop n (<[i:=x]>l) = <[i-n:=x]>(drop n l).
Proof. revert i n. induction l; intros [] []; naive_solver lia. Qed.
Lemma drop_insert_gt l n i x : i < n drop n (<[i:=x]>l) = drop n l.
intros. apply list_eq. intros j.
by rewrite !lookup_drop, !list_lookup_insert_ne by lia.
Lemma delete_take_drop l i : delete i l = take i l ++ drop (S i) l.
Proof. revert i. induction l; intros [|?]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma take_take_drop l n m : take n l ++ take m (drop n l) = take (n + m) l.
Proof. revert n m. induction l; intros [|?] [|?]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma drop_take_drop l n m : n m drop n (take m l) ++ drop m l = drop n l.
revert n m. induction l; intros [|?] [|?] ?;
f_equal/=; auto using take_drop with lia.
Lemma insert_take_drop l i x :
i < length l
<[i:=x]> l = take i l ++ x :: drop (S i) l.
intros Hi.
rewrite <-(take_drop_middle (<[i:=x]> l) i x).
2:{ by rewrite list_lookup_insert. }
rewrite take_insert by done.
rewrite drop_insert_gt by lia.
(** ** Interaction between the [take]/[drop]/[reverse] functions *)
Lemma take_reverse l n : take n (reverse l) = reverse (drop (length l - n) l).
Proof. unfold reverse; rewrite <-!rev_alt. apply firstn_rev. Qed.
Lemma drop_reverse l n : drop n (reverse l) = reverse (take (length l - n) l).
Proof. unfold reverse; rewrite <-!rev_alt. apply skipn_rev. Qed.
Lemma reverse_take l n : reverse (take n l) = drop (length l - n) (reverse l).
rewrite drop_reverse. destruct (decide (n length l)).
- repeat f_equal; lia.
- by rewrite !take_ge by lia.
Lemma reverse_drop l n : reverse (drop n l) = take (length l - n) (reverse l).
rewrite take_reverse. destruct (decide (n length l)).
- repeat f_equal; lia.
- by rewrite !drop_ge by lia.
(** ** Other lemmas that use [take]/[drop] in their proof. *)
Lemma app_eq_inv l1 l2 k1 k2 :
l1 ++ l2 = k1 ++ k2
( k, l1 = k1 ++ k k2 = k ++ l2) ( k, k1 = l1 ++ k l2 = k ++ k2).
intros Hlk. destruct (decide (length l1 < length k1)).
- right. rewrite <-(take_drop (length l1) k1), <-(assoc_L _) in Hlk.
apply app_inj_1 in Hlk as [Hl1 Hl2]; [|rewrite length_take; lia].
exists (drop (length l1) k1). by rewrite Hl1 at 1; rewrite take_drop.
- left. rewrite <-(take_drop (length k1) l1), <-(assoc_L _) in Hlk.
apply app_inj_1 in Hlk as [Hk1 Hk2]; [|rewrite length_take; lia].
exists (drop (length k1) l1). by rewrite <-Hk1 at 1; rewrite take_drop.
(** ** Properties of the [replicate] function *)
Lemma length_replicate n x : length (replicate n x) = n.
Proof. induction n; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma lookup_replicate n x y i :
replicate n x !! i = Some y y = x i < n.
- revert i. induction n; intros [|?]; naive_solver auto with lia.
- intros [-> Hi]. revert i Hi.
induction n; intros [|?]; naive_solver auto with lia.
Lemma elem_of_replicate n x y : y replicate n x y = x n 0.
rewrite elem_of_list_lookup, Nat.neq_0_lt_0.
setoid_rewrite lookup_replicate; naive_solver eauto with lia.
Lemma lookup_replicate_1 n x y i :
replicate n x !! i = Some y y = x i < n.
Proof. by rewrite lookup_replicate. Qed.
Lemma lookup_replicate_2 n x i : i < n replicate n x !! i = Some x.
Proof. by rewrite lookup_replicate. Qed.
Lemma lookup_total_replicate_2 `{!Inhabited A} n x i :
i < n replicate n x !!! i = x.
Proof. intros. by rewrite list_lookup_total_alt, lookup_replicate_2. Qed.
Lemma lookup_replicate_None n x i : n i replicate n x !! i = None.
rewrite eq_None_not_Some, Nat.le_ngt. split.
- intros Hin [x' Hx']; destruct Hin. rewrite lookup_replicate in Hx'; tauto.
- intros Hx ?. destruct Hx. exists x; auto using lookup_replicate_2.
Lemma insert_replicate x n i : <[i:=x]>(replicate n x) = replicate n x.
Proof. revert i. induction n; intros [|?]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma insert_replicate_lt x y n i :
i < n
<[i:=y]>(replicate n x) = replicate i x ++ y :: replicate (n - S i) x.
revert i. induction n as [|n IH]; intros [|i] Hi; simpl; [lia..| |].
- by rewrite Nat.sub_0_r.
- by rewrite IH by lia.
Lemma elem_of_replicate_inv x n y : x replicate n y x = y.
Proof. induction n; simpl; rewrite ?elem_of_nil, ?elem_of_cons; intuition. Qed.
Lemma replicate_S n x : replicate (S n) x = x :: replicate n x.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma replicate_S_end n x : replicate (S n) x = replicate n x ++ [x].
Proof. induction n; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma replicate_add n m x :
replicate (n + m) x = replicate n x ++ replicate m x.
Proof. induction n; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma replicate_cons_app n x :
x :: replicate n x = replicate n x ++ [x].
Proof. induction n; f_equal/=; eauto. Qed.
Lemma take_replicate n m x : take n (replicate m x) = replicate (min n m) x.
Proof. revert m. by induction n; intros [|?]; f_equal/=. Qed.
Lemma take_replicate_add n m x : take n (replicate (n + m) x) = replicate n x.
Proof. by rewrite take_replicate, min_l by lia. Qed.
Lemma drop_replicate n m x : drop n (replicate m x) = replicate (m - n) x.
Proof. revert m. by induction n; intros [|?]; f_equal/=. Qed.
Lemma drop_replicate_add n m x : drop n (replicate (n + m) x) = replicate m x.
Proof. rewrite drop_replicate. f_equal. lia. Qed.
Lemma replicate_as_elem_of x n l :
replicate n x = l length l = n y, y l y = x.
split; [intros <-; eauto using elem_of_replicate_inv, length_replicate|].
intros [<- Hl]. symmetry. induction l as [|y l IH]; f_equal/=.
- apply Hl. by left.
- apply IH. intros ??. apply Hl. by right.
Lemma reverse_replicate n x : reverse (replicate n x) = replicate n x.
symmetry. apply replicate_as_elem_of.
rewrite length_reverse, length_replicate. split; auto.
intros y. rewrite elem_of_reverse. by apply elem_of_replicate_inv.
Lemma replicate_false βs n : length βs = n replicate n false =.>* βs.
Proof. intros <-. by induction βs; simpl; constructor. Qed.
Lemma tail_replicate x n : tail (replicate n x) = replicate (pred n) x.
Proof. by destruct n. Qed.
Lemma head_replicate_Some x n : head (replicate n x) = Some x 0 < n.
Proof. destruct n; naive_solver lia. Qed.
(** ** Properties of the [filter] function *)
Section filter.
Context (P : A Prop) `{ x, Decision (P x)}.
Local Arguments filter {_ _ _} _ {_} !_ /.
Lemma filter_nil : filter P [] = [].
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma filter_cons x l :
filter P (x :: l) = if decide (P x) then x :: filter P l else filter P l.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma filter_cons_True x l : P x filter P (x :: l) = x :: filter P l.
Proof. intros. by rewrite filter_cons, decide_True. Qed.
Lemma filter_cons_False x l : ¬P x filter P (x :: l) = filter P l.
Proof. intros. by rewrite filter_cons, decide_False. Qed.
Lemma filter_app l1 l2 : filter P (l1 ++ l2) = filter P l1 ++ filter P l2.
induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; simpl; [done| ].
case_decide; [|done].
by rewrite IH.
Lemma elem_of_list_filter l x : x filter P l P x x l.
induction l; simpl; repeat case_decide;
rewrite ?elem_of_nil, ?elem_of_cons; naive_solver.
Lemma length_filter l : length (filter P l) length l.
Proof. induction l; simpl; repeat case_decide; simpl; lia. Qed.
Lemma length_filter_lt l x : x l ¬P x length (filter P l) < length l.
intros (l1 & l2 & ->)%elem_of_list_split ?.
rewrite filter_app, !length_app, filter_cons, decide_False by done.
pose proof (length_filter l1); pose proof (length_filter l2). simpl. lia.
Lemma filter_nil_not_elem_of l x : filter P l = [] P x x l.
Proof. induction 3; simplify_eq/=; case_decide; naive_solver. Qed.
Lemma filter_reverse l : filter P (reverse l) = reverse (filter P l).
induction l as [|x l IHl]; [done|].
rewrite reverse_cons, filter_app, IHl, !filter_cons.
case_decide; [by rewrite reverse_cons|by rewrite filter_nil, app_nil_r].
End filter.
Lemma list_filter_iff (P1 P2 : A Prop)
`{!∀ x, Decision (P1 x), !∀ x, Decision (P2 x)} (l : list A) :
( x, P1 x P2 x)
filter P1 l = filter P2 l.
intros HPiff. induction l as [|a l IH]; [done|].
destruct (decide (P1 a)).
- rewrite !filter_cons_True by naive_solver. by rewrite IH.
- rewrite !filter_cons_False by naive_solver. by rewrite IH.
Lemma list_filter_filter (P1 P2 : A Prop)
`{!∀ x, Decision (P1 x), !∀ x, Decision (P2 x)} (l : list A) :
filter P1 (filter P2 l) = filter (λ a, P1 a P2 a) l.
induction l as [|x l IH]; [done|].
rewrite !filter_cons. case (decide (P2 x)) as [HP2|HP2].
- rewrite filter_cons, IH. apply decide_ext. naive_solver.
- rewrite IH. symmetry. apply decide_False. by intros [_ ?].
Lemma list_filter_filter_l (P1 P2 : A Prop)
`{!∀ x, Decision (P1 x), !∀ x, Decision (P2 x)} (l : list A) :
( x, P1 x P2 x)
filter P1 (filter P2 l) = filter P1 l.
intros HPimp. rewrite list_filter_filter.
apply list_filter_iff. naive_solver.
Lemma list_filter_filter_r (P1 P2 : A Prop)
`{!∀ x, Decision (P1 x), !∀ x, Decision (P2 x)} (l : list A) :
( x, P2 x P1 x)
filter P1 (filter P2 l) = filter P2 l.
intros HPimp. rewrite list_filter_filter.
apply list_filter_iff. naive_solver.
End general_properties.
(** * Basic tactics on lists *)
(** These are used already in [list_relations] so we cannot have them in
[list_tactics]. *)
(** The tactic [discriminate_list] discharges a goal if there is a hypothesis
[l1 = l2] where [l1] and [l2] have different lengths. The tactic is guaranteed
to work if [l1] and [l2] contain solely [ [] ], [(::)] and [(++)]. *)
Tactic Notation "discriminate_list" hyp(H) :=
apply (f_equal length) in H;
repeat (csimpl in H || rewrite length_app in H); exfalso; lia.
Tactic Notation "discriminate_list" :=
match goal with H : _ =@{list _} _ |- _ => discriminate_list H end.
(** The tactic [simplify_list_eq] simplifies hypotheses involving
equalities on lists using injectivity of [(::)] and [(++)]. Also, it simplifies
lookups in singleton lists. *)
Ltac simplify_list_eq :=
repeat match goal with
| _ => progress simplify_eq/=
| H : _ ++ _ = _ ++ _ |- _ => first
[ apply app_inv_head in H | apply app_inv_tail in H
| apply app_inj_1 in H; [destruct H|done]
| apply app_inj_2 in H; [destruct H|done] ]
| H : [?x] !! ?i = Some ?y |- _ =>
destruct i; [change (Some x = Some y) in H | discriminate]
From Coq Require Export Permutation.
From stdpp Require Export numbers base option list_basics list_relations list_monad.
From stdpp Require Import options.
(** The function [list_find P l] returns the first index [i] whose element
satisfies the predicate [P]. *)
Definition list_find {A} P `{ x, Decision (P x)} : list A option (nat * A) :=
fix go l :=
match l with
| [] => None
| x :: l => if decide (P x) then Some (0,x) else prod_map S id <$> go l
Global Instance: Params (@list_find) 3 := {}.
(** The function [resize n y l] takes the first [n] elements of [l] in case
[length l ≤ n], and otherwise appends elements with value [x] to [l] to obtain
a list of length [n]. *)
Fixpoint resize {A} (n : nat) (y : A) (l : list A) : list A :=
match l with
| [] => replicate n y
| x :: l => match n with 0 => [] | S n => x :: resize n y l end
Global Arguments resize {_} !_ _ !_ : assert.
Global Instance: Params (@resize) 2 := {}.
(** The function [rotate n l] rotates the list [l] by [n], e.g., [rotate 1
[x0; x1; ...; xm]] becomes [x1; ...; xm; x0]. Rotating by a multiple of
[length l] is the identity function. **)
Definition rotate {A} (n : nat) (l : list A) : list A :=
drop (n `mod` length l) l ++ take (n `mod` length l) l.
Global Instance: Params (@rotate) 2 := {}.
(** The function [rotate_take s e l] returns the range between the
indices [s] (inclusive) and [e] (exclusive) of [l]. If [e ≤ s], all
elements after [s] and before [e] are returned. *)
Definition rotate_take {A} (s e : nat) (l : list A) : list A :=
take (rotate_nat_sub s e (length l)) (rotate s l).
Global Instance: Params (@rotate_take) 3 := {}.
(** The function [reshape k l] transforms [l] into a list of lists whose sizes
are specified by [k]. In case [l] is too short, the resulting list will be
padded with empty lists. In case [l] is too long, it will be truncated. *)
Fixpoint reshape {A} (szs : list nat) (l : list A) : list (list A) :=
match szs with
| [] => [] | sz :: szs => take sz l :: reshape szs (drop sz l)
Global Instance: Params (@reshape) 2 := {}.
Definition sublist_lookup {A} (i n : nat) (l : list A) : option (list A) :=
guard (i + n length l);; Some (take n (drop i l)).
Definition sublist_alter {A} (f : list A list A)
(i n : nat) (l : list A) : list A :=
take i l ++ f (take n (drop i l)) ++ drop (i + n) l.
(** The function [mask f βs l] applies the function [f] to elements in [l] at
positions that are [true] in [βs]. *)
Fixpoint mask {A} (f : A A) (βs : list bool) (l : list A) : list A :=
match βs, l with
| β :: βs, x :: l => (if β then f x else x) :: mask f βs l
| _, _ => l
(** These next functions allow to efficiently encode lists of positives (bit
strings) into a single positive and go in the other direction as well. This is
for example used for the countable instance of lists and in namespaces.
The main functions are [positives_flatten] and [positives_unflatten]. *)
Fixpoint positives_flatten_go (xs : list positive) (acc : positive) : positive :=
match xs with
| [] => acc
| x :: xs => positives_flatten_go xs (acc~1~0 ++ Pos.reverse (Pos.dup x))
(** Flatten a list of positives into a single positive by duplicating the bits
of each element, so that:
- [0 -> 00]
- [1 -> 11]
and then separating each element with [10]. *)
Definition positives_flatten (xs : list positive) : positive :=
positives_flatten_go xs 1.
Fixpoint positives_unflatten_go
(p : positive)
(acc_xs : list positive)
(acc_elm : positive)
: option (list positive) :=
match p with
| 1 => Some acc_xs
| p'~0~0 => positives_unflatten_go p' acc_xs (acc_elm~0)
| p'~1~1 => positives_unflatten_go p' acc_xs (acc_elm~1)
| p'~1~0 => positives_unflatten_go p' (acc_elm :: acc_xs) 1
| _ => None
(** Unflatten a positive into a list of positives, assuming the encoding
used by [positives_flatten]. *)
Definition positives_unflatten (p : positive) : option (list positive) :=
positives_unflatten_go p [] 1.
Section general_properties.
Context {A : Type}.
Implicit Types x y z : A.
Implicit Types l k : list A.
(** * Properties of the [find] function *)
Section find.
Context (P : A Prop) `{!∀ x, Decision (P x)}.
Lemma list_find_Some l i x :
list_find P l = Some (i,x)
l !! i = Some x P x j y, l !! j = Some y j < i ¬P y.
revert i. induction l as [|y l IH]; intros i; csimpl; [naive_solver|].
- split; [naive_solver lia|]. intros (Hi&HP&Hlt).
destruct i as [|i]; simplify_eq/=; [done|].
destruct (Hlt 0 y); naive_solver lia.
- split.
+ intros ([i' x']&Hl&?)%fmap_Some; simplify_eq/=.
apply IH in Hl as (?&?&Hlt). split_and!; [done..|].
intros [|j] ?; naive_solver lia.
+ intros (?&?&Hlt). destruct i as [|i]; simplify_eq/=; [done|].
rewrite (proj2 (IH i)); [done|]. split_and!; [done..|].
intros j z ???. destruct (Hlt (S j) z); naive_solver lia.
Lemma list_find_elem_of l x : x l P x is_Some (list_find P l).
induction 1 as [|x y l ? IH]; intros; simplify_option_eq; eauto.
by destruct IH as [[i x'] ->]; [|exists (S i, x')].
Lemma list_find_None l :
list_find P l = None Forall (λ x, ¬P x) l.
rewrite eq_None_not_Some, Forall_forall. split.
- intros Hl x Hx HP. destruct Hl. eauto using list_find_elem_of.
- intros HP [[i x] (?%elem_of_list_lookup_2&?&?)%list_find_Some]; naive_solver.
Lemma list_find_app_None l1 l2 :
list_find P (l1 ++ l2) = None list_find P l1 = None list_find P l2 = None.
Proof. by rewrite !list_find_None, Forall_app. Qed.
Lemma list_find_app_Some l1 l2 i x :
list_find P (l1 ++ l2) = Some (i,x)
list_find P l1 = Some (i,x)
length l1 i list_find P l1 = None list_find P l2 = Some (i - length l1,x).
- intros ([?|[??]]%lookup_app_Some&?&Hleast)%list_find_Some.
+ left. apply list_find_Some; eauto using lookup_app_l_Some.
+ right. split; [lia|]. split.
{ apply list_find_None, Forall_lookup. intros j z ??.
assert (j < length l1) by eauto using lookup_lt_Some.
naive_solver eauto using lookup_app_l_Some with lia. }
apply list_find_Some. split_and!; [done..|].
intros j z ??. eapply (Hleast (length l1 + j)); [|lia].
by rewrite lookup_app_r, Nat.add_sub' by lia.
- intros [(?&?&Hleast)%list_find_Some|(?&Hl1&(?&?&Hleast)%list_find_Some)].
+ apply list_find_Some. split_and!; [by auto using lookup_app_l_Some..|].
assert (i < length l1) by eauto using lookup_lt_Some.
intros j y ?%lookup_app_Some; naive_solver eauto with lia.
+ rewrite list_find_Some, lookup_app_Some. split_and!; [by auto..|].
intros j y [?|?]%lookup_app_Some ?; [|naive_solver auto with lia].
by eapply (Forall_lookup_1 (not P) l1); [by apply list_find_None|..].
Lemma list_find_app_l l1 l2 i x:
list_find P l1 = Some (i, x) list_find P (l1 ++ l2) = Some (i, x).
Proof. rewrite list_find_app_Some. auto. Qed.
Lemma list_find_app_r l1 l2:
list_find P l1 = None
list_find P (l1 ++ l2) = prod_map (λ n, n + length l1) id <$> list_find P l2.
intros. apply option_eq; intros [j y]. rewrite list_find_app_Some. split.
- intros [?|(?&?&->)]; naive_solver auto with f_equal lia.
- intros ([??]&->&?)%fmap_Some; naive_solver auto with f_equal lia.
Lemma list_find_insert_Some l i j x y :
list_find P (<[i:=x]> l) = Some (j,y)
(j < i list_find P l = Some (j,y))
(i = j x = y j < length l P x i' z, l !! i' = Some z i' < i ¬P z)
(i < j ¬P x list_find P l = Some (j,y) z, l !! i = Some z ¬P z)
( z, i < j ¬P x P y P z l !! i = Some z l !! j = Some y
i' z, l !! i' = Some z i' i i' < j ¬P z).
- intros ([(->&->&?)|[??]]%list_lookup_insert_Some&?&Hleast)%list_find_Some.
{ right; left. split_and!; [done..|]. intros k z ??.
apply (Hleast k); [|lia]. by rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne by lia. }
assert (j < i i < j) as [?|?] by lia.
{ left. rewrite list_find_Some. split_and!; [by auto..|]. intros k z ??.
apply (Hleast k); [|lia]. by rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne by lia. }
right; right. assert (j < length l) by eauto using lookup_lt_Some.
destruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 l i) as [z ?]; [lia|].
destruct (decide (P z)).
{ right. exists z. split_and!; [done| |done..|].
+ apply (Hleast i); [|done]. by rewrite list_lookup_insert by lia.
+ intros k z' ???.
apply (Hleast k); [|lia]. by rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne by lia. }
left. split_and!; [done|..|naive_solver].
+ apply (Hleast i); [|done]. by rewrite list_lookup_insert by lia.
+ apply list_find_Some. split_and!; [by auto..|]. intros k z' ??.
destruct (decide (k = i)) as [->|]; [naive_solver|].
apply (Hleast k); [|lia]. by rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne by lia.
- intros [[? Hl]|[(->&->&?&?&Hleast)|[(?&?&Hl&Hnot)|(z&?&?&?&?&?&?&?Hleast)]]];
apply list_find_Some.
+ apply list_find_Some in Hl as (?&?&Hleast).
rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne by lia. split_and!; [done..|].
intros k z [(->&->&?)|[??]]%list_lookup_insert_Some; eauto with lia.
+ rewrite list_lookup_insert by done. split_and!; [by auto..|].
intros k z [(->&->&?)|[??]]%list_lookup_insert_Some; eauto with lia.
+ apply list_find_Some in Hl as (?&?&Hleast).
rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne by lia. split_and!; [done..|].
intros k z [(->&->&?)|[??]]%list_lookup_insert_Some; eauto with lia.
+ rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne by lia. split_and!; [done..|].
intros k z' [(->&->&?)|[??]]%list_lookup_insert_Some; eauto with lia.
Lemma list_find_ext (Q : A Prop) `{ x, Decision (Q x)} l :
( x, P x Q x)
list_find P l = list_find Q l.
intros HPQ. induction l as [|x l IH]; simpl; [done|].
by rewrite (decide_ext (P x) (Q x)), IH by done.
End find.
Lemma list_find_fmap {B} (f : A B) (P : B Prop)
`{!∀ y : B, Decision (P y)} (l : list A) :
list_find P (f <$> l) = prod_map id f <$> list_find (P f) l.
induction l as [|x l IH]; [done|]; csimpl. (* csimpl re-folds fmap *)
case_decide; [done|].
rewrite IH. by destruct (list_find (P f) l).
(** ** Properties of the [resize] function *)
Lemma resize_spec l n x : resize n x l = take n l ++ replicate (n - length l) x.
Proof. revert n. induction l; intros [|?]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma resize_0 l x : resize 0 x l = [].
Proof. by destruct l. Qed.
Lemma resize_nil n x : resize n x [] = replicate n x.
Proof. rewrite resize_spec. rewrite take_nil. f_equal/=. lia. Qed.
Lemma resize_ge l n x :
length l n resize n x l = l ++ replicate (n - length l) x.
Proof. intros. by rewrite resize_spec, take_ge. Qed.
Lemma resize_le l n x : n length l resize n x l = take n l.
intros. rewrite resize_spec, (proj2 (Nat.sub_0_le _ _)) by done.
simpl. by rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)).
Lemma resize_all l x : resize (length l) x l = l.
Proof. intros. by rewrite resize_le, take_ge. Qed.
Lemma resize_all_alt l n x : n = length l resize n x l = l.
Proof. intros ->. by rewrite resize_all. Qed.
Lemma resize_add l n m x :
resize (n + m) x l = resize n x l ++ resize m x (drop n l).
revert n m. induction l; intros [|?] [|?]; f_equal/=; auto.
- by rewrite Nat.add_0_r, (right_id_L [] (++)).
- by rewrite replicate_add.
Lemma resize_add_eq l n m x :
length l = n resize (n + m) x l = l ++ replicate m x.
Proof. intros <-. by rewrite resize_add, resize_all, drop_all, resize_nil. Qed.
Lemma resize_app_le l1 l2 n x :
n length l1 resize n x (l1 ++ l2) = resize n x l1.
intros. by rewrite !resize_le, take_app_le by (rewrite ?length_app; lia).
Lemma resize_app l1 l2 n x : n = length l1 resize n x (l1 ++ l2) = l1.
Proof. intros ->. by rewrite resize_app_le, resize_all. Qed.
Lemma resize_app_ge l1 l2 n x :
length l1 n resize n x (l1 ++ l2) = l1 ++ resize (n - length l1) x l2.
intros. rewrite !resize_spec, take_app_ge, (assoc_L (++)) by done.
do 2 f_equal. rewrite length_app. lia.
Lemma length_resize l n x : length (resize n x l) = n.
Proof. rewrite resize_spec, length_app, length_replicate, length_take. lia. Qed.
Lemma resize_replicate x n m : resize n x (replicate m x) = replicate n x.
Proof. revert m. induction n; intros [|?]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma resize_resize l n m x : n m resize n x (resize m x l) = resize n x l.
revert n m. induction l; simpl.
- intros. by rewrite !resize_nil, resize_replicate.
- intros [|?] [|?] ?; f_equal/=; auto with lia.
Lemma resize_idemp l n x : resize n x (resize n x l) = resize n x l.
Proof. by rewrite resize_resize. Qed.
Lemma resize_take_le l n m x : n m resize n x (take m l) = resize n x l.
Proof. revert n m. induction l; intros [|?][|?] ?; f_equal/=; auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma resize_take_eq l n x : resize n x (take n l) = resize n x l.
Proof. by rewrite resize_take_le. Qed.
Lemma take_resize l n m x : take n (resize m x l) = resize (min n m) x l.
revert n m. induction l; intros [|?][|?]; f_equal/=; auto using take_replicate.
Lemma take_resize_le l n m x : n m take n (resize m x l) = resize n x l.
Proof. intros. by rewrite take_resize, Nat.min_l. Qed.
Lemma take_resize_eq l n x : take n (resize n x l) = resize n x l.
Proof. intros. by rewrite take_resize, Nat.min_l. Qed.
Lemma take_resize_add l n m x : take n (resize (n + m) x l) = resize n x l.
Proof. by rewrite take_resize, min_l by lia. Qed.
Lemma drop_resize_le l n m x :
n m drop n (resize m x l) = resize (m - n) x (drop n l).
revert n m. induction l; simpl.
- intros. by rewrite drop_nil, !resize_nil, drop_replicate.
- intros [|?] [|?] ?; simpl; try case_match; auto with lia.
Lemma drop_resize_add l n m x :
drop n (resize (n + m) x l) = resize m x (drop n l).
Proof. rewrite drop_resize_le by lia. f_equal. lia. Qed.
Lemma lookup_resize l n x i : i < n i < length l resize n x l !! i = l !! i.
intros ??. destruct (decide (n < length l)).
- by rewrite resize_le, lookup_take by lia.
- by rewrite resize_ge, lookup_app_l by lia.
Lemma lookup_total_resize `{!Inhabited A} l n x i :
i < n i < length l resize n x l !!! i = l !!! i.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, lookup_resize. Qed.
Lemma lookup_resize_new l n x i :
length l i i < n resize n x l !! i = Some x.
intros ??. rewrite resize_ge by lia.
replace i with (length l + (i - length l)) by lia.
by rewrite lookup_app_r, lookup_replicate_2 by lia.
Lemma lookup_total_resize_new `{!Inhabited A} l n x i :
length l i i < n resize n x l !!! i = x.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, lookup_resize_new. Qed.
Lemma lookup_resize_old l n x i : n i resize n x l !! i = None.
Proof. intros ?. apply lookup_ge_None_2. by rewrite length_resize. Qed.
Lemma lookup_total_resize_old `{!Inhabited A} l n x i :
n i resize n x l !!! i = inhabitant.
Proof. intros. by rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt, lookup_resize_old. Qed.
Lemma Forall_resize P n x l : P x Forall P l Forall P (resize n x l).
intros ? Hl. revert n.
induction Hl; intros [|?]; simpl; auto using Forall_replicate.
Lemma fmap_resize {B} (f : A B) n x l : f <$> resize n x l = resize n (f x) (f <$> l).
revert n. induction l; intros [|?]; f_equal/=; auto using fmap_replicate.
Lemma Forall_resize_inv P n x l :
length l n Forall P (resize n x l) Forall P l.
Proof. intros ?. rewrite resize_ge, Forall_app by done. by intros []. Qed.
(** ** Properties of the [rotate] function *)
Lemma rotate_replicate n1 n2 x:
rotate n1 (replicate n2 x) = replicate n2 x.
unfold rotate. rewrite drop_replicate, take_replicate, <-replicate_add.
f_equal. lia.
Lemma length_rotate l n:
length (rotate n l) = length l.
Proof. unfold rotate. rewrite length_app, length_drop, length_take. lia. Qed.
Lemma lookup_rotate_r l n i:
i < length l
rotate n l !! i = l !! rotate_nat_add n i (length l).
intros Hlen. pose proof (Nat.mod_upper_bound n (length l)) as ?.
unfold rotate. rewrite rotate_nat_add_add_mod, rotate_nat_add_alt by lia.
remember (n `mod` length l) as n'.
- by rewrite lookup_app_l, lookup_drop by (rewrite length_drop; lia).
- rewrite lookup_app_r, lookup_take, length_drop by (rewrite length_drop; lia).
f_equal. lia.
Lemma lookup_rotate_r_Some l n i x:
rotate n l !! i = Some x
l !! rotate_nat_add n i (length l) = Some x i < length l.
- intros Hl. pose proof (lookup_lt_Some _ _ _ Hl) as Hlen.
rewrite length_rotate in Hlen. by rewrite <-lookup_rotate_r.
- intros [??]. by rewrite lookup_rotate_r.
Lemma lookup_rotate_l l n i:
i < length l rotate n l !! rotate_nat_sub n i (length l) = l !! i.
intros ?. rewrite lookup_rotate_r, rotate_nat_add_sub;[done..|].
apply rotate_nat_sub_lt. lia.
Lemma elem_of_rotate l n x:
x rotate n l x l.
unfold rotate. rewrite <-(take_drop (n `mod` length l) l) at 5.
rewrite !elem_of_app. naive_solver.
Lemma rotate_insert_l l n i x:
i < length l
rotate n (<[rotate_nat_add n i (length l):=x]> l) = <[i:=x]> (rotate n l).
intros Hlen. pose proof (Nat.mod_upper_bound n (length l)) as ?. unfold rotate.
rewrite length_insert, rotate_nat_add_add_mod, rotate_nat_add_alt by lia.
remember (n `mod` length l) as n'.
- rewrite take_insert, drop_insert_le, insert_app_l
by (rewrite ?length_drop; lia). do 2 f_equal. lia.
- rewrite take_insert_lt, drop_insert_gt, insert_app_r_alt, length_drop
by (rewrite ?length_drop; lia). do 2 f_equal. lia.
Lemma rotate_insert_r l n i x:
i < length l
rotate n (<[i:=x]> l) = <[rotate_nat_sub n i (length l):=x]> (rotate n l).
intros ?. rewrite <-rotate_insert_l, rotate_nat_add_sub;[done..|].
apply rotate_nat_sub_lt. lia.
(** ** Properties of the [rotate_take] function *)
Lemma rotate_take_insert l s e i x:
i < length l
rotate_take s e (<[i:=x]>l) =
if decide (rotate_nat_sub s i (length l) < rotate_nat_sub s e (length l)) then
<[rotate_nat_sub s i (length l):=x]> (rotate_take s e l) else rotate_take s e l.
intros ?. unfold rotate_take. rewrite rotate_insert_r, length_insert by done.
case_decide; [rewrite take_insert_lt | rewrite take_insert]; naive_solver lia.
Lemma rotate_take_add l b i :
i < length l
rotate_take b (rotate_nat_add b i (length l)) l = take i (rotate b l).
Proof. intros ?. unfold rotate_take. by rewrite rotate_nat_sub_add. Qed.
(** ** Properties of the [reshape] function *)
Lemma length_reshape szs l : length (reshape szs l) = length szs.
Proof. revert l. by induction szs; intros; f_equal/=. Qed.
Lemma Forall_reshape P l szs : Forall P l Forall (Forall P) (reshape szs l).
revert l. induction szs; simpl; auto using Forall_take, Forall_drop.
(** ** Properties of [sublist_lookup] and [sublist_alter] *)
Lemma sublist_lookup_length l i n k :
sublist_lookup i n l = Some k length k = n.
unfold sublist_lookup; intros; simplify_option_eq.
rewrite length_take, length_drop; lia.
Lemma sublist_lookup_all l n : length l = n sublist_lookup 0 n l = Some l.
intros. unfold sublist_lookup; case_guard; [|lia].
by rewrite take_ge by (rewrite length_drop; lia).
Lemma sublist_lookup_Some l i n :
i + n length l sublist_lookup i n l = Some (take n (drop i l)).
Proof. by unfold sublist_lookup; intros; simplify_option_eq. Qed.
Lemma sublist_lookup_Some' l i n l' :
sublist_lookup i n l = Some l' l' = take n (drop i l) i + n length l.
Proof. unfold sublist_lookup. case_guard; naive_solver lia. Qed.
Lemma sublist_lookup_None l i n :
length l < i + n sublist_lookup i n l = None.
Proof. by unfold sublist_lookup; intros; simplify_option_eq by lia. Qed.
Lemma sublist_eq l k n :
(n | length l) (n | length k)
( i, sublist_lookup (i * n) n l = sublist_lookup (i * n) n k) l = k.
revert l k. assert ( l i,
n 0 (n | length l) ¬n * i `div` n + n length l length l i).
{ intros l i ? [j ->] Hjn. apply Nat.nlt_ge; contradict Hjn.
rewrite <-Nat.mul_succ_r, (Nat.mul_comm n).
apply Nat.mul_le_mono_r, Nat.le_succ_l, Nat.div_lt_upper_bound; lia. }
intros l k Hl Hk Hlookup. destruct (decide (n = 0)) as [->|].
{ by rewrite (nil_length_inv l),
(nil_length_inv k) by eauto using Nat.divide_0_l. }
apply list_eq; intros i. specialize (Hlookup (i `div` n)).
rewrite (Nat.mul_comm _ n) in Hlookup.
unfold sublist_lookup in *; simplify_option_eq;
[|by rewrite !lookup_ge_None_2 by auto].
apply (f_equal (.!! i `mod` n)) in Hlookup.
by rewrite !lookup_take, !lookup_drop, <-!Nat.div_mod in Hlookup
by (auto using Nat.mod_upper_bound with lia).
Lemma sublist_eq_same_length l k j n :
length l = j * n length k = j * n
( i,i < j sublist_lookup (i * n) n l = sublist_lookup (i * n) n k) l = k.
intros Hl Hk ?. destruct (decide (n = 0)) as [->|].
{ by rewrite (nil_length_inv l), (nil_length_inv k) by lia. }
apply sublist_eq with n; [by exists j|by exists j|].
intros i. destruct (decide (i < j)); [by auto|].
assert ( m, m = j * n m < i * n + n).
{ intros ? ->. replace (i * n + n) with (S i * n) by lia.
apply Nat.mul_lt_mono_pos_r; lia. }
by rewrite !sublist_lookup_None by auto.
Lemma sublist_lookup_reshape l i n m :
0 < n length l = m * n
reshape (replicate m n) l !! i = sublist_lookup (i * n) n l.
intros Hn Hl. unfold sublist_lookup. apply option_eq; intros x; split.
- intros Hx. case_guard as Hi; simplify_eq/=.
{ f_equal. clear Hi. revert i l Hl Hx.
induction m as [|m IH]; intros [|i] l ??; simplify_eq/=; auto.
rewrite <-drop_drop. apply IH; rewrite ?length_drop; auto with lia. }
destruct Hi. rewrite Hl, <-Nat.mul_succ_l.
apply Nat.mul_le_mono_r, Nat.le_succ_l. apply lookup_lt_Some in Hx.
by rewrite length_reshape, length_replicate in Hx.
- intros Hx. case_guard as Hi; simplify_eq/=.
revert i l Hl Hi. induction m as [|m IH]; [auto with lia|].
intros [|i] l ??; simpl; [done|]. rewrite <-drop_drop.
rewrite IH; rewrite ?length_drop; auto with lia.
Lemma sublist_lookup_compose l1 l2 l3 i n j m :
sublist_lookup i n l1 = Some l2 sublist_lookup j m l2 = Some l3
sublist_lookup (i + j) m l1 = Some l3.
unfold sublist_lookup; intros; simplify_option_eq;
repeat match goal with
| H : _ length _ |- _ => rewrite length_take, length_drop in H
end; rewrite ?take_drop_commute, ?drop_drop, ?take_take,
?Nat.min_l, Nat.add_assoc by lia; auto with lia.
Lemma length_sublist_alter f l i n k :
sublist_lookup i n l = Some k length (f k) = n
length (sublist_alter f i n l) = length l.
unfold sublist_alter, sublist_lookup. intros Hk ?; simplify_option_eq.
rewrite !length_app, Hk, !length_take, !length_drop; lia.
Lemma sublist_lookup_alter f l i n k :
sublist_lookup i n l = Some k length (f k) = n
sublist_lookup i n (sublist_alter f i n l) = f <$> sublist_lookup i n l.
unfold sublist_lookup. intros Hk ?. erewrite length_sublist_alter by eauto.
unfold sublist_alter; simplify_option_eq.
by rewrite Hk, drop_app_length', take_app_length' by (rewrite ?length_take; lia).
Lemma sublist_lookup_alter_ne f l i j n k :
sublist_lookup j n l = Some k length (f k) = n i + n j j + n i
sublist_lookup i n (sublist_alter f j n l) = sublist_lookup i n l.
unfold sublist_lookup. intros Hk Hi ?. erewrite length_sublist_alter by eauto.
unfold sublist_alter; simplify_option_eq; f_equal; rewrite Hk.
apply list_eq; intros ii.
destruct (decide (ii < length (f k))); [|by rewrite !lookup_take_ge by lia].
rewrite !lookup_take, !lookup_drop by done. destruct (decide (i + ii < j)).
{ by rewrite lookup_app_l, lookup_take by (rewrite ?length_take; lia). }
rewrite lookup_app_r by (rewrite length_take; lia).
rewrite length_take_le, lookup_app_r, lookup_drop by lia. f_equal; lia.
Lemma sublist_alter_all f l n : length l = n sublist_alter f 0 n l = f l.
intros <-. unfold sublist_alter; simpl.
by rewrite drop_all, (right_id_L [] (++)), take_ge.
Lemma sublist_alter_compose f g l i n k :
sublist_lookup i n l = Some k length (f k) = n length (g k) = n
sublist_alter (f g) i n l = sublist_alter f i n (sublist_alter g i n l).
unfold sublist_alter, sublist_lookup. intros Hk ??; simplify_option_eq.
by rewrite !take_app_length', drop_app_length', !(assoc_L (++)), drop_app_length',
take_app_length' by (rewrite ?length_app, ?length_take, ?Hk; lia).
Lemma Forall_sublist_lookup P l i n k :
sublist_lookup i n l = Some k Forall P l Forall P k.
unfold sublist_lookup. intros; simplify_option_eq.
auto using Forall_take, Forall_drop.
Lemma Forall_sublist_alter P f l i n k :
Forall P l sublist_lookup i n l = Some k Forall P (f k)
Forall P (sublist_alter f i n l).
unfold sublist_alter, sublist_lookup. intros; simplify_option_eq.
auto using Forall_app_2, Forall_drop, Forall_take.
Lemma Forall_sublist_alter_inv P f l i n k :
sublist_lookup i n l = Some k
Forall P (sublist_alter f i n l) Forall P (f k).
unfold sublist_alter, sublist_lookup. intros ?; simplify_option_eq.
rewrite !Forall_app; tauto.
End general_properties.
Lemma zip_with_sublist_alter {A B} (f : A B A) g l k i n l' k' :
length l = length k
sublist_lookup i n l = Some l' sublist_lookup i n k = Some k'
length (g l') = length k' zip_with f (g l') k' = g (zip_with f l' k')
zip_with f (sublist_alter g i n l) k = sublist_alter g i n (zip_with f l k).
unfold sublist_lookup, sublist_alter. intros Hlen; rewrite Hlen.
intros ?? Hl' Hk'. simplify_option_eq.
by rewrite !zip_with_app_l, !zip_with_drop, Hl', drop_drop, !zip_with_take,
!length_take_le, Hk' by (rewrite ?length_drop; auto with lia).
(** Interaction of [Forall2] with the above operations (needs to be outside the
section since the operations are used at different types). *)
Section Forall2.
Context {A B} (P : A B Prop).
Implicit Types x : A.
Implicit Types y : B.
Implicit Types l : list A.
Implicit Types k : list B.
Lemma Forall2_resize l (k : list B) x (y : B) n :
P x y Forall2 P l k Forall2 P (resize n x l) (resize n y k).
intros. rewrite !resize_spec, (Forall2_length P l k) by done.
auto using Forall2_app, Forall2_take, Forall2_replicate.
Lemma Forall2_resize_l l k x y n m :
P x y Forall (flip P y) l
Forall2 P (resize n x l) k Forall2 P (resize m x l) (resize m y k).
intros. destruct (decide (m n)).
{ rewrite <-(resize_resize l m n) by done. by apply Forall2_resize. }
intros. assert (n = length k); subst.
{ by rewrite <-(Forall2_length P (resize n x l) k), length_resize. }
rewrite (Nat.le_add_sub (length k) m), !resize_add,
resize_all, drop_all, resize_nil by lia.
auto using Forall2_app, Forall2_replicate_r,
Forall_resize, Forall_drop, length_resize.
Lemma Forall2_resize_r l k x y n m :
P x y Forall (P x) k
Forall2 P l (resize n y k) Forall2 P (resize m x l) (resize m y k).
intros. destruct (decide (m n)).
{ rewrite <-(resize_resize k m n) by done. by apply Forall2_resize. }
assert (n = length l); subst.
{ by rewrite (Forall2_length P l (resize n y k)), length_resize. }
rewrite (Nat.le_add_sub (length l) m), !resize_add,
resize_all, drop_all, resize_nil by lia.
auto using Forall2_app, Forall2_replicate_l,
Forall_resize, Forall_drop, length_resize.
Lemma Forall2_resize_r_flip l k x y n m :
P x y Forall (P x) k
length k = m Forall2 P l (resize n y k) Forall2 P (resize m x l) k.
intros ?? <- ?. rewrite <-(resize_all k y) at 2.
apply Forall2_resize_r with n; auto using Forall_true.
Lemma Forall2_rotate n l k :
Forall2 P l k Forall2 P (rotate n l) (rotate n k).
intros HAll. unfold rotate. rewrite (Forall2_length _ _ _ HAll).
eauto using Forall2_app, Forall2_take, Forall2_drop.
Lemma Forall2_rotate_take s e l k :
Forall2 P l k Forall2 P (rotate_take s e l) (rotate_take s e k).
intros HAll. unfold rotate_take. rewrite (Forall2_length _ _ _ HAll).
eauto using Forall2_take, Forall2_rotate.
Lemma Forall2_sublist_lookup_l l k n i l' :
Forall2 P l k sublist_lookup n i l = Some l'
k', sublist_lookup n i k = Some k' Forall2 P l' k'.
unfold sublist_lookup. intros Hlk Hl.
exists (take i (drop n k)); simplify_option_eq.
- auto using Forall2_take, Forall2_drop.
- apply Forall2_length in Hlk; lia.
Lemma Forall2_sublist_lookup_r l k n i k' :
Forall2 P l k sublist_lookup n i k = Some k'
l', sublist_lookup n i l = Some l' Forall2 P l' k'.
intro. unfold sublist_lookup.
erewrite (Forall2_length P) by eauto; intros; simplify_option_eq.
eauto using Forall2_take, Forall2_drop.
Lemma Forall2_sublist_alter f g l k i n l' k' :
Forall2 P l k sublist_lookup i n l = Some l'
sublist_lookup i n k = Some k' Forall2 P (f l') (g k')
Forall2 P (sublist_alter f i n l) (sublist_alter g i n k).
intro. unfold sublist_alter, sublist_lookup.
erewrite Forall2_length by eauto; intros; simplify_option_eq.
auto using Forall2_app, Forall2_drop, Forall2_take.
Lemma Forall2_sublist_alter_l f l k i n l' k' :
Forall2 P l k sublist_lookup i n l = Some l'
sublist_lookup i n k = Some k' Forall2 P (f l') k'
Forall2 P (sublist_alter f i n l) k.
intro. unfold sublist_lookup, sublist_alter.
erewrite <-(Forall2_length P) by eauto; intros; simplify_option_eq.
apply Forall2_app_l;
rewrite ?length_take_le by lia; auto using Forall2_take.
apply Forall2_app_l; erewrite Forall2_length, length_take,
length_drop, <-Forall2_length, Nat.min_l by eauto with lia; [done|].
rewrite drop_drop; auto using Forall2_drop.
End Forall2.
Section Forall2_proper.
Context {A} (R : relation A).
Global Instance: n, Proper (R ==> Forall2 R ==> Forall2 R) (resize n).
Proof. repeat intro. eauto using Forall2_resize. Qed.
Global Instance resize_proper `{!Equiv A} n : Proper (() ==> () ==> (≡@{list A})) (resize n).
induction n; destruct 2; simpl; repeat (constructor || f_equiv); auto.
Global Instance : n, Proper (Forall2 R ==> Forall2 R) (rotate n).
Proof. repeat intro. eauto using Forall2_rotate. Qed.
Global Instance rotate_proper `{!Equiv A} n : Proper ((≡@{list A}) ==> ()) (rotate n).
Proof. intros ??. rewrite !list_equiv_Forall2. by apply Forall2_rotate. Qed.
Global Instance: s e, Proper (Forall2 R ==> Forall2 R) (rotate_take s e).
Proof. repeat intro. eauto using Forall2_rotate_take. Qed.
Global Instance rotate_take_proper `{!Equiv A} s e : Proper ((≡@{list A}) ==> ()) (rotate_take s e).
Proof. intros ??. rewrite !list_equiv_Forall2. by apply Forall2_rotate_take. Qed.
End Forall2_proper.
Section more_general_properties.
Context {A : Type}.
Implicit Types x y z : A.
Implicit Types l k : list A.
(** ** Properties of the [mask] function *)
Lemma mask_nil f βs : mask f βs [] =@{list A} [].
Proof. by destruct βs. Qed.
Lemma length_mask f βs l : length (mask f βs l) = length l.
Proof. revert βs. induction l; intros [|??]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma mask_true f l n : length l n mask f (replicate n true) l = f <$> l.
Proof. revert n. induction l; intros [|?] ?; f_equal/=; auto with lia. Qed.
Lemma mask_false f l n : mask f (replicate n false) l = l.
Proof. revert l. induction n; intros [|??]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma mask_app f βs1 βs2 l :
mask f (βs1 ++ βs2) l
= mask f βs1 (take (length βs1) l) ++ mask f βs2 (drop (length βs1) l).
Proof. revert l. induction βs1;intros [|??]; f_equal/=; auto using mask_nil. Qed.
Lemma mask_app_2 f βs l1 l2 :
mask f βs (l1 ++ l2)
= mask f (take (length l1) βs) l1 ++ mask f (drop (length l1) βs) l2.
Proof. revert βs. induction l1; intros [|??]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma take_mask f βs l n : take n (mask f βs l) = mask f (take n βs) (take n l).
Proof. revert n βs. induction l; intros [|?] [|[] ?]; f_equal/=; auto. Qed.
Lemma drop_mask f βs l n : drop n (mask f βs l) = mask f (drop n βs) (drop n l).
revert n βs. induction l; intros [|?] [|[] ?]; f_equal/=; auto using mask_nil.
Lemma sublist_lookup_mask f βs l i n :
sublist_lookup i n (mask f βs l)
= mask f (take n (drop i βs)) <$> sublist_lookup i n l.
unfold sublist_lookup; rewrite length_mask; simplify_option_eq; auto.
by rewrite drop_mask, take_mask.
Lemma mask_mask f g βs1 βs2 l :
( x, f (g x) = f x) βs1 =.>* βs2
mask f βs2 (mask g βs1 l) = mask f βs2 l.
intros ? Hβs. revert l. by induction Hβs as [|[] []]; intros [|??]; f_equal/=.
Lemma lookup_mask f βs l i :
βs !! i = Some true mask f βs l !! i = f <$> l !! i.
revert i βs. induction l; intros [] [] ?; simplify_eq/=; f_equal; auto.
Lemma lookup_mask_notin f βs l i :
βs !! i Some true mask f βs l !! i = l !! i.
revert i βs. induction l; intros [] [|[]] ?; simplify_eq/=; auto.
End more_general_properties.
(** Lemmas about [positives_flatten] and [positives_unflatten]. *)
Section positives_flatten_unflatten.
Local Open Scope positive_scope.
Lemma positives_flatten_go_app xs acc :
positives_flatten_go xs acc = acc ++ positives_flatten_go xs 1.
revert acc.
induction xs as [|x xs IH]; intros acc; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite IH.
rewrite (IH (6 ++ _)).
rewrite 2!(assoc_L (++)).
Lemma positives_unflatten_go_app p suffix xs acc :
positives_unflatten_go (suffix ++ Pos.reverse (Pos.dup p)) xs acc =
positives_unflatten_go suffix xs (acc ++ p).
revert suffix acc.
induction p as [p IH|p IH|]; intros acc suffix; simpl.
- rewrite 2!Pos.reverse_xI.
rewrite 2!(assoc_L (++)).
rewrite IH.
- rewrite 2!Pos.reverse_xO.
rewrite 2!(assoc_L (++)).
rewrite IH.
- reflexivity.
Lemma positives_unflatten_flatten_go suffix xs acc :
positives_unflatten_go (suffix ++ positives_flatten_go xs 1) acc 1 =
positives_unflatten_go suffix (xs ++ acc) 1.
revert suffix acc.
induction xs as [|x xs IH]; intros suffix acc; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite positives_flatten_go_app.
rewrite (assoc_L (++)).
rewrite IH.
rewrite (assoc_L (++)).
rewrite positives_unflatten_go_app.
rewrite (left_id_L 1 (++)).
Lemma positives_unflatten_flatten xs :
positives_unflatten (positives_flatten xs) = Some xs.
unfold positives_flatten, positives_unflatten.
replace (positives_flatten_go xs 1)
with (1 ++ positives_flatten_go xs 1)
by apply (left_id_L 1 (++)).
rewrite positives_unflatten_flatten_go.
rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)%list).
Lemma positives_flatten_app xs ys :
positives_flatten (xs ++ ys) = positives_flatten xs ++ positives_flatten ys.
unfold positives_flatten.
revert ys.
induction xs as [|x xs IH]; intros ys; simpl.
- rewrite (left_id_L 1 (++)).
- rewrite positives_flatten_go_app, (positives_flatten_go_app xs).
rewrite IH.
rewrite (assoc_L (++)).
Lemma positives_flatten_cons x xs :
positives_flatten (x :: xs)
= 1~1~0 ++ Pos.reverse (Pos.dup x) ++ positives_flatten xs.
change (x :: xs) with ([x] ++ xs)%list.
rewrite positives_flatten_app.
rewrite (assoc_L (++)).
Lemma positives_flatten_suffix (l k : list positive) :
l `suffix_of` k q, positives_flatten k = q ++ positives_flatten l.
intros [l' ->].
exists (positives_flatten l').
apply positives_flatten_app.
Lemma positives_flatten_suffix_eq p1 p2 (xs ys : list positive) :
length xs = length ys
p1 ++ positives_flatten xs = p2 ++ positives_flatten ys
xs = ys.
revert p1 p2 ys; induction xs as [|x xs IH];
intros p1 p2 [|y ys] ?; simplify_eq/=; auto.
rewrite !positives_flatten_cons, !(assoc _); intros Hl.
assert (xs = ys) as <- by eauto; clear IH; f_equal.
apply (inj (.++ positives_flatten xs)) in Hl.
rewrite 2!Pos.reverse_dup in Hl.
apply (Pos.dup_suffix_eq _ _ p1 p2) in Hl.
by apply (inj Pos.reverse).
End positives_flatten_unflatten.