diff --git a/tests/telescopes.v b/tests/telescopes.v
index 22b3b92f314d45dde8189e45c4c1c6233c10d585..fb7295f73dd510bd012fd8802f369467420ccd81 100644
--- a/tests/telescopes.v
+++ b/tests/telescopes.v
@@ -42,8 +42,12 @@ Notation "'[TEST'  x .. z ,  P ']'" :=
   (x binder, z binder).
 Check [TEST (x y : nat), x = y].
-(* [tele_arg t] should live at the same universe
-   as the types inside of [t] because [tele_arg t]
-   is essentially just a (dependent) product.
+(** [tele_arg t] should live at the same universe
+as the types inside of [t] because [tele_arg t]
+is essentially just a (dependent) product.
 Definition no_bump@{u} (t : tele@{u}) : Type@{u} := tele_arg@{u} t.
+Lemma texist_exist_universes (X : Type) (P : TeleS (fun _ : X => TeleO) -> Prop) :
+  texist P <-> ex P.
+Proof. by rewrite texist_exist. Qed.
diff --git a/theories/telescopes.v b/theories/telescopes.v
index e81d100c393ecffc6310dcbae9deb6ec23b28e03..028d444f37ee3ee935dc63abb03c37af510373d1 100644
--- a/theories/telescopes.v
+++ b/theories/telescopes.v
@@ -38,28 +38,27 @@ Global Arguments tele_fold {_ _ !_} _ _ _ /.
 (** A duplication of the type [sigT] to avoid any connection to other universes
-Record tele_arg_cons (X : Type) (f : X -> Type) : Type := TeleArgCons
+Record tele_arg_cons {X : Type} (f : X → Type) : Type := TeleArgCons
   { tele_arg_head : X;
     tele_arg_tail : f tele_arg_head }.
-Global Arguments tele_arg_cons [_] _.
-Global Arguments TeleArgCons [X] _.
+Global Arguments TeleArgCons {_ _} _ _.
 (** A sigma-like type for an "element" of a telescope, i.e. the data it
   takes to get a [T] from a [TT -t> T]. *)
 Fixpoint tele_arg@{u} (t : tele@{u}) : Type@{u} :=
   match t with
   | TeleO => unit
-  | TeleS f => tele_arg_cons (fun x => tele_arg (f x))
+  | TeleS f => tele_arg_cons (λ x, tele_arg (f x))
 Global Arguments tele_arg _ : simpl never.
 Notation TargO := tt (only parsing).
-Notation TargS a b := (@TeleArgCons _ (fun x => tele_arg _) a b) (only parsing).
+Notation TargS a b := (@TeleArgCons _ (λ x, tele_arg _) a b) (only parsing).
 Coercion tele_arg : tele >-> Sortclass.
 Fixpoint tele_app {TT : tele} {U} : (TT -t> U) -> TT → U :=
   match TT as TT return (TT -t> U) -> TT → U with
   | TeleO => λ F _, F
-  | @TeleS X b => λ (F : TeleS b -t> U) '(TeleArgCons _ x b), (* b x -t> U *)
+  | TeleS r => λ (F : TeleS r -t> U) '(TeleArgCons x b),
       tele_app (F x) b
 (* The bidirectionality hint [&] simplifies defining tele_app-based notation
@@ -69,15 +68,11 @@ Global Arguments tele_app {!_ _} & _ !_ /.
 (* This is a local coercion because otherwise, the "λ.." notation stops working. *)
 Local Coercion tele_app : tele_fun >-> Funclass.
-(** Inversion lemma for [tele_arg]
-    Note the explicit universe annotation prevents this from being minimized
-    to [Set]. The + is needed to satisfy a bug in Coq, the resulting definition
-    only requires a single universe.
- *)
-Lemma tele_arg_inv@{u+} {TT : tele@{u}} (a : tele_arg@{u} TT) :
-  match TT as TT return tele_arg@{u} TT → Prop with
+(** Inversion lemma for [tele_arg] *)
+Lemma tele_arg_inv {TT : tele} (a : tele_arg TT) :
+  match TT as TT return tele_arg TT → Prop with
   | TeleO => λ a, a = TargO
-  | @TeleS t f => λ a, ∃ x a', a = TargS x a'
+  | TeleS f => λ a, ∃ x a', a = TargS x a'
   end a.
 Proof. destruct TT; destruct a; eauto. Qed.
 Lemma tele_arg_O_inv (a : TeleO) : a = ().