From 9774ce9cad21d62660b07ef54ab9abf8909f7fdd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robbert Krebbers <>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 01:03:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Use scheme - then + then * for bullets.

 theories/bsets.v           |  10 +-
 theories/co_pset.v         |  34 ++--
 theories/collections.v     |  24 +--
 theories/fin_collections.v |  34 ++--
 theories/fin_maps.v        | 118 ++++++------
 theories/finite.v          |  46 ++---
 theories/gmap.v            |  28 +--
 theories/hashset.v         |  18 +-
 theories/lexico.v          |  12 +-
 theories/list.v            | 364 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 theories/listset.v         |  34 ++--
 theories/listset_nodup.v   |  16 +-
 theories/mapset.v          |  20 +-
 theories/natmap.v          |  30 +--
 theories/nmap.v            |  36 ++--
 theories/numbers.v         |  20 +-
 theories/option.v          |   6 +-
 theories/orders.v          |  42 ++---
 theories/pmap.v            |  90 ++++-----
 theories/relations.v       |   6 +-
 theories/streams.v         |   6 +-
 theories/vector.v          |  20 +-
 theories/zmap.v            |  26 +--
 23 files changed, 520 insertions(+), 520 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/bsets.v b/theories/bsets.v
index 2b486081..e8c0906b 100644
--- a/theories/bsets.v
+++ b/theories/bsets.v
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ Instance bset_collection {A} `{∀ x y : A, Decision (x = y)} :
   Collection A (bset A).
   split; [split| |].
-  * by intros x ?.
-  * by intros x y; rewrite <-(bool_decide_spec (x = y)).
-  * split. apply orb_prop_elim. apply orb_prop_intro.
-  * split. apply andb_prop_elim. apply andb_prop_intro.
-  * intros X Y x; unfold elem_of, bset_elem_of; simpl. 
+  - by intros x ?.
+  - by intros x y; rewrite <-(bool_decide_spec (x = y)).
+  - split. apply orb_prop_elim. apply orb_prop_intro.
+  - split. apply andb_prop_elim. apply andb_prop_intro.
+  - intros X Y x; unfold elem_of, bset_elem_of; simpl. 
     destruct (bset_car X x), (bset_car Y x); simpl; tauto.
 Instance bset_elem_of_dec {A} x (X : bset A) : Decision (x ∈ X) := _.
diff --git a/theories/co_pset.v b/theories/co_pset.v
index 16692659..a14659a2 100644
--- a/theories/co_pset.v
+++ b/theories/co_pset.v
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ Lemma coPset_eq t1 t2 :
   revert t2.
   induction t1 as [b1|b1 l1 IHl r1 IHr]; intros [b2|b2 l2 r2] Ht ??; simpl in *.
-  * f_equal; apply (Ht 1).
-  * by discriminate (coPLeaf_wf (coPNode b2 l2 r2) b1).
-  * by discriminate (coPLeaf_wf (coPNode b1 l1 r1) b2).
-  * f_equal; [apply (Ht 1)| |].
+  - f_equal; apply (Ht 1).
+  - by discriminate (coPLeaf_wf (coPNode b2 l2 r2) b1).
+  - by discriminate (coPLeaf_wf (coPNode b1 l1 r1) b2).
+  - f_equal; [apply (Ht 1)| |].
     + apply IHl; try apply (λ x, Ht (x~0)); eauto.
     + apply IHr; try apply (λ x, Ht (x~1)); eauto.
@@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ Instance coPset_elem_of_dec (p : positive) (X : coPset) : Decision (p ∈ X) :=
 Instance coPset_collection : Collection positive coPset.
   split; [split| |].
-  * by intros ??.
-  * intros p q. apply elem_to_Pset_singleton.
-  * intros [t] [t'] p; unfold elem_of, coPset_elem_of, coPset_union; simpl.
+  - by intros ??.
+  - intros p q. apply elem_to_Pset_singleton.
+  - intros [t] [t'] p; unfold elem_of, coPset_elem_of, coPset_union; simpl.
     by rewrite elem_to_Pset_union, orb_True.
-  * intros [t] [t'] p; unfold elem_of,coPset_elem_of,coPset_intersection; simpl.
+  - intros [t] [t'] p; unfold elem_of,coPset_elem_of,coPset_intersection; simpl.
     by rewrite elem_to_Pset_intersection, andb_True.
-  * intros [t] [t'] p; unfold elem_of, coPset_elem_of, coPset_difference; simpl.
+  - intros [t] [t'] p; unfold elem_of, coPset_elem_of, coPset_difference; simpl.
     by rewrite elem_to_Pset_intersection,
       elem_to_Pset_opp, andb_True, negb_True.
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ Lemma coPset_finite_spec X : set_finite X ↔ coPset_finite (`X).
   destruct X as [t Ht].
   unfold set_finite, elem_of at 1, coPset_elem_of; simpl; clear Ht; split.
-  * induction t as [b|b l IHl r IHr]; simpl.
+  - induction t as [b|b l IHl r IHr]; simpl.
     { destruct b; simpl; [intros [l Hl]|done].
       by apply (is_fresh (of_list l : Pset)), elem_of_of_list, Hl. }
     intros [ll Hll]; rewrite andb_True; split.
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ Proof.
       rewrite elem_of_list_omap; intros; exists (i~0); auto.
     + apply IHr; exists (omap (maybe (~1)) ll); intros i.
       rewrite elem_of_list_omap; intros; exists (i~1); auto.
-  * induction t as [b|b l IHl r IHr]; simpl; [by exists []; destruct b|].
+  - induction t as [b|b l IHl r IHr]; simpl; [by exists []; destruct b|].
     rewrite andb_True; intros [??]; destruct IHl as [ll ?], IHr as [rl ?]; auto.
     exists ([1] ++ ((~0) <$> ll) ++ ((~1) <$> rl))%list; intros [i|i|]; simpl;
       rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap; naive_solver.
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ Qed.
 Lemma coPpick_elem_of X : ¬set_finite X → coPpick X ∈ X.
   destruct X as [t ?]; unfold coPpick; destruct (coPpick_raw _) as [j|] eqn:?.
-  * by intros; apply coPpick_raw_elem_of.
-  * by intros []; apply coPset_finite_spec, coPpick_raw_None.
+  - by intros; apply coPpick_raw_elem_of.
+  - by intros []; apply coPset_finite_spec, coPpick_raw_None.
 (** * Conversion to psets *)
@@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ Fixpoint of_Pset_raw (t : Pmap_raw ()) : coPset_raw :=
 Lemma of_Pset_wf t : Pmap_wf t → coPset_wf (of_Pset_raw t).
   induction t as [|[] l IHl r IHr]; simpl; rewrite ?andb_True; auto.
-  * intros [??]; destruct l as [|[]], r as [|[]]; simpl in *; auto.
-  * destruct l as [|[]], r as [|[]]; simpl in *; rewrite ?andb_true_r;
+  - intros [??]; destruct l as [|[]], r as [|[]]; simpl in *; auto.
+  - destruct l as [|[]], r as [|[]]; simpl in *; rewrite ?andb_true_r;
       rewrite ?andb_True; rewrite ?andb_True in IHl, IHr; intuition.
 Lemma elem_of_of_Pset_raw i t : e_of i (of_Pset_raw t) ↔ t !! i = Some ().
@@ -327,9 +327,9 @@ Definition coPset_suffixes (p : positive) : coPset :=
 Lemma elem_coPset_suffixes p q : p ∈ coPset_suffixes q ↔ ∃ q', p = q' ++ q.
   unfold elem_of, coPset_elem_of; simpl; split.
-  * revert p; induction q; intros [?|?|]; simpl;
+  - revert p; induction q; intros [?|?|]; simpl;
       rewrite ?coPset_elem_of_node; naive_solver.
-  * by intros [q' ->]; induction q; simpl; rewrite ?coPset_elem_of_node.
+  - by intros [q' ->]; induction q; simpl; rewrite ?coPset_elem_of_node.
 Lemma coPset_suffixes_infinite p : ¬set_finite (coPset_suffixes p).
diff --git a/theories/collections.v b/theories/collections.v
index f83a8e9c..3cb2d5bd 100644
--- a/theories/collections.v
+++ b/theories/collections.v
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ Section simple_collection.
   Lemma elem_of_subseteq_singleton x X : x ∈ X ↔ {[ x ]} ⊆ X.
-    * intros ??. rewrite elem_of_singleton. by intros ->.
-    * intros Ex. by apply (Ex x), elem_of_singleton.
+    - intros ??. rewrite elem_of_singleton. by intros ->.
+    - intros Ex. by apply (Ex x), elem_of_singleton.
   Global Instance singleton_proper : Proper ((=) ==> (≡)) (singleton (B:=C)).
   Proof. by repeat intro; subst. Qed.
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ Section simple_collection.
   Lemma elem_of_union_list Xs x : x ∈ ⋃ Xs ↔ ∃ X, X ∈ Xs ∧ x ∈ X.
-    * induction Xs; simpl; intros HXs; [by apply elem_of_empty in HXs|].
+    - induction Xs; simpl; intros HXs; [by apply elem_of_empty in HXs|].
       setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons. apply elem_of_union in HXs. naive_solver.
-    * intros [X []]. induction 1; simpl; [by apply elem_of_union_l |].
+    - intros [X []]. induction 1; simpl; [by apply elem_of_union_l |].
       intros. apply elem_of_union_r; auto.
   Lemma non_empty_singleton x : ({[ x ]} : C) ≢ ∅.
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ Section of_option_list.
   Lemma elem_of_of_list (x : A) l : x ∈ of_list l ↔ x ∈ l.
-    * induction l; simpl; [by rewrite elem_of_empty|].
+    - induction l; simpl; [by rewrite elem_of_empty|].
       rewrite elem_of_union,elem_of_singleton; intros [->|?]; constructor; auto.
-    * induction 1; simpl; rewrite elem_of_union, elem_of_singleton; auto.
+    - induction 1; simpl; rewrite elem_of_union, elem_of_singleton; auto.
 End of_option_list.
@@ -356,11 +356,11 @@ Section collection_ops.
       Forall2 (∈) xs Xs ∧ y ∈ Y ∧ foldr (λ x, (≫= f x)) (Some y) xs = Some x.
-    * revert x. induction Xs; simpl; intros x HXs; [eexists [], x; intuition|].
+    - revert x. induction Xs; simpl; intros x HXs; [eexists [], x; intuition|].
       rewrite elem_of_intersection_with in HXs; destruct HXs as (x1&x2&?&?&?).
       destruct (IHXs x2) as (xs & y & hy & ? & ?); trivial.
       eexists (x1 :: xs), y. intuition (simplify_option_equality; auto).
-    * intros (xs & y & Hxs & ? & Hx). revert x Hx.
+    - intros (xs & y & Hxs & ? & Hx). revert x Hx.
       induction Hxs; intros; simplify_option_equality; [done |].
       rewrite elem_of_intersection_with. naive_solver.
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ Section NoDup.
   Global Instance: Proper (R ==> (≡) ==> iff) elem_of_upto.
     intros ?? E1 ?? E2. split; intros [z [??]]; exists z.
-    * rewrite <-E1, <-E2; intuition.
-    * rewrite E1, E2; intuition.
+    - rewrite <-E1, <-E2; intuition.
+    - rewrite E1, E2; intuition.
   Global Instance: Proper ((≡) ==> iff) set_NoDup.
   Proof. firstorder. Qed.
@@ -575,8 +575,8 @@ Section collection_monad.
     l ∈ mapM f k ↔ Forall2 (λ x y, x ∈ f y) l k.
-    * revert l. induction k; solve_elem_of.
-    * induction 1; solve_elem_of.
+    - revert l. induction k; solve_elem_of.
+    - induction 1; solve_elem_of.
   Lemma collection_mapM_length {A B} (f : A → M B) l k :
     l ∈ mapM f k → length l = length k.
diff --git a/theories/fin_collections.v b/theories/fin_collections.v
index 7dbbb4b4..60abe908 100644
--- a/theories/fin_collections.v
+++ b/theories/fin_collections.v
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ Proof. by exists (elements X); intros; rewrite elem_of_elements. Qed.
 Global Instance elements_proper: Proper ((≡) ==> (≡ₚ)) (elements (C:=C)).
   intros ?? E. apply NoDup_Permutation.
-  * apply NoDup_elements.
-  * apply NoDup_elements.
-  * intros. by rewrite !elem_of_elements, E.
+  - apply NoDup_elements.
+  - apply NoDup_elements.
+  - intros. by rewrite !elem_of_elements, E.
 Global Instance collection_size_proper: Proper ((≡) ==> (=)) (@size C _).
 Proof. intros ?? E. apply Permutation_length. by rewrite E. Qed.
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ Lemma size_singleton (x : A) : size {[ x ]} = 1.
   change (length (elements {[ x ]}) = length [x]).
   apply Permutation_length, NoDup_Permutation.
-  * apply NoDup_elements.
-  * apply NoDup_singleton.
-  * intros y.
+  - apply NoDup_elements.
+  - apply NoDup_singleton.
+  - intros y.
     by rewrite elem_of_elements, elem_of_singleton, elem_of_list_singleton.
 Lemma size_singleton_inv X x y : size X = 1 → x ∈ X → y ∈ X → x = y.
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ Qed.
 Lemma collection_choose_or_empty X : (∃ x, x ∈ X) ∨ X ≡ ∅.
   destruct (elements X) as [|x l] eqn:HX; [right|left].
-  * apply equiv_empty; intros x. by rewrite <-elem_of_elements, HX, elem_of_nil.
-  * exists x. rewrite <-elem_of_elements, HX. by left.
+  - apply equiv_empty; intros x. by rewrite <-elem_of_elements, HX, elem_of_nil.
+  - exists x. rewrite <-elem_of_elements, HX. by left.
 Lemma collection_choose X : X ≢ ∅ → ∃ x, x ∈ X.
 Proof. intros. by destruct (collection_choose_or_empty X). Qed.
@@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ Lemma size_1_elem_of X : size X = 1 → ∃ x, X ≡ {[ x ]}.
   intros E. destruct (size_pos_elem_of X); auto with lia.
   exists x. apply elem_of_equiv. split.
-  * rewrite elem_of_singleton. eauto using size_singleton_inv.
-  * solve_elem_of.
+  - rewrite elem_of_singleton. eauto using size_singleton_inv.
+  - solve_elem_of.
 Lemma size_union X Y : X ∩ Y ≡ ∅ → size (X ∪ Y) = size X + size Y.
   intros [E _]. unfold size, collection_size. simpl. rewrite <-app_length.
   apply Permutation_length, NoDup_Permutation.
-  * apply NoDup_elements.
-  * apply NoDup_app; repeat split; try apply NoDup_elements.
+  - apply NoDup_elements.
+  - apply NoDup_app; repeat split; try apply NoDup_elements.
     intros x; rewrite !elem_of_elements; solve_elem_of.
-  * intros. by rewrite elem_of_app, !elem_of_elements, elem_of_union.
+  - intros. by rewrite elem_of_app, !elem_of_elements, elem_of_union.
 Instance elem_of_dec_slow (x : A) (X : C) : Decision (x ∈ X) | 100.
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ Proof.
   intros ? Hemp Hadd. apply well_founded_induction with (⊂).
   { apply collection_wf. }
   intros X IH. destruct (collection_choose_or_empty X) as [[x ?]|HX].
-  * rewrite (union_difference {[ x ]} X) by solve_elem_of.
+  - rewrite (union_difference {[ x ]} X) by solve_elem_of.
     apply Hadd. solve_elem_of. apply IH; solve_elem_of.
-  * by rewrite HX.
+  - by rewrite HX.
 Lemma collection_fold_ind {B} (P : B → C → Prop) (f : A → B → B) (b : B) :
   Proper ((=) ==> (≡) ==> iff) P →
@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ Proof.
   { intros help ?. apply help; [apply NoDup_elements|].
     symmetry. apply elem_of_elements. }
   induction 1 as [|x l ?? IH]; simpl.
-  * intros X HX. setoid_rewrite elem_of_nil in HX.
+  - intros X HX. setoid_rewrite elem_of_nil in HX.
     rewrite equiv_empty. done. solve_elem_of.
-  * intros X HX. setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons in HX.
+  - intros X HX. setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons in HX.
     rewrite (union_difference {[ x ]} X) by solve_elem_of.
     apply Hadd. solve_elem_of. apply IH. solve_elem_of.
diff --git a/theories/fin_maps.v b/theories/fin_maps.v
index 2746183b..77aea823 100644
--- a/theories/fin_maps.v
+++ b/theories/fin_maps.v
@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@ Section setoid.
   Global Instance map_equivalence : Equivalence ((≡) : relation (M A)).
-    * by intros m i.
-    * by intros m1 m2 ? i.
-    * by intros m1 m2 m3 ?? i; transitivity (m2 !! i).
+    - by intros m i.
+    - by intros m1 m2 ? i.
+    - by intros m1 m2 m3 ?? i; transitivity (m2 !! i).
   Global Instance lookup_proper (i : K) :
     Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (lookup (M:=M A) i).
@@ -258,9 +258,9 @@ Proof.
   { by rewrite lookup_partial_alter_ne,
       !lookup_partial_alter, lookup_partial_alter_ne. }
   destruct (decide (jj = i)) as [->|?].
-  * by rewrite lookup_partial_alter,
+  - by rewrite lookup_partial_alter,
      !lookup_partial_alter_ne, lookup_partial_alter by congruence.
-  * by rewrite !lookup_partial_alter_ne by congruence.
+  - by rewrite !lookup_partial_alter_ne by congruence.
 Lemma partial_alter_self_alt {A} (m : M A) i x :
   x = m !! i → partial_alter (λ _, x) i m = m.
@@ -307,8 +307,8 @@ Lemma lookup_alter_Some {A} (f : A → A) m i j y :
     (i = j ∧ ∃ x, m !! j = Some x ∧ y = f x) ∨ (i ≠ j ∧ m !! j = Some y).
   destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|?].
-  * rewrite lookup_alter. naive_solver (simplify_option_equality; eauto).
-  * rewrite lookup_alter_ne by done. naive_solver.
+  - rewrite lookup_alter. naive_solver (simplify_option_equality; eauto).
+  - rewrite lookup_alter_ne by done. naive_solver.
 Lemma lookup_alter_None {A} (f : A → A) m i j :
   alter f i m !! j = None ↔ m !! j = None.
@@ -333,9 +333,9 @@ Lemma lookup_delete_Some {A} (m : M A) i j y :
   delete i m !! j = Some y ↔ i ≠ j ∧ m !! j = Some y.
-  * destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|?];
+  - destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|?];
       rewrite ?lookup_delete, ?lookup_delete_ne; intuition congruence.
-  * intros [??]. by rewrite lookup_delete_ne.
+  - intros [??]. by rewrite lookup_delete_ne.
 Lemma lookup_delete_is_Some {A} (m : M A) i j :
   is_Some (delete i m !! j) ↔ i ≠ j ∧ is_Some (m !! j).
@@ -412,9 +412,9 @@ Lemma lookup_insert_Some {A} (m : M A) i j x y :
   <[i:=x]>m !! j = Some y ↔ (i = j ∧ x = y) ∨ (i ≠ j ∧ m !! j = Some y).
-  * destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|?];
+  - destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|?];
       rewrite ?lookup_insert, ?lookup_insert_ne; intuition congruence.
-  * intros [[-> ->]|[??]]; [apply lookup_insert|]. by rewrite lookup_insert_ne.
+  - intros [[-> ->]|[??]]; [apply lookup_insert|]. by rewrite lookup_insert_ne.
 Lemma lookup_insert_is_Some {A} (m : M A) i j x :
   is_Some (<[i:=x]>m !! j) ↔ i = j ∨ i ≠ j ∧ is_Some (m !! j).
@@ -435,8 +435,8 @@ Lemma insert_included {A} R `{!Reflexive R} (m : M A) i x :
   (∀ y, m !! i = Some y → R y x) → map_included R m (<[i:=x]>m).
   intros ? j; destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|].
-  * rewrite lookup_insert. destruct (m !! j); simpl; eauto.
-  * rewrite lookup_insert_ne by done. by destruct (m !! j); simpl.
+  - rewrite lookup_insert. destruct (m !! j); simpl; eauto.
+  - rewrite lookup_insert_ne by done. by destruct (m !! j); simpl.
 Lemma insert_subseteq {A} (m : M A) i x : m !! i = None → m ⊆ <[i:=x]>m.
 Proof. apply partial_alter_subseteq. Qed.
@@ -462,8 +462,8 @@ Lemma delete_insert_subseteq {A} (m1 m2 : M A) i x :
   rewrite !map_subseteq_spec.
   intros Hix Hi j y Hj. destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|?].
-  * rewrite lookup_insert. congruence.
-  * rewrite lookup_insert_ne by done. apply Hi. by rewrite lookup_delete_ne.
+  - rewrite lookup_insert. congruence.
+  - rewrite lookup_insert_ne by done. apply Hi. by rewrite lookup_delete_ne.
 Lemma insert_delete_subset {A} (m1 m2 : M A) i x :
   m1 !! i = None → <[i:=x]> m1 ⊂ m2 → m1 ⊂ delete i m2.
@@ -477,10 +477,10 @@ Lemma insert_subset_inv {A} (m1 m2 : M A) i x :
   ∃ m2', m2 = <[i:=x]>m2' ∧ m1 ⊂ m2' ∧ m2' !! i = None.
   intros Hi Hm1m2. exists (delete i m2). split_ands.
-  * rewrite insert_delete. done. eapply lookup_weaken, strict_include; eauto.
+  - rewrite insert_delete. done. eapply lookup_weaken, strict_include; eauto.
     by rewrite lookup_insert.
-  * eauto using insert_delete_subset.
-  * by rewrite lookup_delete.
+  - eauto using insert_delete_subset.
+  - by rewrite lookup_delete.
 Lemma insert_empty {A} i (x : A) : <[i:=x]>∅ = {[i := x]}.
 Proof. done. Qed.
@@ -510,8 +510,8 @@ Qed.
 Lemma alter_singleton {A} (f : A → A) i x : alter f i {[i := x]} = {[i := f x]}.
   intros. apply map_eq. intros i'. destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|?].
-  * by rewrite lookup_alter, !lookup_singleton.
-  * by rewrite lookup_alter_ne, !lookup_singleton_ne.
+  - by rewrite lookup_alter, !lookup_singleton.
+  - by rewrite lookup_alter_ne, !lookup_singleton_ne.
 Lemma alter_singleton_ne {A} (f : A → A) i j x :
   i ≠ j → alter f i {[j := x]} = {[j := x]}.
@@ -528,15 +528,15 @@ Proof. apply map_empty; intros i. by rewrite lookup_omap, lookup_empty. Qed.
 Lemma fmap_insert {A B} (f: A → B) m i x: f <$> <[i:=x]>m = <[i:=f x]>(f <$> m).
   apply map_eq; intros i'; destruct (decide (i' = i)) as [->|].
-  * by rewrite lookup_fmap, !lookup_insert.
-  * by rewrite lookup_fmap, !lookup_insert_ne, lookup_fmap by done.
+  - by rewrite lookup_fmap, !lookup_insert.
+  - by rewrite lookup_fmap, !lookup_insert_ne, lookup_fmap by done.
 Lemma omap_insert {A B} (f : A → option B) m i x y :
   f x = Some y → omap f (<[i:=x]>m) = <[i:=y]>(omap f m).
   intros; apply map_eq; intros i'; destruct (decide (i' = i)) as [->|].
-  * by rewrite lookup_omap, !lookup_insert.
-  * by rewrite lookup_omap, !lookup_insert_ne, lookup_omap by done.
+  - by rewrite lookup_omap, !lookup_insert.
+  - by rewrite lookup_omap, !lookup_insert_ne, lookup_omap by done.
 Lemma map_fmap_singleton {A B} (f : A → B) i x : f <$> {[i := x]} = {[i := f x]}.
@@ -585,8 +585,8 @@ Proof.
   setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons.
   intros [?|?] Hdup; simplify_equality; [by rewrite lookup_insert|].
   destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|].
-  * rewrite lookup_insert; f_equal; eauto.
-  * rewrite lookup_insert_ne by done; eauto.
+  - rewrite lookup_insert; f_equal; eauto.
+  - rewrite lookup_insert_ne by done; eauto.
 Lemma elem_of_map_of_list_1 {A} (l : list (K * A)) i x :
   NoDup (l.*1) → (i,x) ∈ l → map_of_list l !! i = Some x.
@@ -617,8 +617,8 @@ Lemma not_elem_of_map_of_list_2 {A} (l : list (K * A)) i :
   induction l as [|[j y] l IH]; csimpl; [rewrite elem_of_nil; tauto|].
   rewrite elem_of_cons. destruct (decide (i = j)); simplify_equality.
-  * by rewrite lookup_insert.
-  * by rewrite lookup_insert_ne; intuition.
+  - by rewrite lookup_insert.
+  - by rewrite lookup_insert_ne; intuition.
 Lemma not_elem_of_map_of_list {A} (l : list (K * A)) i :
   i ∉ l.*1 ↔ map_of_list l !! i = None.
@@ -665,11 +665,11 @@ Lemma map_to_list_insert {A} (m : M A) i x :
   m !! i = None → map_to_list (<[i:=x]>m) ≡ₚ (i,x) :: map_to_list m.
   intros. apply map_of_list_inj; csimpl.
-  * apply NoDup_fst_map_to_list.
-  * constructor; auto using NoDup_fst_map_to_list.
+  - apply NoDup_fst_map_to_list.
+  - constructor; auto using NoDup_fst_map_to_list.
     rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. intros [[??] [? Hlookup]]; subst; simpl in *.
     rewrite elem_of_map_to_list in Hlookup. congruence.
-  * by rewrite !map_of_to_list.
+  - by rewrite !map_of_to_list.
 Lemma map_of_list_nil {A} : map_of_list (@nil (K * A)) = ∅.
 Proof. done. Qed.
@@ -702,13 +702,13 @@ Lemma lookup_imap {A B} (f : K → A → option B) m i :
   map_imap f m !! i = m !! i ≫= f i.
   unfold map_imap; destruct (m !! i ≫= f i) as [y|] eqn:Hi; simpl.
-  * destruct (m !! i) as [x|] eqn:?; simplify_equality'.
+  - destruct (m !! i) as [x|] eqn:?; simplify_equality'.
     apply elem_of_map_of_list_1_help.
     { apply elem_of_list_omap; exists (i,x); split;
         [by apply elem_of_map_to_list|by simplify_option_equality]. }
     intros y'; rewrite elem_of_list_omap; intros ([i' x']&Hi'&?).
     by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list in Hi'; simplify_option_equality.
-  * apply not_elem_of_map_of_list; rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
+  - apply not_elem_of_map_of_list; rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
     intros ([i' x]&->&Hi'); simplify_equality'.
     rewrite elem_of_list_omap in Hi'; destruct Hi' as ([j y]&Hj&?).
     rewrite elem_of_map_to_list in Hj; simplify_option_equality.
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@ Proof.
     by intros (?&?&?&?&?); simplify_option_equality. }
   unfold map_of_collection; rewrite <-elem_of_map_of_list by done.
   rewrite elem_of_list_omap. setoid_rewrite elem_of_elements; split.
-  * intros (?&?&?); simplify_option_equality; eauto.
-  * intros [??]; exists i; simplify_option_equality; eauto.
+  - intros (?&?&?); simplify_option_equality; eauto.
+  - intros [??]; exists i; simplify_option_equality; eauto.
 (** ** Induction principles *)
@@ -741,8 +741,8 @@ Proof.
   { apply map_to_list_empty_inv_alt in Hml. by subst. }
   inversion_clear Hnodup.
   apply map_to_list_insert_inv in Hml; subst m. apply Hins.
-  * by apply not_elem_of_map_of_list_1.
-  * apply IH; auto using map_to_of_list.
+  - by apply not_elem_of_map_of_list_1.
+  - apply IH; auto using map_to_of_list.
 Lemma map_to_list_length {A} (m1 m2 : M A) :
   m1 ⊂ m2 → length (map_to_list m1) < length (map_to_list m2).
@@ -759,8 +759,8 @@ Qed.
 Lemma map_wf {A} : wf (strict (@subseteq (M A) _)).
   apply (wf_projected (<) (length ∘ map_to_list)).
-  * by apply map_to_list_length.
-  * by apply lt_wf.
+  - by apply map_to_list_length.
+  - by apply lt_wf.
 (** ** Properties of the [map_Forall] predicate *)
@@ -770,8 +770,8 @@ Context {A} (P : K → A → Prop).
 Lemma map_Forall_to_list m : map_Forall P m ↔ Forall (curry P) (map_to_list m).
   rewrite Forall_forall. split.
-  * intros Hforall [i x]. rewrite elem_of_map_to_list. by apply (Hforall i x).
-  * intros Hforall i x. rewrite <-elem_of_map_to_list. by apply (Hforall (i,x)).
+  - intros Hforall [i x]. rewrite elem_of_map_to_list. by apply (Hforall i x).
+  - intros Hforall i x. rewrite <-elem_of_map_to_list. by apply (Hforall (i,x)).
 Lemma map_Forall_empty : map_Forall P ∅.
 Proof. intros i x. by rewrite lookup_empty. Qed.
@@ -874,24 +874,24 @@ Lemma partial_alter_merge g g1 g2 m1 m2 i :
     merge f (partial_alter g1 i m1) (partial_alter g2 i m2).
   intro. apply map_eq. intros j. destruct (decide (i = j)); subst.
-  * by rewrite (lookup_merge _), !lookup_partial_alter, !(lookup_merge _).
-  * by rewrite (lookup_merge _), !lookup_partial_alter_ne, (lookup_merge _).
+  - by rewrite (lookup_merge _), !lookup_partial_alter, !(lookup_merge _).
+  - by rewrite (lookup_merge _), !lookup_partial_alter_ne, (lookup_merge _).
 Lemma partial_alter_merge_l g g1 m1 m2 i :
   g (f (m1 !! i) (m2 !! i)) = f (g1 (m1 !! i)) (m2 !! i) →
   partial_alter g i (merge f m1 m2) = merge f (partial_alter g1 i m1) m2.
   intro. apply map_eq. intros j. destruct (decide (i = j)); subst.
-  * by rewrite (lookup_merge _), !lookup_partial_alter, !(lookup_merge _).
-  * by rewrite (lookup_merge _), !lookup_partial_alter_ne, (lookup_merge _).
+  - by rewrite (lookup_merge _), !lookup_partial_alter, !(lookup_merge _).
+  - by rewrite (lookup_merge _), !lookup_partial_alter_ne, (lookup_merge _).
 Lemma partial_alter_merge_r g g2 m1 m2 i :
   g (f (m1 !! i) (m2 !! i)) = f (m1 !! i) (g2 (m2 !! i)) →
   partial_alter g i (merge f m1 m2) = merge f m1 (partial_alter g2 i m2).
   intro. apply map_eq. intros j. destruct (decide (i = j)); subst.
-  * by rewrite (lookup_merge _), !lookup_partial_alter, !(lookup_merge _).
-  * by rewrite (lookup_merge _), !lookup_partial_alter_ne, (lookup_merge _).
+  - by rewrite (lookup_merge _), !lookup_partial_alter, !(lookup_merge _).
+  - by rewrite (lookup_merge _), !lookup_partial_alter_ne, (lookup_merge _).
 Lemma insert_merge m1 m2 i x y z :
   f (Some y) (Some z) = Some x →
@@ -928,10 +928,10 @@ Lemma map_relation_alt (m1 : M A) (m2 : M B) :
   map_relation R P Q m1 m2 ↔ map_Forall (λ _, Is_true) (merge f m1 m2).
-  * intros Hm i P'; rewrite lookup_merge by done; intros.
+  - intros Hm i P'; rewrite lookup_merge by done; intros.
     specialize (Hm i). destruct (m1 !! i), (m2 !! i);
       simplify_equality'; auto using bool_decide_pack.
-  * intros Hm i. specialize (Hm i). rewrite lookup_merge in Hm by done.
+  - intros Hm i. specialize (Hm i). rewrite lookup_merge in Hm by done.
     destruct (m1 !! i), (m2 !! i); simplify_equality'; auto;
       by eapply bool_decide_unpack, Hm.
@@ -950,10 +950,10 @@ Lemma map_not_Forall2 (m1 : M A) (m2 : M B) :
     ∨ (∃ y, m1 !! i = None ∧ m2 !! i = Some y ∧ ¬Q y).
-  * rewrite map_relation_alt, (map_not_Forall _). intros (i&?&Hm&?); exists i.
+  - rewrite map_relation_alt, (map_not_Forall _). intros (i&?&Hm&?); exists i.
     rewrite lookup_merge in Hm by done.
     destruct (m1 !! i), (m2 !! i); naive_solver auto 2 using bool_decide_pack.
-  * unfold map_relation, option_relation.
+  - unfold map_relation, option_relation.
     by intros [i[(x&y&?&?&?)|[(x&?&?&?)|(y&?&?&?)]]] Hm;
       specialize (Hm i); simplify_option_equality.
@@ -1003,9 +1003,9 @@ Proof. rewrite (symmetry_iff map_disjoint). apply map_disjoint_Some_l. Qed.
 Lemma map_disjoint_singleton_l {A} (m: M A) i x : {[i:=x]} ⊥ₘ m ↔ m !! i = None.
   split; [|rewrite !map_disjoint_spec].
-  * intro. apply (map_disjoint_Some_l {[i := x]} _ _ x);
+  - intro. apply (map_disjoint_Some_l {[i := x]} _ _ x);
       auto using lookup_singleton.
-  * intros ? j y1 y2. destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|].
+  - intros ? j y1 y2. destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|].
     + rewrite lookup_singleton. intuition congruence.
     + by rewrite lookup_singleton_ne.
@@ -1238,8 +1238,8 @@ Proof.
   apply map_eq. intros j. apply option_eq. intros y.
   rewrite lookup_union_Some_raw.
   destruct (decide (i = j)); subst.
-  * rewrite !lookup_singleton, lookup_insert. intuition congruence.
-  * rewrite !lookup_singleton_ne, lookup_insert_ne; intuition congruence.
+  - rewrite !lookup_singleton, lookup_insert. intuition congruence.
+  - rewrite !lookup_singleton_ne, lookup_insert_ne; intuition congruence.
 Lemma insert_union_singleton_r {A} (m : M A) i x :
   m !! i = None → <[i:=x]>m = m ∪ {[i := x]}.
@@ -1290,8 +1290,8 @@ Lemma map_disjoint_union_list_l {A} (ms : list (M A)) (m : M A) :
   ⋃ ms ⊥ₘ m ↔ Forall (.⊥ₘ m) ms.
-  * induction ms; simpl; rewrite ?map_disjoint_union_l; intuition.
-  * induction 1; simpl; [apply map_disjoint_empty_l |].
+  - induction ms; simpl; rewrite ?map_disjoint_union_l; intuition.
+  - induction 1; simpl; [apply map_disjoint_empty_l |].
     by rewrite map_disjoint_union_l.
 Lemma map_disjoint_union_list_r {A} (ms : list (M A)) (m : M A) :
@@ -1342,8 +1342,8 @@ Lemma map_disjoint_of_list_l {A} (m : M A) ixs :
   map_of_list ixs ⊥ₘ m ↔ Forall (λ ix, m !! ix.1 = None) ixs.
-  * induction ixs; simpl; rewrite ?map_disjoint_insert_l in *; intuition.
-  * induction 1; simpl; [apply map_disjoint_empty_l|].
+  - induction ixs; simpl; rewrite ?map_disjoint_insert_l in *; intuition.
+  - induction 1; simpl; [apply map_disjoint_empty_l|].
     rewrite map_disjoint_insert_l. auto.
 Lemma map_disjoint_of_list_r {A} (m : M A) ixs :
diff --git a/theories/finite.v b/theories/finite.v
index 11586869..26aac4f7 100644
--- a/theories/finite.v
+++ b/theories/finite.v
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ Proof.
   destruct finA as [xs Hxs HA]; unfold encode_nat, encode, card; simpl.
   rewrite by done; simpl.
   destruct (list_find _ xs) as [[i y]|] eqn:?; simpl.
-  * destruct (list_find_Some (x =) xs i y); eauto using lookup_lt_Some.
-  * destruct xs; simpl. exfalso; eapply not_elem_of_nil, (HA x). lia.
+  - destruct (list_find_Some (x =) xs i y); eauto using lookup_lt_Some.
+  - destruct xs; simpl. exfalso; eapply not_elem_of_nil, (HA x). lia.
 Lemma encode_decode A `{finA: Finite A} i :
   i < card A → ∃ x, decode_nat i = Some x ∧ encode_nat x = i.
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ Lemma finite_inj_Permutation `{Finite A} `{Finite B} (f : A → B)
   `{!Inj (=) (=) f} : card A = card B → f <$> enum A ≡ₚ enum B.
   intros. apply contains_Permutation_length_eq.
-  * by rewrite fmap_length.
-  * by apply finite_inj_contains.
+  - by rewrite fmap_length.
+  - by apply finite_inj_contains.
 Lemma finite_inj_surj `{Finite A} `{Finite B} (f : A → B)
   `{!Inj (=) (=) f} : card A = card B → Surj (=) f.
@@ -103,20 +103,20 @@ Lemma finite_inj A `{Finite A} B `{Finite B} :
   card A ≤ card B ↔ ∃ f : A → B, Inj (=) (=) f.
-  * intros. destruct (decide (card A = 0)) as [HA|?].
+  - intros. destruct (decide (card A = 0)) as [HA|?].
     { exists (card_0_inv B HA). intros y. apply (card_0_inv _ HA y). }
     destruct (finite_surj A B) as (g&?); auto with lia.
     destruct (surj_cancel g) as (f&?). exists f. apply cancel_inj.
-  * intros [f ?]. unfold card. rewrite <-(fmap_length f).
+  - intros [f ?]. unfold card. rewrite <-(fmap_length f).
     by apply contains_length, (finite_inj_contains f).
 Lemma finite_bijective A `{Finite A} B `{Finite B} :
   card A = card B ↔ ∃ f : A → B, Inj (=) (=) f ∧ Surj (=) f.
-  * intros; destruct (proj1 (finite_inj A B)) as [f ?]; auto with lia.
+  - intros; destruct (proj1 (finite_inj A B)) as [f ?]; auto with lia.
     exists f; auto using (finite_inj_surj f).
-  * intros (f&?&?). apply (anti_symm (≤)); apply finite_inj.
+  - intros (f&?&?). apply (anti_symm (≤)); apply finite_inj.
     + by exists f.
     + destruct (surj_cancel f) as (g&?); eauto using cancel_inj.
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ Program Instance option_finite `{Finite A} : Finite (option A) :=
   {| enum := None :: Some <$> enum A |}.
 Next Obligation.
-  * rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. by intros (?&?&?).
-  * apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _); auto using NoDup_enum.
+  - rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. by intros (?&?&?).
+  - apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _); auto using NoDup_enum.
 Next Obligation.
   intros ??? [x|]; [right|left]; auto.
@@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ Program Instance sum_finite `{Finite A, Finite B} : Finite (A + B)%type :=
   {| enum := (inl <$> enum A) ++ (inr <$> enum B) |}.
 Next Obligation.
   intros. apply NoDup_app; split_ands.
-  * apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _). by apply NoDup_enum.
-  * intro. rewrite !elem_of_list_fmap. intros (?&?&?) (?&?&?); congruence.
-  * apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _). by apply NoDup_enum.
+  - apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _). by apply NoDup_enum.
+  - intro. rewrite !elem_of_list_fmap. intros (?&?&?) (?&?&?); congruence.
+  - apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _). by apply NoDup_enum.
 Next Obligation.
   intros ?????? [x|y]; rewrite elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap;
@@ -238,20 +238,20 @@ Next Obligation.
   intros ??????. induction (NoDup_enum A) as [|x xs Hx Hxs IH]; simpl.
   { constructor. }
   apply NoDup_app; split_ands.
-  * by apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _), NoDup_enum.
-  * intros [? y]. rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. intros (?&?&?); simplify_equality.
+  - by apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _), NoDup_enum.
+  - intros [? y]. rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. intros (?&?&?); simplify_equality.
     clear IH. induction Hxs as [|x' xs ?? IH]; simpl.
     { rewrite elem_of_nil. tauto. }
     rewrite elem_of_app, elem_of_list_fmap.
     intros [(?&?&?)|?]; simplify_equality.
     + destruct Hx. by left.
     + destruct IH. by intro; destruct Hx; right. auto.
-  * done.
+  - done.
 Next Obligation.
   intros ?????? [x y]. induction (elem_of_enum x); simpl.
-  * rewrite elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap. eauto using @elem_of_enum.
-  * rewrite elem_of_app; eauto.
+  - rewrite elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap. eauto using @elem_of_enum.
+  - rewrite elem_of_app; eauto.
 Lemma prod_card `{Finite A} `{Finite B} : card (A * B) = card A * card B.
@@ -272,13 +272,13 @@ Next Obligation.
   revert IH. generalize (list_enum (enum A) n). intros l Hl.
   induction (NoDup_enum A) as [|x xs Hx Hxs IH]; simpl; auto; [constructor |].
   apply NoDup_app; split_ands.
-  * by apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _).
-  * intros [k1 Hk1]. clear Hxs IH. rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
+  - by apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _).
+  - intros [k1 Hk1]. clear Hxs IH. rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
     intros ([k2 Hk2]&?&?) Hxk2; simplify_equality'. destruct Hx. revert Hxk2.
     induction xs as [|x' xs IH]; simpl in *; [by rewrite elem_of_nil |].
     rewrite elem_of_app, elem_of_list_fmap, elem_of_cons.
     intros [([??]&?&?)|?]; simplify_equality'; auto.
-  * apply IH.
+  - apply IH.
 Next Obligation.
   intros ???? [l Hl]. revert l Hl.
@@ -286,9 +286,9 @@ Next Obligation.
   { apply elem_of_list_singleton. by apply (sig_eq_pi _). }
   revert IH. generalize (list_enum (enum A) n). intros k Hk.
   induction (elem_of_enum x) as [x xs|x xs]; simpl in *.
-  * rewrite elem_of_app, elem_of_list_fmap. left. injection Hl. intros Hl'.
+  - rewrite elem_of_app, elem_of_list_fmap. left. injection Hl. intros Hl'.
     eexists (l↾Hl'). split. by apply (sig_eq_pi _). done.
-  * rewrite elem_of_app. eauto.
+  - rewrite elem_of_app. eauto.
 Lemma list_card `{Finite A} n : card { l | length l = n } = card A ^ n.
diff --git a/theories/gmap.v b/theories/gmap.v
index fe4a18fa..ee040a24 100644
--- a/theories/gmap.v
+++ b/theories/gmap.v
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ Lemma gmap_partial_alter_wf `{Countable K} {A} (f : option A → option A) m i :
   gmap_wf m → gmap_wf (partial_alter f (encode i) m).
   intros Hm p x. destruct (decide (encode i = p)) as [<-|?].
-  * rewrite decode_encode; eauto.
-  * rewrite lookup_partial_alter_ne by done. by apply Hm.
+  - rewrite decode_encode; eauto.
+  - rewrite lookup_partial_alter_ne by done. by apply Hm.
 Instance gmap_partial_alter `{Countable K} {A} :
     PartialAlter K A (gmap K A) := λ f i m,
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Instance gmap_to_list `{Countable K} {A} : FinMapToList K A (gmap K A) := λ m,
 Instance gmap_finmap `{Countable K} : FinMap K (gmap K).
-  * unfold lookup; intros A [m1 Hm1] [m2 Hm2] Hm.
+  - unfold lookup; intros A [m1 Hm1] [m2 Hm2] Hm.
     apply gmap_eq, map_eq; intros i; simpl in *.
     apply bool_decide_unpack in Hm1; apply bool_decide_unpack in Hm2.
     apply option_eq; intros x; split; intros Hi.
@@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ Proof.
       by destruct (decode i); simplify_equality'; rewrite <-Hm.
     + pose proof (Hm2 i x Hi); simpl in *.
       by destruct (decode i); simplify_equality'; rewrite Hm.
-  * done.
-  * intros A f [m Hm] i; apply (lookup_partial_alter f m).
-  * intros A f [m Hm] i j Hs; apply (lookup_partial_alter_ne f m).
+  - done.
+  - intros A f [m Hm] i; apply (lookup_partial_alter f m).
+  - intros A f [m Hm] i j Hs; apply (lookup_partial_alter_ne f m).
     by contradict Hs; apply (inj encode).
-  * intros A B f [m Hm] i; apply (lookup_fmap f m).
-  * intros A [m Hm]; unfold map_to_list; simpl.
+  - intros A B f [m Hm] i; apply (lookup_fmap f m).
+  - intros A [m Hm]; unfold map_to_list; simpl.
     apply bool_decide_unpack, map_Forall_to_list in Hm; revert Hm.
     induction (NoDup_map_to_list m) as [|[p x] l Hpx];
       inversion 1 as [|??? Hm']; simplify_equality'; [by constructor|].
@@ -99,15 +99,15 @@ Proof.
     rewrite elem_of_list_omap; intros ([p' x']&?&?); simplify_equality'.
     feed pose proof (proj1 (Forall_forall _ _) Hm' (p',x')); simpl in *; auto.
     by destruct (decode p') as [i'|]; simplify_equality'.
-  * intros A [m Hm] i x; unfold map_to_list, lookup; simpl.
+  - intros A [m Hm] i x; unfold map_to_list, lookup; simpl.
     apply bool_decide_unpack in Hm; rewrite elem_of_list_omap; split.
     + intros ([p' x']&Hp'&?); apply elem_of_map_to_list in Hp'.
       feed pose proof (Hm p' x'); simpl in *; auto.
       by destruct (decode p') as [i'|] eqn:?; simplify_equality'.
     + intros; exists (encode i,x); simpl.
       by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list, decode_encode.
-  * intros A B f [m Hm] i; apply (lookup_omap f m).
-  * intros A B C f ? [m1 Hm1] [m2 Hm2] i; unfold merge, lookup; simpl.
+  - intros A B f [m Hm] i; apply (lookup_omap f m).
+  - intros A B C f ? [m1 Hm1] [m2 Hm2] i; unfold merge, lookup; simpl.
     set (f' o1 o2 := match o1, o2 with None,None => None | _, _ => f o1 o2 end).
     by rewrite lookup_merge by done; destruct (m1 !! _), (m2 !! _).
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ Instance gset_positive_fresh : Fresh positive (gset positive) := λ X,
 Instance gset_positive_fresh_spec : FreshSpec positive (gset positive).
-  * apply _.
-  * by intros X Y; rewrite <-elem_of_equiv_L; intros ->.
-  * intros [[m Hm]]; unfold fresh; simpl.
+  - apply _.
+  - by intros X Y; rewrite <-elem_of_equiv_L; intros ->.
+  - intros [[m Hm]]; unfold fresh; simpl.
     by intros ?; apply (is_fresh (dom Pset m)), elem_of_dom_2 with ().
diff --git a/theories/hashset.v b/theories/hashset.v
index c6f5e4ca..446abf38 100644
--- a/theories/hashset.v
+++ b/theories/hashset.v
@@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ Instance hashset_elems: Elements A (hashset hash) := λ m,
 Global Instance: FinCollection A (hashset hash).
   split; [split; [split| |]| |].
-  * intros ? (?&?&?); simplify_map_equality'.
-  * unfold elem_of, hashset_elem_of, singleton, hashset_singleton; simpl.
+  - intros ? (?&?&?); simplify_map_equality'.
+  - unfold elem_of, hashset_elem_of, singleton, hashset_singleton; simpl.
     intros x y. setoid_rewrite lookup_singleton_Some. split.
     { by intros (?&[? <-]&?); decompose_elem_of_list. }
     intros ->; eexists [y]. by rewrite elem_of_list_singleton.
-  * unfold elem_of, hashset_elem_of, union, hashset_union.
+  - unfold elem_of, hashset_elem_of, union, hashset_union.
     intros [m1 Hm1] [m2 Hm2] x; simpl; setoid_rewrite lookup_union_with_Some.
     { intros (?&[[]|[[]|(l&k&?&?&?)]]&Hx); simplify_equality'; eauto.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Proof.
       exists (list_union l k). rewrite elem_of_list_union. naive_solver.
     + destruct (m1 !! hash x) as [l|]; eauto 6.
       exists (list_union l k). rewrite elem_of_list_union. naive_solver.
-  * unfold elem_of, hashset_elem_of, intersection, hashset_intersection.
+  - unfold elem_of, hashset_elem_of, intersection, hashset_intersection.
     intros [m1 ?] [m2 ?] x; simpl.
     setoid_rewrite lookup_intersection_with_Some. split.
     { intros (?&(l&k&?&?&?)&Hx); simplify_option_equality.
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Proof.
       by (by rewrite elem_of_list_intersection).
     exists (list_intersection l k); split; [exists l, k|]; split_ands; auto.
     by rewrite option_guard_True by eauto using elem_of_not_nil.
-  * unfold elem_of, hashset_elem_of, intersection, hashset_intersection.
+  - unfold elem_of, hashset_elem_of, intersection, hashset_intersection.
     intros [m1 ?] [m2 ?] x; simpl.
     setoid_rewrite lookup_difference_with_Some. split.
     { intros (l'&[[??]|(l&k&?&?&?)]&Hx); simplify_option_equality;
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ Proof.
     assert (x ∈ list_difference l k) by (by rewrite elem_of_list_difference).
     exists (list_difference l k); split; [right; exists l,k|]; split_ands; auto.
     by rewrite option_guard_True by eauto using elem_of_not_nil.
-  * unfold elem_of at 2, hashset_elem_of, elements, hashset_elems.
+  - unfold elem_of at 2, hashset_elem_of, elements, hashset_elems.
     intros [m Hm] x; simpl. setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_bind. split.
     { intros ([n l]&Hx&Hn); simpl in *; rewrite elem_of_map_to_list in Hn.
       cut (hash x = n); [intros <-; eauto|].
       eapply (Forall_forall (λ x, hash x = n) l); eauto. eapply Hm; eauto. }
     intros (l&?&?). exists (hash x, l); simpl. by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list.
-  * unfold elements, hashset_elems. intros [m Hm]; simpl.
+  - unfold elements, hashset_elems. intros [m Hm]; simpl.
     rewrite map_Forall_to_list in Hm. generalize (NoDup_fst_map_to_list m).
     induction Hm as [|[n l] m' [??]];
       csimpl; inversion_clear 1 as [|?? Hn]; [constructor|].
@@ -152,10 +152,10 @@ Proof.
   unfold remove_dups_fast; generalize (x1 :: x2 :: l); clear l; intros l.
   generalize (λ x, hash x `mod` (2 * length l))%Z; intros f.
   rewrite elem_of_elements; split.
-  * revert x. induction l as [|y l IH]; intros x; simpl.
+  - revert x. induction l as [|y l IH]; intros x; simpl.
     { by rewrite elem_of_empty. }
     rewrite elem_of_union, elem_of_singleton. intros [->|]; [left|right]; eauto.
-  * induction 1; solve_elem_of.
+  - induction 1; solve_elem_of.
 Lemma NoDup_remove_dups_fast l : NoDup (remove_dups_fast l).
diff --git a/theories/lexico.v b/theories/lexico.v
index 05c53138..f2a0f015 100644
--- a/theories/lexico.v
+++ b/theories/lexico.v
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ Instance prod_lexico_po `{Lexico A, Lexico B, !StrictOrder (@lexico A _)}
   `{!StrictOrder (@lexico B _)} : StrictOrder (@lexico (A * B) _).
-  * intros [x y]. apply prod_lexico_irreflexive.
+  - intros [x y]. apply prod_lexico_irreflexive.
     by apply (irreflexivity lexico y).
-  * intros [??] [??] [??] ??.
+  - intros [??] [??] [??] ??.
     eapply prod_lexico_transitive; eauto. apply transitivity.
 Instance prod_lexico_trichotomyT `{Lexico A, tA : !TrichotomyT (@lexico A _)}
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ Instance list_lexico_po `{Lexico A, !StrictOrder (@lexico A _)} :
   StrictOrder (@lexico (list A) _).
-  * intros l. induction l. by intros ?. by apply prod_lexico_irreflexive.
-  * intros l1. induction l1 as [|x1 l1]; intros [|x2 l2] [|x3 l3] ??; try done.
+  - intros l. induction l. by intros ?. by apply prod_lexico_irreflexive.
+  - intros l1. induction l1 as [|x1 l1]; intros [|x2 l2] [|x3 l3] ??; try done.
     eapply prod_lexico_transitive; eauto.
 Instance list_lexico_trichotomy `{Lexico A, tA : !TrichotomyT (@lexico A _)} :
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ Instance sig_lexico_po `{Lexico A, !StrictOrder (@lexico A _)}
   (P : A → Prop) `{∀ x, ProofIrrel (P x)} : StrictOrder (@lexico (sig P) _).
   unfold lexico, sig_lexico. split.
-  * intros [x ?] ?. by apply (irreflexivity lexico x). 
-  * intros [x1 ?] [x2 ?] [x3 ?] ??. by transitivity x2.
+  - intros [x ?] ?. by apply (irreflexivity lexico x). 
+  - intros [x1 ?] [x2 ?] [x3 ?] ??. by transitivity x2.
 Instance sig_lexico_trichotomy `{Lexico A, tA : !TrichotomyT (@lexico A _)}
   (P : A → Prop) `{∀ x, ProofIrrel (P x)} : TrichotomyT (@lexico (sig P) _).
diff --git a/theories/list.v b/theories/list.v
index 0614f0ab..ec81c5f6 100644
--- a/theories/list.v
+++ b/theories/list.v
@@ -370,9 +370,9 @@ Section setoid.
   Global Instance map_equivalence : Equivalence ((≡) : relation (list A)).
-    * intros l; induction l; constructor; auto.
-    * induction 1; constructor; auto.
-    * intros l1 l2 l3 Hl; revert l3.
+    - intros l; induction l; constructor; auto.
+    - induction 1; constructor; auto.
+    - intros l1 l2 l3 Hl; revert l3.
       induction Hl; inversion_clear 1; constructor; try etransitivity; eauto.
   Global Instance cons_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (@cons A).
@@ -409,10 +409,10 @@ Proof. done. Qed.
 Lemma list_eq l1 l2 : (∀ i, l1 !! i = l2 !! i) → l1 = l2.
   revert l2. induction l1; intros [|??] H.
-  * done.
-  * discriminate (H 0).
-  * discriminate (H 0).
-  * f_equal; [by injection (H 0)|]. apply (IHl1 _ $ λ i, H (S i)).
+  - done.
+  - discriminate (H 0).
+  - discriminate (H 0).
+  - f_equal; [by injection (H 0)|]. apply (IHl1 _ $ λ i, H (S i)).
 Global Instance list_eq_dec {dec : ∀ x y, Decision (x = y)} : ∀ l k,
   Decision (l = k) := list_eq_dec dec.
@@ -455,10 +455,10 @@ Lemma list_eq_same_length l1 l2 n :
   (∀ i x y, i < n → l1 !! i = Some x → l2 !! i = Some y → x = y) → l1 = l2.
   intros <- Hlen Hl; apply list_eq; intros i. destruct (l2 !! i) as [x|] eqn:Hx.
-  * destruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 l1 i) as [y Hy].
+  - destruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 l1 i) as [y Hy].
     { rewrite Hlen; eauto using lookup_lt_Some. }
     rewrite Hy; f_equal; apply (Hl i); eauto using lookup_lt_Some.
-  * by rewrite lookup_ge_None, Hlen, <-lookup_ge_None.
+  - by rewrite lookup_ge_None, Hlen, <-lookup_ge_None.
 Lemma lookup_app_l l1 l2 i : i < length l1 → (l1 ++ l2) !! i = l1 !! i.
 Proof. revert i. induction l1; intros [|?]; simpl; auto with lia. Qed.
@@ -472,10 +472,10 @@ Lemma lookup_app_Some l1 l2 i x :
     l1 !! i = Some x ∨ length l1 ≤ i ∧ l2 !! (i - length l1) = Some x.
-  * revert i. induction l1 as [|y l1 IH]; intros [|i] ?;
+  - revert i. induction l1 as [|y l1 IH]; intros [|i] ?;
       simplify_equality'; auto with lia.
     destruct (IH i) as [?|[??]]; auto with lia.
-  * intros [?|[??]]; auto using lookup_app_l_Some. by rewrite lookup_app_r.
+  - intros [?|[??]]; auto using lookup_app_l_Some. by rewrite lookup_app_r.
 Lemma list_lookup_middle l1 l2 x n :
   n = length l1 → (l1 ++ x :: l2) !! n = Some x.
@@ -505,10 +505,10 @@ Lemma list_lookup_insert_Some l i x j y :
   destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|];
     [split|rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne by done; tauto].
-  * intros Hy. assert (j < length l).
+  - intros Hy. assert (j < length l).
     { rewrite <-(insert_length l j x); eauto using lookup_lt_Some. }
     rewrite list_lookup_insert in Hy by done; naive_solver.
-  * intros [(?&?&?)|[??]]; rewrite ?list_lookup_insert; naive_solver.
+  - intros [(?&?&?)|[??]]; rewrite ?list_lookup_insert; naive_solver.
 Lemma list_insert_commute l i j x y :
   i ≠ j → <[i:=x]>(<[j:=y]>l) = <[j:=y]>(<[i:=x]>l).
@@ -517,8 +517,8 @@ Lemma list_lookup_other l i x :
   length l ≠ 1 → l !! i = Some x → ∃ j y, j ≠ i ∧ l !! j = Some y.
   intros. destruct i, l as [|x0 [|x1 l]]; simplify_equality'.
-  * by exists 1, x1.
-  * by exists 0, x0.
+  - by exists 1, x1.
+  - by exists 0, x0.
 Lemma alter_app_l f l1 l2 i :
   i < length l1 → alter f i (l1 ++ l2) = alter f i l1 ++ l2.
@@ -594,10 +594,10 @@ Proof.
   destruct (decide (i + length k ≤ j)).
   { rewrite list_lookup_inserts_ge by done; intuition lia. }
-  * intros Hy. assert (j < length l).
+  - intros Hy. assert (j < length l).
     { rewrite <-(inserts_length l i k); eauto using lookup_lt_Some. }
     rewrite list_lookup_inserts in Hy by lia. intuition lia.
-  * intuition. by rewrite list_lookup_inserts by lia.
+  - intuition. by rewrite list_lookup_inserts by lia.
 Lemma list_insert_inserts_lt l i j x k :
   i < j → <[i:=x]>(list_inserts j k l) = list_inserts j k (<[i:=x]>l).
@@ -622,8 +622,8 @@ Proof. rewrite elem_of_cons. tauto. Qed.
 Lemma elem_of_app l1 l2 x : x ∈ l1 ++ l2 ↔ x ∈ l1 ∨ x ∈ l2.
   induction l1.
-  * split; [by right|]. intros [Hx|]; [|done]. by destruct (elem_of_nil x).
-  * simpl. rewrite !elem_of_cons, IHl1. tauto.
+  - split; [by right|]. intros [Hx|]; [|done]. by destruct (elem_of_nil x).
+  - simpl. rewrite !elem_of_cons, IHl1. tauto.
 Lemma not_elem_of_app l1 l2 x : x ∉ l1 ++ l2 ↔ x ∉ l1 ∧ x ∉ l2.
 Proof. rewrite elem_of_app. tauto. Qed.
@@ -651,9 +651,9 @@ Lemma elem_of_list_omap {B} (f : A → option B) l (y : B) :
   y ∈ omap f l ↔ ∃ x, x ∈ l ∧ f x = Some y.
-  * induction l as [|x l]; csimpl; repeat case_match; inversion 1; subst;
+  - induction l as [|x l]; csimpl; repeat case_match; inversion 1; subst;
       setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons; naive_solver.
-  * intros (x&Hx&?). by induction Hx; csimpl; repeat case_match;
+  - intros (x&Hx&?). by induction Hx; csimpl; repeat case_match;
       simplify_equality; try constructor; auto.
@@ -671,17 +671,17 @@ Proof. constructor. apply not_elem_of_nil. constructor. Qed.
 Lemma NoDup_app l k : NoDup (l ++ k) ↔ NoDup l ∧ (∀ x, x ∈ l → x ∉ k) ∧ NoDup k.
   induction l; simpl.
-  * rewrite NoDup_nil. setoid_rewrite elem_of_nil. naive_solver.
-  * rewrite !NoDup_cons.
+  - rewrite NoDup_nil. setoid_rewrite elem_of_nil. naive_solver.
+  - rewrite !NoDup_cons.
     setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons. setoid_rewrite elem_of_app. naive_solver.
 Global Instance NoDup_proper: Proper ((≡ₚ) ==> iff) (@NoDup A).
   induction 1 as [|x l k Hlk IH | |].
-  * by rewrite !NoDup_nil.
-  * by rewrite !NoDup_cons, IH, Hlk.
-  * rewrite !NoDup_cons, !elem_of_cons. intuition.
-  * intuition.
+  - by rewrite !NoDup_nil.
+  - by rewrite !NoDup_cons, IH, Hlk.
+  - rewrite !NoDup_cons, !elem_of_cons. intuition.
+  - intuition.
 Lemma NoDup_lookup l i j x :
   NoDup l → l !! i = Some x → l !! j = Some x → i = j.
@@ -696,9 +696,9 @@ Lemma NoDup_alt l :
   split; eauto using NoDup_lookup.
   induction l as [|x l IH]; intros Hl; constructor.
-  * rewrite elem_of_list_lookup. intros [i ?].
+  - rewrite elem_of_list_lookup. intros [i ?].
     by feed pose proof (Hl (S i) 0 x); auto.
-  * apply IH. intros i j x' ??. by apply (inj S), (Hl (S i) (S j) x').
+  - apply IH. intros i j x' ??. by apply (inj S), (Hl (S i) (S j) x').
 Section no_dup_dec.
@@ -740,9 +740,9 @@ Section list_set.
   Lemma NoDup_list_difference l k : NoDup l → NoDup (list_difference l k).
     induction 1; simpl; try case_decide.
-    * constructor.
-    * done.
-    * constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_difference; intuition. done.
+    - constructor.
+    - done.
+    - constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_difference; intuition. done.
   Lemma elem_of_list_union l k x : x ∈ list_union l k ↔ x ∈ l ∨ x ∈ k.
@@ -752,9 +752,9 @@ Section list_set.
   Lemma NoDup_list_union l k : NoDup l → NoDup k → NoDup (list_union l k).
     intros. apply NoDup_app. repeat split.
-    * by apply NoDup_list_difference.
-    * intro. rewrite elem_of_list_difference. intuition.
-    * done.
+    - by apply NoDup_list_difference.
+    - intro. rewrite elem_of_list_difference. intuition.
+    - done.
   Lemma elem_of_list_intersection l k x :
     x ∈ list_intersection l k ↔ x ∈ l ∧ x ∈ k.
@@ -765,23 +765,23 @@ Section list_set.
   Lemma NoDup_list_intersection l k : NoDup l → NoDup (list_intersection l k).
     induction 1; simpl; try case_decide.
-    * constructor.
-    * constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_intersection; intuition. done.
-    * done.
+    - constructor.
+    - constructor. rewrite elem_of_list_intersection; intuition. done.
+    - done.
   Lemma elem_of_list_intersection_with f l k x :
     x ∈ list_intersection_with f l k ↔ ∃ x1 x2,
       x1 ∈ l ∧ x2 ∈ k ∧ f x1 x2 = Some x.
-    * induction l as [|x1 l IH]; simpl; [by rewrite elem_of_nil|].
+    - induction l as [|x1 l IH]; simpl; [by rewrite elem_of_nil|].
       intros Hx. setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons.
       cut ((∃ x2, x2 ∈ k ∧ f x1 x2 = Some x)
         ∨ x ∈ list_intersection_with f l k); [naive_solver|].
       clear IH. revert Hx. generalize (list_intersection_with f l k).
       induction k; simpl; [by auto|].
       case_match; setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons; naive_solver.
-    * intros (x1&x2&Hx1&Hx2&Hx). induction Hx1 as [x1|x1 ? l ? IH]; simpl.
+    - intros (x1&x2&Hx1&Hx2&Hx). induction Hx1 as [x1|x1 ? l ? IH]; simpl.
       + generalize (list_intersection_with f l k).
         induction Hx2; simpl; [by rewrite Hx; left |].
         case_match; simpl; try setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons; auto.
@@ -917,14 +917,14 @@ Proof. revert n i. induction l; intros [|?] [|?] ?; simpl; auto with lia. Qed.
 Lemma take_alter f l n i : n ≤ i → take n (alter f i l) = take n l.
   intros. apply list_eq. intros j. destruct (le_lt_dec n j).
-  * by rewrite !lookup_take_ge.
-  * by rewrite !lookup_take, !list_lookup_alter_ne by lia.
+  - by rewrite !lookup_take_ge.
+  - by rewrite !lookup_take, !list_lookup_alter_ne by lia.
 Lemma take_insert l n i x : n ≤ i → take n (<[i:=x]>l) = take n l.
   intros. apply list_eq. intros j. destruct (le_lt_dec n j).
-  * by rewrite !lookup_take_ge.
-  * by rewrite !lookup_take, !list_lookup_insert_ne by lia.
+  - by rewrite !lookup_take_ge.
+  - by rewrite !lookup_take, !list_lookup_insert_ne by lia.
 (** ** Properties of the [drop] function *)
@@ -988,8 +988,8 @@ Lemma lookup_replicate n x y i :
   replicate n x !! i = Some y ↔ y = x ∧ i < n.
-  * revert i. induction n; intros [|?]; naive_solver auto with lia.
-  * intros [-> Hi]. revert i Hi.
+  - revert i. induction n; intros [|?]; naive_solver auto with lia.
+  - intros [-> Hi]. revert i Hi.
     induction n; intros [|?]; naive_solver auto with lia.
 Lemma lookup_replicate_1 n x y i :
@@ -1000,8 +1000,8 @@ Proof. by rewrite lookup_replicate. Qed.
 Lemma lookup_replicate_None n x i : n ≤ i ↔ replicate n x !! i = None.
   rewrite eq_None_not_Some, Nat.le_ngt. split.
-  * intros Hin [x' Hx']; destruct Hin. rewrite lookup_replicate in Hx'; tauto.
-  * intros Hx ?. destruct Hx. exists x; auto using lookup_replicate_2.
+  - intros Hin [x' Hx']; destruct Hin. rewrite lookup_replicate in Hx'; tauto.
+  - intros Hx ?. destruct Hx. exists x; auto using lookup_replicate_2.
 Lemma insert_replicate x n i : <[i:=x]>(replicate n x) = replicate n x.
 Proof. revert i. induction n; intros [|?]; f_equal'; auto. Qed.
@@ -1025,8 +1025,8 @@ Lemma replicate_as_elem_of x n l :
   split; [intros <-; eauto using elem_of_replicate_inv, replicate_length|].
   intros [<- Hl]. symmetry. induction l as [|y l IH]; f_equal'.
-  * apply Hl. by left.
-  * apply IH. intros ??. apply Hl. by right.
+  - apply Hl. by left.
+  - apply IH. intros ??. apply Hl. by right.
 Lemma reverse_replicate n x : reverse (replicate n x) = replicate n x.
@@ -1060,8 +1060,8 @@ Lemma resize_plus l n m x :
   resize (n + m) x l = resize n x l ++ resize m x (drop n l).
   revert n m. induction l; intros [|?] [|?]; f_equal'; auto.
-  * by rewrite Nat.add_0_r, (right_id_L [] (++)).
-  * by rewrite replicate_plus.
+  - by rewrite Nat.add_0_r, (right_id_L [] (++)).
+  - by rewrite replicate_plus.
 Lemma resize_plus_eq l n m x :
   length l = n → resize (n + m) x l = l ++ replicate m x.
@@ -1086,8 +1086,8 @@ Proof. revert m. induction n; intros [|?]; f_equal'; auto. Qed.
 Lemma resize_resize l n m x : n ≤ m → resize n x (resize m x l) = resize n x l.
   revert n m. induction l; simpl.
-  * intros. by rewrite !resize_nil, resize_replicate.
-  * intros [|?] [|?] ?; f_equal'; auto with lia.
+  - intros. by rewrite !resize_nil, resize_replicate.
+  - intros [|?] [|?] ?; f_equal'; auto with lia.
 Lemma resize_idemp l n x : resize n x (resize n x l) = resize n x l.
 Proof. by rewrite resize_resize. Qed.
@@ -1109,8 +1109,8 @@ Lemma drop_resize_le l n m x :
   n ≤ m → drop n (resize m x l) = resize (m - n) x (drop n l).
   revert n m. induction l; simpl.
-  * intros. by rewrite drop_nil, !resize_nil, drop_replicate.
-  * intros [|?] [|?] ?; simpl; try case_match; auto with lia.
+  - intros. by rewrite drop_nil, !resize_nil, drop_replicate.
+  - intros [|?] [|?] ?; simpl; try case_match; auto with lia.
 Lemma drop_resize_plus l n m x :
   drop n (resize (n + m) x l) = resize m x (drop n l).
@@ -1118,8 +1118,8 @@ Proof. rewrite drop_resize_le by lia. f_equal. lia. Qed.
 Lemma lookup_resize l n x i : i < n → i < length l → resize n x l !! i = l !! i.
   intros ??. destruct (decide (n < length l)).
-  * by rewrite resize_le, lookup_take by lia.
-  * by rewrite resize_ge, lookup_app_l by lia.
+  - by rewrite resize_le, lookup_take by lia.
+  - by rewrite resize_ge, lookup_app_l by lia.
 Lemma lookup_resize_new l n x i :
   length l ≤ i → i < n → resize n x l !! i = Some x.
@@ -1205,14 +1205,14 @@ Lemma sublist_lookup_reshape l i n m :
   reshape (replicate m n) l !! i = sublist_lookup (i * n) n l.
   intros Hn Hl. unfold sublist_lookup.  apply option_eq; intros x; split.
-  * intros Hx. case_option_guard as Hi.
+  - intros Hx. case_option_guard as Hi.
     { f_equal. clear Hi. revert i l Hl Hx.
       induction m as [|m IH]; intros [|i] l ??; simplify_equality'; auto.
       rewrite <-drop_drop. apply IH; rewrite ?drop_length; auto with lia. }
     destruct Hi. rewrite Hl, <-Nat.mul_succ_l.
     apply Nat.mul_le_mono_r, Nat.le_succ_l. apply lookup_lt_Some in Hx.
     by rewrite reshape_length, replicate_length in Hx.
-  * intros Hx. case_option_guard as Hi; simplify_equality'.
+  - intros Hx. case_option_guard as Hi; simplify_equality'.
     revert i l Hl Hi. induction m as [|m IH]; [auto with lia|].
     intros [|i] l ??; simpl; [done|]. rewrite <-drop_drop.
     rewrite IH; rewrite ?drop_length; auto with lia.
@@ -1347,8 +1347,8 @@ Proof. induction 1; simpl; auto with lia. Qed.
 Global Instance: Comm (≡ₚ) (@app A).
   intros l1. induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; intros l2; simpl.
-  * by rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)).
-  * rewrite Permutation_middle, IH. simpl. by rewrite Permutation_middle.
+  - by rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)).
+  - rewrite Permutation_middle, IH. simpl. by rewrite Permutation_middle.
 Global Instance: ∀ x : A, Inj (≡ₚ) (≡ₚ) (x ::).
 Proof. red. eauto using Permutation_cons_inv. Qed.
@@ -1364,8 +1364,8 @@ Qed.
 Lemma replicate_Permutation n x l : replicate n x ≡ₚ l → replicate n x = l.
   intros Hl. apply replicate_as_elem_of. split.
-  * by rewrite <-Hl, replicate_length.
-  * intros y. rewrite <-Hl. by apply elem_of_replicate_inv.
+  - by rewrite <-Hl, replicate_length.
+  - intros y. rewrite <-Hl. by apply elem_of_replicate_inv.
 Lemma reverse_Permutation l : reverse l ≡ₚ l.
@@ -1382,8 +1382,8 @@ Qed.
 Global Instance: PreOrder (@prefix_of A).
-  * intros ?. eexists []. by rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)).
-  * intros ???[k1->] [k2->]. exists (k1 ++ k2). by rewrite (assoc_L (++)).
+  - intros ?. eexists []. by rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)).
+  - intros ???[k1->] [k2->]. exists (k1 ++ k2). by rewrite (assoc_L (++)).
 Lemma prefix_of_nil l : [] `prefix_of` l.
 Proof. by exists l. Qed.
@@ -1415,8 +1415,8 @@ Proof. intros [??]. discriminate_list_equality. Qed.
 Global Instance: PreOrder (@suffix_of A).
-  * intros ?. by eexists [].
-  * intros ???[k1->] [k2->]. exists (k2 ++ k1). by rewrite (assoc_L (++)).
+  - intros ?. by eexists [].
+  - intros ???[k1->] [k2->]. exists (k2 ++ k1). by rewrite (assoc_L (++)).
 Global Instance prefix_of_dec `{∀ x y, Decision (x = y)} : ∀ l1 l2,
     Decision (l1 `prefix_of` l2) := fix go l1 l2 :=
@@ -1488,9 +1488,9 @@ Section prefix_ops.
     intros Hl ->. destruct (prefix_of_snoc_not k3 x2).
     eapply max_prefix_of_max_alt; eauto.
-    * rewrite (max_prefix_of_fst_alt _ _ _ _ _ Hl).
+    - rewrite (max_prefix_of_fst_alt _ _ _ _ _ Hl).
       apply prefix_of_app, prefix_of_cons, prefix_of_nil.
-    * rewrite (max_prefix_of_snd_alt _ _ _ _ _ Hl).
+    - rewrite (max_prefix_of_snd_alt _ _ _ _ _ Hl).
       apply prefix_of_app, prefix_of_cons, prefix_of_nil.
 End prefix_ops.
@@ -1499,8 +1499,8 @@ Lemma prefix_suffix_reverse l1 l2 :
   l1 `prefix_of` l2 ↔ reverse l1 `suffix_of` reverse l2.
   split; intros [k E]; exists (reverse k).
-  * by rewrite E, reverse_app.
-  * by rewrite <-(reverse_involutive l2), E, reverse_app, reverse_involutive.
+  - by rewrite E, reverse_app.
+  - by rewrite <-(reverse_involutive l2), E, reverse_app, reverse_involutive.
 Lemma suffix_prefix_reverse l1 l2 :
   l1 `suffix_of` l2 ↔ reverse l1 `prefix_of` reverse l2.
@@ -1626,9 +1626,9 @@ Section max_suffix_of.
     intros Hl ->. destruct (suffix_of_cons_not x2 k3).
     eapply max_suffix_of_max_alt; eauto.
-    * rewrite (max_suffix_of_fst_alt _ _ _ _ _ Hl).
+    - rewrite (max_suffix_of_fst_alt _ _ _ _ _ Hl).
       by apply (suffix_of_app [x2]), suffix_of_app_r.
-    * rewrite (max_suffix_of_snd_alt _ _ _ _ _ Hl).
+    - rewrite (max_suffix_of_snd_alt _ _ _ _ _ Hl).
       by apply (suffix_of_app [x2]), suffix_of_app_r.
 End max_suffix_of.
@@ -1654,37 +1654,37 @@ Lemma sublist_cons_l x l k :
   x :: l `sublist` k ↔ ∃ k1 k2, k = k1 ++ x :: k2 ∧ l `sublist` k2.
-  * intros Hlk. induction k as [|y k IH]; inversion Hlk.
+  - intros Hlk. induction k as [|y k IH]; inversion Hlk.
     + eexists [], k. by repeat constructor.
     + destruct IH as (k1&k2&->&?); auto. by exists (y :: k1), k2.
-  * intros (k1&k2&->&?). by apply sublist_inserts_l, sublist_skip.
+  - intros (k1&k2&->&?). by apply sublist_inserts_l, sublist_skip.
 Lemma sublist_app_r l k1 k2 :
   l `sublist` k1 ++ k2 ↔
     ∃ l1 l2, l = l1 ++ l2 ∧ l1 `sublist` k1 ∧ l2 `sublist` k2.
-  * revert l k2. induction k1 as [|y k1 IH]; intros l k2; simpl.
+  - revert l k2. induction k1 as [|y k1 IH]; intros l k2; simpl.
     { eexists [], l. by repeat constructor. }
     rewrite sublist_cons_r. intros [?|(l' & ? &?)]; subst.
     + destruct (IH l k2) as (l1&l2&?&?&?); trivial; subst.
       exists l1, l2. auto using sublist_cons.
     + destruct (IH l' k2) as (l1&l2&?&?&?); trivial; subst.
       exists (y :: l1), l2. auto using sublist_skip.
-  * intros (?&?&?&?&?); subst. auto using sublist_app.
+  - intros (?&?&?&?&?); subst. auto using sublist_app.
 Lemma sublist_app_l l1 l2 k :
   l1 ++ l2 `sublist` k ↔
     ∃ k1 k2, k = k1 ++ k2 ∧ l1 `sublist` k1 ∧ l2 `sublist` k2.
-  * revert l2 k. induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; intros l2 k; simpl.
+  - revert l2 k. induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; intros l2 k; simpl.
     { eexists [], k. by repeat constructor. }
     rewrite sublist_cons_l. intros (k1 & k2 &?&?); subst.
     destruct (IH l2 k2) as (h1 & h2 &?&?&?); trivial; subst.
     exists (k1 ++ x :: h1), h2. rewrite <-(assoc_L (++)).
     auto using sublist_inserts_l, sublist_skip.
-  * intros (?&?&?&?&?); subst. auto using sublist_app.
+  - intros (?&?&?&?&?); subst. auto using sublist_app.
 Lemma sublist_app_inv_l k l1 l2 : k ++ l1 `sublist` k ++ l2 → l1 `sublist` l2.
@@ -1707,14 +1707,14 @@ Qed.
 Global Instance: PartialOrder (@sublist A).
   split; [split|].
-  * intros l. induction l; constructor; auto.
-  * intros l1 l2 l3 Hl12. revert l3. induction Hl12.
+  - intros l. induction l; constructor; auto.
+  - intros l1 l2 l3 Hl12. revert l3. induction Hl12.
     + auto using sublist_nil_l.
     + intros ?. rewrite sublist_cons_l. intros (?&?&?&?); subst.
       eauto using sublist_inserts_l, sublist_skip.
     + intros ?. rewrite sublist_cons_l. intros (?&?&?&?); subst.
       eauto using sublist_inserts_l, sublist_cons.
-  * intros l1 l2 Hl12 Hl21. apply sublist_length in Hl21.
+  - intros l1 l2 Hl12 Hl21. apply sublist_length in Hl21.
     induction Hl12; f_equal'; auto with arith.
     apply sublist_length in Hl12. lia.
@@ -1735,10 +1735,10 @@ Proof.
   intros Hl12. cut (∀ k, ∃ is, k ++ l1 = foldr delete (k ++ l2) is).
   { intros help. apply (help []). }
   induction Hl12 as [|x l1 l2 _ IH|x l1 l2 _ IH]; intros k.
-  * by eexists [].
-  * destruct (IH (k ++ [x])) as [is His]. exists is.
+  - by eexists [].
+  - destruct (IH (k ++ [x])) as [is His]. exists is.
     by rewrite <-!(assoc_L (++)) in His.
-  * destruct (IH k) as [is His]. exists (is ++ [length k]).
+  - destruct (IH k) as [is His]. exists (is ++ [length k]).
     rewrite fold_right_app. simpl. by rewrite delete_middle.
 Lemma Permutation_sublist l1 l2 l3 :
@@ -1746,16 +1746,16 @@ Lemma Permutation_sublist l1 l2 l3 :
   intros Hl1l2. revert l3.
   induction Hl1l2 as [|x l1 l2 ? IH|x y l1|l1 l1' l2 ? IH1 ? IH2].
-  * intros l3. by exists l3.
-  * intros l3. rewrite sublist_cons_l. intros (l3'&l3''&?&?); subst.
+  - intros l3. by exists l3.
+  - intros l3. rewrite sublist_cons_l. intros (l3'&l3''&?&?); subst.
     destruct (IH l3'') as (l4&?&Hl4); auto. exists (l3' ++ x :: l4).
     split. by apply sublist_inserts_l, sublist_skip. by rewrite Hl4.
-  * intros l3. rewrite sublist_cons_l. intros (l3'&l3''&?& Hl3); subst.
+  - intros l3. rewrite sublist_cons_l. intros (l3'&l3''&?& Hl3); subst.
     rewrite sublist_cons_l in Hl3. destruct Hl3 as (l5'&l5''&?& Hl5); subst.
     exists (l3' ++ y :: l5' ++ x :: l5''). split.
-    - by do 2 apply sublist_inserts_l, sublist_skip.
-    - by rewrite !Permutation_middle, Permutation_swap.
-  * intros l3 ?. destruct (IH2 l3) as (l3'&?&?); trivial.
+    + by do 2 apply sublist_inserts_l, sublist_skip.
+    + by rewrite !Permutation_middle, Permutation_swap.
+  - intros l3 ?. destruct (IH2 l3) as (l3'&?&?); trivial.
     destruct (IH1 l3') as (l3'' &?&?); trivial. exists l3''.
     split. done. etransitivity; eauto.
@@ -1764,19 +1764,19 @@ Lemma sublist_Permutation l1 l2 l3 :
   intros Hl1l2 Hl2l3. revert l1 Hl1l2.
   induction Hl2l3 as [|x l2 l3 ? IH|x y l2|l2 l2' l3 ? IH1 ? IH2].
-  * intros l1. by exists l1.
-  * intros l1. rewrite sublist_cons_r. intros [?|(l1'&l1''&?)]; subst.
+  - intros l1. by exists l1.
+  - intros l1. rewrite sublist_cons_r. intros [?|(l1'&l1''&?)]; subst.
     { destruct (IH l1) as (l4&?&?); trivial.
       exists l4. split. done. by constructor. }
     destruct (IH l1') as (l4&?&Hl4); auto. exists (x :: l4).
     split. by constructor. by constructor.
-  * intros l1. rewrite sublist_cons_r. intros [Hl1|(l1'&l1''&Hl1)]; subst.
+  - intros l1. rewrite sublist_cons_r. intros [Hl1|(l1'&l1''&Hl1)]; subst.
     { exists l1. split; [done|]. rewrite sublist_cons_r in Hl1.
       destruct Hl1 as [?|(l1'&?&?)]; subst; by repeat constructor. }
     rewrite sublist_cons_r in Hl1. destruct Hl1 as [?|(l1''&?&?)]; subst.
     + exists (y :: l1'). by repeat constructor.
     + exists (x :: y :: l1''). by repeat constructor.
-  * intros l1 ?. destruct (IH1 l1) as (l3'&?&?); trivial.
+  - intros l1 ?. destruct (IH1 l1) as (l3'&?&?); trivial.
     destruct (IH2 l3') as (l3'' &?&?); trivial. exists l3''.
     split; [|done]. etransitivity; eauto.
@@ -1794,8 +1794,8 @@ Qed.
 Global Instance: PreOrder (@contains A).
-  * intros l. induction l; constructor; auto.
-  * red. apply contains_trans.
+  - intros l. induction l; constructor; auto.
+  - red. apply contains_trans.
 Lemma Permutation_contains l1 l2 : l1 ≡ₚ l2 → l1 `contains` l2.
 Proof. induction 1; econstructor; eauto. Qed.
@@ -1805,18 +1805,18 @@ Lemma contains_Permutation l1 l2 : l1 `contains` l2 → ∃ k, l2 ≡ₚ l1 ++ k
   induction 1 as
     [|x y l ? [k Hk]| |x l1 l2 ? [k Hk]|l1 l2 l3 ? [k Hk] ? [k' Hk']].
-  * by eexists [].
-  * exists k. by rewrite Hk.
-  * eexists []. rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)). by constructor.
-  * exists (x :: k). by rewrite Hk, Permutation_middle.
-  * exists (k ++ k'). by rewrite Hk', Hk, (assoc_L (++)).
+  - by eexists [].
+  - exists k. by rewrite Hk.
+  - eexists []. rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)). by constructor.
+  - exists (x :: k). by rewrite Hk, Permutation_middle.
+  - exists (k ++ k'). by rewrite Hk', Hk, (assoc_L (++)).
 Lemma contains_Permutation_length_le l1 l2 :
   length l2 ≤ length l1 → l1 `contains` l2 → l1 ≡ₚ l2.
   intros Hl21 Hl12. destruct (contains_Permutation l1 l2) as [[|??] Hk]; auto.
-  * by rewrite Hk, (right_id_L [] (++)).
-  * rewrite Hk, app_length in Hl21; simpl in Hl21; lia.
+  - by rewrite Hk, (right_id_L [] (++)).
+  - rewrite Hk, app_length in Hl21; simpl in Hl21; lia.
 Lemma contains_Permutation_length_eq l1 l2 :
   length l2 = length l1 → l1 `contains` l2 → l1 ≡ₚ l2.
@@ -1824,9 +1824,9 @@ Proof. intro. apply contains_Permutation_length_le. lia. Qed.
 Global Instance: Proper ((≡ₚ) ==> (≡ₚ) ==> iff) (@contains A).
   intros l1 l2 ? k1 k2 ?. split; intros.
-  * transitivity l1. by apply Permutation_contains.
+  - transitivity l1. by apply Permutation_contains.
     transitivity k1. done. by apply Permutation_contains.
-  * transitivity l2. by apply Permutation_contains.
+  - transitivity l2. by apply Permutation_contains.
     transitivity k2. done. by apply Permutation_contains.
 Global Instance: AntiSymm (≡ₚ) (@contains A).
@@ -1844,11 +1844,11 @@ Lemma contains_sublist_l l1 l3 :
   { intros Hl13. elim Hl13; clear l1 l3 Hl13.
-    * by eexists [].
-    * intros x l1 l3 ? (l2&?&?). exists (x :: l2). by repeat constructor.
-    * intros x y l. exists (y :: x :: l). by repeat constructor.
-    * intros x l1 l3 ? (l2&?&?). exists (x :: l2). by repeat constructor.
-    * intros l1 l3 l5 ? (l2&?&?) ? (l4&?&?).
+    - by eexists [].
+    - intros x l1 l3 ? (l2&?&?). exists (x :: l2). by repeat constructor.
+    - intros x y l. exists (y :: x :: l). by repeat constructor.
+    - intros x l1 l3 ? (l2&?&?). exists (x :: l2). by repeat constructor.
+    - intros l1 l3 l5 ? (l2&?&?) ? (l4&?&?).
       destruct (Permutation_sublist l2 l3 l4) as (l3'&?&?); trivial.
       exists l3'. split; etransitivity; eauto. }
   intros (l2&?&?).
@@ -1877,41 +1877,41 @@ Lemma contains_cons_r x l k :
   l `contains` x :: k ↔ l `contains` k ∨ ∃ l', l ≡ₚ x :: l' ∧ l' `contains` k.
-  * rewrite contains_sublist_r. intros (l'&E&Hl').
+  - rewrite contains_sublist_r. intros (l'&E&Hl').
     rewrite sublist_cons_r in Hl'. destruct Hl' as [?|(?&?&?)]; subst.
     + left. rewrite E. eauto using sublist_contains.
     + right. eauto using sublist_contains.
-  * intros [?|(?&E&?)]; [|rewrite E]; by constructor.
+  - intros [?|(?&E&?)]; [|rewrite E]; by constructor.
 Lemma contains_cons_l x l k :
   x :: l `contains` k ↔ ∃ k', k ≡ₚ x :: k' ∧ l `contains` k'.
-  * rewrite contains_sublist_l. intros (l'&Hl'&E).
+  - rewrite contains_sublist_l. intros (l'&Hl'&E).
     rewrite sublist_cons_l in Hl'. destruct Hl' as (k1&k2&?&?); subst.
     exists (k1 ++ k2). split; eauto using contains_inserts_l, sublist_contains.
     by rewrite Permutation_middle.
-  * intros (?&E&?). rewrite E. by constructor.
+  - intros (?&E&?). rewrite E. by constructor.
 Lemma contains_app_r l k1 k2 :
   l `contains` k1 ++ k2 ↔ ∃ l1 l2,
     l ≡ₚ l1 ++ l2 ∧ l1 `contains` k1 ∧ l2 `contains` k2.
-  * rewrite contains_sublist_r. intros (l'&E&Hl').
+  - rewrite contains_sublist_r. intros (l'&E&Hl').
     rewrite sublist_app_r in Hl'. destruct Hl' as (l1&l2&?&?&?); subst.
     exists l1, l2. eauto using sublist_contains.
-  * intros (?&?&E&?&?). rewrite E. eauto using contains_app.
+  - intros (?&?&E&?&?). rewrite E. eauto using contains_app.
 Lemma contains_app_l l1 l2 k :
   l1 ++ l2 `contains` k ↔ ∃ k1 k2,
     k ≡ₚ k1 ++ k2 ∧ l1 `contains` k1 ∧ l2 `contains` k2.
-  * rewrite contains_sublist_l. intros (l'&Hl'&E).
+  - rewrite contains_sublist_l. intros (l'&Hl'&E).
     rewrite sublist_app_l in Hl'. destruct Hl' as (k1&k2&?&?&?); subst.
     exists k1, k2. split. done. eauto using sublist_contains.
-  * intros (?&?&E&?&?). rewrite E. eauto using contains_app.
+  - intros (?&?&E&?&?). rewrite E. eauto using contains_app.
 Lemma contains_app_inv_l l1 l2 k :
   k ++ l1 `contains` k ++ l2 → l1 `contains` l2.
@@ -1947,8 +1947,8 @@ Lemma Permutation_alt l1 l2 :
   l1 ≡ₚ l2 ↔ length l1 = length l2 ∧ l1 `contains` l2.
-  * by intros Hl; rewrite Hl.
-  * intros [??]; auto using contains_Permutation_length_eq.
+  - by intros Hl; rewrite Hl.
+  - intros [??]; auto using contains_Permutation_length_eq.
 Lemma NoDup_contains l k : NoDup l → (∀ x, x ∈ l → x ∈ k) → l `contains` k.
@@ -1976,12 +1976,12 @@ Section contains_dec.
     intros Hl. revert k1. induction Hl
       as [|y l1 l2 ? IH|y1 y2 l|l1 l2 l3 ? IH1 ? IH2]; simpl; intros k1 Hk1.
-    * done.
-    * case_decide; simplify_equality; eauto.
+    - done.
+    - case_decide; simplify_equality; eauto.
       destruct (list_remove x l1) as [l|] eqn:?; simplify_equality.
       destruct (IH l) as (?&?&?); simplify_option_equality; eauto.
-    * simplify_option_equality; eauto using Permutation_swap.
-    * destruct (IH1 k1) as (k2&?&?); trivial.
+    - simplify_option_equality; eauto using Permutation_swap.
+    - destruct (IH1 k1) as (k2&?&?); trivial.
       destruct (IH2 k2) as (k3&?&?); trivial.
       exists k3. split; eauto. by transitivity k2.
@@ -1994,20 +1994,20 @@ Section contains_dec.
     l ≡ₚ x :: k → ∃ k', list_remove x l = Some k' ∧ k ≡ₚ k'.
     intros. destruct (list_remove_Permutation (x :: k) l k x) as (k'&?&?).
-    * done.
-    * simpl; by case_decide.
-    * by exists k'.
+    - done.
+    - simpl; by case_decide.
+    - by exists k'.
   Lemma list_remove_list_contains l1 l2 :
     l1 `contains` l2 ↔ is_Some (list_remove_list l1 l2).
-    * revert l2. induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; simpl.
+    - revert l2. induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; simpl.
       { intros l2 _. by exists l2. }
       intros l2. rewrite contains_cons_l. intros (k&Hk&?).
       destruct (list_remove_Some_inv l2 k x) as (k2&?&Hk2); trivial.
       simplify_option_equality. apply IH. by rewrite <-Hk2.
-    * intros [k Hk]. revert l2 k Hk.
+    - intros [k Hk]. revert l2 k Hk.
       induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; simpl; intros l2 k.
       { intros. apply contains_nil_l. }
       destruct (list_remove x l2) as [k'|] eqn:?; intros; simplify_equality.
@@ -2168,8 +2168,8 @@ Section Forall_Exists.
   Lemma Exists_exists l : Exists P l ↔ ∃ x, x ∈ l ∧ P x.
-    * induction 1 as [x|y ?? [x [??]]]; exists x; by repeat constructor.
-    * intros [x [Hin ?]]. induction l; [by destruct (not_elem_of_nil x)|].
+    - induction 1 as [x|y ?? [x [??]]]; exists x; by repeat constructor.
+    - intros [x [Hin ?]]. induction l; [by destruct (not_elem_of_nil x)|].
       inversion Hin; subst. by left. right; auto.
   Lemma Exists_inv x l : Exists P (x :: l) → P x ∨ Exists P l.
@@ -2177,8 +2177,8 @@ Section Forall_Exists.
   Lemma Exists_app l1 l2 : Exists P (l1 ++ l2) ↔ Exists P l1 ∨ Exists P l2.
-    * induction l1; inversion 1; intuition.
-    * intros [H|H]; [induction H | induction l1]; simpl; intuition.
+    - induction l1; inversion 1; intuition.
+    - intros [H|H]; [induction H | induction l1]; simpl; intuition.
   Lemma Exists_impl (Q : A → Prop) l :
     Exists P l → (∀ x, P x → Q x) → Exists Q l.
@@ -2238,9 +2238,9 @@ Lemma Forall_seq (P : nat → Prop) i n :
   Forall P (seq i n) ↔ ∀ j, i ≤ j < i + n → P j.
   rewrite Forall_lookup. split.
-  * intros H j [??]. apply (H (j - i)).
+  - intros H j [??]. apply (H (j - i)).
     rewrite lookup_seq; auto with f_equal lia.
-  * intros H j x Hj. apply lookup_seq_inv in Hj.
+  - intros H j x Hj. apply lookup_seq_inv in Hj.
     destruct Hj; subst. auto with lia.
@@ -2441,8 +2441,8 @@ Section Forall2.
     unfold sublist_lookup. intros Hlk Hl.
     exists (take i (drop n k)); simplify_option_equality.
-    * auto using Forall2_take, Forall2_drop.
-    * apply Forall2_length in Hlk; lia.
+    - auto using Forall2_take, Forall2_drop.
+    - apply Forall2_length in Hlk; lia.
   Lemma Forall2_sublist_lookup_r l k n i k' :
     Forall2 P l k → sublist_lookup n i k = Some k' →
@@ -2540,9 +2540,9 @@ Section Forall3.
      k = k1 ++ k2 ∧ k' = k1' ++ k2' ∧ Forall3 P l1 k1 k1' ∧ Forall3 P l2 k2 k2'.
     revert k k'. induction l1 as [|x l1 IH]; simpl; inversion_clear 1.
-    * by repeat eexists; eauto.
-    * by repeat eexists; eauto.
-    * edestruct IH as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?); eauto; naive_solver.
+    - by repeat eexists; eauto.
+    - by repeat eexists; eauto.
+    - edestruct IH as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?); eauto; naive_solver.
   Lemma Forall3_cons_inv_m l y k k' :
     Forall3 P l (y :: k) k' → ∃ x l2 z k2',
@@ -2553,9 +2553,9 @@ Section Forall3.
      l = l1 ++ l2 ∧ k' = k1' ++ k2' ∧ Forall3 P l1 k1 k1' ∧ Forall3 P l2 k2 k2'.
     revert l k'. induction k1 as [|x k1 IH]; simpl; inversion_clear 1.
-    * by repeat eexists; eauto.
-    * by repeat eexists; eauto.
-    * edestruct IH as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?); eauto; naive_solver.
+    - by repeat eexists; eauto.
+    - by repeat eexists; eauto.
+    - edestruct IH as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?); eauto; naive_solver.
   Lemma Forall3_cons_inv_r l k z k' :
     Forall3 P l k (z :: k') → ∃ x l2 y k2,
@@ -2566,9 +2566,9 @@ Section Forall3.
       l = l1 ++ l2 ∧ k = k1 ++ k2 ∧ Forall3 P l1 k1 k1' ∧ Forall3 P l2 k2 k2'.
     revert l k. induction k1' as [|x k1' IH]; simpl; inversion_clear 1.
-    * by repeat eexists; eauto.
-    * by repeat eexists; eauto.
-    * edestruct IH as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?); eauto; naive_solver.
+    - by repeat eexists; eauto.
+    - by repeat eexists; eauto.
+    - edestruct IH as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?); eauto; naive_solver.
   Lemma Forall3_impl (Q : A → B → C → Prop) l k k' :
     Forall3 P l k k' → (∀ x y z, P x y z → Q x y z) → Forall3 Q l k k'.
@@ -2682,8 +2682,8 @@ Section fmap.
   Lemma elem_of_list_fmap_2 l x : x ∈ f <$> l → ∃ y, x = f y ∧ y ∈ l.
     induction l as [|y l IH]; simpl; inversion_clear 1.
-    * exists y. split; [done | by left].
-    * destruct IH as [z [??]]. done. exists z. split; [done | by right].
+    - exists y. split; [done | by left].
+    - destruct IH as [z [??]]. done. exists z. split; [done | by right].
   Lemma elem_of_list_fmap l x : x ∈ f <$> l ↔ ∃ y, x = f y ∧ y ∈  l.
@@ -2750,10 +2750,10 @@ Lemma NoDup_fmap_fst {A B} (l : list (A * B)) :
   (∀ x y1 y2, (x,y1) ∈ l → (x,y2) ∈ l → y1 = y2) → NoDup l → NoDup (l.*1).
   intros Hunique. induction 1 as [|[x1 y1] l Hin Hnodup IH]; csimpl; constructor.
-  * rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
+  - rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
     intros [[x2 y2] [??]]; simpl in *; subst. destruct Hin.
     rewrite (Hunique x2 y1 y2); rewrite ?elem_of_cons; auto.
-  * apply IH. intros. eapply Hunique; rewrite ?elem_of_cons; eauto.
+  - apply IH. intros. eapply Hunique; rewrite ?elem_of_cons; eauto.
 Section bind.
@@ -2773,17 +2773,17 @@ Section bind.
   Global Instance bind_contains: Proper (contains ==> contains) (mbind f).
     induction 1; csimpl; auto.
-    * by apply contains_app.
-    * by rewrite !(assoc_L (++)), (comm (++) (f _)).
-    * by apply contains_inserts_l.
-    * etransitivity; eauto.
+    - by apply contains_app.
+    - by rewrite !(assoc_L (++)), (comm (++) (f _)).
+    - by apply contains_inserts_l.
+    - etransitivity; eauto.
   Global Instance bind_Permutation: Proper ((≡ₚ) ==> (≡ₚ)) (mbind f).
     induction 1; csimpl; auto.
-    * by f_equiv.
-    * by rewrite !(assoc_L (++)), (comm (++) (f _)).
-    * etransitivity; eauto.
+    - by f_equiv.
+    - by rewrite !(assoc_L (++)), (comm (++) (f _)).
+    - etransitivity; eauto.
   Lemma bind_cons x l : (x :: l) ≫= f = f x ++ l ≫= f.
   Proof. done. Qed.
@@ -2795,18 +2795,18 @@ Section bind.
     x ∈ l ≫= f ↔ ∃ y, x ∈ f y ∧ y ∈ l.
-    * induction l as [|y l IH]; csimpl; [inversion 1|].
+    - induction l as [|y l IH]; csimpl; [inversion 1|].
       rewrite elem_of_app. intros [?|?].
       + exists y. split; [done | by left].
       + destruct IH as [z [??]]. done. exists z. split; [done | by right].
-    * intros [y [Hx Hy]]. induction Hy; csimpl; rewrite elem_of_app; intuition.
+    - intros [y [Hx Hy]]. induction Hy; csimpl; rewrite elem_of_app; intuition.
   Lemma Forall_bind (P : B → Prop) l :
     Forall P (l ≫= f) ↔ Forall (Forall P ∘ f) l.
-    * induction l; csimpl; rewrite ?Forall_app; constructor; csimpl; intuition.
-    * induction 1; csimpl; rewrite ?Forall_app; auto.
+    - induction l; csimpl; rewrite ?Forall_app; constructor; csimpl; intuition.
+    - induction 1; csimpl; rewrite ?Forall_app; auto.
   Lemma Forall2_bind {C D} (g : C → list D) (P : B → D → Prop) l1 l2 :
     Forall2 (λ x1 x2, Forall2 P (f x1) (g x2)) l1 l2 →
@@ -2858,8 +2858,8 @@ Section mapM.
   Lemma mapM_Some_1 l k : mapM f l = Some k → Forall2 (λ x y, f x = Some y) l k.
     revert k. induction l as [|x l]; intros [|y k]; simpl; try done.
-    * destruct (f x); simpl; [|discriminate]. by destruct (mapM f l).
-    * destruct (f x) eqn:?; intros; simplify_option_equality; auto.
+    - destruct (f x); simpl; [|discriminate]. by destruct (mapM f l).
+    - destruct (f x) eqn:?; intros; simplify_option_equality; auto.
   Lemma mapM_Some_2 l k : Forall2 (λ x y, f x = Some y) l k → mapM f l = Some k.
@@ -2916,8 +2916,8 @@ Section permutations.
   Lemma interleave_Permutation x l l' : l' ∈ interleave x l → l' ≡ₚ x :: l.
     revert l'. induction l as [|y l IH]; intros l'; simpl.
-    * rewrite elem_of_list_singleton. by intros ->.
-    * rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap. intros [->|[? [-> H]]]; [done|].
+    - rewrite elem_of_list_singleton. by intros ->.
+    - rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap. intros [->|[? [-> H]]]; [done|].
       rewrite (IH _ H). constructor.
   Lemma permutations_refl l : l ∈ permutations l.
@@ -2931,8 +2931,8 @@ Section permutations.
   Lemma permutations_swap x y l : y :: x :: l ∈ permutations (x :: y :: l).
     simpl. apply elem_of_list_bind. exists (y :: l). split; simpl.
-    * destruct l; csimpl; rewrite !elem_of_cons; auto.
-    * apply elem_of_list_bind. simpl.
+    - destruct l; csimpl; rewrite !elem_of_cons; auto.
+    - apply elem_of_list_bind. simpl.
       eauto using interleave_cons, permutations_refl.
   Lemma permutations_nil l : l ∈ permutations [] ↔ l = [].
@@ -2947,12 +2947,12 @@ Section permutations.
       by rewrite (comm (++)), elem_of_list_singleton. }
     rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap.
     intros Hl1 [? | [l2' [??]]]; simplify_equality'.
-    * rewrite !elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap in Hl1.
+    - rewrite !elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap in Hl1.
       destruct Hl1 as [? | [? | [l4 [??]]]]; subst.
       + exists (x1 :: y :: l3). csimpl. rewrite !elem_of_cons. tauto.
       + exists (x1 :: y :: l3). csimpl. rewrite !elem_of_cons. tauto.
       + exists l4. simpl. rewrite elem_of_cons. auto using interleave_cons.
-    * rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap in Hl1.
+    - rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap in Hl1.
       destruct Hl1 as [? | [l1' [??]]]; subst.
       + exists (x1 :: y :: l3). csimpl.
         rewrite !elem_of_cons, !elem_of_list_fmap.
@@ -2970,9 +2970,9 @@ Section permutations.
       by rewrite elem_of_list_singleton. }
     rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap.
     intros Hl1 [? | [l2' [? Hl2']]]; simplify_equality'.
-    * rewrite elem_of_list_bind in Hl1.
+    - rewrite elem_of_list_bind in Hl1.
       destruct Hl1 as [l1' [??]]. by exists l1'.
-    * rewrite elem_of_list_bind in Hl1. setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_bind.
+    - rewrite elem_of_list_bind in Hl1. setoid_rewrite elem_of_list_bind.
       destruct Hl1 as [l1' [??]]. destruct (IH l1' l2') as (l1''&?&?); auto.
       destruct (interleave_interleave_toggle y x l1 l1' l1'') as (?&?&?); eauto.
@@ -2980,19 +2980,19 @@ Section permutations.
     l1 ∈ permutations l2 → l2 ∈ permutations l3 → l1 ∈ permutations l3.
     revert l1 l2. induction l3 as [|x l3 IH]; intros l1 l2; simpl.
-    * rewrite !elem_of_list_singleton. intros Hl1 ->; simpl in *.
+    - rewrite !elem_of_list_singleton. intros Hl1 ->; simpl in *.
       by rewrite elem_of_list_singleton in Hl1.
-    * rewrite !elem_of_list_bind. intros Hl1 [l2' [Hl2 Hl2']].
+    - rewrite !elem_of_list_bind. intros Hl1 [l2' [Hl2 Hl2']].
       destruct (permutations_interleave_toggle x l1 l2 l2') as [? [??]]; eauto.
   Lemma permutations_Permutation l l' : l' ∈ permutations l ↔ l ≡ₚ l'.
-    * revert l'. induction l; simpl; intros l''.
+    - revert l'. induction l; simpl; intros l''.
       + rewrite elem_of_list_singleton. by intros ->.
       + rewrite elem_of_list_bind. intros [l' [Hl'' ?]].
         rewrite (interleave_Permutation _ _ _ Hl''). constructor; auto.
-    * induction 1; eauto using permutations_refl,
+    - induction 1; eauto using permutations_refl,
         permutations_skip, permutations_swap, permutations_trans.
 End permutations.
@@ -3195,11 +3195,11 @@ Lemma elem_of_zipped_map {A B} (f : list A → list A → A → B) l k x :
     ∃ k' k'' y, k = k' ++ [y] ++ k'' ∧ x = f (reverse k' ++ l) k'' y.
-  * revert l. induction k as [|z k IH]; simpl; intros l; inversion_clear 1.
+  - revert l. induction k as [|z k IH]; simpl; intros l; inversion_clear 1.
     { by eexists [], k, z. }
     destruct (IH (z :: l)) as (k'&k''&y&->&->); [done |].
     eexists (z :: k'), k'', y. by rewrite reverse_cons, <-(assoc_L (++)).
-  * intros (k'&k''&y&->&->). revert l. induction k' as [|z k' IH]; [by left|].
+  - intros (k'&k''&y&->&->). revert l. induction k' as [|z k' IH]; [by left|].
     intros l; right. by rewrite reverse_cons, <-!(assoc_L (++)).
 Section zipped_list_ind.
@@ -3276,9 +3276,9 @@ Section eval.
   Lemma eval_alt t : eval E t = to_list t ≫= from_option [] ∘ (E !!).
     induction t; csimpl.
-    * done.
-    * by rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)).
-    * rewrite bind_app. by f_equal.
+    - done.
+    - by rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)).
+    - rewrite bind_app. by f_equal.
   Lemma eval_eq t1 t2 : to_list t1 = to_list t2 → eval E t1 = eval E t2.
   Proof. intros Ht. by rewrite !eval_alt, Ht. Qed.
diff --git a/theories/listset.v b/theories/listset.v
index bcf8ed89..362bcbd5 100644
--- a/theories/listset.v
+++ b/theories/listset.v
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Global Opaque listset_singleton listset_empty.
 Global Instance: SimpleCollection A (listset A).
-  * by apply not_elem_of_nil.
-  * by apply elem_of_list_singleton.
-  * intros [?] [?]. apply elem_of_app.
+  - by apply not_elem_of_nil.
+  - by apply elem_of_list_singleton.
+  - intros [?] [?]. apply elem_of_app.
 Lemma listset_empty_alt X : X ≡ ∅ ↔ listset_car X = [].
@@ -50,24 +50,24 @@ Instance listset_filter: Filter A (listset A) := λ P _ l,
 Instance: Collection A (listset A).
-  * apply _.
-  * intros [?] [?]. apply elem_of_list_intersection.
-  * intros [?] [?]. apply elem_of_list_difference.
+  - apply _.
+  - intros [?] [?]. apply elem_of_list_intersection.
+  - intros [?] [?]. apply elem_of_list_difference.
 Instance listset_elems: Elements A (listset A) := remove_dups ∘ listset_car.
 Global Instance: FinCollection A (listset A).
-  * apply _.
-  * intros. apply elem_of_remove_dups.
-  * intros. apply NoDup_remove_dups.
+  - apply _.
+  - intros. apply elem_of_remove_dups.
+  - intros. apply NoDup_remove_dups.
 Global Instance: CollectionOps A (listset A).
-  * apply _.
-  * intros ? [?] [?]. apply elem_of_list_intersection_with.
-  * intros [?] ??. apply elem_of_list_filter.
+  - apply _.
+  - intros ? [?] [?]. apply elem_of_list_intersection_with.
+  - intros [?] ??. apply elem_of_list_filter.
 End listset.
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ Instance listset_join: MJoin listset := λ A, mbind id.
 Instance: CollectionMonad listset.
-  * intros. apply _.
-  * intros ??? [?] ?. apply elem_of_list_bind.
-  * intros. apply elem_of_list_ret.
-  * intros ??? [?]. apply elem_of_list_fmap.
-  * intros ? [?] ?. unfold mjoin, listset_join, elem_of, listset_elem_of.
+  - intros. apply _.
+  - intros ??? [?] ?. apply elem_of_list_bind.
+  - intros. apply elem_of_list_ret.
+  - intros ??? [?]. apply elem_of_list_fmap.
+  - intros ? [?] ?. unfold mjoin, listset_join, elem_of, listset_elem_of.
     simpl. by rewrite elem_of_list_bind.
diff --git a/theories/listset_nodup.v b/theories/listset_nodup.v
index d6850862..6140a103 100644
--- a/theories/listset_nodup.v
+++ b/theories/listset_nodup.v
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ Instance listset_nodup_filter: Filter A C := λ P _ l,
 Instance: Collection A C.
   split; [split | | ].
-  * by apply not_elem_of_nil.
-  * by apply elem_of_list_singleton.
-  * intros [??] [??] ?. apply elem_of_list_union.
-  * intros [??] [??] ?. apply elem_of_list_intersection.
-  * intros [??] [??] ?. apply elem_of_list_difference.
+  - by apply not_elem_of_nil.
+  - by apply elem_of_list_singleton.
+  - intros [??] [??] ?. apply elem_of_list_union.
+  - intros [??] [??] ?. apply elem_of_list_intersection.
+  - intros [??] [??] ?. apply elem_of_list_difference.
 Global Instance listset_nodup_elems: Elements A C := listset_nodup_car.
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ Proof. split. apply _. done. by intros [??]. Qed.
 Global Instance: CollectionOps A C.
-  * apply _.
-  * intros ? [??] [??] ?. unfold intersection_with, elem_of,
+  - apply _.
+  - intros ? [??] [??] ?. unfold intersection_with, elem_of,
       listset_nodup_intersection_with, listset_nodup_elem_of; simpl.
     rewrite elem_of_remove_dups. by apply elem_of_list_intersection_with.
-  * intros [??] ???. apply elem_of_list_filter.
+  - intros [??] ???. apply elem_of_list_filter.
 End list_collection.
diff --git a/theories/mapset.v b/theories/mapset.v
index 700d6281..b8dfca09 100644
--- a/theories/mapset.v
+++ b/theories/mapset.v
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ Proof. solve_decision. Defined.
 Instance: Collection K (mapset M).
   split; [split | | ].
-  * unfold empty, elem_of, mapset_empty, mapset_elem_of.
+  - unfold empty, elem_of, mapset_empty, mapset_elem_of.
     simpl. intros. by simpl_map.
-  * unfold singleton, elem_of, mapset_singleton, mapset_elem_of.
+  - unfold singleton, elem_of, mapset_singleton, mapset_elem_of.
     simpl. by split; intros; simplify_map_equality.
-  * unfold union, elem_of, mapset_union, mapset_elem_of.
+  - unfold union, elem_of, mapset_union, mapset_elem_of.
     intros [m1] [m2] ?. simpl. rewrite lookup_union_Some_raw.
     destruct (m1 !! x) as [[]|]; tauto.
-  * unfold intersection, elem_of, mapset_intersection, mapset_elem_of.
+  - unfold intersection, elem_of, mapset_intersection, mapset_elem_of.
     intros [m1] [m2] ?. simpl. rewrite lookup_intersection_Some.
     assert (is_Some (m2 !! x) ↔ m2 !! x = Some ()).
     { split; eauto. by intros [[] ?]. }
-  * unfold difference, elem_of, mapset_difference, mapset_elem_of.
+  - unfold difference, elem_of, mapset_difference, mapset_elem_of.
     intros [m1] [m2] ?. simpl. rewrite lookup_difference_Some.
     destruct (m2 !! x) as [[]|]; intuition congruence.
@@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ Proof. split; try apply _. intros ????. apply mapset_eq. intuition. Qed.
 Global Instance: FinCollection K (mapset M).
-  * apply _.
-  * unfold elements, elem_of at 2, mapset_elems, mapset_elem_of.
+  - apply _.
+  - unfold elements, elem_of at 2, mapset_elems, mapset_elem_of.
     intros [m] x. simpl. rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. split.
     + intros ([y []] &?& Hy). subst. by rewrite <-elem_of_map_to_list.
     + intros. exists (x, ()). by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list.
-  * unfold elements, mapset_elems. intros [m]. simpl.
+  - unfold elements, mapset_elems. intros [m]. simpl.
     apply NoDup_fst_map_to_list.
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ Lemma elem_of_mapset_dom_with {A} (f : A → bool) m i :
   unfold mapset_dom_with, elem_of, mapset_elem_of.
   simpl. rewrite lookup_merge by done. destruct (m !! i) as [a|].
-  * destruct (Is_true_reflect (f a)); naive_solver.
-  * naive_solver.
+  - destruct (Is_true_reflect (f a)); naive_solver.
+  - naive_solver.
 Instance mapset_dom {A} : Dom (M A) (mapset M) := mapset_dom_with (λ _, true).
 Instance mapset_dom_spec: FinMapDom K M (mapset M).
diff --git a/theories/natmap.v b/theories/natmap.v
index a8ebf6e2..707bb749 100644
--- a/theories/natmap.v
+++ b/theories/natmap.v
@@ -160,15 +160,15 @@ Lemma natmap_elem_of_to_list_raw_aux {A} j (l : natmap_raw A) i x :
   (i,x) ∈ natmap_to_list_raw j l ↔ ∃ i', i = i' + j ∧ mjoin (l !! i') = Some x.
-  * revert j. induction l as [|[y|] l IH]; intros j; simpl.
+  - revert j. induction l as [|[y|] l IH]; intros j; simpl.
     + by rewrite elem_of_nil.
     + rewrite elem_of_cons. intros [?|?]; simplify_equality.
-      - by exists 0.
-      - destruct (IH (S j)) as (i'&?&?); auto.
+      * by exists 0.
+      * destruct (IH (S j)) as (i'&?&?); auto.
         exists (S i'); simpl; auto with lia.
     + intros. destruct (IH (S j)) as (i'&?&?); auto.
       exists (S i'); simpl; auto with lia.
-  * intros (i'&?&Hi'). subst. revert i' j Hi'.
+  - intros (i'&?&Hi'). subst. revert i' j Hi'.
     induction l as [|[y|] l IH]; intros i j ?; simpl.
     + done.
     + destruct i as [|i]; simplify_equality'; [left|].
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ Instance natmap_map: FMap natmap := λ A B f m,
 Instance: FinMap nat natmap.
-  * unfold lookup, natmap_lookup. intros A [l1 Hl1] [l2 Hl2] E.
+  - unfold lookup, natmap_lookup. intros A [l1 Hl1] [l2 Hl2] E.
     apply natmap_eq. revert l2 Hl1 Hl2 E. simpl.
     induction l1 as [|[x|] l1 IH]; intros [|[y|] l2] Hl1 Hl2 E; simpl in *.
     + done.
@@ -223,14 +223,14 @@ Proof.
     + destruct (natmap_wf_lookup (None :: l1)) as (i&?&?); auto with congruence.
     + by specialize (E 0).
     + f_equal. apply IH; eauto using natmap_wf_inv. intros i. apply (E (S i)).
-  * done.
-  * intros ?? [??] ?. apply natmap_lookup_alter_raw.
-  * intros ?? [??] ??. apply natmap_lookup_alter_raw_ne.
-  * intros ??? [??] ?. apply natmap_lookup_map_raw.
-  * intros ? [??]. by apply natmap_to_list_raw_nodup.
-  * intros ? [??] ??. by apply natmap_elem_of_to_list_raw.
-  * intros ??? [??] ?. by apply natmap_lookup_omap_raw.
-  * intros ????? [??] [??] ?. by apply natmap_lookup_merge_raw.
+  - done.
+  - intros ?? [??] ?. apply natmap_lookup_alter_raw.
+  - intros ?? [??] ??. apply natmap_lookup_alter_raw_ne.
+  - intros ??? [??] ?. apply natmap_lookup_map_raw.
+  - intros ? [??]. by apply natmap_to_list_raw_nodup.
+  - intros ? [??] ??. by apply natmap_elem_of_to_list_raw.
+  - intros ??? [??] ?. by apply natmap_lookup_omap_raw.
+  - intros ????? [??] [??] ?. by apply natmap_lookup_merge_raw.
 Fixpoint strip_Nones {A} (l : list (option A)) : list (option A) :=
@@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ Lemma natmap_push_pop {A} (m : natmap A) :
   natmap_push (m !! 0) (natmap_pop m) = m.
   apply map_eq. intros i. destruct i.
-  * by rewrite lookup_natmap_push_O.
-  * by rewrite lookup_natmap_push_S, lookup_natmap_pop.
+  - by rewrite lookup_natmap_push_O.
+  - by rewrite lookup_natmap_push_S, lookup_natmap_pop.
 Lemma natmap_pop_push {A} o (m : natmap A) : natmap_pop (natmap_push o m) = m.
 Proof. apply natmap_eq. by destruct o, m as [[|??]]. Qed.
diff --git a/theories/nmap.v b/theories/nmap.v
index f9f14341..61aac7af 100644
--- a/theories/nmap.v
+++ b/theories/nmap.v
@@ -49,34 +49,34 @@ Instance Nfmap: FMap Nmap := λ A B f t,
 Instance: FinMap N Nmap.
-  * intros ? [??] [??] H. f_equal; [apply (H 0)|].
+  - intros ? [??] [??] H. f_equal; [apply (H 0)|].
     apply map_eq. intros i. apply (H (Npos i)).
-  * by intros ? [|?].
-  * intros ? f [? t] [|i]; simpl; [done |]. apply lookup_partial_alter.
-  * intros ? f [? t] [|i] [|j]; simpl; try intuition congruence.
+  - by intros ? [|?].
+  - intros ? f [? t] [|i]; simpl; [done |]. apply lookup_partial_alter.
+  - intros ? f [? t] [|i] [|j]; simpl; try intuition congruence.
     intros. apply lookup_partial_alter_ne. congruence.
-  * intros ??? [??] []; simpl. done. apply lookup_fmap.
-  * intros ? [[x|] t]; unfold map_to_list; simpl.
+  - intros ??? [??] []; simpl. done. apply lookup_fmap.
+  - intros ? [[x|] t]; unfold map_to_list; simpl.
     + constructor.
-      - rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. by intros [[??] [??]].
-      - by apply (NoDup_fmap _), NoDup_map_to_list.
+      * rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. by intros [[??] [??]].
+      * by apply (NoDup_fmap _), NoDup_map_to_list.
     + apply (NoDup_fmap _), NoDup_map_to_list.
-  * intros ? t i x. unfold map_to_list. split.
+  - intros ? t i x. unfold map_to_list. split.
     + destruct t as [[y|] t]; simpl.
-      - rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap.
+      * rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap.
         intros [? | [[??] [??]]]; simplify_equality'; [done |].
         by apply elem_of_map_to_list.
-      - rewrite elem_of_list_fmap; intros [[??] [??]]; simplify_equality'.
+      * rewrite elem_of_list_fmap; intros [[??] [??]]; simplify_equality'.
         by apply elem_of_map_to_list.
     + destruct t as [[y|] t]; simpl.
-      - rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap.
+      * rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap.
         destruct i as [|i]; simpl; [intuition congruence |].
         intros. right. exists (i, x). by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list.
-      - rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
+      * rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
         destruct i as [|i]; simpl; [done |].
         intros. exists (i, x). by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list.
-  * intros ?? f [??] [|?]; simpl; [done|]; apply (lookup_omap f).
-  * intros ??? f ? [??] [??] [|?]; simpl; [done|]; apply (lookup_merge f).
+  - intros ?? f [??] [|?]; simpl; [done|]; apply (lookup_omap f).
+  - intros ??? f ? [??] [??] [|?]; simpl; [done|]; apply (lookup_merge f).
 (** * Finite sets *)
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ Instance Nset_fresh : Fresh N Nset := λ X,
 Instance Nset_fresh_spec : FreshSpec N Nset.
-  * apply _.
-  * intros X Y; rewrite <-elem_of_equiv_L. by intros ->.
-  * unfold elem_of, mapset_elem_of, fresh; intros [m]; simpl.
+  - apply _.
+  - intros X Y; rewrite <-elem_of_equiv_L. by intros ->.
+  - unfold elem_of, mapset_elem_of, fresh; intros [m]; simpl.
     by rewrite Nfresh_fresh.
diff --git a/theories/numbers.v b/theories/numbers.v
index d688ae71..c77bb160 100644
--- a/theories/numbers.v
+++ b/theories/numbers.v
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ Proof.
   assert (∀ x y (p : x ≤ y) y' (q : x ≤ y'),
     y = y' → eq_dep nat (le x) y p y' q) as aux.
   { fix 3. intros x ? [|y p] ? [|y' q].
-    * done.
-    * clear nat_le_pi. intros; exfalso; auto with lia.
-    * clear nat_le_pi. intros; exfalso; auto with lia.
-    * injection 1. intros Hy. by case (nat_le_pi x y p y' q Hy). }
+    - done.
+    - clear nat_le_pi. intros; exfalso; auto with lia.
+    - clear nat_le_pi. intros; exfalso; auto with lia.
+    - injection 1. intros Hy. by case (nat_le_pi x y p y' q Hy). }
   intros x y p q.
   by apply (Eqdep_dec.eq_dep_eq_dec (λ x y, decide (x = y))), aux.
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ Proof.
   cut (∀ p1 p2 p3, Preverse_go (p2 ++ p3) p1 = p2 ++ Preverse_go p3 p1).
   { by intros go p3; induction p3; intros p1 p2; simpl; auto; rewrite <-?go. }
   intros p1; induction p1 as [p1 IH|p1 IH|]; intros p2 p3; simpl; auto.
-  * apply (IH _ (_~1)).
-  * apply (IH _ (_~0)).
+  - apply (IH _ (_~1)).
+  - apply (IH _ (_~0)).
 Lemma Preverse_app p1 p2 : Preverse (p1 ++ p2) = Preverse p2 ++ Preverse p1.
 Proof. unfold Preverse. by rewrite Preverse_go_app. Qed.
@@ -283,11 +283,11 @@ Qed.
 Lemma Nat2Z_divide n m : (Z.of_nat n | Z.of_nat m) ↔ (n | m)%nat.
-  * rewrite <-( m) at 2; intros [i ->]; exists (Z.to_nat i).
+  - rewrite <-( m) at 2; intros [i ->]; exists (Z.to_nat i).
     destruct (decide (0 ≤ i)%Z).
     { by rewrite Z2Nat.inj_mul, by lia. }
     by rewrite !Z_to_nat_nonpos by auto using Z.mul_nonpos_nonneg with lia.
-  * intros [i ->]. exists (Z.of_nat i). by rewrite Nat2Z.inj_mul.
+  - intros [i ->]. exists (Z.of_nat i). by rewrite Nat2Z.inj_mul.
 Lemma Z2Nat_divide n m :
   0 ≤ n → 0 ≤ m → (Z.to_nat n | Z.to_nat m)%nat ↔ (n | m).
@@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ Proof. split; auto using Qclt_not_le, Qcnot_le_lt. Qed.
 Lemma Qcplus_le_mono_l (x y z : Qc) : x ≤ y ↔ z + x ≤ z + y.
   split; intros.
-  * by apply Qcplus_le_compat.
-  * replace x with ((0 - z) + (z + x)) by ring.
+  - by apply Qcplus_le_compat.
+  - replace x with ((0 - z) + (z + x)) by ring.
     replace y with ((0 - z) + (z + y)) by ring.
     by apply Qcplus_le_compat.
diff --git a/theories/option.v b/theories/option.v
index e7f14fd1..c7f8ffec 100644
--- a/theories/option.v
+++ b/theories/option.v
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ Section setoids.
   Global Instance option_equivalence : Equivalence ((≡) : relation (option A)).
-    * by intros []; constructor.
-    * by destruct 1; constructor.
-    * destruct 1; inversion 1; constructor; etransitivity; eauto.
+    - by intros []; constructor.
+    - by destruct 1; constructor.
+    - destruct 1; inversion 1; constructor; etransitivity; eauto.
   Global Instance Some_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@Some A).
   Proof. by constructor. Qed.
diff --git a/theories/orders.v b/theories/orders.v
index cf17a85d..2bb3a1aa 100644
--- a/theories/orders.v
+++ b/theories/orders.v
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ Section orders.
   Lemma strict_spec_alt `{!AntiSymm (=) R} X Y : X ⊂ Y ↔ X ⊆ Y ∧ X ≠ Y.
-    * intros [? HYX]. split. done. by intros <-.
-    * intros [? HXY]. split. done. by contradict HXY; apply (anti_symm R).
+    - intros [? HYX]. split. done. by intros <-.
+    - intros [? HXY]. split. done. by contradict HXY; apply (anti_symm R).
   Lemma po_eq_dec `{!PartialOrder R, ∀ X Y, Decision (X ⊆ Y)} (X Y : A) :
     Decision (X = Y).
@@ -242,8 +242,8 @@ Section merge_sort_correct.
     revert l2. induction l1 as [|x1 l1 IH1]; intros l2;
       induction l2 as [|x2 l2 IH2]; rewrite ?list_merge_cons; simpl;
       repeat case_decide; auto.
-    * by rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)).
-    * by rewrite IH2, Permutation_middle.
+    - by rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)).
+    - by rewrite IH2, Permutation_middle.
   Local Notation stack := (list (option (list A))).
@@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ Section merge_sort_correct.
     merge_sort_aux R st l ≡ₚ merge_stack_flatten st ++ l.
     revert st. induction l as [|?? IH]; simpl; intros.
-    * by rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)), merge_stack_Permutation.
-    * rewrite IH, merge_list_to_stack_Permutation; simpl.
+    - by rewrite (right_id_L [] (++)), merge_stack_Permutation.
+    - rewrite IH, merge_list_to_stack_Permutation; simpl.
       by rewrite Permutation_middle.
   Lemma Sorted_merge_sort l : Sorted R (merge_sort R l).
@@ -317,21 +317,21 @@ Section preorder.
   Instance preorder_equivalence: @Equivalence A (≡).
-    * done.
-    * by intros ?? [??].
-    * by intros X Y Z [??] [??]; split; transitivity Y.
+    - done.
+    - by intros ?? [??].
+    - by intros X Y Z [??] [??]; split; transitivity Y.
   Global Instance: Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> iff) ((⊆) : relation A).
     unfold equiv, preorder_equiv. intros X1 Y1 ? X2 Y2 ?. split; intro.
-    * transitivity X1. tauto. transitivity X2; tauto.
-    * transitivity Y1. tauto. transitivity Y2; tauto.
+    - transitivity X1. tauto. transitivity X2; tauto.
+    - transitivity Y1. tauto. transitivity Y2; tauto.
   Lemma subset_spec (X Y : A) : X ⊂ Y ↔ X ⊆ Y ∧ X ≢ Y.
-    * intros [? HYX]. split. done. contradict HYX. by rewrite <-HYX.
-    * intros [? HXY]. split. done. by contradict HXY.
+    - intros [? HYX]. split. done. contradict HYX. by rewrite <-HYX.
+    - intros [? HXY]. split. done. by contradict HXY.
   Section dec.
@@ -435,15 +435,15 @@ Section join_semi_lattice.
   Lemma empty_union X Y : X ∪ Y ≡ ∅ ↔ X ≡ ∅ ∧ Y ≡ ∅.
-    * intros HXY. split; apply equiv_empty;
+    - intros HXY. split; apply equiv_empty;
         by transitivity (X ∪ Y); [auto | rewrite HXY].
-    * intros [HX HY]. by rewrite HX, HY, (left_id _ _).
+    - intros [HX HY]. by rewrite HX, HY, (left_id _ _).
   Lemma empty_union_list Xs : ⋃ Xs ≡ ∅ ↔ Forall (≡ ∅) Xs.
-    * induction Xs; simpl; rewrite ?empty_union; intuition.
-    * induction 1 as [|?? E1 ? E2]; simpl. done. by apply empty_union.
+    - induction Xs; simpl; rewrite ?empty_union; intuition.
+    - induction 1 as [|?? E1 ? E2]; simpl. done. by apply empty_union.
   Section leibniz.
@@ -562,20 +562,20 @@ Section lattice.
     split; [apply union_least|apply lattice_distr].
     { apply intersection_greatest; auto using union_subseteq_l. }
     apply intersection_greatest.
-    * apply union_subseteq_r_transitive, intersection_subseteq_l.
-    * apply union_subseteq_r_transitive, intersection_subseteq_r.
+    - apply union_subseteq_r_transitive, intersection_subseteq_l.
+    - apply union_subseteq_r_transitive, intersection_subseteq_r.
   Lemma union_intersection_r (X Y Z : A) : (X ∩ Y) ∪ Z ≡ (X ∪ Z) ∩ (Y ∪ Z).
   Proof. by rewrite !(comm _ _ Z), union_intersection_l. Qed.
   Lemma intersection_union_l (X Y Z : A) : X ∩ (Y ∪ Z) ≡ (X ∩ Y) ∪ (X ∩ Z).
-    * rewrite union_intersection_l.
+    - rewrite union_intersection_l.
       apply intersection_greatest.
       { apply union_subseteq_r_transitive, intersection_subseteq_l. }
       rewrite union_intersection_r.
       apply intersection_preserving; auto using union_subseteq_l.
-    * apply intersection_greatest.
+    - apply intersection_greatest.
       { apply union_least; auto using intersection_subseteq_l. }
       apply union_least.
       + apply intersection_subseteq_r_transitive, union_subseteq_l.
diff --git a/theories/pmap.v b/theories/pmap.v
index 5875a799..8dc8ae4e 100644
--- a/theories/pmap.v
+++ b/theories/pmap.v
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ Lemma Pmap_wf_eq {A} (t1 t2 : Pmap_raw A) :
   revert t2.
   induction t1 as [|o1 l1 IHl r1 IHr]; intros [|o2 l2 r2] Ht ??; simpl; auto.
-  * discriminate (Pmap_wf_canon (PNode o2 l2 r2)); eauto.
-  * discriminate (Pmap_wf_canon (PNode o1 l1 r1)); eauto.
-  * f_equal; [apply (Ht 1)| |].
+  - discriminate (Pmap_wf_canon (PNode o2 l2 r2)); eauto.
+  - discriminate (Pmap_wf_canon (PNode o1 l1 r1)); eauto.
+  - f_equal; [apply (Ht 1)| |].
     + apply IHl; try apply (λ x, Ht (x~0)); eauto.
     + apply IHr; try apply (λ x, Ht (x~1)); eauto.
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ Lemma Ppartial_alter_wf {A} f i (t : Pmap_raw A) :
   Pmap_wf t → Pmap_wf (Ppartial_alter_raw f i t).
   revert i; induction t as [|o l IHl r IHr]; intros i ?; simpl.
-  * destruct (f None); auto using Psingleton_wf.
-  * destruct i; simpl; eauto.
+  - destruct (f None); auto using Psingleton_wf.
+  - destruct i; simpl; eauto.
 Lemma Pfmap_wf {A B} (f : A → B) t : Pmap_wf t → Pmap_wf (Pfmap_raw f t).
@@ -157,15 +157,15 @@ Lemma Plookup_alter {A} f i (t : Pmap_raw A) :
   Ppartial_alter_raw f i t !! i = f (t !! i).
   revert i; induction t as [|o l IHl r IHr]; intros i; simpl.
-  * by destruct (f None); rewrite ?Plookup_singleton.
-  * destruct i; simpl; rewrite PNode_lookup; simpl; auto.
+  - by destruct (f None); rewrite ?Plookup_singleton.
+  - destruct i; simpl; rewrite PNode_lookup; simpl; auto.
 Lemma Plookup_alter_ne {A} f i j (t : Pmap_raw A) :
   i ≠ j → Ppartial_alter_raw f i t !! j = t !! j.
   revert i j; induction t as [|o l IHl r IHr]; simpl.
-  * by intros; destruct (f None); rewrite ?Plookup_singleton_ne.
-  * by intros [?|?|] [?|?|] ?; simpl; rewrite ?PNode_lookup; simpl; auto.
+  - by intros; destruct (f None); rewrite ?Plookup_singleton_ne.
+  - by intros [?|?|] [?|?|] ?; simpl; rewrite ?PNode_lookup; simpl; auto.
 Lemma Plookup_fmap {A B} (f : A → B) t i : (Pfmap_raw f t) !! i = f <$> t !! i.
 Proof. revert i. by induction t; intros [?|?|]; simpl. Qed.
@@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ Lemma Pelem_of_to_list {A} (t : Pmap_raw A) j i acc x :
   { revert j acc. induction t as [|[y|] l IHl r IHr]; intros j acc; simpl.
-    * by right.
-    * rewrite elem_of_cons. intros [?|?]; simplify_equality.
+    - by right.
+    - rewrite elem_of_cons. intros [?|?]; simplify_equality.
       { left; exists 1. by rewrite (left_id_L 1 (++))%positive. }
       destruct (IHl (j~0) (Pto_list_raw j~1 r acc)) as [(i'&->&?)|?]; auto.
       { left; exists (i' ~ 0). by rewrite Preverse_xO, (assoc_L _). }
       destruct (IHr (j~1) acc) as [(i'&->&?)|?]; auto.
       left; exists (i' ~ 1). by rewrite Preverse_xI, (assoc_L _).
-    * intros.
+    - intros.
       destruct (IHl (j~0) (Pto_list_raw j~1 r acc)) as [(i'&->&?)|?]; auto.
       { left; exists (i' ~ 0). by rewrite Preverse_xO, (assoc_L _). }
       destruct (IHr (j~1) acc) as [(i'&->&?)|?]; auto.
@@ -193,14 +193,14 @@ Proof.
       simpl; rewrite ?elem_of_cons; auto. }
   intros t j ? acc [(i&->&Hi)|?]; [|by auto]. revert j i acc Hi.
   induction t as [|[y|] l IHl r IHr]; intros j i acc ?; simpl.
-  * done.
-  * rewrite elem_of_cons. destruct i as [i|i|]; simplify_equality'.
+  - done.
+  - rewrite elem_of_cons. destruct i as [i|i|]; simplify_equality'.
     + right. apply help. specialize (IHr (j~1) i).
       rewrite Preverse_xI, (assoc_L _) in IHr. by apply IHr.
     + right. specialize (IHl (j~0) i).
       rewrite Preverse_xO, (assoc_L _) in IHl. by apply IHl.
     + left. by rewrite (left_id_L 1 (++))%positive.
-  * destruct i as [i|i|]; simplify_equality'.
+  - destruct i as [i|i|]; simplify_equality'.
     + apply help. specialize (IHr (j~1) i).
       rewrite Preverse_xI, (assoc_L _) in IHr. by apply IHr.
     + specialize (IHl (j~0) i).
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ Lemma Pto_list_nodup {A} j (t : Pmap_raw A) acc :
   NoDup acc → NoDup (Pto_list_raw j t acc).
   revert j acc. induction t as [|[y|] l IHl r IHr]; simpl; intros j acc Hin ?.
-  * done.
-  * repeat constructor.
+  - done.
+  - repeat constructor.
     { rewrite Pelem_of_to_list. intros [(i&Hi&?)|Hj].
       { apply (f_equal Plength) in Hi.
         rewrite Preverse_xO, !Papp_length in Hi; simpl in *; lia. }
@@ -221,20 +221,20 @@ Proof.
         rewrite Preverse_xI, !Papp_length in Hi; simpl in *; lia. }
       specialize (Hin 1 y). rewrite (left_id_L 1 (++))%positive in Hin.
       discriminate (Hin Hj). }
-   apply IHl.
-   { intros i x. rewrite Pelem_of_to_list. intros [(?&Hi&?)|Hi].
-     + rewrite Preverse_xO, Preverse_xI, !(assoc_L _) in Hi.
-       by apply (inj (++ _)) in Hi.
-     + apply (Hin (i~0) x). by rewrite Preverse_xO, (assoc_L _) in Hi. }
-   apply IHr; auto. intros i x Hi.
-   apply (Hin (i~1) x). by rewrite Preverse_xI, (assoc_L _) in Hi.
- * apply IHl.
-   { intros i x. rewrite Pelem_of_to_list. intros [(?&Hi&?)|Hi].
-     + rewrite Preverse_xO, Preverse_xI, !(assoc_L _) in Hi.
-       by apply (inj (++ _)) in Hi.
-     + apply (Hin (i~0) x). by rewrite Preverse_xO, (assoc_L _) in Hi. }
-   apply IHr; auto. intros i x Hi.
-   apply (Hin (i~1) x). by rewrite Preverse_xI, (assoc_L _) in Hi.
+    apply IHl.
+    { intros i x. rewrite Pelem_of_to_list. intros [(?&Hi&?)|Hi].
+      + rewrite Preverse_xO, Preverse_xI, !(assoc_L _) in Hi.
+        by apply (inj (++ _)) in Hi.
+      + apply (Hin (i~0) x). by rewrite Preverse_xO, (assoc_L _) in Hi. }
+    apply IHr; auto. intros i x Hi.
+    apply (Hin (i~1) x). by rewrite Preverse_xI, (assoc_L _) in Hi.
+  - apply IHl.
+    { intros i x. rewrite Pelem_of_to_list. intros [(?&Hi&?)|Hi].
+      + rewrite Preverse_xO, Preverse_xI, !(assoc_L _) in Hi.
+        by apply (inj (++ _)) in Hi.
+      + apply (Hin (i~0) x). by rewrite Preverse_xO, (assoc_L _) in Hi. }
+    apply IHr; auto. intros i x Hi.
+    apply (Hin (i~1) x). by rewrite Preverse_xI, (assoc_L _) in Hi.
 Lemma Pomap_lookup {A B} (f : A → option B) t i :
   Pomap_raw f t !! i = t !! i ≫= f.
@@ -250,9 +250,9 @@ Proof.
   { rewrite Pomap_lookup. by destruct (t2 !! i). }
   unfold compose, flip.
   destruct t2 as [|l2 o2 r2]; rewrite PNode_lookup.
-  * by destruct i; rewrite ?Pomap_lookup; simpl; rewrite ?Pomap_lookup;
+  - by destruct i; rewrite ?Pomap_lookup; simpl; rewrite ?Pomap_lookup;
       match goal with |- ?o ≫= _ = _ => destruct o end.
-  * destruct i; rewrite ?Pomap_lookup; simpl; auto.
+  - destruct i; rewrite ?Pomap_lookup; simpl; auto.
 (** Packed version and instance of the finite map type class *)
@@ -288,18 +288,18 @@ Instance Pmerge : Merge Pmap := λ A B C f m1 m2,
 Instance Pmap_finmap : FinMap positive Pmap.
-  * by intros ? [t1 ?] [t2 ?] ?; apply Pmap_eq, Pmap_wf_eq.
-  * by intros ? [].
-  * intros ?? [??] ?. by apply Plookup_alter.
-  * intros ?? [??] ??. by apply Plookup_alter_ne.
-  * intros ??? [??]. by apply Plookup_fmap.
-  * intros ? [??]. apply Pto_list_nodup; [|constructor].
+  - by intros ? [t1 ?] [t2 ?] ?; apply Pmap_eq, Pmap_wf_eq.
+  - by intros ? [].
+  - intros ?? [??] ?. by apply Plookup_alter.
+  - intros ?? [??] ??. by apply Plookup_alter_ne.
+  - intros ??? [??]. by apply Plookup_fmap.
+  - intros ? [??]. apply Pto_list_nodup; [|constructor].
     intros ??. by rewrite elem_of_nil.
-  * intros ? [??] i x; unfold map_to_list, Pto_list.
+  - intros ? [??] i x; unfold map_to_list, Pto_list.
     rewrite Pelem_of_to_list, elem_of_nil.
     split. by intros [(?&->&?)|]. by left; exists i.
-  * intros ?? ? [??] ?. by apply Pomap_lookup.
-  * intros ??? ?? [??] [??] ?. by apply Pmerge_lookup.
+  - intros ?? ? [??] ?. by apply Pomap_lookup.
+  - intros ??? ?? [??] [??] ?. by apply Pmerge_lookup.
 (** * Finite sets *)
@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ Instance Pset_fresh : Fresh positive Pset := λ X,
 Instance Pset_fresh_spec : FreshSpec positive Pset.
-  * apply _.
-  * intros X Y; rewrite <-elem_of_equiv_L. by intros ->.
-  * unfold elem_of, mapset_elem_of, fresh; intros [m]; simpl.
+  - apply _.
+  - intros X Y; rewrite <-elem_of_equiv_L. by intros ->.
+  - unfold elem_of, mapset_elem_of, fresh; intros [m]; simpl.
     by rewrite Pfresh_fresh.
diff --git a/theories/relations.v b/theories/relations.v
index aa94487f..4cad9eac 100644
--- a/theories/relations.v
+++ b/theories/relations.v
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ Section rtc.
     intros n p1 H. rewrite <-plus_n_Sm.
     apply (IH (S n)); [by eauto using bsteps_r |].
     intros [|m'] [??]; [lia |]. apply Pstep with x'.
-    * apply bsteps_weaken with n; intuition lia.
-    * done.
-    * apply H; intuition lia.
+    - apply bsteps_weaken with n; intuition lia.
+    - done.
+    - apply H; intuition lia.
   Lemma tc_transitive x y z : tc R x y → tc R y z → tc R x z.
diff --git a/theories/streams.v b/theories/streams.v
index 8fe09cc5..04a52b82 100644
--- a/theories/streams.v
+++ b/theories/streams.v
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ Proof. by constructor. Qed.
 Global Instance equal_equivalence : Equivalence (@equiv (stream A) _).
-  * now cofix; intros [??]; constructor.
-  * now cofix; intros ?? [??]; constructor.
-  * cofix; intros ??? [??] [??]; constructor; etransitivity; eauto.
+  - now cofix; intros [??]; constructor.
+  - now cofix; intros ?? [??]; constructor.
+  - cofix; intros ??? [??] [??]; constructor; etransitivity; eauto.
 Global Instance scons_proper x : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (scons x).
 Proof. by constructor. Qed.
diff --git a/theories/vector.v b/theories/vector.v
index 18547be4..445a383e 100644
--- a/theories/vector.v
+++ b/theories/vector.v
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ Fixpoint fin_enum (n : nat) : list (fin n) :=
 Program Instance fin_finite n : Finite (fin n) := {| enum := fin_enum n |}.
 Next Obligation.
   intros n. induction n; simpl; constructor.
-  * rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. by intros (?&?&?).
-  * by apply (NoDup_fmap _).
+  - rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. by intros (?&?&?).
+  - by apply (NoDup_fmap _).
 Next Obligation.
   intros n i. induction i as [|n i IH]; simpl;
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ Proof. apply vcons_inj. Qed.
 Lemma vec_eq {A n} (v w : vec A n) : (∀ i, v !!! i = w !!! i) → v = w.
   vec_double_ind v w; [done|]. intros n v w IH x y Hi. f_equal.
-  * apply (Hi 0%fin).
-  * apply IH. intros i. apply (Hi (FS i)).
+  - apply (Hi 0%fin).
+  - apply IH. intros i. apply (Hi (FS i)).
 Instance vec_dec {A} {dec : ∀ x y : A, Decision (x = y)} {n} :
@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ Proof.
   rewrite <-vec_to_list_cons, <-vec_to_list_app in H.
   pose proof (vec_to_list_inj1 _ _ H); subst.
   apply vec_to_list_inj2 in H; subst. induction l. simpl.
-  * eexists 0%fin. simpl. by rewrite vec_to_list_of_list.
-  * destruct IHl as [i ?]. exists (FS i). simpl. intuition congruence.
+  - eexists 0%fin. simpl. by rewrite vec_to_list_of_list.
+  - destruct IHl as [i ?]. exists (FS i). simpl. intuition congruence.
 Lemma vec_to_list_drop_lookup {A n} (v : vec A n) (i : fin n) :
   drop i v = v !!! i :: drop (S i) v.
@@ -252,10 +252,10 @@ Lemma elem_of_vlookup {A n} (v : vec A n) x :
   x ∈ vec_to_list v ↔ ∃ i, v !!! i = x.
-  * induction v; simpl; [by rewrite elem_of_nil |].
+  - induction v; simpl; [by rewrite elem_of_nil |].
     inversion 1; subst; [by eexists 0%fin|].
     destruct IHv as [i ?]; trivial. by exists (FS i).
-  * intros [i ?]; subst. induction v as [|??? IH]; inv_fin i; [by left|].
+  - intros [i ?]; subst. induction v as [|??? IH]; inv_fin i; [by left|].
     right; apply IH.
 Lemma Forall_vlookup {A} (P : A → Prop) {n} (v : vec A n) :
@@ -275,10 +275,10 @@ Lemma Forall2_vlookup {A B} (P : A → B → Prop) {n}
   Forall2 P (vec_to_list v1) (vec_to_list v2) ↔ ∀ i, P (v1 !!! i) (v2 !!! i).
-  * vec_double_ind v1 v2; [intros _ i; inv_fin i |].
+  - vec_double_ind v1 v2; [intros _ i; inv_fin i |].
     intros n v1 v2 IH a b; simpl. inversion_clear 1.
     intros i. inv_fin i; simpl; auto.
-  * vec_double_ind v1 v2; [constructor|].
+  - vec_double_ind v1 v2; [constructor|].
     intros ??? IH ?? H. constructor. apply (H 0%fin). apply IH, (λ i, H (FS i)).
diff --git a/theories/zmap.v b/theories/zmap.v
index d2621ba9..0b14cba4 100644
--- a/theories/zmap.v
+++ b/theories/zmap.v
@@ -52,16 +52,16 @@ Instance Nfmap: FMap Zmap := λ A B f t,
 Instance: FinMap Z Zmap.
-  * intros ? [??] [??] H. f_equal.
+  - intros ? [??] [??] H. f_equal.
     + apply (H 0).
     + apply map_eq. intros i. apply (H (Zpos i)).
     + apply map_eq. intros i. apply (H (Zneg i)).
-  * by intros ? [].
-  * intros ? f [] [|?|?]; simpl; [done| |]; apply lookup_partial_alter.
-  * intros ? f [] [|?|?] [|?|?]; simpl; intuition congruence ||
+  - by intros ? [].
+  - intros ? f [] [|?|?]; simpl; [done| |]; apply lookup_partial_alter.
+  - intros ? f [] [|?|?] [|?|?]; simpl; intuition congruence ||
       intros; apply lookup_partial_alter_ne; congruence.
-  * intros ??? [??] []; simpl; [done| |]; apply lookup_fmap.
-  * intros ? [o t t']; unfold map_to_list; simpl.
+  - intros ??? [??] []; simpl; [done| |]; apply lookup_fmap.
+  - intros ? [o t t']; unfold map_to_list; simpl.
     assert (NoDup ((prod_map Z.pos id <$> map_to_list t) ++
       prod_map Z.neg id <$> map_to_list t')).
     { apply NoDup_app; split_ands.
@@ -70,24 +70,24 @@ Proof.
       - apply (NoDup_fmap_2 _), NoDup_map_to_list. }
     destruct o; simpl; auto. constructor; auto.
     rewrite elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap. naive_solver.
-  * intros ? t i x. unfold map_to_list. split.
+  - intros ? t i x. unfold map_to_list. split.
     + destruct t as [[y|] t t']; simpl.
-      - rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap.
+      * rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap.
         intros [?|[[[??][??]]|[[??][??]]]]; simplify_equality'; [done| |];
           by apply elem_of_map_to_list.
-      - rewrite elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap. intros [[[??][??]]|[[??][??]]];
+      * rewrite elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap. intros [[[??][??]]|[[??][??]]];
           simplify_equality'; by apply elem_of_map_to_list.
     + destruct t as [[y|] t t']; simpl.
-      - rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap.
+      * rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap.
         destruct i as [|i|i]; simpl; [intuition congruence| |].
         { right; left. exists (i, x). by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list. }
         right; right. exists (i, x). by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list.
-      - rewrite elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap.
+      * rewrite elem_of_app, !elem_of_list_fmap.
         destruct i as [|i|i]; simpl; [done| |].
         { left; exists (i, x). by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list. }
         right; exists (i, x). by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list.
-  * intros ?? f [??] [|?|?]; simpl; [done| |]; apply (lookup_omap f).
-  * intros ??? f ? [??] [??] [|?|?]; simpl; [done| |]; apply (lookup_merge f).
+  - intros ?? f [??] [|?|?]; simpl; [done| |]; apply (lookup_omap f).
+  - intros ??? f ? [??] [??] [|?|?]; simpl; [done| |]; apply (lookup_merge f).
 (** * Finite sets *)