diff --git a/theories/tactics.v b/theories/tactics.v index 5fd8ee7eec19a36e88b4f411d5e24247a8d8ac5f..e3cb1f962b5dfd4f243a08ff0be62f82a5027850 100644 --- a/theories/tactics.v +++ b/theories/tactics.v @@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ matching hypotheses. [select] is written in CPS and does not return the name of the hypothesis due to limitations in the Ltac1 tactic runtime (see https://gitter.im/coq/coq?at=5e96c82f85b01628f04bbb89). *) -Tactic Notation "select" open_constr(pat) tactic(tac) := +Tactic Notation "select" open_constr(pat) tactic3(tac) := lazymatch goal with (* The [unify] is necessary, otherwise holes in [pat] stay as side-conditions *) | H : pat |- _ => let T := (type of H) in unify T pat; tac H