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diff --git a/theories/nat_cancel.v b/theories/nat_cancel.v
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+From stdpp Require Import numbers.
+(* The class [NatCancel m n m' n'] is a simple canceler for natural numbers
+implemented using type classes.
+Input: [m], [n]; output: [m'], [n'].
+It turns an equality [n = m] into an equality [n' = m'] by canceling out terms
+that appear on both sides of the equality. We provide instances to handle the
+following connectives over natural numbers:
+  n := 0 | t | n + m | S m
+Here, [t] represents arbitrary terms that do not fit the grammar. The instances
+the class perform a depth-first traversal (from left to right) through [n] and
+try to cancel each leaf in [m]. This implies that the shape of the original
+expressions [n] and [m] are preserved as much as possible. For example,
+  S (S m2) + (k1 + (S k2 + k3)) + n1 = 2 + S ((n1 + S n2) + S (S m1 + m2))
+Results in:
+  k1 + (k2 + k3) = S (n2 + S (S m1))
+The instances are setup up so that canceling is performed in two stages.
+- In the first stage, using the class [NatCancel], it traverses [m] w.r.t. [S]
+  and [+].
+- In the second stage, for each leaf (i.e. a constant or arbitrary term)
+  obtained by the traversal in stage 1, it uses the class [NatCancelLeaf] to
+  cancel the leaf in [n].
+Be warned: Since the canceler is implemented using type classes it should only
+be used it either of the inputs is relatively small. For bigger inputs, an
+approach based on reflection would be better, but for small inputs, the overhead
+of reification will probably not be worth it. *)
+Class NatCancel (m n m' n' : nat) := nat_cancel : m' + n = m + n'.
+Hint Mode NatCancel ! ! - - : typeclass_instances.
+Class NatCancelLeaf (m n m' n' : nat) := nat_cancel_leaf : NatCancel m n m' n'.
+Hint Mode NatCancelLeaf ! ! - - : typeclass_instances.
+Global Existing Instance nat_cancel_leaf | 100.
+Class MakeNatS (n1 n2 m : nat) := make_nat_S : m = n1 + n2.
+Global Instance make_nat_S_0_l n : MakeNatS 0 n n.
+Proof. done. Qed.
+Global Instance make_nat_S_1 n : MakeNatS 1 n (S n).
+Proof. done. Qed.
+Class MakeNatPlus (n1 n2 m : nat) := make_nat_plus : m = n1 + n2.
+Global Instance make_nat_plus_0_l n : MakeNatPlus 0 n n.
+Proof. done. Qed.
+Global Instance make_nat_plus_0_r n : MakeNatPlus n 0 n.
+Proof. unfold MakeNatPlus. by rewrite Nat.add_0_r. Qed.
+Global Instance make_nat_plus_default n1 n2 : MakeNatPlus n1 n2 (n1 + n2) | 100.
+Proof. done. Qed.
+Global Instance nat_cancel_leaf_here m : NatCancelLeaf m m 0 0 | 0.
+Proof. by unfold NatCancelLeaf, NatCancel. Qed.
+Global Instance nat_cancel_leaf_else m n : NatCancelLeaf m n m n | 100.
+Proof. by unfold NatCancelLeaf, NatCancel. Qed.
+Global Instance nat_cancel_leaf_plus m m' m'' n1 n2 n1' n2' n1'n2' :
+  NatCancelLeaf m n1 m' n1' → NatCancelLeaf m' n2 m'' n2' →
+  MakeNatPlus n1' n2' n1'n2' → NatCancelLeaf m (n1 + n2) m'' n1'n2' | 2.
+Proof. unfold NatCancelLeaf, NatCancel, MakeNatPlus. omega. Qed.
+Global Instance nat_cancel_leaf_S_here m n m' n' :
+  NatCancelLeaf m n m' n' → NatCancelLeaf (S m) (S n) m' n' | 3.
+Proof. unfold NatCancelLeaf, NatCancel. omega. Qed.
+Global Instance nat_cancel_leaf_S_else m n m' n' :
+  NatCancelLeaf m n m' n' → NatCancelLeaf m (S n) m' (S n') | 4.
+Proof. unfold NatCancelLeaf, NatCancel. omega. Qed.
+(* The instance [nat_cancel_S_both] is redundant, but may reduce proof search
+quite a bit, e.g. when canceling constants in constants. *)
+Global Instance nat_cancel_S_both m n m' n' :
+  NatCancel m n m' n' → NatCancel (S m) (S n) m' n' | 1.
+Proof. unfold NatCancel. omega. Qed.
+Global Instance nat_cancel_plus m1 m2 m1' m2' m1'm2' n n' n'' :
+  NatCancel m1 n m1' n' → NatCancel m2 n' m2' n'' →
+  MakeNatPlus m1' m2' m1'm2' → NatCancel (m1 + m2) n m1'm2' n'' | 2.
+Proof. unfold NatCancel, MakeNatPlus. omega. Qed.
+Global Instance nat_cancel_S m m' m'' Sm' n n' n'' :
+  NatCancel m n m' n' → NatCancelLeaf 1 n' m'' n'' →
+  MakeNatS m'' m' Sm' → NatCancel (S m) n Sm' n'' | 3.
+Proof. unfold NatCancelLeaf, NatCancel, MakeNatS. omega. Qed.
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