diff --git a/theories/telescopes.v b/theories/telescopes.v
index 29c5e3759ee0936ebbfc7ba92b02e2ac449f0249..40011932891791c64e08a7c3f6f364d1d1b36af8 100644
--- a/theories/telescopes.v
+++ b/theories/telescopes.v
@@ -104,13 +104,22 @@ Proof.
     rewrite IH. done.
-(** We can define the identity function of the [-t>] function space. *)
+(** We can define the identity function and composition of the [-t>] function
+space. *)
 Definition tele_id {TT : tele} : TT -t> TT := tele_bind id.
 Lemma tele_id_eq {TT : tele} (x : TT) :
   tele_id x = x.
 Proof. unfold tele_id. rewrite tele_app_bind. done. Qed.
+Definition tele_compose {TT1 TT2 TT3 : tele} :
+  (TT2 -t> TT3) → (TT1 -t> TT2) → (TT1 -t> TT3) :=
+  λ t1 t2, tele_bind (compose (tele_app t1) (tele_app t2)).
+Lemma tele_compose_eq {TT1 TT2 TT3 : tele} (f : TT2 -t> TT3) (g : TT1 -t> TT2) x :
+  tele_compose f g $ x = (f ∘ g) x.
+Proof. unfold tele_compose. rewrite tele_app_bind. done. Qed.
 (** Notation *)
 Notation "'[tele' x .. z ]" :=
   (TeleS (fun x => .. (TeleS (fun z => TeleO)) ..))