From ed9b2ba3783091e2a2308796113effb4d9a75c76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dan Frumin <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2020 18:47:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] WIP cka.v

 _CoqProject                 |   3 +
 theories/experimental/cka.v | 235 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 238 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 theories/experimental/cka.v

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 2a786e2..b9cdcd5 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -59,8 +59,11 @@ theories/examples/coinflip.v
diff --git a/theories/experimental/cka.v b/theories/experimental/cka.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48121b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/experimental/cka.v
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+(* ReLoC -- Relational logic for fine-grained concurrency *)
+(** (Concurrent) Kleene algebra laws.
+    This is still WIP.
+    We consider well-typed terms quotiented out by contextual equivalence:
+          { e | ⊢ₜ e : TUnit } / =ctx=
+    and show that this is almost a model of Concurrent Kleene Algebra
+From reloc Require Export reloc.
+From reloc.examples Require Export or par.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+Notation "⊥" := (bot #()).
+Ltac use_logrel :=
+  eapply (refines_sound #[relocΣ;spawnΣ]); iIntros (? Δ).
+Tactic Notation "use_logrel/=" :=
+  use_logrel; rel_pures_l; rel_pures_r.
+Ltac fundamental := by iApply (refines_typed TUnit []).
+Lemma plus_zero e :
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ e : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊨ (e ⊕ ⊥) =ctx= e : TUnit.
+  intros He. split.
+  - use_logrel/=. iApply or_bot_l. fundamental.
+  - use_logrel/=. iApply or_bot_r. fundamental.
+Lemma plus_idemp e :
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ e : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊨ (e ⊕ e) =ctx= e : TUnit.
+  intros He. split.
+  - use_logrel/=. iApply or_idemp_l. fundamental.
+  - use_logrel/=. iApply or_idemp_r. fundamental.
+Lemma plus_comm e f :
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ e : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ f : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊨ (e ⊕ f) =ctx= (f ⊕ e) : TUnit.
+  intros He Hf. split; use_logrel/=; iApply or_comm; fundamental.
+Lemma plus_assoc e f g :
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ e : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ f : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ g : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊨ (e ⊕ f) ⊕ g =ctx= e ⊕ (f ⊕ g) : TUnit.
+  intros He Hf Hg. split.
+  - use_logrel. iApply or_assoc_r; fundamental.
+  - use_logrel. iApply or_assoc_l; fundamental.
+Lemma mult_assoc e f g :
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ e : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ f : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ g : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊨ ((e ;; f) ;; g) =ctx= (e ;; (f ;; g)) : TUnit.
+  intros He Hf Hg. split.
+  - use_logrel/=.
+    rel_bind_l e. rel_bind_r e.
+    iApply refines_bind; first by fundamental.
+    iIntros (? ?) "_ /=". rel_pures_l. rel_pures_r.
+    iApply (refines_typed TUnit []). by apply Seq_typed.
+  - use_logrel/=.
+    rel_bind_l e. rel_bind_r e.
+    iApply refines_bind; first by fundamental.
+    iIntros (? ?) "_ /=". rel_pures_l. rel_pures_r.
+    iApply (refines_typed TUnit []). by apply Seq_typed.
+Lemma mult_distr_plus_l e f g :
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ e : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ f : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ g : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊨ (e ;; (f ⊕ g)) =ctx= ((e ;; f) ⊕ (e ;; g)) : TUnit.
+  intros He Hf Hg. split.
+  - (* intermediate instrumented program *)
+    pose (P := (let: "p" := NewProph in
+         e;;
+         (((resolve_proph: "p" to: #0);; f) ⊕
+          ((resolve_proph: "p" to: #1);; g)))%E).
+    eapply (ctx_refines_transitive ∅ TUnit _ P).
+    + use_logrel. iApply seq_or_2_instrument; try fundamental.
+      admit. admit. admit.
+    + use_logrel. iApply seq_or_2'; try fundamental.
+      admit. admit. admit.
+  - use_logrel. iApply seq_or_1; fundamental.
+Lemma mult_distr_plus_r e f g :
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ e : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ f : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ g : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊨ ((e ⊕ f) ;; g) =ctx= ((e ;; g) ⊕ (f ;; g)) : TUnit.
+  intros He Hf Hg. split.
+  - use_logrel. iApply or_seq_1; fundamental.
+  - use_logrel. iApply or_seq_2; fundamental.
+Lemma mult_one_r e :
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ e : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊨ (e ;; #()) =ctx= e : TUnit.
+  intros He. split.
+  - use_logrel. rel_bind_l e. rel_bind_r e.
+    iApply refines_bind; first by fundamental.
+    iIntros (? ?) "[-> ->] /=". rel_pures_l.
+    rel_values.
+  - use_logrel. rel_bind_l e. rel_bind_r e.
+    iApply refines_bind; first by fundamental.
+    iIntros (? ?) "[-> ->] /=". rel_pures_r.
+    rel_values.
+Lemma mult_one_l e :
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ e : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊨ (#() ;; e) =ctx= e : TUnit.
+  intros He. split; use_logrel; rel_pures_l; rel_pures_r; fundamental.
+Lemma mult_zero_r e :
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ e : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊨ (e ;; ⊥) =ctx= ⊥ : TUnit.
+  intros He. split.
+  - use_logrel.
+    (* TODO!!! we need unary interpretation to show that e is safe *)
+    admit.
+  - use_logrel. rel_apply_l bot_l.
+Lemma mult_zero_l e :
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ e : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊨ (⊥ ;; e) =ctx= ⊥ : TUnit.
+  intros He. split; use_logrel; rel_apply_l bot_l.
+Notation "e ∥ f" := ((e ||| f);; #())%E (at level 60).
+Lemma par_comm e f :
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ e : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊢ₜ f : TUnit →
+  ∅ ⊨ (e ∥ f) =ctx= (f ∥ e) : TUnit.
+  intros He Hf. split.
+  - use_logrel.
+    iApply par_comm; try fundamental.
+    admit. admit.
+  - use_logrel.
+    iApply par_comm; try fundamental.
+    admit. admit. (* TODO: closed expr *)
+Definition star : val := rec: "star" "f" :=
+  #() ⊕ ("f" #();; "star" "f").
+Notation "e **" := (star (λ: <>, e)%V) (at level 80).
+Section rules.
+  Context `{relocG Σ}.
+  Lemma star_compatible e e' :
+    □ (REL e << e' : ()) -∗
+    REL e ** << e' ** : ().
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "#He". iLöb as "IH". rel_rec_l. rel_rec_r.
+    repeat rel_pure_l. repeat rel_pure_r.
+    iApply or_compatible; first by rel_values.
+    iApply refines_seq.
+    - rel_pure_l. rel_pure_r. iAssumption.
+    - iApply "IH".
+  Qed.
+  (* Lemma star_refines_l e t : *)
+  (*   REL e ** << t : (). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H". rel_rec_l. repeat rel_pure_l. *)
+  (*   iApply or_compatible; first by rel_values. *)
+  (*   iApply refines_seq. *)
+  (*   - rel_pure_l. rel_pure_r. iAssumption. *)
+  (*   - iApply "IH". *)
+  Lemma star_id_1 e e' :
+    □(REL e << e' : ()) -∗
+    REL e ** << (#() ⊕ (e';; e' **))%V : ().
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "#He".
+    rel_rec_l. repeat rel_pure_l. repeat rel_pure_r.
+    iApply or_compatible; first by rel_values.
+    iApply refines_seq.
+    - rel_pure_l. iAssumption.
+    - by iApply star_compatible.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma star_id_2 e e' :
+    □(REL e << e' : ()) -∗
+    REL (#() ⊕ (e;; e **))%V << e' ** : ().
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "#He". rel_rec_r. repeat rel_pure_r.
+    iApply or_compatible; first by rel_values.
+    iApply refines_seq.
+    - rel_pure_r. iAssumption.
+    - by iApply star_compatible.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma star_fp e f g :
+    □ (WP f {{ _, True }}) -∗
+    (REL (e ⊕ (f;; g))%V << g : ()) -∗
+    REL (f **;; e) << g : ().
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "#Hf H". iLöb as "IH".
+    rel_rec_l. repeat rel_pure_l.
+    rel_apply_l or_refines_l. iSplit.
+    - repeat rel_pure_l. (* need transitivity with "H" *) admit.
+    - repeat rel_pure_l. (* need that `f` is safe *)
+      rel_bind_l f. iApply refines_wp_l. iApply (wp_wand with "Hf").
+      iIntros (v) "_". simpl. repeat rel_pure_l. clear v.
+      by iApply "IH".
+  Abort.
+End rules.