From c5a3ab55308b2dcd03cbd8fa6358ceae2df25bb4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dan Frumin <> Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2020 14:23:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] typing for unary operations and pointer equality --- theories/logic/adequacy.v | 5 +--- theories/typing/contextual_refinement.v | 36 +++++++++++++++++++------ theories/typing/fundamental.v | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++ theories/typing/types.v | 32 +++++++++++++++++++--- 4 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/theories/logic/adequacy.v b/theories/logic/adequacy.v index e82a01f..1f5ffc3 100644 --- a/theories/logic/adequacy.v +++ b/theories/logic/adequacy.v @@ -15,13 +15,10 @@ Definition relocΣ : gFunctors := #[heapΣ; authΣ cfgUR]. Instance subG_relocPreG {Σ} : subG relocΣ Σ → relocPreG Σ. Proof. solve_inG. Qed. -Definition pure_lrel `{relocG Σ} (P : val → val → Prop) := - @LRel Σ (λ v v', ⌜P v v'âŒ)%I _. - Lemma refines_adequate Σ `{relocPreG Σ} (A : ∀ `{relocG Σ}, lrel Σ) (P : val → val → Prop) e e' σ : - (∀ `{relocG Σ}, ∀ v v', A v v' -∗ pure_lrel P v v') → + (∀ `{relocG Σ}, ∀ v v', A v v' -∗ ⌜P v v'âŒ) → (∀ `{relocG Σ}, ⊢ REL e << e' : A) → adequate NotStuck e σ (λ v _, ∃ thp' h v', rtc erased_step ([e'], σ) (of_val v' :: thp', h) diff --git a/theories/typing/contextual_refinement.v b/theories/typing/contextual_refinement.v index d9cbde3..3b2d943 100644 --- a/theories/typing/contextual_refinement.v +++ b/theories/typing/contextual_refinement.v @@ -116,6 +116,12 @@ Inductive typed_ctx_item : typed Γ e1 (TArrow Ï„ Ï„') → typed_ctx_item (CTX_AppR e1) Γ Ï„ Γ Ï„' (* Base types and operations *) + | TP_CTX_UnOp_Nat op Γ Ï„ : + unop_nat_res_type op = Some Ï„ → + typed_ctx_item (CTX_UnOp op) Γ TNat Γ Ï„ + | TP_CTX_UnOp_Bool op Γ Ï„ : + unop_bool_res_type op = Some Ï„ → + typed_ctx_item (CTX_UnOp op) Γ TBool Γ Ï„ | TP_CTX_BinOpL_Nat op Γ e2 Ï„ : typed Γ e2 TNat → binop_nat_res_type op = Some Ï„ → @@ -132,6 +138,12 @@ Inductive typed_ctx_item : typed Γ e1 TBool → binop_bool_res_type op = Some Ï„ → typed_ctx_item (CTX_BinOpR op e1) Γ TBool Γ Ï„ + | TP_CTX_BinOpL_PtrEq e2 Γ Ï„ : + typed Γ e2 (ref Ï„) → + typed_ctx_item (CTX_BinOpL EqOp e2) Γ (ref Ï„) Γ TBool + | TP_CTX_BinOpR_PtrEq e1 Γ Ï„ : + typed Γ e1 (ref Ï„) → + typed_ctx_item (CTX_BinOpR EqOp e1) Γ (ref Ï„) Γ TBool | TP_CTX_IfL Γ e1 e2 Ï„ : typed Γ e1 Ï„ → typed Γ e2 Ï„ → typed_ctx_item (CTX_IfL e1 e2) Γ (TBool) Γ Ï„ @@ -324,18 +336,26 @@ Section bin_log_related_under_typed_ctx. + iApply (bin_log_related_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Ï„2 with "[]"). by iApply fundamental. iApply (IHK with "[Hrel]"); auto. - + iApply (bin_log_related_nat_binop with "[]"); + + iApply bin_log_related_nat_unop; eauto. + by iApply (IHK with "Hrel"). + + iApply bin_log_related_bool_unop; eauto. + by iApply (IHK with "Hrel"). + + iApply bin_log_related_nat_binop; try (by iApply fundamental); eauto. - iApply (IHK with "[Hrel]"); auto. - + iApply (bin_log_related_nat_binop with "[]"); + by iApply (IHK with "Hrel"). + + iApply bin_log_related_nat_binop; try (by iApply fundamental); eauto. - iApply (IHK with "[Hrel]"); auto. - + iApply (bin_log_related_bool_binop with "[]"); + by iApply (IHK with "Hrel"); auto. + + iApply bin_log_related_bool_binop; try (by iApply fundamental); eauto. - iApply (IHK with "[Hrel]"); auto. - + iApply (bin_log_related_bool_binop with "[]"); + by iApply (IHK with "Hrel"). + + iApply bin_log_related_bool_binop; try (by iApply fundamental); eauto. - iApply (IHK with "[Hrel]"); auto. + by iApply (IHK with "Hrel"). + + iApply bin_log_related_ref_binop; try (by iApply fundamental). + by iApply (IHK with "Hrel"). + + iApply bin_log_related_ref_binop; try (by iApply fundamental). + by iApply (IHK with "Hrel"). + iApply (bin_log_related_if with "[] []"); try by iApply fundamental. iApply (IHK with "[Hrel]"); auto. diff --git a/theories/typing/fundamental.v b/theories/typing/fundamental.v index 02ac493..96abf5b 100644 --- a/theories/typing/fundamental.v +++ b/theories/typing/fundamental.v @@ -407,6 +407,36 @@ Section fundamental. destruct op; inversion Hopv'; simplify_eq/=; eauto. Qed. + Lemma bin_log_related_nat_unop Δ Γ op e e' Ï„ : + unop_nat_res_type op = Some Ï„ → + ({Δ;Γ} ⊨ e ≤log≤ e' : TNat) -∗ + {Δ;Γ} ⊨ UnOp op e ≤log≤ UnOp op e' : Ï„. + Proof. + iIntros (HopÏ„) "IH". + intro_clause. + rel_bind_ap e e' "IH" v v' "IH". + iDestruct "IH" as (n) "[% %]"; simplify_eq/=. + destruct (unop_nat_typed_safe op n _ HopÏ„) as [v' Hopv']. + rel_pure_l. rel_pure_r. + value_case. + destruct op; inversion Hopv'; simplify_eq/=; try case_match; eauto. + Qed. + + Lemma bin_log_related_bool_unop Δ Γ op e e' Ï„ : + unop_bool_res_type op = Some Ï„ → + ({Δ;Γ} ⊨ e ≤log≤ e' : TBool) -∗ + {Δ;Γ} ⊨ UnOp op e ≤log≤ UnOp op e' : Ï„. + Proof. + iIntros (HopÏ„) "IH". + intro_clause. + rel_bind_ap e e' "IH" v v' "IH". + iDestruct "IH" as (n) "[% %]"; simplify_eq/=. + destruct (unop_bool_typed_safe op n _ HopÏ„) as [v' Hopv']. + rel_pure_l. rel_pure_r. + value_case. + destruct op; inversion Hopv'; simplify_eq/=; try case_match; eauto. + Qed. + Lemma bin_log_related_unfold Δ Γ e e' Ï„ : ({Δ;Γ} ⊨ e ≤log≤ e' : μ: Ï„) -∗ {Δ;Γ} ⊨ rec_unfold e ≤log≤ rec_unfold e' : Ï„.[(TRec Ï„)/]. @@ -497,6 +527,10 @@ Section fundamental. by iApply fundamental. + iApply bin_log_related_bool_binop; first done; by iApply fundamental. + + iApply bin_log_related_nat_unop; first done. + by iApply fundamental. + + iApply bin_log_related_bool_unop; first done. + by iApply fundamental. + iApply bin_log_related_ref_binop; by iApply fundamental. + iApply bin_log_related_pair; diff --git a/theories/typing/types.v b/theories/typing/types.v index a21d619..c57ddca 100644 --- a/theories/typing/types.v +++ b/theories/typing/types.v @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Inductive EqType : type → Prop := | EqTProd Ï„ Ï„' : EqType Ï„ → EqType Ï„' → EqType (TProd Ï„ Ï„') | EqSum Ï„ Ï„' : EqType Ï„ → EqType Ï„' → EqType (TSum Ï„ Ï„'). -(** Which types are unboxed *) +(** Which types are unboxed -- we can only do CAS on locations which hold unboxed types *) Inductive UnboxedType : type → Prop := | UnboxedTUnit : UnboxedType TUnit | UnboxedTNat : UnboxedType TNat @@ -39,17 +39,27 @@ Instance Rename_type : Rename type. derive. Defined. Instance Subst_type : Subst type. derive. Defined. Instance SubstLemmas_typer : SubstLemmas type. derive. Qed. -Fixpoint binop_nat_res_type (op : bin_op) : option type := +Definition binop_nat_res_type (op : bin_op) : option type := match op with | MultOp => Some TNat | PlusOp => Some TNat | MinusOp => Some TNat | EqOp => Some TBool | LeOp => Some TBool | LtOp => Some TBool | _ => None end. -Fixpoint binop_bool_res_type (op : bin_op) : option type := +Definition binop_bool_res_type (op : bin_op) : option type := match op with | XorOp => Some TBool | EqOp => Some TBool | _ => None end. +Definition unop_nat_res_type (op : un_op) : option type := + match op with + | MinusUnOp => Some TNat + | _ => None + end. +Definition unop_bool_res_type (op : un_op) : option type := + match op with + | NegOp => Some TBool + | _ => None + end. Delimit Scope FType_scope with ty. Bind Scope FType_scope with type. @@ -118,6 +128,14 @@ Inductive typed : stringmap type → expr → type → Prop := Γ ⊢ₜ e1 : TBool → Γ ⊢ₜ e2 : TBool → binop_bool_res_type op = Some Ï„ → Γ ⊢ₜ BinOp op e1 e2 : Ï„ + | UnOp_typed_nat Γ op e Ï„ : + Γ ⊢ₜ e : TNat → + unop_nat_res_type op = Some Ï„ → + Γ ⊢ₜ UnOp op e : Ï„ + | UnOp_typed_bool Γ op e Ï„ : + Γ ⊢ₜ e : TBool → + unop_bool_res_type op = Some Ï„ → + Γ ⊢ₜ UnOp op e : Ï„ | RefEq_typed Γ e1 e2 Ï„ : Γ ⊢ₜ e1 : ref Ï„ → Γ ⊢ₜ e2 : ref Ï„ → Γ ⊢ₜ BinOp EqOp e1 e2 : TBool @@ -214,3 +232,11 @@ Proof. destruct op; simpl; eauto. discriminate. Qed. Lemma binop_bool_typed_safe (op : bin_op) (b1 b2 : bool) Ï„ : binop_bool_res_type op = Some Ï„ → is_Some (bin_op_eval op #b1 #b2). Proof. destruct op; naive_solver. Qed. + +Lemma unop_nat_typed_safe (op : un_op) (n : Z) Ï„ : + unop_nat_res_type op = Some Ï„ → is_Some (un_op_eval op #n). +Proof. destruct op; simpl; eauto. Qed. + +Lemma unop_bool_typed_safe (op : un_op) (b : bool) Ï„ : + unop_bool_res_type op = Some Ï„ → is_Some (un_op_eval op #b). +Proof. destruct op; naive_solver. Qed. -- GitLab