From 90cc90c2eb1c6ac7a8fde15dc83e8fb0ef6038bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robbert Krebbers <> Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 19:58:10 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Bump Iris (persistent mapsto). --- opam | 2 +- theories/examples/stack/refinement.v | 93 +++++++------------ theories/examples/symbol.v | 8 +- theories/examples/various.v | 4 +- theories/experimental/helping/helping_stack.v | 51 +++------- theories/logic/proofmode/tactics.v | 35 ++++--- 6 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-) diff --git a/opam b/opam index ed7c7f7..7228577 100644 --- a/opam +++ b/opam @@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ build: [make "-j%{jobs}%"] install: [make "install"] remove: ["rm" "-rf" "%{lib}%/coq/user-contrib/reloc"] depends: [ - "coq-iris-heap-lang" { (= "dev.2020-12-04.7.68955c65") | (= "dev") } + "coq-iris-heap-lang" { (= "dev.2020-12-18.1.afe51813") | (= "dev") } "coq-autosubst" { = "dev" } ] diff --git a/theories/examples/stack/refinement.v b/theories/examples/stack/refinement.v index abefef6..f0dd49e 100644 --- a/theories/examples/stack/refinement.v +++ b/theories/examples/stack/refinement.v @@ -8,24 +8,10 @@ Definition stackN := nroot.@"stack". Section proof. Context `{relocG Σ}. - (** The "partial pointsto" proposition is duplicable *) - Local Instance istk_fromand (istk : loc) (w : val) : - FromSep (∃ q, istk ↦{q} w) (∃ q, istk ↦{q} w) (∃ q, istk ↦{q} w). - Proof. - rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[$ _]". - Qed. - Local Instance istk_intoand (istk : loc) (w : val) : - IntoSep (∃ q, istk ↦{q} w) (∃ q, istk ↦{q} w) (∃ q, istk ↦{q} w). - Proof. - rewrite /IntoSep /=. iDestruct 1 as (q) "[H1 H2]". - iSplitL "H1"; eauto with iFrame. - Qed. - Fixpoint stack_contents (v1 : loc) (ls : list val) := match ls with - | [] => ∃ q, v1 ↦{q} NONEV - | h::tl => ∃ (z1 : loc) q, v1 ↦{q} SOMEV (h, #z1) ∗ - stack_contents z1 tl + | [] => v1 ↦□ NONEV + | h::tl => ∃ (z1 : loc), v1 ↦□ SOMEV (h, #z1) ∗ stack_contents z1 tl end%I. Definition stack_link (A : lrel Σ) (v1 : loc) (v2 : val) := @@ -33,34 +19,26 @@ Section proof. stack_contents v1 ls1 ∗ is_stack v2 ls2 ∗ [∗ list] v1;v2 ∈ ls1;ls2, A v1 v2)%I. - (** Actually, the whole `stack_contents` predicate is duplicable *) - Local Instance stack_contents_intoand (istk : loc) (ls : list val) : - IntoSep (stack_contents istk ls) (stack_contents istk ls) (stack_contents istk ls). - Proof. - rewrite /IntoSep /=. - revert istk. induction ls as [|h ls]; intros istk; simpl. - - apply istk_intoand. - - iDestruct 1 as (z1 q) "[Histk Hc]". - rewrite IHls. iDestruct "Hc" as "[Hc1 Hc2]". iDestruct "Histk" as "[Histk1 Histk2]". - iSplitL "Hc1 Histk1"; iExists _, (q/2)%Qp; by iFrame. - Qed. + Global Instance stack_contents_persistent v1 ls : + Persistent (stack_contents v1 ls). + Proof. revert v1. induction ls; apply _. Qed. Lemma stack_contents_agree istk ls ls' : stack_contents istk ls -∗ stack_contents istk ls' -∗ ⌜ls = ls'âŒ. Proof. revert istk ls'. induction ls as [|h ls]; intros istk ls'; simpl. - - iDestruct 1 as (q) "Histk". + - iIntros "#Histk". destruct ls' as [|h' ls']; first by eauto. - simpl. iDestruct 1 as (z q') "[Histk' _]". - iDestruct (gen_heap.mapsto_agree with "Histk' Histk") as %Hfoo. + simpl. iDestruct 1 as (z) "[Histk' _]". + iDestruct (mapsto_agree with "Histk' Histk") as %Hfoo. exfalso. naive_solver. - - iDestruct 1 as (z q) "[Histk Hls]". + - iDestruct 1 as (z) "[Histk Hls]". destruct ls' as [|h' ls']; simpl. - + iDestruct 1 as (q') "Histk'". - iDestruct (gen_heap.mapsto_agree with "Histk' Histk") as %Hfoo. + + iIntros "Histk'". + iDestruct (mapsto_agree with "Histk' Histk") as %Hfoo. exfalso. naive_solver. - + iDestruct 1 as (z' q') "[Histk' Hls']". - iDestruct (gen_heap.mapsto_agree with "Histk' Histk") as %Hfoo. simplify_eq/=. + + iDestruct 1 as (z') "[Histk' Hls']". + iDestruct (mapsto_agree with "Histk' Histk") as %Hfoo; simplify_eq/=. iDestruct (IHls with "Hls Hls'") as %Hbar. simplify_eq/=. eauto. Qed. @@ -68,11 +46,6 @@ Section proof. Definition sinv (A : lrel Σ) stk stk' : iProp Σ := (∃ (istk : loc), stk ↦ #istk ∗ stack_link A istk stk')%I. - Ltac close_sinv Hcl asn := - iMod (Hcl with asn) as "_"; - [iNext; rewrite /sinv; iExists _; - (by iFrame || iFrame; iExists _,_; by eauto with iFrame) |]; try iModIntro. - Lemma FG_CG_push_refinement N st st' (A : lrel Σ) (v v' : val) : N ## relocN → inv N (sinv A st st') -∗ @@ -88,7 +61,8 @@ Section proof. iInv N as (isk) "(>Hstk & Hlnk)" "Hclose". iExists _. iFrame. iModIntro. iNext. iIntros "Hstk". - close_sinv "Hclose" "[Hlnk Hstk]". + iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hlnk Hstk]") as "_". + { iExists _. by iFrame. } rel_pures_l. rel_alloc_l nstk as "Hnstk". rel_cmpxchg_l_atomic. @@ -97,17 +71,19 @@ Section proof. iModIntro. iSplit. - (* CmpXchg fails *) iIntros (?); iNext; iIntros "Hstk". - close_sinv "Hclose" "[Hlnk Hstk]". + iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hlnk Hstk]") as "_". + { iExists _. iFrame. } rel_pures_l. rel_rec_l. by iApply "IH". - (* CmpXchg succeeds *) iIntros (?). simplify_eq/=. iNext. iIntros "Hstk". + iMod (mapsto_persist with "Hnstk") as "Hnstk". rewrite /stack_link. iDestruct "Hlnk" as (ls1 ls2) "(Hls1 & Hls2 & #HA)". rel_apply_r (refines_CG_push_r with "Hls2"). iIntros "Hls2". iMod ("Hclose" with "[-]"). { iNext. rewrite {2}/sinv. iExists _. iFrame. iExists (v::ls1),_. simpl. iFrame "Hls2 Hvv HA". - iExists _,_. iFrame. } + iExists _. iFrame. } rel_pures_l. rel_values. Qed. @@ -125,38 +101,40 @@ Section proof. iExists _. iFrame "Hstk". iModIntro. iNext. iIntros "Hstk /=". rel_pures_l. rel_rec_l. - iDestruct "Hlnk" as (ls1 ls2) "(Hls1 & Hls2 & #HA)". - iDestruct "Hls1" as "[Histk1 Histk2]". - destruct ls1 as [|h1 ls1]; iSimpl in "Histk1". + iDestruct "Hlnk" as (ls1 ls2) "(#Hls1 & Hls2 & #HA)". + destruct ls1 as [|h1 ls1]; iSimpl in "Hls1". - iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "HA") as %Hfoo. assert (ls2 = []) as -> by (apply length_zero_iff_nil; done). clear Hfoo. rel_apply_r (refines_CG_pop_fail_r with "Hls2"). - iIntros "Hls2". - close_sinv "Hclose" "[Histk2 Hstk Hls2]". - iDestruct "Histk1" as (q) "Histk'". rel_load_l. + iIntros "Hls2". simpl in *. + iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hstk Hls2]") as "_". + { iExists _. iFrame. iExists [], []. iFrame; auto. } + rel_load_l. rel_pures_l. rel_values. iModIntro. iExists _,_. eauto. - - iDestruct "Histk1" as (z1 q) "[Histk1 Hrest]". - close_sinv "Hclose" "[Histk2 Hstk Hls2]". + - iDestruct "Hls1" as (z1) "[Hls1 Hrest]". + iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hstk Hls2]") as "_". + { iExists _. iFrame. iExists (h1 :: ls1), _. simpl. auto. } rel_load_l. rel_pures_l. rel_cmpxchg_l_atomic. iInv N as (istk') "(>Hstk & Hlnk)" "Hclose". iModIntro. iExists _. iFrame "Hstk". iSplit. + iIntros (?). iNext. iIntros "Hstk". - close_sinv "Hclose" "[Hstk Hlnk]". + iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hstk Hlnk]") as "_". + { iExists _. iFrame. } rel_pures_l. iApply "IH". + iIntros (?). simplify_eq/=. iNext. iIntros "Hstk". rel_pures_l. iDestruct "Hlnk" as (ls1' ls2') "(Hc2 & Hst & #HA')". - iDestruct "Hrest" as "[Hrest Hz1]". - iAssert (stack_contents istk (h1::ls1)) with "[Histk1 Hrest]" as "Histk1". - { simpl. iExists _,_. by iFrame. } - iDestruct (stack_contents_agree with "Histk1 Hc2") as %<-. + iAssert (stack_contents istk (h1::ls1)) with "[Hls1]" as "{Hls1} Hls1". + { simpl. iExists _. auto. } + iDestruct (stack_contents_agree with "Hls1 Hc2") as %<-. iClear "HA". rewrite big_sepL2_cons_inv_l. iDestruct "HA'" as (h2 l2' ->) "[Hh HA]". rel_apply_r (refines_CG_pop_suc_r with "Hst"). iIntros "Hst". - close_sinv "Hclose" "[-]". + iMod ("Hclose" with "[-]") as "_". + { iExists _. iFrame. iExists _, _; auto. } rel_values. iModIntro. iExists _,_; eauto. Qed. @@ -179,6 +157,7 @@ Section proof. rel_alloc_r st' as "Hst'". rel_pures_r. rel_apply_r refines_newlock_r. iIntros (l) "Hl". rel_pures_r. rel_values. + iMod (mapsto_persist with "Hisk") as "#Hisk". iMod (inv_alloc (stackN.@(st,(#st', l)%V)) _ (sinv A st (#st', l)%V) with "[-]") as "#Hinv". { iNext. iExists _. iFrame. iExists [],[]. simpl. diff --git a/theories/examples/symbol.v b/theories/examples/symbol.v index 444c7fb..a05b387 100644 --- a/theories/examples/symbol.v +++ b/theories/examples/symbol.v @@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ Section rules. Definition table_inv (size1 size2 tbl1 tbl2 : loc) : iProp Σ := (∃ (n : nat) (ls : val), own γ (â— (MaxNat n)) - ∗ size1 ↦{1/2} #n ∗ size2 ↦ₛ{1/2} #n - ∗ tbl1 ↦{1/2} ls ∗ tbl2 ↦ₛ{1/2} ls + ∗ size1 ↦{#1/2} #n ∗ size2 ↦ₛ{1/2} #n + ∗ tbl1 ↦{#1/2} ls ∗ tbl2 ↦ₛ{1/2} ls ∗ lrel_list lrel_int ls ls)%I. Definition lok_inv (size1 size2 tbl1 tbl2 : loc) (l : val) : iProp Σ := - (∃ (n : nat) (ls : val), size1 ↦{1/2} #n ∗ size2 ↦ₛ{1/2} #n - ∗ tbl1 ↦{1/2} ls ∗ tbl2 ↦ₛ{1/2} ls + (∃ (n : nat) (ls : val), size1 ↦{#1/2} #n ∗ size2 ↦ₛ{1/2} #n + ∗ tbl1 ↦{#1/2} ls ∗ tbl2 ↦ₛ{1/2} ls ∗ is_locked_r l false)%I. End rules. diff --git a/theories/examples/various.v b/theories/examples/various.v index afae675..0ba4470 100644 --- a/theories/examples/various.v +++ b/theories/examples/various.v @@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ Section proofs. (** A "callback with lock" example *) Definition i3 (x x' b b' : loc) : iProp Σ := - (∃ (n:nat), x ↦{1/2} #n ∗ x' ↦ₛ{1/2} #n ∗ - ((b ↦ #true ∗ b' ↦ₛ #true ∗ x ↦{1/2} #n ∗ x' ↦ₛ{1/2} #n) + (∃ (n:nat), x ↦{#1/2} #n ∗ x' ↦ₛ{1/2} #n ∗ + ((b ↦ #true ∗ b' ↦ₛ #true ∗ x ↦{#1/2} #n ∗ x' ↦ₛ{1/2} #n) ∨ (b ↦ #false ∗ b' ↦ₛ #false)))%I. Definition i3n := nroot .@ "i3". diff --git a/theories/experimental/helping/helping_stack.v b/theories/experimental/helping/helping_stack.v index fa5138f..fb81cb0 100644 --- a/theories/experimental/helping/helping_stack.v +++ b/theories/experimental/helping/helping_stack.v @@ -273,20 +273,6 @@ Section refinement. rewrite refines_eq. by iApply "Hcont". Qed. - (** We will also use the following instances for splitting and - compining read-only pointsto permissions. *) - Local Instance ro_pointsto_fromand (l : loc) (w : val) : - FromSep (∃ q, l ↦{q} w) (∃ q, l ↦{q} w) (∃ q, l ↦{q} w). - Proof. - rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[$ _]". - Qed. - Local Instance ro_pointsto_intoand (l : loc) (w : val) : - IntoSep (∃ q, l ↦{q} w) (∃ q, l ↦{q} w) (∃ q, l ↦{q} w). - Proof. - rewrite /IntoSep /=. iDestruct 1 as (q) "[H1 H2]". - iSplitL "H1"; eauto with iFrame. - Qed. - (** Then we have definitions and lemmas that we use for actually liking the contents of the two stacks together *) Definition olocO := leibnizO (option loc). @@ -304,23 +290,13 @@ Section refinement. match ol,ls with | None,[] => True | Some l,(h::t) => - ∃ (ol : option loc), - ∃ q, l ↦{q} (h, oloc_to_val ol) ∗ stack_contents ol t + ∃ (ol : option loc), l ↦□ (h, oloc_to_val ol) ∗ stack_contents ol t | _,_ => False end%I. - Existing Instance istk_fromand. - Existing Instance istk_intoand. - Local Instance stack_contents_intoand (istk : option loc) (ls : list val) : - IntoSep (stack_contents istk ls) (stack_contents istk ls) (stack_contents istk ls). - Proof. - rewrite /IntoSep /=. - revert istk. induction ls as [|h ls]; intros istk; simpl. - - destruct istk; eauto. - - destruct istk; last by eauto. iDestruct 1 as (z1 q) "[Histk Hc]". - rewrite IHls. iDestruct "Hc" as "[Hc1 Hc2]". iDestruct "Histk" as "[Histk1 Histk2]". - iSplitL "Hc1 Histk1"; iExists _, (q/2)%Qp; by iFrame. - Qed. + Global Instance stack_contents_persistent ol ls : + Persistent (stack_contents ol ls). + Proof. revert ol. induction ls; apply _. Qed. Lemma stack_contents_agree istk ls ls' : stack_contents istk ls -∗ stack_contents istk ls' -∗ ⌜ls = ls'âŒ. @@ -329,10 +305,10 @@ Section refinement. - destruct istk; eauto. destruct ls' as [|h' ls']; simpl; eauto. - destruct istk; last eauto. - iDestruct 1 as (z q) "[Histk Hls]". + iDestruct 1 as (z) "[Histk Hls]". destruct ls' as [|h' ls']; simpl; eauto. - iDestruct 1 as (z' q') "[Histk' Hls']". - iDestruct (gen_heap.mapsto_agree with "Histk' Histk") as %Hfoo. simplify_eq/=. + iDestruct 1 as (z') "[Histk' Hls']". + iDestruct (mapsto_agree with "Histk' Histk") as %Hfoo. simplify_eq/=. iDestruct (IHls with "Hls Hls'") as %Hbar. simplify_eq/=. eauto. Qed. @@ -366,7 +342,7 @@ Section refinement. Proof. iIntros "#Hinv IH". rel_rec_l. rel_pures_l. rel_load_l_atomic. - iInv stackN as (ol N ls1 ls2) "(Hol & Hst1 & Hst2 & HA & Hmb & Hown & HN)" "Hcl". + iInv stackN as (ol N ls1 ls2) "(Hol & #Hst1 & Hst2 & HA & Hmb & Hown & HN)" "Hcl". iModIntro. iExists _; iFrame. iNext. iIntros "Hol". destruct ls1 as [|h1 ls1]. - iSimpl in "Hst1". @@ -379,13 +355,13 @@ Section refinement. { iNext. iExists None,_,[],_. simpl; iFrame. by rewrite big_sepL2_nil. } rel_values. iExists _,_. eauto with iFrame. - - iDestruct "Hst1" as "[Hst1 Hst1']". - iSimpl in "Hst1". destruct ol as [l|]; last by eauto with iFrame. - iDestruct "Hst1" as (ol q) "[[Hl Hl'] [Hol' Hol2]]". - rel_pures_l. iMod ("Hcl" with "[-Hl IH Hst1' Hol2]") as "_". + - destruct ol as [l|]; last by eauto with iFrame. + iPoseProof "Hst1" as "Hst1'". iSimpl in "Hst1". + iDestruct "Hst1" as (ol) "[Hl Hol']". + rel_pures_l. iMod ("Hcl" with "[-IH]") as "_". { iNext. iExists (Some l),_,(h1::ls1),_. iFrame. simpl. eauto with iFrame. } - rel_load_l. rel_pures_l. iClear "Hl". + rel_load_l. rel_pures_l. rel_cmpxchg_l_atomic. iInv stackN as (ol2 N' ls1' ls2') "(Hol & Hst1 & Hst2 & HA & Hmb & Hown & HN)" "Hcl". iModIntro. iExists _. iFrame "Hol". iSplit. @@ -561,6 +537,7 @@ Section refinement. iIntros "Hol". rel_apply_r (refines_CG_push_r with "Hst2"). iIntros "Hst2". + iMod (mapsto_persist with "Hnew") as "#Hnew". iMod ("Hcl" with "[-]") as "_". { iNext. iExists (Some new),_,(h1::ls1'),_; iFrame. simpl. by eauto with iFrame. } diff --git a/theories/logic/proofmode/tactics.v b/theories/logic/proofmode/tactics.v index f0c6357..95661a1 100644 --- a/theories/logic/proofmode/tactics.v +++ b/theories/logic/proofmode/tactics.v @@ -212,38 +212,37 @@ Ltac rel_pures_r := (** Load *) -Lemma tac_rel_load_l_simp `{!relocG Σ} K ℶ1 ℶ2 i1 (l : loc) q v e t eres A : +Lemma tac_rel_load_l_simp `{!relocG Σ} K ℶ1 ℶ2 i1 p (l : loc) q v e t eres A : e = fill K (Load (# l)) → MaybeIntoLaterNEnvs 1 ℶ1 ℶ2 → - envs_lookup i1 ℶ2 = Some (false, l ↦{q} v)%I → + envs_lookup i1 ℶ2 = Some (p, l ↦{q} v)%I → eres = fill K (of_val v) → envs_entails ℶ2 (refines ⊤ eres t A) → envs_entails ℶ1 (refines ⊤ e t A). Proof. - rewrite envs_entails_eq. intros ???? Hℶ2; subst. - rewrite into_laterN_env_sound envs_lookup_split // /=. - rewrite bi.later_sep. rewrite Hℶ2. - apply: bi.wand_elim_l' =>/=. - rewrite -(refines_load_l K ⊤ l q). - rewrite -fupd_intro. - rewrite -(bi.exist_intro v). - by apply bi.wand_intro_r. + rewrite envs_entails_eq. iIntros (-> ?? -> Hℶ2) "Henvs". + iDestruct (into_laterN_env_sound with "Henvs") as "Henvs". + iDestruct (envs_lookup_split with "Henvs") as "[Hl Henvs]"; first done. + rewrite Hℶ2. iApply (refines_load_l K ⊤ l q). iModIntro. iExists v. + destruct p; simpl; [|by iFrame]. + iDestruct "Hl" as "#Hl". iSplitR; [by auto|]. + iIntros "!> _". by iApply "Henvs". Qed. -Lemma tac_rel_load_r `{!relocG Σ} K ℶ1 E i1 (l : loc) q e t tres A v : +Lemma tac_rel_load_r `{!relocG Σ} K ℶ1 E i1 p (l : loc) q e t tres A v : t = fill K (Load (# l)) → nclose specN ⊆ E → - envs_lookup i1 ℶ1 = Some (false, l ↦ₛ{q} v)%I → + envs_lookup i1 ℶ1 = Some (p, l ↦ₛ{q} v)%I → tres = fill K (of_val v) → envs_entails ℶ1 (refines E e tres A) → envs_entails ℶ1 (refines E e t A). Proof. - rewrite envs_entails_eq. intros ???? Hg. - subst t tres. - rewrite (envs_lookup_split ℶ1) //; simpl. - rewrite {1}(refines_load_r E); [ | eassumption ]. - rewrite Hg. - apply bi.wand_elim_l. + rewrite envs_entails_eq. iIntros (-> ?? -> Hg) "Henvs". + iDestruct (envs_lookup_split with "Henvs") as "[Hl Henvs]"; first done. + rewrite Hg. destruct p; simpl. + - iDestruct "Hl" as "#Hl". iApply (refines_load_r with "Hl"); first done. + iIntros "_". by iApply "Henvs". + - by iApply (refines_load_r with "Hl"). Qed. Tactic Notation "rel_load_l" := -- GitLab