From dcac3c038470c0b81ae18b6b0db1e43c76648711 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jacques-Henri Jourdan <> Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2016 16:40:34 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] State [wp_app_vec] with a vector of predicates instead of 2 parameters predicates. --- theories/lang/derived.v | 56 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- theories/lang/lang.v | 4 +-- theories/typing/function.v | 30 +++++++++----------- 3 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-) diff --git a/theories/lang/derived.v b/theories/lang/derived.v index c9be4fac..11795f1f 100644 --- a/theories/lang/derived.v +++ b/theories/lang/derived.v @@ -22,47 +22,47 @@ Implicit Types P Q : iProp Σ. Implicit Types Φ : val → iProp Σ. (** Proof rules for working on the n-ary argument list. *) -Lemma wp_app_ind (Q : nat → val → iProp Σ) E f el (vs : list val) Φ : +Lemma wp_app_ind E f (el : list expr) (Ql : vec (val → iProp Σ) (length el)) vs Φ: is_Some (to_val f) → - ([∗ list] k ↦ e ∈ el, WP e @ E {{ Q k }}) -∗ - (∀ vl : vec val (length el), ([∗ list] k ↦ v ∈ vl, Q k v) -∗ - WP App f (map of_val (vs ++ vl)) @ E {{ Φ }}) -∗ - WP App f (map of_val vs ++ el) @ E {{ Φ }}. + ([∗ list] eQ ∈ zip el Ql, WP eQ.1 @ E {{ eQ.2 }}) -∗ + (∀ vl : vec val (length el), ([∗ list] vQ ∈ zip vl Ql, vQ.2 $ vQ.1) -∗ + WP App f (of_val <$> vs ++ vl) @ E {{ Φ }}) -∗ + WP App f ((of_val <$> vs) ++ el) @ E {{ Φ }}. Proof. - iIntros (Hf) "Hel HΦ". iInduction el as [|e el] "IH" forall (vs Q). - - iSpecialize ("HΦ" $! [#]). rewrite !app_nil_r. iApply "HΦ". - by rewrite !big_sepL_nil. - - destruct Hf as [vf Hf]. set (K := AppRCtx vf vs el). - rewrite (_ : App f ((map of_val vs) ++ e :: el) = fill_item K e); last first. - { simpl. f_equal. by erewrite of_to_val. } - iApply wp_bindi. rewrite big_sepL_cons. iDestruct "Hel" as "[He Hel]". - iApply (wp_wand with "He"). iIntros (v) "HQ". - simpl. erewrite of_to_val by done. iSpecialize ("IH" $! (vs ++ [v])). - rewrite [map of_val (vs ++ [#v])]map_app /= -app_assoc /=. - iApply ("IH" with "Hel"). iIntros (vl) "Hvl". - iSpecialize ("HΦ" $! (v ::: vl)). rewrite -app_assoc /=. iApply "HΦ". - rewrite big_sepL_cons. iFrame. + intros [vf Hf]. revert vs Ql. induction el as [|e el IH]=>/= vs Ql; inv_vec Ql. + - iIntros "_ H". iSpecialize ("H" $! [#]). rewrite !app_nil_r big_sepL_nil. + by iApply "H". + - intros Q Ql. rewrite /= big_sepL_cons /=. iIntros "[He Hl] HΦ". + assert (App f ((of_val <$> vs) ++ e :: el) = fill_item (AppRCtx vf vs el) e) + as -> by rewrite /= (of_to_val f) //. + iApply wp_bindi. iApply (wp_wand with "He"). iIntros (v) "HQ /=". + rewrite cons_middle (assoc app) -(fmap_app _ _ [v]) (of_to_val f) //. + iApply (IH _ _ with "Hl"). iIntros "* Hvl". rewrite -assoc. + iApply ("HΦ" $! (v:::vl)). rewrite /= big_sepL_cons. iFrame. Qed. -Lemma wp_app_vec (Q : nat → val → iProp Σ) E f el Φ : +Lemma wp_app_vec E f el (Ql : vec (val → iProp Σ) (length el)) Φ : is_Some (to_val f) → - ([∗ list] k ↦ e ∈ el, WP e @ E {{ Q k }}) -∗ - (∀ vl : vec val (length el), ([∗ list] k ↦ v ∈ vl, Q k v) -∗ + ([∗ list] eQ ∈ zip el Ql, WP eQ.1 @ E {{ eQ.2 }}) -∗ + (∀ vl : vec val (length el), ([∗ list] vQ ∈ zip vl Ql, vQ.2 $ vQ.1) -∗ WP App f (of_val <$> (vl : list val)) @ E {{ Φ }}) -∗ WP App f el @ E {{ Φ }}. Proof. iIntros (Hf). iApply (wp_app_ind _ _ _ _ []). done. Qed. -Lemma wp_app (Q : nat → val → iProp Σ) E f el Φ : - is_Some (to_val f) → - ([∗ list] k ↦ e ∈ el, WP e @ E {{ Q k }}) -∗ - (∀ vl : list val, ⌜length vl = length el⌠-∗ ([∗ list] k ↦ v ∈ vl, Q k v) -∗ - WP App f (of_val <$> (vl : list val)) @ E {{ Φ }}) -∗ +Lemma wp_app (Ql : list (val → iProp Σ)) E f el Φ : + length Ql = length el → is_Some (to_val f) → + ([∗ list] eQ ∈ zip el Ql, WP eQ.1 @ E {{ eQ.2 }}) -∗ + (∀ vl : list val, ⌜length vl = length el⌠-∗ + ([∗ list] k ↦ vQ ∈ zip vl Ql, vQ.2 $ vQ.1) -∗ + WP App f (of_val <$> (vl : list val)) @ E {{ Φ }}) -∗ WP App f el @ E {{ Φ }}. Proof. - iIntros (Hf) "Hel HΦ". iApply (wp_app_vec with "* Hel"); first done. - iIntros (vl). iApply ("HΦ" $! (vec_to_list vl)). by rewrite vec_to_list_length. + iIntros (Hlen Hf) "Hel HΦ". rewrite -(vec_to_list_of_list Ql). + generalize (list_to_vec Ql). rewrite Hlen. clear Hlen Ql=>Ql. + iApply (wp_app_vec with "Hel"); first done. iIntros (vl) "Hvl". + iApply ("HΦ" with "[%] Hvl"). by rewrite vec_to_list_length. Qed. (** Proof rules for the sugar *) diff --git a/theories/lang/lang.v b/theories/lang/lang.v index d3e01fd6..3e733278 100644 --- a/theories/lang/lang.v +++ b/theories/lang/lang.v @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Definition fill_item (Ki : ectx_item) (e : expr) : expr := | BinOpLCtx op e2 => BinOp op e e2 | BinOpRCtx op v1 => BinOp op (of_val v1) e | AppLCtx e2 => App e e2 - | AppRCtx v vl el => App (of_val v) (map of_val vl ++ e :: el) + | AppRCtx v vl el => App (of_val v) ((of_val <$> vl) ++ e :: el) | ReadCtx o => Read o e | WriteLCtx o e2 => Write o e e2 | WriteRCtx o v1 => Write o (of_val v1) e @@ -587,6 +587,6 @@ Proof. + destruct K as [|Ki K]. * simpl in *. subst. inversion Hstep. * destruct Ki; simpl in *; done. - + destruct (map of_val vl); last done. destruct (fill K e'); done. + + destruct (of_val <$> vl); last done. destruct (fill K e'); done. - by eapply stuck_not_head_step. Qed. diff --git a/theories/typing/function.v b/theories/typing/function.v index 7b070360..b2f133b2 100644 --- a/theories/typing/function.v +++ b/theories/typing/function.v @@ -106,23 +106,17 @@ Section typing. wp_bind p. iApply (wp_hasty with "Hf"). iIntros (v) "% Hf". iMod (HTsat with "LFT HE HL HT") as "(HE & HL & HT)". rewrite tctx_interp_app. iDestruct "HT" as "[Hargs HT']". clear HTsat. - iApply (wp_app_vec (λ i v, match i with O => ⌜v = k⌠∗ _ | S i => - ∀ ty, ⌜(tys x : list type) !! i = Some ty⌠→ - tctx_elt_interp tid (TCtx_hasty v ty) end)%I - with "* [Hargs HC]"); first wp_done. - - rewrite big_sepL_cons. iSplitR "Hargs". - { iApply wp_value'. iSplit; first done. iApply "HC". } + iApply (wp_app_vec _ _ (_::_) ((λ v, ⌜v = kâŒ)::: + vmap (λ ty (v : val), tctx_elt_interp tid (TCtx_hasty v ty)) (tys x))%I + with "* [Hargs]"); first wp_done. + - rewrite /= big_sepL_cons. iSplitR "Hargs"; first by iApply wp_value'. clear dependent ty k p. - rewrite /tctx_interp. rewrite big_sepL_zip_with. iApply (big_sepL_mono with "Hargs"). - simpl. iIntros (i p Hp) "HT". assert (Hlen := lookup_lt_Some _ _ _ Hp). - edestruct (lookup_lt_is_Some_2 (tys x)) as [ty Hty]. - { move: Hlen. rewrite !vec_to_list_length. done. } - iSpecialize ("HT" with "* []"); first done. - iApply (wp_hasty with "HT"). iIntros (v') "% Hown". iIntros (ty') "#EQ". - rewrite Hty. iDestruct "EQ" as %[=<-]. iExists v'. iFrame "Hown". - iPureIntro. exact: eval_path_of_val. - - simpl. iIntros (vl'). inv_vec vl'=>kv vl. rewrite big_sepL_cons. - iIntros "[[% HC] Hvl]". subst kv. iDestruct "Hf" as (f) "[EQ #Hf]". + rewrite /tctx_interp vec_to_list_map zip_with_fmap_r + (zip_with_zip (λ e ty, (e, _))) zip_with_zip !big_sepL_fmap. + iApply (big_sepL_mono' with "Hargs"). iIntros (i [p ty]) "HT/=". + iApply (wp_hasty with "HT"). setoid_rewrite tctx_hasty_val. iIntros (?) "? $". + - simpl. iIntros (vl'). inv_vec vl'=>kv vl. rewrite /= big_sepL_cons. + iIntros "/= [% Hvl]". subst kv. iDestruct "Hf" as (f) "[EQ #Hf]". iDestruct "EQ" as %[=->]. iSpecialize ("Hf" $! x vl k). iMod (HEsat with "[%] HE HL") as (q') "[HE' Hclose]"; first done. iApply ("Hf" with "HEAP LFT Htl HE' [] [HC Hclose HT']"). @@ -133,7 +127,9 @@ Section typing. iSpecialize ("HC" with "* []"); first by (iPureIntro; apply elem_of_list_singleton). iApply ("HC" $! args with "Htl HL"). rewrite tctx_interp_singleton tctx_interp_cons. iFrame. - + rewrite /tctx_interp big_sepL_zip_with. done. + + rewrite /tctx_interp vec_to_list_map zip_with_fmap_r + (zip_with_zip (λ v ty, (v, _))) zip_with_zip !big_sepL_fmap. + iApply (big_sepL_mono' with "Hvl"). by iIntros (i [v ty']). Qed. Lemma type_fn {A m} E L E' fb kb (argsb : list binder) e -- GitLab