diff --git a/iris/bi/lib/counterexamples.v b/iris/bi/lib/counterexamples.v
index baa171d5c607486af4621b5c67dce526aa80bdc9..9f45adc28817328019620440fad2b9194fba09e3 100644
--- a/iris/bi/lib/counterexamples.v
+++ b/iris/bi/lib/counterexamples.v
@@ -110,7 +110,9 @@ Module savedprop. Section savedprop.
 End savedprop. End savedprop.
-(** This proves that we need the â–· when opening invariants. *)
+(** This proves that we need the â–· when opening invariants. We have two
+paradoxes in this section, but they share the general axiomatization of
+invariants. *)
 Module inv. Section inv.
   Context {PROP : bi} `{!BiAffine PROP}.
   Implicit Types P : PROP.
@@ -133,29 +135,12 @@ Module inv. Section inv.
   Hypothesis inv_fupd :
     ∀ i P Q R, (P ∗ Q ⊢ fupd M0 (P ∗ R)) → (inv i P ∗ Q ⊢ fupd M1 R).
-  (* We have tokens for a little "two-state STS": [start] -> [finish].
-     state. [start] also asserts the exact state; it is only ever owned by the
-     invariant.  [finished] is duplicable. *)
-  (* Posssible implementations of these axioms:
-     * Using the STS monoid of a two-state STS, where [start] is the
-       authoritative saying the state is exactly [start], and [finish]
-       is the "we are at least in state [finish]" typically owned by threads.
-     * Ex () +_## ()
-  *)
-  Context (gname : Type).
-  Context (start finished : gname → PROP).
-  Hypothesis sts_alloc : ⊢ fupd M0 (∃ γ, start γ).
-  Hypotheses start_finish : ∀ γ, start γ ⊢ fupd M0 (finished γ).
-  Hypothesis finished_not_start : ∀ γ, start γ ∗ finished γ ⊢ False.
-  Hypothesis finished_dup : ∀ γ, finished γ ⊢ finished γ ∗ finished γ.
   (** We assume that we cannot update to false. *)
   Hypothesis consistency : ¬ (⊢ fupd M1 False).
-  (** Some general lemmas and proof mode compatibility. *)
+  (** This completes the general assumptions shared by both paradoxes. We set up
+      some general lemmas and proof mode compatibility before proceeding with
+      the paradoxes. *)
   Lemma inv_fupd' i P R : inv i P ∗ (P -∗ fupd M0 (P ∗ fupd M1 R)) ⊢ fupd M1 R.
     iIntros "(#HiP & HP)". iApply fupd_fupd. iApply inv_fupd; last first.
@@ -194,69 +179,176 @@ Module inv. Section inv.
     apply fupd_mono. by rewrite -HP -(bi.exist_intro a).
-  (** Now to the actual counterexample. We start with a weird form of saved propositions. *)
-  Definition saved (γ : gname) (P : PROP) : PROP :=
-    ∃ i, inv i (start γ ∨ (finished γ ∗ □ P)).
-  Global Instance saved_persistent γ P : Persistent (saved γ P) := _.
-  Lemma saved_alloc (P : gname → PROP) : ⊢ fupd M1 (∃ γ, saved γ (P γ)).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "". iMod (sts_alloc) as (γ) "Hs".
-    iMod (inv_alloc (start γ ∨ (finished γ ∗ □ (P γ))) with "[Hs]") as (i) "#Hi".
-    { auto. }
-    iApply fupd_intro. by iExists γ, i.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma saved_cast γ P Q : saved γ P ∗ saved γ Q ∗ □ P ⊢ fupd M1 (□ Q).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "(#HsP & #HsQ & #HP)". iDestruct "HsP" as (i) "HiP".
-    iApply (inv_fupd' i). iSplit; first done.
-    iIntros "HaP". iAssert (fupd M0 (finished γ)) with "[HaP]" as "> Hf".
-    { iDestruct "HaP" as "[Hs | [Hf _]]".
-      - by iApply start_finish.
-      - by iApply fupd_intro. }
-    iDestruct (finished_dup with "Hf") as "[Hf Hf']".
-    iApply fupd_intro. iSplitL "Hf'"; first by eauto.
-    (* Step 2: Open the Q-invariant. *)
-    iClear (i) "HiP ". iDestruct "HsQ" as (i) "HiQ".
-    iApply (inv_fupd' i). iSplit; first done.
-    iIntros "[HaQ | [_ #HQ]]".
-    { iExFalso. iApply finished_not_start. by iFrame. }
-    iApply fupd_intro. iSplitL "Hf".
-    { iRight. by iFrame. }
-    by iApply fupd_intro.
-  Qed.
-  (** And now we tie a bad knot. *)
-  Notation not_fupd P := (□ (P -∗ fupd M1 False))%I.
-  Definition A i : PROP := ∃ P, not_fupd P ∗ saved i P.
-  Global Instance A_persistent i : Persistent (A i) := _.
-  Lemma A_alloc : ⊢ fupd M1 (∃ i, saved i (A i)).
-  Proof. by apply saved_alloc. Qed.
-  Lemma saved_NA i : saved i (A i) ⊢ not_fupd (A i).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "#Hi !> #HA". iPoseProof "HA" as "HA'".
-    iDestruct "HA'" as (P) "#[HNP Hi']".
-    iMod (saved_cast i (A i) P with "[]") as "HP".
-    { eauto. }
-    by iApply "HNP".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma saved_A i : saved i (A i) ⊢ A i.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "#Hi". iExists (A i). iFrame "#".
-    by iApply saved_NA.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma contradiction : False.
-  Proof using All.
-    apply consistency. iIntros "".
-    iMod A_alloc as (i) "#H".
-    iPoseProof (saved_NA with "H") as "HN".
-    iApply "HN". iApply saved_A. done.
-  Qed.
+  (** The original paradox, as found in the "Iris from the Ground Up" paper. *)
+  Section inv1.
+    (** On top of invariants themselves, we need a particular kind of ghost state:
+     we have tokens for a little "two-state STS": [start] -> [finish].
+     [start] also asserts the exact state; it is only ever owned by the
+     invariant. [finished] is duplicable. *)
+    (** Posssible implementations of these axioms:
+     - Using the STS monoid of a two-state STS, where [start] is the
+       authoritative saying the state is exactly [start], and [finish]
+       is the "we are at least in state [finish]" typically owned by threads.
+     - Ex () +_## ()
+     *)
+    Context (gname : Type).
+    Context (start finished : gname → PROP).
+    Hypothesis sts_alloc : ⊢ fupd M0 (∃ γ, start γ).
+    Hypotheses start_finish : ∀ γ, start γ ⊢ fupd M0 (finished γ).
+    Hypothesis finished_not_start : ∀ γ, start γ ∗ finished γ ⊢ False.
+    Hypothesis finished_dup : ∀ γ, finished γ ⊢ finished γ ∗ finished γ.
+    (** Now to the actual counterexample. We start with a weird form of saved propositions. *)
+    Definition saved (γ : gname) (P : PROP) : PROP :=
+      ∃ i, inv i (start γ ∨ (finished γ ∗ □ P)).
+    Global Instance saved_persistent γ P : Persistent (saved γ P) := _.
+    Lemma saved_alloc (P : gname → PROP) : ⊢ fupd M1 (∃ γ, saved γ (P γ)).
+    Proof.
+      iIntros "". iMod (sts_alloc) as (γ) "Hs".
+      iMod (inv_alloc (start γ ∨ (finished γ ∗ □ (P γ))) with "[Hs]") as (i) "#Hi".
+      { auto. }
+      iApply fupd_intro. by iExists γ, i.
+    Qed.
+    Lemma saved_cast γ P Q : saved γ P ∗ saved γ Q ∗ □ P ⊢ fupd M1 (□ Q).
+    Proof.
+      iIntros "(#HsP & #HsQ & #HP)". iDestruct "HsP" as (i) "HiP".
+      iApply (inv_fupd' i). iSplit; first done.
+      iIntros "HaP". iAssert (fupd M0 (finished γ)) with "[HaP]" as "> Hf".
+      { iDestruct "HaP" as "[Hs | [Hf _]]".
+        - by iApply start_finish.
+        - by iApply fupd_intro. }
+      iDestruct (finished_dup with "Hf") as "[Hf Hf']".
+      iApply fupd_intro. iSplitL "Hf'"; first by eauto.
+      (* Step 2: Open the Q-invariant. *)
+      iClear (i) "HiP ". iDestruct "HsQ" as (i) "HiQ".
+      iApply (inv_fupd' i). iSplit; first done.
+      iIntros "[HaQ | [_ #HQ]]".
+      { iExFalso. iApply finished_not_start. by iFrame. }
+      iApply fupd_intro. iSplitL "Hf".
+      { iRight. by iFrame. }
+      by iApply fupd_intro.
+    Qed.
+    (** And now we tie a bad knot. *)
+    Notation not_fupd P := (□ (P -∗ fupd M1 False))%I.
+    Definition A i : PROP := ∃ P, not_fupd P ∗ saved i P.
+    Global Instance A_persistent i : Persistent (A i) := _.
+    Lemma A_alloc : ⊢ fupd M1 (∃ i, saved i (A i)).
+    Proof. by apply saved_alloc. Qed.
+    Lemma saved_NA i : saved i (A i) ⊢ not_fupd (A i).
+    Proof.
+      iIntros "#Hi !> #HA". iPoseProof "HA" as "HA'".
+      iDestruct "HA'" as (P) "#[HNP Hi']".
+      iMod (saved_cast i (A i) P with "[]") as "HP".
+      { eauto. }
+      by iApply "HNP".
+    Qed.
+    Lemma saved_A i : saved i (A i) ⊢ A i.
+    Proof.
+      iIntros "#Hi". iExists (A i). iFrame "#".
+      by iApply saved_NA.
+    Qed.
+    Lemma contradiction : False.
+    Proof using All.
+      apply consistency. iIntros "".
+      iMod A_alloc as (i) "#H".
+      iPoseProof (saved_NA with "H") as "HN".
+      iApply "HN". iApply saved_A. done.
+    Qed.
+  End inv1.
+  (** This is another proof showing that we need the â–· when opening invariants.
+  Unlike the two paradoxes above, this proof does not rely on impredicative
+  quantification -- at least, not directly. Instead it exploits the impredicative
+  quantification that is implicit in [fupd]. Unlike the previous paradox,
+  the [finish] token needs to be persistent for this paradox to work.
+  This paradox is due to Yusuke Matsushita. *)
+  Section inv2.
+    (** On top of invariants themselves, we need a particular kind of ghost state:
+     we have tokens for a little "two-state STS": [start] -> [finish].
+     [start] also asserts the exact state; it is only ever owned by the
+     invariant. [finished] is persistent. *)
+    (** Posssible implementations of these axioms:
+     - Using the STS monoid of a two-state STS, where [start] is the
+       authoritative saying the state is exactly [start], and [finish]
+       is the "we are at least in state [finish]" typically owned by threads.
+     - Ex () +_## ()
+     *)
+    Context (gname : Type).
+    Context (start finished : gname → PROP).
+    Hypothesis sts_alloc : ⊢ fupd M0 (∃ γ, start γ).
+    Hypotheses start_finish : ∀ γ, start γ ⊢ fupd M0 (finished γ).
+    Hypothesis finished_not_start : ∀ γ, start γ ∗ finished γ ⊢ False.
+    Hypothesis finished_persistent : ∀ γ, Persistent (finished γ).
+    (** Now to the actual counterexample. *)
+    (** A version of ⊥ behind a persistent update. *)
+    Definition B : PROP := â–¡ fupd M1 False.
+    (** A delayed-initialization invariant storing [B]. *)
+    Definition P (γ : gname) : PROP := start γ ∨ B.
+    Definition I (i : name) (γ : gname) : PROP := inv i (P γ).
+    (** If we can ever finish initializing the invariant, we have a
+     contradiction. *)
+    Lemma finished_contradiction γ i :
+      finished γ ∗ I i γ -∗ B.
+    Proof.
+      iIntros "[#Hfin #HI] !>".
+      iApply (inv_fupd' i). iSplit; first done.
+      iIntros "[Hstart|#Hfalse]".
+      { iDestruct (finished_not_start with "[$Hfin $Hstart]") as %[]. }
+      iApply fupd_intro. iSplitR; last done.
+      by iRight.
+    Qed.
+    (** If we can even just create the invariant, we can finish initializing it
+     using the above lemma, and then get the contradiction. *)
+    Lemma invariant_contradiction γ i :
+      I i γ -∗ B.
+    Proof.
+      iIntros "#HI !>".
+      iApply (inv_fupd' i). iSplit; first done.
+      iIntros "HP".
+      iAssert (fupd M0 B) with "[HP]" as ">#Hfalse".
+      { iDestruct "HP" as "[Hstart|#Hfalse]"; last by iApply fupd_intro.
+        iMod (start_finish with "Hstart"). iApply fupd_intro.
+        (** There's a magic moment here where we have the invariant open,
+          but inside [finished_contradiction] we will be proving
+          a [fupd M1] and so we can open the invariant *again*.
+          Really we are just building up a thunk that can be used
+          later when the invariant is closed again. But to build up that
+          thunk we can use resources that we just got out of the invariant,
+          before closing it again. *)
+        iApply finished_contradiction. eauto. }
+      iApply fupd_intro. iSplitR; last done.
+      by iRight.
+    Qed.
+    (** Of course, creating the invariant is trivial. *)
+    Lemma contradiction' : False.
+    Proof using All.
+      apply consistency.
+      iMod sts_alloc as (γ) "Hstart".
+      iMod (inv_alloc (P γ) with "[Hstart]") as (i) "HI".
+      { by iLeft. }
+      iDestruct (invariant_contradiction with "HI") as "#>[]".
+    Qed.
+  End inv2.
 End inv. End inv.
 (** This proves that if we have linear impredicative invariants, we can still