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The view camera.

Robbert Krebbers requested to merge ci/robbert/view into master

This MR implements #257 (closed): a view camera that generalize authoritative camera. The camera view A B rel is parametrized by an OFE A for the authoritative elements, a camera B for the fragments, and a step-indexed relation rel that relates the two.

To show that the view camera indeed generalizes the authoritative camera, I have implemented the authoritative camera auth in terms of the view camera. The new implementation is pretty much a drop-in replacement, as shown by that fact that the whole of Iris compiles without any changes.

Some notes:

  • I have defined the laws for the view relation using a canonical structure instead of a type class. My experience is that parameterizing a canonical structure (in this case, the camera instance for view) by a type class is pretty unreliable.
  • I removed a bunch of lemmas about auth that break the abstraction of / and used the Auth constructor directly. This will likely cause some breakage in reverse dependencies, but I'm happy to fix that.
  • I still need to write a bunch of documentation (as comments). I will do this after some initial feedback.

TODOs for future MRs:

  • Define the heap/gmap camera (!486 (merged)) in terms of the view camera and the discardable fractions camera (!497 (merged)).
  • Define the camera for monotone partial bijections (!91 (closed)) in terms of the view camera.
  • Develop a theory of local updates for the view camera. Currently there are just lemmas like view_update that use the view relation directly in the premise. The current lemmas are sufficient to prove the local update lemmas for auth.
  • Define the view relation in terms of siProp. To do this, it makes sense to first define validity , inclusion , etc, as siProps, otherwise there is little point to that.
  • Investigate sealing the view/auth definitions. It's often the case (already prior to the MR) that Coq loops if you apply the wrong auth lemma. Sealing might fix that.
Edited by Robbert Krebbers

Merge request reports